THE BURNSVILLE EAGLE VOL. 25 BURNSVILLE, N. 0., FRi:.)AY, AUGUST 10, 1923. NO. 10 CALVIN COOUDGE NOW IS PRESIDENT Takes Oath of Office at His Father’s Home in Vermont and Hastens to Washington to Assume Duties of Chief Executive. HIGH SPOTS IN COOLIDGE’S CAREER Bom July 4, 1872, at Plym outh, Vt. Graduated from Amherst col lege, 1895. Studied law North ampton, Mass. Married Grace A. Goodhue, Burlington. Vt.-, 1905. Councilman of Northampton; city solicitor; clerk of courts; chairman Republican city com mittee, 1899 tp 1904. Member general court of Mas- cliusetts, 1907-’08. Mayor of Northampton, 1910- • 1911. Member state senate, 1912-T5. President of senate, 1914-’15. Lieutenant .governor Massa chusetts, 1916-’17-’18. ' Governor of Massachusetts, 1919-’20. Elected vice president of Unit ed States, 1920. IVashington.—President Calvin Coo- lldge has succeeded Warren G. Harding. He Is the thirtieth president of the United States. He is the sixth vice president to succeed through the death of the presidents The five other presi dents were William Henry Harrison, Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield and McKin ley. ' Calvin CooIIdge took the oath as President of the United States at Plymbijthy Vt., at 2:47 a. m. Friday, Augustus. The ceremony took place In the living room of the residence of the new President's father, John C. •Coojrldge. The oath of office was ad ministered by the father, who is a no tary public. The text of the pfesiden- liiil (ratti had toea ';e)ephcmed -to Mr. ■ Coolidge at Plymouth from the White House. Statement by New Chief. President Coolidge received the news of the death of .President Harding and of his own elevation to the presidency at ten minutes- before midnight, stand ard time, Thursday. Mr. Coolidge received the first news through telegrams from George C. Life Story of Warren Gam^. iiel Harding PRESIDENT CALVIN COOLIDGE ChiLstian, Jr., secretary to President Harding. Mr. Coolidge issued the following statement: “Reports have reached me, which I fear are correct, that President Hard ing Is gone. The world has lost a great and good man. I mourn his loss. He was my cljief and my friend. It will be my purpose to carry out the policies which he has begun for the ser\-ice of the American people and for meeting'responsibilities wherever they may arise. “For this‘purpose, I shall seek the co-operation, of all those who have been associated with the President during his term of office. Those who have given their efforts to assist him I wish to remain in office, that they may assist me. ' ■' “I have faith that God will direct the destinies; of our nation.” The following telegram was sent to Mrs. Hardlni":' "Plymouth, Vt., Aug. 3, 1923. “Mrs. Warren G. Harding, San Francisco, Cal.: We offer you our deepest sympathy. May God bless you and keep you. '.“CALVIN COOLIDGE, “GR.\CB COOLIDGE.” Message Tells of Death, The telegram announcing the death of the President was ns follows: "Palace hotel, San Francisco, Cal. Aug. 3, 1923.—Mr. Calvin CooIIdge, Plymouth, Vf.: The President died. In stantaneously and without warning, while conversing with members of his family, at 7.:30 p. m. His physicians •eport that death was apparently due to some brain embolism, probably an apoplexy. “GEORGE B. CHRISTIAN, JR., “Secretary." Tills telegram was brought to the Coolidge home at Plymouth Notch by . A. Perkins of Bridgewater, who ■ns the telephone line running from Bridgewater to Plymouth. About five minutes later newspaper men arrived in Ludlow. A drive of thirty miles through the mountains brought them to the Cool- idge summer home. Mr. Coolidge and Mrs. Coolidge had retired about an hour before the death messages were received. Ten minutes after the arrival of the newspaper men Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge came downstairs into the sitting room of the Coolidge horned Jlr. Coolidge was dressed In a black sack suit and wore a black neck- Mrs. Coolidge wore a black and white gown, white shoes and stockings. Mr. Coolidge was very pale and showed deep regret for President Harding’s death. He seated himself at a table, while Mrs. Coolidge brought a lamp and read the telegrams he had re ceived. He then called his assistant secre tary, Irwin Geisser, and dictated to him his statement and the telegram to Mrs. Harding. Mrs. CooIIdge Weeps. In the meantime people were arriv ing from all directions. Mr. CooIIdge, seeing the house becoming crowded, gave orders that an adjoining house be opened for use as press headquar ters. Meanwhile, the new first lady of the land sat weeping softly and exclaim ing in sympathy for the bereaved first lady in San Francisco. “What a blow—what a terrible blow to poor Mrs. Harding,” she » -* --.“ShP had had such a heavy Durden, in her own illness, to bear up under—and now this!” 'Finally Secretary Geisser returned with the press copies of the state ments, and pushing back the old photograph album and the family Bible on the center table, Mrs. Coolidge busied herself with the work of help ing distribute them. The newspaper men had scarcely gotten out of sight when another tele graph messenger arrived with a copy of the presidential oath from Wash ington. In the same sitting room with its hand-braided rugs, Its clutter of venerable colonial furniture, its old wood stove and Its family Bible—Cal vin Coolidge received the oath of office from his father, and became America’s thirtieth president. Calvin Coolidge is a quiet, taciturn man, known to his friends as “Silent Gal.” For more than twenty years prior to his election as vice president he had been In political life, starting almost immediately after fihlshing college. Ilis first political office was In the city council of Northampton, Mass., where he had settled. For years he held va rious offices In that city. Including those of city solicitor and mayor; then he was elected to the Massachu- setts house of representatives. Later he won a seat In the state senate and was Its president. Coolidge was lieutenant governor of M.assacliusetts and in 1919 was elect ed to the governorship in the first cam paign won by the Republican party in several j'ears. He was governor for two years. It was during this term he during his term as governor that he first attained nation-wide prominence. This was In connection with the po licemen’s strike in Boston. He took firm control of the situation, ordered the state guard to patrol the streets, and kept down rioting, taking the stand that law and order must be pre sented. The strike was a complete failure. He M’as mentioned as a possibility for the presidential nomination prior to the 1920 campaign, but he made a public announcement that he would not consider the nomination. His nomination and election to the vice presidency followed. Mr. Coolidge comes of a long line of New England ancestors who came to America in 1C30, settling near Wa tertown. Mass. President Coolidge has two sons, Calvin, Jr., and John. Neither he nor his wife has been par ticularly active socially. A man of simple tastes, a thorough student, a hard worker, he is looked' upon by his friends as a clear-headed, solid Ameri can. Although shy, he remains un- ’perturbed no matter how exciting the situation may be. The keynote of his nature Is dependability. In dress he Is conservative, usually the opposite of extravagant, but always immac ulate. In Washington Mr. Cflolidge has been ranked as a clear thinker, care ful in speech, a fair mixer—as aggres- , sive as any vice president can be. Warren Gamaliel Harding, twenty- ninth president of the United States, was born November 2, 1865, on his grandfather’s farm Just outside the village of Blooming Grove, In Morrow county, Ohio. He was descended from two pioneer American families, hardy Holland Dutch on the one side and lib erty-loving Scotch on the other. His father, Dr. George T. Harding, Is still a practicing physician in Marion, 0., despite his advanced age of seven ty-nine years. His mother was Phoebe Elizabeth Dickerson Harding, - Mr. Harding was a self-made man in the best sense of the phrase. He worked on Jiis wandfather’s farm and attended the vRlage school until he was fourteen years old, and then be entered the Ohio Central college at Iberia. He worked his way through that institution by cutting com, paint ing his neighbors’ barns and helping on the grading of the roadbed of the T. & O. C. railroad. He also played In the village band and was editor of the college paper. When he graduated from the col lege, Warren went to work In the vil lage printing office. At the time he was nineteen years old, his father moved to Marlon with the family and there aided Warren financially In gain ing control of the Marlon Star, of which he was publisher until after he assumtd the office of president of-the United States. Already he knew how to set type and to do all the other duties of a printer, and when the lino type was Introduced he learned to op erate that machine. Always he car ried as a pocket piece the printer’s rule he used In those days. The Star was his Idol and he was verj* proud of It and of the more than friendly relations that existed be tween him and his employees. There was'never a strike on the paper, and .luuui. loui'ieen years ago uIbluuCi.-,. a profit-sharing plan whereby the em ployees received dividends that were paid them la the form of stock In the paper. Mr. Harding was identified also with the industries that sprang T\,ag so successful that in the election O'* November 4 he received 404 elec- t()^ral votes to 127 for James M. Cox, tl'a Democratic nominee. He was In- a-]gurated March 4, 1921, with a de gree of simplicity in the ceremonies traf pleased the American people. Tciassed, when in the senate, as a conservative. President Hardthg did nft depart markedly from conserva tive. lines when in the White House, tll^ugh his supporters always said he as progressive as the good of the Li'Untry warranted and as conditions permitted. He, like President Roose velt, had a great coal miners’ strike on hiS'? hands, and labored hard and with Ojtaeasure of success to bring it to a piTiceful and Just end. Arms Limitation Conference. gPhe outstanding accomplishment of hir administration was the great Inter- njLlonal conference for the limitation 01^ armament held In Washington, open- in;' on Armistice day, November 11, At his Instigation the confer vas authorized by congress and 'cer feeling out the big powers and ding them, agreeable he issued invl- tions to Great Britain, France, Bel- gi .\rn, Italy, Japan, China, the Neth- lands and Portugal. Each country s«nt some of Its most eminent states- laen as delegates, those of the United ^ates being Secretary of State 9 ughes, chairman of the conference; Ejinators Lodge of Massachusetts and r nderwood of Alabama, and ex-Secre- ,t ry of State Ellhu Root. f ie conference adjourned February ]^2922, after negotiating these mes: f. covenant of limitation to naval Qiament between the United States, ' G beat Britain, France, Japan and Italy. E A'teeaty between the same powers to the use of submarines and nox- gases In warfare. pritaln, France and Japan re- ■^0 their Insular possessions and •^r^fl^ular dominions in the Pacific, ^5/declaration reserving American i mandated territory. tice which had been founded nnder the auspices of the League of Nations, The President was as Insistent as ever that this country should keep out of the league, but believed the court was would be independent of the greater organization. Against the advice of some leaders of his party, he reiterated this advice on several occasions, and his plan formed the subject of some of his addresses on his last and fatal trip through .the West. He did not think it would split his party, and boldly continued to advocate It. Not withstanding this, It was assumed to be almost a certainty that President Harding would be renominated in the Republican national convention of 1924. Mr. Harding’s home life was Ideal save that he had no children. He and Mrs. Harding, who was Miss Florence Kllng of Marion, were devoted to each otheb and she was always his true helpmate, both In Ohio and In Wash ington. In the national cap'cal Mrs, Harding quickly made herself loved by all with whom she came In contact, and during the Western trip she was more eager even than the President to meet and mix with all kinds of people. His Western Trip. President Harding’s Alaska trip was originally planned for the summer of 1922. He inherited the so-called “Alaska problem.” Alaska seemed to be on the down grade, with decrease in population and mining output, threat ened extinction of the .fishing industry and numerous other unfavorable symptoms. The situation apparently called for the establishment of a defi nite Alaskan policy. Various plans were discussed. Including a transfer of control to the Interior department from the score or more of governing bureaus. President Harding’s plans for 1922 came to naught, but this year he determined to get first-hand Infor mation. He was ax;companled by Sec retary Work of the Interior depart ment, Secretary Wallace of the Agri cultural department and Secretary Hoover of the Department of Com merce, all of whom are Immediately concerned in the Alaskan situation. The President left Washington at the end of June and Journeyed leisure- y.s. SI6N IREftTIES “NEW TURKEY” ENTERS A NEW RELATIONSHIP WITH AMERICA. PASHIl WANTS DEMOCRACY 'American Reoresentative Grew An nounces Property Claims Soon Will Be Settled. Lausanne.—With the ratification of two treaties signed, the relations be tween the United States and Turkey enter upon a new era. Joseph C. Grew, the American representative in a brief address after the signature, declared that the conventions permit of “close and useful co-operation be tween the two countries.” Mr. Grew recalled that during the past few years Turkey has been the zone of events of far reaching signifi cance and as a consequence her rela tions with other countries have been greatly modified, her system of gov ernment and political ideals changed, and it seemed fitting that these changes should furnish the occasion and reason for the conclusion of treat ies with the United States. Isinet Pasha laid emphasis on the ties of democracy, binding the United States and Turkey. He decpicted Turkey as a “new Turkey” and a land whose government was based on the will of the neonle: hence his pleasure on entering on friendly and co-opera tive relations with the great Ameri can republic. The two treaties^, one general and the other relattag to extradition, printed in French, were signed by Mr. Grew, Ismel Pasha, Riza Nur Bey, and Hassan Bey. The two delegations sat Iv fn the Pncific NcrUiwest by special , . , train, making speeches at‘V,,pY •Denver, Helena, Spokane and' ot,,..v ' cities. Incidentally he visited' two of the national parks. First he went to Zion In Utah, the newest of our na tional parks, which Is a many-colored gorge cut by the Rio Virgin, Next ha visited Yellowstone in Wyoming, cre ated In 1872, the first national park In the Ouchy hotel and solemnly affixed their signatures in the presence of a small group of Americans and others. In the general convention, the con tracting parties agree to terminate aR treaties existing between them and declare that capitulations are com pletely abrogated. Each party agrees history and largest and most famous to receive diplomatic and consular ' representatives, who will he accorded “most-favored-natlon-treatment.” Citiz ens Of the United States will be en titled to travel and iKside in Turkey on condition that they comply with the laws of the country and to engage in professional, commercial and indus trial activities permitted by law to for eigners, and will be assured of the most complete protection of person and property in accordance with the standards of the international law. By way of special exist exemption of the nineteen parks of our system. Hefe he motored, boated, fished, fed the bears and had a good time. His plans also included a visit to Yosemlte upon his return trip, but that was abandoned. Saw Much of Alaska. The President celebrated the Fourth of July In the United States and then started for Alaska on the U. S. trans port Henderson. His Alaskan trip was extensive. He went the length of the new government railroad and visited the capital, Juneau, and the principal it is provided as in the treaty with cities. He also was shown the best of , European states, that Americans with the majestic scenery* 1 ^os^rd to matters of persona status On his return trip Mr. Harding , shall be subject only to American stopped off at Vancouver, creating ! courts. American companies also will precedent in that he was the first given the right to engage In busl- American President to step on Cana- j ness in Turkey. The treaty provides dian soil, j complete liberty of commerce and The President arrived at Seattle ' navagation and accords the most fa>- July 27 and reviewed from the bridge ored nation treatment with regard to of the Henderson a fleet of a dozen or ' the prohibition, restrictions and con- battleships under command of Ad- j ditions of every kind on import and miral H. P. Jones, each of which gave export duties and excise taxes, him the national salute of twenty-one j guns. Even then he was suffering | from the ailment that resulted in bis I Memorial Spends Nine Millions. . New York.—The Laura Spellman death, and soon after that the rest of j Rockefeller memorial, established In his trip, which was to Include a retuhi ! October, 1918, by John D. Rocktel- to the East via the Panama canal, was ' ler in memory of his wife, has spent a cancelled. I total of $9,361,871.12 for philanthropic President fiardlng made a public ad- j purposes, it is disclosed in the first dress at Seattle, setting forth his views ; report of the memorial, made public. up in Marion as it grew from a town I , . ■ , , ^ ... « .L A treaty between the nine powers In of 4,000 to a City of more than 30,000,.A. ^ . i In „ tsthe conference relating to principles ind policies to be followed In matters director In a bank and iij several manufacturing companies, an( was a trustee of 'Trinity BapUs. church. Hia Rise in Politics. As editor and publisher of a lively Republican paper it was inevitable ncernlng China. A treaty bctw’een the nine powers la.ting to Chinese customs tariff. Be- ause France refused to consider the imitation of land armament at the bresent time, that part of the confer- that Mr. Harding should take an ac throngh. But what It did tlve Interest in politics, and his attalrn ments brought him to the front lo th (]_ state. He was a member of the Ohlggj senate from 1900 to 1904, ‘and served as lieutenant governor of thi® state. In 1910 he was the Republica;^, nominee for governor, but was defea- ^ ed. In 1915 he was sent to the UnltV^O' States senate, serving until 1920, wheOC ihleve was considered a great step ward the attainment of world le treaties were soon ratified by the alted States senate and the British irilanlent, and the other nations fol- wed suit, though for a long time It as feared France would not accept •e pacts. However, President Hard- , , . , -S s®® th®™ ratified by the he resigned to mate the campaign fo. si j chamber and senate, the presidency. In the preconvention j. The sum of $1,192,916 was contrib uted to the American relief adminis tration to aid 't^’ar sufferers in Europe. An additional $500,000 was spent to transport medical supplies to Russia. For social welfare projects $3,992,50s was expended. on the Alaskan situation. Some of points were these: “Alaska for Alaskans.” “There Is no need of government- managed, federally-paid-for hothouse development . . . there must be no reckless sacrificing of resources.” “Alaska Is destined for statehood in a few years.” Eight Killed in New York Town. “AVhere there Is possibility of better- Buffalo, N. Y.—Eight persons were ment in federal machinery of admin- killed and two fatally Injured when a istration, Improvement should and will train crashed into an automobile truck be effected.” [ carrying a picnic party to Niagara Other conclusions presented by Pres-' Falls. -Mrs. Camillo Capriotto and her ident Harding were: | five little children were killed. Angelo That generous appropriation should campaign that year he had been looked on as one of the possible nomi nees for the high office, but his defeat Favored Entering World Court. Mr. Harding had not been long in the White House before It appeared In the primaries tor election ot dele- i ,s„i,tion gates from OWo seemed to spoil his I ,^6 United States from European rhflnrea. However, the oonservntlve . •.... u... a *i.i_ chances. However, the conservative leaders of the Republican party pr^L vailed In the gathering in the Chicago' Coliseum, and Mr. Harding was nomi nated. His campaign was based large-' ly on opposition to American partlcl-,' nation In the League of Nations, and' affairs, but believed this country would have to do Its part in the res toration of Europe to peace and sta bility. This feeling became more evi dent early in 1623 when he proposed that America should accept member ship In the International Court of Jus- be made for road building. That the federal government should be more liberal hf encouraging the technical, scientific and demonstration work In agriculture. That restrictions should be laid on the fisheries and on the forests. That the development of the coal mines must await time and economR conditions. That the government should retain ownership and operation of the Alas kan railroad. During the President’s Illness th greatest concern was felt and ex pressed In all foreign countries, and their governments were constantly ad' vised of his condition. Bartollo, 35 years old, and baby were also killed. The husband *01 the dead woman and another man were fatally hurt. Bulgarian King Praises Harding. Euxinograd. Bulgaria.—King Boris was profoundly mo'ved at the news of President Harding’s death and imme diately sent a message of condolence to Mrs. Harding. To the Associated Press King Boris said: “A great man has been removed whose powerful influence always was cast on the side of peace and amity au,')ng nations."

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