LYOK S LEWIS, PubHsbers. CHARltY TOWARD ALL MALICE TOWARD HONE. Only Paper Published ia th? Crusty VOL. 21-NO. 13 BURNSVILLE, YANCEY COUNTY, N. C., JANUARY 4,1918. $1 A YEA/ THE OLD RELIABLE WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU A good Bank serves the whole com- munity—it wants the community to prosper. And that is why we strive to serve each individual impartially— because individuals make the com munity. There is no transaction where money plays a part but what our Service can be utilized. You are welcome to use it freely. BANK OF YANCEY Burnsville, N. C. bank OF^YANCEY Notice is herebr,„i,5„ -ocletslgried Ta» Jollectof has le.lcd upon the scrtbed lands of latl delinouents in South foe Sf"'”®‘ip, Yancey county, Notth Oaroht - -f Biiard of County Co,^ , of Yancey county, ac., , the purpose of coIlij,jj,, tases due tlf said del „ J,, the 7th day of Jauuai, the hereinafter descth/j, pnWic auction at couif 10 liurns.ille, N. C.4, ot 1 o'clock p, m. hand; . / W, H- Penland^ 53"^ 41- cost S2.S0, years i;i4^ lands adjoining NcDowell lands, ot aLs, contatning.(x>a.-fes, Mamie Scott, $9.34; Cost -2,50, years known as .Mamie Scott lanc^^ South Toe township, Yaticej,- county, con taining 100 acres. ThfsDecenlberi5;t;^ ^917, W, A. haul,'j'ax Collector, Be L- H. HOIchiNS, Dept. Tax Collecteir Ready Kow at Oi prices. Fresh lots of FoTA^jj Honey and Tar Compound at feefore-the-war prices. 'ihiSputs this well-known cough mfetioi-ne, ready to use. in homes a:. )ess than it costs to buy ami mi-' the ingredients yourself, and all' bi'ther and muss is avoit^d.. There is no better remedy for coughs, colds, croup or lagrifpe. Sold everywhere. 1 Old Folks Sotted From Sufferhj 3 NOTICE, I Cm This Is WortnJMoQfiy, North Carolina, I In the Superior' Don't miss'this. Cut out this slio Yancey County, I Court Before'enclose vyith 5c to Foley & Co.^ the Clerk, 2&3S Sheffield Av'e,, Chicago, III., A, S. Hartsell writing'ynuf name and address clearly. You will receive in re-' turn a trial package containing Foley’s Ho.ney and Tar Compound for coughs, cold and CfOQpj Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere. I. K, fxxve, F. B, Vines, Annie L- Weaver, J, E, Cocke, Mattie EllaCocke Wofford, E.K,Cocke, Timothy D Cocke, diaries T>. Wofford, Mrs. Jerry Coche, heir^ at law of F- B- Vines, viz:- W. I, Vines, J. A. Vines, Elias Vines, N. J. Vines, Jack Vines, Carrie Taylor, and husband, Guy Taylor, Mary Onks, arid husband Zed Onks, t,ena Vines widow of F. B, Vines and D. A. Vines, Exec, of F. V, Vines, deceased. , . The defendants above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commen ced in oiif Superior Court before' the Clerk for the sale of lands for partition rfmong the plaintiff and said defendants, said lands being situate in what is known as ‘‘the gorge” in Yancey county. North Carolina. And the said defend- ants-- will further fake notvee that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of ou-r Superior Court, at the court house in Burnsville on tbe 28'tb day ofjan-- uary, 1918,-at IZ o’clock -M, and answer or demurir to the pe tition now on file in this cause or the relief prayed will be granted. This the 31st d'ay Dec., 1917. ‘ LOUIS ENGLISH, Clerk Superior Court, Mrs-. Mary A. Dean, Tauntoff, M erf. In her S7tb year, says^ "I thovg t I Was beyonil the reach of med-icificc, Vut Poley Kidney Fills have proves Ssaf Bcoeficlsl in my case.” 'Mr, Sam A. Hoovev, Eigb Pol*, M.C., Writes: "My kidney trotthlo-ww. Worse at night ar-.d- I had to get tw from live to seven times. Xow I- 5v *ot have to get up at Bight, and con. aider myself tji a truly nofittgJi con- ditlom which I atfrlbuftf to Poley Kid- icy Fills, as I havo' taken nothing else." Mrs. Af. A. SrfdgeA jllohlnson. Mass., says: Kt suffered from kidney ali ments for two years. I ooramCnceJ taking Foley Kidney Pills ten months ago, and tho-ngh I Sm 81 years of age 1 r-cel liko a IS-year-old girl'." Foley Kidney PIUS are fonlc Strengthening and up-b»Ildlre and restore- normal action to th» kidneys ^er. They act ntifckl-y i^hd contalii So dangerous or hasmfuVdrugs, EEAD The State Journal ,] ITeefcfy ^hrror of North Carolina Life BALBIGH, N. C. . Great North Cstroliiia Weekly •.'u.;'?hotl at the State Capital, ?, Ycai-. $1.00 for Sis Mouths. ' -D. 'Vigorous, Clean, Instrnctrve, ’ -i'cv-Iring, Inspiring. Made for fhc •I;-i.:e Circle and also for the Busy Man. :■ .•‘• out you-r own affairs and your own f.-’Ls, You need it. If you do not read- •, you raiss something reall-y -worth -'fhile' ia the- political,- economfc and educational Bfe of 5„uf State. Three months trial subscription, 25 cents. Sample copy free. NOTICE. North Carolina, I In the Saperior Yancey County. | Court Before I the Clerk. D. A Vines and A, S, Hartsell,- rs W. I. Vine?,. J, A, Vines, Elias Vines, N, J, VitieP, Jack Vines,- Carrie Taylor and husband Guy Taylor, Mary Orfks and husband Zed Onks, Lena Vines-,- widow o’f F, B,. Vines and D. A. Vines, Exec, of F. V. Viues, deceased, The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in our Superior Court be fore the Clerk for the partition of certain real estate situate In Yan cey county and what is known as “the Gorge”;-and the defendants will further take nolice they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of o’Ur Supefiot Court in Y’ancev county on .Tanuafy 28, 1918, at 12 o’clock M. and answer 'or demurr to the complaint or pe- I tition which will be filed in said office within the ne.xt ten day and let them further take notice that unless they do so appear and answer the relief demanded will be granted. Given under my hand this the 31st day of December, 1917. L(>UIS ENGLISH, , Clerk Superior Court, 31 60 JO 00 2 00 4 00' 12 00 16 00 4 00 4 50 6 2‘0 500 900 The Orl^ia of Old Glory# Did you ever wonder where the American flag got its nickname “Old Glory?” If you have thought anything about it then the origin of the name will inter est you. Captain Stephen Driver was without doubt, the first man to Christen our flag ‘'Old Glory,’’ He was born at Salem, Mass'., March 17, 1803,- When about to sail front fhall oort in command of the brig Charles D'oggett, in the year 1831, he was pres'ented with a large Amerean flag. As it was sent aloft and broke out to the air Captain Driver christened the beautiful emblem- “’Old Glory,’’ and this was the name he evermore used- tor it. His flag shared with the Cap tain the perils and adventures of fife de-ep, and o-n- his refirement from- the se.a it was taken by him to- Nashville, Tenn., where he made his home and where be died iii lSS'O, Everybody wanted bisfiag at the time of the Civil War, but Captain Ehiver quilted it with h'is own hands and made it into a comforter for is own bed. How ever, when the Federal troops took Nashville the staunch Union captain brought it to the Capitol at Washington, and as it floated from the flagstaff—unquilted again and a real flag, he exclaim ed: “Now that ‘‘Old Glory” is up there, gentlemen, I am ready to die,” At present this sanre flag is fo the Esses Institute, in Salem, Mass, Old SoldierGivegRccaffiitiemlation Gustav Wangelfn, Commander of G, A. R, Post, Ptnekneyville, Ill,, writes: ‘'‘I highly recommend Foley Kidney Pills, which I pre fer to all others I have used.” Foley Kidney Pills give quick re relief from backache, rheuntatic pains, stiff, swollen joints, lan- gurdness, kidney trouble' dtid sleep disturbing bladder ailments. Sold by all dealers. Cliil'’7ea Orj FSS fi.ETCHER’S C ASTO .j. 3A1JBXB'] r>SI xon UO SJ airUCUlIjS S17' Sun Dried Apples Wanted, We are in the market to buy the above, and the prospects are that Sun Dried Apples, good bright quality, will bring good prices. The larger cut and the brighter they are the higher price We can pay. The more fruit that is dried and saved the’ more-money for each neighborhood. We wish to hear from parties who expect to have dried apples to sell so we can place your name on our mail ing list and keep ycu posted on prices. If you want prices write ns at once. S. B. PENICK & CO. INC., Asheville. N. C. ANNUAL REPORT or BEN FFtANKLlN Register ef Deeds rOF? ^ Yancey County r«(5M December 2iid 1916 to December 3rd, 1917 D J Ray reg elec tion 1916 $17 71 R W King court cryer fall term 19l6 j lO'OO >V H Anderson Veg elecfiort 23 SO L H Hutchins judge election 2 00 M C Peterson judge election 4 00 J D Hughes feg election 17 .35 J A filggttts judge eleetiofi 2 OG C I Bowditch judge election 2 00 Edwards & Br^f^ghton Stationery A, H Proffitt feg election T C Byrd judge-election J F Hensley jpi^s election C R Willtaifls’T^i^le'c'tion C C Byrd Feg^e®tiort W H Williams jiKlge election 4 00 J A HannOfft Judge election 2 OO J N Wilson Judge election M W' Anglin Jui;of Ransom Higgins jailor Mira Honeycutt paupef C C Cousins pauper J A Peterson county houie 42 OO Sant Fox court house janitor 2 OO Sam Ray colored pauper S 00 J O Pate pauper 4 00 Alex Higgins blind 2 00 L B Brigg Jail s^ppliefs 27 2& Bert Franklin clefk to board 14 SQ Mira Hcmeycutt p.iujrer ^ 5 00 George Voting repafrirtg Jail and court hemse S 50 J B, Gibbs County physician I2 25 9atn Foxcourt hotfsejanitof 13 00 Sam Ray coloted pauper B 00 J W Benffett bift rendered 3l 55 F D Hensley/or A, Cody 5 00 Ransom Higgins jail fees 22 ^ Ivouis English bill rendered 17 36 J E Evans mer'chandire for county and witness tickets 21 60 iJack Hamby CoY^i'.ty home 42 00 L E Briggs in lieu of claim No. 50 ^ 19' 40 Chas I BoWditch jmlge June election 1916 2 00 Sam Fox Court IfoUke janitor 1500 J B Gibbs County physician 8 60 G B Woody material and fe- pafring court house 74 00 Mira Honeycutt p»aupef - 5- 00 Mrs Tiny Randolph burial expense' Confed. soldier ,L C Thomas ^rial expense of Co-nfederate soldier Ransom Higgins jail fees Z S Hamby county home Sam Ray colored pauper Sid T Ray listing taxes C W Deytoo reg election C C Cousins piup*r two mo ISOO Olivet Pate pauper 8 00 'W O Griffith mein bd'health 4 00 L E Briggs County supplies 600 Eagle pahfiahing Register of Deeds report 30* 00 J E Evans raerebandise for County 24 20 Geo W AagVfit supplies for cPtmly 19 25 F E Fatfptf bounty Farm , Dein for Des., Jan, Feb 120 00 Ben F’raflkTfn clerk to board 12 60 :CC Renfro tkta flle'd and dashed 2 90 R W King C lurt cfyef 10 00 j Floyd Baker repairing Court I house 5 28 Mrs S A McIntosh burial ex pense Confedarate soldier 20 00 Sara Ray Colored pauper 8 OO Geo Roland repairs on court house 412 J W Robinson judge election 4 00 I Mira Honeycutt pauper 8 00 I Sam Fox court bouse janitor 15 00 ; H R Peek judge election 4 00 IC C Cousins pauper ,8 00 Hansom Higgins jail fees 48 47 Alex Higgins blind 6 OO , John Evans work on public roads .3 00 J B Gibbs County physidart 10 75 , S A Laughcerf tkts f and d 2 I5' A B Wright tickets f and d 2 65 ' I. O, O- F, chairs for court house J6 sO Z S Hamby County hottfe 52 90 Zeb Lewis cryer for grand jury J E Evans m’ and tickets filed and dashed 23 30 Mira Honeycutt pauper ' 8,00 C 13 Morgan for inquest 10 00 ^asis Ray colored pauper 5 00 ■ W L Gouge Heu of r’d claim' 22' 75 W H Franklin lieu r’d claim 21 00 J B Gibbs for disinfectants 24 00 Louis English for Dr, Gibbs 6 00 J W Bennett State fee bill Nov. 1916 C C Higgins state fee bill ; W M Ledford stat fv. ’ Ilf 20 00 20 00 36 9.3 43 00 300 20 00 14 00 20 00 30 50 Michael Scheftch state fee bill . ’ Lewis English state fee bill 3 50 LewisEnglt'sh state fee bill 48 78 S M Bennett state fee bill 1 30 C .T Young state fee bill 1 40 M G Beterson state fee Wll 1 25 Jacob Bailey state fee bill 60 A G Wilson state fee bill 1915 8 00 Erlwards & BfoughtOfi Pub. ^ Co for court records 66' McDowell Pub, Co C S C supplies -5 40' S T Bennett Reg of Nov, election 1916 _ 17 71 John Kirsg judge election 2 00 R C' Stout judge election 2 00 David Dailey fee'bill 1916 110 B B Hertsly state fe'e bill 1915 2 3o C' W Peterson state fee bill 1910 60 J O Hensley state fee bill . 75 Pansey Fenland state fee btll 2 05 Kelse Boone for three and-- irons for COUrity home 2 25 T A McKtnffey fee bill 1916 2 40 G M Robinson state fee bill 2 30 Ben Franklin state fee bil-1 1 50 C I Bowditeh state fee' bill 1 80 L E Briggs state fee bill 2 60 J M Hutchings state fee bill 68 VV L hklwards state fee bill 2 10' J P Berttretf tickets f and d 2 lO S D Anstin state fee bill 1 65 A C Green road claim and ^ interest l60' 25 C C Cousins pauper' 9 00 A G Williams s.upt of roads- 17 00 Zeb Ledford supt roads 3 00 Ernest Young tickets f and d 2 65 R D Nichols supt of roads 6 00 J B Whe'elef supt roads 2 00 C \V Burton judge election 2 00 i T Bailey foad claim 5 68 Will Ray road Claim 25 25 Z S Hamby keeping county home 32 40 J F Hensley foad fax I9l6 4 OO Ransotn Higgins jail fees 19 00 Mrs Jahif W Yotihg burial e'^petisc Cotf, soldier 20 OO Tilmoff Higgins fkts f and d 1 80 L E Briggs tkts f and d 38 65 A B Williams road claims 3-3 56 A B Williams road Claims 66 74 O M Wilson lumber for road 4 00 J A Casida foad supt 17 OO D Miller & Son road claims 24 00 J B Gibbs county physician 33.50- Sam Pox court bouse janitor 15 00 Alex Higgins blind, April 2 00 Trustees M E church for damages 247 90 WatTOU WafscTl attys fee M E church 25 00 VV B Wilson damage's 143 78 '.''atson & Watson attys foi W B Wilson 25 00 J R Pate road claims 56 90 M T Bailey tkts f and d 6 60 -J ^i)l Horton road claims 66- 43 The Farmers and Traders Bank for road claims 64 23 J A Watson road claims. 12 32 J E Huskins tk-fs f and d I 90 Will Ray supt road 14 00 Will Ray road claims and interest J63 50 Thos Durreart foad claim 28 00 Floyd Banks and Geo Ro-' land work on court house 3- 9 0 J W Bennett sheriff extra court work 1917 58-96 L E Briggs coffin, robe' and bending for! 26 00 S T Dennett et al-s reg and Judges election 16 00 Mrs M C Honeycutt keeping jury 44 65 Mrs. M C HoneyCuf keeping Mumpower jury 13 00 Ben Franklin Clerk to b’d 21 70 Glen Proffitt road claims and interest 139 80 Glen Proffitt foad claims and interest ' 147 30 H J Fox road claifff 2 OO Ida M Black state fee bill March 1917 6 55 Michael Sch-enefe state fee bill March 1917 27 50 J D Wheeler foad Claims 12 00 Louis EnglLsh state fee bill 50 00 Louis English state fee bill 50 OO Louis Englis-h s-tate fee bill 25 00 Ixfuis English state fee bill 29 74 Geo W Anglin road claims 6 40' W J Waycaster road claim 8 OO Althea Bhu'ford fee bill 1915 1 25 Kennelh Ri-ddle tkts f and d 2 42 Bam Pox-court house janitor 15 00 Bam Ray colored pauper June 5 00 G C Cousins pauper May 8 00 Mrs Rachel Hall burial ex pense Con soldier 20 00 D M McGourry burial ex pense Mira H, 14 65 J G Dpark-s road claim- 3 00 I T Bailey judge election 2 OO Willard McIntosh duplicate copy 17 31 Mrs W S Bryant burial ex pense Con. soldier R-»nsom H-iggins jail fees Geo W Anglin for county s-upulies J B Gibbscounty physician 8- 75 Eagle PubCo for printing 50 copies ot ro id law 16 00’ R E Holloway listing tax Mr. Farmer Buy Your Wife for a Christ mas Present a De Lavel Cream Separator. This will not only lesson her burdens, and appeal to her pride in home sur roundings, hut at the same time enable her to derive more profit from her la bor. This Would be a practical gift, appropriate to the times. MONEY MAKER and TIME SAVER If desired we sell these separators on easy payments. At the present prices of butter, a De Lavel will pay for itself in six months. "WKI-rg fott CAVAtiUSVS, PSICES ASD 'PESMS T, S. MORRISON 8c CO. SS-s-f PAT-FON AV6,, Asheville, N. C. See or Write ^ S. T. BENNETT 1 Burnsville, n, c, M For % TOMBSTONES & MONDMENTS| Representing: . ^. REINS BROTHERS, an old reliable firm, organissed 1895.- Our prices are lowest. ^ Lenoir & North WilkesbolO, N., e T Young’Hsting tax 20 00 \V W Ray JisflUg tax 24 00 J W Hopyef listing tax 19 00 Dave McKinney ro-ad claim 9 87 Thos Robinson’foad claim 15 11 Rich Horton duplicate claim 6 00 O B Young foad claim 18 71 O B- Young foade'laim 31 19 M L bailey foad claim 36 00 W L Ro'binso’n road el aim 63 10 J G Wilson road claim- H M Bailey road claim J GMatsli foad claim’ W Hensley road claim , Gus P Hensley road claim 163 50 Pendef Wilsvn tkts f and (I 1 85 Gus-F Hensley listing tax 16 00 (Gottfinued next week.) 30 00 24 42 6 00 163 50 Catarrh and Colds/ To Be Rid ReKeved How to Check Croup Quickly. There is one reliable remedy for croup'that every mother should know. Mrs. Sweet Clary, Ante, Va.-, writes' think Foley’s Honey and Taf is the best medi cine 1 ever tried. My little sou nearly had croup. I gave him one do$e and it stopped him Coughing in about fi’ve minutes.” Relieves coughs, colds, lagfippe. Sold everywhere.- of y Catarrh a great achievemeiit. people would be Well and happy wete it not fof ca tarrh.- If is worth ten years of any one’^s life to learn how to get rid of catarrh. PE-RU-NA will show you, tttttch gtfkkef than any One co'-Uld! fell you, how to get rid of eafarfh. THE PERUNA CO., ColumbuevObfo Mrs. Emiria Gannon,- l07 £. South St., Kewaneo, Ills.,. wFlfea: "For fiftevn years I had oatarrfT of the head and stomach. I could ha.rdly watlc. My attention Was caned to ‘The Ills of Wfe.' I i%ad It through. Then bought a bottfe of Peruna. I am entirely" well now.' Notice to the Pttblic. ThelaW rOqifiring all- ftOtes to be stamped vfent into effect December 1st, The law p-rovides that notes m'Ost be stamped to the amount of 2 cents fof each onehundr^ dollar's or multiple thereof. The Gov©Fhi®en.t has plac^ these stamps- on sale by every postmiaster. The law also r'eqiiires- that the maker of the note shall stamp-and cancel same himself. Parties having notes in tte Burnsville banks will take notice tti&t- tbeV shottld call upon their respective postmasters for stamps, afhx the stamp- to thei notes before sending- them to the baflk for' renewaL BANE OF YANCEY, CITIZENS BANK, ^6tlt ^jfor mtf uiife"