I,. .' THE CANTON ENTERPRISE, CANTON. NORTH CAROLINA. X' 1 f r "4 J" V 4" 4 V 1 1 T Canton Business Directory; Help Put Canton on the Map of Progressive Towns This column will help direct the stranger within our gates. J. BAT SMATHERS ATTOIINBV.AT-UkW Practlca in all OourtMof tM atat. Prompt personal sttentioi tiven n all matters entrusted V aw. Of flee over J. M. Curtia r.. 8 CANTON, f . C. THOMAS A. CLARK ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Will practice in State and Federal conrts Office over Smather'a Barber Shop. CANTON N. C. SHEFFIELD'S BARBER SjTOP Strictly sanitary shop. Special attention given to children W. E. SHEFFIELD DR. CECIL A. PLKSS DENTIST f (Opposite Cantonian Theatre) Hours: 9 to 12 a. m .; 1! to 5 p. m. Ofllce Phone 110 ELI AS & 1I0KNEY ATTORNKY-AT-LAW Practice in all courts! o all business. I) k. ANTON, N. C. y attention t Wells Block CANTON ccful fRce in IS YOUR HEALTH GRADUALLY SLIPPING? Interesting Experience of a Texas Lady Who Declares That if More Women Knew About Cardui They Would Be Spared Much Sickness and Worry. Navasola, Texas Mrs. W. M. Peden, of this place, relates the following Interest ing account of how she recovered her strength, having realized that she was actually losing her health: "Health is the greatest thing In the world, and when you feel that gradually slipping away from you, you certainly sit up and take notice. That is what I did some time ago when I found myself in a very aervous, run-down condition of health, "l was so tired and feJI so lifeless I could hardly go at all. "I was Just no account for work. 11 rTZirrzzrz .Zuzzz: CCi aw wcsi I sws uavc iw w, mv. - - ,....m. -t. SPBmSSl S l. MUST S W11WM mwm. . iu. . ji I SB IW wnuiMli, VJ. buwitC mi yw my housework was a task almost im possible to accomplish. "1 was . . . nervous and easily upset Life's are bestowed by destiny upon those who have to practice sight Don't earn on the lrusalitv sr Sf Good things come To Those Who Save Now Join the groving number of young men who have a sayings account in our care. THE CHAMPION BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Canton, North Carolina BAY HuildoK iilli run JmV- Contractor and Estimate Cheerfull: urmshed on any work, at any tim rnone iui CANTON LODGE. NO. 207. io. o. r. 1 Units everv Monday jfieht in the Ma- I Bonic-I. O. O. F.'fij David V. Best, N. B. M. Stanley. Sec. PIGEON RIVER LODOt NO 386. A. F. A A. M. ' Regular communications Second Thurs . day in each month. ' J. H. Stephens, W.M. J. N. Mease, Jr. Sec. JP CANTON COUNCIL, 142. Jr. O. Meets every Th night. W. J. Ball, Councillor; Vice Councillor: Thos. Russell. thers.Rec. Sec. : W. F. Sorrells. Fi! Sec. G. C. Pegram, Trea. CANTON LODGE NO. 149 KNIGHTS ofPJfTHIAS Regular meetings every Tuesday at 7ifM) p. m. in Masonie Hall. L. H. djrk, C. C. M. K. Smattters K. of R. & s. i DR. E. L. SHUFORDJR; GRADUATE VETERINARIAN Office Smiths Drug Store, Phone 2951 Asheville, North, Caolina Former yeterinary Officer U. S. Army. Forier State Veterinary Inspector. Residence Phone 118. I couldn't rest well at night and was . . . just lifeless. "I heard of Cardui and after reading I decided I had some female trouble that was pulling me down. I sent for Cardui and began it "In a very short whfle after I began the Cardui Home Treatment I saw an im provement and itwasn't long until I was an right goodappetite, splendid rest, and much stronger so that I easOy did uiy : a bottle of Cardui as a ommend Cardui and gtad- if more women knew, it wouw i a great deal of worry and i . ISKl . no 3c praise of thousands ol other who have found Cardui helpful convince you that it ta worth trying. An druggists sea it Li Pleasures fthe judgment and fore- nd all vou show. J. M. WRAY . V. A.yM. ' Lrsdn sr LEGAL DUCES NORTH CAROLINA, NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION. HAYWOOD COUNTY. The citizens of the Town of Canton will take notice that at a regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Canton, held at the Town Hall on the Hth day of October 1920, a bond election was duly called for the purpose of submitting to the qualified registered voters of the Town of Canton, the question of "Issuing Bonds" or "Not Issuing Bonds", Said election will be held the 14th. day of December 1920, at the Town Hall, in the Town of Canton at which time and place, all the qualified registered voters of the Town of Canton, favoring the issuing of bonds, shall be en titled to cast one ballot, upon which shall be written or printed the words, "For Uonds." And all such voters who oppose the issu ing of said bonds, as aforesaid, shall be entitled to cast one ballot, upon which shall be written or I printed the words, Against Bonds. Notice is further given that if 'the majority of the votes cast in1 said election, as aforesaid, shall lie I "For Bonds," then the Mayor and ' Board of Aldermen of the Town of Canton will issue coupon bonds of' the Town of Canton, in a sum not1 ' exceeding $150,000.00, arrtr- from tin; proceeds derived,on demand,! ! of the Board o f Graded School I Trustees, such HUinof money for building school buildings, or ad ditions to (jliool buildings well be amply si I'ficiqrit to care for all the school 'hihu-en of said Town, white and colored, and from the remaining iroeeds derived from the sale of aiA bonds, shall expi nd such sums of money for the ex-: tention of luhtcr mains, sewer sys- j tern, strecft improvements, and purchasing fire equipment for the said Town of Canton, as they shall deem proper. By order of the Mayor and said Board of Aldermen of the Town of Canton, this the 11th day of October 1920. R. D- Coleman Town Clerk Nov 12-Dec 10- 5t. T Got Real Mad When I Lost My Setting Hen," Mrs. Hannan. "I went into the hen house one morning and tound my iavorite setter dead: I got reea mad. Went to the store, bought some RAT SNAP and in a wek I got six dead rats. Everykod who raises poul try should Upkeep RAT-SNAP." Three sizes, 35c 65c, 2S. Spld and guaranteed by Martins Drug Store and W. R. Hipps & Son. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP To all whom it may concern. Take notice that the partner ship heretofore existing between A. W. Freeman, C. L. Westmore land and C. M. Mease has this day been dissolved, A. W. Freeman having withdrawn by reason of selling his interest toyC! M. Mease. The firm of Star Motor will con tinue with C. L Westmoreland and C. M. Mease Constituting the firm, Said C. L. tmoreland and C. M. Mease ass the indebtedness due or to bei e due by tne saw partnership are to collect and hold as their n all the accounts and debts due the Star Motor Co. This 25th day of November 1920. Canton N. C. A. W. Freeman C. M. Mease C. L. Westmoreland Dec. 3-17-3t. Hi ILLS RATS and mice that's RAT-SNAP, the Old reliable rodent destrier. Com es in cakesno mizlnirArith other food. Your miniey back if it fails. 35c size. (1 kak) enough for Pantry, Kitchen 65c size (2 ealfa)for Chicken House, coops, or 0fnfQ buildings. $L25 size (5 cakos) enough for all farm and ont-bnildinga, stor age buildings, or factory buildings Sold and Guaranteed by Martins Drug Store and W. R. Hipps & Son. tVVei in 4 ok Dcok Ttir is ma mtuivtlon from the heart In genuine hospitality, which cannot be described, but la Immediately felt, and puta the stranger at once at hie eaae. Washington Irving. Seasonable Dishes. i Those who are fond of peppers will f enjoy this dish Stuff Rice, On (out in Green Peppers. Gut a lice from the stem or pointed end of the peppers, whichever will furnish the best receptacle for filling. Pour boiling salted water over the peppers, cover and let cook three or four minutes. Remove ond set Into a serving dish 'suitable for the oven. For six peppers prepare one and one half cnpfuls of cream sauce, half a cupful of rice cooked tender, and three onions boiled tender. Cut the onion In bits and mix with nbout one-third of the white sauce. Fill the peppers with alternate layers of the creamed onions and the rice. Cover each with buttered cracker crumbs and place in the oven until brown. Turn the rest of the cream sauce around the peppers and serve at once. I Cottag) C Reese Sandwiches. Spread whole wheat bread with but ter, then with a layer of seasoned cot tage cheese and a lettuce leaf dipped in salad dressing. Walnut Pie. I'rt'pure an ordinary custard pie mid just before putting Into the oven sprinkle over the top one-half cupful of Muck walnut meals, finely minced. Hii le as usual. ME). 1920. W.alein New.Liayel Uuios.1 Urges Co-ordination. Winston Salem A plea f.ir the co-oi-:Iinatic-n of fiovornment ;r: !irie for tlm relit-f of ex serviro men so tii.it re lief mil-lit bp more prompt and effec tive, was made here hy Pel. F. W. C!.il braitli. ,Ir., national commandiT of the American Lesion, in an address at a luncheon tendered him by Clyde Boil ing Post of this city. Coloue-l Oalbraitli advocated the nlnninp- nf mtr risk Insurance hosuital trnntn)on- for aisahled men and voca tional training under the direction of the Federal department. "The Farmer's Worst Enemy Rals The Farmer's Best Friend Rat-Snap." These are the words of James Baxter, N. J.: "Ever sinee I tried RAT-SNAP I have always kept it in the house. Never fails. Used about $3.00 wkrth of RAT-SNAP a year and figure itsaves me $300 in chicks, egg. arfd feed. KA1- SNAP is convelpint, just break up cake, no mixing with other food." Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25 Sold and guaranteed by Martins Drug Store and W. R. Hipps and Son. Canton AUTO DRAY LINE Save time, troubi, expense and Posnbly Breakage by employing, me who know their busin Phofe 105 W. M. COMAN, Prop. What Mrs. Brenninger, of New York. Says About Rat Poison "Tried preparations Jfnat kill rats, but RAT-SNAP yf the only one that prevents a isafreeable od ors after killing. Ahro like RAT SNAP because it comes in handy cakes, no mixing vmh other food. You don't have to dirty your hands, it's the west for household use." Try RAT-mAP. Three sizes 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Martins Drug Store and W. R. Hipps & Son. If you Want to Bny or sell : REAL ATE Call on or write W. T. SHARP. Canton, N. C. ESJT In HAprOM) OR BUN005IBE (Wnties ' FOR SERVICE ANY KIND OF . . MOVINfljA J8PECIALTY CALL L. T. Russell & Company (CENTRAL1GARAGE) Or. Phone 151 OLDSMOBILE AND OVERLAND AGENTS Life It's Blue life d your best wrong? Chance Unless you fix worse to-morrow, will relieve you m Just take a couple when you go to bed to night. You'll feel a lot better in the morning. For chronic constipation, and as an occasional laxative, these little pills work like magic. Get a Box of Your Druggist. By Your Christmas Things at The Pioneer Grocery Where a full line of everything that is good to eat can be had if it is obtainable. We carry a, large and complete stock of high grade and fancy groceries, liability. Only the best bran Let us havte Vffl t r J. M, OJRTIS, Jr. Headquarters for Staple and Fancy Groceries PHONE 234 The Quality Sanitary Grocery Store BARGAINS IN TIRES & TUBES All Prices are reduced on Goodrich, Fisk and Fire stone Casings Note the following reductions: 28x3 30x3 all weather tread Plain - 30x3 1-2 all feather 31x3.75 31x4 32x3 1-2 32x4 33x4 34x4 32x4 12 i In n ri I n n n i A ft ft ft f it tt i tt f tt Cord 32x4 1-2 These are Cash Prices We can give immediate delivery on Ford Cars s. II. Agent for Ford CANljON, - Is Not Du!l the Liver tunrtll tlA lltrlnm . frien you everything goes ur liver is out of order. things are likely to be can't find anything that quickly and effectively than T - 7 fls annoy a are, yyb it op 1 Vdn i r Dr. Milefe' Liver Pills arid guarantee their re of goods carried. ur next order - $15.50 $12.00 to 13.50 trad - $20.00 - $21.00 - 28.00 - 25.00 - 32.50 - 33.75 - .35.00 - 45.00 - 59.15 till I and Fordscn 4 FEU .r tr ft, a- " 0 V " - .iv i- ' " , 'i j ' f i A 1 , x J. ' f '

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