THE EAGLE Knlered at tli« "oatotHw* at BnrnH- vill«, N. C., iti *•>«.'.' l-cliiBH matter, ac ojcdliiK to act of March Hrd, 1«79. BURNSVILLE, N.C. Nov. 14. LYON & LEWIS. PubUshers. A LECTURE By Judge Leon McCord, Montgomery, Ala. SWISS. Ktlitor Tti« el(*!tioii in over find Home are IryinK to fortret by jfettiiiK their corn in the erili. Mr. A. Totiilferliii, of WliitePine, Teini.‘ wiiH vwitinK rehitiven and fi'iendH iit thin place laet week. He wan nce«nnpanied iiv Mr. I'^tiif'rffe HiKKiiiB, of Teiiti. Mr. (Jlnirlie Touiberliii, wlio was in an Jiiitomohile wreck near Boone, N. f- Iasi ..Mondn.v niKld, ih Kettinjf ulfinjr jfiHt fine Bince retiirniiiK from t lie h(mi»ital hiHt week. If wiiH naid Ilia lower jaw wnn kni>ekeil out of place and his collar-bone waBbroken. \V. are hoping that he will aooii f>e out again. .MiHH Lola Henelcv, wfio is inecliool I at A. S. T. (;., Boone, N. whh ^ it j honic for a Hhort visit ItiHt week. Sl-e ' ■ I returned Tuendiiy. I'd tin* Mtory the j and .Mrs. Carl Angel and fnin- if a mull, who forty-Heven . j|^.^ Azalea, were visiting friemls .•ars ago, killed a man and f’"' ' .il„| iveK at. this i.liu-o last we..k wav. lie 'VaH ciipt iii-ed and return- j I to north Alabama for trial. He | xj'jhh Vera (’arter was thn guest The paper THStiiij^ part of | cfiiiii' clear. The in , ^ , the story wastiiat this man hadb«sn rimnitig’iiway fn»m this trial fill these lears. Me had liecn ninning away from the crime which lie hail com mitted. 'I'lie fact is he had beeti a priHoner .ill I hese years; lie had bwii III jail all these years; he had worn shackles all these years. 'J'riis, he hurl I free pliysically, hut ineii- tallv ho was a fi toll iinil in jail. We mav escaie p'lisically for wrong doing, but mentally never, Oiir mimlH innke ns jiay. .Nearly every stiltc in the reimblic has iiivi.sligM.(ed crime. The con gress and ]»iesideiit sent out a. com- inissioii to si tidy ci'imi'. '\e liave a hundred jiroiHised remedies for the ever ill'reivsing crime wav*. Him- dieds of prem-hers and teachers and judges and lawyers put forward rein- I'dicH, 'I'liev practically agree that . rime Is oa‘l he increase. They disa- prec on the remedy. 'I'tiey widely diHagfi'o oil (lie ciiuse. Of course we are Hi ill in tlie bad - washoftlie World War, To some eMent that war increased crime, but It WHS not till' primary refisoii for I he crime wave in America, We commeiicstl to Imild the foun- dnt.oii for this erime wave about ao years ago. As we brought for ward and eiuicted into laws bills and enact meats whirli nmde up addition- III iniMileineaiiors and felonies whioli had not heretofore I'xiMled, we relied solely upon their enforcement upon the courts of t he land. We Imve systematically educated the people to’helieve that the way to law enforcement lii s through tlv courtH ol eountrv. Ascriuieincreasc', and has increioerl, t lie preachers, t he leacheiH and the newspapers cileil out for law enforcement Lei till- courts of the land put. down I rime, .\s t he court s lia v». failed, we H iggest tlml the courts and jiitlicial Hvsiem is lax, negligent ami corrupt. \\\- point, out that the entire system iiiust he overhauled and set to work in n new wa'v. Speed it no we eiy. Push, i'oiiviet and seiilence. •ede readily that tliethug ami I* .that tl.i'iuw-breaker should pSiieil, and that iiuickly; hut I aiiitaoi this will noi, bring reform - the putting dow i of get a lesson from thisold n Toniherlin Tuesday Bev. It, J. .lamersoii llltwl his regu lar appoint meat at the Mt. Pleasant church Sunday morning. BIBBLLS. TAX WASTE. FarmerH will remd. favorably to the siiggestioii of .1, IT^'de Hoffman, chairinan of rlw Indiana ta.x survey cominitttM* that means shouM be devised for elimimitiiig waste and redui'ing goverinental expense as an effective meniis of easing the tax liurden. “Any Isx relief which will become effective will ciuisist in a large measure in saving the tax dollar," decluris .Mr. Hoffman, To provide other uieaiiH of ruisihfi tax sums is no relief for the taxpayer." 'i'liat is good sense. Inefficiency and cxtraviigance in government means a continued high tax rat‘, botli for the state and locality. Tlic money must be raised and shift.iiig the hiirdeii one class t o aaotlier will not solve the jiroblem. f'lviryone rerognizes the nee 1 of reducingpublic expeiiditurcH but what is to be done about it? Hu OFFICIAL VOTE OF YANCEY COUNTY^-NOYEflBER 4, 1930. :i TOWNSHIPS HFIlNSVlLLE cA.Ni; Kivi-:n KOVIT UAMSHYTOWN .lAt'K’S PKKEK OHEHN MOUNTAIN BBUSH CHEEK CRAHTHEE son'll TOE PRICES CREEK PE.NS.VCtfLA 192 TOTALS 2798 2o2U 274t> 2552 27(17'2-H9' 2948’2:5-i2 489 219 182 222 218 ir.7 .•)8 299 1(57 2G1 Reg. Heeds ■88 458 50(5 4(59 503 418 818 280 842 199 828 210 810 180 82(5 17G 817 184 281 228 245 214 281 225 808 224 811 208 827 204 184 1(52 1 8*9 159 145 158 1G5 61 179 51 178 54 818 888 848 808 848 802 214 198 242 IGO ■ 257 158 1.59 270 175 255 175 248 88 189 82 188 81 191 1784'2584 2895 2887 2940 2848 : 807 228 81(5 182 230 220 299 228 842 299 221 174 l50 279 77 191 Boa**'! (■'luntyCommiS'Sioners 00 4G8 10 810 09 318 205 226 311 800 148 117 1(52 1.53 836 387 209 260 159 148 68 54 ) 2480 2712 2086 2648 466 .502 492 280 255 229 194 183 181 253 221 221 210 219 2li 150 165 156 54 61 .58 300 298 281 165 185 171 268 280 255 203 209 231 2498 2578 if486 CELO. • NOTICE OF MOHTdAOEE S SALE. _ , North Carolina, ( Editor EaSfle. ] Yancey County. I Rev. Hicks preached ainnteroflting Under and by virtoe of two Mort gage Deeds executed by H. C Smith ‘■k alt'lniugh lie has e f'jr fiir- I bis'ii a I out in He V fn. miglil he said, "1 ver 1 waul mg' rial.' II liiserimc. lit. W'lieii im glad it is a I I back and stand , mil til be put diHvn wlnilly liv the l•^lUl■ls, We must set tlie laeiichers. llie teadiers and eviTV llnuightml nmn and woman in tlic nation to teaching oiir people tlml crime iloes not pay; Unit law-break ing brings sorrow and ruin. TIm' uordsolthe Proverb, leprool bringelli wNi child left to himself mother to shauie, ii I his hour as it aas a ago Made the Doctor Stutter • want to get my advertisemeiit into tin* luinds of every farmer in the (•oiiiity," a. pati'iit iiiedicine -pieler in an Oklahoiini town told tliecrow.l around his stand ]»rc]iarutory to selling them hismeiiieineat "aspecial advertising jirice,” "I'll tell ye a gooil way to dotliat." anmmiK'ed a farmer in the I'l'iiwd. "Jest have it printed oil tin* backs of mortgage blanks.’' The medicine imin didn't get. hack to his sales talk for sevenil niiiuites, Wlieii the Pel Milk Products I'om- paiiy bought the North StateCream- cry'at Burlington lecPiitly the mau- Hgeineiit increased the price of bu(- terfal to farmers and dis'ren.scd tlie prie'e of milk to consiiiners. Catawba (kiuiity 4-Helnbmembers on a larger number of ribbons at the State Fair than any otlier 4-H jp. 'I'liey laid entries in the poultry, dairy calf, coni, irisli pota to and sweet potato classes and made good wins in all five. Local nns'lings in tin* interest of a toliaceo Tif irkc-ting associiition were attended by 71(1 .Stokeseoiinty farm ers Inst wis'k lait few signed the pro posed contract preferring to wait until next year. About I jiui down c ■ tlie ■•av t •e tin idling wing III- wind, W' d to teach (hat th- ' ic was to eafor utmost. Not tend righleousnes-'-, not relying on train tug the voung life to obey tin* laws, but rather have tin* gourts mak' morals li.v punishing. We 'H'c H"'' reaping tin* wliiilwiml. I .lo not mean that we t.o leiicli the voniig life tlhim! We left off lied on the eonrls. We ate literally pouring men iiiid woincii into tin* prisons. The gov- .•rnnicni just now has not th-prisons In whieh to ihe»reenite its comletiin- ed, 'I'he stale prisons lire filleil and slopping over. 'Pl'i't'iii'dv as 1 sis* ** 1..— iiiiM ever Increasing vrime is back to fiitniaiMeiiliils. leaching obeyauei' of oar laws. The Englsh courts are not Is'lt' and are no iiioie rigid limn I lie ci ur of this r»*pulilic. The diffen*lice t ml the I'higlish ob*y their laws, We shudder at th Cli'eago, Did you e tlml it the people in Slop drinking they have racketiH'rs? oihe sermon at this place Hutiday There were severtil of the single hoys and married men of this phu-e attended the box supper at Locust CriH-k Saturday night. .Mrs, (J, W. Rohiiisoiiu'nd -Mrs. Edna Heath, of Celo, sjieiitdasl week with relatives at Newdale. .Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Heffner ami .Miss Hazel Uohiiison, of Booiiforti, were tlie guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. •M. Carraway Saturday iiiglit. Mr. (daade Harris, who lia.8 lieen working at Bolens ('reek, spent tlie w(H*k end with his parents, .Mr. and .Mrs. H. F. Harris, at this place. .\lesHi-s, Lawrence and Eiilas (tar- ra.way nmde a Hying trip to Booii- ford Saturday afternoon. .Mr. Joe itanaer. of Burnsville, spent the week end at this jilai'e, SHORTY. Work For Farmers. (lovernor Caultteld's suggestion that farmers he given all the em- plovmeut pissihk* in road Imilding is sound sense. Ofiamrse, the seed ing of wheat and general farm work must not lie neglected, hut if oppor- tuniiitv is presented, hiird-hit Farm ers to earn money for fmi juirchnse, it willliea (jod seiid. Fnfortunately, file iiigiiway commission and its emiiloves can give liitlo direct help. Road building is by contract. But tractors employ mucli local labor, ami no doulit. will'do all they can. Only as a last dcstH-rate resort will the farmers of .Missouri accept eharity temleivd by the Red Cross. Yet where mi.sfortune, iiieUidiiig siekii-ss, has couio tliere should he no falso priile. The man who eontributes to llie Red Cross today may belts bene- ficiarv a few months or 11 few years go right iinmemi* :• erinn* wave ill ver stop to think Hull city would vouhl no longer :o me the other nd wniiteil me lo k.s‘p wliiske awav from h-r hov. I sai'l, "Did yo ever irv to k's-p voiir boy awav Iroi whiskeV'’" Think, for a moment. 1 ,me liimdi-e.1 oltl.ers trying to pn vent i he .•'•'llmg of strong lirink an • ti.u.lins nt.nii-lC,...., wli.i are diiiikiug strong drink. Tills is no time for faniicrslomovi to town in seaix'h of a ts'tter livinj in the o}miion of Earl I’age. slat' commissioie‘1 of 11 ines. mamifiieliires ,oid a-iiciiliuii* Snell a^^ ehaiige would Imfrom "ihc frying I'.iii into the tire' savs Ml Dagc. in a stale laenl that w ai Us farmers of tliedlttl- ciiltv of tlmhiig the higher cost’ot living In the urban etnteis. • Wail until timw ar» govel amt when pro»iH*ritv prevails," he ad vises fanners who are ihiukirg of luikiDg the change. and wife Bert Smith to the CitizeoB Bank of Yancey, to seenre certain In- debtedneBS, and default having been made in the payment of said indebted- nese, the andersigned will, on the the ISth day of Nov., 1930, 1;30 P. M., af the conrt bouse door In Burnsville, N. C-, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said indebted ness the following tracts or parcels of land, in Barnsville township, adjoining lands of P. M. Banka and others' FIRST TRACT: Inclnding all the mineral interest in the lands owned by W. B. Bunks at his death, adjoining the above parties, and being those lands conveyed to said W. B. Banks by .T. M. Robinson and formerly owned by said parties of the first part and being tbe share receiyed by M. Donise Calvert in the Smith estate, and lor a fall and complete description of said lands ref erence la hereby made to said deeds which are of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Yancey County, containing 50 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: A one-sixth un divided interest in a 110 acre tract of land on Three (Quarter Creek, adjoining the lands of the J. M. Harris lands. T. .1. Y’oung, Margaret Smith and others and for a foil description of said lands rsfeience is made to the will of M. Penland in which said tract was willed to Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, mother of H. (1. Smith. THIRD TRA(3tV- In South Lumber and Building Supplies JJG Jf. Jf, Jf, Jf. Jfm Jf, Jf, JJv Jf" •’I*' «!*• Jf’ ■9' ^ "W* IrS We carry a complete line of LUMBER—Framing. Sheeting, Siding, Flooring and all kinds of Finish and Moulding; and do all kinds of mill work. We carry all kinds of R00FINC--Galvanized Shingles; GALVANIZED CHAN- NELRAIN. sheets, the non-leakable, rust-resisting roofing that is becoming so popular with the farmer; Asphalt Shingles; all kinds of Roll Roofing, and built-up roofing for fiat top roofs. All of our roofing is fully guaranteed. We carry a large .stock of all sizes of Windows, Sash and Doors, including all kinds of Glass Doors, I rench Doors, and all sizes and kinds of Screen Doors, Wall Board, Sheet Rock and Porch Columns. We carry a complete line of the famous SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS, both in side and outside—Barn Paint, Roof Paints for both asphalt and metal roofs; Varnishes, Stains, etc—anything you need in this line. All of our paints are guaranteed. We carry Brick of all kinds, including Fire Brick, Cement, Lime, Brickment, Plaster. Lath. Mortar (jolor; also Keene’s (5ement, hite Cement, Guaging Plaster and Finish ing Lime. We carry a complete line of BUILDERS HARDWARE—Nails. Galvanized Roofing nails, lead washers, lead-headed nails, locks, butts, screen hardware, screen cloth, strap hinges, tracks for all kinds of doors. We carry a large stock of PLATE WINDOW and AUTOMOBILE GLASS. We fur nish Plate Glass set in on jobs, if desired. We also furnish automobile glass put in car by experienced mechanics, giving extra quick service. We do minor automobile body work and make truck beds to order. We carry a complete line of everything in LUMBER and BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES, and if you do not see listed above the things you need, give us a call, as we believe we will have it. We deliver everywhere within 75 miles of our yard—where there is a truck road, and it will pay you to get our prices before buying. A post card, or by mailing the coupon below, will bring our representative to see you, without obligating you to buy, unless our prices and terms are right. —.Missoiu'i Rnnilist. NOTICE OF SALE BY COM MISSIONER. Toe I To'ivnship, adjoining tbe lauds of J. C j WhitaonAuil otbfr%-v • , f BEGINNIN(4 at a white oak, on tbe ' ^ point of a ridge, in or near Whitson’s « lineand rnns north 30 east down and with I Ih.,U'.* In Koiitiii'kv n. fariii'faiuiiv eaid river 80 poles to a spruce pine on | ^ ,'iiH finiiicl that Imillimi living upon.; bank of said river; thence east 118 poles , uTcon iipiili'H alone for a full woi-k.jtoa stake; thence south 150 west 140; Let im have none such in Missonri if Ipoles to a stake; thence west 88 poles to such lii'speratt' cases are to he found. ■ a stake In or near said Whitson’s line; \i; ; thence north with nr near said line to tbe Beginning, containing 100 acres, more or leas, and being the same lands conveyed to the said H. U. 8mith by deed dated .lanuary IBth, 1919, from L. P. Horton and wife, and recorded in Book of Deeds No. 53 at page 295. and to said record reference is hereby made, for a further and more complete descrip tion to said lands. This the 14tb day of October. 1930. CITIZENS BANK OF YaNCEY, Mortgagee. By Watson Sc Foots, Attorneys. Liberty Lumber and Mfg Co., Erwin, Tenn. We are in the market for the following: Signed: Liberty Lumber and Mfg Company (Incorporated) Erwin, Tennessee fX efc* •ie “Sr •if “if •if “if •if "if •if Tit* “if “if "if •if “if “if "if •if ^ ♦ •if Lasting accuracy in this new Stevens Model 330, just out! And this newest Stevens is fully up to the traditional family standards. You never saw such a finish on a shot gun at anywhere near its price. That frame is case-hardened— and polished ixith a finish that Jasts. Examine the stock—14 inches of selected black walnut, finely checkered- Full pistol grip—solid rubber butt plate. Model 330 sure "looks os gc^ ns she shoots." Next, the barrels—made of High-Pressure compressed steel. They have the same lasting ac curacy that three generations of sportsmen have found in Stevens turrets—accuracy obtained by the special Stevens method of boring. But no feature of the new 330 Stevens is more umoring than its ’ price. You can pay more, a lot more, but you can’t buy better shooting qualities. Ask at your dealer’s, or write us for complete detoils. I. srtVtNS ARMS COMPANY Chk,.|.*« tala. M»4. Mr Xaaagr .Smi Stevens NOTICE OF SALE. North CaroUna, 1 Yancey Coaoty. ( Under and by virtue of the power of Kfile, and duty imposed, ina deed oltrusc Irom C. Rex King and wife to the Bank of West Aslieviile, securing the payment of a certain note, in tlie payment where of default has been nmde, 1, R. W . Wil son, Trustee, x\iil offer for sale at the court house door in Burnsville, at nooii i:itli day of December, 1930. all the following descrilicd t cel of land, lying and being and County aforesaid, : OF FEBLICATION sall of I,and. tlic Stale North Carolins, I Y'aucey County, f Under and by virtue of the power of isle contained In a Mortgage Deed ^ j^yrnsville, and more particularly de li h interest aud ' executed to tbe undersigned on the Slsl j scribed ns follows: I of land sit- ' dey of May, 192U. by T, P. Wilson aud pirst Tract—Being all that tr.act or -hip, adjoining wife Birdie Wilson to secure tbe pay-| pared of land conveyed by I'.ilbcrt Me- Idy, Dr. .7. B I meut of certain indebtedness; and j ]„tosh and Julia McIntosh to Q. Rex ,d bounded as i whereas default has been made in the ^ i,y Jeed dated August 23rd. 1921, i payment of said indebtedness, the on , „„() wiiich i.« recorded in hopk ,58 -tanted stone on ,M- of the 100 acre dersigned vill, on the | page 404, containing three-fourths of 17th dav of November, 1930, I acre, more or less. »1 the conrtLu.e .loor In UnrnB.iUo, i Second Trac,-«rins ,.lUhnt tract C.. at 10:00 A. M.. sail to the hishe.t j pnrer' K. W. WILSON. Trustee. This November 14th, 19:50. Whereas in the case ot Y’aucey Coun ty, et al , VH .1- C, Hensly, et. al., the undersigned was appointed Ckimmis- sioner to sell certain land-, and did sell certaiu lands, and an increased bid having been filed, and the nnderslgnod directed to re sell said lands; Now, therefore, under and by virtue of said judgment and by virtue of an order; — of the Clerk of the Superior Court, the ' op MORTCAdEE'S SALE undersigned will, on the 29th (lay of November, 1930, at 1:3() o’clock P. M.. at tbe courthouse 1 do >r in Burnsyille. N. C, sell to tin* 1 highest bidder for cash to eatisfy judgment, together costs, a tract or p uate in Pensacola T- tbe lands of C. A. Ewiug and othere, follows: BEGINNING on top of ridge, the coi tract; thence up with the height of ridge south 44 east 18 1-3 poles to a planted ^ ,. stone, C. O. Gaddy'e corner; thence i,ijder for cash the following described I '‘"‘I "'‘‘'e ^”’8- south 59 east 20 poles, south tlO east 10 pi-opej^y; , August 9th, 19.30, which is recorded in iwles. south 77 east 12 poles, north 80 1 Lying and being in JacksCreek town j book ,58 ut page 244 of record of deeds east 58 poles to a chestnut on top ; ghip. Yancey County, N. C,. adjoining 1 Sander's Ridge lu line of Ray ■ the lands of T. K. Riddle, Zeb Anglin thence down with the height of i and others. ridge'north 20 west '.10 poles, north 10 | BEGINNING at a chestnut 84 west west 31) jioles, north 30 west 20 poles. ' - ^^3,0 j>_ k. Riddle’s line aud north 4 west 10 poles to n small white, uorth 84 west 18 1-2 poles to a oak lu Dr, .1 B. Ewing’s Hue; thenoe [ pgpiar; thence north 74 west 9 poles to north 80 west with Dr, J. B. Elding a > 5 st 1.4 line HO poles to H stake; south A*! 'vesljpQi^ jq ^ maple and planted stone; 21 poles to a riK-k, Dr. J. B- Ewing’i, j 57 west 38 1-2 poles to a conier in G. H McMahan’s line; thenoe | uack oak on a ridge: thence with main south 25 west 3 poles to a stake in hoi-: height of tbe ridge south 58 1-3 west lo»; th.uo, »>utb 5.S w«t VI 13110 1 3 pole, to a SpHoljh oak In th, old la a \> av. ,1 11 VI,.Mfita,! , line; thence south with the old line 114 poles to a stake, the G. li j poles to a stake on the north bank ot corner; thence south 4 west 14 twlea to , Oauo river; thence up and with the me a slake; tht nee eoulh 14 we-it 33 poles to anders of said river south 83 east 40 stake: thence south «12 weet 32 links to ' Pples. uorth 45 east 30 poles to a inapb- n rock on the ridge 18 links from tbe Beginning corner; thence south 23 weat ^ 12 poles to a chestnut; thenoe northeast with aaid Riddle's lino north 15 east 8 course to a lieech; thence 17 east 9 piiles poles to a slake: thence north 84 weet 7 to the Beolnnlnii, rontalnlnk Oil acre.. Hake to the Bekinning, contains Ho " acres. l>e the some more or less mor»* or less. ^,n tuade for cash to aat- This the llth day of November, 1930, jgfy iodebtodoees above referred to, D R. FOUTS, , as provided by statute. Commissioner, This the 17th day of J. G. auAlCob. ' ■ ' - Mortgagee Six limes Mr. ami Mrs. William , - , , i » ' .. 1 ,V,™ ’’lu'e tin, J "nd i;,..: k>:,v ""i-".'- "" •* ..m-KfUil" M™. Kn,d. hn. .nod locj,™ aiklh SSrooo’’t'S'erTn "'“nnn'sTn" ,t Lo'i'ngL i* pe; nnlcaa tVil- I "'""' '"""titnle D, I ^ninLuil. ,,Loui.;j l^nilaea "^.'^Saed I aa soon as the, or, remarried. ^ pere-eiit over that ol 19J8. North Carolina. Y’ancey County I In the 1 Superior Court Baird - B’.ird, Mattie Nvill, and hus- NOTICEOFSALE UDNER . EXECUTION. North Carolina, | Yancjey (bounty. / Under and by virtue of executions i.ssued to the nudernigDed in the case of Liberty Lumber & Manufacturing bud, C. C. Neill, Edgar Moring, i Company, Inc . vs, Carolina New Col- D.vid Moring and the heirs at law of et al, directing the undersigned Fra-ik Moring. deceased, said heirs to sell certain property, the undersigned T. K. Riddle's corner; thenoe with T j Riddle's line north about 8U poles to j black oak. Kiddie's ('orner; tbeoce *rHlNICf Have Money! W'c Invite YOUR BANKING BUSINESS. PEOPLES BANK Burnsville, N. C. being unknown; F. E. Hemhill. Re becca Westerman, Gertrude Kelley and .Toe Hemhill. Jr . and Mildred Hemphill, minor chitdren, and tbe heirs at law of Joe Hemphill, deceased; David Y'onug and Sallie Y'oung Gar ri80n, heirs at law of .Mattie Hemphill, deceased. TO EDGAR MORING, S A L L I E YOUNG GARRISON,' DAVID YOUNG. F. E HEMPHILL, and tbe nnkuowD heirs at taw of PRANK MORING, deceased:— Yon and each of yon will take notice that a BummoDB was issued out of this court in the above entiled case on tbe 13tb day of November, 1030, and that a petition therein was filed in which the petition prays for a sale for porpoaes oi division of the lauds in Yancey County known as the Thomas Hemphill lands, and which lands are described in grants Noe. 544 and 515 from the State of North Carolin, and as such description is set out and contained in tbe petition in this cause: and yon and each of yon will take notice that this sninuions is returnable before the Clerk ot the Su perior Court of Yancey Connty, at hie office in Burnsville, N. C. on the 13th day of December, 1930, when aud whore you are required to appear before this court aud answer or demur to the will, on tbe 22nd day of November, 1930, beginning at 1:80 P. M., on tbe gronnda known as the Carolina New College, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, as well as other exentions in tbe bands of the usder- dersigned, together with coets. tbe fol lowing described personal property: Three pianos, two typewriters, one school library containing abont 1500 books, and cases for same. 48 bed steads, springs and matresses in Boys Home; 32 pillows, 119 chairs In Boys Home. 12 dressers, 6 waebstands and 18 tables. In Girls’ Home, 22 bedsteads, mat tresses and Springs and 14 pillows, 9 dressers with glasses, 4 withont glasses: 14 tables, also one bookstand, 19 com mon chairs, two rockers (rockers at Ur. Jackson's), two pianos and one sewiog machine; one sofa, one mirror, also 4 Universal dictionaries of English Lan- gnage. In Mess Hall. 5 2-3 doz. table knives, 6 14 doz. forks. 4 1-3 doz. spoons, 5 1-6 doz. table spoons. 2 botcher knives. 7 bolter knives, 8 1-4 doz custard cQp^. 7 1-6 doz. plates, 4 8 4 doz. snop dishes. 2 16 doz. saucers, 5 2-3 doz tea cups, 3 3-4 doz. butter dishes, 2 12 doz oat- eal dishes, 1 doz. individual plates, The Atchieon GIoIh* doesn't want to argue prohibition but it bos dis- coveiw that this remark ie not nearlv so common as it used to lie: "He’^bea splendid mechanic if he ware not always drunk.’’ November, 1930. C. C CARRAWAY. Clerk of Superior Court for Yancey County. North Carolina. petition filed, otherwise the relief sought k 3 4 doz. vegetable dishes. 7 only serv- 1 the petition will bo granted. ;iug trays. 2 11-12 doz. round serving Witness my hand, this 13th day of Hrays, 1 1-12 doz water pitchers, 4 on!- cream pitchers, 10 only salt and pepp-: shiikes, 1 set scales for personal weigni and height. Office Fixtures and Furniture:—One addining machine, 2 desks, 3 filing cases, and two tables, four book cases. 1 office chair, 2 common chairs and 3 stools, one hat and coat rack, all equip ment in laboratory. Press and all equipment in printing rooms. Table and chairs and class room clock in ball. This the llth day of November, 1980. M. C. HONEYCUTT. Sheriff of Yanoey Connty. NOTICE. All persons will take notice that ap plication will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for tbe pardon or parol of W. Riley Wheeler, convicted at March. 1930. term of Y’ancey CJonnty Snperir Conrt of violation of tbe prohi bitiou law. This the 28th day of October, 1930, R. W. WILSON. Attorney for W. B. Wheeler. A group of Georgia farmers bong' • 100 head of ordainary cattle Irmn Macon county growere paying then* 12,511 for the animals.

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