T I t THE EAGLE KnturtMl nt thw '•’oMtolllce nt Burnit- vlllH. N. C., iiM H11-. matter, an ijonltnK to act of March Hrd, 1S7«, BURNSVILLE, N.C.Ort. 31. HUtJSCHlBTION MIX MJNTH8 LYON & LEWIS, Publishers, CELO. TO THE VOTERS OF 50,000-BUSHEL APPLE YANCEY COUNTY. CROP AT ALTAPASS Editor lOairle. .Mi'k. .Ii'hhIi* Hoover, who li«« hri-n Hick for Hi'vvi 111 nioiit iiH. (iii’ii nt thin |iliic(! 'rinirHiliiy iiiorniiiy iiinl «(i«i I. 1 ken lo the M'lcavillc ccTiictcry Fri- liiv forbni'iul. Mr. mill .'Ii'H. I.iit Yoiiii^', of .N’ch- iliilc, WHH viaitinir .Mth, Yoiiiiif’H liiin-iitH, .Mr. Jiml .Mrs. S, W, Hobin- Hon, SiitMifiv. Mi-h. U’lillcr Aiitri-y mnl chihlrcn. of lliirvm-d. w;iH viHitiiijr her mol Imt, .Mra, F, A. FiirniMiiy thin wii k l•lnl. Our lowiiHhij) oMIccra him- inoviiijr iirouml for the general elisdioii on Noverii bi'r -1. Mihhih. Lee Hooiie ainl Alton Sil vern mi l .\liHa|Mmiile Hoone, iif ilooii- foril were the liiientH of .Mimh Hell Ciirraw.iy .Siiiiiiny aftei'iiooti. .Mr, ami .Mi'h, .M. D. Ibiilev chililreii, ol Toledo. .S'. mnl Mix. II, F. (iardiier of IbiriiMville, we.'e viHitiiijr Mr. ami Mix, O. M, Kobert- noii Siaalay. Mr, Fiilim f'arraway of thia jilai-e. lamie a InmiiieaH triji to llooiiford Siiinlnv. .Mr. Dock (libba w’hh over from .Miirion Siimlav viaif.iiii; liin [larniitH, Mr. ami .Mix. ,1. A. (libln. MeHHrH. Timi Went nil and .loe Ilibbs, from Sja'iiee Fine wan viMitiiiu fri-mlH at thm place Siiiidiiy. SllOltTV. Editor Efifr'e; Heplyliif,^ to nu artielo which ap peared ill ycnir inipor iiint w»*ek wriiu-a by .'ifr, E. 1’. WatHon, 1 lie;- |H‘riiiiHHioii foi'-^iiace in your paper lo miMWer Haiiic, referrin;' eMjiei-ially to the Htiitenient made t>y .Mr. M' it- noiitiiatthe lax levy in Ib^S wim ?2,l»per laiialred dollarn, ami ea- pectally t hat part of Ihh Htutement I hat tiic t axc« had l>i*eii retltieed «o aiirai'iiloiiHly under the Hoard to wliicli III- irt (’oiiii y Attorney. .At the lime wlieii the Hoard of Cuiinty (^oiaiiiiHHioiierB went in odlce in tliere wiib found (o l>e an defleit which had to Ije overcome liy fliaf Hoard. The County I’iniiiice Act wan panHcd wliicli reipiired t hin dellcit to lie litpii- dated iiiHtead of carried over, an the cii.nloin hail iiceii t lieretofore. 'I hin I eipiired an excennii e tax nili*, in jid ililioii to tile annual 111111011^ ex- * 1 winii to quote at thin time from an article wtiicli your paper carried ill IbiJf) wliicli reinl an foilowx: “The Viiii-ey Coileniati' Inntitute iiiin iH^en nolii to Yancey Coiinl.y for the H.im of f()r.,ni)l).(HI. out of wiiicli Mr. F J-V VYatncni r••ceiv■eH !i OOd.ntTimmioriiil fund to perpetuate iiin remendiraiii'e in tiic .Marn Hill CollecK in Miidinon County.” Tldn iicciniiilH for ;J(}.o,0(Kt.0t) of tlie deiiclt. Tltin iiinli- liiLion, an I umlerntiiml, wan'Imiit u]> by tile jieople of A'micey County from' eoiitrilaitioiin eoiinist iiij; in money, and from people wlio liad no money, in polatoen.cablmKe, onionn, calvtx, apiilen, lalior, or wlmtever could lie leathered from tlie liilior of tlie citizens of Yancey Ciainty. Tliis wan not only ilonc one time, but was .tone tiiree tiiiii'K in niiccensioti in iike manner, and today the county is ijonded for tliis n]ns;iflc :jf](),()0(l.(l(l arininj; out of tlie proceeds of the in- Mt it lit ion whicli tiie people of Yan County Imd laiilt ill the alxive m Altapass, .S’. C.,—It’s piirkiiip: and packint; season at llie llolston apple orchard at Altapasn, “above tiie land of the sky.” .and 70 nmn ate now employed pickiiikt and piickintr ajuiroximately ri(),0UO bushels of ajiples ^-rown in tiie orelaird this year, aci-ordiiif; t: (1. M. Ormloff, manat'cr. Last year, with one-fiftli of a crop, ‘Jo.OOO’laishels were {fathered. Tliis vear tlie e.'tiiiiate is two-flftlin of a 'crop. Aliemiy approximately 12,000 busliels have liceii sold. 'I'he orolmrd, coverinjf about 500 acres, lies cliii fly in M |) avellcounty, with about 100 acre- in .Miteliell- It contains son.e ”2,000 trees, now about IS vears p|d. A’arietien in clude Stark’s I'elieious, Stainen’s I \ViiieHa[i, Yirjiinia Hemity, Kingi David, York liapciial, Jonutlmn, Hhu-klwig, (iriiii'i's (Jolden, ami Hed Winesap. Tlie orchard is owned by ilohn Yancey and \Y. \V. tiuy, of .Marion, will) p'ui'i'hased ic from the Holston corjmratirni nliout 10 years atfo for a price rejiorted at the time to have taen *100,000. FiftiH'ii men are employed in the orchard tin* year around, and about 70 diiriajr the two-months jiickinu: ami ])ackiii{f season. Tlie trees are eiirefully wormed and pruned. Tlie concern han two pnckitijf hounes, one in tlie orchard with a capitcif.y of fp.OOO bushels and one at Altapass with a cnpai'ity of ir»,0t0 laislieln. Tim apples are all packed ill bushel and halr-laishcl bankets. None are sohl in boxen. Thin year the orchard ie receiving $2..")() for its ntninlard fancy apples, and *1 a bushel for seconds. A “HARD TIMES’’ STORY Packer Smith in Prison Two Years After Sentence. Two yearn and three inoiithn after ha wan'nenfeiiced lo nerve thn*e yearn ill State Frlnoii lor vii>liiioii ol the "Hlne Sky” lawn, Facker Smith, .Asheville promoter, began Inn ter In Ci'iil ral Frison here I hin week. i'J Sniilli wan coiivictcil in Huncoinbi' Ciaiiit V Superior Court in .Inly, 1 Hl'S, ol nelli'iig stock in llie .lax FaxStoren 'or|ioratioii, a chain orgaii- i/.,, n, cii Jilt ion of t he St ale laws zatioii. in violation of the Stale laws governing sale of niich necnril.ieK. Evidence in the cane wan worked u|) bvlhe Slate Capital Isnues Depart- nieal of lilt Corporntion Commisniou of which I. M. HaiU'y. timv atLoriiey for the coiiimihsnioii, wnn diiectnr at. the Lime. 'I'he conviction was llie tlixt of iiiiporlaiii'e am'’) C.e mnv ne- wun liailetl as dimi- oiiHlraliag the teet li in t la lawn. Hut .ludge Hoyle Sink, who tried tlie cane, made ids jiidgllieiit. comil- tioiinl, KUHpending 1 he Ihree-yearneii- leiire upon two i-o'ints upon eomli- (ioiilhal the prinoiier pay bimk to stock piicclmsern the sum of *Ib.OlU) iilid nerve only one year. Smith went to work to raise lla‘ iiioiicy, lail lonml it not no cany as aiilieipaled. and at I Im »*xpiralion of I lie dale net liv court for repayment, iqiplicd tor lin'd olitnincd a reprieve from io veriior .Mel .eaii t linnigh 1’llrdon Com IIIihsioner Edwin Hridgen, ill turn Im nlJalimd thii'c other re prieves, tlm nts'ohd nigimd liylioverii. or Mrl.cau liimnelf mid tlm third liy liin priMiti neciMary, U. W. l.ein- nter. ;i)iiriag (lovernor Harduers adiiiinisiratioii. two reprieves were iilmlaiimd by Sinilli. one being liand- Ictl tlirough'Execiilivc Couiinel N. A. T'ow iiHeiid anil the hint tbroiigli ’. \|. Mull, will) siicrteded Mr, 'I’own. send. Thun every man wIum ver held the ollire ol Fardoii Coiiiuiis-.ioiier. or as it became later, Execiiliv e Couiincl. luiiiillctl ill some uianuer lliv case, as .ludgeSiiik, llic llrnt Fai'don Com- iiiisniouer, rcnigiieil llmi jionl to go oil tlie Imui'li as Special Judge. Smith, who went to l.oiiiniaiia af- t-r leaving .tslmville, lliiallv nilocecii. ed in iiilsilig *H1,IHH) of tlie*l»,()>('. liilt all t lie ]airchasein of ntock were not natintlcil witli tlm slate olaflairn, prolcnts came into the pardon olllcs agninst lurlheri'.Nteiinioa. Tlm hihl reprieve c.vtiircd Oh (li'lober la. and venlerduv a slateineiil wtm issued from the (lovermn'n oilier through Exeniiiv Couiinel H. (iralmai stating lliat miotlmr lejineve had bis'ii denied. Ualeigli N" server. 1 nlioiitd like for the votern in Yaii- ■y County to know that in the hint two yeiiix there has come into t he eouiay apiiroxiiiiately *.'57,()OI).lH) irom the sale of ganotene ami there wan also appropriat/'d by the J.egin- turo for the nelmoln of Yancey Coun ty approtjimateiy *2"),000.>U in ail- dition to what inid been rt'ceived heretofore for sclnxd equalizii tioii. I iim also iiiforinud that there has berm fipproxiinately 152 ncliool teach ers taken off of work iii Yancey coun ty which means that the edileatioiial expenses lor tlm nclnxil clahkren of t he county has has been reduced ap- liroxiiim tely *1 '),»)l.lK) in t Ids om* item per year. Therefore yon will nee that tiie pn-seiit mlmiiiistrat ion has hml an advantage of *77.(>)0.(ll) over the former Hoard in tlnuncing tlm county, and has been fns* from Hie deficit, except *12,t»KI(»0, wliicb wimld iinliejite lo areasoiniblptliiiik- iiig nmii that- there still should have been an additioiml reduction in taxes in the present administration. 'Pwo years ngo, yon must remein her, Mr. ^YlltH(>n sailed under the baillWrwT'Altreil E. Smith and John )l IbiHkyili who were well known tliroiighoiit tlm country as the wet- tent men the imt ion Imn ever known, and who tried lo repeal tlm prohibi tion law itself, indicating Inn wishes an lo the wet ami dry isHiit. I want- to make thin remark to call the at tention of the vxilern to t he fact that one day Mr. Watnoa in wet, (he next he in dry.’m^n'ding to liin personal prejudices and inivaatageH. 1 f.ml that Mr, U'atsoii’sartu'lewus a personal tfirusi at me,ami implying that lam not for tlie eiifoireiimat of the proliiliit ion law, and 1 feel I hat it is my [ifivilege to call tlm atleiitioii of t he voters to my I'cconl as hirmer sheriff, and I ask you to nee how many aetiml eonvictionn wi're had and'1 ask you to eompaie the cost per coiiviciiou then with the cost per conviction niuier M. C. lloimycnit It in a matter of rt^nf.'iml laskyoii to look for yourself, .Mr. Tiixpayer, mid vote, as .Mr. Watnoa niiggestn, for the man iTTel burdens the tax- paver leant for wlmt he does. S, H. HANKS, 2S. IbdtI. Tho Boys Are Buried. Clevelmid Star. One of tlm bent Uepublican jiron- peril V ntorien yet related is toid by Clem'Shaver, foramr chairman of the Deinociatic national com in it tee. Visiting irf New York last week Mr. Shaver tolii of an old farmer vylx) came into a store in a small West Virginia town, made a purchase uml threw a silver dollar upon the coun ter. •:(iee!” said the clerk, “it s been a long Time since I saw one of those. You muni, have had it a mighty long lime.” •'Aon.” replied tlm farmer, “I had that old silver dollar all through the Cleveland panic. I thought it had to go, hut I hehl on to it. 15ut, by golly, I’ve got logivcitup this time.’’ Hiinmville. N. (Folitical .Advertising.) Money In The Canneries An imniense itovwI of Yanceyeoiin tv pcople--eMliaiat*d at l.'JtIt—last Monday movning at tended the last rite* for Hurl on lleiinley ami W’l row Wilson, youths who well* foiiml dviag in the embers of a 'aiiipltre near Meiaphin. 'I'eim., Iasi Wednesday. Tlx* funeral services .v uv hehl at ihe Haiti Cnmk -Meihoiiint Church at llii.dD o’clock in tlie Tmirning, and the bixlics of the two vouthn, victims of ji lauriler that IS still nniroiiiitiiHl [a myslerv, were laid to rent ni grav en side bv niilc, Hev! .1. I.. Uev liohls, of t hin eil V. and Hev. .Miteliell eomlueted the funeral service. The V oaths weie fouml in a nwanqi in .Aikiinsas, near the .Mienissinpi Itiv.'i-, With fleetuiid skulls. Their bodies Inal I tlr.igged lalti a eamp tire am! wonhl Inive Iteeii eoTinmmnl had iH>t tlie diniovei v lieeii iliatie a nlO’t time Intel. Hoih weie alive wlieii fouml but neither i>'g.»inetl citiinciimsiiesH. Tht> sorrow stricken jiarents and lamilles have the siiiivre sviiqtalliy of their many frieiids, Trapping Fur Animals Barred In Yancey. Ualeigli, October, 2.‘l.—Tra.p(iilig lur bearing a,niimils in In western Norih Carolina eouiities, ineluding A'aiicey. han lieeii iirohihiled by order of tlm Department of Conser vation ami Developineiit, fora period of two years, following petitions from tliene counties on which n public hearing was Ix'td in .VnlmvilleOctober 1, Clmrles li. England, tlm State (Jame War leu iinnounceH. Overvvlieliniiig seiiritneiit against irai>ping fur-bearing animals is part of a movement in tlie western aie.i to greatly increase tlicseaniimilsami thus l•e-eHtabliBh the fur iiuhistry on a larger scale in this sectiou, NOTICE OF MOUTtiAOKE’!^ SALE. Cliarlotli' Observer. It wan Walaiiga county that took Hiuleiuliu I Iici-hc manufad are and it is two other moimlaiii couutic's timl appc.ir to Imve taken in aunt her prosperity development in the shape of the caaaery. ’I'he plant at Heii- d.rsonville sim.-ializes in tomatoes and beans; ilic plant in I'raiiklin, whicli is doing wonders for the farm- ei-H, runs mainly 011 beans. When the ttgures for the seasoii'soi»eratioii of the Ib-iidcrnon county catineryarc made public. The Observer antici pates that till* mind of fanners in other sin’tiouH of the Slate will In- diriH'Ied forcibly tot liehciietltsof tlie caiiaerv, a proponiliou that has (inr- ticular advantages in tlie trucking oivliard districts in llie salidhilN. Henderson cixiiiiy fariiuTs made “big iiKiney" this vear and are ar- nitiging to plant fur even bigg»*r money next seiison, lor they failed to grow enough tomnt>»-s ami beaus ti> kn'p thefarforygoiiigatcapimity. The cheese eoiiniy and the cunning cinnilies have farm agents- ami it is the farm agent who is most eapable of si'ii'adiag the industry. 'Ihe Franklin Fiesn last week published n-snlts of the loc.il caaneiy. which distributtnl among tlm bean growers alone as much as The itemiidl m-couiii of oaetaraiersliows that on oiie-hall an aciv, he inmle a clear piottt of *(>M.»7, 111 Inmiis. ultivated two North (;ftrollna, ( A'aucoy Count,?. ) Under and by virtue of two Mort gage Deeda executed to H. C. Smith and wife Bert Smith to tho Citixens Bank of Yancey, to secure certain debtedness. iind default having been made lo the imyinont of said indebted ness, the undersigned will, on the the ir>th day of Nov.. 11)30, at l:S0 F. M , at the court house door In Uiinmvlllc, N. C , sell to the highest , bidder for cash to satisfy said indebted-1 Less the following tracts or parcels of ! land, In Burnsville township, adjoiniug lauds of F- M. Hank- 'md others- FIRST TR.ACT: 1 c.lndlng all the mineral Interest In ' Unde owned by W. B. Banks at hi.- -Icath, adjoining the alwve t>Brtics. H ■' *>eing those lauda conveyed to said W n Banks by J. M. Roldnsoii and form ’ owned by said parties of the first j, .itand being the ahare received by .M. Louise Calvert in the fluiith estate, and tor a full and complete description of said lands ref erence is hereby made to said deeds which are of record in the ollice of the Register of Deeds ot Yancey County, containing oO acres, more or less. SECOND TR.ACT; A onc-elxth un divided interest in a 110 acre tract of land on Three ljuarter Creek, adjoining the lauda of the J, M. Harris lands. T. J. Young, Margaret Smith and others and for a full desetiptiou of said lauds refeience Is inaile to the will of M Penland in which said tract was willed to Mrs. iClirabeth Smith, mother of H. C Smith. THIRD TRACT: In South Toe T'vvvuship. adjoining thelanda of J. C. Whltwvn and ivthers- BHOINNINO at a white oak, on the {Miini of a ridge, in or near Whitson's line and rnn.i north HO east down and with said river 80 poles to a spruce pine on bank of said river; thence east 118 uoles to a stake; llieiX'e south 80 west NO pides to a stake; thence west 88 poles to a stake in or near said Whitson's line; thence north with or near said Hue to Beautiful and charming! It’s an added special quality that makes the beauty of a pretty girl. But she’s a natural favorite to begin with. And for the same reason Camels are favorites with the modern crowd. Scientific principles govern their manufacture; but the mildness, the fragrance, the delicate flavor are natural qualities of the tobacco. There’s enjoyment in the smoking of a Camel. Camels go with happy faces ... a lift of spirits with the opening of every fresh, fragrant pack. For Camel’s delightful mildness holds all the natural goodness of choicest tobaccos. Don’t confuse it with the flatness or insipidness of “over-treated” cigarettes. Qamels “EASY TO LISTEN TO”—CAMEL PLEASURE HOUR Wedn«id»y eveninj* on N. B. C. network, WJZ and Msuciated iiationt. Consult your local radio time table. NOTICE. SALE OF REA/. ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the authority •yeeted in me by a certain deed of truat executed by D. M. (-Henn. Jr , and wife jAnna Utenn, on the ^4th day of April, 1980, to W. C. Vance wherein the un- dereigued is named Trnstee, and default having Iveen make in the payment of said deed of trust and note securing the same and demand having been made by the said W.O Vance upon me, I will, therefore, sell at public auction for cash, at the front door of the court house in Barnsyllle, Yancey County, N, C,. on rUonday, October 13th. 11)30, , the following de- .AliotlaT _ iicrcn, null! liin * 1 'F “I •'•’H bunlmln »>I j Beginning, containing 100 acres. Inaiae fiT *o2i.i. tlx* total or less, and Ix-ing the same lands production liaviiig: Nva »•*'*.HH. jj M,I 1,1 V. I.. 1 caimiau milu'nl IV will be an.n- exten-, B*x.k of Deevls No. AJ at page -JBS. and 1 Hiv. lv deveUqnni, I to said record reference is hereby made. Tbc I |{ pouliry club iai‘ailw'rn of tii'd w hat tlx* caimcrv lia.>* bi>cn ! for a further and more complete deecrip- Catavv ba Coimiy vviuv avvanlcd (be I (or the lai iacin of llciidcr-ioii , ((on to said lands. Hvv.H'|»ttakcn pn»c lor Iiiimiik thfln«nt | „,„i Mm-uti couiiiicn can be tUmc b>r j yf Octolier. 1980. bini ovvn.Hl by a club memlnT at llm 1 (.jria.Ts iti cv.iv cuiity in tin*; uaSK OF Y.ANCEY. Nvir;li I'lifolixa Sl.ite Fair poultry ; siule. Leadership in this work is a | ' Mortgagee show. The chicKcii was a siglecomb I jiih for tliecounty agviit ' Hrovvii Ixfghoru hen. By Watson Fonts, Attorneys. at 10 o'clock A scribed land: Lying In Crabtree Townehip, Y'ancey County, adjoining the lands of Bud Sparks. D. H. Cox »md others and de scribed as follows; BEGINNING on the Sooth end of the culvert over Pars nip Branch and rune up and wit'h the . branch sonth 3 west 1 ;)oles; south 30 ’ west « ivolea: sonth 78 west « poles; ' south 49 west 3 polM; sonth -38 east 0 i poles; south W west 4 poles; south 38 I west 4 poles; south 9 poUs; touth lOeast ’ 4 poles, south 33 vv.«t 4 poles: south 7 east 8 notes: south 80 east 4 pules; sooth 17 west ^ poles to the head of the branvh; then south 6 west 56 1-3 poles to a divgwooil in the old line and on top of the ridge; then with the >1*1 line north 70 east 30 poles to a stake in the old line; tlien with th*. old line north 3 east 80 poles to a dogwood, an old cor- 1 tier of the 30 acre tract; then with ftbe 30 acre tract line east 98 polee to an ivy bush lu another lii«; then with said j old line north 8 east 34 1-3 poles to a ^white oak and a maple, the beginning corner of the 20 acre tract line; then west with the 30 acre tract line 48 i poles to a poplar near tne spring, an old j corner: then north 8 east 80 poles ^d ■ ' 16 links to a small ash in a drain; then 1 north 80 west 10 poles to the south ond • I of a drain pipe under the road; then ; with the south side of the road north j j 87 west 46 twice to the beginning, con- , , taining 46 t-3 acres. And for a more perfect deifcription. reference is iiiade to Book No 10, page : 336 of Deed Records in the office of , Register of Deeds for Yancey County, This sale wiil be made subject to con- [ ; firmation by the Clerk of the Superior | Court for Yancey Connty, This nth day of September. 1980. ' JOHN C. Mi'BEE, Trustee. Quality Coal at Low Summer * Prices. “It -won’t be long now” until coal must be used to keep you warm and cheerful. ' I sell coal that is aboVe the average in quality—ignites quickly, burns up clean and does not clinker. MORE HEAT PER DOLLAR -miNicr . Have Money! ,We Invite VOUR B.4NKING BUSINESS. PEOPLES BANK Burnsville, N. C. Buy NOW and save money; money saved is money made. Every order ap preciated. Write for prices. C. M. BAILEY ■PHONI-: No. 03 or 70. liOKNSVII.I.E. N. C. The Fertilizer Bill. Ni'rth Carolina ctittoii prowers this vxar n asi dcihict *11 .100,000 I rroai'lx‘{'Hot* tlx y n‘'»*ive for their roiton to i>ny for the fertilizt'ts used ; in prowinp the fleecy staple. Bat this is onlv a portion of tlx* bip fertilizer b'ill North Carolina imist pnv. and virtually this money till, ptx*s to Chile for nitrates, Hennany ; for jxitash aiul to Temn^stH* ami Florida for phosphates. 'I'lio State buys l.aO.'l.nTa ttma at a eo.«t of thiVtv-six million dtillars. _ ■ North Carolina will receive for its cotton this vear around forty million dollars, and it will retjuire almost | stimulate the matrimonial ! market, we will send the Eaple ’ fn***. for one year, to each couple ! pettinp married in Yancey conn- ’ ty before January let, 1031. 'I’lie Eaple is a household iiei es- \ sity. How about p’ttinp mar- I ried all tlx* money to jiay the State's fertilizer bill. The Live iit-Home programshonld emprace.^very effort to make pert >i the fertilizer ot home.—.N*‘Wv -.c • observer.

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