i 1 i .7 y THE EAGLE. LYON & LEWIS, Publishers. CHARITY TOWARD ALL-MALKE TOWARD NONE. Only Paper Published in the Coafltp VOL. 21-NO. 14 BURNSVILLE, YANCEY COOtfTY, N. C., JANUARY 11,1918. $1 A YEAR THE, OLD RELIABLE WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU A good Bank serves the whole com munity—it wants the community to prosper. And that is why we strive to serve each individual impartially— because individuals make the com munity. There is no transaction where money plays a part but what our Service can be utilized. ^You ^are welcome to use it freely. BANK OF YANCEY Burnsville, N. C. BANK OF YANCEY NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thit the undersigned Tax Collector has levied upon the following de scribed lands of tax delinquents in South Toe township, Yancey county, North Carolina, by order of Board of County Commissioners of Yaiicey county, and will for tbe purpose of collecting the ta.^es due by said delinquents on the 7th day of J,inuary, 1918, sell the hereinafter described lands at public auction at court house door in Burnsville, N. C., at the hour of 1 o’clock p. m., forj cash in hand: W. H. Penland. Tax $32.41; cost $2.50, years 1914, 1915, 1916, lands adjoining McDowell lands, et als, containing lOO acres. Mamie Scott. Tax S9.34; cost $2.50, yearvS 1915, 1916, known as Mamie Scott lands, in South Toe township, Yancey county, con taining 100 acres. This December 1st, 1917. W. A. HALL, Tax Collector. By L. H. HUTCHINS, Dept. Tax Collector. Ready Now at Old Prices. Fresh lots of Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound are selling at before-the-war prices. This puts this well-known cough medicine, ready to use, in homes at less than it costs to buy and mix the ingredients yourself, and all bother and muss is avoided. There is no better remedy for roughs, colds, croup or lagri ^pe. Sold everywhere. NOTICE. . North Carolina, ] In the Superior Yancey County. | Court Before I the Clerk. A. S. Hartsell 1. R. Love, F. B. Vines, Annie L- Weaver, J. E. Cocke, Mattie EllaCocke Wofford, E.R.Cocke, Timothy D. Cocke, Charles D. Wofford, Mrs. Jerry Cocke, heirs at law of F- B- Vines, viz; W. I. Vines, J. A. Vines. Elias Vines, N. J. Vines, Jack Vines. Carrie Taylor, and husband, Guy Taylor, Mary Onks, and husband Zed Onks, Lena Vines widow of F. B. Vines and D. A. Vines, Exec, of F. V. Vines, deceased. Cut This Out—It Is WorthjMoney. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in re turn a trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound for coughs,-cold and croup; Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere. The defendants above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commen ced in our Superior Court before the Clerk for the sale of lands for partition among the plaintiff and said defendants, said lands being situate in what ia known as "the gorge” in Yancey county, North Carolina. And the said defend ants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of our Superior Court, at the court house in Burnsville on tbe 28th day of Jan uary, 1918, at 12 o'clock M. and answer or deraurr to the pe tition now on file in thia cause or the relief praved will be granted. This the 31st day of Dec., 1917, LOUIS ENGLISH, Clerk Superior Court-. There is one reliable remedy for croup that every mother should know. Mrs. Sweet Clary, Ante, Va., writes: "I think Foley’s Honey and T.ar is the best, medi cine I ever tried.’ My little son nearly had croup. I gave him one dose and it stopped him coughing in about five minutes.” Relieves Coughs, colds, lagrippe. Sold every where. NOTICE, North Carolina, t In the Superior Yancey County. | Courf Before 1 the Clerk. D. A Vines and A. S. Hartaell, Mrs. Harr A. Bean, Taunton, Mass., Sn her 87th year, says: "I thousht I was beyond the reach of medicine, but Poley Kidney Pills have proven most beseflclal in my case.’* Mr. Sam A. Hoover, High Point, N. C., writes; “My kidney trouble was worse at night and I had lo get up from five to seven times. How 1 do Sot have to get up at night, and eon- aider myself In a truly normal con dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid ney Pills, as z have takes nothing else.” Mrs. M. A, Bridges, HobUison, Mass., Says: 'T surtered from kidney ail ments for two years. I commenced taking Foicy Kidney Pills ten months ago, and though I am 61 years of age, 1 fee! like a IS-year-old girh” Foley Kidney Pills are tonic, Strengthening and up-bulldtnft ana restore normal action to the kidneys and to a disordered and painful blad der. They act quickly and ooataia bo dangerous or banoful drugs. BEAD The State Journal 4 JTeekly Mirror of North Carolina Life BALEIGH, N. C. The Groat Kortb Carollag Fublishod at tk9 State Capital. $2.00 a Year. $1.00 for Six Mostbs. Terse, Vigorous, Clean, Instnictrvc, Entertaining, Inspiring, Made for the Home Circle and also for the Busy Man. It’s about your own affairs and your own folks. You need it. K you do not read it, you miss somethiHg really worth while in the political, econondc and educational life of your State. Three months trial subscription, 25 cenls. Sample copy free. W, I. Vines, J. A. Vines, Elias Vines, N. J. Vines, Jack Vines, Carrie Ta3’]or and husband Guy Taylor, Mary Onk$ and husband ZedCtaks, Lena Vines, widow of P. B. ^Vines and D. A. Vines, Exec, -of F. V. Vines, deceased. The defendants above named will take notice fhat an action entitled as above has been com menced in our Superior Court be fore the Clerk for the partition of certain real estate situate in Yan cey county and what is known as “the Gorge”; and the defendants will further take notice they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of our Superior Court in-Yaiicev county on January 28, 1918, at 12o’cJoek M.-and answer or detnurr to the complaint or pe tition which will be filed in said office within the next ten days, and let them further take notice that unless they do so appear and answer the relief demanded will be granted. Given under ray hand this the 31st day of December, 1917. LOUIS ENGLISH, Clerk Superior Court. The State everywhere has ex- perienced-the worst cold, snowy 'eather in many years. Zero weather is mpjst uncomfortable in this section. How to Check Croup Quickly. The Register of Deeds of Bla den county reports that there has been more mortgages cancelled this fall than ever before in the county in any two seasons. There must be some money stirring. Old Soldier Gives Recommendation Gustav Wangelin, Commander of G. A. K. Post, Pinckneyville, Ill., writes: 'T highly recommend Foley Kidney Pills, which I pre fer to all others I have used.” Foley Kidney Pills give quick re- relief from backache, rheumatic pains, stiff, swollen joints, lan guidness, kidney troubld and sleep disturbing bladder ailments. Sold by all dealers. The old year just passed was one of general prosperity in the Old North State. There were more automobiles, higher prices for cotton, tobacco and foodstuffs, and the people practicing enono- my in order to win the war.' Extra Work For Women. War conditions try the strength of women. The overworked wo man in home, office or factory, will find in Foley Kidney Pills a ready relief from Kidney trouljle, backache, headache, rheumatic pains, stiff joins, swollen muscles and that awful tired feeling. They assist nature in restoring strength and vitality. Sold everywhere. Ohil".’en Ory FOR FLETCHER’S CASTO RIA |1!,L 3U|mn^=OIilO.J| OAjJBXU" aS JO xoq a.is/S Ro ct sJtiscuSjf: 614 ANNUAL REPORT BEN FRANKLIN Register of Deeds FOR Yancey ^unty FROM December 2nd 1916 December 3rd, 1917 (Continued from last week) Sun Dried Apples Wanted. We are in the market to buy the above, and the prospects are that Sun Dried Apples, good bright quality, will bring good prices. The larger cut and the brighter they are the higher price we can pav. The more fruit that is dried and saved the more raonei’ for each neighborhood. We wish to hear from parties who expect to have dried apples to sell so we can place your name on our mail ing list and keep you posted on prices. If you want prices write tiS at once. S. i;. PF.Nl'JIv A CO. INC., Abh-ivilk’.N.C. Mrs Calvin Gibbs burial ex- - pense Confed. soldier $20 OO S M Hensley road claims 47 74 J W Wilson road claims 15 OO Ellis Williams c jjUng jury list • ’ 2 00 J Rich Robinson r^^laims 94 73 W M Ledford »tate«e bili March 1917 ' 75 Louis English fee bill J W Higgins vs Yancey county 7 60 Ben Franklin clerk to boad 13 20 Sam Fox courthouse janitor 15 00 Z S. Hamby keepinjtjcounty home Mav and June 74 OO D C fiyrd road claim 7 flO J C Byrd state fee bill 1917 1 lO Claris Cousins pauper June 8 00 Sam Ray paper July 00 J W Horton tkts f and d 2 90 J H Edge road claims 16 OO Horace Edge road claims 12 00 T C Byrd road claims 40 00 A H Proffitt supt roads 15 00 J M Proffit wo k a d ma terial on roada 8 PO Alex Higgins blind two mo 4 OO J M Proffitt work and mate rial on road 9 00 M P Courry road claim 2 05 Mat Bennett road cla'im 9 00 Robert Edwards tkts filed and dashed 5 20 C L Edwards tkts f and d 5 20 Ransom Higgins bearding pauper _ ^ lO’OO V/L Bennett road claims 16185 J B Wheeler road claim 16 00 S L English books and sta tionery for CSC office 109 33 F E Batton for expense of County Farm 197 48 G G Roland work on jail 7 00 Steve Collis tkts f and d 2 05 C R Wilson oil and paper 70 J B Gibbs county physician 8 SO W A Hall for lieu of road claims 87 25 J W Bennett'^cutting down •' still 20 00 J A Casida lieu road claim 30 00 J M Edwards lieu road claim 2.S 00 J B Hensley CSC fees 10 10 M Cl Honeycutt CSC fees iO 10 J J Wheeler road claim SOO W Hensley for pension board 4 00 W Hensley for pension board 4 00 J B Gibbs county physician 38 00 R W Horton road supt 36 00 John B Wheeler tkts f and d 2 85 K L Young road supt 40 40 J Hughes pension board 4 OO J W Hall for C C Cousins 8 00 M A Whitson road supt 39 35 J D Briggs for roadicl^iims 28 OO S S Peterson Jr. roltd supt 31 55 D L Allen road claims 3 00 Sam Ray colored pauper 5 00 Ben Peterson road sppt 22 75 W A Randolph road supt 38 10 J|M Proffitt road supt 37 39 J M Proffitt roadlmaterial 7 % Garrett Edwards road supt 22 90 N Angel road supt 38 70 W N Ayes road supt 36 25 L C Thomas road supt 24 OO A B Williams road claim 9 00 J W Wallace road supt 20 00 W C Murphy woik on jail 3 50 W M Young^idonation on foot bridge 17 10 Will Ray road supt 17 10 C W Allen.road supt 18 00 Weizie Fox,lor setting stud posts 3 50 Ransom Higgins jail fees 5 40 J C Byrd road juror 2 65 R D Nichols road supt 7 25 Alex Higgins blind 2 00 J M Proffitt donation on foot bridge lO 00 Sam Foxcoort bouse janitor 15 00 Ransom Higgius jail fees and lumber 18 60 Z S Hamby for keeping county home 34 00 Jas A Casida supt roads 40 00 M N Anglin state fee bills 18 15 Louis English sec’y pension board and court supplies 23 86 J W Bennett state fee .bill Spring 1917 63 85 A N Melton state fee bill Fall 1916 3 lO F E Patton as Farm Uemon- o’ostrator to August 187 50 Lat Evans fees fall farm 1916 1 60 Mack Evans fee bill fall 1916 1 60 W M McIntosh tkts f and d 3 40 A B Wright tkts f and d 2 90 E ii McMahan state fee bill- March 1917 180 Ben Franklin clerk to board 2b40 S T Hens!.-y tkts f and d t S J 1 J _ii roA'X swpv 42 .k. Sam Fox court house janitor August 15 00 Alex Higgins blitld 2 00 A Hall Johnson atty for road claim No 1157 issued by board of road com. to A Hall 1938 15 J W Bennett jail expenses 4 85 J W Bennett waiting on court August term 1917 25 OO C C Cousins pauper Aug. 8 00 Ransom Higgins jail fees 62 00 Dr I L English road claim 100 00 Ransom Higgins board of Mrs J W Horton 9 20 J W Howell duplicate for road claim _ 30 00 J E Evans mefehandise for paupers and CSC office 18 ^ J B Gibbs county physician 17 75 Asheville Motor Sales Co for Road Truck 6017 00 J W Bennett for Lindey School 5 00 Citizens Bank funds to oper ate road truck 1000 OO L H Hutchins listing tax 24 00 J.ohn D Peterson road claims 91 OO Sam Fox court house’janitor 15 OO C C Cousins pauper Sept 8*00 J E Evans supplies -for road Burnsville T S and jail 40 01 J M Proffitt supt road Aiig and Sept 17 60 Sam Ray colored pauper 10 00 G W AngiitT road supplises Burnsville township 12 36 W S Renfro for lumber 65 24 Z S Hamby keeping county Home 68 65 J B Gibbs county physician Aug and Sept 41 75 Eliza Thomas pauper 5 00 IvOuis jlnglish for estate of RB Anglin , 20 00 Ransom Higgins jail fees to Oct 1st 81 70 J G Arrowood state fee bill Nov 1915 4 50 S C Blaninship listing tax 24 00 Jesse Howell tkts f and d^ 4 40 J H Roland road judgment 246 37 L R Carter road judgment 186 82 W Z May and Jane Pender road judgments 186 82 R W Wilson bill of cost . against the county .i 111, 00 H A Whittington road claim 75 60 J R Shepherd road claim 10 §0 A D .M asterts road claim 50 00 S E Roland road claim 28 30 Gibbs heirs road claim. fl58I7 kex Bvrd road claim 34 25 Ben Franklin clerk to board 20 OO T A McKinney delivery of two s.fi'lis 40 OO Geo Gardner work on road 1 00 J W Bennett bringing Troy Taylor trom Tennessee 32 70 C RHvrd .road claim 11 90 W M Westall road supt 51 95 W M Simmcrns tkts f and d and one (lay as commis’r 555 R L Young roadisupt 35 60 Gaston Angel officer of grand jury 10 00 S S Peterson Jr road"supt 25 SO Bob Harris tkts f and d 4 95 Jas Casida roadlsUpt 25 75 Nate Boon wood iof court 2 50 R W Horto.n road supt 32 SO C C Cousin&’pauper Oct 8 00 J B Gibbs county physician S3 75 N L Ang&I road,^»upt 43 00 J E Evans mdse and tickets fi ed and da: h d 26 90 L A Butner keeping jury 6 50 Willard Randolph road supt 33 00 Garrett Edwards road supt 26 00 Sam Kay colored pauper 5 00 r B Bailey tkts f and d 3 10 W C Edwards road supt 30 50 Sam Fox court house janitor 15 OO Alex Higgins blind 4 00 Raiiisom Higgins jail fees for October 119 00 ^T M Thomas tkts f and d 2 55 Z S Hamby county home 42 90 Bank of Yartcey funds to rock and sand roads in Burnsville township lOOO OOO W C Murphy repairs on jail 6 50 W M Hughes road supt 21 20 WH Silver tkts f and d .2 60 J A Plannutn dynamite for public road 16 40 F E Patton expense to State Fair 30 00 W H Woody tkts f and d 1 55 J M Lyon per diem as coun ty commissioner for 1917 75 15 W S Edwards as cofinty commissioner for 1917 69 60 Edwards & Broughton record and tax books 82 47 J A Hannuin per deim and mileage as commissioner 78 20 Ben Franklin making tax books for 1917 as follows: 11 townshio books, two tax ledger and 11 receipt books 428 76 Den Franklin clerk to board 9 00 Louis English witness tees for W. M Ferguson and Dave P 6 40 .1 E Evans road claims 183 99 J M Lyon for road claims 99 30 Grand total $20,519 59 Tbe above amount of -«ounty aiiiis Were issued lur tne loi- j lowing fn-wii; To the Farmers of W. North Carolina Be Prepared For 1918 From “Power Farming;.” If we could see our cuatoniers individually and ask then! whaC preparation they were making for carrying on their farm work next year, we would probably find that many of them have thought little or nothing about it Perhaps vou feel that it is too early, that you have practically all WifilSr to think and plan; and, therefore, you do not need to hurry particularly. But is it too early ; have you got three or four months to pre pare at your leisure? Positively hot; if you prepare as yoi^ should. Furthermore, every farrper has both a patriotic and an economic duty to perform that demands action on his part right now. We must consider how a delay or failure to our duty will affect other interests. Your prepartion consists principally of having on hand and ready for use the supplies and equipment you w'iH need, especially seed, fertilizer, and implements. It is not too mu2h to say that, taken as a whole, the most important of these are the implements. For several months back We have pointed out to our customers the possibility of an implement shortage next season. This possi bility has now become a certainty. Just how serious the shortage will be is, of course, not yet khown; but if we were farming, know ing what we do, we would most certainly do what v/e are advising our custmers to do in this article. And that is, we would lose no time in placing our orders for what implements we would neea next year. In normal timers this is rot necessary. But these are anything but normal times, and it becomes a patriotic duty this year to order early. It is one of the many ways in -Which the man on the farm can “do his bit.” If everyone vVould place his order now, it would help manufacturers and dealers greatly to guage the demand for implements for next season, and especially to make known to those in charge of priority matters at'Washington their needs^ for mate rials. The man on the farm must realize that the day of an over production of farm implement is past, imebably for ever,- and that, in addition to an actual shortage, the price must of necessity be high. And what is more, the price will continue to be high for some time to come. But if our patriotic and our economic duty is indi-- viduaiiy reali7.ed—if it is, as it should be, our first tbought->-We will not permit the mere matter of price to stand between us and the equipment we need to carry on our businoss mos t efficiently and economically. In view of the jmpleme-nt-ahortage and as a matter ef goo J farm ecopmy, -w’e want to urge a careful inspection of the implements at present on the farm. Perhaps some of those which you thought had reached the limit of their usefulness and which had be dis carded for further use, could possibly be overhauled and repaired so as to give fairly good service at least for another season. It is ad-' visable to do this wherever possible, not only for economic r asons, but also becausie irwill Kelp greatly to .elieve thofitagd of equipment next year This irepairing of Worn-out or discarded implements should be attended to as soon as the farm woi-k slacks up, so that the repairs may b© made in piety of time. Delay in this respect is decidedly inadvisable as it may take several weeks in some cases to get the repair parts needed. In prep_aring for 1918, the ^ct that the labor shortage will be' more serious than ever will unquestionably be the biggest problem for the man on the farm to solve. It ic not only extremely difficult, as well as impossible, in a large percentage of cases, to get the labor needed to carry on the farm work, to say nothing of the quality, but farm boys are being drafted into the\ military service. This will I'esult in placing many in a serious situation. And yet our patriotic duty demands that we Work harder than ever, and that we use every means st our disposal to offset this shortage andjnot only keep our production up to normal, but to increase it if possible. The labor situation is so serious and the demands upon the man on the farm for increased production are so great that the labor- saving possibilities of farm implements will be considered more seriously than ever. And in prepaaing for 1918 a great deal of thought and study should be given to the matter of how labor can be saved and how the labor shortage can be offset by using maciiines and implements that reduce the amount of labor required. Anticipating the shortage in implement and the difficulties and delays in transportation, we have bought large stocks in all. lines in advance; are prepared to supply our trade while they last. We urge every one to order early. You will save money by doing, so. and possibly not be able to get what you need later. Write at once for information and prices of anything you will need this spring and summer. T- S. MORRISON & CO. 80-84 PATTON AVE., Asheville, i. C. See Of Write S. T. BENNETT Burnsville, n, c. -:c- For Va TOMBSTONES & MONUMENTSlI Representing REINS BROTHERS, an old reliable firm, organized 1895. Our prices are lowest. Lenoir & North Wilkesboio, N. County expenses 6,252 85- Boad Truck Complete 6,017 OO Expense in operating truck and rocking roads 2,000 00 I wish to state right here that taxes should be much lov/er for 1918 as the levy for 1917 is suffi cient to meet the above amounts, I, Ben Franklin., Register of Deeds and Clerk Oi'the Board of County Coinmissioflers. do lieri'’'-: certify that the n’. r--: is k t'ej fep-.rt I:i4; eiaons issued h\ tli : ending December 3, 1917. BEN FRANKLIN, Register of Deeds and Clerk to Board of County Cooirais- sioners. CASTOR I A- Tor 'b Kind '?B!iHav9 Atesss Bsags:

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