THE E AGLE BDt«re>l Ht the Postofflce ut Bonu- ville. N. 0., ns HeC\> 1 l-cli«') luntter, tw online to act of Ljogriiiii March 3rd, INTO. BURNSVILLE, N.C.Oct.24. LYON & LEWIS, Publishers. TO THE VOTERS OF STATE FAIR EXHIBITS YANCEV COUNTY. SHOW FARM PRODUCTS DEYTON BEND I'Milor Kltuk'. .luck FniHt, vinitM uh frequently M.'HHrM. (liliMoii Deylon Hii.l M»ix rnilfltl Htill make rtielrreiiiilurvisilN to liuniHville. A lar^re tTowiJ atleiuied the iirn- Kniiii Kiveii at tlie wliool hiiilditiK hint Friday aveniiiff. 'I'lic «lrint' miiMie waH iimde li.v MeuHTH. Willie |{i'iihIi'.v, Don Itanfro and lCiil|jl) l.iiiif^liriiii, from .Inekn Cn'ek. AUo ii luimher ol HoloN were rendered by Mr. iold, leaeher here and at 'I'iiiton ilill. A party wan driven at llie lionie of Mr- A. C.' (Jreeiitj laHtTliiiraday nifrlit. 'I'lioee pi'em-iit were Mieei'H Nettie Woody, .leiitiie and Sarah Siidth, Vii'frie and I.«ma Deyton, Nettle (irii'iie, Flberla Itatidolphand MeHarH Italpli laiiiKhriin, Willie IlenHley, K. H, t.reeiie, Don Uenfro. Uay.lohnHoii, .Molt Heimlev. iHaae and .lohn llan- dolph, Love'lhiKheH, flifford'i’ipton, (iiliHon Deyton, Max I’roltltt, Sam ltandolph,‘.lack (Jivetie, Seth Honey- eult and Note (Jortney. Fveiyone Heenied to enjoy the ocmHioii. Mr, Kennelli-IohiiHon,wliolNteafh- iiijr at i’oplar, Hpeiit thewwk eml at home. I'rayer meetill^r waH htdd at the home of .Mr Hoyd .Jolitmon lawt Wtalneeday iilii;lit at the neiml lionr. A min-her of Deyton lleiid folkw nlteialeil tlie ne^ro miiiHtrel Kiven at 'I'lploii Niil laat Salurtiny niKhl. UlHalxait time for corn liiiHkitigH now. Then we will have a lime. ConBolidation of N. C. Coun ties Being Advocated. Sentiment for the dediu'tioti in number of NorthCaroliiiu’rt 1 HOcuiin- tH'Mto7U or To ihroiifb eoiiHoida- tion of two or more eouiitieH littH nmehetl BUch a point lliat Slate oUl- i-ialH have been naked to work out BiiKueHtmam of comitieH an a baHia for fill iher eoiiHideratioq ol llie pro posal. Several ooliditloiiH I'liter into HUeli a wholHaleeoinbimilion pro(j:raiii, in- eludiiitf IntercHtH and fype» of peo|ilH lobe broiifilit touetber, Kince there are [irohnldy a ilofeii different na- tionalitifd n'nd BiraiiiB whirli were eoinmumtieB ■laturul inally lepari ' tlie Mr. Kditor; ' It luiK come to my kiiowledKo that a report in Ix'inK circulated through the county of Yancey to t)ie effect that Slieriff Noneyc'iitt Jb breaking uj) the county in the way of costB in criiidiial caBCB. I want to nay Mr. Kiiitor that thie iH an abHohitu falHe. hood and 1 do not care who itcoinoH from, thiB Ih nliHohitely untrue. Let nil! bIiow 3'ou juBt how the peojik* are lieing taxed on account of llieHheriff’B coMtB; Tlic tax rate in VanccyCounty for the year l'.)2M whb $2 lo oit the hundred dollai'B and in 1029 it whb on the hundred dullarK and in JbdOit WiiB 11.78 on the liuiidred dollai-H valuation. TIum ia entirely due to a Btric-t execution of the law by the Hheriff and to a nafe ami Hane bijurij of Ikiunty ('nmniiHBioiierH. When yon take whiijkey out of the coiiiitry you take crime out of the country. I liave Hp[)eared in over one hun dred inuriler caHCB and I am Bafe in Buying that ninety out of tliia lain- divd iniirder i'hhcb wi-n- trai'eahle directly to the iiH(! of whiskey. In a great majority of tlieBC criminal caBeB the (lefemluiitH nay the cohih, including jail fiN'B, iirni tlicrefore, not one Mingle cent in paid by the county in ciiHeH wlierc the defendantH are convicted ami pay the cost. The coMt on one iiiunler caKc will exceed many many timcB tlie wliole coHt of tlie whole crbnlrial docket for a teiun of court wliero there Ih no murder eawe t lied. Jn tlie twoyeiire preceed- ing Hheriff Hoiieyciit tV aniuiniMl tion there were [our murder caseH Yancey county nnd during Slieriff Noneyeutt’M adminisfrati m there huB beiui not a Biiigle murder cium in the county. You wee, therefore, Mr. I'klitor, tliat while there iiiuybeMome little ])ett.y caHiiB where the county liaH to pay the -omIb, the cost (imountB to practically nothing uh compared to the coat of one iniirder tiial. Sheriff Honeycutt IniB exwu- ti-d llie law, IniB arn’eted tlie dnnikM and broken up tlie fiaiiitain head of liquor Miipply in Yancey county and hence, we ha ve no munha- I'aseH, and fnrtiier, we have iIiIb red ictioiiiii the taxcB. If Ikpior h turned loose again in Yaneey county our tax=« will Hoar up to $2.r>0 on 1 he hundred dollurB valuation and there Ib no way in (he world to prevent it. Nut ho long kb the criminal law Ib executed and w kiHip liquor Btaniped out of thecoum try you will have no niiirifer cuHeH, you will have little criminal docket, IIml we will coiitimie lo reduce taxe Who now living in Yaneey (.\niiity ever heard of a riMluction in tlie tax levy before the year of 1928? I have hIho heard it Maid that tlie reiiMon we had a tax reduction wan becniiHe the vahiatioiiH limi Incre'iBeil. TImt is another fnlBe Btatement and valua- tione have been diMTeiiHed. Tiiliber lamlH liave be-'ii eiil over ami tlie valuation of tlieHe timber landB has he««n rediicwl in proportion to the amount of timber taken and Bold and many other r.‘‘ductlonB in the valuatloiiB have been made. I tell ... ^1^. . I . .1,,.. til ail exiHUi- OUlldB lllBtl ‘UBt, toead on central' •y and olber liielorB •M and iiifereHlB of the Slule’i pplen eouii- '’locatlon, and ai'- people. eiit highway Bye py county roadB ami'eitv BlreelB. along with the ad- M.nt of the tnuloinobile, ]>rmaicnlly ..Hmiuale except in rare caBc-B, the former m'ed ol having tjie county Beat, within it* or nt leiiBi 20 iidleB Iiom each inhabitniii. Tlie BUggeBl- ed coiiholidaiionB made by one Stale o If lien I ou I lined below, woiiltJ leave • •verv ,eilixeii, w’itli rare exceptloiiB willi'in two lioiirB of the county '"rbiB ollh'iid, not wiBhing lo be named be.auBeoI tbe gient fuorore lliat will Mweej. over Bueh eoiin- tieB iiB would be expected to' lime couiil.v NcatB and pimBibly llentity, liiiB HUggeBled eombtiialioiiB that would n'dime the number to 72 conn- tioB, giving the 19110 piqailalioiiB of the coiiBoliidaied and combined coun- tirB tiicii' property vnlualioiiH and ihe Behool enrollment, with BiiggeBl- ed county Beat. Hin plan IoIIowb: III the monntain Bection: t'lierokei' amli'lav, with Murphy ub Beat, com- liimsl p'oiilaliim. 21,r>8(J, cotiibined nrniM’rt V vnluulion $11 ,.'172.820, and lonitam'd Beliool enrollment fl.H’tl, Mncoii Jaiul .1iu'lu*oti, Sylva iib coiintv Beat, i.opuliition IN,177 Vroperty value f2O,7:i0.o:iH; Beliool fiirollmeiit, 7,tl9l. Nriihaiii and Swain, llrvBon CityiiB H,.a ; popul'iioii 17,-1"7; property •value f22,'l4i,999 whool iroll- lllelll > i:i5. TnniBvlvnnln and HenderBoii, Heti- ilerHonvilkMiB Beat,j iiopuhuion 82,- t)92 vabiutioti ♦#6.098.101; Bchonl tmrollmenl 9,48.'>. Mitehell and YnJu>ey. lliiniBville iib »»eut. populatioii 28,440. valuation ♦ Ul,8.)2,2ri4. enrollment T.floS. ABhe and Alleghany. Jenei-Boii ub neat, popnlallon 28.201; vnination. ♦ Ul.Hatl.doO; eiiroUmeiil 8.i82. lint herlord and lk>lk. lliitlierfoiid- ton UB Be it: population rii>,(id4; val- imtioii ♦42.9(17.440, Bchool eiiroll- Iiicnt lS,77.‘l. ThiB would leave in the moiiiitalii uri'a, counlicB UB now forniiHl as fol io wb- lluucondve, Haywood, Madi- Boii, MeDowell. Hiirke. ('aldwell. Averv amt WataugiHwitli a barrel iielwiH'iil and WilkOB.—.V m h e v I I 1 e ntiteii, I'l u pim* brill ettim ami one regls- te^»^l Herl.ird bim.l Imll wereaddeil to the lai-ediiig Bt.HK of Alleghaiiv vomit> fannerB IiibI w.i-k. Avery oniongrowerBuldpimd r>.000 pouU'lB of high grade white oiiiotiB. ituvfullv graded and inicked in 100 poiitul bagB to oiitBiile niarketH an the bi'giniiiiig of a new crop iudimtry 111 the county thin m-aBon. The quality of hay gathertnl la eu-HlBin I'arolina thia BeoBuii will l>e much above the ivveragi- due to the eieelleiit weather fur curing. H' It IniH hIbu cotne to lu.v kiiowUnlgH that a wicked falHe and BliiiideronB Htateiiient Ima lieen miwlothat Sheriff Honeycutt now Iiiih in liiH poBBCHBiun tliirt.y tlioUHand ilollarH worth of county clainiH. 1 am one of the county iittonieyB and I know of my own knowledge that the county of Yancey docM not owe Sheriff Honey cutt i'wo Hundred DollarH in any way or manner, I'minty clainiB or ctherwiae. TlieBi* IiiIhi* BlanderouB "liitementB are ludiig made by (ler- BOiiH now ill polilienl dietre.-iH and if I lie good Bober, intelligent citizeiiB of Yancey cumily listen lo tliein lliey will, w'lien it 'is too lnt«' nee the error ol tlieir way. Tlie iHHue is “Wet or Dry.’’ 1 hope and trust that the peiqile of Yaneey. county will HiHi their way to maintain the high Btumbird t hat we have hereto- lore liveil bv and vote for sober men. Your flreHiJea will be Hafe at iiighl; you can lay down wdlli the hope of good uJniglit’B rest and Bhn'p. Hut. when the drunken marauder is abroad in tlie land you will never know when you iiiv Biifnaud BiHiure from luB aBcaiil'B ami tittaekB. 1 appeal to tlie law aliiding.elemeiit of Yaneey eouiity lo Btiind by Sheriff HoiieVi'iltl ill the due exeCiiliim ami adiiiiniBtrntion of the law. ]■]. F. WATSON. lIuniHville, Oct. ’i-'l, 19150. ll’olitcal Ailv.) A NO-CREDIT TOWN lllootnflclii, a Nebrarkn town wdth 1 .’.(10 inhabitantB, is rn-eiving a lot of pnblieity becaiiBe of (he non emlit policy aiiopteil by its retail nier- chant B. Over two yenrH ago tweaty-two buein(>BBeH in tliat town iinmainced that they would sell only for eiiBli, and now' all the iiierchantB in that eomimmity liavefollowed that policy. Some people got offended nt first but fventnally tlnme who paid their debt nmlixed that under tliejirevioUB cUBtoin they had bivn clinrgeil with bad accounts an well, One bimineBB man. diBciiBBing the few who began to out of town, said that the new plan “rid the town of its Ood-given dead l»‘atB." Tl’e dei.tlstB and doi'- tom of the I'omiiiutiity eollect cash lor puoli visit. The town I'elclirati'B a novel first of Oieimintli twelve timeB n year. No liilla an mailml or sent around to its eitiietm. Lveryttiing has bmui bought for ra»h. If tlie MeivliniitH' AsBoci-itioii tliiilBaiiv Btoreviulatitig Oic ruleB, it iH’tliiiHl ♦109. Other towns could probably appl\ the Bailie Bystein’woil siici-eMB. It would niean sonie int'oiiveiiieiice at first but the final resiiU would to plm-e buBineax on a Uaier ba-xis, iire- vent huge loBBex from iinwim'en'dits. and kiH'p every hodi's Him iieia I situa tion ilia iiiach iBUter eonditioii.— I’jM'.Miiy founiy Oaiette. New .Icr- Aguin the North Oaroliiia State Fair ut Raleigh lust week was largely a display of farm products. The fair pieHeiited a cross section of crop and livestock entries sliowin^ that the farmers of the State eaii grow and luirvest a variety of product!, second to no otlier similar Bcmtion of tlie world. The fair was largely a live-at-home demoiiHtration Itiruugiiout. Wn ke county won first prize of |400 in tlie county UinplayM willi an exhibit showing a variety of field, garden, and pantry pnidnctM seldom sur- paHHcd at any fair. Tin- I'xli.bit was iirniiiged liy county ngciit, Julia IJ. AiiderMon. Second {daceand ♦;|(I0 went to lliii liertord ronnty; third place and ♦2-->0 lo Swain coun ty; fourth pieiuni ami .‘f200 to i’olk county; llltn -iiid ♦ir,l) to Wilson county and sixlli undJlOOto Wayne county. Flifforil Moore of Wilkc*H county won first (dace and ♦250 for his live- at-hoine exhibit in the individual disjdays; J. M . Slmrpe of (Juilfoni county won sei'oiid {iremiuni of ?200 in this class and S W. Dixon of Ala- won tliird place and ♦150. Otlier {irize winnerH were (!. V. Mann of Durliaiii, fourth; Harvey Mann^ of Alamance, filth; S. (i. Doiib of For syth, sixtli; 11. L. Faker of Uastoii, Bfventli and CarterTisdaleoH.'raven, eighth. In the commnnity displays, tin' (irantham Comiminity of Wayne won first place and ¥250. Sei-ond premium of ♦200 was awarded to tlie Colfax comniunity of (iiiilford; tliird jilace and ♦150 to Fuipiay Springs of Wake; fourth {dace and ♦lOOtoNcuse Road comnuinity of (Graven; fifth place and ♦75 to the Tryon coniiniinity of (laston and sixth and ♦00 to tlie Vance com- innnity of Wake county. Tlie judges liemUd by Prof. C. I>. Newman of the ProgresBive Farmer Hlaff said tlie exhibits wt-ro tbe best he iuid seen in 22 years of judging. NOTK’F OF MORTOAOEF’S SALK. North Carolinu, ( Yancey County. | Under and by virtue of two Mort gage Deeds executed by H. G. Smith and wife Bert Smith to the Citizens Blink of Yancey, to secure certain In debtedness, and defanlt having been made in the payment of said indebted- iiesK, the nnderstgned will, ou tbe the IGth day of Nov., 1930, at 1:30 P. M , Ht the court bouse door in Burnsville. N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said indebted ness the following tracts or parcels of land, in Burnsville township, adjoining lands of P. M. Banks and others- FIRST TRACT: Including all the mineral interest in the lands owned by W. B. Banks at his death, adjoining tbe above parties, and being those lands conveyed to said W. B. Banks by J. M. Robinson and formerly owned by said parties of the first part and being the share received by M. Louise Calvert the Smith estate, and for a full and complete description of said lands ref erence is hereby made to said deeds which are of record in the office of tho Register of Deeds of Yancey County, containing ,1(1 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT; A one-sixth un divided interest in a IIU acre tract of laud on Three (Quarter Creek, adjoining the lauds of the J. M. Harris lands, J. Young, Margaret Huiith and others and for a full description of said lauds rsfeience is made to the will of M. P. I’eiilaiid in which said tract whs willed to Mrs. 'fillzabeth Smith, lO'Mier of II C. Smith. THIRD TRACT; In South Toe Township, adjoining the lauds of J. C Whitson and others’ BEllINNINtI at a white oak. on thi point of a ridge, in or near Whitson's line and runs north 30 east down and with said river W) poles to a spruce pine on bank of said river; thence east UH ooles to a stake; thence south 30 we?t 140 pules to a stake: thence west HS poles to a stake in or near ssld Whitsun's line; thence north with or uesv . dd line to the Beginuing, coutaii , .: 100 acres, more or less, and being i o - .ame lauds o mveyed to the said P. 'Smith by deed dated Junuarj- 1(10 , .U9, froii P. Horton and wife, a . vecordeii in Book of Deeds No. M at ..« 290, and to said record reference i» i-ereby made, for a further and more complete descrip- tiou to said lands. This the 14th day of 0,'tober, 1930 CITIZENS BANK OF YANCEY. Mortgagee, By Watson & Fonts, Attorneys. Beautiful and charming! It’s an added special quality that makes the beauty of a pretty girl. But she’s a natural favorite to begin witli. And for the same reason Camels are favorites witli the modern crowd. Scientific principles govern their manufacture; but the mildness, the fragrance, the delicate flavor are natural qualities of the tobacco. There’s enjoyment in the smoking of a Camel. Camels go with happy faces ... a lift of spirits with the opening of every fresh, fragrant pack. For Camel’s delightful mildness holds all the natural goodness of choicest tobaccos. Don’t confuse it with the flatness or insipidness of “over-treated” cigarettes. Qamels '■RASY TO LISTEN TO”—CAMEL PLEASURE HOUR Wednesday evenings on N. B. C. network, WJZ and issocluted stations. Consult your local radio time table. HARDWOOD LL’MBFR WA.Vl'KD , bv II vDiuvrii estiibliiliiM over 2,5 ..ver, IbtM-rop will bt* short, reports vwira. Wrilouswliat \uu Imvv to N. B. 8lvveu» of CuiuUtIhuJ county. \\ o. iWO, Burnaviile, N. C. When One Is Old. Wf iir»‘ i>’|H'at«*iily told tliat youth and aiv not iiu'aBiiivd hy yi‘tii> aloiia. Soiiii* ai'B old fogies at 30: otlicfB have the Bjiirit of ytiutli at 80. How is this'.’ An article in !i nx'ent is-xiie of an educational journal eX{m-BS*s ideaoi voutli and ape better than we could exprcBB it, bo we quote it in |mri: “Youth is not a time of life: it is a Hlate of iiiiml. It is a teaqicr of tlie will, a quality of tlie iniapinntion, a vigor of the emotion. Yontli ineaiiB a ^'rtxioininaiioe of courap*> ove tiimdify, of tlie a(qietite of advtm- tim'over the love of (aise. Thi.x of ten exists in a man of fifty imim vliun ill a hoy of twenty. Noliod; prows old by iiietvly livinp a luiiiitier of years. l‘eo{ile prow okl by de.xerl iiip their idealB.'’ John D. Roekefeller. for exHiiqile. plays poll with zest at the np*> of 91 Tlioiiias .A. Fiiisoii is inventinp ami (ilaiiniiip at the ape of 83. .lolin R Voorliis is active as pn'sident of tlie boanl^of elivtions of New York City at the apt' of 101. These and liuiidiYaiti of others are extn'inely old in years, but younp ’ in spirit. Thus M'ttinp a pood 1 example for tbe real of us. NOTICK. I SALE OK REAL ESTATE. | Under and by virt le of the authority vested in me by a certain deed of trust' executed by D. M. Glenn. Jr , and wife ; Anna Glenn, on the 24th day of April, ' 1930, to W. C. Vance wherein the nn- > derslgued is named Trnstee, and default ing lieeu make in the payment of 1 said decsl of trust aud note seenring tbe same aud demand having been made by , the said W. G Vance upon me, I will, therefore, sell at public auction for cash, at the trout door of the court house In Burnsville, Yancey County, N C., on Monday. October 1930, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following de- scrlbetl land: Lying in Crabtree Towtiehip, Yancey County, adjoining the hinds of Bud Sparks, D. R Cox and others aud de sciilied as follows: BEGINNING on the South end of the culvert over Pars nip Brsneh and rnns up and with the branch B>mth 2 west fl poles; south 23 west 0 poles; south 73 west G poles; south 411 west 2 poles; south 23 esst f> piiles: south 3.1 wext -t polea; sooth 23 waxt 4 poles; eonth 3 polek; sonth 10 east 4 (Miles, south 23 w-xit 4 polM-; w'U'h 7 east 3 voles; south 30 east 4 (Miles: -o,.th 17 west 5 (Xiles to the head of the branih; then south (5 west 16 1-2 poles to a dogwivxl in the ol'i line and on top of the ridge: then with the old line north 70 east 26 i>oles to a stake in the old line: then with the old line north 3 east 30 (Bjles to a dogwooil, an old cor ner of the '20 acre tract: then with ;the 20 acre tract line east 93 (Milee to an ivy bush in another line; then with said I old Hue north 3 east 34 1-2 poles to a I white oak and a ujaple, the beginning corner of the 20 acre tract line; then west with the 20 acre tract Hue 48 poles to apo(ilar near tbe spring, an old corner; tlien north 3 east 36 poles and 16 links tu a small ash in a drain; then mirth 86 west 10 poles to the south oud of a drain pipe nuder tbe road; then with the south side of the road north 87 west 4(5 (KiloB to the beginning, con- tnining 46 1-2 acres. And for a more perfect description, reference is made to Book No 10, 230 of Deed Records in the office of Register of Deeds for Yancey County. This sale will be made subject to con- lirmation by the Clerk of the Soperior Court for Yancey County. This llth day of September, IfliiO. JOHN C. McBEE, Trustee. Have Money! \Vc Invite YOUR BANKING BUSINESS. PEOPLES BANK Burnsville, N. C. Quality Coal at Low Summer Prices. “It wonH he long until coal must be used to keep you warm and cheerful. I sell coal that is above the average in quality—ignites quickly, burns up clean and does not clinker. MORE HEAT PER DOLLAR Buy NOW and save money; money saved is money made. Every order ap preciated. Write for prices. C. M. BAILEY ’PlIONi: No. 08 or 73. - - - BURNSVILLE, N. C. mm The Farmer’s Creed. I lielieve in n pt‘rnmm*nt npricul- tim*; 'Jr soil that will prow rii-iier rather tliiiii poorer from year to year. I believe in 100-biisliel corn iind 50-b«Bliel whwii. ami a bale-to-the- acre cotton, ami I bIuiH not be satis- lU'd witli aiiytliiiip less. 1 believe tlmt tile only pooil weed is a ileiul weed, and tlmt aeleaii farm is aa important as a clean consi-ieiice. I believe in the farm boy and in the farm pi 1—tbe farinir’s Ust >-roj>B, the future s best Hope. 1 believe in the farm wumaii, iiiid will do all in luy power to make her life easier and linppier. I believe in (tie coiiiitrv PehooJ lii,-l life. prepnreB for country country Church tlmt reimn*- - ; (leople to love hB>ply nnd li- •• ably. I believe in a community spini. pride in lioine^iml neighbors, and I will do my part to make my com- niuiiity the bi*8t in the Stnte. I believe in the farmer. I l>elievc in farm life, I believe in i, • tion of the iipen cmintr'. I nin proud to lie n •' will try earn. si;\ i name.—Frank 1. Alaau.

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