" 1 ' V - . ' i ' -' , ... . CURTAINA SHEETS A A SPECLuA i ; ! f? rfriwA - V Overalls , DressX jEpCL' L ' SCRIM f . STtL'Sr " ?iLywL.Uf lt? , . . ' SHIRTS . . Mens U-la FATHER GEORGE f T""1" DRUID 9-4 SHEETING SHEETING I ! I Bleached and Unbleached, Regular 45c 10c QUALITY SALE PRICE l' " 7 A-"'SsiSk :" I per yard. Special per yard (SU ... r " ) yd. 10 yds. to Customer None to Children Don't Fail to Visit Our Store and Save 5s Our Entire Stock of PARIS FHIQN SHOES Regular $3.95 values, (A QQ Special Sale Price .00 Our Entire Stock of NATURAL POISE SHOES These $6.00 Shoes Go ffQ AP at Special Price of 0UO 4 . t LADIES' HATS gjSai3. $1.00 9 ALL $2.95 SHOES Special Summer Savings QTt QQ Sale Price is "l.OO One Big Lot of LADIES' OXFORDS Regular $1.99 a pair, aU "f ff sizes. Special at ""l.UV 2 AMAZING SPECTACLE OF BARGAINS FOR. AJLL THE FAMILY! All 2.98 Powder Puff $1 fkfk Muslin Dresses, only .... m&Jkm'; Special ILadlics Coato Tweed Coats, Begularly $10.95 Special 4. 95 While They Last Ladies Dress Coats, Navy and Black, Begularly $12.95 to $16.95. Special $6.95 One Lot Ladies' Coats, Reg ular $10.95, Special 2.95 Topper Coats , ' Ladies' these $2.00 values art a real special at 1.00 While They Last Ha(i3ieb i ES?eooct3 Closing Out All $745 and $945 Dresses at $3.95 Chiffons, Printed Silks and Pastels. Sizes 9 to 44. All $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95 Dresses, Special at $2.69 All $2 and $3 Dresses Special Sale Price n.88 Extra Special All $1 Print Dresses 88e. WINNIE MAID DRESSES Odd Styles, Extra Special 39e iludieb sonra Regular $1245 sad $1(45, Special Ci05 EXTRA SPECIAL 1 , PIECE GOODS Printed and Solid color Silks, 9e valuer. Sale Price, yard 25e r - - i I U i I u ll -1 1 1 . i Ll USE THIS CIRCULAR AS YOR GUIDE TO GREATER SAYINGS C I 3 METTS OXFORDS Special at Whites, Brown and Whites, Black and Whites. Closing out $1 JQ T'.XeV. MEN'S DRESS SHOES S2.48 All $2.95 and $345 Shoes, Special MEN'S HATS "John B" Special at . $1.69 MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS A Special Value C1 OA For This Sale l.Otl MEPTS WORK SHOES : : $1.88 Extra Heavy Solid Leather, Special o . . . ... , U rr r 1 r J' 1 J-11, C B. Sdivr3aiu Prop. , - S- ' AChildren'g N Wen's Work , Mam Sty C- N.C. s -prCIAL SIIOI3 ' ? , 'SIIOIS . , s . 7" ' - su i c bd ;; ;i Dresses - (: VarSncUii j - 6 1 c ,(; -- 'sh. "f V