1 k i THE LYON & LEWIS, PuWishers. EAGLE. CHARI. Y TOWARD ALL—l TOWARD NONE. Only Paper Published in the CGlintJr VOL. 19-NO. 32. BURNSVILLE, YANCEY COUNTY, N. C., APRIL 21,1916. $! A YEAI I COME, COME, COME! and see my new line of Shoes for Men and Women, v” latest styles, something: new for Spring and Sum- •Q mer. ff2 New lot of Clothing fust received; Panama Suits % and Surge Suits for Spring and Summer, and you ay will find the price on every suit exactly right. V I am selling everything in ray line at close prices • A and it will pay you to corae and see me as I can and . will save you money. \ JUST A PEW PRICES Vf* I have plenty of Fertilizer, Armour brand 16 per V* cent., at S17.00 per ton. Present price on Cotton Seed Meal $2.10. High-grade Flour $3.00. Good Coffee 12 l-2c per pound. % Buy your supplies where you cun save money. •y Corae and see me. I J. V/. MURPHY, V” Boonford, N. C. 'i* ‘■k ip :■. TAN BARK WANTED I I I will be at the. Burnsville station through the season for the pur pose of buying TAN BARK. I WILL PAY' CASH for same as unloaded froTii wagons. Write I G. M. GASLAMD, Anatone, N. C. Wr T Fine ol $1,000 For Threats U. S. Mail. Mlcaville. : Ed.s. Eagle. W.ashington, April 14.—Con-, , nan, E. Y. ebb, of North V arolina, cliairman of the ju- diciaty committee has introduced a bill to place a fine of $I,()00 or imprisonment not exceeding five years, or both, upon any person who knowingly or wilfully places in the mail any.matter containing any threat to take the life of, or bodily injure the president of the United States, or any per.son in succession to the Presidency. The bill has the approval of Mr. Webb’s committee and will ill all probability be passed at this session. There are 2,(i0'.) boys enrolled in Idlfi corn clubs; 1,012 in the pig clubs and 1,303 boys and girls in the poultry clubs. Mr. Sneed Boyette, of Spring Hill township, near Wilson, died last week of heart trouble. At j is funer.il, just as the grave had Mr. Gilbert Caraway, who has been ver3',sick for some time, is reported some better at this writing. A crowd of our boys and girls went, fishing Saturday evening, but don’t think they caught many fish. Miss .Mae Yoaiig was the pleas ant guest of Miss Nora Hilliard Sunday. . ‘Misses Elsie and Zuia. Silver were at home to a number of their young friends Saturday night. Mr. Kelse Branch is reported quite sick- Miss Nellie Kent, wlio has been visiting her aunt at Ayler’s creek for the pa.st week, has re turned home. Mrs. J. B. Hilliard guest of her sister, M Silver, Tuesday; Aliss Georgia Hilliard. Pensacola. Eds. Eagl Rev. Willis Ballard delivered a Do Your Jol Anybo Splendid sermon at the Free Will Baptist church last Sunday at 11 a. m. His text was St. Mark 7:14. Prof. Hudgins, of Paint Gap, is teaching a singing school at the Free Will church this week. Rev. C. W. Bates, of Asheville, delivered an address to the .Jun iors Sunday, 16th, at .3 p. m. Kis subject was the three grand prin cipals of the order—virtue, liber ty, and patriotism, and what it takes to make a true American citizen. Mr- Bates is an eloquent speaker and spoke to quite a large audience in the M. P. church, lie is a well educated, refined, consecrated Christian gentleman. Pensacola Council No 427 Jr. O. U. A. marched from tlie hall to the church with U. S. Hag in front and all the members wore their collars of the national colors of red, white and; b’ue. ■ - i Several traveling salesnjen ! were among our merchants this week from Johnson City and Bristol. •Mr. Joe Robinson, of Paint Gap, vi'as here last Tuesday. Mr. Robinson is the proprietor of the Ogle Meadow Inn on top of the Ogle -Meadow mountain. He states lie now has almost com pleted a house containing twenty- six rooms, the lower stor.3' of nice hewn logs and tlie second story isiuilt of lumber and will be prepared to keep quite a number of guests this summer. Mr. Green M'oody happened to i bad accident Tuesday at 7 a, m. n the band mill of tlie elarolin:! Spruce Companv The mill h id just .started and he had put a belt on a small pulley and reached over to place some tar or belt wax on tlie belt to keep it from running off when the belt c,night his right arm and wound it around the line siiaft, breaking W. G. McAdoo' Farmer. To the Boys on Editor Poe h Bstter Than ?lse. Progressive ibt Bs' F JLt! irl^%k them farms: ;ked me to tell you wliat quali y I think will help, you most lo meet success either a.s busines:; men or farmers- That is what maji be called a“tall’ order, because Hfeccess do s not depend upon any one quality; it depends upon a, combination of qualities. If, ho'.vever, I should limit my remark^tq,what I think is the most imp-^tant factor in the success oi^an individual, whether in f.anW.ng or in any other calling, I ' would say this: The surest roadj^-sucess for any boy is to do the ^:)rk or the task allotted to him It^rer than any body ever did it pluie. No matter liF-v humble the work or insignjjjjuit the task, do it better than :u^)od3’ else ever did it, if that be possible. If you go at your work in this spirit you will get results- The boy who has this ki-’d of determi nation will do work ' better than the boy wluHfasn’t it and who doesn’t werWn that spirit. The willing bo^^he eager boy, Day Book. the hustling boi heart are in distance all thj whose mind and .work, will out- other kinds of s the J. G. ivho has 1 wui filleil, his widow fell across been with her sister in Virginia Uie mound and was heard to moan. A physician, wiio was present, iried to raise her up and found that she was dead. !STE¥E^S Repeating §l!ut|uiEs The Stevens Hamstierless hon She csSebraled STEVEKS RECOIL UNLOCK HaSWP^ERLE.SS SOUO BREECH Easy Tako-Oov/n 12 Qr 20 Gauge mm GiiH QUAEAKTEEO J. SlevcBS Arms & Tool Co. for some time, is ei^pected home LOKKX.'i Administiator’s Notice. North Carolina, Yancev County. Having qualified os adtniiiis- tr.itorof Moses Peterson, deceas ed, late of the County of Yancey and State of North Carolina, this is to noti‘‘y all persons having ci.aims against tiie estate of the said deceased to e.-l’ibit them to the undersigned, on or before the l.Sth day of Ajiril, 1'J17, or this notice will pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons in debted to, said estate will please make immediate settlement. This I'^tl; day of Ajnil. I')i6. d; C. B.MLEY, Adm nistratur. tween the wrist and elbow. Drs. D. J. Smith and C. S- Aldrich set his arm back in place. He is suffering quite a lot, but hopes to be out in a short time- Mr. Ervin WiL,* n was oyef from Burnsville Tuesday and Wednesday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Green Woody. In the issue of your paper of April 7th, we notice ad article written for the Cincinnati En quirer by a lady that visited this town recently from New York City and can truly say she has misrepresented this-place,in every thing. She states the people, that is razin'^ of the natives, do not know what U. S. money is, or have never seen it. This is false. And there arc only .34 houses and chat they’ are owned by a cer tain individual and that he also owns the Black Mountain Railway which is all untrue; The ciiti- zens here own all tfae land, and are industrious, law-abiding men, and .some of them are worth sev eral thousand doH.irs, have good schools and churches and -live in good houses and own several farms, and are educating their children. She also writes that every house in town .was a room ing place of one or more of the company. This is a mistake. They only boarded at three houses and the people treated them very kind and nice in every way. That is all some of the New York and Northern people are good for, is to say something against the South and the people, making a false impression among strangers. There is as good peo ple and as nice, refined and edu cated people here in Yancey coun ty and Western North Carolina as we ever met anywhere. The people are very much wrought up over this affair. Dr. J. H. Hutchins, tlie dentist, is here from Burnsville doing i dental work this week. ■ Mr. and Mrs. R. I'. Alexander > returned Tuesriay afternoon from boys, and soonelor later his em ployer will fix his eye on him and give him prometton when oppor tunity offi I have very little confidence in the thing that pujply call “luc.k.” Most “luck” cumes from what one does for hini;-.elf. Every boy and every man creates largely his own oi^portunty. If you work liard enough and intelligently e n :!ndsho’|. that you liave riMlii v and char.’cter. it won’t be long before it i.s| recognized and the minute, it to be recog nized, then opiWcuiiity will be .seeking you all He time. T'ake the-cruse^'F a lawyer. As soon as he Legiii to show that Ir t^es his nr betco Ed. Eagle. Since the last report from th place the death angel has visited three homes in our community. 1 The little child of Tommy Me- i Courry was called home on the i 15th inst; was found dead in the ' bed- The little daughter of E. I Johnson died of pneumonia. Moses Peterson, Sr., died of. con sumption Sunday afternoon and was laid to rest in the Peterson cemetery on Monday. Mr. Pe terson was a veteran of the civil war and was 73 years of age. Reubjn Girland (June) stole a march on his friends, and had the “knot,tied,” last week to Miss Pansy Bailey', of Toledo,. The writer joins with his friends ; in wishing them a long and pro.s- ’ perous life over the sea of- mat rimony. M. C. Peterson has sold his farm and store at Dale to Luther Bailey who has taken charge and is now postmaster and merchant at that place. We wish 'Luther success in his new vocation. D. C. Byrd is expected back from the hospital at Kutherford- ton, where he went for two oper ations. M’e learn he is much im proved by his trip. Rev. Blankinship conducted the ordaining ceremony at the Bajjtist church Sunday, which was very impressive. Mr. Bert Peterson was ordained as deacon. Mr. Adams preached an inter- e.sting sermon at Hetliaven Sun day. Jas. A. Peterson was a. visitor at T. M.cCourrv’s one night last week. All the Derao:iat-, as well as quite a number of Re publicans, heartily approve of Jim as a candidate for sheriff, Jim’s enviable record as register of deeds, his honesty, truthful ness and sobriety all predict for the citizens if successful, one of the best officers Yancey has for years. writer wn him foiMteirs and w'n.'n lo clIlP-'ll '^OUR LINE OF^ “Crop Makers” is well known and deservedly popular Syracuse Plows; Spading Harrows, Solid and Cut-out Disc Harrows, Spike-' tooth Lever Harrow.?, Empire Disc or; Corn Drills, Cole Plain View Corn Brills,^’ Globe and Steel King Cultivators &c. ■ Write for circulars, prices and terms. T. S. MORRISON $c CO. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Secure a Business Training- at rHE EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Aslieville, M. C. and li surscL'' to be an independent, self-.supporting ' citizen- corn mi services ot tracted to li^ he knows he' be can take c;' all walks of ho pro\ lie who need the 1,'yei will be at- the first th ng lall the p.'ac ice pf. It is so in The boy or his ability is souglit after for 'he best positions and is given the j-cst opportmties, because he crealls tliem by hi own ability and his own force. Learn to rely do your task, ainly get there business or in I was brought u. yourself and I said before, better than anyl My else ever did it before you, a: .1 you will cer- n the fa jofessional life, ipartly on a’farm myself. Many icimes I have chopped wood, milked cows am and hav.: clone r of chore about : farm. This wc eoicked cotton, 1. i'aslied dishes, j.st every kind 'use and on a ;ade necessary i,V{ii's™ The people of Jim’: kev in any form, of Yancey need a caliber. Everybody farming—g e 11 i n g ady to keep “Pete” from the door. C. T. Y. Time to Put in Screens. f diffirrent courses, terms, etc. because I was Li^.ght up in the wide path of desolation which General Sherman left behind him w'hen he marched through Geor gia in ,the Civil War. But it is an experience of which I am proud, because it fitted me in a larger degree for-the bigger tasks' of life than I would have been bad i .not been compelled to shiH for myself. This is a land of rare opportu nity and the American boy has a great heritage of Freedom and liberty and independence. What a glorious thing it is to have such a birthright and what a splendid chance 'every' American boy has to make a career for him self that will shed lustre on his country and prove himself worthy of the distinction of being an American citizen! Large Increase Southern Farms. Washington Dispatch. a three weeks trip lo points in Florida and Virgin Cj»iBfnP9 rsiHa. : The Soulhern Power Company, wliicf! has maintained a temiio- rary office in hlorganton for sev eral months, has about completed taking up options in Bhrke and, according to a Morganton item, : will transfer the office to Lenoir. ;The companv has options on I large tracts in paid .cl. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Vanover, on the 17tli. a son. Mr. W. M. Edwards and J'. W. M’ard will le;ive for Canton Thursday, 2fith, to attend the district meet!ng of the Junior Or der 2Ist and 22nd. JoSIi?IlU; SfKIGGIN’S. I Farm land values are increas- 1 ing almost by leahs and bounds. ■ Figures announckd by the de- : partment of ag'riculture show ! that the values j.of the United ; States taken as aUvIiole increased ; 25.7 per cent in the past four years, afld 11.5 list year. The figures are based )n reports from department' Put in screen doors and win dows now is the advice of the State Hoard of Health against the coming of warm weather and Hies. Today's bulletin from the State Health Department says: “Warm weather is here and ac cording to the nature and flies, flies will be here by the hundred fold in about a week or so, and whoever would be prepared against their arrival would liave their doors and windows welt screened. Doors that remained in place all winter are likely to be found sagging or holes punched 'll them, or perhaps this was the condition in which they were put away last fall. Anyway it is high time that old screens should be repaired and put in place, and that orders be given for new ones wherever they are needed.” Says the bulletin further: “Since the winter flies were sv’at- ted and since they have found feeding and perhaps breeding places about your premises, the best thing you can do now, since they are nere, is to screen them out. Hut don’t spend money on extension window screen Screens that are made to fit your doors and windows are quite more efficient and in the long run cheaper. If you can't afford these now, use mosquito netting for another season until you c?in afford them. Mosquito netting, if well put up, tacked close and made firm, will prove better than e.xtension or ill-fitting screens and will last a season.’’ The bulletin says in conclusion: “There really is no reason why any one should toler.ate flies, ex cept from his own choice.” ABOUT I Increases have bein general with exceptions Increases in the L ed to the diver- John G. Drewery, of Raleigh., Gr;imi secretary of the North Uarplina Grand Lolge of .'iason---, is erilically ill in a Baltimore hospital and his death isc.xpected .it .till' lime. or two notab e : the ma'Lliwest. ■ South are attiibii ■ silication of crop: i The percentage of increases during the past y : are North Atlant cent; e:istern pa ! States 10 per cent State.s, 10 per ' States 11 per cent. lie agents. YOUR I TEETH I Bad teeth are painful and unsight- || ly. They cause catarrh, dyspep- .31 sia, biliousness and many other || ailments. They lower the vital- df ity and efficiency of the workei’. || They interfere with a girl’s |S chances of marrying well. They || are a disgrace. % All work fully guarant2‘^» prices reasonable. m. S. J. HAMII/rON, BURNSVILLE, N. C. Office Over Citizens Bank. Put Your Money Go To Father. “Go to father,” she said, when I asked her to wed, And she knew that I knew that her father was dead; An i siie knew that I knew what a life he had led. An.i she knew that I knew what she meant when she said; “Go to father!” where 3'ou can put tour trust. Where you know it will be safe. Where you can'get-it when you want it. Where it will yield yon the utmost possible ben efits. This bank's success rests upon its fidelity to the trust of its patrons. Its fundamental hon esty and the character of its officers back .up its fi nancial strength. We are right here at home. You know us. We want you to watch the statements which show the condition of our Link. This is a live and growing bank, abreast of the must advancect methods, yet watchful and conservative in every respect. Wo are equipped to handle all your banking busine.ss promptly an''! satisfactory, andgive'you free service in man5' ways. Your transactions are always abso lutely secret. W)-; WISLCOJIE YOUR AOCOUN'I', IIOWKVKK AMAl.r,, and every dollar deposited, besides standing to vour crc.Ht, becomes pro.liictive capital for the good of the homo community. Dki/i- irt .AND i.kt'stai.k it ovkr. :ar ’oy sections c States, 10 per t o; northcin S null Atlantic t; far Western I A bronze statue of Zebulon ; Baid Vance wi 1 bo unveiled m . Statuary Elall. \'''ashingt')n. on June 7th or Hth, Vice Rresident , .Marshall and Governor Craig will ' b'O the princiaal .speakers. i Bank of Yancey

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