''LYCK-& JgW!g. ?nbr;shRr?> (PARITY TOWARD ALL-MA^E TOWARD NONE. Only Paper FubT.;;faed in tiie Couuty VOL. 20-NO. 9. BURNSVILLE, YANCEY COUNTYf -1- NOVEMBER 10,1916, $1 A YEAR —1 Don't Waste Fodder! Let This Wonderful Machine Cut It ^ I Into Tempting; Nourishing [ Food for CowS; Calves, i Steers and Sheep irh milV:^b|^ter^beef and jeal bnnging SMALLEY Csztter aad Snapper oar in HrM-dw* Catalog Free ^V"'y e!» »rooned corn and 1H R monry-rnnker the Smalley ' .tolji ton.^eomhjy per Cutter is.^ Just SOTd ^ur^io PATENTED CHOP ATTACHMENT T. S. MORRISON & CO., ASHEVILLE, N. C. It’s Four More Years ot lODROW. The Baptist Movement in North Carolina. Many of the intelHsent citizens of ouf State do not know the size or the spirit of this movement. , It is immense and si-rnificant- It : started in the early days of our history as a State. It was born out of the sincere relijrious aspi rations of a plain pioneer people. But it has outrun the pace of the state in its j»'rowth and popula tion. wealth, and culture. It now muiibers at least 275,000 white people. This savs nothinsr of over 200,000 neerro Baptists, nothing of tens of thousands of , sympathizers with the Baptist 1 view of Christanity. There arc almost as many Baptists Latest advices from the doubtful Strtes bear the glad tidings of President Wilson’s re-election to the Presi dency with a total electoral vote of 272. ■ • ■■■■ Sale of Land for Taxes. Notice is hereby gi-veii that un der and by virtite of the tax books in my hands for Yancev cuuntv, North Carolina, and also under tliority of a:j order of the Board of Countv Coinmjssion- ors of Y-ancey county llie iinder- sigiicd will for the purpose of collecting the taxes assessed for the year 1P1.5, sell at public (>ut- cry in front of the court hoiue door in Burnsville, N. C., oil ihe first Monday in December, l')l(i, I the same being tiie 4th day of 1 December, 1016, during the legal hours for sale, the following de- Peiiland Heirs, 200 South Toe towiiship. adi. r’/ rV «.V •.Va R.V *’> TI-wl^lVT-Jv nwiv NEED DENTAL TREATMENT! § Don’t make the customary mis- 11; take and put it off too long. Have your teeth taken care of in 11 time and it wilt save you a great deal of annoyance and pain, as | I; well as money. Bridge-work and J f Plates that fit and give service. sk All work faily guaranteed, and prices reasonaWe. S DR. S. J. HAMII,TON, BURNSVILLE, N. C. i$L Offics Over Citizens Bank. ; To the Citizens ot Yancey.; In Memory of Janson L. j Burnsville, N.C., Nov. S, will. 1 Hyatt. I It being absolutely necessary I Ivy, N. C., Oct. 19, 1916. I for me to be absent irom Burns- \ Hon. James L. Uyat’t. I ville on tomorrow when the, re-j ' Burn'^ville, N. C. I turns from the election in the va- i Dear Sir;- / A j rious townships will be made and! I was very sorry, to hear of the I canvassed and the results declared t death of your father, my old com- Wampler. i If you have money we want it. If you %vant money we have it. Re sources - $225,000.00 Bank of Yancey Burnsville, N. C. ti?.’ nd at which time the various candidate.s will doubtless express publicly their thanks for the sup port given them by the voters of our county, I take this rnethod of expressing my graditudo to each and every one who gave me their loyal snpptrt and I wish to. assure them that they shall nevgr have reasons for regret for having supported me. The fight I have been making has been made in behalf of the tax payers of our county and while some have re fused to believe that my highest ambition was to serve the people as a whole and therefore refused to support me. To these I wish to say that time- will show, niy real object in making this fight to be for the purposes tjiat I have so often expressd both in public j and private and I desire to assure j both those who supported me and ! those who opposed me that every . pre-election promise as to legis lation for Yancey county shall be kept to the letter and are hereby reiterated as an after-election promise. And further, I wifh to say that every energy within me shall and will be exerted to carry oijt every pledge that I have made to the people since I decided to become a candidate for the Legislature and I am determined to show the people of this county that I am not the tool of any man or set of men, but to the contrar}-1 am and will be the servant of all the peo ple, and will be pleased at any time-to have a suggestion from any man, let him be rich or poor, regarding any legislation espec- afferting our county, and es pecially will I be pleased to have suggestions in regard to a road law in our cputity and I desire that the suggestions be made writing so that I may have them before me for consideration when preparing a road law, for out of a multitude of counsel aye suggestions we ought to be abl to get a fair, just and equitable road law that would do equal justice to each and every part of our county. Kespecfully, G. ELLIS GANDER- rade and friend. I am sorry I could not go down and see him when I was at Burnsville, but I did not think that would be niy last chance to meet my old friend, f did not liear of his death until I saw it in the Eagle a week after his death. When but a boy he valenteered in the Black Mountain Boys and was a goad soldi.;r as long as he was able to serve, and had the goodwill and friendship of every man in the company and he cer tainly hi)d my confidence in his bravery and faiiiifulness as a sol dier and a Southern man. Since the war wheiie-^-.;:_T have met him 1 knew "that I ’was meeting not Eds. Eagle. We are having fine, weather at present and the farmers are very busy sowing wheat and gathering corn. Mrs. T. G. Randolph and chil dren are visiting relatives on Bald Crepk this week. Mr. Ed McIntosh, who has been visiting relatives at tiiis place for the past month, return ed to bis home at Flag Pond, Tenn,, l^st Sunday. Born, tp Mr. ijnd Mrs.. Jack Harris, on the 3nd, a daughter. >irs- Sallie King, who hasbepn sick for some time, is improving. Mr. Horace Angel, of-Eskota, is visiting friends and relatives at this place. Mr. Elbert Edwards, of Kitty- ton. Tenn., yisited his daughter, Mrs. Lora King at this, place Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. B. J. McIntosh, H. H. others. Tax and cost for 191.5 $145.13 Mong-emery Smith, 260 acres of land in South Toe townshi;), ad joining the Government land and others. Tax and cost for 1915 $11.78. Rebecca Jane Fender, Dowery on Pine Ridge, South Toe town ship. Tax and cost for 1915 $7.14. G. C. Austin, 25 acres of land in Burnsville township, adjoining lands of Z- L. Horton and others. Tax and cost for 1915 $5.32. S. T. Hensley, one house and lot in East Burnsville. Tax and cost for 1915, $31.31. Burton Heirs, lands in South Toe township adjoining lands of John Westall and. others. Tax and costs for 1915 $5.32. Gabriel Cox, 150 acres of land in South Toe township, on Seven Mile Ridge. Tax andcost for 1915 $12.27. White & Burton, 500 acres min eral lands in South Toe township. Tax and cost for 1915 $21.07. Pearson Riddle, 25 acres land ill Pensacola township, adjoining land of Rastus Riddle and others. Tax and cost for years 1913, 1914, 1915, $32,66. This Nov. 1st, 1916. W. A. HAXL, Sheriff of Yancev County. Vt? J*?*tvtt?/t"^-Jvvi» *i>-*c* /■»> *•*■¥ viv Va"* ♦'!» *t'» Viv ■aV ili, '«'I> i S. C. WHITE LEGHORN CHICKE'JS % We will .sell a few of oiir I’rize Winning Birds at a i-Lcnilice. Young's and Tom Barrow's strain Single I'l'inb White Legiiurn ('c.ckerals. six inotitlis old, at $2 .ec.eh, express preiiaid. Write at once to LOCaST GI’OVE POULTRY FARM. Whitesburg, Tenn. OrC. G. TAYf/.)R, Johnson City. Tonn. onlv an old comrade, but a a'business trip :aid a friend upon whom I coukl ^ Saturday, rely. I am sorry to say that my j (Varar Ano-el m?de a fivins observation and experience has • . isi T \f f inat taught me that there are but few Mountaui last such men. [wee . \ i ' i Well, we old Black Mountain! Mr. and Mrs. W. T, Angel and Boys are passing one by one’and I children were the dinner guests it will not be long until we have [of Mr. and Mrs, Morgan Pitman all crossed the river and I hopelSunday. L. H- iv. wtien'final roll call is made that- we all will be. able and ready to j , z-»k take our place in ranks umler the I The Charlotte Observer, pifb- blqod-stained banner of King llished in the heart of the chief cot- Emanuel, and there 1 hope t„! ton manufaclurrag section ot the meet rny old comrade Jason and; rest with liim,under the shade of i Pfjf the tree of life through all eter nity. 1 I would be gl'ad to hear from you and hope you will write me. Your, old friend, J.sS McELROY. Twelve Great Serials in 1917. South, undoubtedly reflects ex- the following statement: "The belief is gen erally prevalent among those whp are usually best posted 'that cot ton is going to bring 20 cents by the first of December, if not sooner,’’ It adds that some are predicting 25 cents.—The Pro gressive Farmer. FOR l^ALE—A fine thorough bred, registered Percheon stal lion, seven years old. Also a fine Jack, nine years old, 15 hands high and entitled to registration. This IS your chance to buy a fine horse or jack at a bargain. I am planning to move to Tennessee, therefore the price I will make on this stock will mean a (juick sale There is no better breeding stocl Some of these are stor^-groups like those inimitable stories of the old home clown in M^ine in wliicliC. A. Stephens shows him self a master. Tnere will b,e se- , rials for girls, serials for boys,; requires the drug serials that would hold the rapt; fountains to close attention of all readers of either' sex and all ages. And the fiction is only a corner of The Compan ion. It is brimful and running over with all manner of -.rood, things. There’s not a better $2.OO worth of periodical reading ,any- where. Send the I'orecast foj: 1717, which di' oses some of the delightful seertis of the new vol ume. : New subscribers for 1917 who send in $2.00 ml.v will receive all the issues for the remaining weeks of 1916 free; also The Companion Home Calendar for 1917. By specisl arrangement, new subscribers for The Companion can have also McCalls Magazine j!’.) for 1917, both public-itions for Greensboro’s new Sunday law affecting drug stores and soda fountains was’ observed on the 29th for the first time. The law stores and on Sunday from 10;45 o’clock a, m. until 1:30 p. ni. and 7:30 p. m. tli.ey are to close for the day. Cigar s.tores and oth.er places having soda fountains may remain open, but are not permitted tp dispense any drinks during the prescribed hours. 1 'iVestern you are interested, co.nie and see] T. H. Ed.wards, Cane Rive 2nd are supplied eveiy yeat, ^ direct to more Americ.iui planters than are ihe seeds of any other The Fortieth Annivers^ Edition of Burpee’s Annual is bn'ghlr Burpee’s Seeds Grow it is c Safa Qtado to Suecett in the garder VV. ATLEE BURPEE & CO., lailedfcee. Writefor it4oday. Philadelphia, Pa. North Carolina. jf, only $2.10. i his iwo-at-one-price olier cliioles: 1. The Youth’s Companion— 52 issues in 1917, 2. All remaining November and December iiisues of The Com? panion free. 3. The Companion Home Cal endar for 1917, 4. McCall's Magazine—l2fash- ion numbers in 1*417 5. Gne 15-ceiit McCall press Pattern—your choice from your first cdpy of McCall's— if you send a 5-cent stamp witli your selection. stake THE YGUTII'S COMPANION. $t. Paul -$t., Bobtoii, .Mass?-. ; N. c. '{J ! Believing him to be a burglar, ■''}’»! J. W. Creech, a wealthy tobacco j planter of the Leesyill.e section of I Oak Grove Townsliip in D-urham .^lii county, shot and killed John ! E iiery. a young man wlio has — ! lived with him a number of years. Following the shooting, offi.ftrs in this city were notified, and a thorough investigation resulted. Coroner A. C. Jordan stated that liis verdict would he that iCme came to Ins death by a i on lUe .art ol -hr. Creech. Religion Ain’t Free. A colored preacher once preach ed on the theme "Salvation am free.’’ And,'after deliv.ering a powerful sermon, he began to take up a collection for his own salary. One of tfie deacons got up ami protested and reminded tjie preacher that h,e hgd just said that religion was free and now that be was trying to make tl.iem pay for it. The old preach er replied; "I’m sorry you makes it incumbent on me tp ’spose your ignorance before thisLr congre gation; my brother, religion am free just like water in the river am free. You can go down and drink yourself full and it don’t cost you a.cent,,but if youdias ther sr-'.nie water piped into your house, you has to pay for it. It's the same way with religion—you cap go out doors and dripk in all the religion you want, bqt when you comes in .dis chprch and has me pipe it into you? you has to pay for it. Hut something in the b.-isket,,brother; put vimething in, tjie basjiet." North Carolina as all other of^^the (.overnmeiit church, members put together. There are in this state sixty-four Baptist district associations, over two thousand and and one hun dred Baptist churches- Still the movement grows by leaps and bounds. At the presnt rate of increase by 1950 there will be in our state at leost 600,OOO white Baptists. Three fourths of the North Carolina Baptist strength is in the country. That puts on Bap tist shoulders the bulk of the ob ligation for religious leadership in the present rejuvenation of our country. It is a serious question whether they will measure up to the obligation. The commonwealth has them under test at this point. Some think that the only pe culiarity of Baptists is their mode of baptism. But their distinct iveness runs far deeper than that; baptism is only symbolic. Right of access of each soul to God, the absolute equality of all believers in Christ, the integrity and sov ereignty of eacJi local church, these are some of their _ funda mental distinctions. Their faith is the religious underpinning _ for democracy; the moral foundations of the modern republic. The Baptist people of North Carolina have already grown many great institututioiis: The Biblical Recorder, their weekly organ, is read by nearly fifty thousand people during the year. Their State I'-oard of Missions handles annually about $150,000.- 00. Besides several private schools controlled by Baptists, they have three great colleges '•Yake Forest, Meredith, Chowan, and fourteen Secondary Schools. The Thomasville Orphanage, the pet . among their • enterprises, is the largest institution of its class in North Carolina and easily one of the largest in all the South. There are thousands of Bap tists in Yancey county; and Bap tist churches dot every township in the county. The Baptists of Yancey and adjoining counties will rejoice, to see these facts published in their county paper. The Baptsts of North Carolina count as one of their most valua ble assets the faiendship of the Eagle which is read by hundreds of Baptist people who do not see Biblical Recorder. The next session of the Baptist State Convention meets in Eliza beth City on December 5th. Be fore that time there is be a strug gle among the active Baptists of North Carolina. This year_ thei' are raising $20,000 for Christian Education, 850,000 for the_ Or phanage, $150,000 for Missions. North Carolina Baptists are speeding this year in State Nhs- sions aione, that is in mission work right here in our own state, $55,000, This work is vitally important to the moral, educa tional, civic life of our whole commonwealth. Here religion and patriotism meet in the Baptist ■ soul. What each Baptist does for this cause shows him both as a Christian and as a citizen, This $55,000 is all to be raised by No vember 21st. Let every Baptist church of the county of Yancey do his part in this task. Let no Baptist church of the county fail to take it up in dead earnest, WALTER N. JOHNSON. Fellow dropped into the office the otlier day and ordered the pa per, and we were pleased. Said it was a good paper, and wo were glad. Said it was rnPre tku!) worth the money to any man of inteiiigence, and we were tickled. Said it was the mainstay of the town, and we were supertickled. Said it was the greatest booster and most reliable town builder in this whole community, and we yelled with much.joy. ' Paid /or his paper, and—we slid gently lo the floor in blissful unconscious ness. Nature had reached its limit! Private Lee Furtic, of Troop A. North Carolina Cavalry, was killed Sunday in his. tent wiiile writings letter, by the discharge of his pi.stul. D z en.- iisted at Mount Island, N. C. G. G. Dickson, a newspaper man of Durham, has brought suit, for $5,000 against K. Rand, manager of the Coca-Cola Bot tling Works. A bottle of coca- cola in which, a mouse had found a watery grave served to the newspaper man, inspired the suit for damages. One hundred, sixty-five dollars and sixty cents from one bale of cotton and its seed was paid to Floyd H. Uzzle on the Goldsboro cotton market last week- This is. said to !« the largest sum derived, from a single 'jalo since 18I>S. NOTICE. North Carolina, Yancey County. 'By virtue of authority vested in-; the undersigned under and by vir tue of a deed of mortgage execiit t*d hyR. A. King and wife, Cora, to the Bank of "Yancey on 20th day of February, 1907. and which deed of mortgage has been lu!y as signed by the said Bank of Yan cey to the undersigned, wliic') deed of mortgage was given i)v the said R. A. King and wife to secure the payment of a iiu^o of hand given by R. A. King an I wife ami default having- been made in the pa/ment ol said note> which note also has been duly as signed to tlje undersigned, the undersigned will sell to the high est bidder for cash in- band the hereinafter described lands during the legal hours of sale at the court house door in Yancey coun ty on the 6th day of November,. 1916, to satisfy said note of iiaml. Said lauds being described as. fiu- lows: Lying and being in. the county of "Yancey and in Cane River township, and beginning on a stake on the south side of the |>uhlic road on Elk Shoal creek near the corner to M. B. Proffi't’s lot of the home tract of D. S. Proffitt’s land; then went course nine pqlc.s. to.a rock on the south side of tiie public road; thence a south-east course nine poles to. a. st;i.kir; theiicfi' north three poles to.che beginning coi ner-,.containi:ig one-haif acre, be the-same more less. This the-2nd day of Oct.. 1916. MITCHELL J. I-L\LL. Mortg.ig'.-e by A.-M-igmiieiit,

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