LOCAL & PERSONAL TO OUR IKIENDS. (Ifweliave aiij’.) It is the mission of the Eagle to give tievvs of Biinis’. ilie and Yancey county. We cannot do this auccess- fuily without the co-operation of t!ie people. Our finances and theiiii'Oine derived from puhlisMng the paper wili not permit ua to use a salaried reporter in collecting news items. Therefore we must dejn t«I largely ijpon our friends to semi in local itetns of news. Will you kindly lie)]* us along this line? .\11 items will br duly appreciated and thankfully re ceive:’. If convenient, call telephone .\'n. 7 and give us any local item of interest. Thunk \ou. THE E.YGLE. Boni, to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson, . • I fill' 2drrl inst., 0- daught ‘r. dr. E. nest ih'iggs was over from .Ashevilln 'i'uesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Burton,of-Aslu- ulle, spenta few hours in the city Tuesday. Miss Nila. Candler will return this .v-ek from a visit- xvith relatives m Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Robinson have if'urned from a visit with relatives r ‘.slicvillc. 'i Mc.\fa!i;ii), of Knoxville, . 'Ci., i.s h'-re to sjiend a few days with Burnsville friends. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Watson, of Glenvilie, N. C., are here for a visit with Burnsville relativts. WANTED—Good, honest tenant for farm. Must be well recommend ed. Appl3" at Eagle office. .loin the Red Cross. Send your dollar to Mrs. J. S. UFevre, Yancey i-cunty cliainiian, Burnsville, N. C. Mr. and, Mrs. B. G. SmiUley, of Monroe, N. C.. were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ham rick. Dr. A. W'. Diila, the eye specialist, was here the first days of tiie week looking after the wants of his Yan cey county customers. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. I.ettprman re turned to their home at Asheville Sunday, after spending a week with Burnsville relatives. Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Robertson and Mrs. J. L. Hav attended the meeting of the Tenth District Medical Society at Murpliy, N. C., this week. Mrs. R. E. Powell, Mrs. Z. V. Hall and Mrs. S. J. Hamilton attended the meeling of Federation of Wo mens’ Clubs at Asheville, ou Tuesday. Hou. George M. Prichard, Repub- li-an candidaiefor the U. S. Senate, is s--heduied to speak at the 'ourt house in Burnsville, .Monday night, October 27th. Remember the oyster dinner to be served by the young married ladies of the Baptist church at noon on election day, Nov. 4th. The ladies will iipprtviate your pjitronnge. ■Messrs. Wiggins and Reugun, State Bank Examiner.^, were here .Mondiiy and went over the affairs of the Citizens Bank of Yancey. Of course tliey found the bank in good condi tion. ;'!ie (iouiit.v candidates are not I ' Hug liny gruss grow under their Ill '.se (liiy-i. us it is only ten days • : i;c •Iccli-n. Ir is .iho said one- • • I - ■•.•11 didatcs are going to \ large number of folks attended ■ box supper at the Newdale Pres- ■ytcriaii clmrc-lt last Saturday night. ..-It sum of money was raised m1 br- used in painting tiie .1 ich. Ihirnsvilic now has another Bur -.hotel. It is being maimged by dr. and Mrs. J. R. Burton in tlic urojieny on the Eiwit corner of the I' lOlir- si)Uare. The now miuiageinont Will appreciate your patronage. \ rather liard fn^eze occurred in Ihi.H s-rtion Tuesday night and it s.iid tiniii.v biisinis of apples that had iior been gatliered were frozen on tic '• ---I. Tlie s-id p H't of the story is u .11. tlviwei's w.trc all blighted ..;id killed, \Iis8 -Jessie Hauser, of the Masonic •* I'.i in.ige at Oxford. N. C., w. : ;■ u-sday. Ht visit liere wasfor p,irp'’-- of consideriiigthematt^r ..I -Im iiiii \ oui.g-lasper Caloway, of ,i.,l->us Cvn-k, in the orphanage at r'l • ••iciilt of Burnsville High 1 -.vii a play, ‘‘Tiit di,'." at th.' midi- ; :.i l‘. d. Ad .itv'ion •J.*!--and 1' Till-])ru-u'eds will go for the (lurpose .!'■ sta i-lardizi.i;: liie elemetary de li .rtinent. Yoiir patronage solicited ' R‘v-; il >s, f .r tlie past .; . ,ii' 11 1 ne Higgins Memoi-ial M, E. tdiui-ch, will leave on the morn- i'lg - d Novemlier 4i h for Greensboro, t-) it e 1 I the annual meeting id the s' - -' North Carolina (anifereiice. . . -violils h us munv freuds •v-ill be re- TWO YANCT BOYS BURIED TO DEATH Burton Hensly and Woodro'w Wilson Di at Memphis Hopital. Memjihis, Ten., Oct. 22.—Two wood ciiopjiers in 'lonely swamp lands by the .Misgsippi idver to-day found two youtlu bruised and beat en. burning aliv in a niysterioos brush heap fire. ,3ne of them died to-iinyofa crusid skull, and the other died to-Jiigll Neither recov ered consoiousnest l>*ttei’s, ailiai-ynnd an automo- l)ile key served nsaeiuis of identify-. ing the boys as Bj-ton Hensley, 17 years old, and uiodrow Wilson, both of Bald Creek N. C. About a mile fuin the Arkansas approach to JIaahan bridge the wood choppers fokid Hensley with one siije cnvelopedn flames and Wil son's feet nearly lii-ned away. Hail the choppers been j little later their find would have beti only the aslie.s of a funeral pyre. Phvsicians said the boy.-^ apparentll had been beat en six or eight houii'before. Investigation of me tragedy is be ing made by otficera Burton is a eon oiW. M. Hensley, of Bald Creek, and Miodrow was a son of W, M. Wilar. formerly of Bald Creek. '• We undersland .ai^ngements are being made to briir the bodies of he young men hoiiwfor burial. t ■ n: ig 1 BEE LOG-- Editor Eagle. Rev. B. T. Nanney, pastor of the Bald Creek Baptist Church, filleii his regular aiipointment at this place Saturday and Sunday. Funeral serviws for Mr. Amos Hensley were conducted here Sund iv. by Rev'. B. T. Nanney. He is sur vived by his wife and several children, of'Erwin, Teiin., who were present at the funeral. The weather at this place is very unpleasant for the time of year. Mr. Bansten Hensley, son of Mr. S. M. Hensley, of this piace, and Miss Nell Wheeler, of Eliggiic*. were inar» ried a few (lays ago. V. -- are wishing tliem a happy future li.,. .Miss Maude Hughes of Higgins, was visiting .Mr. and Mrs. Baiister Hensley last Friday. Miss Virgie Watts, who has been away for some time returned home Friday to spend a few weeks with home folks. .Mrs. ('lyde Phillips of this place, who has been sick for some time, is reported no better at this writing. A Reader. ^ We will send the Eagle to that « boy or girl away in school ior > the nine month’s school term for ? tlie small sum of one dollar. How about it? « GECC Editor Eagle. Most of the people in this section have got their work pretty well done and are well prepared for the cold weather that is just ahead. Miss Sallie Simmons of (’-eio, spent Friday night with Miss Bertha Bal- lew. Misses Sallie Simmons, Bertha Ballew, Mr. Kenneth Kubinson, of .Micaville, and Mr. Tom Westall of Spruce Pine, all motored over to ^Yeavcrville Sunday nfterhoon. Mrs. Addie M'iliiams and Mrs. Ballew spent last Sunday in Green lee. N. C. Mrs. Laura Ballew, wjio underwent 1 operation at an Asheville hospita], is reported to be doing niceiy. Mr. Lennie Williams and Reid Bul- lew made a flying irip U) Marion Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott spent Sunday night at tne home of Mr. Jonathan Ballew. Mr. Ralph Bradshaw, who has been in the State Hospital at Morganton for some time, is reported some bet ter at this writing. SHORTY. Last Sunday, a Chevrolet coupe, occupied by Messrs, ('lyde Bailey and J. 1). Greene, suddenly took a notii n to get out of the road and turn over down on Jacks Oeek. Mr. Bailey received several cnhs and bruisas and is now confined to his lioine in East Burnsville, though he i-siiptyonsider- ed seriously hurt, and fiis friends ai-e hoping he will soon be out again. Mr. Greene received only n few ■ratcheH. The Burnsville High School stu- ilents are staging a popularity con test which will come to a close Hal- iowe n night when the winners will be announced. Among the girls the contestants are Virginia Hubbard, .Mabel .McCiirry, Julia Carte" Hig gins. Maude Hensley and IlaiTiet El len Phoenix. The boys—Frank Wat son, Kit Jackson, Tom Bntner, Ed win J’owell, Jack Bowditch and David Wileo'n. Tlie contest is said to be very spirited. Notice. Owini? to the fact that we do not send the Eagle to snbaenbers who have not paid in advance, if you find a blue pencil mark encirclinv this notice von will understand that your subscription has expired, and that you will not re ceive another copy of the paper until yon have arranged with us to have it continued. This does not mean that we do not appreciate your patronage and support, for we do. It is a policy that has been adopted by practically all country papers, and one which we Qnd to be verv satisfactory THE MOST INTERESTING Rock Hill Herald. One of the most interesting adver tisements we ever read was found in xchange coming to our desk this week. This particular advertisement has the names of fourteen citizens of the lommimity where the paper is pub lished and following each name was an amount due to a local merchant (ind that apparently was not colWt- able by the men haiit. A creditor's association had inserted the adver tisement ami offei-ed -for sale the the judgements that hadlieea secured :ainst tlie citizens. What a bombshell would be ex ploded throughout the nation if in every town judgements were secured from people who had made pur chases and who had purchases and who had refused to pay just obliga tions—and then these judgements were published in the local papers. Mniiv are going at such a rapid pace and a host of people living be yond their means chat some such a jolt may he necessary to bring men and women to a sense of their p- sponsibilities in the matter of credits and debts. Many a merchant has gone through bankruptcy because the man he has aided 'v]th credit has disregarded lionest obligations. IIow many in thUr community would be on the black list if the mer chants placed accouats in the hands of a collection agency, secured ju'dp ments and published them? Prob ably the shock would be too great for any’ community if such a plan was adopted in a wholesale manner. Tlie Tennessee 70 strain of lespede- za produced two tonsofexcellenthay per acre when planted on barley last spring in L'ha.tham Gounty. Yellow corn, ranking high in nutri tive qualities, yielded equally as well as the white varities grown in tests with ten varities in Caswell county this summer. Probably 100 aci-es of excellent Korean lesjiedeza will be free of dodder and available for seed eert.i- floation in Cabavms county this fall. A small cheek for f307.25 net came to one farmer of Halifax county last week for 19 hogs which he fattened under the Shay system and shipped to the Richmond market. SOUTHERN FRUIT & PRODUCE COMPANY Located on I.jmaii St., ABliovillc, N. C., ore‘WliolcBale Dealers in Fnnev Fruita nnd rroduce-Extonsivc buyers from [arraerB and Bliip in from'all parts of the world-OBer the Uetail Stores tile B.-st of Service and make it possible for tlie people to have ChoicelFruits at all times. Under tlie direction of J. MA.NOS, Phones and .1. CAROLINA INDUSTRIAL BANK FIRST FLOOR JACKSON BUILDINS ASHEVILLE, N. C. Money Loaned to Worthy People. PAY BACK WEEKLY, SEMI-MONTHLY OR MONTHLY LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES NOTES DISCOUNTED Destroyed By Fire. The Pi-esbvterian workers hnmclo- •aredat Higgins, this county, was destroyed by fire ab-'iin early hour Tlinrsday morning. Tlie home was occupied by' Miss Maitlio Robison wlio lias been a worker in that com munity for a number of years. All the household goods beioiiging to the home were destroyed and .Miss Robison lost lier autoinobite—a new one recently bought. Up to the pres ent time it is not known how the fire originated, Init we understand tlie matter is being investigated. The property belonged to tlie Prt*sbyte- riaii Board and it is presumed that it curried a certain amount of in surance. Miss Robison, who has many friends in tliat cornnumity and who has done a wonderful work in that section, are sorry for the los-s and trusts the misfortune will not cause her to relax her eflorts in be half of the good peojiJe of the Hig gins community. \ t .a''g a “'iH-lieve it or a -i-ii p'ory on Kelse Boone, p.- bnldy theiarge-t tlsli cnuglit in '■ -!i' riv.-r fo m iny years was land- - i,.! ;'ii,iav. Ir m-asuieil Officers Take Long Trip After Prisoner Deputy Sheriffs Will McNeill and Cis Carver left e.irty Wednesday morning for Grand Junction, Colo rado, to bring back Robert P. Mc Call. who is wanted in tliis county oil charge of seduction. Friemls (>f the young woman—Nola .McKinney —of the Grassy Creek section, and officers have sought for some time to locate McCall and just lately le.Ti-ned that he was in the (adorado eity. GtAcei-s out there were sent his dcseriptioii, and a few days ago lie wa V iirr-slej. -nid put in jail and ; .'ic, ill Carolina otfi’ers notified. A ■ ill s»iK to hohi McCall I 1 .Lica>-ll otliers couhl reach I i.ere. 1 .tccording to information riH'eived. ■ McCall will not resist being brought 1 back. It's about 3.0OO miles to the I Col-irudo town, ami if will I'robahly •take twelve or fifte»-ii days for the ] otficers to make the round tri|). us 1 tliey went by auto, and tlie exjieiise i will Ih* quite au item—jirolnibiy |15(1.('0.—.Mitchell County Banner. r'lose wlio say there is notliing II . in ihe world should not over- 1 .k .he North C.iroliiin ea.se wlier-- .1. re'.Uocd to take ids place.— .Mem- i phis Comiueruul Appeuh GO-AXi GOA-Xj Now is the time to house your winter s COAL, and of course you want the same good coal that A’ou have used for years— CLINCHFIELD COAL There’s None Better “We are in a black business, but "we treat you -white'’ ANDERSON COAL CO., BURNSVILLE, N. C. Beware of Speculation! Havelilonje^ rET-RICH- QUICK schemes have got many hhard-earned dollars. Speculation nas made a well-to-do-man POOR, and many a poor man poorer. Start Saving Ri;c,ri.Aiii.A- NOW We Welcome YOUR Banking Business. Peoples Bank Burnsville. N. C Everything Depends on Your Start A SOUND BUSINESS grows slowly. It shows progress from day to day—from week to week—but it shows steady, unvaring progress. One year is better than the next, the next better than that—this is business building and a banker sees in the management of such a business a future active aacount, an employer —a property owner; you are in his class. He wants to helo startandbuildyourlittle business—the more business you do the more he does. A talk with us, though you are not a depositor in our institution, is invited. “The Old Reliable” Citizens Bank of Yancey Capital and Surplus $110,000.00 /CHEVROIET . ^-at j i Outstanding features of the new Chevrolet 6-cylinder truck NEW RUCGEO BEABAXLE To every man who buys trucka, there are certain feattires in tlie new IV^-ton Chevrolet that recommend it eapccial- ly for modern hauling. The rear axle is larger, heavier and more durable. The rear brakes arc larg er, and all four brakes are completely enclosed. Chevrolet’s 50-horsepower valve-in-head six-cylinder engine com bines modem performance with un excelled economy. Dual tlhsais, ■fiig with six truck-tyna aovd tfepa, optional ciquipmcnt at oQflH) cost. In addition, Bos/haa^ daty truck clutch, the 4 afXieA traasBilB- sioR and the heavksr, atroB^er are factors of outstanding In^ovtaiilip to the modeim track user. Come in today an^ arrange IW a 4eBa- onstration ofviha neirOMeaale* trwki DrlNerr irlth Cab . U*lck.up bo* ..*365 *170 ‘520 CllEVUOLET TirVCKS Banks Motor Company, Burnsville, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE UDNER EXECUTION. North Carolina, i Yaaccy County. / Under and by virtue of an execution iBBued to the undersigned sheriff of Yancey CjOnnty, entitled W, A. Hall by E. F. Watson, Trustee, vs. Louis Eng lish et al., the undersigned will, on the 3rd Day of November, 1930, at 1:80 P. M , at the court house door in Burnsville, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash to satlsfr said execu tion, together with interests and cSsts, the following described teal estate: FIRST TRACT: Being that tract of land conveyed by S. L. English and wife to Clyde Taylor and wife March 16, 1926, sitnate in Cane River Town ship, Yancey County, N. C., BEGIN NING ona poplar, corner to £ J. Au- gel tract and runs down the road to a stake in the hollow just above tbe pub- road; thence up a hollow to a small poplar; thence a northwest conrse to a dogwood In the J. H. Silver line; thence with the J. H. Silver line to tbe Begin ning, containing two acres, more or lees. Also three tracts of land conveyed by S. L. Engiiah and wife to Robert Ran- dolp and wife sitnate In Cane River Township, Yancey (3oanty. N, C., and described as follows: BEGINNING on x cbestnat in tbe County line and runs north 69 west 14 poles to a cbeetnnt In said county line: thence north 77 west 22 poles, north 68 west 14 poles; noith 6,9 west 21 poles, sonth 64 west 86 poles to a water oak in said county on tbe main ridge north 85 west 10 poles, north 50 west 18 poles, north 82 west 6 poles to a stake in said county line, on main ridge in or near Um Ubs oi Si, lAa4i» UMBoe with said line east 78 poles to a double lynn; thence north 88 deg. 62 poles to a sonrwood near a branch; thence cross ing tbe branch, and Walnnt Monntain road, and with tbe marked line north 6 east 92 poles to a buckeye on a moon- tain between said road and where James Buckner formerly lived; thence down said ridge, keeping main height of ridge. SECOAD TRACT; South 68 east 17 poles to a cucumber on a ridge, thence south 86 east 18 poles, south 64 east 14 poles to a white oak or tbe ridge, corner of Lot No. 9; thence with a ridge and line of said lot sooth 6 west 12 poles, south 14 deg. 82 t>oles to a chesrnut oak a^ said road; thence south 24 east 28 poles, crossing the road and branch to cocamber on tbe north sideof a ridge, thence op n ridge with its main height south 85 west 14 poles, sonth 14 west 10 poles, sonth 41 west 18 poles to a small on the ridge; thence south 8 west 28 poles to a chestnut oak; thence south st 63 poles to a small ash on the ridge; thence south 9 west 28 poles to chestnut oak; thence south 2 east 63 poles, south 55 west 12 poles to the Be ginning. contsiog 06 acres more or lees THIRD TRACT: BeginDing on three Lynns and runs wsst 18 poles t hickory; thence north 14 west 44 poles to the corner of the McIntosh tract, cor nering on s sonrwood in a bed of lanrel near tbe branch; thence with tbe Me Totosb line 60 poles to the Beginning, containing 10 acres, more or less, these two tract bought from J. F. Hensley by Zora and Harrett Horton. This 80th day of September, 1080. M. C. HONEYCUTT. Sheriff of Yancey Connty. Eleven Jersey cows were purchased by Beaufort connty faruiers at an auction sale held in WaabiustoD last wk, NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S SALE North Carolina, I Yancey County, f Under and by virtne of tbe power of sale contained in a Mortgage Deed exeented to the nndersigned on the 2Ut day of May, 1029, by T. P. Wilson and wife Birdie Wilson to seenre Ihe pay ment of certain indebtedness; and whereas default has been made in the payment of said Indebtednees, the on- derslgoed will, on tbe 17th day of November, 1930, at the court boose door in Barnsyllle, N. 0., St 10:00 A. M.. sell to tbe highsM bidder for cash tbe following described property: Lying sod being In Jseks Creek town ship, Yancey Connty, N. C., adjoining tbe lands of T. K. Riddle, Zeb Anglia and others. BEGINNING st s cbestnot 64 West 7 links from T. K. Riddle's line su3 rons norlt 84 west 18 1-3 poles to s poplar: thence north 74 west 0 polw to s black osk; thsnee north 5 east 81 1-4 poles to a maple and planted stone; thence north 57 west 2b 1-2 poles to a black oak on a ridge: thence with malu height of tbe ridge sooth 56 1-2 wmt lU 1 2 poles to a Bpaolsb oak in ths old line; thence sooth with the old line 114 poles to s stAks on the north bank of Cane rirer; thence up and with the me anders of said river eoath 88 east 40 poles, north 46 east 30 pules to a nupie, T. K. Kiddle’s ooroer; thence with T. K. Riddle's line north about 80 pole* to a black oak. Riddle’s corner; thenoe with said Biddle’s line north 10 sast 8 poles to a stake: theaoe north 84 west T links to the beginning, oontalng 80 aerss. ha the same more or less Baid sale will bs made for caah to sat isfy tbe IndebtedneM above referred to, as provided by slatote. 'This the 17lb day of October, 1880. i. 4*. MABbB.