• ' A, i LYOS & LEWIS, PMshers; mi. 20-40* 39 CHAEItY T0™B ilL .^malice TOWARD NONE; Only Papcr'Publislied in tli's Cr.anly BURNSVILLEs Mi?CEY' OOBSTY? N. Cu JUNE M. i917i $I A lUi THE OLD ’ RELIABLE THE dollar fOU CAN’f AFFORD TO LOSE is th^ doiiaf i'o put in ibis BAnk; . We have thousaiids of such dollars herd.' and yBurs Vifill be in good conSpaiiy--; kbsdlulely safe; ready fof you when deeded; and the oldef" it groWs the more it will be worths TF youT’fe anxious to add-tci .your ia\ing'3i Just iire on a littld bit less. ILbnr EARNINGS are tot so important: Jt’3 the SAVINGS;that make for sufccss: BaMk OF '-YANGEf Bulnsviiife, N. Gi BaM Creek; .Editor E.Tffle' . , Mr. and Mr: children nrrivos*, .r.,-.!, , . ...........j ■ , from Paiiaiiia to Hie sum- pier,at his fathers^ ■Mri E- IT “The Lost Valley;” (Charlotte Observer.) Mr; a,„l Mrs; Cdrl -MriUl snA ‘Ti-r Lost Valley! TLcf •tliilrlren arrire,! last /rilUrsday yet raj,!;-tQjrcos ot the Good, now ''’ — "' t year in .tpe. past, in cvi- iji the mbpntaiqsi Some of these, tokens \y!U.-,be seen for years; some for dll time. In the latter clasSificdtion comes .-the once prosperous North Cove Val ley. it ik klevb.n miles lohg^ atid averdgei lialf.a mile in v;id',lL.;uul tl:e Nprtli Fork of the CdtaiVbd .flows ihrouffh it. It mi^lit well been called Ule Y.’dHey^ of Mr. Charles Mas')jr-T. of Mai'; shall, was the ^uest of.Miss Ber tha,Proffitt Sunday. fiey( and'Mi-s.. Jl S. Mitchell j and. iijtle' daug-htor are visiting I In Statesville. . ’ MiSs Alice Hrofiiit and JittlS ubre'; ElSit Price! aCcDmpiinie'd Edeh. Thirouglloul its length 'by .Misses D'essie W.iv.laster and and breadth in. the golden .il.ar- Th.elma lypffi’u, ret irned to Er- vest days the air vv:is vibfjint wiii last Eridayi ‘ with the i^lear! sTveet notes of a Mr;’and Mrs. R; L.-dloone, of qudil; and the rattle of the^ stpne Burnsville,' sp6nt Sunday with their "daughter Airs,' .smn TiiRo.nl Mr. and Mrs.'Wilspij lOdwards'. from ■Wainpjk.'f, wete; guests at Mr.'JIiram Proflitt’s'Sunclar; •Mrs.' Dr. CllbbS .and little daughter-Evelyn Ray,.'vS visilihjt her mother Mrs.'Sadis at Cane River! ..•Mrs. .Kufqs Wagndf mnd dfeiir'of Statesville,' hil- , - c'-., --M • T' Y it rblifed vallev and nr-'adb?v, field her fathers Mr. I'rank Hensley. l.* i..*.,. ii... 1.. .Mis.s Ruth 'Willi^'iins, *who iiaa b’5%h fisiting relatives on Bald UtifMMti LoftI; at lily pfides oil tile lolidWlng •SutCeis? (State Journal.) Tire, following H;)'eau*tiMM' cs- t.ract is taken- from the sinipf and Tioqhtent ttibiite wfecEEdRo' W. (). Sanudersf paid to. the me'nory of his fatlicf in, his paper,' 'Phe IiKlepdndeiit, of EifeabetlvCity: Creek ,f(?r the past .^fl^ifee weekS; fefutne'd to her hofffe at Erwin, Tepii.','* Monda3’. She was' accom panied'home^ by'her grandmother,’ Mrs. '.V. Fleiisley. . Dr.';ul9 Airs.' M'; Behnelt spent Sunday in Burn-'Ville. , Bert Higgins;' Les,iie He Re’ece Hoii^^utt an(j‘-*Joh i j.en- nett were out from’ "Bm.isville Suftday;' ’ The CbildrehS' Dry pro'^graiii w’d's very Success.fufly vrin'Tcd out .'hiEt Sunefay .»;ifterno'-'n. . ATtef ..ainst the cradle blade. It -tvas a typibal sebne of. peace land plciity which was but empbasived when the evening shadows begali to lengthen ancJ ^Nature would begin lief gentle work,of .shading dnd tonihg the landscape—the rtellcdte; goesameHike milky blue ill the foreground, shot with the riisset and red and dark .^reoii of btehard, purpling tibeper iis waste of fbek rtiid sand, and there stand far I count diU'man a Success wHcf the exercises the p’ast.r, Rev. .T. ■A puts into more that; ht' S.'Afit'ili'ellpreached a'gO.o'd serj takes out of it. Metisure 1 b)'this mofil A nhmber of ’'-coDle were present.. • — H h ii (t ii •cople were imofby 3j7g, DrclTkfd.gkkss3>7| Woate ilS I Have'd fdvV! Corn Drills and Dis'i g HawdWs # the 0ld Fride;; All ^ kinds of field feifdrfg dnd terb | ™ v/ii-e',. Willteve-Ml car ted IK' fe'rtife'er' ahot#- iSfR of MavEfc ^ & I§e2 nfe' ctrid get- nfy prices beforo g Jast WliatX^^sS^ed. y,.K, ..'11 cori'ip h' 1., , I4 you buy/ 'T biif td sWvdf Ck R/ WlLSONd .. .. ^ ! will bs at the BurnsVllle station 4^ through the season fgf. juir* pbS''2 of buying.' TAM' BA-R-Kf I WILL' PAY CASH fdY same ds unloaded from 'Wagons,- Write roe for infoi'nMtioit.- Gt M,. GARDANDy Burnsviff#,. NGv ■iis’ure 1 b)' this standard, my father,' who died St Week; was cue of the greatest successes I have eVer known,'. ”havS ever knohvn- Hi's whdld [:'ricss,_ backa-rho, life |W:is f. SHcrifl'ce; He subri'-t‘'^J.^''”'kP' aijment' tice^l h'is bbvlfc6‘d dhd' b'is youth niiose tfoublen as their’ )t because ^1 a despera'tdstruggle to support they are women, when the ai hid wid’owecl mother Sji'- a sinall farm;' Hie vt^hole fife friim'ch’ild- Jiood to t'he grav*a succession of sacfilices.' I have lisvcr known the time when he wa-^n't sifp- ■porthig one or more familfes' be sides his own a'lid' I hhve never known tlie ti'iiie when hS was ihnore t’h'an able to p'royide for liis ow'ii fani’D’.' We oftbri' Scoldccl hiiii'Wheh h^ gave Ill's last .dollar to help Som^ Other fiCfcr'tuna'te ' tflorta!'arid hie tJwn'feet vvere 6.1 Iti'.e groii'nd. But b'e never e;:- [ pla'inbd';' never ab'bl6gir''ed'- . He ! coiild'hot live'for himsd'f alo'ic. I He lY'air possessed of the divine impulse to yis’t the SicE and' im prisoned*,' to'' feed tli'e h'ungry, ■clothe th'e lidk'ed;' comfort the fatherless add' do. good' in the narnb Of H'iin whom' he I'Ove i. He loved* Hi's family, his' Go 1, his country and'his'feflo’i^f liih'n.' ff lieli'ad'ahy hate in hi's heart pt was for the liar,' tli'e' hypocrite and the eiiemy of mail'a'tid'deiiibc- r'ac'y.' When the greatest of at' earth ly adventures—death'—was before him lie w'as not afraid';' Hd Said he had buf one ttgret, that he 'could ribt ILve to do''trioi ^ for' his' vihiliiren; “I beiie'ye Jcould leave 'diirgs in a little bette't .yliape if ■1 had'a fey/mor^ yeefr'S.'" 'I hat mart is indeed' a success and fortunate who can merit and , receive sucli a tribute as tliis when '.his task is done. rind vineyaid bafck Into the^.re- t'essesof the lulls; when the dron ing of the btes died .down with fhe nearer-coining notes of the aiigeliis Of the tarm—the tinkling bells in the lane, and .eventide cldsiiig iri over the paStofal.' But for the North Cove Valley the golden day; like this idyll, is ended. Th'e valfey is a desblate Here houses which , were saved through the occ ntricjties of the current, but they suf-'ive amidst desolate sur- ro'undi’lgs-' Th'e Gees) the fences, orchafcTs rintl pastures,' together wftli the fifty hoUses, t'hat liad been scattered^among them have vanished never to' fetLini, for the river has beeii so shd.rply increas- 'ed as fo.preclude hope of the soil TV.'b''cViliVyi^'.Hi’"".’‘ddjcU\!LW’t along lies f” •cpt The McGormck Binder Saves' DbVvtt ffiEud Taaglef} Grkin it cdAies to ciftting extremely slrort grainy ^ cjr; grain that ih tangled'. Fin'd lodged, a$ ydvirl^, .Sfibri hthdeV irTyst liave fexchjjtidrially rigid reel with a wide range;of adjustment. The bh the MdCot’iAlbk binder can he adju,sted very ciosb tb,|he ,y:uard.y',yQ .Ibat,- the operator .can fqrce short grain,.or gram, tha^.-ys. lodged a’id tangled, on to the D^'atfpfih,- Canvas*.... X!lere,. jh^never dny acchhiiila' pon, bt grain ih frbnt of the enUoy bar* • No matter how badly .the gtSih is McCoVmick binder picks At Up and binds it all.. i the worth of a test.' Come ih ‘ It is the.\ihf^oj‘a.bl4.{^eA^dh that tries binder. The fefart'd§ the' ■ Ithd let s talk* if over- T. S. MORRISON & GO. .?o'-S4 t'A'i'TdN iVVE,; AsheVille, N, C; Meaning of $1,030,000,000. NOTl'cE'; m'enfs'mny be fhe resul'u of dis ordered'kidneys.'^ Mrs. Mary V.' Bimkef; F^rifo'n-o’n-t Ife-IIudsPn; N.' i:,, writes of Foley i\ion Fiflsf ‘‘.Just .what r imcded.’ Sbld'evefy where. In Oklahoma;' While strdilin.g down loye’d silvdM' ^ivSr as they gafhefed' the [sinberims' ffom' the lilacs rin.cl ;(lnll'odils. arid t.he incl'pdy pf lo'Ve’s ; sweet' song tilled' . t'h'eif every idreajn, fh'ey Saw the vision of letef^aF blis5 And United i'n' the h.ol^’ bonds* of liiatTitncmy.''—Byais .Enterprise.' ' HaS'Hatl Beiieficail Results;' A'niati not treafing hiipeH fairly w'h'en he nfeglects bacUaCli.e, rlieUm'afic paiiisf dizzinbss,' still joints,' spfc , rriuscles,' of ot'nei" gj'ihptomS' 6f kidney of bladder trouble.; Is'aac B. 'I'urmdii,' :‘Z77 Yyashingtoij A.y'e., AsIibUr.v Park, •fr. J.;' writes; '.‘I used Foley fCidne.v Pills.and half the iriost I beneficial , results irom same.” ^J'old everywhere. Th^Propei VIfw. Nobody Should let the idea sink iiild fits iiead'that Giefe will, bv 'liard lime's iii t his cOimtry. Tfi.er^- 4-^ t ¥' Good For the Little .Ones. Every year sees a - big -uicfease in the d^mrtrtd fo'r Fpley'-j Honey and Taf Cot.kp'ourtd. for couglis,' colds',and'croiip;' J'.' A.' Pafller, Eund^re'n.'In;,-’j/fttes; "I gave my children, .fi^'ed, ty/o arid four ^toFped Kis Back?'ch^f G'eoroe r/awfonce,'railfoact Fre- inait, Kittreli; Mjss.,' writes:' “I used tlirec bottl'es'of i’'o!ey-Kid- ney Pills w'hen i' was so sick I liardly co'uld stay on the engine, and they cured' me. My ba,ck ached III the time;' kidneys acted sluggishf dull h'eadacli;'felt sleepy all the time;''nervous; had to rise many times each' nVght.'” Sold everywhere. Tiie mobilization camp t6 lie cstablidEed' i'n Noftli Carolina by Gcu. iveon'ard Wood may go to ililtiiiofe and' th'e Ooud'try round .ibou't th'ere;' Mrs. George ^W. Vandefbilt' has offeretf Biftmorc to the gove'fnriient lof training .purposes. I't'ioo'ks'as if a'ri'enfife division o'f men v/oulcl come to the State.' Diffefe'it—Swt Satisfactory. Indijjes*'ion causespwbrry, sick lieadriclie bilioo.siiess.'bad tgeath md constrnt distress; W. A. 'NlcRae; Raleigh; G:i writes; ;‘H''oley Cathartic I'ablets cleans,.- mv system thcyouglily and do mot gnPe or hurt al all. .1 find ['them cnrifelv satistactorv a.nd fwonderfuilv drierent and mbre ki-deasanf tUan anv other pill.” . Sold evefvv.dierc. . . Ai,neriGa)y war loa'i of seven thousand iiiillco i d '.liars surpasses the powers.ot the mind,to- grasp. Spent at the rate of .a- dollar a minute it .would take J0,0^ years to dispose of, the jipp.ropriation. f/oancd.at fi, perc.ent thirteen dol- .'ar.'’, pqfiid.ks.E>9fdit„|.^ry seepnd touching the . pi;iiicig;a.h , . Coti- verteci into,, silver, dollar^,, the coined .pieces, laid eiid to. c.pd would reach .more than, four fiMes around the eart'r at ,thc .gyua.tor. I’il.cd on top oL-One another 'Ihese silver do'l’ars would exiciul.nearl) six h.undred miles ' in tlie,.air. .'dade into dol.lof pills, tUc>; wopld (cover acres.. .The, jiiterest 'mtheloap.is gfegtir t.liap the entire ruil'niing' expense;;, of ,the Government.less,than I;al,f ,a pen- tury ago,' whiie,-th,c .amciUnt itself would contlu'ct .fhe.flffairs of .the .lovcr’n'ment for-fiiPy.s^yen years,' on tl|,e basis.qf Hie.a’nriual. expen-, .iitufes for thp.Vast, dccadfe. . . An- otiier aiKl.,i|iore cheerful wM'y of looking at.^hc |Siuiatiun. .is .that, great as tlie loa'i is, the wealth )f the United, St 'sAs fi,-'.'. ■ it anibuiits to tile lending of one North'CardlihtiV dollay out of every , lorty (lollars :of our existing ta igible ■ e.sources. ;A pgnty’.a day save.l by eTery* in- habitant, woqld a I'clthc princi pal witliiil twenL '-ears. Thoin- )is E. Logan, in'' ..e.sHe’s.' North Carulipfi,. I In the j- Yancey County. I Superior Court Dock Gouge vs Julia Gouge. To Julia .Gouge: . .... ^ Ta^e iiiotico, that on t!ie.2.''th lay of Ju,!y, l')17,, at3 o'clock p- :n.„ .the residence of»^iomas iniifs north 61 .'l-'ci:>aq;.one-lKill'jg| and ,011 Bear Creek', ip tl^TCornTty,, of ^i,itc^1e^, apd St.ite of North Carolina, before A. C. T’:iiatef,, ;v Notary Fublic, the undersigned W'i U .take f hr'. deposition ol .Mrs. ■L'lioraas Stewart ap 1 pD.iers ,to be read as evidence for the plaintilT in the above entitld acUon, .which is now pending,, in , GH Shperioj' Court,of "Ya.iicey County, State of North,Card)ina:'and you will fur-, tlier take notice,,',t,hat,i,f tliq iof the.saicT le,position .isMol com pleted b.as'ild daj’., tlie same,, will be continued from day to day' un til completed; .; . ■ , Tins the I’lth davorjune, 1017.' 'DOCK GOUGE, Plaintiff. ■ Wheat Harve""'t in C\ a\vba. is mofb money than',ever b;eh->'re. [ there is more w'ork flian' can" be ’ ,, J .M‘ clo,„ r.ncr tUd .vi,l,df,,*-a! ol mj";'"", ftom IfatF to Hnti The Editor.' .ito.r tells, of an 'aiUe into his ..yV,. . ... ,olhce to suDscribe for the paper. Y L-phe editor took the iiiOuey,' tlien ..-i.c.i , i' . ^I' llie fndiaii v/antecl :i receipt. Tin ft.rns,i innre >™rkioi-tl. ..« «-!» „ „> tiilk Him 6’ut, remain at home. I.f :.s tne. diit.’' ■ .... (lone and' the thousands' men Is to the .iiicev county- ^ , Having be^ti, appointed Admin,- istrator.of theesitti.te of N.-A Mcintosh,* deceased, this js, t ',gi,ve notice to^alLperson^j liavip ,; claims agairist'tlie .estate to pre sent tin- wuu.,. j... ...-o' from this dat.e, btiierwise this no tice .will he plead in bar of claims pr.'seqted; after said, date. All per.sons iiidcht'ed to said, estate_ '!( make imm'ediato .seltiement. This Jdiie 4th, ldl7. , T. G. R;V'Nl>QLPH, Ad'in. N. A. hfcliilush, deceased. O' - , - 1. .. - -f. a',- ,'V .L iZ my children, .ageu two artd lour ■ remain of sensible people tP' loolt facts in the face, instea I of, be- ctmiing alarirfed—-aiid the I’acts indicate pfds'pero'us period in the country.' \''e must do Aur 'lim:ite trade .fel sr 'trite- M D ffitIff N.C,' iramed'iif?^' relief, line witii goed result . .■ery.vhere. fo'df SOlff nd iitdusfry niovi'i Record. - HickOr;' for TOMfilrONlSS m#nimInIs| ReOfe.%ntteg ilr REM BROTHERS, „,1 old f-'eiia'hie .^FtEi.-' organized 1S05.' Our prices'a'fe'ISvYest.' Leitoir Se NortK WUkGsfjGYo^ .hv/ German Casuaitiesi ' London, JtPhe 'F'S.—T^he Gef- nfan c'astf ilites’as'report'e I in the German olHcial casiiali't',' list in Ritf ef a- Lthgcrr' ; Gough. froniii'^-..^ ‘.'LV’-M'! the mon.tli of Ma'/ folio’v .■Kflfed id (lied- of You'caff gef relt'ef from -a'clc- ing, hacking C-)urlis,’ from,. ., ^ ^ w'heezy, snec^'y breathing; from I Til*..-iiiWmett thr.ai a'ld tis-liti.'-doftclre-i, tryin, chest.' M'.' (}. (Hazi'er; Henton- iile," Ark; Indian' insisfe ; On getti tlie receipt. Afifer m'aking it the edrtor y/anted tb’ kiu^A Yfi'Y fi*^ was so'perslst.-iht \yanting* a f-iieip't. Tl'ig , Jfidiaii replied; ‘'M-''life some time'; Go to' big gate and St Peter ask if I have b;en good Imli le. I say yds. He •say did you p'uy your deljts'f 'say ves.' lie .-dy did you p:c' 'edit'or for P'apm-'f f say yes. 11. Wlier6 is* feccifi't ' I ”0 k a'1'1 over lo'a'ei get Indian' bai. to fii'ld y’o'u to Newton, June 17,'—'\Vheat har vest is, beginning this week. The spring lias bepn an ideal one and .the.latest rep'o'rts.coming iii from ilm county arc tli:,it tlie heads, are ;So wi;ll iilled that,the yield is go ing tp exceed exp'ectatiL>ns. Ac cording to the reports; the .\vii..-at will probably be sol,I di''ect froiU • aviv i-'N'i''RY. the thrasher' to the mill. 'i'liis ( >''-L ^ •years’ crop will bca't anything in. J.o'liif,.U., Robinson enters lifty •wheat evcL known in Catawba' acres o'f lolnd iij Yancey, LA^unty,. .county. [North .Carolina, ,in South I02, township,'b'egirin'i'ng'on :i white- , .' •'I oak below tin'old roa.d west of the reports .broug.tj: I YYvise wfiei'e J. H.'Kobinspn now fives,' the bcginiiin'g corner ol, .Grant No. 3517 a'nd runs east with line of said old gr:int IOO poles to John tjui’Hi witli said llalfs !,ine.i>0 poles l(i a slake, in lii.e. lin.c of (Irani N’ln 312‘). grantfid to Josop'li Dobson in 1b02; then west with said line U'u poles; to the rtbrtri-west .corner, of said tract; tfieh west course,wilii the line grant,ii^o. 7T)).fo,the begin ning. Eiritered'this’ 23rd day ol ala), 1' tV; , . , J. H. ROBINSON. 1 get a rece.i'pt,.’ ,'writes': ”1 oa'Y fee- •iiiyI i “'nnieiid Eolev’s' Hbn'Cy a'nil Tat , ... , , - , ., i it fo'r a io'ugh !. R'emember when ybU uf/ed to inds or sickness, 22,(100;' p'fisbffe'rd’ and , . 'FhwffcasHaK'tySaAl) \ ytluy j " i tdhfl.iidcEilJ-PittLr,. itsl. previously reporfed gnv; the •fpl- bnAd i.ie. -old »Ne \ „ leie. : And Weaf 6’u‘t bUgg)'riding Sun- lov^ig totals sffic4the'wA4?r;firng f go tAirtW cheese ftrctblieL eftiy a ftrhob'nsV-Bdkl^li" Glolie. o! the war. ... ,, , , ^ •’'hblLlicd By il'ie A-riiullnral , And bought three pounds of pora- •tensfoA'Service i'll tie vAes'tern 1 for a (luarter'f—New York A\hui j- p.irf of th.e’Siat will ad'.l T'G.tlOO | And .twi'sled )t'nots in your seek ' .nih'd'i of cheese l.- the food siti>- 1 tc Ki. ■: > '' n f'p?- -Adkeii Journal Killed'and drCa o'f wound's or 1 'ickiiesS-; f,6t)fi,l'27. PrrSOfiers and missi'i 537,1 tP; i Actordirig to reports .byoughj o Goldsboro fro'm farnfers ail over t he count)’ the tobacco' . crop, in Wayne i.s looking most promis ing and will be co'i.isiderablv in- creased.over la'^t season’s yield. The farmers ai-e expecting to re- eive high prices for the golden 'veed. Help for BtoHclnat^ Troi^hie Cdugk Wodfrtdecl; 2,7 ” ;'2. Total, 4,'3o6 7b0y riie St'a'te dur'ui r [ eitt- 'f'eai',' th; j inig of flour for sixt'y-tive cents.' 1 “ToleT’S . and Tar.. Cvizwo.'B'nd' acta .a amdlcUia.” ' -'MiC' iV'ii; yRichmefKl',- InfrlfiTvo'cil.. Oalil^-.wiy.t.;—r”! wi.sli-to roGpimnond. FpJjey'c .ilunsy pnd .'ffir.Comnounil as it ha^-steatiyhen'pfUtiid'ria for hronohial, irontile and.-ow(rh; It atta so weU in fiarmoiiy ■wi'th aa-tufe that It ia inora like' ft foGit than n irtedlclne.”- J'iSley','* Jloney.and tTta- Coinpoimd hna' t iiQnd'irfuUy Ajiiick,'wng .or soothing-- an'l the rat? tlykHng surface at, tlio • • tliroat' and -bronchial tubes,, . It', eases . the-.tiKhthess over.Ui.6 che.st, raises, th.e :^hlegni' ea-'iily, and helps the. stubborrr raqklag couyli tliat la so ex- hauBtinff £tjiQ weakening.' .. --.Jji is/the best medicine Jon can buy, and hettep-than nnyfbtng yoij.can make, fof. .cousli':?,. ..dotds.v spasmodio croupi- ■whd,0plng cpnlh. la., fffippo -and hron- cJiiaT couil’fl, ..hoaesepc •;, - , t-trWinS' Ihr.oat anjT, aw^v.. ft tiP^Jij-- It coiit'>lirs oeoentahre Chaflie Kingf'a Duf'Wa'fh* stock br.-)ker, 'iode a! jefse}* bUH into to,'.v.ji gf t,e'L i-^cepnds .to 7 ,','clock and won. a wa^ef of ST'Kl., _ A picnickfng . party ait .Red , Mills,, nea'r SuggYille, pnt up' Hi'e \yager thaf he coiild'ndt make the ctis- ta’nce of twelve, mites i'n three honrsamd'a* MMf.' The farm an-, irn*ai o'f Ed', f^uffitu'a negro, wr.f bo'rfb'Wed.and the.trip niYd'^ Jtit? (ffiSskric'lABisK tecj Sw-madi 3-A'eel-l'verAaive-Bciv.elsReiiiUc*' ■tT

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