now an exact science Fresh Fruits are Plentiful! Use the short CERTO-Process for making jam and jellv with Berries, Cherries, Peaches ana other fruits in season. You will find they are the best jams and jellies you ever tasted. Certo is sold by grocers everywhere or sent postpaid for 35 cents. 1 MINUTE’S BOILING 2 POUNDS OF FRUIT _ with 3 POUNDS OF SUGAR 4 plus OUNCES OF Certo 5 makes POUNDS OF JAM Wrapped with every bottle is a redpe booklet which tells the s Douelas-PeAin Corporation • .N.V. , Cert© (Sur^-ett) No reason now her ton^e to teU That sad old story "It did not jell” Her jam’s now perfed—^jcllv, t The LoomProducts ^ •S' Js: Baby Carriages Ohirmtiirv^' Use This Coupon The Lioyd Mfg. Cc M«non Mic (31) City State HAY FEVER Sufferers from this distressing complaint can secure quick relief by using GREEN . MOUNTAIN ASTHMA COM- f POUND. Used for 65 years and result of long experience .1- In treatment of throat and lung diseases by Dr, J. H. » Guild, FREE TRIAL BOX g'^sts!' *aulT-D CO., ^HaUBWHW RUPERT. T’ERMONT. Lilacs. Lillies were imported into England by Tohn Gerard from Persia in Eliza beth’s reign. He lirouglit the purple variety. Our forefathers brought them out to Canada as the shrub is not a native , of America.—Montreal Family Herald. Shave With Cuticura Soap And double your razor efficiency as well as promote skin purity, skin com fort and skin health. No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no irri tation even when shaved twice daily. One soap for all uses—shaving, bath ing and shampooing.—Advertisement. NEW IN ^ORLD OF HARMONY Recently Invented Device Seems to Offer Undreamed-of Possibilities to Composers of Music. Added possibilities for orchestral composition are revea\fd In a device perfected by Bernard Samuels. Euro pean musician. Competent judges in the world of h^irmony believe that his “areophor” will greatly advance scor ing for wind instruments by tinting future compositions with new and strangely beautiful harmonies, and will also prove a ble.sshig to the mu sicians themselves by saving their health and nervous energy. This instrument is said to'provide a means of holding a tone Indelinitely, while the performer is resting his lungs. This is accomplished by foot pressure on a dust-proof bellows. A small bellows operated by one foot sup plies the air. Connected with this is a rubber tubing which terminates in a small metal reed fastened near the mouthpiece of the Jnstruiiient. Both the reed and the regular mouthpiece «re held in the month of the musician. By a sort of stopcotjk both are con trolled.—Washington Star. Let not the sun look down and say, “Inglorious here he lies.” Ik If coffee disa^reiBs drinkj/ Postum 'Cjiterii, IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIORftt Sunday School ' Lesson' tBy REV. P. B. FITZWATER, D. D.. Teacher of English Bible In the MooU^ Bible Institute of Chicago.) Copyright. 1033. Western Newspaper Unten. LESSON FOR AUGUST 12 MARTHA AND MARY LESSON TEXT—Luke 10:38-42; John 11:1-46; John 12:1-9. GOLDEN TEXT—"Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her.”—Luke 10:42. REFERENCE MATERIAL—Proverh«i 81:10-31. PRIMARY TOPIC—Two Loyal Friends of Jesus. JUNIOR TOPIC—Martha and Mary. An'TERMEDIATE and SENIOR TOP IC—True Friendship Shown by Martha and Mary, YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC —Home Problems Illustrated by Mar tha and Mary. In order to properly understand these two characters, it will be neces sary to look at the several narratives In which they are brought to oiir view. These are three in number. I. The Behavior of Martha and Mary in the Days of Sunshine. (Luke 10:38- 42.) In this picture we see Martha en- guged in preparing a meal for Jesus. In her effort to make the best prepara tion for her honored guest, she became distracted. She not only was cum bered with much serving but she found fault with Mary for not helping her. She even censured the \I.iOrd for per mitting such neglect. Martha has had her followers in all ages. Every church knows them. The busy, troubled and fussy women who are engaged in serv ice for the Lord with little patience for those who sit at the feet of Jesus. Mary sat at Jesus* feet and heard His word. She had taken her turn In the service as the word "also” would Im ply. She did not neglect service, but had the keenness of perception to dis cern that communion with the Lord was more prlued by Him than the serv ing of a meal. Both of these women loved the Lord and it is impossible to say which loved Him more. In the days of sunshine In this home, Mary made the good choice of communion with her Lord. II. Mary and Martha in the Day of Great Sorrow. (John 11:1-46.) The next scene which occupies oiir attention is the occasion of the resur rection of Lazarus. In the time of the sickness of Lazarus, these sisters had sent for Jesus. Jesus loved the mem bers of this household, and yet, strange to say, He delayed His going unto them. Martha met Him with rebuke, saying that if He had been there her brother had not died. This carried with It 'the censure for His delay un der such trying clrcuijistances. This act. of Martha called forth some mar velous teachings on the resurrection. After this interview with Martha, she came to Mary with the- message of a call from Jesus. Mary was composed and remained in the house until called for. She immediately responded to this call and used the Identical words of Martha, but instead of rebuking' her. He mingled His tears of sympathy with hers of sorrow. The reason she had such composure in this dark hour was that she had patiently sat at Hia feet and listened to His wore! so that she understood the meaning of the tragedy. The difference then In the behavior of these two women In this dark hour was doubtless due to the fact that in the days of sunshine Mary had entered fully into fellowship with the Lord and that Martha had lost this grace through her fretfulness. III. Jesus Entertained at Bethany. (.Tohn 1:1-0.) At this supper appeared Mary, Martha and Lazarus, who was raised from the dead. Doubtless this supper was in grateful app.”eciatIon of His help and sympathy in the days of their trial. At this meal Mai tha was back at her old business of serving, but It would seem with an unruffled disposi tion. Mary took a pound of spikenard, very costly, and annointed the feet of Jesus and wiped them with her hair. This was a token of her great love and devotion. She was back in her ac customed place at the feet of Jesus. With the keen intuition of true love, she brought her costliest gift as an evi dence of her love. She thus antl(d- pated His death and burial, knowing that she could not minister unto Him then. The Lord received this act ol love at its full value. Against the foul criticism of Judas, Jesus defended Mary. He declared that it was nc more a w.i.ste than the ointment placed on the bodies of tbe dead In embalmment, fo fact it was the doing of this very act beforehand unto Him. Only Mary of all His disciples had really understijod Jesus \vhen He said He must be crucified and raised again the third day. The announce ment of His crucifixion brought unto the others dismay. They refused to believe in the resurrection, but Mary came to annoint H!s1)Ody for burying. CHILDREN CRY F0R“CAST0RIA” Especially Prepared for Infant^ and Children of All Ages Mother 1 Fletcher’s Castorla haS; )een in use for over 30 years to rellevi jabies and children of Constipation^ riatulency. Wind Colic and Diarrhea illaying Feverishness arising then Irom, and, by regulating the Stomael ind Bowels, aids the assimilation ol| 3'ood; giving natural sleep wlthoi )plates. The genuine bears signati Trees. The American Tree association I working to the end that a billion tree s be planted In this country in 1923. other words, reforestation cannot accomplished merely by debate.—Bli mingham Age-IIerald. If You Need a Medicine You Should Have the Bedi Have you ever stopped to reason vfi p- ft is that so many products that are e; .- tensively advertised, all at once drop oi t of sight and are P'’>ou forgotten? Tie reason is plain—the article did not fulfill the promises of the manufacturer. Th s applies more particularly to a medicin A medicinal preparation that has curative value almost sells itself, as lil :e an endless chain system the remedy is recommended by' those who have bein benefited to those who are in need of t. A prominent druggist says, “Take fj)r example Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Eoot, preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend, for In almost every case it shows excellent :i)- Bults, as many of my customers testilf. No other kidney remedy has so large' sale." According to sworn statements verified testimony of thousands who used the jyeparation, the success of Kilmer’s Swamp-Rooti is due to the £ so many people claim, that it fulfills, most every wish in overcoming kid;| liver and bladder ailments, corrects nary troubles and neutralizes the uric which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottl Swamp-Root by parcel post. Address Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., enclose ten cents; also mention this pal Large and medium size bottles for saly all drug stores.—Advertisement. Baby Talk. “Do • you sleep much day?” “Yes. I find it’s the only way I get the pep to roar all night.”—Ji WANTS TO HELP OTHER WOMEH Grateful for Health Hestored by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Chicago, III.—“ I am willing to write to any girl or woman who is suffering from the troubles had before I took Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Com pound. My back al ways ached, so I could not go about my housework, and I had other troubles from weakness. I was this way for years, then my sister- in-law took the Veg etable Compound FIGHT MEASLES WITH SERUM Encouraging Results Are Reported by the New York State Depart ment of Health. and recommended it tome.Inthe time I have been taking it and it has done won ders for me. I keep house and am able to do lots of work besides.”—Mrs. Helen Sevcik, 2711 Thomas St., Chicago, Ill. ■Women suffering from female trou bles causing backache, irregularities, pains, bearing-down feelings and weak ness should take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Not only is the worth of this splendid medicine shown bysuch cases asthisjbutfornearlyfifty years this same sort of experience has Been reported by thousands of women. Mrs. Sevcik is willing to write to any girl or woman suffering from such troubles, and answer any questions they may like to ask. Pesky Bed-Bugs P.D. Q. Try just once P. D. Q.— Pesky Devils (Quietus—as a ireventive or to rid Bed iugs, Roaches, Fleas and Ants. Every famto should ■■ ■ ^ D. Q. hous^cleanlng time to guard against the Pesky Devils and to prevent moths. P. D. Q. Is not an Insect powder, but is a new chemical that kills insects and their eggs. Each pack age contains, free, a patent spout, to enable you to get to the hard-to-get-at places and saves the juice. A ^ cent package makes one quart, enough to kill a million insects and their eggs. Your druggist has It or can get It for you. Mailed prepaid upon receipt of price by the Owl Chemical 'Works, Terre Haute, ind. Cuticura Soap AND OINTMENT Clear the Skin Soap 25c, OintmcBt 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. Manners. Manners should bespeak the man Independent of fi#e clothing. The gen eral does not need a fine,coat.—Emer Jesus Christ. Jesus cfirlst, the condeace.aslon ol divinity, and the exaltation of human- lt.v.—Phillips Brooks. Action of the Mind. The mind unlearns with difficult} what has long been Impr^ed on It.- Hobson’s Choice With Him. tta does ^pot- Orlnk. He does not gamble. He does not smoke. He never takes girls joy riding— . But he is no saint, not by a long ways, for he is always cussing his luck because be can't make enough money to afford to do the naughty things the rich fellows do.—Cincinnati Enquirer. remedies can equal the value of Pe-ru-na for ca tarrh of the stomach. At this season it is esti mated that every third person is more or less troubled with this form of catarrh BE READY Have the Says Teethina Saved Her Baby From the Grave “I actually believe Teethina saved my baby from the grave, for she was the sickest little thing you ever saw for six weeks,” writes Mrs. B. W. Wamble, Route 4, Elba, Ala, “She had the best treatment we could give her, but seemed to get worse instead of better. When we stopped every thing else and gave her Teethina she got better right away, and now she a laughing, playful little darling and eats anything.” If Mrs. Wamble had given her little one Teethina at the first sign of trouble she would have be^n saved many anxious hours. Teethina is sold by leading drug gists or send 30c to the Moffett Lab oratories, Columbus, ■ Ga., and receive a full size package and a free copy «f Moffett’s Illustrated Baby Book.— (Advertisement.) Announcement is made by the New York state department of health that encouraging results are being obtained In preventing deaths from measles by using a serum obtained from the blood of adults who have had the disease. Laymen should note that the report sa;^ “encouraging,” not that a cure has been found. If a serum has been discovered which will ameliorate the severity of measles, much less cure the disease, another boon has been conferred on mankind by science, the Philadelphia Evening Rulletin announces. Even to* this day measles is regarded by too many parents as an ailment insepar able from childhood and the sooner a youngster contracts the illness and gets it over and done with the better. This is altogether a wrong idea. Measles is not only dangerous in itself but is often complicated by serious ailments of the eyes, ears, kidneys and bronchial regions. A disease of childhood, measles, al so attacks adults and in the late years may be more perilous than to a young person. When frequently|epidemic, a certain immunity follows, uut when the disease Is taken among a people who have never before been visited by it the mortality Is high. Years ago a British Ship from Australia carried measles to the Fiji islands and 40,000 of the 150,000 Fijians were swept off. POISON IN ORDINARY FOODS Fact That Most People Take a Small Amount With Their Regulation Breakfast Dishes. Did you have your morning dose of poison today? “Poison?” you ask. “What do you mean?” Well, the truth is, that if you had bacon for breakfast, salt on your cereal, bloaters or kippers, rolls cov ered with icing, pepper on any of your food, or even a cup of coffee or tea, you had your morning dose of poison. Poison, of course, does not harm ua if taken in sufficiently small amounts. Bacon contains a little saltpeter, an ounce being considered sufficient to kill. The Chinese commit suicide by eat ing a cupful of salt; bloaters and kippers contain formaldehyde; most cake or roll Icings have prussic acid in them; cloves, nutmegs, horsel’adlsh, and a number of other herbs are poi sonous if taken in large enough quan tities. black pepper contains piperine —an alkaloid poison; and dnctoi’s agree that overinduigenee in coffee Is most Injurious because of tts caffein content.—Popular Sidence Monthly. _»ave your self hours of discomfort Resinol is what you want for your skin trouble —Resinol to stop the itching'and burn ing — Resinol to heal the eruption. Scratching makes it worse, besides being embarrassing and dangerous, but the smooth, gentle ingredients of RESINOL OINTMENT often over come the trouble promptly, even if it is severe and long-established. Bathing the affected part first with RESINOL SOAP hastens the beneficial results. Resinol products at all druggists. For over 50 years it hasbeen the household remedy for all forms of It is a Reliable, Genera! Invig orating Tonic. Malaria Chills, and Fever Dengue Copper on thci Leviathan. From the tiniest brass screws to the 16V^-foot bronze propellers, the copper and brass industries have played a most important pait in the recondi tioning fif the Leviathan, the world’s largest ship. More than 25 miles of copper tubing. 250,000 pounds of it. were required for the heater coils In the staterooms. Th.p heating coils ex ceed by 50,000 pounds the weight of tbe 200,000-pound statue of liberty. The lighting system required 745,000 feet of copper wlrti. All salt water lines are 'copper, according to Skillings' Mining Review. In the condensing sys tem, 20,346 pounds of admiralty brass, tubing were used. Where German en gineers had used Iron in the lubricating sy^ra, copper was introduced. World Calls for U. S. Autos. All parts of the world are opening up as markets for American motor ve hicles. Though some Europejm coun tries are heavy purchasers oi the United States product, the best cus tomers for motor cars from th# United States in 1922 were Australia, CaiAida and Mexico, which purchased 11,236, 10,214 and 7,270, respectively. Exonerated. Flint—Your neighbors seem to be “stuck up.” Nisher—They speak to me. Self-Conscious. She—Wluit are you thinking of? He—Nothing! “Oh, do take your mind off your self!'’ Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION a 9K eSNTS^ Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief CHUEBROUOH MANUFACTUIlINa GOk tCoDK>HSat«d) ' _ . Ctat* StraM Y«*» Vaseline * SeXUSTtetOS YfeUow or White pfreoauM Aior Sure Relief BELL-^AIXiS 25(1: AND 75^ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE MITCHELL EYE SALVE heals inflamed eyes, granulated lids e^es. etc. Sure. Safe. Speedy. • 2So at all drugrgists. When You Need a Good Tonic Take BABEK His Exp'trience. “Well, ni tell you, EUlek,” con fessed Gap .Johnson of Rumpus Ridge. “I hung back right sharply about get ting married. You see, I kinder got to thinking about the monotony of Jiving with one—p’tul—person alUmy life." “When you got married bow’d It work out?” asked Ellick Onken. ' “Never had a chance to try it, skurcely. I’ve got fourteen children, three brothers-in-law, a father-in-law, mother-in-law, several other kinfolks and a couple of fellers that I never ■did 'find out persizely who they was, hanging around more or less gener- ’ly.”—Kansas City Star. Keep Stomach aod Bowela Right MRLWINSIOV3 SYRUP fcrhiffR aa’tonlshing.arratUyinsresDlti in makinz baby's stomach digest food and bowels move as they should at teething time. Guaranteed free from narcotics, opi ates. alcohol and all harmful ingredi ents. Safe and satisfactory. A New Make of Car. | Fred A. Wetherby, who lives in Martinsville, has taken an unusual interest in a bright four-year-old boy of one of hl.s neighbors, and this inter est has elicited some very amusing remarks by the 3-nuiigster. The other day 'Mr. Wetlferby drove into his ' neighbor’s place and stopped near the place the four-year-old was playing, j "I'm going to get me a car when I get big,” the boy announced em- ' pliatically. I “You are.” encouraged Mr. Weath- 1 erby good-naturedly. “What kind are ' j’ou going to get?” | ■Stops Lameness I from a Bone Spavin, Ring ■ Bone, Splint, Curb, Side I Bone, or similar troubles and I gets horse going sound. It I acts mildly but quickly and ■ good results are lasting. I Does npt blister or remove the I h^r and horse can be worked. 3 Page 17 In pamphlet with each I bottle tells how. $2.S0 a bottle I delivered. UorteBeok 9 A irte. ,, F. YOUNG, Idc., 510 Lymin St, SpriogHeld, Mw. FRECKLES Don’t Hide Them With a Veil; Rerhove i Them With Othine—Double Strength .. “A Rhode Island Red,” replied the , youifgster.—Indianapolis New s. THE QUICK AND SURE CURB FOR Malaria, Chills. Fever and Grippe CONTAINS NO QUININE All druggists, or by parcel post,prepaid from Kloczewsk! & Co.,Washington,D.C W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 32-1923, I Canadian Wheat Holds Its Own. During the last season wheat from Argentina has been a serious com petitor of Canadian wheat and lias .supplied a large part of the require ments of Great Britain. However, Canadian wheat has sold readily when ever tonnage could be secured at rates sufficiently favorable to enable Cana dian wheat to reach the British market even at a slight advance over the Argentine product. Shipments of Canadian wheat to the Orient are ap proximately one-third of the amounts shipped during the season of 1921- 1922, when Japanese crops were very light. ’ .This preparation for the treatment of ' freckles is usually so successful In removing . freckles and giving a clear, beautiful com plexion that It is sold under guarantee'to refund the money If It falls. Don't hide yoUr freckles under a veil; get an ounce of Othine and remove them. Even the flrst few applications ahould show a wonderful improvement, some ,of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. Be sure to the druggist for . the double-strength Othine: it is this that is sold, on the money-back guarantee. AGENTS: vulcanlzor. Repairs 1 where. Guaranteed, Every autolst needs It. Write quick for territory. .Johnson Portable Vuloanlzer Co/. Box 377, St. Joseph, Mo.

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