VOTE AGAINST THE BOND ISSUE _.. . .________—i^———————1 VOTE AGAINST THE BOND ISSUE VOTE AGAINST THE BOND ISSUE f I VOTE AGAINST THE BOND ISSUE FACT SHEET NO. 1 STATEMENT: THE WEST CARTERET SCHOOL WILL GET LESS MONEY IF THE BOND ISSUE PASSES 375, Proof: $800,900 on hand for the West Car teret school. appropriated for current year ending June 30, 1963, and same amount available in July, 1963, based on COM MITMENT of the Carteret County Board of Commis sioners whether or not the bond issue passes. For a West Carteret school. 1,100,000 Declared to be available, if the bond issue passes. $75,000 less money available than on # the pay-as-you-go basis set as a policy by the Board of Education and the County Board of Commissioners. $1,175, A •. I The North Carolina General Assembly has approved a law to permit the contract letting for the West Carteret school AT ONCE. This can be fully paid for from the tax levy at the current rate beginning July U%3, without bonded indebtedness. .* <• " The County Board of Commissioners can be required to provide the money for the West Carteret school under the law, if for any reason they would go back on their word and refuse voluntarily to do it. Why go in debt unnecessarily? We CAN and WILL have better schools without bonded debt. VOTE AGAINST THE BOND ISSUE COMMITTEE FOR BETTER SCHOOLS, BROADER EDUCATION, AND A SOUND ECONOMY. VOTE AGAINST THE BOND ISSUE ....-- -a ..A ■ ■ I ' ' __ fi VOTE AGAINST THE BOND ISSUE VOTE AGAINST THE BOND ISSUE — ----: & :5 ■■. . ”■.IVT-^rry?|K rli