L VOL. 20--NO. 21 BURNSVILLE, YANCEY COUNTY, N. C., FEBRUARY 9,1917. $1 A YEAR THE OLD RELIABLE U. S. Severs Dipiomatic Re X ; lations With Germany. Say, Mister! Deposit that loose money you have laying around the house in the BANK OF YANCEY and let it earn 4 per cent for you. Or deposit your money subject to check, and pay your bills and accounts by check. This is the modern business way of doing busi ness. Your checks, which are legal receipts, will come back to you, and perhaps save you from paying a bill more than once. Try it. We furnish handsome check books free. BANK OF YANCEY Burnsville, N. C. BANK OF YANCEY ■ ,7^ i —In an official note to the Unitec */• i States g-oyernment,'handed tocla' 0* I to American Atnbajisa -ior Garard % ! the German goveri'Snent declarei , A ; announc •y \ nounces Q2 ; within t i their ow X I SEE REINS BROTHERS ^ For Monuments & Tombstones, Lenoir and North Wilkesboro, N. C. See'or wiite us i)i.»iorc pUcing- elsewhere. Careful attention to special designs. Tar Heel Delegation Stands by President. Berlin, Jan. 31. (Via Sayville.) ■ United today rd, the German governVnent declared for unrestricted naval warfare after February 1. Ncnv barred zones around enemy.countries are nnounced and Germany un- that neutr^J ships plying those zones will do so at their own risks. Precautions will ; be taken to orotect neutral iships "X* ! which sailed for thbse zones prior I to February-1, but neutrals are I urgently advised .to warn their j vessels on the way to. ports in the [barred zones and direct^ them •y ' away from those areas. Neutral ffi ' ships in ports within the barred zones will be given until Febru- ..ry 5 to'sail and must take the shortest route out of the restrict ed areas. The barred zones f)re defined by a memorandom accompaning the note. Washington. Feb. X—Presi dent Wilson has broken off dipu- matic relations with Germany and warned the kaiser that ruth less sacrifice of American lives and rights means-war. Similar action is waiting Austria when she notifies this government that she joins in the campaign of unrestricted subma rine warfare. The president made formal ann uncement of his ac tion to the country and to the world today at a joint session of congia The Law Mahers, (The State Jo rnal Raleigh.) The (ieneral Assemblv'has now consumed about half of its_ al lotted time and i§ in full swing, l^rohibitioh, woman sultrage. prison reform, rotation in office, election of county boards of edu cation. taxation and many other important subjects are receiving more than ordinary consideration. The framing of the several gen eral laws made necessary by tlie constitutional amendments is progressing well. ' The subject which has aroused most interest and caused the most animated debate is the proposi tion to elect the county boards ^of education by popular vote. Six counties choose them in that way now, and in the remaining ninety- four counties they are elected by the (A-neral Assembly. Of course it is h-rd to justify this difference in me hod, but after alUhere isjno principle involved in the main question. It is a matter of policy as to how the public can be best served, and suggests what the old maid said jibout, matrimony: that whichever way you do you will wi^li you h.ad done the other. That there are some unfit mem bers of the county boards now and some poor management is doubtless true, but is quite as true that there would be some incom petence and mismanagement un der a system of popular election, and there would probably be more. We are all democrats, theoreti cal, or practical, and no one doubts the right of the people to rule by ' ■ their dehb- Red and Sapling Clover^ Our present shipment of seed is^ of exceptionally high grads and our price' are below the market. WE ADVISE BUYING EARLY. Write for prices. “CYCLONE GRASS SEEDERS” $1.50 by mail postpaid. Passportsjiave been hantletl to Nor will ii Washington, D. C., Feb. — North Carolina members of con gress are squarely behind Mr. Wilson on his action today. They believed, too, that it would not mean war, but if anything, pre vent it by letting Germany know where the nation stands. .'I tion-.l .see !v S. T. BKNNETT, Representative, BURNSVILLE, N. C. could have done otherwise.” ben- 'itor Overman declared, "since Germany violated the promise in reply to to his note after the sinking of the Sussex last sum mer This message and the sev erance of diplomatic relations do I not mean war. M’liile it makes : the situation tense, I agree with ; the president it might avert war, .any has no right See me before you buy your Fertilizers, Grass Seeds, Seed Oats, Feed and Farm Implements. C. R. NOTICE. North Carolina, I In the Yancey County. | Superior Court. Service by Publication. Hattie Kiddle vs. Edward Riddle. The defendant above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has be-n com menced in the Superior Court _o Yancey county for divorce a - vin culo matrimonii, or absolute; and •the defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap- near at the next term of the Su perior Court of said county to be held.on the third Monday after the first Monday in March, next, at the court house in Yancey county, North Carolina, and an swer or demur to the complaint in the action, or the plaintifl' will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 17th day of Jan. 1917. LOUIS ENGLISH, eirrk Sujenor Caurt. CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. Tile Kind You Have notice. 1 Having qualilied as adniinistra-. tor of the estate of Emeline Hig-j ■•ins, deceased, late of the county of Yancey, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Burnsville, N. C., on or before the I5th day of January, 1918, or tins notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement.. This 15th day of January, 191' S. 'F. BENNETT, Adni- of Emeline Higgins, deceased. where we shall go on the high seas. I hope and pray to God we will never be called upon to de clare war. It is up to Germany. She can avert it if she will. ‘‘But, for this act, she might have taken it for granted that she could do anything with im punity. Nowshe knowsshe can’'. Congress will hesitate, of course, before declaring war. It will not be done unless Germany commits some overt act that would compel to do so in the name of the flag, integrity and welfa-re of our country—unless i^or our sacred honor it becomes necessary to do I heartily approve of it," Senator Simmons said. "There was no other alternative for this oveniment. I do not believe that there will be war between the United States and Germany unless, in carrying out her pro- cram, she disregards the rights of this government by sinkimr one of our ships or desti oying an American life in violation gf la,w." Representative Stedman said: "I think the president’s message ; was eminently proper in every re- 'spect. tie has taken such action ias the honor and integrity of our I country and the rights of its citi zens demanded. I believe he will be sustained by the e.itire Ameri can people." Majority Leader Kitchin siiid. "I don t see h iw he could have done or said less under the cir cumstances. I am gratified that ,ie gave Germany a clear chance to avoid conflict." Reprsentative Page said; "I heartily approve of everything and all that the president s'aid, and most sincerely hope that the German government will commit no overt act which would resem- able a declarat:oii of war." Count von Bernstorlf; Ambassa dor Gerard with all bis staff and all American consuls have been ■ ndered out of Genpriny. All German consuls in the United States are expected to withdraw that the severance of relatiqns may be coinplete^^American di- United States have been taken over by Switzerland. Foreign di plomatic interests which the United States had in (Germany have been turned over to neutrals. Two years of diplomatic nego tiations, marked with frequent crises, and att.-'nded with the loss of more than 200 American lives on the high se.is, have culminated with an act wnich in all the his tory of the wo Td always|has led^to war. Every agency.of the Amer ican government has been set motion to protect the country a/ainst acts of Germany sympa- iiizers. These moves of neces sity are being kept secret: one dispute the ability of tliq people to rule justify by popular ote when they take the trouble T. S. MORRISON 8c 80-84 I’ATTON AVE., Asheville, N. C, CO. North Carolina Wants Peace Bu Reafly For War. •Gov- Old Folks Saved From Std^erlng Raligh, N. C., Feb. 3.- erjior Bickett. replying to a from the World, New York, .. inrr fr,r from him On was beyond the reach of medicine biii PV LI,X2 stai^mcnc iroin iiiui ui. have provenfcost ej iai4t Luv the president s action in severing beneficial m my case.” to thoroughly inform them»elve^ relations witll Gernia- .Mr.' Sam a. Hoover, an.) fully apd freely reS-Hter then-I „ale- “-oS-AyaWAT-r?; lyil). Those who oppose an> ment toni'’'lit‘ ' from five to aeven time extension of popular as clistin- A Letter That May Interest You N. W. McConnell, Riverclale. Ua., writes: "Foley Cathartic Tablets absolutely cleanses my ■systerfi thoroughly, and never a gripe, and op nausea. An ideal physic, invigoratingand strength ening the bowel action and having a good effect on the stomach and liver. Give stout persons a light and free feeling. Sold every^lihere The value of North Carolina prod'ucts the last year is estimated at more than $275,000,000 i*^ o ry" port of the d-epartment of agri culture for the union. The stale ranks eleventh. Felt Like 90, How Like 21. Like a weak link in a chain, weak organ enfeebles the wh body. Weak kidneys lo\ver vit ity. A. W. Morgan. Angola, L writes: "I suffered with pains in the liack. I am 43 years old, hut I felt like a man of 90. Since I t ok Foley Kidnev Fills 1 leel liice I did when I was 21." .50c and 81.00 sizes. Sold every\vhere. guished from representative gov ernment are at a great disadyan- ta’g'e',‘"beCausr;'Thcir-an.Lmie.'5t»j-are. taken as a reflection on the fight or ability of the people to rule. This should not be. Since the people cannot, bv popular vote, anous ;'ttend to all the details of gov ernment, it is simply a matter of wise policy as to where the line should'be drawn in order to se cure the best, results. 'Eliat ^edu cation on the whole in this State lias been eminently satisfactory is beyond question and ^ye simply have to consider wliether achange of the system of choosing county now boards of education in the State. We serioU'iy loubt it. Controversies such as this and the unwise agitation for woman suffrage are due primarily to the ^act that we regavd the elective francliise almost entirely as a privilege; whereas it should be regarded as a duty—at times a very unpleasant and burdensome duty. So long as the chief idea is that of privalege no satisfiictory argument can be advanced against its extension. e believe the in dividual citizen whose chief end IS to make a living and advance civilization, shOuld be burdened with the duty of voting only to the extent nece.ss:iry for his pro tection against oppression and re- piession—against'tyranny. _ We have gone almost to the limit of popular participation in the de tails of government, and an ui • mistakable reaciion _ has set in, die most notable evidence being me cri-owing demand fortheShoit Ballot. The people', with the idr'.'. of enjoying a privilege, Ir carried direct popular government to the extreme-111111 and are now reverting to the representative .^ateiii as,the best means of pra:- lical ( emocracy. What we mo-tt icid is to perfect and strengthen .10 representative system. r-oll girl." •Pills aro tonic, Streh'gthenlne' and. up-builillos, apd testoro normal action to the kidneys and to a dlfiordered and painful blad- . High Point, kidney trouble was .. . d I had to &ct up from five to seven times. Kow I do . _. not hava to get up at nisht, and coa* Till* World New York Cltv; sfder myaclC in a truly normal' oon- j tic wonu, ixew ig.a v. > „htch I attribute to Foley Kid- North Carolina is a conservative ^ey PiUs, as 1 havo taken nothing sut£._ QlBLUSSBle lOTe peace aml^ ^ -ro, hate war. If is Yhe curse ol the says: “i )fiu1tercd-rrom kidney aff- nations. we had hoped that the taking POIoy Kidney nils ten months warring governments of the old world would repond to the plea; poiey Kidney _ pins".a.ro tonic, of our president and enter into jj ■ compact that would insure per manent and universal peace. The reply of Germany to this plea for . peace is a deliberate invitation to further strife. "Vyiien the German government delivered it’s note of January 31, it knew, then as well as it knows that diplomatic relations Id be severed. The president could not liaye done less without obliterating fevery trace of our national honor. We deeply hope that Germany may yet stay her hand, but if American ships or American lives shall be wantonly destroyed then, our p' pie as one man without respect to race or politics, will uphold the president in whatever action he may take to preserve the honer and safety of tile nation.” (Signed) Thomas W. Bickett, governor. NOTICE. The firm formerly known as Baucom & Feter.son is hereby dis solved. The business will oper ate hereafter under the name of Baucom & Bailey. The new firm have assumed all the liabilities of the old firm, and all accounts due oljd firm will be paid to the firm of Baucom &. B.ailey. This 15th day of January, 1917. SAMUEL FFl'ERBUN. I, iM; BAUCOM. J. R. BAlf.EY. NOTICE. North Carolina, I In the Vancey County. ( Superior Court. Dock (90Ugc vs Julia Gouge. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above lias been com- A Woman’s Experience With Grippe. , - When a cough or cold hangs on j menced in the Sujrerior Couvt oi and vou have aches tnd pains that Y'ancey county by the plaintiff to are hard to define, it is likely that obtain a divorce«ahsolat' : ami the grippe is taking hold of your sys- ! defendant will forth r take notice tern. Mrs. J..A. Rogers, Switzer, NOTICE. Having qualified as adniinis- trairix of the estate ol Wiilium N. Renfro, dece'jsed, Irte of the county .of YaiKey, North Caro lina, this notify a" persons having claims against the estate to exhibit them to undersign ed at Day Book, N. C.. on or be fore the 3rd day of January, I9lt':,. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 3rd day of January, 1917. NAN RENFRO. Adiiiuns ratrixoi William Keiilro, deceased- A 70 Year Old Couple. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Carpenter. Harrislmrg, Pa., suffered from kidney trouble but have been _en- tireiveared bv Fi ley Kidney Pills H,e says: "Altlio’ we are both in the seventies, we are as vigo.r.ops as we were thirty years ago." Foley Kidney Pills stop sleep dis turbing bladder weakness, bivck- ache, rheumatism. Sold every where. FOLEYliffiNEYPILK fOR 8ACITACH6 KI3NEYS AN® BLAOOE!. The House lias passed the Ste !- man bill making' the Guilford Bal-tleground a national military park and provi-.iing for three com missioners, on 2 to receive S2,00f) and the other two 8500 e:ich an nually. The bill goes to the Senate, where, it is said, no op position will be offered. For Croup, Coughs, Colds. A. Baxter, Wheeler, Wi';.,saya: "For ten years we have used Fo ley’s Honey and Tar in our fam- I y and consider it the best cough medicine f>n the market, espec- la Iv for children, as they like to take it." Cocitains no opiates; safe for babies; effective for adults Checks croup; stops coughs; re lieves colds. Sold everywhere. foleyIhdnwpms FOR 'dACKACHC ANO BtADO^R S. C., says: "i am susceptible to colds, often ending in grippe. In this case 1 have found Foley’s Honey and Tar to prevent doctor bills. Sold every wlierc; "If I were a North Cnrolin.a editor." says Hon Seitz, of the New York World, "I would st:i'-f a painting campaign and try to have every house painted in rota tion. Cut This Out—it means Money. Don’t miss this. Cut out this ^ slip, enclose witli 5c to Foley &' Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, ; Ill., writing yo.ir name and ad-; dress clearly. You will receive 1 in return ;i trill package contain- , ing Foley’s H iney and Tar Com pound for CO ghs, colds, croup; I Foley Kidney '^ Foley Ca-| thartic Tablets. Sold every where. , NOTIC Having qaiified a ^ ai ministra-; tor of the estate o: .-'very Au- | trey, deceased, all persons in-, debted to the estate are request-| ed to make immediate payment, . and all persons holding claims ao-ainst the estate arc requested- to present their claims within 1 tne time reciuired by law, or for- ! ever be deb'arred. This January 25th, 1917. JOHN W. AUrKEY. Adnnsiralor. Wood’s Special Grass Clover Seed Mixtures Best for Pennanent Hay and Pasturage Yields. Put up in proportions as experi ence has shown best suited for the different soils and purposes for which they are recommended. Enthusiastically endorsed by our customers. Wood’s Seed Catalog for 1917 gives full information, to gether with letters from cuKtomers giving their experience. Catalog mailed free on request. Write for it and prices of any Farm Seeds required. T.W. WOOD 6 SONS, SEEDSMEN. > Richmond, Va. Sew Woed*i Evergcc: for b.-’tiitiuf ilteen Ifcwpi. Write for special Lawn circular. that she is required'0 appear at the next term of he Superior Court of said countv to be hel.l on the third Monday after the first -Mondiiy in March, 1917, at the court house of sa:d county in Burnsville, N. C., and_ unsv/er or U'liHir to the compiaint in saia action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for relief de manded in said complaint. Tliia'the l.Oth day of Jan., 1917. j LOUIS ENGLISH. i 'Cle'rk Superior Court. NOTICE, North Carolina, | lu Yancey County. | Superior Court. Service by Publication. Eva McCourry vs Will McCourry. The defendant above 1 anied will take notice that an a-'-tion en titled as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Yan cey Oouiitv tor divorce absolute; and the defendant will further take notice th:it he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Yancey Couity to be held on the third Monday after the first Monday in_ March, next, at the court house in Yan cey county, North Carolina, a d answer or demur to the compl: jnt filed in said cause or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in.said complaii'-.j LOUIS ENGLISH. Clerk Superior Court, Chas. Hutchins. Yitoniey for Plaintiff.

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