THE EAGLE Entered at the Poetofflce at Burns ville, N. C., aa second-class matter, ac- cordina; to act of Congress March 3rd, 1879. , BURNSVILLE, N.C. AUG. 13 SUBSCRIPTION SIX MONTHS $1.50 A YEAR 80 CENTS LYON & LEWIS, Publishers. Editor Eagle; We went over the Mt. Mitchell motor road to the top of Mitchell’s Mrs. Hays McMahan, son Bill, on theJ^'ourth. There were Yancey Collegiate Institute Opens August 21. We are very anxious for you to be present at the opening ex ercise, Tuesday morning, August 21st, at ten o’clock. We are ex pecting Hon. J. W. Hailey, of Raleigh, along with others, to be with us; and we wish to greet them with as large attendance as possible. I feel safe in saying that Y. C. I. has one of the strongest corps of teache’s, for this year, that it has ever had. Of those who were with us last year, we have Prof. J. W. Huff, Miss Francis McMath, Miss Loretta Stout, matron of the girls home, and Prof. C. B. Loftis, who has charge of the boys home. Among the new teachers who come to us, we have Miss Shattie Taylor, of Forsyth. Ga. Mis.s Taylor will teach Spanish and French, hav ing teen recommended to us very highly as a teacher of these studies, having taught Spanish in Bessie Tift College. In the preparatory department, along with Miss Stout, we have Miss Elizabeth Middleton, of Magnolia, N. C, and Miss Gladys Harmon, of Gaffney, S. C., Both these ladies are experienced teachers and come to us well reftommended, as being efficient in their line of work. Miss Har mon will have charge of the first, second and third grades; Miss Middleton the fourth, filth and sixth grades. In the music department we have Miss Oudia Brannen, of Statesboro, Ga,, as director, teaching piano and violin. Miss Brannen has had several years experience as a teaeher of njusic, , an—•"■-^^"(111,01°;°'-°"* tpai-hfir of and daughter, Mrs. Paul N. Smith, arrived from Marion last Friday and will spend two weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs, L. T. Cof fey at their beautiful home at Oak View Heights. Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Williams Asheville last Saturday and returned Sunday afternoon- Rev. K.' i). Ponder filled his regular appointment at the Bap tist church last Saturday and Sunday. Messrs Fred Proffitt, Dr. C. S. Aldrich, H. A, Ladd, Kell Woods, W. M. Edwards and L. T. Coffey were business visitors at Burns ville Monday and Tuesday attend ing court. Mr, Robert Hensley has been ijuite sick with typhoid fever the past two weeks. There will be a district singing convention at Bolen Creek church for this township and Burnsville next Sunday, August 12th, The next term of the high school will open at this place t first Monday in September in the new high school building. . The following party started to Mount Mitchell Tuesday a. m.; Mrs. E. C. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Beaty and Miss Em ma Lee Rice. Handy Andy. $25.00 Reward. The tindersighed are advised that parties have been dYnamiting the wa ters of Cane river in and near the dam of Burnsville Light, Heat & Power Company. The undersigned will, therefore, pay for snfficient evidence to convict any person who did said dyna mitiug or who may hereafter dynamite said waters within five miles of said dam. the sum of $25.00 for each offense. We will also pay a reward of $10.00 for eyidence that will convict any per son fishing in said waters with hook and line or in.^ny other manner. R.W. WILSON, E. F. WATSON, e. B, WOODY, R. S. ROLAND. .^0 at'-'! s.^ont-fervafoiyj and having taught in Stat sbiro for three vears. She will have associated with her Miss Nell Brevard, of Biltmore, N. C. Miss Brevard will teach piano and voice. All those interested in voice lessons will do well to ar range to take from her. With the co-operation of the students, teachers and parents, the coming session bids fair to be one of the best in the history of the school. We are very anx ious to have the patrons of the school present on the opening day so that we may become ac quainted. We want to know you and have you feel that you are welcome at all times. R. M. LEE, President. For Sale. My proper-,y in West Burns- viUdcf If interested see me. -J. :M. LYON.; ^T!nKlnilVreHav.AI»a|s8i NOTICE. DR. JOHNSON, The Eye Specialist, of Marion, will be in Burnsville Aug. 13, 14, and 15 Three Days. If you have weak eyes, bad vision, swimming ot the head, spots before the eyes, red and inflamed eyes, or any other eye trouble, come to me. I have had twenty-five years experience and I know my busi ness. Have done work for peo ple in different states in my office in the past three years. Don’t forget the children. If they have any eye trouble, the sooner it is corrected the better for them. The examination is free. Remember the davs for the schoolchildren will soon be here. Statistics show that twenty-five per cent of the school children have some form of eye trouble. I make a specialty of eye work for children. Remember you only have a few opportunities like this in a life time. Come the first day and avoid the rush. DR. J. H. JOHNSON. Optometrist. North Carolina, 1 Yancey County, i Notice is hereby given to all cbncern- ed that'on the first Monday in Septem ber, 1923, it being the 3rd day of Sep tember, by virtue of autoiity vested in me under and by a moitvage deed execu ted to me by .T. B, Bradford and wife, Pansy Bradford, securing the payment of certain indebtedness to me and in the payment of which default has been made bv said J. B. Bradford and Pansy Bradford and which mortgage is regis tered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Yancey County in book 10 of mortgage deeds at page 384. said lands being described therein, asfoilows: Lying and being in 3rd Township, Yancey County aforesaid, and' more particularly described as follows: Beginning on a small buckeye near the east side of the public road; thence an east conrse to a small apple tree; thence with the fence a north course to a small apple tree; thence an east course to a double chestnut on the point of a ridge; thence with the main height of the ridge to a poplar on Plat Gap Ridge; thence with' main height of ridge to small cherry at .John Fender’s line; tbence with Fender’s line td a su gar tree on top of the mountain; thence up theinountaiu to the double chestnut corner to 'Will Higgins tract; thence with the line ot Will Higgins tract to top of the mountain; thence a south west coufse to a big square rock and two oaks; thence down a branch with the line of B. S. Hensley tract to the beginning, containing 100 acres more or I will sell the said lands on the date above specified at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, at the court honse door in Burnsville. This the 27th day of July, 1923. a. L. SPARKS, Mortgagee, two hundred along, mostly from the Normal Summer School in Asheville. There were said to be eight hundred on the mountain that day. The motor road begins its steep ascent at Black Mountain, wind- ingSaround steep heights and oyer deep valleys, the cars backing around curves walled upon a higher plane at each turn ot the road. The scene is wonderful as, you climb far over the forest cov- erea peaks. In the. valleys can be seen the little towns and vil lages in distance, little dots like toys in the plains below. We reached Camp Alice, the terme- nus of the road at eleven o’clock where we had lunch, then began the climb to the top When we looked far above and saw the flag waving from the top of the peak, it seemed a distance, but fousd it quite a nice trail with substan tial seats along the way, and we were soon at the top looking in speechless wonder over the scene. No pen can describe or brush portray. One has to see froi this height the beauty and won der of this section of North Caro lina, pronounced by world travel ers to be the most beautiful on. the globe. We looked from the observa tory stationed on top of the peak near by and others extending to other states. Helow us were the dark cloudslthrough which we had come somewhat dampened, and as we stood by Prof Mitchell’s; grave it seemed the clouds hung like a dark curtain at half mast, a fitting scene where sleeps alone, one who gave much of his life and more in his death to Nortl Carolina. As we descended to the Cam' we noticed more leisurely th'’ surrounding forest—the d a r balsam, spruce and many straps plants and flowers, the beautifi rhododendron and azaleas at height were in their glory- T1 balsam groves were beautifi Little cards hung from the trei announcing this the property ^ Uncle Sam. The scene descem ing was even more wonderfu than going up as we runded thi curves amongvthe Blacln^ ’ tains we could see far be!o’ the east. Old Fort, the An' fountain and lighted up by setting sun, the Grandfathi Table Rock, and number! others. Between the perpendici walls of the Rainbow Gap coi be seen the colored mist fro! which It takes its name and whicJ is somewhat of a mystery a: father on is the Brown Mountaii light not yet fully understood- We came to Asheville at sun; and there was a feeling of than! fulness that we had passed ove^ this wonderful scenic road safely; and for the ingenuity of man; making it possible to view th^ most beautiful handiwork of na ture given to us by the hand o; nature’s God. NANNIE M. PLEASANT. A CHOICE ol Two THINGS W HEN a person decides to save money, he has generally turned the matter over in his mind and made a choice between two things. For the matter of saving comes to that. Do you choose to spend your money as it comes, gaining noth ing to show for it—or to save part of it until it has grown large enough to buy something you really want? A. G. Wilson, President S. J. Huskins, Vice-Pres. Wm. I. Parnell. Cashier. U. W. Crawford, A. Cashier. ''^-PEOPLES BANlv — BURNSVILLE;, N.C.- The Surprise of the Year The big new Overland Red Bird is America’s first low-priced English type car^a noteworthy contribution of motor car beauty, smartness and reliability at a price that is revolutionary! Marked sturdiness is manifest in a longer wheelbase, a larger and more powerful engine, a roomier body. A richji^t of Mandalay maroon, the khaki top and gleaming n., nif c-v..! r>fA«iri Koarino- Goffipl®te equipmcfut. nidde give th^ car an air 5rv^r?pjN^«ness atid proud bearing, includes cord tires, and bumpers front and rear Come and see this sensational car in our show room, value for yourself. Enjoy a ride in it! Measure its extraordinary Thou shall honor thy home town with a neighborhood house. Thou shall meet thy neighbors there on an equal footing. Thou fihalt work with them there for the common welfare. Thou shalt plav with them there with all thy heart and strength and mind. Thou .shalt know chy fel lows better and thy friendships shall ‘multiply.—Ex. Returned Missionary. On the 24th of August Mrsi Milton L. Braun, a • returned missionary from China, will ad[ dress the Baptist Woman’s Asso^ elation at Burnsville. She dress iin Chinese costume have on display many curioi fromChina. Delegates from everj church in the association are ex\ peeted to be present, and espec! ially delegates from every misj sionary society. ‘ MRS. S. W. BENNETT. Valuable Froperty For Sale. Fifteen acres of land. Goo house and outbuildings. Goo orchard and small fruits. Fin spring—gravity system. 0 n block from Public Square. Murphy. Burnville, N. C. The Big New OVERLAND RED BIRD $750 America’s First Low Priced English Type Car DRIVE AN OVERLAND AND REALIZE THE DU'FEKENCE YANCEY MOTOR COMPANY Burnsville, N. C. We Have Just Unloaded a Solid Car Eller Galvanized Shingles and are in a bouHghtin t .ititon to offer you close prices on same, owing the fact that they were hese quantities. . BAILEY 8c HORTON LOW HORTON To the People of Yancey County; We want to say that we have on hand a good supply of Flooring and Ceiling and in a few days will have a very complete line of building supplies, including Windows. Doors, Cement, Lime, Piaster and a good variety of Finished Lumber. See us and get our prices for your requirements. If we have not got what you want we will make it or get it for you. See us. Will work your rough lumber and make anything you want. YOURS FOR A SQUARE DEAL, BURN.SViLLK 'WOODWORKING CO. I We have also unloaded a bumper car of Galvanized 2-V Crimped Roofing, and Galvanized Pressed Standard Seam Roofing Which we can offer at attractive prices. We also carry a full line of Conductor Pipe Eave Trough and fittings which are necessary for hanging same. Metal Siding We carry a painted, pressed brick siding, also a galvanized, concrete block siding. If you are contemplating building it will,be to your advantage to consult us on building materials of all kinds, as we are in a position to save you money on high grade ma terials. and can furnish you anytbing you want in your construction work. CARR BROTHERS 1Johnson City, Tenn., Oak St. and First Ave.

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