THE BURNSVILLE EAGLE VOL, 16 BURNSVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, 1.11125. NO. 6 WILL FIGIII BOLL EXPERIMENTS LAID BEFORE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES SHOW PROGRESS. Washington.—The results of experi ments which support the Einstein theory of relativity and promise- of success in beating the boll weevil with an odor similar to that believed to entice to the cotton plant, were laid before the session of the annual meet ing of the National Academy of Sciences. In the absence of Dr. A. A. Mich- elson, head of the University of Chi cago's physics department, because of illness, his associate. Professor A. H. Compton, read his paper entitled “The Latest Test of the Einstein Theory,” which determined that when the atrh is going forwar din a straight line, the city of light is apparently affected, but that rotation has no ef fect on light velocity. Dr. Mlchelson’s experiments, con,, ducted in conjunction with Prof. H. G. Gale, dean of the graduate school of science, University of Chicago, indicat ed proof, Professor Hale said, of the theory that the ether does not go along with the earth. The race be tween two beams of light, tralveling in opposite directions, around a rec tangle, was used in his experiments by Dr. MIchelson, whose earlier work is credited with having set Einstein on the road to his relativity theory. Preliminary experiments by Fred erick B. Power and Victor K. Chest nut, bureau of chemistry, department of agriculture in the cotton belt in analyzing odorous constituents of the cotton plant, the scientists were told, have disclosed that ammonia and trimethylamine were present in ap preciable amounts in the distillate, but the ammonia largely predominated. Both substances were also found to be emanations from the living plant, and although further tests remain to- be conducted, it is considered possible that the odor attracting the boll weevil might be produced artificially for use as a bait for the insect. The papers on a wide range of sub jects by American and foreign schol ars were read at the opening sessions during the day. Although the United States is i the only nation possessing helium in commercial quantities, Dr. S. C. Blind, chief chemist of the bureau of mines, declared that when other countries are drilling for oil and has to an equal extent, there i-s a possibility that the non-inflammable gas will be found to exist elsewhere. It takes some 20,000,- 000 years for helim to leak up from minerals and rocks to the poods of natural gas, where it is now found. Henry Varner Dies. Lexington.—Henry Branson Varner, president of the North Carolina Motion Picture Theater Owners association and former ^tate commissioner of la bor and printing, died here of pneu monia which developed 10 days ago following a business trip to Charlotte. Colonel Varper’s condition had been exceedingly gtave the -last few days, but Sunday he was thought to have shown positive signs of improvement. There was a sudden turn for the worse and the patient soon sank into a state of coma. He did not regain conscious ness before his death. FIVE ROBBERS ROUTED BY CAFE PATRONS. New York. — Wielding chairs, dishes and silverware, 75 men pat rons in the Cafe de L’Europe, in Second Avenue, routed five armed robbers who fired six shots before making their escape. They left four injured victims in fighting their way to freedom with black jacks and revolver butts; The rob bers escaped with money and jew elry estimated to total $3,000, in cluding approximately $2,500 from the cafe cash register. Two ambulances were called for the four men who had been injur ed. Police reserves were ordered out, but no trace of the robbers was found. PUBLISHERS MEET IN SOUTH Upholds Segregation Law. New Orleans.—The state supremo court ruled in effect upheld the New Orleans ordinance requiring that whites and negroes live in separate parts of the city by refusing to review the case. Start 33 Officers to Prison. Cincinnati.—Thitry-three former Cin cinati policemen and agents of county “dry” courts, reported to the United States marshal and were started to Atlanta, where they are to serve feder al penitentiary terms. The sentences varying from 18 months to a year and a day, were imposed for participation in the liquor grant recently investigat ed by a federal grand jury. Bandit’s Widow Cains Point. New Orleans.—The state supreme court declined to review its decision refusing a motion of the state for a change of venue for Mrs. Nellie Wright, widow of William Wright, who was killed recently in Mobile. She is to be tried here soon on a charge of possessing.some of the valu ables he was charged with which he stole. Explosion Wrecks Mine. 'Grafton, W. Va.—The wheelhouse of the Fahey Coal company at Sand Lick, Taylor county, was wrecked by an explosion. The mine was to have resumed operations on a non-union basis after having been idle for two years. State police were assignd to Investigate the cause of the blast. ASSOCIATION VOTES TO HOLD ITS SEMI-ANNUAL CONVEN- TION. New York.—The American News- paper Publishers’ association at its second day’s session voted to increase revenues to provide for extension of its service and to hold a semi-annual convention beginning this fall at some point in southern territory to be se lected. Expansion of the publishers’ organ ization was authorized by adoption of the following resolution; “Resolved, that the president of the American Newspaper Publishers’ asso ciation be authorized to appoint a committee of members for the purpose of conferring with the board of direc tors of the A. N. P. A. as to the basis for future dues and assessments to be levied by the association and Chat fol lowing such consultation the board of directors of the A. N. P. A. be author ized to be put into effect after due notice such basis of dues and assess ments as shall be determined by the board of directors.” This action, it was said, will meet a request made by President S. E. Thomason in his annual address. Mr. Thomason’s request also contemplated a reduction in the cost of member ship of smaller dailies and an equita ble increase in the dues of those larger newspapers better able to bear it. The additional funds will likely be applied, it 'was said, to the widening of the association's service to mem bers along the following lines: Spon soring of meetings of mechanical men, and bulletin service for exchange of useful mechanical information and methods; bulletin information on hand ling methods and on waste in paper, prices, and percentages; a similar ser vice on paper damage, methods of paper handling, weights of wrappers and methods of protecting rolls. Freight rate advance and a general traffic service also have been urged by President Thomason as certain to pay for themselves over annually, and will doubtless be included in the new service program. Coolidge Offers Culbertson Post. "Washington — President Coolidge has selected William S. Culbertson of Kansas to succeed Peter A. Jay minister to Rumania. Mr. Jay soon will be transferred to Argentina. Mr. Culbertson, at present vice chairman of the tariff commission, has not, however, made known to the White House whether he will accept, nor have the usual formailities preced ing a diplomatic appointment. Mr. Culbertson conferred with the president, and it was assumed that the executive had laid the diplomatic appointment before him as a personal matter and a promotion, as has been the case recently within the foreign service. State department officials hold the Rumanian post of high importance and have canvassed the names of numer ous available men to find one capable of maintaining American rights in the delicate situation obtaining there, HEADS GEBMANY FAMOUS TEUTONIC WAR LEADER ELECTED PRESIDENT OF REPUBLIC. Berlin.—The people of Germany have rallied to the banner of Field Marshal von Hindenburg and elected him president of the republic. He is the first president of Germany to be elected by popular ballot. He is th^ first president of Germany to be elect- by popular ballot. He was nomi nated by the national conservative bloc to replace Dr. Karl Jarres, who failed of election in the first balloting on March 29. His opponent was Dr. Wilhelm 'Marx, candidate of the repub lican bloc, adherents of the Weimar coalition, composed of centralists, so cialists and democrats. The third candidate was Ernest Thaelmann, communist. Von Hindenburg triumphed in his race for the presidency with a major ity close to 845,000 votes. The .unoffi cial final figures are: Von Hinden burg, 14,639,399; Marx, 13,752,640; Thaelmann. 1,931,591; votes declared invalid, 21,910, Total 30,345,540. Von Hindenburg comes to the chair once occupied by Friederich Ebert, who was chosen president by the na tional assembly at Weimar in Febru ary. 1919, and who died in Berlin in February, 1925, The women’s vote and a heavy turnout of former stay- at-home voters elected the field mar. shall. Not until the returns from 33 out of 35 election districts were re ceived and tabulated could the out come be determined, and from the close of polls at 6 o’clock it was any man’s race, as the two chief candidates ran neck and neck in the official count. Veneration for the Prussian royal house, Implicit faith in God, unbound ed enthusiasm for the military profes- ion and a consuming love for thej CHARGE CONSTABLE WITH SLAYING TWO BOYS IN CAR. Humbojdt, Tenn.—After killing two youohs with a single bullet on the main street of this city. Con stable Will T. Cox, was bound over under a charge of second degree iiurder at a preliminary hearing 'dljfore Magistrate William Dunlap. Carl Ladd, 19,'and Gaston Groom, is, were riding along Main street and, according to the constable, re fused to stop when he hailed them. He declared -the youths were driv ing at a high rate of speed, and that their automobile bore no license tag. When the automobile return- '.td. along the street the constable declared the driver again ignored } :i8 order to stop. Constable Cox hen fired his pistol, It is charged. ) The bullet passed through Ladd’s body and entering that of Groom, killed him Instantly. Ladd stopped (he car, got out and staggered a f|ew paces, falling dead in the street. BUSINESS ON SOUND BASIS BANKERS ASSERT THAT SITUA- TION IS FUNDAMENTALLY SOUND. Augusta. Ga.—Assurance that the business situation of the country is “fundamentally sound,” although pros perity has not reached the heights which “it was expected in some quar ters it would,” was given in a resolu tion adopted by the executive council of the American Bankers association, In its spring meeting here. One hun dred and fifty bankers, representing every state in the union, make up the council. A warning that more drastic mea sures are necesasry to combat the of ban^ burglaries in the^ mid fatherland—these are characteristics of Field Marshal General Paul von Beneckendorf und Hindenbburg, elect ed president of the German republic as standard-bearer of the nationlist parties, as they are rev'laled in his outobiography “Aus Minem Leben,” published in 1920, and of the biography “Fieldmarshall von Hindenburg.” written by his brother, Bernhard, and published in 1916. One is taken back to the days when Germans still believed in the divine right of kings, when the profession of arms was the most sacred of callings and when the German paraphrase of “My country, right or wrong,” had not yet given place to the motto, “My country when right to be kept right, when wrong to be set right.” Sapiro Asks For Million Damages. Detroit.—Damages of $1,000,000 were asked in a suit filed in United States district court here against Henry Ford and the Dearborn Publish ing Company, which he owns. The action was brought by Aaron Sapiro, an attorney who has been connected prominently with co-operatives mar keting organizations of farmers and fruit growers throughout the country. Sapiro’s suit charges that certain articles printed in the Dearborn Inde pendent, a weekly newspaper publish ed by Ford, have injured him as an attorney and deprived him of “divers fees, gains, rewards and compensa tions” which he otherwise might have obtained. The petition quoted articles which it Is averred appeared in the Dearborn Independent, accusing Sapiro of being one of “a conspiracy of Jewish bank ers who seek to control the food mar kets of the world.” Pulitzer Prize Awards For 1924. New York.—The annual Pulitzer prizes in journalism and in letters for 1924 were announced by President Nicholas Murray Butler for' the school of journalism of Columbia university. Edna Ferber, for her novel “So Big,” was awarded the $1,000 prize “for the best American novel publish ed during the year which shall present the wholesome atmosphere of Ameri can life and the highest standards of American manners and manhood.” The $500 prize for the “best cartoon pub lished in any American newspaper dur ing the year” was given to Rollin Kir by, of The New York World, for his cartoon entitled “News From the Out side World,” published October 5. ■Sydney Howard, author of “They Knew What They Wanted,” was awarded the $1,000 prize for the “origi nal American play, performed in New York, which shall beat represent the educational value and power of the stage of raising the standard of good morals, good taste and good manners.” The play was one of 13 plays re cently investigated by District Attor ney Banton on complain of citizens. die west was given In the report of i® ass^i^ion’s protective commit- je, which declared “the roving army f desperadoes, flouting the law at very turn” shows a presistent growth lat is “convincing proof that the dan- srs of banditry threaten to become a ermanent menace. The council, without a dissenting )te, refused to re-open for discussion . its meeting here the question of the isociation’s attitude to branch bank- ig. A group of California bankers ad telegraphed a petition that ar- ingements be made to give the pro- raents of unrestricted branch ban_k- g a hearing, should the annual con- ' mtion of the association in Septem- tr see fit ^o r^ffirm its previous (oisIOE disapproving of the practice ii5 pledging support to legal meas les designated to check It. Upon a iatement by Oscar Wells, of Blrmlng- : m, first vice president, that there is no ground for a belief that the nvention would any further ! tion uppn the subject, but that if it (i an opportunity for opposition DUld be automatically extended, the joposal In the telegram was tabled. In commemoration of the fiftieth tniversary of the organization's his- ■ ry, the council voted Its approval (! a suggestion by the committees on jpiversary preparations that an en- qwment fund of not less than $50,000 b created for the providing of schol- aihlps In the economic department of vrious colleges and universities and, i sufficient amount is raised, for re- rch work along economic lines, e fund is to be raised by voluntary ►scription. Two subscriptions of ,000 each have already been pledg- it was stated. Business Going Forward. New York,—The process of season al readjustment in industry made fur ther headway last week but failed to lift general business from its present lassitude. The underlying position of trade continued satisfactory but re sults of spring operations in most lines proved disappointing to those who had expected a progressive expansion. With the exception of the automo bile industry, the trend of the prin cipal producing divisions has been low er. Where improvement has taken place in the past fortnight as in cer tain sections of the steel industry, the gains have been limited and not well malntined. Business, however, derived some ■encouragement from the fact that the current recession has been extremely moderate In comparison with the trade degression a year ago, and that there appeared to be no sound basis for ex pecting a repetition of the unsatisfac. tory conditions which existed during WOBLD PEACE CAN BE MADE BEAUT! FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE ADDRESSES AMERACAN LE GAL SOCIETY. Washington.—^World peace can be ultimately effected only through the clarification and codification of inter national law and this is to be accom plished only through a great confer ence of representatives of all the na tions of the earth, former Secretary of State Hughes, as president of the American Society of International Law, told members of that associatloB at their annual meeting. Speaking on “the development of ijv ternational law,” he asserted that th« United States must lead the way tO' ward such a conference and reiterated his hope that “the appropriate support of the Permanent Court of Interna tional Justice by the government of the United States will not be delayed much longer.” It was hot his purpose to re-state the reasons he believed the United States should support the permanent court, Mr, Hughes said, “but simply to emphasize the incalculable advantage of having such a tribunal to aid In the development of international law; to reinforce the law abiding sentiment through recouse to the eexrcise of its jurisdiction and acceptance of the de cision.” He added: “Not improbably the nations may thus be led to avail themselves more readily of the necessary international legislative processes to perfect the law and to satisfy enlarged conceptions of International justice.” Every suggestion intended to ba helpful should be accepted and dealt with, no matter what trying situations and trials of patience may result, Mr. Hughes insU^d, declaring that “we must to'"'remembpr that no progress can be had unless we have an atmosphere of endeavor and a dis. position which lifts us above captious ness.” It is in this spirit, he added, that “we consider the development of international law, not as an exclusive, or all-sufficient remedy, but as an im portant means of correcting the evils that afflict us.” Wilbur Signs Orders For Trail. Washington,r—Orders were SYgned by Secretary Wilbur for the court- martial of six officers on charges growing out of the raid on the naval transport Beaufort at Norfolk, Va., February 24, when a quantity of liquor was seized upon its arrival from the West Indies. The board is expected to be desig nated soon and convene for the trial at Hampton Roads. Under the order signed, Commander D. W. Fuller, of Rockland, Maine, who was In command of the Beaufort, is charged with neglect in that he did not discover the presence of liquor on board. One of the officers, Lieut. Fred M. Rohow of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., of the medical corpse, is also charged with failing to obey orders to report dutia ble articles on board ship. MEET NEKT TEAH IN E. GITT Methodist Women Select 1926 Meeting Place By a Close Vote. Greenville.—The Women’s Mission ary Society of the North Carolina Con ference decided to meet next year in Elizabeth City. Hamlet also extended an invitation which was very favorab ly considered. Elizabeth City won by a narrow margin, the vote being 68 for Elizabeth City and 61 for Hamlet. The devotional services were con ducted by Miss Elizabeth Lamb, folow- ed by an address by Miss Anna Gra ham, “What the County Organizations Have Meant to the Weldon District.” Miss Daisy Davies delivered the ad dress of the morning on “Our Work in Europe.” In the beginning of her talk she gave a romance of old^clotbes, say- “I think the finest group of people on the earth are the organized women of the 'Southern Methodist church. Thirty-six States of the Union sent Old Clothes to Poland.” She spoke of the task of erecting memorial to' these lives that will live on forever, ‘ She told of the distribu tion of old clothes in Poland and the pitiful sight in these countries, or arm ies of people, ragged, cold, and home less. The beginning of religious work, continued the speaker, was the send ing of old clothes to these countries. Concentrate Warfare on Weevil. Kinston.—“The Eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce is to turn its full attention to the perfection of the boll weevil campaign, launched some time ago, in conjunction with the Ex tension Service and the .State College of Agriculture. The plan calls for put ting on several special men in the vari ous town and communities in Eastern Carolina for two weeks beginning June 15 and lasting until September 1. The agricultural experts state that this year is going to be a very hazard ous year, so far as the weevil is con cerned, . with...a.Tyi..iuvd.--ij£, vta-Y,ft£aW9-- weathern for him. “ Milk Had Flavor of Gasoline. Dunn.—At least one Harnett county cow is not particular about what she drinks. A farmer who lives near Dunn recently missed five quarts of gasoline which he had left in a bucket about the cow lot. Soon it was notic ed that the family cow showed signs of intorication, dr illness. A little later the baby calf showed the same symptoms. When the family began to partake of the next “milkikng” they found,that the milk carried the taste of gasoline. It was several days he- . fore the milk supply of this particular cow was again fit for use it is said. While both the cow and her calf had a close call, both were on the road to recovery at last reports. Floyd Collins' Body Released. ■?uve City, Ky.—The body of Floyd C llns, cave explorer, who died from t iger and exposure when trapped In Sid Cave late In January, was freed its natural underground prison al moved from beneath the rock that dned it to the bottom of the 76- t shaft. W. H. Hunt, centarl Ken- ky engineer, said. 'he body was in good condition, sidering the time it had been ex- I ed to the underground elements, fit said, adding that the corpse will raised from the shaft to the our- Ixamination of the rock that fell Collins and pinned him in the dth trap showed that it weighed O'’ 75 pounds, Hunt said. ist after two workmen had sue- cided In .removing the body frcmi uler the small rock, the portion of t| tunnel and lateral In which the was found collapsed and fell to 100 feet into a pit directly the position where the body reclined. Collins had told res- who crawled to him in the first of his entrapment that there was leep pit behind him. miners, Ed Hayes and J. S. ith, of Central City, were the only IB who ventured into the death trap. | Daughters Plan Charlotte Trip. Washington. — Daughters of the American Revolution, In congress here, heard Attorney General Sargent deliver his first address since he join ed the President’s cabinet, after vot ing during the day to build a $2,000,- 000 auditorium in Washington. A pil grimage to Mount Vernon completed the session. The congress devoted most of the day to discussing the proposed audi torium and approved the report of a committee which has worked a year on the project by subscribing approxi mately $50,000 to a building fund. An Invitation from Mayor Kendrick, of Philadelphia, for the congress to hold its 1826 gathering there, coinci dent with the seaqui-centannial obsetv vance, was referred to the resolution committee. A small official pin to supplement a larger one now in use was authorized and the congress ac cepted an invitation to attend the an niversary of the Mecklenburg Declara tion of Independence May 20 at Char lotte, N. C. Automotive Industry Pay* Big Tax, New York.—Taxes piad by the auto motive industry at the present time are greater than the total paid by both the American railroads and the electric railways industry, It is stat^ In an analysis prepared by John A. Ritchie, president of the omnibus cor poration, the 'Chicago Motor Coach company, and the Yellow Coach Manu facturing company, in contrast to $350,000 paid by the railroads In 1924 and $66,500,000 by the electric rail ways, Mr. Ritchie computes the motor vehicle tax bill at $565,028,548 which he asserts is a total ino'tase ove# 1921 of aljout 82 pe rcent. Education Meeting Nov. 6-7. Raleigh.—.November 6 and 7 were decided upon as the dates for the North Central District meeting of the North Carolina Education Association at a meeting of members of the execu tive committee held her in the office of Jule B. Warren, secretary of the as sociation. The meeting will be held either in Durham or in Raleigh. State educational problems will be discuss ed at the district meeting, particular ly those dealing with the legislative feature of education. Out-of-town teachers attending the meeting were Hoy Taylor, chairman of the executive committee, of Franklin; C. E. Teague, of Sanford; E. L. Best, of Louisburg, and Miss Mary Coble, of •Roanoke Rapids, Winston-Salem Wins Music Cup. Greensboro. — Winston-Salem won the trophy in the sixth annual North Carolina high school music contest. The Twin City delegation to the con test, which lasted two days and part of one night, scored thirty points. High Point was second with twenty- six points. An enormous crowd packed the Grand Theatre to hear the concluding tests, which were group competitions, glee clubs, quartets, choruses and or chestras. The number in some of th© events was over twenty-five, and they wre rendred most creditably. Berry Shipments Increase. Goldsboro.—^Strawberry shipments in Wayne have been on the increas© the past week. Indications point to a banner year for the growers. Heavy rains and warmer weather proved, great aids during the early part of th© week and in one section nearly six hundred crates were shipped in one day at prices from $5 to $6. Bankers Meet at Statesville. Statesville.—About 75 representa tives of the North Carolina Bankers association, eighth group, embracing the counties of Iredell, Ashe, Alle ghany, Alexander, Watauga. Caldwell, Davie, Rowan, Stanley and Cabarrus, met here in fourth annual session at the Vance hotel.

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