T i THE BURNSVILLE EAGLE BURNSVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 31, 1930. NO. 32. 1—rresldent Hoover receiving a humidor box of fine cigars from the American Legion Post No. 5 of Tampa, Fla., on Its way home from Boston. 2—Col. Juan Alberto Barros, leading figure In the Brazilian revolution and commander of an Insurgent army that moved on Sao Paulo. 3—U. S. frigate Constitution (Old Ironsides), restored, with all her flags flying for the rededlcailou ceremonies In Boston harbor. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS Grave Warning Concerning Unemployment Is Issued by the A. F. of L. By EDWARD W. PICKARD I TNI.ESS America's financial and In- dustrlal leaders live up to their responsibility to devl.se a solution for the prohlem of recurrent periods of unemployment, the present social or der cannot he maintained. Such Is the dictum of the American Federallon of I..nbor as expressed hy President William Green at the con vention In Boston, t.abor’s combined program for an ultimate solution of unemployment and for Immediate re lief was favored hy Mr Green and was adopted after a debate In the course of which the federal govern- roont and the federal reserve board were severely criticized. This pro gram, suggested by the executive council, provides for the following: Reduction In hours of work, stabili zation of Industry, efficient manage ment in production and sales policies, estahllshinent of a nation-wide system of unemployment exchanges, adetjunte records on employment, use of public works to meet cyclical unemployment, a study of all proposals for relief and education for life. To meet the Immediate problem of relief the delegates Instructed the fed eration's executive council to go to Washington at the conclusion of the convention and ask President Hoover to appoint a national committee which shall recommend measures that may he put Into effect at once—such plans to he carried out by private and Quasi- public agencies, departments of the federal, state., and municipal govern ments. counties and school districts. The executive council was also In structed to call upon all state federa tions of labor and all affiliated cen tral bodies to rcQuest their respective governors and mayors to co-operate with the national committee by state and city committees. The committee on resolutions re ported that. In accord with labor's traditional policy. It was opposed to compulsory nnemployment Insurance, and at Its suggestion all resolutions favoring this were referred to the ex ecutive council. D uring the debates Secretary of the Navy Adams was charged ’s‘lth working contrary to President Hoover's policy of maintaining pub lic work at present wage levels, par ticularly at the Philadelphia navy yard asd the Newport torpedo base. In Washington, however. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Jahneke denied atoy Ilian to reduce wages. The federation's committee on shorter work day and week reported that the shorter work week was nec- ceJisary but In view of the tremen dous economic and social questions Involved In Its establishment proposed that the executive council give the matter of the shorter day Its Immedi ate consideration, "secure all available etatlstical Information related to the problem." and then report to next ysar's conrentlon on how short. In Its opinion, the work day should be. I.a- bor Is already pleilged to the five-day aeek. ■‘While this shortening of the work 0ny may setun a radical change. It fulls to parallel the drastic change which has taken place in Industry which liatf so enormously Increased per capita production," the committee report stale*!. Communists of Boston undertook to stage a denionsimtion just outside the convention hall where the federation was In session, and when the police ■ trie*) to disperse them the worst riot the city has had In many years resiilt- e*1. Hundre*i8 of men and women fought the police desperately. Monihly flgtirea Issued by the De partment of Ijibor show that employ ment In September was 1 per cent greater than In August, and that pay roll totals were 1.-4 per rent greater. But with winter coming on the situa tion Is dMldcdly gloomy, and mca> ' ures for temporary relief are being taken by many state and municipal governments. IN GERMANY the unemployment sit- ^ uatlon is probably more Immediate ly critical than elsewhere. The gov ernment Is determined to enforce a policy of drastic economy and In line with tills the official arbitrator recent ly ordered a cut of 0 per cent in the wages of the metal workers of Berlin. The union ordered a strike in protest, and last week 120,000 thus were added to the .057,000 unemployed men and women In the capital city. These workers out of work marched about la large groups and tried to reach the parliament building, but were drlveu off by the police and firemen. Sessions of the relchstag were ex ceedingly stormy. Dr. Paul Loebe. Sodoilst, was re-elected speaker de spite the opposition of the Fascists and Communists. Franz Stoehr, Fas cist, was chosen first vice president. The first Fascist threat to the gov ernment was beaten off when Ernst Scholz, Fascist candidate for speaker, lost to l.oebe on tbe second ballot. The Fascist might have driven u wedge between the government and the Socialists if Loebe had been de feated, for the life of the cabinet de pends largely on support from the So cialists, numerically the largest parly In tbe relchstag. ORAZIL'S civil war was marked by ^ fierce and continuous fighting on many fronts. In their communiques both sides claimed victories, but the preponderance of evidence was rather in favor of the revolutionists. The main efforts of tbe rebels were direct ed Coward Che capture of Sao Paulo, and their bulletin said they were get ting near that Important city. The Insurgents also were battling their way toward Rio de Janeiro, winning H battle only 130 miles northeast of tbe capitsi city. The federal forces, according to the official notice, have maintained their lines established In tbe state of Minas Geraes, In no case are retreating, and la a number of Instances are making considerable gains, chief among these being tbe defeat of Minas Geraes In surgent troops at the Mantequelra tunnel. Secretary of State Stimson an nounced in Washington that tbe Unit ed States would permit the Brazilian government to purchase munitions of war to this country, and that arms shipments to the revolutionists would not be allowed. The cruiser Pensa cola left Guantanamo for Brazilian waters to protect American Interests. OP.\JN seems to be on the verge of '-J a revolution, the first open signs of which were anti-royatlst demon strations by students of Barcelona university. The Institution was tem porarily dosed. This, however, is said to be merely a symptom of the out break that Is to come. Tbe military, the republican federals and the Cata lan separatists are alleged to have reached an agreement to work togeth er for the overthrow of the monarchy, though the ultimate objectives of these groups are very divergent. Neu tral observers In Spain, however, be lieve that the Berenguer government will succeed In suppressing the Insur gents though the monarchy Is seri ously threatened. O ELIEF for the unemployed farm- ^ ers and others In the drought stricken regions Is forthcoming to some extent through the action of the federal governraeiit. At the Instance of the national drought relief com mittee, the government has made Im mediately available to drought states their IIWJ allotments of Its 512.5.000.- 000 appropriation for aid to highway construction. J. B. Klncer, Agricultural depart ment meteorologist, says the drought has been the most prolonged and wide spread In the history of the nation's weather records. The average rain fall of the country between January and September was reduce*! to 87 per cent of the noniial. and during the growing season from March to .August It amounted to only 81 per cent. \ TODIFICATION of the Volstead act legalizing the manufacture uud sale of beer would create an add ed market for 100.000,000 bushels of small grain annually, according to B. T. Dow of Davenport, Iowa, president of the Grain and Feed Dealers' Na tional association. He made the state ment at the association's annual meet ing in Chicago, and then commented on a recent announcement of Fred Pabst, head of a Milwaukee brewing concern, that his company Is expend ing nearly a million dollars on new equipment in anticipation of a possi ble modification of the dry law. In the grain men's convention the federal agricultural marketing act was attacked by F. Dumont Smith as fu tile and unconstitutional. In urging farmers to reduce their production to domestic requirements. Smith said, Chairman Alexander Legge of the farm board made "a complete and ab ject confession that the whole scheme and purpose of the farm relief act had utterly failed.” WIGHT W. MORROW. In his L-' opening speech of his campaign for election to the senate from New Jer sey. removed himself from tbe pic ture as a candidate for the Republi can Presidential nomination In 1932— which Is disappointing to a consider able number of wets. Said Mr. Mor row: "1 look forward with pleasure and confidence to tbe opportunity of vot ing two years from now for the re- nomination and re-electloD of Herbert Hoover.” The United States Supreme court In effect upheld the Jones five and ten law when it denied two petitions for review of cases from Missouri in which the law was attacked as vio lating the principles of tbe Constitu tion. The, court gave no reason for Its action. In another case the Su preme court assured the right of fed eral agents to act as state enforce ment officials where there is no state dry law. I^AL S. DAUGHERTY, brother of former United States Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty, was In dicted by a grand jury at Washington Courthouse, Ohio, on fifteen counts containing .57 separate offenses against the laws of tbe state of Ohio. He was arrested and held for (40,000 bonds, which were arranged for by his brother, Harry, and bis mother. Daugherty was president of the de funct Ohio State hank, into the affairs of which the state has been conduct ing an Investigation since It was close*! May 12. J OSIAH H. MARVEL of Wilmington, Dels., president of the American Bar association, died suddenly from a heart attack. Recently he was an unsuccessful candidate for the Demo cratic nomination for United States senator, losing to Thomas F. Bayard. Other deaths of the week included those of Milton A. McRae, one of the founders of the Scripps-McRae news paper league; Congressman C. F. Cur ry of California; Alexander Harrison, an eminent American painter who re sided Id Paris; Dr. Harry R. H. Hall, noted British archeologist; Rear Ad miral Henry J. Ziegemeir, comman dant of the Thirteenth naval district at Bremerton. Washington, and Sir Herman Oollancz, internationally known scholar and leader of British Jewry. ^.ARUYING the document of Japan's ratification of the London naval treaty, Lieut. In-ln A. Woodring, army flyer, flew at top speed across the con tinent from Vancouver, B. C., to New York. There It was turned over to Pierre de L. Boal, assistant chief of the division of western European af fairs of the State department, who sailed for London on the Leviathan to attend the Geneva session of the league commission as an American advisor. The document will be dellv. cred In L*>ndon to Ambassador Matsu- dalra of Japan. Lieut. W. W. Caldwell, also an army aviator, was accompanying Woodring in another plane, but crashed In rough country north of Laramie, Wyo., an1 was killed. Two Catholic priests perished when the plane Marquette, recently taken tc Alaska for use in mission work, fell and was destrnye*!. (A 1130, WmimD Ncwiimsm Usloa.1 U. S. PLANS WAR ON WALL STREET RAIDS Congressional Investigation Under Consideration. Washington.—Congressional investi gation of the "bear'’ raids on the stock market i.s certain unless officials of the New York exchange are successful In stopping them, it was declared by leaders in congress. President Hoover was said to have placed the responsibility £oi' prevent ing manipulation of prices squarely upon the governors of the stock ex change. He conferred recently \vi:li Eugene Meyer, governor of ilie federal re serve board. The {’resident has been In frequent consultation with Secre tary of the Treasury Mellon. The campaign started b;' Riclmnl Whitney and Lindloy .Allen, president and vice president, respectively, of the stock exchange, to discourage delib erate attempts to smash priv-es, Is un derstood to have the approval of the White House. In congress, however, many mem bers are clamoring for a sweeping Investigation. The administration Is understood to hold that the exchange should first be given an opportunity to "clean house." Politics have entered In the pic ture, with some charging that wealthy politicians were responsible for the ‘‘raids’’ on the market, with a view to fomenting hard times. On the other hand, some contend that the steady decline in securities prices Is a natural afterniatli to the bull market whicli reached its fantas tic peak last fall. Senator Carter Glass (Dem.) of Vir ginia, one of the framers >f the net creating the federal reserve system. Is understood to he planning to start an investigation of the system's activi ties In November. The senate has authorized a con- ittee, headed by Glass, to make such an Inquiry. While the resolution Is believed to be broad enough to permit an In quiry into stock market methods, the Inspiration back of It was to devise ays to prevent an excessive amount of federal reserve credit from being absorbed In the stock market, Should .Senator Glass’ ^oinmlttee ok Into the stock mar' «, ns now seems likely, others undoiiiiSedly will demand that the “bear” raids also be examined. ' 2 Slayers Up for Life One Day After Murder Jackson, Midi,—Thomas E. .Martin, thirty-eight, of Chlciigo, and James Gallagher, twenty-eight, of Toledo, Ohio, held up the Old National Hank and Trust company of Buttle Creek. Mich. Driving away toward Indiana, they mot State Trooper John S. Burke. He tried to question tiiem and was shot and killed. Other Michigan state po lice pursued the pair to Howe, Ind., where they captured them after a gun battle In which one of the bandits was shot in the leg. The pair laid $2,.300 in loot In their pockets. Within less than 2-1 hours after the double crime. .Martin and Gallngber entered tbe state prison here to serve life terms. There had been no pleas for continuance, no writs of mao*lfl- mus, no stalling of Justice customary In criminal cases In some states. And a life sentence In Michigan means life, not the usual 14 years. WILBUR WILL STAY QUIT 150,000 FARMS IN LAST TEN YEARS Depression in Agricultural Field One Chief Reason. Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur. Wasliington.—Dr. Kay Lyman Wil bur will remain m President Hoover’s cabinet as secretary of the interior during this administration, Presbient Hoover formally announced. The an nouncement was made in denial of a statement in the Stanford university student publication that the board of trustees had decided he imist either return to his duties ns president of the school or resign. He was given in- dellnlie leave of absence to serve in the President’s cabinet. TO ASK HOOVER FOR LABOR RELIEF BODY Packers’ Retail Sales Favored by Farm Board Washington. — Alexander Legge, chairman of the federal farm board, said the sentiment of members of the hoard is one of sympathy with the efforts of Chicago packers, to modify the 1920 packers' consent decree to enable tliem to sell products direct to the consumer at retail. Mr. Legge said no formal action had been taken by the honfd, but he believed the members oppose market ing restrictions. "The co-operntlves,” he added, "are almost wholly In favor of modifica tion.’’ Minneapolis Girl, Man in Alaska Wed by Wire Minnenpolis, Minn,—While the min ister and bride stood beside a click ing telegraph Instrument in Minne apolis and the bridegroom was in a cable office at Anchorage. Alaska, a Minneapolis couple were married by telegraph. They are William Kinsell, head of the motor eqnlp.uent depart ment of tlie government railroad In Alaska, and Miss Vivian Brown. Farm Wage* at Low 7-Year Level Washington.—Farm wages on Oc tober 1 bad declined to the lowest level in seven .vears, it was revenT«»«l in statistics of tbe Department of Ag- rlcnlture. Kill* Wife, Daughter and Self Los Angeles, Calif,—Herman Huch- endorf, tbirty-tliree, shot and kilted his wife. Alice, their daughter, Maxine, fourteen, and himself, the police re ported after Investigating the triple slaying at the lluchenOorf home here. Spaniih College Cloted After Riot Madrid.—The University of Lane- l*>na will be closed as a result of dis orders in which sttulents hurne*) a por- tinit of King Alfonso, the government announced. A. F. of L. Fears Social Order Cannot Be Maintained. Boston, Mass.—The American Fed eration of Labor lu convention here, re-elected its entire set of officers headed by President William Green and selected Vancouver, B. C., us tbe 19.31 convention city. Boston, ' Mass.—Organized laber. through William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, lias .served warning that tbe present social order cannot be maintained if industrial and finunclul leaders fall to live up to their responsibility to find a solution to the recurrent peri ods of iinemploynienf. Mr, Green's challenge to the lead ers of Industry to set tlie economic house In order unless they wished to see It tumble about their ears, was voiced at the annual convention the federation. He spoke in favor of labor's combined program for an ulti mate solution of unemployment proposals for Immediate relief. Adop tion of the program was marked hy severe criticism of the federal i eminent and of tlie federal reserve board. At the same time the convention, after vigorous debate, adopted the re port of the resolutions favoring com pulsory unemployment insurance un der federal and state supervision to the executive council. The commit tee's report declared that, in line with labor's traditional policy, it was op posed to compulsory unemployment insurance. As Its long rnnge policy for solv ing unemployment the convention adopted the suggestions of the execu tive council. This policy provides for the following: Reduction in hours of work, sta bilization of Industry, efficient man agement in production and sales poli cies, establishment of a natlon-vVide system of unemployment exchanges, adequate records on employment, use of public works to meet cyclical un employment, a study of all propos als for relief and education for life. To meet the Immediate problem of relief the delegates Instructed the fed- ernilon's executive council to go to Washington and ask ITesldent Hoover to appoint a national committee which shall recommend measures that may be put into effect at once—such plans to be carried out by privatp and quasl- publlc agencies, departments of the federal, state, nod municipal govern ments, counties and school districts. The executive council was also in structed to call upon nil state fed erations of labor and all nffltinted cen tral bodies to request their respective governors and mayors to co-operate with the national committee by state and city committees. Wa.shington.—Shift of farming hind to industrial uses and the general de pression In the agricultural field were given as the two major reasons for the abandonment of more tlian 100,0*X) farms In tlie United States since 1920 hy tlie census bureau enumeration re leased tlie past week. Tlie decrease, the hulletiii sold, was 2.3 per cent of the total number in 1020. .An analysis of the figures, which were gathered la.st April, indicated that agriculture is now making Its most successful stand in the S*inth- west and on the I’nclfie const, while In the Central West, the West and the eastern region of the southern slates It is barely holding Its owr The encroachment of manufactur ing was most noticeable in New Eng land and middle and south Atlantic areas, where farms have been largely turned over to Industries. There were G.448.34.3 farms In the nation in 1920, the figures showed. In 1020, the number had declined to 0,371,640 and In 1930. the year of the enumeration, the total had dwindled In 0,207,877. The more rapid shift from farm to city was Indicated be tween The years 1920 and 1925, the rate during that period being 1.2 per cent against the rate for the entire decade of 2.3 per cent. losva was the only stnt^ In the cen tral area to have held its own In the number of farms. Comparative fig ures for the five states In this region are as follows: MilB.r $1,000,000 for River Work Washington,—The War department has made an allotment of $1,900.(100 for continued Improvement of the Mis souri river from Kansas City to the mouth. Cuba Forbid* Election Rallie* Havana.—President .Machado issued a decree forbidding political meetings throughout the republic until after the forthcoming elections. This action fol lowed new clashes between police and students. Japaneie Naval Miniater Resign* Tokyo.—Admiral Tukeslii Takanible, naval minister, resigned and Premier Humagnclii uimounced the appolnt- inent of Baron Kiyukuzu Abo to that post. States which sliowed a decrease In the nuiuher of farms and the per centage of los.-i were as follows: New Hampshire, 27.0: Connecticut, 22,8 Ma-ssachiisctts. 20: Maine, 18.3; South Cnrollna, 18.1; Rhode Island, 17.0; Georgia, 17.5; New York, 17.1; Penn sylvania, 14.9; Oliio, 14.4; Vermont, 14; Mlclilgan, 13.5; Indiana. 11.2; Maryland. 0.0; Illinois, 9.4; Kentucky, 8.7; Virginia, J.2; West Virginia, 5.3; Delaware, 3.8; Wisconsin. 3.8; Tennes see, 2.7; .Missouri. 2.0. and Idaho, 1. States with lu increase In the num. her of farms and the percentages were: Arizona. 32.9; Louisiana, 19.2; California, 10: Mississippi, 14.8; Texas, 13.8; South Dakota, 11.4; Florida, 10.4; Oregon, 10.1; Nevada. 8.7; Washing ton, 7.6; Oklahoma, 0.4; Utah, 5.4; New Mexico. 5.2; Arkansas. 4.0; Min nesota, 3.9; Nebraska, 4.1; North Ca: iinn, 3.7; Wyoming. 2; Iowa, 1.4; Colo rado, 1; North Dakota, 0.0; Kansas, 0.5, and Alabama, 0.5. WASHINGTON BRIEFS The constitutionality of federal reg ulation of radio broadcasting will he heard by the Supreme court next month In two cases. The Treasury department was asked by the Notional Lumber Manufactur ers’ association to exclude convict- mode Russian lumber from the United States. In seven years the American Red Cross has spent $7,402,000 In aiding veterans of the World war, It la dis closed In the annual report of tbe or ganization. United States Industrial machinery exports for the first eight months of 1930 were only 2 per cent below the 1929 level, the Commerce department lias announced. West Virginia had 1,729,205 Inhabi tants on April 1. a gain of 18.1 per cent In the past decade, the census announced in giving final figures for the 1930 counL Except for attending one or more football games at nearby cities, Presi dent Hoover will remain In the Capi tal until congress meets, the White House iinnouDccs. The Brazilian government has asked the United States government to a|>- prove purchase by the former of mili tary airplane equipment here for use against the revolutionists in southern Brazil. The Department of Justice desires a site, either in Indiana, Illinois. Iowa or Missouri, for the erection of a hos pital for the criminal Insane and oth er defective delinquents, us author ized by the congress In May. Italy Ratifie* U. S. Treaty Rome.—The treaty of arbitration between Italy and the United States has been ratified by the cabinet. Fiaher Body Plant Reaumei Cleveland.—The Cleveland plant of the Fislier Body company will resume assembly line production, which was discontinued last spring, and will give employment to 2.000 men immediately. It w'as unnounccd. Hoover to Attend Football Game Washlngion.—President Hoover is planning to ntt*‘nd the Yaic-Harvarcl foothatl game at New Haven Novem ber 22. ns well ns the Prlnccton-Navy game October 25. BUTLER TO QUIT MARINES Smedley D. Butler. Washington.—Gen. Smedley D. But ler is planning to leave the innrlue corps In tlie near future. The color ful holder of two Congressional Medals of Honor, who leaped into the public e.ve in his attempt to dry up Phila delphia s«‘veral years ago. is consliler- ing a lucrative offer In civilian life. General Butler now commands the Qiiantlco (Va.) marine corps, base. REPORTS CORN CROP IS UP 60 MILLION BU. Yield Is Increased Over Esti mate for Last Month. Washington. — Estimates of the United States Department of Agricul ture disclosed an 'mprovement In the condition of tho corn crop as/’.ojupawd with a month ago, with the result that the estimate of the yield Is raised to 2.047,oyo.lXW bushels, an Increase of 64.000,CKK) bushels over the Septem ber figure. The total, however, Is still i75,0(XI.000 bushels smaller than that of last year and nearly 700,000,000 bushels below the five-year average. Estimates of other grain crops also showed Increases over a month ago. That In wlient was slight, umoutitlog only 2,000,000 bushels, indicating 242,000,000 bushels of spring wheat and 579,(XX),000 bushels of winter, or total of 821,0(H),0(K) bushels. This compares with 807.000,000 bushels of wheat raised last year. Some Increase In the winter wheat estimate Is expect ed when figures are revised in the final report in December. Oats crops is placed at 1,411,000,0(X) bushels, being 20.000,0(X) bushele larg- than a month ago and compared with 1.239,900,000 bushels last year. The estimate on barley is 328.000.0(X)- bushels, which Is 5,000.000 bushels more than In September and compares with a crop of 307.000.000 bushels last year. Estimate on production of fame hay Is 84,100.000 tons, against 82,100.- 000 tons a month ago and 101,715,00(J tons last year. Id Its report the department makes the condition of corn crop 58.8 per cent compared with 51.0 a month ago and ten-year average or 78.1 per cent. Uorn area this year was about 3,000,000 acres larger than In 1929. The estimate on durum wheat Is 52,- 000,000 bushels and other spring wheat at 190.000,000 bushels. Figures on com was somewhat larger than indi cated by trade reports. Estimates France Must Import 10% Wheat Used Paris.—Tbe ministry of agrlcultur*! has estimated (be 1030 wheat crop in France at 210,000,000 bushels, as against 315,000,000 bushels for last . The department estimates, how- , that It will be necessary for France to Import 10 per cent of the season's requirements from exporting countries and from North Africa to ke the total supply last throughout the season. Coffee Arrival* Show Inerea*a New York.—Coffee arrivals In tho United States for the third quarter to taled 2.550,.542 hags, compared with 2.518,440 bags in the corresponding period last year. Bank Preiident End* Hi* Life Fraiikfor*!, Del.-Believed to have b**en brooding over 111 health. Everett Hickman, sixty-six. president of the First National hank of Frnnkfnrd, shot and killed himself In the bank. State Treaturer Sutpended St. Louis.—Governor (.'auMleld sus- pmuUnl I.arry Brunk, Missouri state treasurer, as a result of on Investiga tion hy nuilitors of the affairs of tlie State Bank of Aurora, Mo., wlilch failed some time ago. U. 5. Consul Injured in Spain Vigo. Spain.—Rnyiiioiid Orel Rlch- arls of Appleton, .Maine, American consul at Vigo, has been seriously In jured in tiie dcrullinent of a fvla near Car jo.