-A- r - f'Vjfifij' iiM; 3M4‘' t»F sIls) M' COiftiriSStO^iEIt XofTlJ CaKiUna, Yanwjr Coomy IX THE stlTERIOB COtRT Yanwj ^a$ty by its BvW‘d oi Couniy pi>|ijifil4Sloiier« I. B.'BAILEY/Chairman,.ET AJ.„ ■- '■ . VS.' ■ • • • E. O. Douglaa. & E. O. DongJas Under and ,b> \'inue of; a judgmeni Jn the above entitled attion appoial- iiiB rhe undersigned as a commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter'fally described to satisfy said Judgment for 1930 Taxes interest and costs, the undersigned win, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1934, .at 10:^0 a, m,, at the Courthouse door in Burnsville, N. C. Sell to the high est bidder for'cash to ^tlsfy said Judgment, together tv:lth all coats the following doserlbed property: Being'lots Noa. 37. 38, 89, 40, 41, 42, 48 of the Said addition and lying in Bloch of B of the map thereof as Bald lot's and block aro Indicated up on a tnap of said addition which Is registered in Book 64 at page 169 of P^egister of'P«eds,df Yancey County and for a more particular descrip tion herein reference Is made to said map and the 'description and located on as indicated by tho lines and meets and bounds in adopted as a written herein.In detail. This 22nd d^y of October, 1934, 'O. b. B.VILEV, CpmniJssloiicr. ..tm stmKSVitLi: eagl£; jjudgii.tiii, togetuvr «ith all c-Mts ihe follotVlng described property:' 1 Adjoining the lands of Qus Stevens j O. 'TV Silver: and others lying and tb.-ing in Crabtree Township. Toneey County, euntainlns 3 1-3 acres more XOTICE OF SALE BY • COMMISSION’ER N'oinh CaroJlna, Yancey County IX THE SUPERIOR COURT ■Yancey Ormnty by Its Board of County Oonvmlssloncps I. n, BAILEY, Chairman, ET AL., VS Mrs, D. W. Pate Under and by virtue ofl a Judgment In the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as a comml.i- sloner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said Judgment for 1981 Taies Interest and costa, tho undersigned will, on the '8rd day of, Dec. 1984, at 10:00 n. m., at the Courthouse door In RurnavUle, X, C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together with all costs tho following de.scrlbed property; 20 acres being a part of the Tll- mond Edwards land. This 22nd day of Oetobei*, 1934. O. D. D.AILEY, CoiniuUsloner, XOTICE OF SALE BY COiCtflSSIOXER Xoptli Oaroltaa, Yancey County IX THE SUPERIOR COURT Yfti^y County by its Board of ' CDunty cionuaisnlODcr.4 1. B. BAILEY, Chalrm.-in, ET AL., .VS, ‘Hios. R. & CUas. Byrd & Mrs. Thos. R. & Mrs. Cha.s Byrd Under and by virtue ofl a Judgment la the above entitled action appoint ing the unOef,aign-:d as a commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said Judgment for 1931 Taxes iniereet'and costs, -the undersigned will, on the'3rd day of Dec. 1934, at 10;OQ .a,, m., • at the Courthouse door in Burnsville, X. C- Sell to the hlgh- .eet bidder- for cash to satisfy said Judgment, together with all costs the ^following described property: Adjoining the lands of Jim Styles, ..John Styles and others, being the •Johnson land, containing 3 . acres more or less. This 22nd day of October, 1934, O. D. BAILEY, Coinmi-i.Hlonpr. NOTICE OF SALE BY COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Yancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Yaucey County by Its Board of County Conxmls.sloners I. B. BAILEY, tliairnian, ET AL., V!f J. E. Burlcwn. Heirs & Mrs. J, E. Burleson Under aud by virtue of.'a judgment in the abo.ve entitled action appoint ing the oadersisned as a commis sioner 'to sell the property herelnaf- ter’fuUy described , to satisfy ..said Judgineiil for.'lSSI Taxes interest and costs, the undersigned will, on the 3rd day of Doc. 1934, at 10:00 a. m,, at the Courthouse door 3n Burnsville, N. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said Judgment, together with all costs the following described property: ^Adjfiining the lands of John Brink- ley and others, and being that cer tain tract or 'partel of land "conveyed by W. M,-Price .and Margarei''Brlte to J. B. Burleson on the lOth day’of ‘ Aug. 1909. Which deed is duly record ed in the Register of Deeds office-of Yancey County In Book 38 at pages 68 and 69, \vh(ch reference Is hereby made for complete description. This 22nd day of October, 1934. G. D. B.AILEY. Comiulssloncr, NCXTICE OP SALE BY COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Yancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Yanecy County by Us Board of Ctnmty OonLml:4.4loDcr.s I. B, B.AILEY. CJialiman, ET .AL., VSi W. II, Roland Mr.e. W. H. Roland Under and by virtue of a Judgment In the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as .a commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said judgment for 2931 Taxes interest and co.sts, the undersigned '\vll1, on the 3ra day of Dec. 1934, at 10:90 .1. ni., at the Courthouse door 111 Burnsville, X, C. Sell to the high est 'dcUler for cash to satisfy said judgment, together with all costs the following described property: Beginning on a .chestnut oak on the .'4outh bank of Well Creek and runs South to Elkfork Creek thence up the creek with Its meaiidere to the point of a ridge to an.Ash; thenoo up said rklge to n poplar, thence W. to a Sug.ar Tree; thence to the Wind Dldge; thence up and with the height of said ridge to main of said wind ridge: thence Xorth to tho Ash cor ner between W. H. Boland and X. B. Wheeler; thence with W. H. Roland and X. B. Wheeler's line to Hemlock; thence North to Hemlock; thence back to. the branch and down said branch to the Well Creek then down and with said creek to the beginning containing 50 aers more or less. This 22nd d.iy of October, 1934. fJ. I). BAILEY, Commissioner, cii and runs a Xortherlj' direction 12 2-3 poles to a dogwood-.on a small ridge Just below the barn, thence a westerly course 31 poles Southerly direction ten pole,? to a stake in the John Berry line; thence tvlth his line ten pole.? to hla corner, near the Song fftanch, thence up said branch 16 & 1-2 pole.? to the beginning, contain ing 2 acres more or less. This 22nd day of October, 1934. G. D. BAILEY, CODunlsslonor. NOTICE OF SALE BY CO>I>n.SSIONER North Carolina. Yancey County IX THE SUPERIOR COURT Yancey County by Its Board of County OommlssloDcrs I. B. BAILEY, Chairman, ET AL., VS A. X. Honeycutt & Mrs. Honeycutt Under and by virtue of/a judgment In tho above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as n commis sioner to self the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said Judgment for 1928 Taxes Interest and costs, the • undersigned will, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1934, at 10:f0 a. m.. at the Courthouse door In Burnsvlllo, X. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together with all costs the following described property; 5 1-4 acres on head of Little Creek known as the Isam Bradford land, adjoining the lands of Isaro Ramsey. Aovln Randolph on head of Little Creek. This 22nd day of October, 1934, G. D. BAILEY', Commissioner, NOTICE OF S.ALE BY COMMISSIONER North Cui-oUna, Y’ancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Y'anccy County by its Board of (kiuuty lonuiils>.sloncrs I. B. BAILEY, Chairman, ET .AI,., • VS, Silvers Bros. Cafe. Cart & Dewey Sil vers A Mrs. Carl & Mrs. Dewey Silvers Under and by virtue ofla judgmeni in the above entitled action appoint ing the undetliigr.i-d a.? 'n commi.^ .sloner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to sati.sfy snPl Judgment for 1929-30-31' Taxes Interest and costs, the undersigned ■win. o» the 3rd'(luy of Dec. 1934, at 3 0:00 a. m., at the Courthouse door Ju Burnsville, N. C. Soli to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said Judgment, together with all costa the following described property: Adjoining the lands of Stanley Bro thers and others, lying and being in Crabtree Township, Yancey County, containing 1*4 acre more or less. Till.? 22ud day of October, 1934. Q. D. BAILEY, Coinml.Hsioiior, NOTICE^ OF SALE BY’ COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Yonoey Couniy IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Yancey Oouniy by Its Board of County -Ooianilssioncr? J. B. BAXLEY. rbiUrmnn. ET AL.. XOTICE OF SALE BY COMMISSIONER Xorili CaixiUna, Yancey County IX THE SUPERIOR COURT Y’aucey County by Its Board of County OommlsslonovH I. B. BAILEY', Chairman, ET AI,.. VS. .S. S. I'etorson & Jno. D. Petorson & airs. S. S. & Mrs., Jno. D. Peterson Under and by virtue of a judgment in the above entitled nctioni rppolnt- Ing the undersigned as a commis- -Sionor to sell , the property hereinaf- iter fully described to satisfy s.iid j- ’ judgment for 1931 Taxes .Interest and costs, the undersigned jwlll, 01} the Srd day of Doc. 1934, at |10:00 a. ni., at the Courthouse door in Burnsvlllo, X. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said Judgment, together with nil costa the following described property: First Tract; Known as tho J- W. Edge tract, adjoining S. M. Edge and others. Second Tract; 2-j acres on Clair Creek, U. H. Grant. i Third Tract; The miner.il and tim ber Interest only in 120 acres, which is known as the Wostall tract. The above described tracts of land are adjoining the lands of Hugh Mc- jRay and Co., Raymond Robinson and others und for more complete de- aciipUon for the above tracts of land the reference 1.? hereby made to Jud gement Docket Book A Page 62. This 22nd d.iy of October, 1334. G. D, B.AILEY", Commissioner, VS L. J. Styles & Mrs. L. J. StyU's Under and by virtue of'a judgmeni Su the above entitled action appoint ing the - undei'^lgrrd as a comuils- sloner tQ sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy s.vid judgment-for 1930-31 Taxes Inlereat and costs, the undersigned will, on the 3rd day of. Dec. 1934, at 19:00 a. m., at the Courthou.se door In Burnsville, X. C. Sell to tho high est bidder for cash do -satisfy said judgment, together with ali costs the following d^crlbed property: Adjoining the land.? of Raymond Ballew. Ruby Roblnsou and otlicrs, being the, ti. C., Shuford tract, con taining-3 'acres.more or less. This. 22nd day ,of October, 1984. G. D. BAILEY, ConimissloilW. NOTICE OF SALE BY ‘ COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Yanwy County IN THE SUI’ERIOU COURT Y'aneoj- County by H« Biwird of County Ci>mniIs(donors I. B. B.AILEY', CluLlriimtl, ET AI... VS Ja«. K. Ulddlo Mrs, .la.s, K. Ulddlo Under and by virtue of n judgment in the above oiitliled action appoint ing the undeist'uPd as i oommi.?- sloner to eell the propeity liPt-einaf- ter fully described in siti-sfy said judgim'ut for 1931 Taxes Intei'e-st uiid cobu?, Uu- ' undersigned will, on the 3rd day .of' Dec. d934, at l0;00-a. ni.,- at the Courthouse door dn Burnsvlllo, X. C. Sell to the hlgh- «e.?t bidder .li--.- eash..:to .satisfy said NOTICE OF SALE BY- CO AOIISSIONER North Carolina, Y'aiiccy County j IN THE SUPERIOR COURT I Y’ancey Ooimty by Its Board of I County Oommlssloners I. B. B.AILEY, Chalrmau, ET AL., I VS I Erwin Higgins, Holrs 1 Under and by virtue of -a judgment i In the above entitled action appolnt- llng the undersigned as a commls- i sloner to sell the property hcrolnaf- Iter fully described to satisfy said j judgment for 1929-30-31 Taxes - inierest and costs, the undersigned will, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1934, at J0:00 a. m., at ihe Courthouse door In Burnsville. X. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satl.sfy said judgment, together with all costs the following described property; ■ Adjoining tho lands of Burton Phil lips, Lattie Honeycutt and C. C. Hig gins, being located on Little Creek, containing 39 acres. This 22nd day of October. 1934. G. D. B.AILEY, Comniisslonor, XOTICE OF SALE BY COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Yancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Y'nncey County by Us Board of County Oummlssloners I, B. B.AILEY, Ohnlrinan, ET AL., VS/ Mrs. John Pate Under and by virtue of^a judgment in the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned a-" a commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said ' judgment for 1930 Taxes interest and costs, the undersigned will, on the Srd day of Dec. 1934, at 10:00 a, m., at the Courthouse door 111 Burnsville. N. C. Sell to the high est bidder for ca.sh to satisfy said Judgment, together with ali costs the following described property: Iteginning on a locust on the South side of the Sang Uraneli and runs down and wlih the siiid s.ang Branch to ilie Cane River, then up the River to the top of the Iloni Ridge, thence with the height of the said ridge and .Tames H. IXlggln.s line to the Joe Hon .sley's line to a vhestnut corner; then a northerly direction to the boginnlug containing 20 acres more or loss. Beginning on a bunch of Laurels on the X.orth Bank of tho 3oug bran- NOTICE OP SALE BY ' COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Yanoey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Yancey County by IM Boor^ of County Gommlsslonera I. B. BAILEY, Chairman, ET AL.. VSI Bud YVlllIs, Heirs Under and by virtue of! a judgment In the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as a commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said Judgment for 1930-31 Taxes Interest and costs, the undersigned win. on the 3rd day of Dec. 1934, at 10:00 a. m., at the Courthouse door In Burnsville. X. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said Judgment, together with all costs the following described property; Beginning on a maple on tho \V. side of the branch, formerly the old poplar corner in the old Ed Griffith line; and runs X 41 E with said line 40 poles to a stake; then N 10 W ;wl h same line 16 poles to J. M. Grif fith line and the top of the ridge, then N. 7 YV. with J. M. Griffith’s line 14 poles then N 38 E 35 poles to a maple; then N 37 E 13 1-2 poles N 55 E 8 poles N 83 E 12 poles N 81 E. 28 poles N 73 E 4 poles N 61 E 6 poles N 76 E 28 poles N 65 E 10 poles then up and with main height of said ridge to a stake; then 60 YR. IS. poles to a spotted oak and locust on Ball Knob; then S 62 YY’ 26 poles to a stake where the old poplar cor ner stood: then -down a ridge S 18 1-2 YY' 160 poles to a chestnut; then a S. YY', course with the divisional line and fence to Ed Griffith's line; thence a X. E. course with said line to the be ginning. containing 80 acres, less the 40 acre tract sold to H. F, Harris (B. 48-420) This 22nd day of October, 2934, G. D. BAILEY, C^ornuiissloner. NOTICE OP SALE BY COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Y’ancey County IX THE SUPERIOR COURT Y’ancey County by ins Bmird of County Ooinniis.?Joners I. n. BAILEY, Chnlrmaii, ET /AL., VS ■ JIrs, Charlie YVllUatns Under and by virtue of-a judgment In tho above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned n.i n commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said judgment for 1931 Taxes interest and costs, the undersigned will, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1934, at 19:00 a. m., at the Courthouse door 111 Burnsville, X. C. Sell to the hlgh- C!it bidder for cash to satisfy said judgmeni, together with all costs tho following described property: Beginning on 2 small buckeyes on side of Little Bald Creek; thence a south course crossing the road to a rock: thence up with s.aine to a dog wood a point of small ridge; thence with height of .said ridge to sour- wood In line of tho old tract: thence with same to small hickory on top of ridge, dividing Little Bald Creek and Lewis Br.mch thence down with main height of same to YV. M. McIntosh corner; then down with am ill ridge and his line to a small poplar W. M. McIntosh’s corner, crossing the road to little Bald Creek; thence with tho meanders of same to the beginning, containing 25 acres more or less. This 22nd day of October, 1934. (J. D. BAILEY, Cominlsslonep. nloiier to sell the' jiroperty hereinaf ter fully described to .satisfy f-aid judgment-for 1929 Taxes interest and cocos, ' tho , undersigned will, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1934, at lii:uu a. m., at the. Courthouse door In BurnsylUe. X. C. Sell 50 the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together,'with all costs.the following described property: Adjoining the lands of -Geo. Pres- nell, Llge Presaell, 'W. A. Presneii & others, lying and being. In Crabtree Township, Yancey. County cdntairilng 41 acres more or less* This 22nd day of Octobei, 1934. G. D. BAILEY, Commissioner, •10:00 a, m., at the Courthoueo door I In Burnsville, X. C. Sell to the high- jest bidder for cash to satisfy said ^judgmont, together with all costs the follo-R-lng described property; Adjoining the lands of M; II.' Yt’ea- therman, R. S. Ballew, W.' B. Smith and others, being the W. H. YY'eather man tract, containing 6 acres more or less. This 22nd day of October, 1934. G. D. BAILEY, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE BY COMMISSIONER NortL Carolina, Yancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Yancey County by its Board of County ^mmlssloners I. B. BAILEY, Chairman, ET AL„ VS Marshall Hoppls & Mrs. M. Boppls Under and by virtue of a judgment In the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as a commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to sa'-lsfy said judgment for 1930-31 Taxes interest and costs, the undersigned will, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1934, at 10:00 a. m,, at the Courthouse door In Burnsville, N, C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together with all costs the following described property: Adjoining the lands of D. H. Har rison, J, B. Thrower ami others lying and being In South Toe Township, Yancey County, containing 2 acres more or less. This 22nd day of October. 1934. G. D. BAILEY, Commissioner, NOTICE OF SALE BY COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Yancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Yancey County by its Board of County Omiimlssionars I. B, BAILEY, Chairman, ET AI/., VS Elzio Fox & Mrs. Elzlv Fox Under and by virtue ofl a Judgment in the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as a, commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said judgment for 1928 Taxes Interest and costs, the- undersigned will, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1984, at 10:00 a. ni., at the Courthouse door in Burnsville, N. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together with alt cost? tho following described property; Adjoining the lands of B. L. Lyda, C. YV, Hensley and others being a part of the Me. Gardner mountain tract, containing 1 acre. This 22iid day of October, ’934. G. D. BAILEY, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE BY COMYHSSIONER North Carolina, Yancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Yancey County by Its Board of County Oominlssloners 1. B. BAILEY. Chairman, ET AL., VS J. C. Burgin, Heirs Under and by virtue' ofia judgment in the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as a commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said judgment for 1930 Taxes Inte.rest and cost.?, the undersigned -?vill, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1934. at 10:00 a. m., at the Courthouse door In Burnsville, X. C. Sell to the hig'h- est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together with all ebsts the following described property; Adjoining the lands of J. B. Burgin Cicero Burgin and other? being the home tract, containing 11 acres more judgment for 1981 Taxes Wnier.’st and costs, the undersigned I will, on the 'Srd day of Dec. 1984, at '10:00 a, m.,' at the Couri’nouse door in Burnsville, X. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together with all costa the following described property: Beginning on a chestnut oak the beginning corner of lot No, 1 and runs a S. H. course with the line of lot No. 1 about 80 poles to a stake on top of a ridge; thence S. about 40 poles to a chestnut: thence North about 20 poles to a branch; then down the branch to a stake In the line of lot No. 6; then West course about 20 poles to a stake; then N. 76 E 82 poles to the beginning, con taining 20 acres-more or less. This 22nd day of October, 1934. G, D, B-AILEY, Commissioner, j to a chestnut in Robortst n’s line J. C. I Thomas line; thence X 4 / degrees 20 I min. E 364 ft down the branch with I J. C. Thomas line to a 'YY'hlc oak; ! thence X 18 degrees E 169 ft to a i Spanish oak X 66 degrees 30 min. E jl20 ft to a sourwood stump X. 89 de- Igree.s E 50 ft to a chestn it X. 710 to the beginning, containing 46 1-2 acres more or less- NOTICE OP SALE BY- COMMISSIONER NorUi Carolina. Y’ancey Coutiiy IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Y’ancey County by itR Board of County Oominlssioncr.s I. B. BAILEY, Chairman, ET AL,. VS Aaron Ballew, Gdn. Under and by virtue of .a judgment in the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as a commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said judgment for 1930-31 Taxes interest and costs, the undersigned will, on the Srd day of Dec. 1934, at 10:00 a, m., at the Courthou.se door In Burnsville, X. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said I judgment, together with all costa the following described property; I Land conveyed by Mrs. E. C. Shu ford to Aaron Bailey on Brown’s 1 Creek, containing 3 acres more or less. This 22nd day of October, 1934. G. D, B.AILEY', Cominlssloiier. NOTICE OF saAT.F BY f OMYHSSIONER North Carolina, Yancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Yanoey County by Its Bckard of County Commissioners i. B. BAILEY, Chairman, ET AL., Y’S G. E. Silvers & Mrs. G. E. Silvers Undor and by virtue ofia judgment in the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as :i commis sioner to sell the property heraliiaf- ter fully described' to satisfy said judgment for 1980-81 Taxes Interest and costs, Hhe undersigned win, on the 3rd day of Dee. 1934, at 10:00 a. m., at the Courthouse door in Burnsville. X. C. Sell 10 the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together with all costs the following described property; Beginning at a large pine on the Uit No. 1 at tho mouth of a branch :irid runs an Easterly course down the branch 30 poles to a pine on the bra nch at the mouth of a big branch; then up said branch N 7 YY’ 77 poles to a flint rock at the corner of the old garden the beginning corner of the C. YV. Carraway tract and runs X 55 E 68 poles to a white oak then X 5 YY’ to top of a ridge 24 poles to a stake Bowdltch line: thence -with Bowditch line YY'est to a chestnut oak in said lino: then S. 60 YY' 96 poles to a stake corner of lot Xo. 1 then with the line of lot Xo. 1 S 27 E 80 poles to a chestnut; then 3 20 E 40 poles to a chestnut oak- at a branch, then down the branch S 36 E 26 pol os to the beginning, containing 99 acres more or less. This 22nd day of October, 1934, G. D. B.AILEY, Coiuinl.-islonor. ADJUSTING MTMi TO GHANGINO NEEDS By ROBERT V. FLEMING Vieg Presidgnt American Bankers Association DANKERB recognize that changing J® 'ondltlons require nev- methods of doing business. However It la their reapoislbltlty (o retain those es sential and souDd tinanrial princi ples upon which this country was' founded aud has gro'wn to he what Is still the richest nation In the world. Many of our dif- 11c u 111 e s have arisen from lack of CO itldence and from misunder stand iig. Thero- . FLEMING NO'UCE OF SALE BY COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Y’ancey Covoty IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Yancey Oouniy by liis Board of County Ooinmissioni'i-s I. B. BAILEY. Chairman. ET AL.. VS Burges.? Edward.? & Mrs. Edward.? Under and by virtue of'a judgment in the above entitled action appoint ing the under.signed as ;i commis sioner to sell tho property hereinaf ter fully described to sotirfy said judgment for 1931 ■* interest and costs, the unii'ersigiied will, on the Srd day of Dec. 1934, at 10:00 a. m., at the Courthouse door In Burnsville, X. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together with ail costa the following described property: 40 acre home tract on YVIndy Gap Creek, adjoining lands of Tom Tip ton, Mrs. Jean Bradford, Goo. Ran- (Valph and others. This 22ud day of October. J9S4. G. D. BAILEY, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE BY- COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Yancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Y-ancey County by Ins 15->;ir(l of County Ooniinissloners I. B. BAILEY, Chairman, ET AL., VSi Warden Woody & Mrs. YV .Woody Under and by virtue of! a judgment in the above entitled action appoint ing the undei'slgned as a commls- slonoi- to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said judgment for 1930-31 Taxe.? interest and coats, the undersigned will, on the S.-d day of Dec. 1934, at 10:00 a. m., at the Courthouse door In Burnsville, N. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said |jiido-rt-f-nt, 'ngether with //H costs,the following described property: Adjoining the lands of S. A. Rob inson, J. C. Robinson, S. 11. Sparks and others. Being that tract or partel of l-aiid convoyed -to YY'ardoll YVoody on the 22nd day of Jan. 1912 by A. D. Master and Sarah Masters, which deed Is duly recorded In Book 43, at Pago 687, 588, 689. for which refer ence Is hereby made for full desorlp- tiou of said land. This 22ud day of October, 1934, G. D. B.AILEY, Commissioner, NOTICE OP SALE BY COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Yancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Yancey County by Its Board of County Qommlssloncr.s I. B. BAILEY, Chairman, ET AL.. Y'S Ci-ubti-eo Holding Corp. Under and by virtue of a Judgment in tho above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as a commis sioner to sell the property heretnat-. ter fully described to satisfy said judgment for 1927 Taxes interest and costs, the undersigned will, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1934, at 10:00 a. m.,. at the Courthouse door In Burnsville, N. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together with all costs the following described property; Adjoining the lands of J. YY'alter YY'right Lumber Co. and others lying and being on Seven mile Ridge, con taining 925 acres more or less. This 22ud day of October, 1934 G. D. BAILEY, Commissioner, NOTICE OF SALE BY COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Yancey County IN THE Sl'PERIOR COURT Y-anrey County by lip Board of County Oonunissloncrs I. B. BAILE'y, Chairman, E'T AL.. VS J. L. Hyatt & Feldspar. Milling Co. and Mr?. J. L. Hyatt Under and by virtue of>a judgment In the above entliled action appoint ing the uiuler-signed as a commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to • satisfy said judgment for 1927 Taxes interest and costs, the undersigned I, ou the '3rd day of Dec. 1934, at 00 a. m., at the Courthouse door in Burnsvllio. X. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy suM judgment, together with all costs the following described property; Being that tract of land conveyed by J. L. Hyatt, M. C. Hy.ati, Carl B. Hyatt, Laura B. Hyatt, J. F. Shim, and A. C. Shim to J, L, Hyatt and wife Mrs. J. L. Hyatt and Feldspar Milling Co. on Sept, 1928, that deed being recoiHled in the office of the Register of Deeds of Y-ancey County, North Carolina in Book 70, Page 278, 279. NOTICE OF vS.AI.E BY COMMI.SSIONEH Norili C'n.i-ollna, Y'linccy C'ouiily IN THE SI PEltlOR COUR'I \-;>ncey Ooiinty by iu? BounI of Couiiiy Oammls.sioiio-s 1. U. B.AILEY, Gliuh-man. ET AL., VS M. A. Hughe? & Mrs. M. -A- Hughes I.'nder and by virtue ofa judgment in the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as a commis- NOTICE OF SALE BY' COSEVnSSIONER North Carolina, Yancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Y'unccy County Tiy its Boartl of County Oonunissloncrs I. B. B.AILEY, C’lialrmaii, ET AL., VS, Grace Carrowa.v, Hendersonvlle, N. C. Under and by virtue of(a judgment In the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as a commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said judgment for 1930-31 Taxes Interest and costs, the undersigned will, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1934, at 10:00 a. m., at the Courthouse door in Burnsville, N. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together with all costs the following described property; Being that certain tract or partel of land conveyed by Mrs, E. C. Shu ford to Grace Carroway, and being located on Brown's Creek, adjoining the lands of Joseph M. Robinson, J. M. Gouge. S. YY’. Blalock and others, containing 3 acres more or less. This 22nd day of October, 1934. G. D. BAILEY’, Coiiiitilssioner. NOTICE OF SALE BY COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Yancey County , IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Yaiu-oy Comity by its Board of Count ^ Cuiiimissioners I. B. B/UTAU.. C liuirinap, ET AL., VS I Sam Peak A- Mrs. - Sam I’c-'.k I irnder and by virtue of a judgment ill the above entitled action apjioint- Ing the undersigned as a commis- .sioiier to sell the property horeinaf- tor fully described to satisfy said judgment for 1930-31 'fax-s interest and costs, the uiid'-i igned will, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1314, at 10:00 a. m., at the Courthouse door in Burnsville, N. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together Yvlth all costs tho following described properly: I Beginning on an bak onftop of A0- ley Ridge In Jacob Lewis line; then ce with said line and top of said rid ge to a dogwood at the David YV Duncan line then down a small rid ge on the South side of the fence to an apple tree near the house where YVm. Hensley now lives; theu with the fence to the beginning, contain ing 12 acres more or less. This 22nd day of October, 1934- G. D. BAILEY, Commissioner, toi-0 It behooves the banaer to bend every effort to create a better public uuderstancling of sound lanklne and thereby bring about that nnlted effort and cooperative spirit which will has ten the day of national lecovery and restore to the banker the confidence of the public to which he 1? entitled. As an approach to the realization of this Ideal, bankers shoi.Id carefully scrutinize every application for a loan to see if it is bankable and, if It is not In bankable form, thm make fur ther examination to see If the loan can be made so, in order that the uses of credit may be stimulated. Explaining Loan Factors to Customers We must not expect our customers to be bankers and understand all the fac tors which we must consider before granting a loan, if we fln-l that a loan is not, and cannot be ma,:e, bankable, then 1 think we should tike pains to explain to the applicant the reasons why it cannot be granted There are other meas 'res which l tliiuk it laiportant for t 3 banker to undertake in order to ibminaie the misunderstandings which have arisen and overcome the sent .:eDt which exists. Under present c nditions we have to operate under m: ny laws and regulations, and also wa ;h wliat fur ther legislation is being pi mosed v, hlch affects our methods of c .'ration a:;:! may not he In the best ti :est of t' e communities we serve. it seems at times we must s ; with a taw book in one hand and a b, k of regula tions in the other in ordei to make cer tain we are discharging ou r dally duties and functioning strictly i ; accordance 'i/i'h the law. All of tUif\i;v very try ing, yet 1 think in the enc. we shall be come better bankers. I believe it is the di.^y of every banker today to eudeav r to under stand the public he serve:. In addition to his dally duties, trying as they are, he should participate In I he activities of hla community, so th.t, with the fund of information avail ible to him, he may be as helpful as pissible In all public and civic matters NOTICE OF SALE BY’ COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Yancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Y’lmrcy Couhiy liy Its Board of Coiiiiiy Of)minl.?sloni-rs 1. B. BAILEY’. Ohalrniati. ET AL A’S :• E. Buchanan Mrs. Buchanan Under aud by virtue of .a judgment in the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as a commis sioner to sell the property berein.nf- ter fully described to satisfy said judgment for 1930 Taxes interest and coats, the undersigned , on the 3rd day of Dec. 1934, at NOTICE OP SALE BY- COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Y’ancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Yancey County hy Itis Board of County Ooinml.ssioner.s r. B. BAILEY, Ohalrman, ET AL.. A’S‘. \V. B. AVllaon & AV. L. Beard Under and by virtue of : a Judgment ill the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as a commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said judgment for 1931 Taxes interest aud costs, the undersigned will, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1934, at 10;00 a. m., at the Courthouse door in Burnsville, N. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together with all costs the following described property: Beginning on a spruce pine on the YY'est side of Doves Branch, known as Jiimerson corner, and runs E with the Jumerson line 38 P to a stake In the line of E. M. YVilson's Doves Cove Tract thence N with said 8 poles to a stake in the line of another tract of E- kl. AY’ilson: thence AV with said lino 28 poles to the S. AY’, corner of said tract; thence N with said line 10 poles to a spruce pine Martha King’s corner; thence S 30 YY' with the King line to the beginning 21 polo.?, con- laliiing 2 acres. Second Tract: Beginning on a spruce pine in A, M. Erwin's line on the YY' side of Dove.? Branch, and runs S 160 poles to a white oak; then E 60 pole.? to a pine on top of Blue Ridge: then with said ridge N 50 24 (poles N-70 E 32 poles to a white oak Ion a small knob; N, 17 E 20 poles to a hickory; N 23 poles to a white oak; iN. 40 E 2$ poles'to a chestnut oak N 74 poles to a stake; thence YY' 120 ’pole? to the beginning, containing 77 acres more or less. Third Tract; Beginning on an ivy on top of Green Mtn. in the N. line running YY’ of the old Boone Camp tract 10 poles YY’ of the N. E. corner of same tract and runs S 28 1-2 YY’ 178 poles to a chestnut in the S line of said tract running E; then YV with same line 9 poles to the S. YV. corner of said tract; then N with said line 160 poles to the N. YY'. corner of said tract; then E with same line 90 poles to the beginning, containing 50 acres more or less. This 22nd day of October, 1934. G. D. B.AILEY’, Commlssioiier. NOTICE OF SALE BY COMMISSIONER North Carolina, Y’ancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT A aiicoy County by il.s Board of County Ooinmissionei-.s I. B, BAILEY', Clialrman. ET AL., A'S Mrs. Sarah llaynie Under and by virtue of a jucigniom in tho above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as a commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said judgment for 1929 Taxes interest and costs, the undersigned will, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1934, bit 10:00 a. in., at the Courthouse door In Burnsville, N. C. Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together with ali costs the following cle.scribed propeity: Adjoining the land of N. J. Howard iind others, and bounded as follows: Beginning on a spruce pine on a cliff at the mill dam, thence within 20 feet of the old race N. E. to the creek thence up and with said Creek to the beginning, containing 2 acres more 1 ! COMPTROLLER COMMENDS i INSTITUTE OF BANKING NOTICE OF S/ALE BA’ COMMISSIONER North C'urf)Unn. Yaiicoy Coiiiiiv IN THE SUPERIOR COURT A’aiiccy County bj- Ills Board of County Ooininl.vsioner.? I. B. B.AILEY, Chairman, ET .AL-. A’S Chnrie? B. AVUsou & Mrs. AVilsou Under and by virtue of a judgment in the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as n coinmis- sionec to sell the propei-ty hereinaf- NOTICE OF SALE BY- CO MMLSSIONEU North Carolina, Yancey County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Y’lmcey County by Its Board of County Oommissloner.? I. B. B.AILEY. Cliairinan, ET AL„ A'S J. B. Owen.? & Mr.?. J. B. Owens Under and by virtue of'a judgmem in the above entitled action appoint ing the undersigned as a commis sioner to sell the property hereinaf ter fully described to satisfy said judgment for 1931 Taxes interest and costs, the undersigned will, on the 3rd day of Dec. 1934, at 10:00 a. m., at the Courthouse door In Burnsville, N, C. .Sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said judgment, together with all costs the following described property: Beginning on a pine tree on the South bank of Toe River at the low er or west end of double Island at the J. E, YY’oody corner and runs S 73 YY’ 416 ft to an ash tree in the fen ce corner, T. E. YY’oody corner and runs S 73 thence up the ridge with T. E. YY'oody's line S 29 degrees YY’ 295 ft to a poplar S 30 YV 107 ft to a .sassafras S. 20 YV 187 ft S 72 YV 61 ft to !i black oak N 86 YV 48 ft to a stake N 63 degrees and 30 min. YY'. 47 fi to a wild cherry, T. E. Woody’s and Jake Roherson's corner on top of a ridge; thence down and with the ridge and Jake Robertson’s lino N 42 degrees and 30 min YY' 58H ft to a white oak Jake Robertson's corner; thence N 80 W 195 ft to a large chest nut, the old Robertson corner and Jake Robertson’s corner; thence N 86 dgrees YY’ 545 ft to a stake in Hen Roost Branch: thence same course ! WASHINGTON. D. C.--The Ameri can Institute of Baiikiiif said to be the most successful proje. t of its kiiid ; in the held of applied adi- t education, has performed a valuable function in training bank clerks for ‘sound pub lic service as well as personal success,” J. P. T. O’Connor. Uompiroller of the Currency of the United States, said i here In a recent radio address. The institute is a section of t le American Bankers Association. "While imparting usefui knowledge, It has improved the mora.j of banking personnel and bas slimbiated in Its members an intelligent ii 'erest in na- tionai and Internationa! monetary problems.” Mr. O'Conno'- said. "Its courses cover a wide fteli in banking. Among the subjects, one finds Bank • Organization and Operati m. Commer cial Law, Negotiable Instr.iments Law. and Economics, in tho /^re-Standard I Division; followed by suco subjects as i Money and Banking. Credit Manage- ' ment, Pinaucial Statement Analysis j and Bank ’'lanagement, in the Standard I Division. t “Each and every subject is one which ! is necessary to a knowledge of banking, j However, the institute does not stop here, but encourages graduate study in Corporation Finance. T-usl Service. Farm Credit Admlnistratiin and Busi- I ness Forecasting. Again 1! emphasizes In special courses the In portance of the less technical but higl ly beneficial study of Oou.structlve Customer Reia- tions. Banking Fundamentals and Pub lic Speaking. No comment is necessary on these courses: their value Is at once apparent.” BOOKLET ON FARNl CREDIT A booklet has been published Ly .the Agricultural Commission, American Bankers Association, on ‘-Factors Af fecting Farm Credit.” for -.he purpose of furthering on a national scale the taking of farm Inventor es aud the making ol credit statements as spon sored by the roi:ntiission_lii cooperation .th the state colleges of agriculture aud the U. S. Uepaitnjeut of Agricul ture. The goal is better relationships between farmers and their banks. ; The booklet Is devoted to the types : of loans generally required by farmers, the need for farm credit, how It can be obtained, when It is sate to borrow. ' what principles to follow lo esta.blish 1 credit In advance of needs, and how both the lender and borrower are iiucr- ' ested Id sound, productive farm credit. Let us estimate on your Job Printing.

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