w THE BURNSVILLE EAGLE i BURNSVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1930. 1—SIonHHient to Col. Patrick Pergtjson, who fell in command of the British at the battle of Kings Blonntaln, South Carolina, ISO years ago, which was dedicated by President Hoover. 2—Police of Kansas City driving chil dren from public playground in enforcing the infantile paralysis quarantine. 3—British light cruiser Danae, com- ' ■ ' y- Capt. E. E. Bent, in the Washington navy yard for a week’s visit. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRE£EVENTS President Hoover Talks of Problems and Policies in Three Speeches. By EDWARD W. PICKARD “tj^HEEE public addresses in two days gave President Hoover oppor tunity to say a lot of things about our problems, our Institutions and our prospects. His utterances on each oc casion were dignified and well consid ered : they were praised by his admir ers and fellow Republicans, and belit tled by some Democrats and others who do not agree with bis national policies. Speaking before the convention of the American Legion In Boston, the President told the Legionnaires that the ideals and purposes of tlieir organ ization must be translated into cold realism of the day to day task of citi zenship ; and he reminded them that the Legion is consecrated by Its con stitution to the high purpose of up holding the laws of the country. He touched on preparedness, and said that real peace in the world requires something more than treaties, that all International good will is founded on mutual respect among the nations. Mr. Hoover expressed warmly the nation’s gratitude to the men who served in the World war and its sym pathy for wounded and disabled vet erans. He continued; ■'In addition to hospitalization, re habilitation, war risk insurance, ad justed compensation, and priority in civil service, the government has un dertaken through disability allowances to provide for some 700,000 veterans of the World war. Our total outlays on all services to World war veterans are nearing $600,000,000 a year and to veterans of all wars nearly $900.- 000,000 per annum. "The nation assumes an obligation when it sends Its sons to war. The nation is proud to requite this obliga tion within Its full resources. I have been glad of the opportunity to favor the extension of these services in such « manner that they cover without question all cases of disablement whether from war or peace. "There is, however, a deep responsi bility of citizenship in the administra tion of this trust of mutual helpful ness which peculiarly lies upon your members, and that is that the de mands upon the government should not exceed the measure that justice requires and self-help con provide. If we shall overload the burden of tax ation we shall stagnate our economic progress and we shall by the slacken ing of his progress place penalties up on every citizen." L ater in the day the President ap peared before'the American Eedera- tion of Labor convention and gave the workers of the nation a message of hope and encouragement. He said that co-operation resulting from confer ences which he Initiated has materi- ahy minimized the adverse effects of the business depression, that wage levels have been generally maintained, that industrial strife has been reduced to a minimum and that some of the slack in employment lias been taken up by the speeding up of public works construction. He called for nation-wide teamwork to pull the country out of the slump and set it once more on the high road to prosperit.v. Referring to the displacement of as many as 2.000,000 workers by labor saving devices and a breakdown of wages on account of destructive com petition. Mr. Hoover said that one key to a solution of the problem lies in reduction of this competition possibly by a revision of regulatory laws. This was interpreted as a suggestion for amendment of anti-trust laws.’ F rom Boston the President traveled down to the northern border of South Carolina and participated in the celebration of the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the battle of Kings Mountain, •sihich was a ciucial engagement in the Revolutionary ^rar. In his address he dwelt on the insti tutions, the ideals and the spirit of America, and took the opportunity to score the Reds. Likening the American "system” to a race, with tlie government as um pire, Mr. Hoover said that "Social ism or Its violent brother, Bolshe vism, would compel all the runners to end the race equally," while "an archy would provide neither train ing nor umpire," and “despotism or class government picks those who run and also those who win.” But ail the menace does not come from without, Che President said, add ing that "there are always malevo lent or selfish forces at work which, unchecked, would destroy the very basis of our American life." Mr. Hoover defended the conserv ative policies of his administration, and denounced governmental inter ference in business as ‘‘a destruction of equal opportunity and the incar nation of tyranny through bureau cracy.” T his is the favorite season for na tional conventions, and some of the most important last week heard and considered some vital proposi tions. Delegates to the A. F. of L. meeting received 'he report of their executive councir dealing with means for alleviation and removal of unem ployment causes and with effort to carry forward attainment of political objectives of unions; with the cam paign to unionize the South, and spe cific details of national policy toward immigration; judicial action In indus trial disputes, and the approach of more Intimate industrial association with enterprise and organization of other countries. President William Green dwelt especially on the cam paign for the five-day week. Among the resolutions submitted was one for change in the federation’s prohibition policy from modification to repeal. Another asked the federation to sup port unemployment insurance legis lation. Before the National Association of Manufacturers, in session in New York, President .John E. Edgerton of Tennessee proclaimed the "unashamed resistance of organized industry" to govemmentnl pensions for the aged, insurance for the unemployed and similar legislation. He declared noth ing has happened to weaken the con fidence of understanding minds in the soundness of the American economic system or sclieme of government. .Tames A. Emery, general counsel for the association, upheld lobbying for and against legislation as a private right and a public duty. He sounded a warning that public expenditures, unless checked, soon will consume one-fifth of the national indoifie. F OLLOWING' the lead of their fel low Latin-Americans in other coun tries, Brazilians took up the revolu tionary movement, seeking to over throw the gpvernraent of President Washington Luis and to prevent the inauguration of President-Elect Julio Prestes. They asserted Prestes was elected by fraud and that new elec- rlons must be held. Such rapid prog ress was made by tlie revolutionists that their complete success may be a matter of history before this Is read. On the other hand, the federal gov ernment declared the revolt would be suppressed. The rebellion started al most simultaneously in several of the most important states, notably Rio Grande do Sjal, Parana, Minas Geraes and Pernambuco. By the middle of the week the important city of Per nambuco had been captured by the revolutionists after two days of fight ing, and large armies were converg ing on Sao Paulo, center of the vast coffee-growing region. Numerous smaller cities and towns were occu pied without bloodshed. Of course tlie rebels were not hav ing their own way everywhere, for the federal armies and the navy were ac tive, and two classes of reservists were called out Measures were tak en to protect Rio de Janeiro from at tack. It was feared the food prob lem In the capital city might become G reat Britain’s hope to revive her declining trade by the Insti tution of free trade witliin the empire was definitely shelved In the imperial conference. After J. H. Thomas, do minions secretary, had given the facts and figures of England's distress and asked If something could not be done about It, the representatives of one dominion after another arose and de clared in effect that they would not give up the protection of vheir own industries for the sake of Great Brit ain. All of them, however, expressed hope that Great Britain would buy more of tiieir agricultural products, and there were covert suggestions of a British tariff on foreign food, against which the present British gov ernment is pledged. Premier Bennett of Canada voiced what seemed to be the general opinion of the dominions when he said flatly: “In our opinion empire free trade is neither desirable nor possible.” ENGLAND’S huge dirigible. R-101, ’argest In the world, crashed and exploded near Beauvais, France, soon after its start for India, and 48 men perished, only seven of those aboard surviving the disaster. Among the vic tims were Lord Thomson, minister of air; Sir W. Sefton Brancker, director, of civil aviation, and many other lead ing air experts and airmen. The ship was flying low through a dark, stormy night and apparently dipped so far that it struck a hill. The bag ripped and sparks from the motors set off the Inflammable hydrogen gas. P'ollowing a day of ofllcial mourning in France d'creed by the government, the bodies of the dead were taken to London and placed in state in West minster hall, A solemn national funer al service was held and the remains were then interred in a common grave at Cardington, the home port of the ill-fated dirigible. Most of the fatalities in this disas ter were due doubtless to the use of hydrogen gas in the bug. Helium gas, which is used In American dirigibles, is not Inflammable; but the* United States has the only unlimited supply of that gas and its export is forbidden by law. It is likely this ban will be removed by the next congress. One of the big Lufthansa passenger planes of Germany was caught In a violent squall at Dresden and was dashed to earth. Six passengers, the pilot and the mechanic were killed. A nnouncement is made of the betrothal of King Boris of Bul garia and Princess Glovanna, daughter of the king and queen of Italy. The oSicial organ of the Vatican denies a report that the Vatican had consented to an arrangement by which the first son of this union would be reared in the Bulgarian Orthodox church and any other children would be brought up as Roman Catholics. ^HICAGO’S underworld “pulled a fast one” the other evening which caused Police Commissioner Alcock and his men much embarrassment. Four young thugs held up the auto mobile of Mrs. Thompson, wife of the mayor, at the door of her residence and took all the jewelry the lady was wearing, as well as the gun of her policeman-chauffeur. It may have been sheer bravado or, as the police sug gest, a frame-up to have Alcoek ousted so that a man more lenient to or ganized crime in Chicago might have bis place. The campaign to jail the Chicago master criminals or drive them from the city Is progressing slowly and not so surely. Several of the worst gang sters have been arrested on vagrancy charges and held in heavy bonds; but unscrupulous lawyers and magistrates who are over-observant of technical!" ties may frustrate the best efforts ot the crusaders. B y A resolution adopted by the Na tional Poultry, Butter and Egg as sociation in annual convention in Chi cago, an organized attack was started on the federal agricultural marketing act. The resolution “calls upon acd Im plores the leaders of representative units of this industry to lay aside all other considerations and join a move ment to perfect an organization with prestige and power enough to carry on a determined fight" against the farm act and any other “radical legisla tion in general and that affecting our own industry lu particular.” 'The officers of the association, whose industry is estimated by them to approximate a volume of a billion dollars annually, are Instructed by the resolution to “accept it as a mandate to proceed with all possible force and dispatch." (£), 1924. Western Newsp&cw Uulon.) RUSS. GRAIN MENACE TO U. S., SAYS LEGGE To Flood American Market, Farm Bd. Head Predicts. Chicago.—Predicting that in three years Russia would be flooding world markets with cereal grains, except corn, to the department >f American farmers, Alexander Legge. chairman of the federal farm board, said the government’s De;mr(ment of Agricul ture and his board intended to give grain growers full warning of what was coming. He sh’oUe before the Na- tiona! Association of Farm Equipment Manufacturers at Us annual meeting held here. “There is no Santa Claus in TVasii- ington," Mr. Legge declared. “We are simply trying to aid the growers when they themselves volunteer to organize and readjust their meihods to modern conditions. We have set up seven central marketing-agencies and turned them over to farmers, and are helping other groups that need it. Our only interest thereaftei is as creditor.” Cheap money rates for many months have not brought a “comeback” in business or agriculture. Mr. Legge as serted, but Americans are better off today than people in other countries. He expressed the hope that the bot tom of business depression had been reached. New York hunkers have as sured him tliere can be no stabiliza tion of securities until commodity prices start back upward, he said, ex pressing the opinion that big business was just beginning to realize the basic Importance of agricultural well-being. "Manufacturers in recent years have been obliged to discard old methods and rearrange their factory units.’' the farm board chainran declared. “Farm ers, unorganized, have been unable to do this, and conlinue ’blind produc tion.’ We are trying to point out the need of taking Inventory and plan our farm production accordingly. The two crops, wheat and cotton, are in meat need of readjustment, and in each case our recommendations are different.” Mr. Legge pointed out that lowered production costs and reduced acreage were necessary for grain growers, with possible changes in the size of farms to facilitate more economical handling. “Faulty information last fall caused us to make some mistakes in handling the wheat situnfli;’i.” Mr. Legge said, "but high tanir'ift"Ills ini'i decreased wheat consumption were not foreseen by either the farm board or experi enced men in the trade. We have bet ter information sources now. and that kind of error is out of the picture." Senator Arthur dapper (Rep., Kan.)r speaking at the luncheon of the ad vertising council of the Chicago Asso ciation of Commerce, said: “Manipuiation of the New York Stock exchange by ‘short selling’ does n’t mean one-tenth to the West what the menanclng control of your grain markets by the speculative element does." He added that Kansas and Chicago had many things In common, but the “henvy losses In grains due to price fluctuations In Chicago have caused total lack of confidence by Kansans in the grain markets here.” The senator asserted that unless the wrongful practices are righted the government will have to take a hand. Claim Grain Men’s Right to Defend Themselves St. Paul, Minn.—Replying to the second broadside fired by the farm board in the last few days, in which it is charged Minneapolis grain inter ests are pouring .$1,000,(X)0 into propa ganda to undermine the hoard, the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce de nied the allegations and firmly upheld the right of the grain trade to defend its interests against any ill-advised marketing theories and unfair com petition originating from governmental or any other source. At the same time Soi’th St. Paul Live Stock exchange members voiced criticism of the farm board’s attitude In the matter of the proposed investi gation Into nmrked attacks on the board and pointed out that, in the live stock setups, It has been co-opera tive organizations whose voices have been lifted in loudest protests against the farm board's program for that industry. Latest development in the farm board's plan to unmask attacks whlcb have been made on it include state ments from Washington that, through friendly western Interests, the board learns that Minneapolis grain inter ests are putting $1,000,000 a year Into propaganda to undermine the board. This money, the board claims, Is used to finance 200 traveling representa tives of Minneapolis grain commission houses covering most of the elevators of the Northwest. Appropriates $30,000,000 New York.—An appropriation of $30,000,000 for parks and playgrounds, the largest ever made for that pur pose In the city's history, was ap proved by the board of estimate. 1,251 Infantile Paralysis Cases San Francisco.—With 1,251 cases of Infantile paralysis reported in Califor nia tins year, Dr. George E. Ebrlght, president of the state board of health, said the peak apparently has been reached.' Three Children Die in Barn Fire Marion, Ky.—'Three children were burned to death in a fire which de stroyed a barn on the farm of Graves Rickett, near Raywick, in Marlon county. KING BORIS TO WED King Boris Rome.—Following announcement a few days ago of his engagement, court circles said King Boris III. of Bul garia, really wooed and won his twen- ty-three-year-old bride-to-be. Princess Glovanna, daughter of the Italian king and queen. Boris is thirty-six years old. It is said that one ceremony will be performed at Rome and the second at Breslav, ancient Bulgarian capital, in the presence of the exiled King Ferdi nand, Boris’ father. ATHLETICS WIN FLAG TWICE IN TWO YEARS Philadelphia Beats St. Louis in Championship Contest. Philadelphia.—The Athletics of Phil adelphia, world’s champions for the second time in two years, have a right to consider themselves “a gre'at team.” The American leaguers won the se ries in impressive fashion by captur ing the sixth game, 7 to 1, from the St. Louis Cardinals. The deciding game never was in doubt, for the world’s champions made two runs, enough to win, in the first inning, while the Missourians did not offer a serious tnreat to score until the ninth when they were seven runs behind. Against the effective pitching ot big Geoi'gc Earnshaw, the Cards were al most helpless, failing to get a man to third base until two batsmen had been retired in the final inning, When the visitors counted their lone rub they broke a streak of scoreless pitching against them by Earnshaw, which had extended over a stretch of 22 innings. The big moose of the A’s blanked the opposition in the last seventh in ning of the second game of the series, permitting six hits and winning, 6 to 1. In Uie fifth game at St, Louis he went the first seven Innings without being nicked for a run when he left the game for a pinch hitter. In this game he had allowed only two hits. In tlie final game he turned the opposition back without a run and with only three hits until the ninth when a sin gle and double with a pass in between was good for a run. The triumpli of the Athletics marked the fourth straight year in which the American league champions had won the highest prize baseball has to offer. The Cardinals of 1930, however, may take with the loser’s share of the se ries receipts the satisfaction of carry ing the autumn struggle a game long er than did the Chicago Cubs Inst year and two games father along the trail than the Pirates of 1927 or the Cardi nals of 1928, when tlie New York Yaukees disposed of the National league opposition in the minimum time of four games. The game which rang down the cur tain on major league baseball for the year was typical of the pitch set by the moundsmen for the series.- In only one game was the losing team able to score more than one run and In the opening battle only a scant two runs fell to the lot of the vanquished. 206,514 Veterans Seek Pensions Under New Law Washington.—Under the new World war veterans act passed by the last congress. 206,514 applications for pen sions have been received by thq Vet erans’ bureau, it was annoupced. Vet erans sufferings from ailments not due to war service can now receive disa bility allowance. More than 25,000 claims have been examined and 13,213 allowed. Pacifists’ Citizenship Is Up to Supreme Court Washington,—The government has asked the United States Supreme court to decide whether persons who refuse to declare without qualification their willingness to take up arms In defense of this country are entitled to naturalization. Hop Men in Plea for Beer Spokane, Wash. — Puyallup valley hop growers will urge passage by the Washington legislature of a bill per mitting home manufacture of beer, arguing they have a right to the same privileges given the California grape growers. Girl Scouts Choose Buffalo Indianapolis, Ind. — Tr.e National Council of Girl Scouts voted to hold its next annuil convention at Buf falo, K. Y. KANSAN IS ELECTED LEGION’S COMMANDER Prohibition, Bonus Proposal Fail to Win Approval. Boston, Alass.—Ralph T. (Dike) O’Neil of Topeka, Kan., was elected national commander of the American Legion in the closing session of the convention here over Col. J. Munroe Johnson of Marion, S. C. National vice commanders chosen were Harry B. Henderson, Jr., Cheyenne, Wyo.; Bert S. Hyland, Rutland, Vt.; Neal Williams, Excelsior Springs, Mo.; Ro land B. I-Iowell, Thibodeaux, La.; and James A. Duff. Martinsburg, W. Va. Rev. Joseph Barnett of Oshkosh, WIs., was named chaplain. The Legion again defeated what many delegates charged was an at tempt to drag it into politics by re jecting a proposal for the immediate payment of 80 per cent of the face value of adjusted compensation cer tificates. Proponents of the measure held It would he a great aid in reliev ing the hardships of veterans who are unemployed, tut the opponents saw in it a slap at the Washington admin istration which sponsored the present program of compensation. Immediate action to bring the United States navy up to the limit set by the London naval conference, the constructiOL of a merchant ma rine, and the appropriation of $1,000,- 000 for additional land in the vicinity of the United States Military acad emy, was voted unanimously. A move to bring the prohibition question before the assembly met with defeat when Commander 0. L. Bodenliamer ruled it was out of order. Another preparedness resolution adopted included indorsement of a standing army of 12.000 officers and 126,0(X) men and a National Guard of 210,000 men. The drill team of the Peoples Gas post, 336, of Chicago, which won sec ond place in the 1929 drill contests, won first place in the contests held In connection with present convention. Mrs. Wilma M, Hoyal of Douglas; Ariz., chairman of the child welfare commltt e of the American Legion auxiliary and an active worker in the organization, was elected president at the closing session of the auxiliary’s tenth annual convention. Green Pledges to Free Labor of Racketeers Boston, Mass.—William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, in a speech before the fed eration's annual convention pledged himself to do all In his power to drive labor racketeers from his organiza tion. “If there is brought to my attention a racketeer moving-under the garb of trades unionism, and I can place my hands upon him with convicting evid ence, I will drive hhn from this move ment if 1 can,” he declared. “And 1 know the brave men and women as sociated with me who try to place this movement upon a plane of hon esty will join with me.” (Treen’s declaration came after Rev. Father J. W. McGuire, president of SL Viator collie, Illinois, had warned the convention that the work of “dishonest and grafting labor lead ers was being used to discredit or ganized labor.” James 'J. Davis, United States sec retary of labor, in another address before the convention expressed an optimistic view of the future for la bor and industry. "1 am one who be lieves," he said. ‘That we will soon emerge from this period of depres sion and enter upon a new and lasting era of prosperity, surpassing, per haps, all former periods of prosperity in the history of our country.” Santa Fe Road to Buy 60,000 Tons Steel Rails Chicago.—The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway will contract for ap proximately 60.000 tons of steel rails and 'close to 20,000 tons of track ma terial within a few days for the lay ing of 370 miles of track, according to announcement made by W. B. Storey, president. This Is the first Important rail pur chase to be made by a western road In the buying movement which started a few weeks ago with the placing of an order for 40,000 tons of rails by the Chesapeake & Ohio. It is understood that the Santa Fe rail and track ton nage is for delivery chiefly in 1931, al though It is probable that some of the rails will be rolled this year. • City Officials Indicted in Albany Tax Inquiry Albany, Y.—The grand jury re turned seventy-four indictments charg ing ten Individuals with various of fenses in connection with tax frauds. Deputy City Treasurer William J. Hughes, two employees of the city treasurer's office and seven other per sons were named in connection with tax manipulations. Jail, Fine for Extortion Oklahoma City, ’ Okla.—W. Oscar Gordon, former assistant state’s attor ney general, was sentenced to twelve months in the Oklahoma county jail and fined $1,000 by Federal Judge Edgar S. Vaught on his plea of guilty to extortion. Stray Load of Alky Worth $36,000 Baltimoie.—A carload of grain al cohol, valued at $38,0(X), was in the hands of prohibition officials who at tempted to trace its origin. CLARK. ENVOY TO MEXICO Joshua Reuben Clark, Jr. Washington.—Joshua Reuben Clark, Jr., of Salt Lake City, Utah, under secretary of state during the Coolidge administration and a veteran of the United States foreign service, was ap pointed ambassador to Mexico by President Hoover. He will fill the post left vacant by the resignation of Am- ba®ador Dwight W. Morrow, who re tires to enter the New Jersey sena torial campaign. COMMON BURIAL FOR DIRIGIBLE VICTIMS 48 Officers and Members of Crew Rest at Cardington. London.—The bodies of the 48 vic tims of the recent R-101 dirigible dis aster, including the latest member to be added to the death roll—Samuel Church, one of the craft’s riggers— were Interred at a qommon burial at the home port of the Ill-fated ship, Cardington. Britain paid homage to the dead of the R-101, whose bodies lay in pur ple-draped coffins in the mortuary chapel of Westminster . abbey. Over each coffin was a flag. Throngs passed through the chapel. The bodies were later removed to Westminster hall, where the bodies of King Edward VII and William E. Gladstone lay j^.state. The memor^ -vices were in two morial was held in St. Paul’s ca thedral, while Westminster cathe dral was the scene of a mass of re quiem by the church of Rome. Dis tinguished visitors of other lands at tended both services, along with Brit ish officialdom. The prince of Wales i-epresented King George. Tlie coffins were removed to Cardington by a spe cial train. Many relatives of the airship vic tims made positive Identification at the mortuary chapel. It was stated that the British ex perts already have a fairly definite idea regarding the cause of the dis aster, and that on Air Commodore Holt’s return to Beauvais, France, near where the R-101 crashed, on its maiden flight to India, they will lay the information before their superiors and receive Instructions on the man ner of continuing the investigation. Poultry, Butter, Egg Men to Fight Marketing Act Chicago.—The federal agricultural marketing act was made the target of an organized and financed attack as the result of a resolution adoped unan imously by the National Poultry, But ter and Egg associatlon in annual con vention here. The resolution "calls upon and Im plores the leaders of representative units of this industry to lay aside nil other considerations and join a move ment to perfect an organization .with prestige and power enough to carry on a determined fight" against the farm act and any other “radical leg islation in general and that affecting our own industry in particular.” The officers of thq^'^assoeiatlon, whose Industry Is estimd^ed by them to approximate a volume of u billion dollars annually, are insfructed by the resolution to “accept it',aa a mandate to proceed with all possible force and dispatch.” Twenty-Eight Nations OK. War Aid Agreement Geneva.—The pact-to provide a se ries of international loans to any sig natory nation which Is attacked by another power was signed by dele gates from twenty-eight nations. Ger man. Italian and Hungarian repre sentatives refrained from signing. Chicago Get* 1931 Golf Meet Chicago.—The 1931 national ama teur golf tournament has been awarded to the Beverly Country club of Chi cago by the United States Golf as sociation. Hungary Expels 63 U. S. Doctors Budapest. — Under a resolution passed by the city council, 63 Amer ican physicians and surgeons were or dered expelled from hospitals here after a newspaper campaign against them. German Plane Crash Kills 8 Dresden.—A German Lufthansa 19- passenger plane, D-1930, tlylng from Berlin to Vienna, while descending here crashed in a squall, killing the pilot, the mechanic and six passengers.

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