i^iiiiLj THE EAGLE _ Eatwred at the Postofflee at Burua- TvUe, 0., as seo-m l-olaaa matter, ac- cor hog to act of C jatfress March 3ri, ltj79. BURNSVILLE, N. C. MAY 1. SUBSCRIPTION SIX MONTHS 11.50 A YEAR 80 CENTS LYON & LEWIS, Publishers. r; Public Local Laws as to 1925 General Assembly- Relating to Yancey County. Mr. Editor: I have been requested by several people to give an outline of the different acts of the Legislature relating to Yancey county as passed in the 1925 General As sembly. I cannot give this in full for the reason that it would take up too much space, and shall give only the most import ant features: The act known as the Dog Law was passed by repealing the act of 1923, which took this out of the State-wide Dog Law, and the same law which governed the keeping of dogs prior to 1923 is in full force and effect and was amended as to Yancey county in the following instances: The law only applies to injury or de struction of sheep, heretofore having applied *to cattle, hogs and other animals. It requires the affidavit of at least three re- lu'able citizens from the vicinity n which the injury or destruction is done to support the claim be fore the commissioners, and fur ther evidence if commissioners require.' The maximum amount payable for injury or destruction to sheep is $8.00. The amount of the tax is Sl.OO on male dogs and $2.00 on female dogs, and this amount when collected by the sheriff shall be kept separate and apart from other funds by the treasurer and shall be known as the Sheep Fund Any amount 0.1 hand July first of any year and collected up until September first. aTcLgr*; ry -jiiidcd -Yn-j-ury-"or : other destruction to sheep, may be used for buying school books for children who are unable to buy them. It requires the affida vit of the parent cr guardian to the effect that they are unable to buy the school books. The amount on hand January first and not expended for the pur poses mentioned herein shall go to the general county fund. The act increasing the pay of the County Commissioners Wc.s repealed and after December, 1926, all commissioners shall re ceive the sum of $5,00 each per day, and no more. The County Commissioners are authorized to meet only on the first Mondays in each month from now on, un less It be necessary to have a call meeting. The commissions payable to the sheriff for the collection of taxes was reduced from 4 per cent to 2 1-2 per cent., and the sheriff is only directed to visit the different townships for the collection of taxes one time, and shall give at least ten days notice by posters of the time when he will visit the respective townships. This does not take effect until the 1927 tax books are placed in the hands of the sheriff. i opinion it is necessrry to appoint two they may do so, but not more than this number. The overseer shall qualify by taking an oath of office and giving bond in the sum of $500.00 for the faithful performance of his duties. He shall, on the first Monda.y in June file a sworn statement with the Beard of County Commissioners, giving the name of each person in his township subject to read duty. Every three months there after he shall also file an itemiz ed, sworn statement with said Board, showing who have worked the road and also who have paid and how the money has been ex pended, it being provided that any one subject to road duty be tween the ages of twenty-one and forty-five years may in lieu of such road duty, pay the sum of S5.00 to said overseer; and any one failing to perform such duty or pay such amount shall be guil ty of a misdemeanor and fined not less than $10.00 nor more than $25.00 for each offense. The sheriff or tax collector is directed to turn oyer tP each overseer the names of the peis^is who have not paid their road tax for the years 1923 and 1924 on July 1st. and they shall be subject to road duty by being warned by the re spective overseers to put in their time for the years 1923 and 1924, as well as 1925, and the same penalty attaches upon their fail ure to perform such duty as men tioned above. The road main tenance tax was reduced, having been not less than 15 cents nor more than 35 cents on the $100.00 valuation, to not less than 6 cents nor mo.’e than 12 cents on the 100.00 valuation. VV hen this has been collected, the sheriff is di rected to keep the same separate and apart and turn it over to the Treasurer, and he is directed to return to each township two- thirds of the amount levied and collected for this purpose, to be spent in the township where it is levied and collected; the other one-third to be kept in the Gen eral t ouniy Road Fund. This act also provides that where it becomes nectssarv to take land for road purposes, that the land owner cannot recover damages unless his lands have been de creased in value by reason of the construction of said road, and if it becomes necessary to send a jury of view to pass on said dam ages and said jury finds that in stead of|the lands being decreased in value the.y have been increas ed, they shall so report and how much, and a judgment shall be rendered by the County Commis sioners against the land owner for the amount of increase the property has had, which judg ment shall be collected as other Deyton Bend. Editor Eagle. The farmers of this place have been busy planting corn. It has been raining some for a few day.-. so they will have to stop work until the ground dries. • _Mr. M. H. Deyton, accompa nied by his daughter Lucille, went to Johnson City, Tenn., last Tuesday. Mrs. Brown Blevins of Toecane spent a few days at her grand mothers last week. Mr. Earle Deyton was a busi ness visitor in Burnsville last: Friday. - i Miss Jennie Deyton left Saturday to spend a few wee'fci with relatives at Erwin, Term.'*; Mr. Vero Masters, who is eoii-1 ployed at Spruce Pine, spent I Saturday night and Supday with} (/• home folks here. j \ .Mr. Young, the Presbyterian i preacher, is here on business this i week. : V Miss Zetta Meinturff, who been attending sum .;‘-r school Bakersville, has returned homo. ! ' Mr. L- PI. Masters was a visitcir • /•, at Spruce Fine Sunday a'fcemoon. i Addie, the little daughter ;J Mr. and Mrs. M. PI. Deyton is staying at Toecane with her cousin, Mrs. Brown Blevins. 4 Teakettle Bank m the Cornfield I4 SLY old fellow.was Farmer Brown. “ faith in any one but himself. Hard working, honest, saving—but no He placed his savings in an old teakettle which he hid in his cornfield. It was discovered by tramps—sorrowfully he learned that it was no place to keen money. What does it profit a man to save his money and hide it in a teakettle? Of course very fewpeople of today literally place their money and faith in old teaket- numbers are still banking their hard earned funds in the old kettle or indiiierenee without even a thought of the oncoming tramps of senseless buying • and careless use who so often discover its hiding place. A portion of the money you earn should be saved and properly cared for Discard teakettles and let us show you the wisdom of a regular saving habit and placing it out of the reach of the tramps. OPLES BAKU BURNSVILLE, N.C.- Meeting of Tri-County. ' Association. _ Certificate of Dissolution. The Tri-County Deve'op:ner,t State ot North Carolina, Association met at Nevviand, N C , Friday April 24th, with Mr. E. F. Watson, vice-prcsident for Yancey countv presiding, in tne abesence the piesident. The visitors were very elo quently welcomed by Mr. McCoy PTanklin. Mr. Chas. M. Uphanx, Chief .Engineer of the State Deoartment of State. To all to whom these presents may come—(irreetiutf: WHEREAS, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary disaoiutioa thereof by the unanimous consent of the stockholders deposited in my office that the Western Carolina Highway Commission, was pres- Lumber Company, a COTporation of encandgavea very interesting [this'dtate, whose principal office is sit- talk. The Chamber of Commerce of Johns in City, Tenn., wan repre sented by its secretary and about tw'enty members .Mr. J. W. Wood, Secretary of the Johnson City Chamber of i.'ommerce, gave a very timely address, and^^in- uated at BurnsviHe, Yancey County, North Carolina, T. H. Jackson being the Agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may bo served, has- complied with the requirements of Chapter 22 Consolidated Statutes, en titled “Corporations” preliminary to the issuing of this certificate of disso- '’UST UNLOADKD A CAR LOAD OP MELAL roofing and a car load of BAR RETT S ASPHALT ROOFING. WE CAN FILL YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN ANY OF THE FOL- material AT ATTRACTIVE judgment now provided by law. This act also provides that the road from Mine Ford to i^oonford shall be sanded and graveled out of the County Road Fund. It also provides that there, shall be a road built from L. D. Thomas’ store in Bru-h Creek township via Pleasant Gru/e Church and to connect with graded mad atBrush Creek High School. To raise the funds necessary for this purpose, it is provided that there shall be a levy of not less than five cents nor mhre than fO cents for the $100.00 valuation each year unt, this, road is completed. vited the Association to ho!d'ji‘!#^(f,ioa next meeting at Johnson City. | NOW THEREFORE I, w. N. Ever- GALVANIZED ROCK FACED SIDING PRESSED BRICK SIDING. 2 V CRIMP Galvanized roofing 3 V crimp GAIuVANIZED roofing FOUR-IN-ONE STRIP SHINGES SLATE SURFACED ROLL ROOFING. SMOOTHE SURFACED ROLL ROuFING. It was unanimously voted that the next meeting beheld at John son City, Friday May 1st. About two hundred people of the three counties are expected to make this trip. The endeavors of the Tri- County Association are already beginning to show results. Tour ists are already beginning to line highway No. 69. which is a part of the Appalachian Scenic High way. Several parties have al ready been enjoying Camp Ray at Burnsville, and this summer is destined to be a revelation to the people of this section. NOTICE. The game law was also changed so that no one can either hunt or fish on the lands of another with out first obtaining permmision from the land owner, and no fish shall bfc taken from any stream at any time except with hook and line. The open season for trout being from April 15ht to August 1st. The other open seasons are the same as heretofore, except it is provided that no birds shall be killed for a period of two years, and then only from November 10th to January loth. There is a license fee of $25 00 for each per son who comes from another county or State to hunt or fish. It is also provided that the sheriff ' of the county shall be Fish Game Warden and each of his deputies a Deputy Game Warden They shall receive the usual fees for serving any papers on violators of this act, and in addition $5.00 Notice is hereby given thatsealed bids will be received until 11 .feiock A, iL on May 11th, 1925, by the Board of Ci-m missionei-B of the Town of Burnsyilie, North Carolina, in the Town Hail for the uurcfaaso of $100,000 Water Snpjiiy Syatoins Bonds of said Town, dated but the i April 1st, 1925, and maindug $2 00,6 Commissioners are authorized to i April 1st, 1928 to 1957,'an ; ijLnOOO April issue short term notes so that the ■' ut, 19.5.8 to 1905, bearing interest at the ;tt Secretary of the State of North larolin/i... do hereby certify.that the aid Corporation did on the 3rd day of ^pril, 1925, file iu luy office a duly exe- nted and attested consent iu writiutr o the U»holuiiou of said Corporation, xecuted by all the stockholders thereof, hich said consent and the record of he procedings aforesaid are now le in my said office as provided by IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have erennfco set mv hand and affixed my fficial seal at Raleigh, this the Bid .y of April, A. D., 1925. W. N. ^IVERETT, Secretarv of State. fOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE road may be completed and these notes to be taken up as the taxes are collected. I was assured by the State Tax Commission that they would authorize and direct the County Commissioners to make a horizontal cut on ail real estate not heretofore reduced, of at least 20 or. iO per cent, This will be done by tax-li«ting time for the year 1925. There were other bills intro duced, but nothing relating to Yancey county that would be of special interest to the people in genera’, ai.d cn account of the length of tnis article I shall de sist in _ Saying anything about tbem.'_b.ilt>IiJill be glad to report to anylpji^'lyho desires to hear just whafir.^y are. I also desHre to say that I ijave served the people as best I could, and in the few bills passed have saved the county some several thousand dollars per an num, it being my desire to serve m_v people as best I could, and I wish to thank each and every one North Carolina, Yancey County. Notice is hereby given that under ul by. aiitliority of a deed in trust ade by and between J B. .Aagiiti and isephioe Anglins and John Anglin id wife Hattie Augline to Molt Hen- ■ 5y in trust for the «tate of North irolin.a iu Ihe nature of a bond for ipeai-ince, M’bich bond has been vio- ted, and under and by authority of a dgement of the Superior Conat at the it term of the Superior Court of ancey County 'u relation thereto, the , , , a - .bdersigned Mo;r Hensley, Clerk of the each, and 00th principal and interest • . m X- ■ . « I - I iperior Court, Trustee aforesaid, will payable at the Chase Isationa! Bank, ;n , the City and State of New York. rate of six per cent jx-r annum, payable semi-annually, denominations $1,000 visions of the Municipal Finauce Act (Sections 2918 to 2961, Consolidated statutes of North Carolina, as amended imd re enacted, Extra Session 1921), are payable from an unlimited tax, and will be accompanied by the unqualified f You can save money by buying here. ^ Write or call cur yard. MARSHALL LUMBER CO. Spruce Pine, N. C. ^ A Quick Motor Truck Service J- Nov/ Operating Between Johnson City, Tenn. Milligan, ” Eiizabethton, ’’ Hampton, ” Roan Mountain,.^ ” Shell Creek, Elk Park, Cranberry, Minneapolis, Pluratree, Weaverville, N. Ingalls, Spruce Pine, Estatoe, Crabtree, Newdale, Micaville, W'indom, Burnsville, Bald Creek, Ivy Forks, Asheville, N. C. . I the 29th -.iay of May, 1925, offer for c ., , , . , ... I le to the highest bidder for c.n-h on j Said bonds are issued under the pro-'.» x ..... ; 5-of eale m Itout of the oonrt house | Leaves Johnson City at 10:00 A. M, Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays, arriving at Asheville the same after- noons. Leaves Asheville at 10:00 A. M. Tuesdays, Thursdays and baturdays, arriving at Johnson City the same after- noons. Making daily delivery to ail points on the line. for each and every conviction, to j the co-operation which they be taxed in the bill of cost and given me, and regardless of paid bv the party convicted. [party affiliations I believe my The fees of the Clerk of the he approved^ by the ma- Superior Court were increased, of the people ot the county, this being done to avoid putting ' ■ ^ WATSON. the office on a salary, the losing party in a suit will pay the fees. The Road Law was rewritten and provide'^ that the County Co iriiisidoners sir-ill. on the first Monday in May or’ each year, ap point at leist one ove.-Sf/r fo; of Bavusville, (J., all the piop- t;y conveyed in said deed of trust : ily set out and described to wit: Twenty four acres of laud lying and |i.K in Prises Crest tomsMp, Yancey^ ..^proving ,e„l opinion -of Messrs, fc’| truck Will call at your door for y„,„ shipments. StOiVy, Thornaiko, Psjmer & Dodfi. f,, of Boston, Mass, and the reruaed: I g g ^ j .raoser.,.t on y-nKh same is based, , | All .ads must be accompameo by a; 1 j, " I*- oerrified check upon an incorporated The . , . ^ ,, A av I V'itiiess my hand this the 20th day bank or trust company, payable to the ■, j^.,- S orderofthoTreasnrerofthe Town otr mOLT HElYSLEY Bnr„sv,n,, for two per centu.n .of the j ciert g„p«Ior Oodrt and Trustee, par value Ot the bonds bid tov, to cure the Town against any loss vesulting | from a faiiutv of the bidder to compiy , with the ti'i'ins of bis bid, and must be I Mice to’-'the Tax Payers blank foims which will be furnished . by the undersigned on request. The right is reserved by the Board of Commis.sioners of said Town to reject any or all bids. J. P. LYON, Clerk, Town of Burnsville, N. C. MONEY TO LOAN by thei n „ Federal Loan Bank. For infer-! ^ ^ payers are hereby no- mation and application blanks ’ ^to be prepared to_ furnish see Louis English. I Her with the number of acres [ e ivated in each farm product, Spring cleaning is not over un-1 ^number of acres in pasture. Don’t abuse the hen because she wants to set. Instead put „ „ hei- iu a slatted coop, feed her til the poultry iio-ase has boen jail the amount produced on each well.nnd give plenty of water. i t iiorougbly clean, made tree from ■ ■ SPEEDWAY MOTOR FREIGHT H. A. Womack. ot Yaiilcey County. hapter 201, p^ge 498 of Public I ws of North Carolina provides t ,t a perfect listing of agricul- t al statistics be made at the tjie they list their regular taxes. WHEELER GARAGE First Class Repairing hudson-essex flvCj r-ucrx/Dni c-r- eacii towfishiib and if in their week.s. Generally she will be ready to gttj iieo nno mites and pur in s’irp.a; back to laying in two or tnree ^ for ihe co iiirnrhot. v.eaiher. s-iy' W. M. ENGLISH. Tax Supervisor. CHEVROLET On the Square BURNSVILLE, N. C

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