m LVON & LEWIS,’ Publisftws. . ,.. *- • . QHARITY T0WAIiI>!ALL--ilifJICE TOWARD NONEt .Only Paper Published in the Ccaiflty VOL. 20--bNO. ?3.' - ."TF"; :- B5fKN.SV!LLE,YANeEY C0UI|TY, N. eg MARCH 2,1917. , $1 A YEAR THE OLD RELIABLE Say, Mister! i Deposit that loose moKey you have laying around the house vn the- BANK OF YANCEY and let it earn 4 per cent for you. Or deposit your money * subiect to check, and pa]/ your bills and accounts by check. This is the modei'M business way of doing busi ness. Yoji^ checks, .which are legal' dome bac!^‘'to^j/ki,'anti perhaps- save you from -paying a bill more than once. Try it. We furnish handsome check books free.j BANK OF YANCEY Burnsville, N. C. ^ANK OF YANCEY Micawle. Eds. Ea^le:- ■ ^ ^ - I Mr«. J.’O. Mar'Hh lias goii^ to • A I Asheville to visit Ij-r brotiicr, Mr •> J Ed. }Iall. . ,. V* 1 ^Ira. Brantiey'v Chrisa'A-n, who ha.'! been O.i the sfc.c list, is iiii- proviti'/fast'. Messrs A. M. F*itton. JoO K. Patton and WaltoF Hallew Were in Micaviile Satutcav. Misses Rose TLiwkins^ Elsye Silvet, Ma(lj?e Honeycutt and Zoe- belle Yountr spent 'the day very pleasantlv with bliss Kate Grli- fith Sunday. Misses Libbpy aiM Clela Youn/, of Newdal©/ were here Monday enrciite to Burnsville. 'Mr. and Mrs! Q.- I. Bcwditch spent the day y.ry pleasan;ly yiiests of Mr. 'aiW Mrs. A. !J. Silver, Snhd^n Mrs-. ■ r:-ot'*. b''on;power, son Billsin?! brotlior'•^ewev Silver, Sunday .tjoin Erwin. umber .>f young people place went to " iiiilora ! Sunday to hear I’r-if Luudy sing. Mr. VVoP, of Philadelphia, I’a., is spending‘•ome Nine with Mr. Thos. Hall. Ml.-pT X'-’.' -iKFr. % ji reti3rrit:d Sun 'S^l ..Qhitdh'nu \ of' this plac« I SEE REINS BROTHERS | I For I I Moniiisents & Tombstones, | Lenoir and North Wilkesbofo, R. C. V-j'f .... - ■ . . ■ • ’ te’ See or write iis before placin^^ your order |i.i elsewhere. Careful attention to special p. design.S/ B.T. BhiNNETr, Representative, BURNSVILLE,- K. C. :C -'••T-'' i-I-, -■-V. TdlC Balance Sheer of a Defeated Car.^ didatc. A defeated candidate .in a nother state gives the following inven tory of his campaign losses; “Lost four months ail l twent3’- three days canvassing; 'ost 1,340 hours’ sleep thinking about the election; lost forty-three acres of corn and a whole sweet j)otato crop; lost twoTfbnt 'fcetfi " a'l'd 'a lot of hair ii aperso'-:'! ncchn.ter •-vith opponent. Donated' one beef, four sho;its and lA-e sheep to country barbecues. Uaveaway two pairs of suspenders,- four c:i!- ■ ico dresses, tiw dolls, and sever.- j teen baby rattlers. Kissed 126 babies, kindled fourteen kitchen tires, put up eight stoves, cut 14 cords of wood, carried 24 buckets of water, gathered seven loads ot corn, pulled 476 bundles of fodder, walked 4.046 miles, shook hand;- 6.086 times, told 11,216 lies and talk enough to make in prim 1000 volumes the size or patent office repo ts. Attei;d'l sixteen revival m-eetings; was baptized four different times by immersion and twice by some other wa-: ci'utributed $80 to foreign mis sions; made love to tliirt5'-nine widows; got dog .bit thirty-nine times, and then got defeated.” Cut This Out—it IS Worth I'.Icney Don’t Miss This. -Cut out this slip, enclose withf-c to Foley 6o.; 2835 Sheineld Ave., Cliicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You wi.ll,receive in re- ,-e ve in retnrti i- trial package containing Foley’,.'; Honey & Taf Compound for coughs, colds and croup: Foley Kidoey Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold ery where, Murder and Suicide. Johnson Citv;'T--nn.. Feb. 24.-- W’ith an empty a .fouKitic Ling Uftweem tb'_'u, b’.xlic:'; of Cicero .McTCess, a vfeTl' k'fi'Stfn farmer and his w-ile ,'bf three weeks, were found dead in their home a fevP miles from here tills morning with a bullet hole througii their heads. At the c-oroner’s inquest it wnts announc ed that their deaths were the re sult of murder and s'uicide. Ac cording to friends they were .ipparentlv very happy. Hot Bathei-ctt Any More. See me before yjH buy your Fertilizers, Grass Seeds. Seed Oats, Feed and Farm Implements. C. Re fflLSOl. Much Extra Work iu March. It’s between seasons, wbi-n f-w persons perspire as health de mands. The result is double work for the kidneys, to throw out waste eliminated through pores when persons perspire. (Overworked kidnevs need lielp. B.'IT. Stone, Reading,-P’a., Writes: '■ Alien 1 need a kidney remedy, I rely on Foley Kidney Pills-” Sold everywhere. Vyood’s Special Grass Clover Seed Mixtures Best for Permanent Hay and Pasturage Yields. Put up in proportions as experi ence has shown best suited for the different soils and purposes for which they are recommended. Enthusiastically endorsed by our customers. Wood’s Seed Catalog for 1917 gives full information, to gether with letters from customers giving their experience. Catalog mailed free on request. AVrite for it and prices of any Farm Seeds required. T.W.WOOD 6 SONS, SEEDSMEN, ^ Richmond, Va. Sow Wood’s Evergreen La-wn Grass (loL George M. Yodef, Catawb; county’s weather litfeau. wbi ! forecasted the terrible weather o KiE. ] this montli 30 days before hand Having qualified ns administrn- predicts that from March 3 to 8 Value ot Deep Plowing, (Asheville Citizen.) The farmers of Western North Carolina are endeavoring tp feed themselves and the thousands of others depending upon them from the fetilitv contained in lour inches of soil. • Beneath these four inches there is, dll the aver age farm; an untouched store house bf plant food meaning larger cfops and therefore greatcr luTincial returns to the tiller of tlidt soil.- While 'I'he Citizen N quite aware of the fact that it is easy to preach deeper olowing, hut somewhat harl>T lor th- farmers to actually carry cut thi: practice of really successful farm ers, still we believe'it possible for most of the farmers in this part of the State to send their plow- deeper into the soil than is at present the custom; This,_ tooi may be done without an additional expenditure for more or heavier •livestock, as a general poposition; The practice of shallow plow ing. of barely stirring the ground for four inches, sometimes even i on!\ a' habit. iti • ut doubt the same hofse^power will c.arry the plow six and seven inches deep. True, this means greater effort on the part of both horses and the man behind the plow, but if ever in the history of the most ancient of all occupa tions there was a time when this extra effort was worth while, that time is right now. The United States is called upon not only to feed its own people this year,- but a gre:it part of warrin Euiope, Wheat may he sold fight here to Asheville mills for almost 82 a 1 ushel. and it is said the farmer.s of Buncombe arc j ludding their grain for 82Ai5 and 82.10. The day when thfy-.long- ed for dollar wheat seems a very long time ago. Corn is keeping pace with wheat, :ind hogs, con sumers of niudi corn,- are ,selling on t^e yocrit'mar'Rel for fourteen cent;^ a pounds; Last year they Avere selling at nine and ten cents a pound. Deeper plowing m.’ans larger yields of corn, which, itfter all, may properly be termed ihestaple of Western North Carolina. The wheat crop of the liiouniains is o; ; minor importance. There is how. : pcssibly for the first time, a mix ture of wheat flour and corn Weal placed on thO market. Waking a still stronger demand on the corn crop; Underneath the four inches of soil, which tlie farmers have been cultivating are the essentals of greater crops, produced at greater efioft, it is true, and which now bids fair to be sold at t ' ■ ..ighest prices ever known in this country. Fanners of Western NorthGarolirii diould this spring, if ever, plow eep,' f^r the de mand to be made upon them for food will be greater tiian ever be fore. FAKMEES!—Iiist a Word, Did you have any wheat killed by the late freeze? If so, why not sow oats on the sarilc land? 'The price of oats is now 82c, to S.^c; per bushbl, and the probability i There is good money in oats be liighthi.s fall; liave you a drill to sow them? If not, we.huve a special proptfsi- tion to make on a DRILL BOUGHT .NOW. \W-. know that p.mes will be higher in the fall. T>17 cxuitracts are at higher figures. We will sell vou one of our L.VTES’I' IMl*RO\ IvD EMPIRE JR. GRAIN AND FERTILIZER DRILLS at present prices on fall terms, the same as if bought at wlu-at sowing time, giving you the use of it this spring for nothing, and probably saving you $.-,()(i to 810.00 in the price- Also hea' i i mind that forty bushels of wheat will pay for a grain drill ntfw, whereas if. took seventy-live to' pay for one two years ago. . , , „ Tisisao-ood BUSINESS PI’COPUSITION FQR BOTH OF US; WIIH. YOU TAKE IT? , Write today for prices and terms on IvarroiVs; Grain Drills,- (-orii Drills, &c. T. S. MORRISON & CO. SO-'Sd PATTON AVE.. Asiievlile, M. C. ■ A Good Old-Fashioned Physic.- tor of the estate of Emeline 1 gi 1,icc.:ase(i, late of the county "f Yancey, N'ortli Carolina, this s to notify all persons having claims against tiie estate to ex hibit them to the undersigned at rnsvilie. N. 6'., on or before the t!i day of January, 1618, or tins ticc will be plead in bar of their •nvorv. All persons indebted to said' estate will please make imediato settlement.. This 15th dav of January, 1-617. S. T. BENNE'r r, Adnv of Fnncliiis Higgins, deceased. for beautiful green law Write for special Lawn circular. CASTOR! A For infants and Childiea. 'i!6 Kind You Have Bears NOTICE. Having qaiified as administra tor of the estate of S. B- Ra, deceased, late of the county of Yancev and State of North Caro lina, this 3 to notify all persons bavins; claims against the estatv t ) exhibit tliem to the under- si'/ned at Pensacola. N. C., on oi before the 22ncl dav of Febrnnrv. 1618. 01 this notice vvill be v) in bar of their recover,-, persons indebted to said estate Will please make immediate set- tl.--meri't. Thb;22nd day of February. 1617. B. B. RAY, Acl'm of'S. E. RAY,- deceased. ther- leet. -ill be heavy rain, snow or (Treensboro has taken steps to secure the hospital that is to be erected soon withui the confines of the 'testorn North Carolina Methodi'-t con(i-rence- The sp'---- ial committee that has in hand the selection of a location will meet in i-aiisbury MarLh 15- So-calied rheamatic pains,- grip aches, lame backv Sore muscles or stiff joints are the re^iult ot overworked, -iveak or discordered kidneys.- E. L; Turner,- Homer,- Ky., writes; “Since taking Fo- i ;y’s Ki-lney Pills I have not been bothered ;-iny more.” Strvngtlen weak kidneys and rid the blood of acids and poisons. Sold every- where; News Direct from the 'War Zoue^ Rev. Francis D. Boyer, of New Bedford,- Mass.,- who preached Sunday at Trinity Episcopal church, Asheville, is just back from two years’ service with the American ambulance corps in France. Mr. Bover, who has been through the gamut of ex periences, sail’s that the ADi- s will surely win, but, like other forecasters, places rio time limn on the "'ar. He declares that the Allies are massing- shells anil guns behind the lines in hraiKe tor a drive that will literMly as tound the world. He says the Germans are faring badly- When t-lie wat first start ed the captured Germans had neat unilurms and go.-id boots, while those taken how have o.iiy rass, and theirsSioes are tliro«,-h] last weak at a raeetinpr ot the to the ground. He has seer F'erest Citv citizens afe prepar ing to petition the Legislature to c.iange tlie county scat of Ruth- er'ord from Rather'‘ofdton to Forest City. The latter place agrees fo bear tlie difference .n ca';t of a new court house and what they can realize from the old one at Rutheffordton. An Hon3S4 Letter From air Hfinest Man. Eftos Halbert. Paoli,-Inti; writes '‘I contracted a severe cold tlii: fall and coughed contiiuinlly. ;Could hardly sl.--p at nights. I tried several rompilic's without relief, Got l''.'lsy’s' Honey and Tar and the first bottle relieved me, curing my cough entirely. I .can recommend it for all coughs.” !(iet the genuine. Bold every-' Foley Cathartic Tablets, wholesome physic, thorough! cleanse the bowels,- sweeten the stomach, tone up the- liver.- For indigestion, biliousness, bad breath, bloating, gas, or consu- pation, no remedy is more litgh-y recommended; Do not gripe nor nauseate. (Ave stout persons .i liglit,-free feeling. Sold every where. Plans for launching a State wide campaign next year to raise Sit endowment fund of 81,666,000 ,or the Baptist colleges and sec- .onclary schools in North Caro lina were formulaied Carrying Babies. (Mo-nroe Emiuirer.) A man in Missouri was carry ing his baby on one arm and stooped down to pick up a spool of thread from the floor and^ he fell over a bucket of coal. Tlie^ baby^ was not hurt, but two of' the man's ribs Were broken. Now that is iust like a man. Why-j a woman can carry a baby on one arm and she can have cm a pair of high heeled shoes that would pile anv man all in a heap, but she can hold that baby and at the same time button her husband’s, collar, make up a bed, take up the j ashes, put a stick of wood on the | fire, dust the furniture, wind thei ciock, pick a pin off the floor, | swat a fly on the back of her; rreck, knock a cat out the milk p.au, J:ake the biscuits o'ut of the stove, draw a bucket of water, shoo the chickens out of the gar den, put a clean rag on a cut Anger,- comb out the tangled hair of the little girl, give the boy who needs it a tlivashing, give a hungry tramp :i hand-out, lie oti a hair ribbon, take down the tele phone receiver, and hang it up when the conversation is over with the other hand and never strain a muscle and it will not lie img in ;id:lition to the things named and specified.that she will be casting her vote and ruling the nation with that free hand. the Sheep and the Dog-- The' f.enqir Topic tells of Caldwell county farmer who’ realized 82'f*.8'i fro’ni a Sheep weighii^' 14') pounds, and the raising ()f Which coi-t not over 85. This The TiipiC submits aS evidence that the farmers should dntl the sheep-raising industry profitable one,”. They are well aware of this fact, but no in telligent farmer in Nortli Caro lina is goin;r to embark in any such undertaking until the Leg islature makes bold enough to pass ;i dog fax hrw. A 83 or 83 taxon every dog would soon fill the hillsides and valleys of Nor U CaioHna with flocks of .-28.86 sheep. Charlotte Observer- Here’s Speedy Relief from Kidney Troubles evi dences of German outrages iP the shape of children with hands cut off, and lias lieard other tales which are two horrible to rel-ife. I'lie Amercp.ri ambulance drivers, .1 ,-:ares, are the mu;,t da:?ng of an,- on the European fle.ds, taking chances that even the h'reiiC'i drivers hesitate to take; They do theif duly under all con ditions, and are Itequeiilly under • ire 'file returned minister i> .‘iilhuiastic on the subject of the war, and declares that his h-elu‘t chat the Allies will win is found ed on the basic facts which can not be gainsaid. Educational Board of the State Baptist Convention. U croup Little Girl Had Croup.- ery mother know'S and fears I. Mrs, R; M. Raney, R. F. Stanford. Ky.; writes; ' .My little girl had croup^ every frw- nights. I began to give her Fo ley's Honey and Tar and that night she slept well, niv-.-r cougn- oiFany, and the next diy her col;, was gcnic. Contains no opiat-. jiSold everywhere- “it too, Kaap. Somo days it seems as iC you can noi longer -bear the pain and misery yoir RUffer from Icidney and bladder-trouble. The ache across your back grows -worse -crith every move you make, and with every stop you take. It not only roba you of all your strength and energy, but it affects the other important organs of the body as wcU. Nervousness, head ache, di-sordered stomach, liver trouble, bad eyesight, are only eomo of the con-; ditions that follo-w kidney trouble. Foley Kidney Pills help the sick -wealc kidneys to regain their normal licaitliy state and activity. When they are .again able to do their work effectively, -your system i.s no longer choked and blocked, ■with poisonous- -waste mdt'er. Your symptoms clear up. your weariness. { iiiii misery and weakness go away. ■oley Kidney Pills os.a do you also ‘V heap Of good.” Development in Cheese Mailing. Niii6 cheese factories have bevn C'stablish’ecl in the western part o! North Carolina since work begun ifi 1614. This is one of the most surprising ilevelopments of the whole work of the Animal Indus try Divi.sion of the North Caro- | I'.ca Exjici'iment station. Before the work wms undertaken, tlie whole state of North Carolina Was producing only abcut 30,000 pounds of cheese and this was- made in the homes at different parts of the state. Tiie factories which have been established are now making more than tliat and at a good pi’ofit. A new cheese man has now been put on l-y tlie Agricultural Ex- tesion Service to aiil the develop- _ ^ ^ ment of cheese factories in the NOTICE, mountains of Western North Carolina. If has been fouiul im- Yancev County. | Sip possible tor Mr. F. R. harnhain who is now doing this work lo the animal industry division, to handle the numerous requests that come in. and for this reason .6r. D, R. Noland, a gra:lu:ite of j ^tlcd a; Cornell University and a native , Court ol Yan- of Haywood countv. has been se-I ^-^,y for !ivorce absolute; cured to do tlie Same work '■Vhich [ defendant will lurther j Mr. Farnham is now engaged in. I tukc notice (l-mt he is required to For the present Mr. Noland rs. ;--t; tl:e next term of the n the new short course ‘ Sui.'criur Uo'urt of Yancey Countv makers :uid' wobld-b--- to l)c li’eld o;-; the third Monday North Carolina. Yancey County. Service bv 1 Eva McCourry v TIh dcfcm;;i;- will take notice I abovi Til the ■m-ior ('ourt. ccilion. 1 McCourry. i.ive named cheese-makers.- held at tire M. College, Raleigh. WegtoYt? 'Ni/rth Carolina lu'ni- bsrmeh complain that the (ker- ma-n inrckjrsea'ChmpaigiT 's- play ing havoc with the lumber t'-ade. Every sidetrack Irom Baltimore to Boston- is fi-l!e,4 witli loaded ■ There is a movement on foot in ' hex cars anil it is to CaWwetl counfv to net the far.n-1 itet the ratlroatls to accept a„v ersto stock their farms with a lamihcr for sliipmeiit t i Northern , le'w lieaii of sh ep. A puarter of | or Btistern points, says one' liviir- i- a century ago slieep raising in [ ber dealer.- : this s'*'tion wa’-; profitable,- untu I _ _ _ ' J-—r i-“>s ;»rgaa{tfTo'i*qf Oia i; the hops, tvo.t 1 S t'h,- mo.,, i V3L2Y WONBY PlIS ’.cWh-.-.h bfomo-Quimne ot them are. destroyed the succy. [■'foR .rm bi-adder-i, : ra.if..i-tb-i,. a j» ma after the knit Monday in .March,- next, :it tih, coifrt house in Y’an- Cev courify. N'l.i llf Carolina, and answer or derhitr to the complaint, filed in'said cause'or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re-*' lief demanded irr said comiilaint.- LOUIS ENGITSII.- C.lerk Sm>Frior Court.- 'Chas‘. Hufcliiiis. Attorney I'lr I’kuiitiff.