CHARITY TO WARD A LL—MALICE TO WA RD NONE. ■VOL. B—ZTO. 7. BUS/^ SVILBE, YANCEY COUNTY, N. O., SEFT. 27, 1900. SI YEARLY. From G” £22 to V' TENNESSEE DIVISION. 3:0.5 r.: 15 113 .Aca Johnson City t Market Street Okolona f Marbleton f Taylor’s f Unicoi t Fishery f 2:40 2:3.5 2*25 2:15 Passenger train ached tile No 24, in effect Wednesday, Aug. 15, 1900. WONDERFUL CURE OF DIARRHOEA. -nstrusl /A trensth qu desire inform '.don ns to / X your daughter's condition. tre» X / writs to La diss' ■ ikai/tu Clos. Z X CnATTANOQOA. Tbmm., Care o L. ' 7 GersueotCo. /A - .>-irco carter; frv.a a csvers Klfose triad. te^lScr w>:ti crsil "Warier ' . 7 Zewa" Swckwlte Carlas bar Hastily perfeda. £in A14 rtetrat as mas cytl i S / X rc^cta apoealter ^ateer!^ sal Jerald eensaUes. 1 Ws^t * t:tu» cf Q. V. P. Z X J ... —k ^ trailer tir. All pilon Bail kilinsMeM trora rcr.-art-I r^ t&v Britten vw \ ' abcslieverMV u?jM»g elite. fiAfiZ IHaZA 5L5C3, 8c&laA,^la> ( 5 rTLE & CO., Chattanooga, Tessa., 0 Manufaaturera and Propriotora SAMUEL HUNT, PununaxT. SOUTH ROCXD. NORTH BOUND. No. 1 A. M. Stations. No. 2. P. w. 8.40 9:00 »:30 1030 10:20 10-.30 arr Cheatoa t Unaka Springs Lost Cove f Poplar Peterson f Huntdale t 1:25 1:05 12:35 12:20 12:10 f Flag. t Telephone. Daily except Sunday. A. N. MOLESWORTH, Supt., Johnson City, Tenn. Hudgins a watson. Attorneys at Law. Deeds, Mortgage property FROM THE COUNTRY—DRUNK. 1 3 j .•ntcli ( ' 1 emont y-' vmoGt ( S * com- : / Eva Williams Malone. Tottering, reeling and ready to fall; Jerring and jibing and scorned by ail— Ready to dance or to weep or to fight. The spirit in sick at the pitiful sight— A boy from the country—and drunk! Just a l»ov from the country, who never had guessed The lures that would meet him, his courage to test; From the breath of the meadow, the morning's glad kiss, He has come to the city, has come— and to this! To make himself a creature so low The tenderest heart can but charity eLow To a boy from the country and—drunk! A boy from the country, all, lead him away And cover his shame from the light ot the day; Forgive him and help him tomorrow to rise, When he looks on the world with his sin-darkened eyes— Oh, hide him from his mother, how low he has sunk, For this boy from the country was ne’er before—drunk. Prominent Virginia Editor Had Almost Given Up, but Was Brought Back to Perfect Health by Chamberlain’s Colic Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. Read His Editorial. From the Times, Hillstille, Va. I suffered with diarrhoea for a long timeand thought I was past being cured. I had spent much time and money and suffered so much misery that I had al most decided to give up all hopes of re covery and await the result, but noticing the advertisement ot Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and also some testimonials stating how some wonderful cures had been wrought bv this remedy, I decided to try it. After olicry™ — > — — that trouble, and I wish to say further to my readers and fellow-suHeres that I am a hale and hearty man to-day and feel as w 11 as I ever did in my life.—O. R. Moore. Sold by ail dealers. Stbo^l Death Off. E. B. Mundayl a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex,, once footed a grave digger. He Bays: My brclher was very low with malarial fever and jaundice. I persuad- himto try Electric Bitters, and he was soon much better, but continued their use until he was wholly cured. I an sure Electric Billers saved his life.” This remedy expels malaria, kills disease germs and purifies the blood; aids diges tion, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, cures constipation, dyspepsia, nervous diseases, kidney troubles, female complaints; Gives perfect health. Only 50c at Burnsville Drug Go's. fatly drawn, bpeciai meiniies Ilie collection of claims in West ern North Carolina. M Vuwmtw Lost His Jurisdiction. A good joke is told on a Shelby county, Tennessee, justice of the peace whose residence and civil district adjoin the Mississippi state line. Like all others in the rural ^qqo. WingUm ^e-pulilicaD^. „ThGci?r’.’ which sounds wo good to be true. Some ten days ago while Mr. Ben Snider was plowing on the old Jack Finch farm, in Conrad Hill town ship, Davidson county, he unearth ed a bar of metal weighing some thing like 15 pounds. He didn-t know what it was, but earned it home and threw it aside. Later a neighbor was examining it and tiller ed him $50 for the bon Snidev re fused the offer, and it is now, said the bar is gold; and is wortr S4.000.Var ; Gathered from Oar Exchanges and Other Sources. Judge Simonton orders the Bull Durham Tobacco company to be sold November 5 as a whole, by Re ceiver Percival Hill, of the American Tobacco company, at a price not less than 84,000,000, this including the property, real and personal, good will and trade mark. Brevard News: On Tuesday Sher iff McGaha paid over to Treasurer T. T. Patton his indebtedness on the tax list of 1899, amounting to nearly four thousand dollars. In this connection we learn that the sheriff has sold his cottage and lot on corner of Church and Gaston streets for $2400 to Charles Lott, and his interest in the Brevard Lumber company for $700 to other members of the company. Winston Sentinel: The colored excursion returned from Reidsville at3 o’clock this morning. The con ductor stopped the train and held it a mile below the depot for three- quarters of an hour. He threatened to keep it there until day light if somebody did not pay fi r a glass broken in one of the rar doors' The money was handed to him after the long delay and the train moved on. A number of the passengers got off and walked when informed why the train stopped. Charlotte News: The farmers who happen to have any cotton held oyer from last year are indeed reaping a harvest now, as well as those selling the new crop. Mr. S. J. Connell, of Charlotte township, living about three miles from the city seems to have made the banner sale of cotton so far, Mr. Connell brought two bales to the city today and put the - t »128.« r >«.V. 1,1,, socket as a result Mi i««o two bales "weighed respectively 597 and 635 pounds. , The price was 10.45 per pound. Winston Kcpuohcan: A Mr. Clark, living near Summerfield, Guilford county, has a horse that has not been out of its stall for 15 years. The Resume too following times and place-: Gaston's store, Buncombe Burnsville, Yancey county, Saturday Fairview, Buncombe county, Wedncs- Mill’s River, Henderson county, Edneyville, Henderson county, Tues day, October 0. Canton, Haywood county, Thudary, October 11. day, October 1X day October 15. Hot Springs, Tuesday October'lG. Marshall, Wednesday, October 17 Mara Hill, Thursday, October 18. cushions, and especially the ladies. Speakingbegins at 1 o'tlock p. in. J: D. MURPHY, Clin. Dem. Cong. Com. THUS. ROLLINS, Clin. Rep. Cong. Com. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, listlesaness into energy. wondorful in building up the health. Only 2.5c per box. Sold by Burnsville Drug Co. districts who have that honor be vanced as hove I abnormal appreciation ot the buried in the A, had an KTGsin, tirMSKTruS ifUMitrJijMUTiis. a. . it.nir«r'tT Pi»1 ’®’■ « r . H * ■ E. D. BOONE A SON, BLACKSMITHS A WHEELW RIGHTS responsibility of the office and never lost an opportunity to exercise his prerogative that peace be preserved. One day his son and a hired man got to fighting on a stretch of the farm near the fence which separated the two states. The old gentleman mounted the fence and with an air of authority, commanded: “In the name of the state of Ten nessee I demand peace.” Just then the fence gave way and as he went down with the fence top pling to the Mississippi side he yelled to hisson: “Give.’em h—1, Billy, I’ve lost my jurisdictionIV a negro nan: worked in the., years ago, st 1 it. A few^v / was taken s vulging the abouts of hi of the brave Gen' ias, Me., when th die from Pneui writes Mrs. S. her that fearful t BURNSVILLE, N. C. Do *11 kinds of repairing In wood and iron. Horseshoeing a MMHnlty. Also wagons for sale. First- class work. r nc I died v. .buried *1. he a di- .to the wuere- 'suro. ncohi ;t, but GREEXJLVLE & TUSCULUM COLLEGE. animal is glossy black and as sound as a dollar. Its mane and tail have grown to be very long, its hoofs which have never been shod, look like snow shoes. The owner is said to bo devoted to the animal and tends it with greai care. He has - fused big prices for the horse. ,/hy the animal is thus imprisoned we have never heard definitely. Perhaps some of our readers in that section, or the owner, will tell us. It looks very much like cruelty to ■Mow itor: A white n two months was ^prisoned in the Wake coun- er term " a concealed on of Charles white cotrfle, evntury is offering to the student of - - sociology phenomena of surpassing and flesh-creeping interests. There is blood and madness in the air here, there, everywhere! The demons of • vengeance and cruelty arc unloosed and raging on all the continents and islands of the sea. The Christian Emperor of Germany tells bis “corn' Hides"' give i.o quarter to Chinamen. American volunteers in the Philip pines, carrying the messages of Mc Kinley peace and prosperity to the natives, butcher eighty-nine of them in revenge for the ipurder o^ single sol.lier!. . , ’ The Chinese boil ministers alive, but nothing much better is to be expected of thenu But it is per haps more surprising that in a con- • stitutional, free country the United States the state organization liberated plan and accomplish the assassination of its leading oppo- n. The ho ircissa Dai Dr. King’s New D more than onecn. her of ConsumptL• ' slept all night. cured her." This Marvellous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Cheat and Lung diseases. Only 50c and 1 00. Trial boules free at Burnsville nent, in order to secure i>oliticai power. It ii not 1c: amazing that respectable women should be stripp ed and maltreated by mnla in St. - Louis, in its principal c' . \atmid- day; or that tile herrors of the past. davK in New Crkans should t>e Pennev possible. What d^ it all ^can? In the world going stark crnzy7 Where will it stop? It is to be fear ed that we i ave fallen upon evil days! Thj public is apathetic in the face of the Pekin atrocity. It hardly realizes the cold blooded criminality of republican governors who harbor and protect murderers before — ... . . charged with ca rying a pistol con cealed on her person. J ustice Penny required a 8100 bond of Mrs. Daniel and since she was unab.e to give this bond he sent her to Raleigh in cus tody ot an officer, and she was lodged in jail. The bride is on the sunn}* side of thirty summers. Fayetteville Observer: Ex-Sheriff Hall of Robeson county has in oper- 1(>onifi freely excite comment. ation at Lumber Bridge one of the The great stress of Chamberlai Do vou take ville Drug Go. any anv form ana may i»e gnen as hdently to the babe a* to an adnlt. The A Word to Mother*. Mothers of children affected with croup or severe cold need not hesitate to administer Chamberlain't Cough Berne- 1 For srie by-rd dealers. fleeing from justice in impudent de- fiance of the constitution. The fiendish work of Louisiana hood- cure throat and lung troubles with Due Minute Cough Cure. Burns- • j he great,.!. paj o f the civilized wo the theatment of cobls and cronp baa won fork the approval and praise it hax received throughout the United states andin many foreign land*. For sale by dealers. Drill? Cola. of the flesh to theelbow. OnSatur- day a negro got the sleeve of nis n’s I caught in some of the machinery and what are we coming? It is time tor us to put ice on our heads and say our prayers.—Washington Times. [FOUR MILES EAST OF GREENVILLE.] No Better Place to get a Thor ough Education. Near the Mountains, Beautiful Cam pus, Good Buildings, Fir t-class Faculty, No Saloons, Good Moral and Religious Influences. Latin, Greek, English, French, Ger- Ii-an, Science, Mathematics, Music, Art and Physical Culture. Expenses very low. Several students from Yancev county ast year, let us have more the coming year. Session opens August 28. For Catalogue address REV. JERE MOORE, D.D. Pres., Tusculum, Tenn. Many Lives L^t in Texas Flood. Fort Worth.-Tcx., . Sept 24.— Many lives ar :d lost by floods in the Neuces:?' .aide riyer sec tions. All thjf? • Jin that reg™ 0 are inundated pud the inhabitants have sought £>:'•' / on hilltops, Six or eight peo:'’/: reported drowned by the overflow of Pecos bayou near Brownwood//,The Brazos river rose 30 feet and is flooding the valley. Bridges have leen washed away and traffic suspended. improved cotton gins recently intro duced into this country. This gin has excited considerable internet among the the people in the vicinity of Lumber Bridge and the Jx?ople have flocked to see it. Last Thurs day evening, while examing the gin in operation, a white man named Rogers had one of his arms atrip 1 ,»cd Colic, Cholerland Diarrhoea Remo- his forearm was crushed to the elbow ' To prevent consumption quickly |. ^ tbe trc j me nt of bowel com so badly that it was on y necessay plaint, has it standard oyer for Ur. Stamps to clip a small Arn 1 1 , r ]d. in the process of amputation. Bota