i h " if :vi --1 I "v-i r. i,i v ! 9 ' I ' " .-in ! - THE BRIGHT MASON Dt Comber 1st, 5873. In our next issneL will be Dubliihed the .jj. aIi ik- K .... n J tl .f t rf .;; j North Carolina. ! , - t We return thanks to the Brethren of the Trew eenertlly tfot. the krfid notices made of tle.iJsicBT xjaso We tnau use every tflgftjo make it wjttlry of the craft. f ( , n """"""eseaawfrBBaw'"" A. , As an advertising medium ibe Briost' IIaaov has no equal in the Southern States. Fire tboaiMxi copies of this issue, and lie issue lor next month will be sent to various Lodges in tbeStates -gratis. . tie short lime allowed us for the publica ion of the first number, wilraccount for the ny little enow, that have crept into the tnersl "gel op" of j bis nnmbciv In tbe next number ever wrng wui oe MW Marge.-, ,; V:. f" Hit is our purpose to make be Bbiobt II a . either an egiii p'ge paper. or puui.su u tagwne form, ' We will be goerned lj 'the opinion pt Brethren at the meeting 1 Hie Grand Lodge. , i f.Yx4Uir. however: th craft are re- Liodsd, that our paper iiAof be a iveceu. V (Vr determined on tbi. ;; V.anU VSirnltthlnr Klorfe. " DM f fi - 0deli, jbasau 4c Co-j Ore ' v - ? njb'to order all kinds of V I ' 1 g, ccllsijs ai.d furniture for GreensborojN, C. ol Masonic cioi.n- ?!, CCIiafS ai.O lunilinr-ior iuc?,viip-; a atd Kncanipments, or in tv'ffe for J i vidua) members. . 5 ; c Jewefsi and D'plomas and every article Wctei with Mawnic Paraurientalia. !5ietbren may rely on haviijr their orders Id io a talislactory maimer Other SUtes, i hav nrrivedxeveral letters from prorm- if lirethreu in jbther States, -bidding us 'd speed" in tl publication o oor pa i iWe re j.'ratjfving Mgnsand stimu i u lo ile perfotinai'ce of our task. ... lorn Oeorcia. South Cwoliua and Vir- s lettws ol cheer and congratulations i ben revived, We -will make the jit MASvN worthyiof the em& leoca o :ld a ldge Work on Sunday 1 f Isndaiai kb inform us that otir ancient iieu did no", noitc on -4 he seventh day ue? t joti has been rain'tl uirn !er ; what .lit.n Mpous abstain from lodge work .'f first -dnf. To aJ j nothing of any r truund, ilie uniform jcu!tlorn of the V -..tr slid the law ol the land is a suffici : rut reSK'tVffr rrftit g Irom1 labor on-Snnday . --mmmsamsmmsMsmmimmimammmBmsmmm rlia the Press says' pf the i: .1 . light mason; FTiill Bbioht AIas 'U. We beg & alt ivlion tVi the )it(jvectts of thttl 1 ' S hncltio" t bo called by this ..orrjp Wc ji'ij will tiuatarifca in im ' TfiT'i m " ' n ihe lrt iiidX., fJhus. r. .Tt ;i editor and briprtetr. A i,P ' rlm the Mat on: c ior fT7? n; vl i , ih South Atlantic Sriitw. it - . ... . w ' h T- . " " r w b:- iicni fends itsell o iho support ol .:U?sidr Jsl'i ihiouglwiqii. not tnly thb, . UjXj) x 'the btaten, known as the i i!.ASx!jiernj Atlatitic. The editor oi sv.'tsfckiotiT Masn is a gehtteinMn tl I (jtialihcd to conduct a paper U-i jiv si ncter prtjoeed ; atwl we ti r timcu no I e me oiaeoirs . . . .. ' ... :ih unoiuiA will, as one man, ;o ins Biippoii. me iciwe toitiiidiincrl v lnw. ' bui'lii Mil L er year, t his paper siioold oe t e ' " & i , -e e the otiicial org n of the Gratia e of the b:te. We wish it lire long aud prosper, Oo us Height Mason Ch as. F ris, tq., editor of the Gincrd ' 'ill . iii.mmutiHA fllA lkllli!lt nil! VMII IliCIIVO, . 'Mltta tisTlol lux ISiaaut Mason on the ; " liipf Pocetnher next, at Concord Tl. Mas N will be a month lftfjuonic journal and devoted lo ,; dl pmnation of Masonic Literature - oinq Jurisprudence, and to the . fot' iring and keeping alive of Ilk tot. e traditions, and will1e inteufi c'd s a help in the 'W0UKM in ; an 7 LODGE. A Corps of Con . ..ttiv. aton. will be engaged, who, :.frod their long experieuee in cater irnfor Masonic tastes, will give, frci time to time, a clear rtfiex of tbiFVork of our Ancient Institution Refill tliingj proper tolbe writteu. . . thi is the oulv publication ofi character Itti the South Atlan tic Ctaies. wb think think it should ve the support and encouraire- ec? of; the Masonic Fraternity, , najoe made the omciaU organ of .thiPraiid Lodge ot North Caroli . fia,, ouWcnpiioa price only $1" A .per noum. Address Chas.F. Uar : ris, oucord. N . C AWa, !. - ohV il AsoN'-Chas, F : IlJ4he indomitable Editor of . tbtP0" SuH, trpt content wlib ..; .algg and improving bis spicy ' piper, )urpows t0 issue m the 1st ofPecembe Dexr,-a Monthly Ma . aontc Journal with the above title. . Ths Bwouf Masmw will be devoted a ; to the dissemination Kit masonic lit ,.rtoie; masonic jurispiudence, and tll tathe lostering and keeping alive , f raaaomr traditions ; and 1 will be ! intended as a Help in the Work in ; UCZ Southern Home, Tui SBriqht Miftnv r r- . Fi Uttl the spicv editor rf tl.u oiiooD Sun, has annoonced bia a monintfr ma .joB.juiHj wiui tne abore title, - to be devoted to the disssmma ion ; IWsonic Literature, Masonic Ju- .. 'J ' r r we ; f 1 -if V r., - V K . ... fti rUpradence and to tbe fostering of masonic - j ' traa iu on s. C a rwiwn Advocate, j , j : ; ":-. - Ohas. F Harris. Esqi. the editor of the Conookd Sun, will short lj commence tbe publication of s tbe BRicinT Mason in Concord, N C. Tbesaspension of tbe Madnieilori: itor at Goldsboro' will make this tbe only publication of the kind- in me ooniueni o tales, ana we aeai't- lj wish it MViccQis.rl.ntdllgeneeri Mr.Ch h. Harris .editor and publisher oihe Conc ikd Suit, will soon start IhtConcord the Brio ut M aeon, which should be tbe organ of Southern Ms6as. Only $1 a year. We hope the Fiateinity will'suppott this new. candidate for the pat rons2o.uioro: than tbj did our similar enterprise. Mes tengtir. " I n ' , Tuk Beiout Misow ji the title of a Motttblj to be issued by C. F. Harris of the Concord Sun. The ueed of a tnasonic juurrtal is much felt, and this ono should be bear tily encouraged by the! fraternity. Harris promises that be w.H do ev ery t liingin iis jjower to make jt a tinrt-class work in every respect, and be wfff do it if the brethren of the craft second bis efforts as ibey should For particulars see pros pectus whicii we publitth in nnother column. iGre- ntboro Patriot. (A Repertory of useful Masonic knowledge. It should e made theorgati of the .craft in N. C. and the Southern States. lialeigkScn tinel. This wo regard as a valuable ac qnigitioti to j'furnalism, as sin ce the cessation, of the Monitor, j there i no Sonihom paper to be ah organ tor the fratermtT. ahe first nutu her will be ii-sticd on December 1st and the price will be SI per year The G rand Lodge should endorse xX.KtnsUm Gazette. Spanish Outrages on Freemasons. Anoi her horrible a'or j in the sto ry of Spanfah crime is made pub lie. It relates to 4he horrible in dignities heaped ripon Freemasons and their families by the moastere who have misiuied Cuba in' the tiame and bv the authority of the Spanish government, j it seeni that about four years ago the Span isll autliorities arrested the , ruetii hers of the Grand Lodge or Santi :iao de Cuba. ; The brethren- wete len ed a trial, and the day follow :ng their arrest were conveyed to a lonelv nishborhood outside the city and put to death, mil the beginning ot J lioirible outrages that This was series ot have con- : i n ued al trat 1 wft hou t iniennitteron lor the, pait. lour e rs. Kyery man- touhd t hie a Freemason .has bean shot or banisned lo Spanish peni teniintiesjin Atri a. The rtcord of peisectifioii to which the Free masons have bctn subjected is nw fitly climaxed. On the n ght of the 7th of the piesent mouth; after the volunteers had concluded the tdauhtt r of the cew of the Vtr- jinins, their thirst for blood was such that they attacked I the wi ves of murdered Vreeinasons, abusing the defenceless females and pt ;ting four of thetn to death, j The Story seems too horrible to be I credited but unfortunately it is true. We are not eui rited to know that the Fieemasons Viof tlrs teeth n arv aroused to indignation j by the -iti-elligence of rheVoutragOs above chronicled;. . Urgl.t worship'nl E. E. Tfiorhei, Depurj Grand Master of this orate, has aJ ready muted with a large number of prominent officers and brethren iu a petition to the Master, Warden, and breth ren of the different lodereg in this juri&dictiori. The petition briefly recites the crimes abored mention ed. and concludes in these words : In the name of humanity', and in obedience to oar s- nse ot justice, we ask you to forward the enclosed document! s gncd by jour otacets and under the seal of the lodge, to the Most Worshipful Grind Master of Masons of this State, Christopher G. rox, requesting bim call an emerontj session of the Uraad ldAte, tQ take sucli action thereon as tney in tneir wisaom may sea Prominent Freemasons of Brook 1 vn, with whom a reporter conver sed, state that tlie recent tndt c- natles are of sacH a revolting nature that the fraternity would be false to its fundamental professions if it neglected to express Its sanse' of these Spanish barbarities, or failed Co tak;e action looking to tlie pro tection pi spe reecuted brethren ana their 'families. It is believed tba General Master7 Fox will eall the emergent! session; promptly The whole civized world will sanction the efforts of the Freemasons of this, coamrjr. to bring fajustlce tbe fieads whose inuum&t stroctities are chronicled above. Brooklyn Argus. " Wje ha?e arranged the d ffcrent headings in socb 'manner as to make them, not only attract irev bat in order. " All matter be longing airier tbe headings, Becord of tbe Fraternal fJesd," Masonic Eegister, wIm rxvftors and 8 wuviiers," fcUasonie Corres pondence. and "Q testioas Answered." wiO be arranged. These titles" will stand tjer manentiy and be one of tbe feathres of the Bricht kfxaox. O I coarse we shall rely upon commanications from friends to fill 4 hem op. . 1 1 WiQ the Secretary of each Lodge, or some zealous Mason, furnish us with the name, and day of death, repecti?elyf of each Brother who may depart this tile after tbe first day of January, 1874, that we may make a permanent Record of the erent . in tbisoolumn. , Brethren, many of ns who are now Jbving. will furnish1 a nane ."(or this dark column, ere the close of this year. Let tbe hving take it to hearC ;i Masonic " Register. ITnd.rthis head we wiB publish the name of fudges, location, place of meeting and names ot lour pnoctpaJ officers, as shown below. Every Lodse' tn the State should gift pubUcity through .(bis medium, as to ibeir place vand time of meeting. Concord, N. C.j, 8tokes Lodge, No. 32. Last Friday night in every . month, at 7" o'clock, and on the anniversary of St. John the Baptist and SU John the Evangelist, and Tuesday niht of each Court week. w. ii. a aw; TJIVJ Sec'y, Impostors and Swindlers. In order that the Fraternity at large, may observe the approach of Masonic impostors and swindlerss space will be reserved under this heau to expose alt who may attempt to gain admusioo into oar loIges, or to receive Masonic charfty'unworthily. The Brethren every where are most respect folly request ed to furnish us the names, real or assumed. agp,.personal description, &. &c , of all such Masonic Mountebanks. -. f 1 a r ' '.' ' ' 1 '-:- Masonic Correspondence. We sohcif brief memoranda from Masons wherever dispersed. There are many spark ling j?wel all through the vein of the Brotherhood, which if carefully collected, wi.l soon form a brilliant casket. We hope each Brother w;ll note them, and forwaid them to us. No jiublicitr given (o names unless by permission. ' ... . i Questions Answered. Upon all sur jcts pertaining to the indi vidual! duties, or the "work" in a Lodge Queries, under this bead, will be atuwerod We respectfully solicit inquiries from, our Brethren, and will give them prompt and careful attention. Numerous suMcts are easy; that cause mu.h perplexity, mid none are sb xoeedit.glf difficult, but what some uyM may be snel on, it. To DisalUdlSoldieri.s Btetiirrn who U httJi Xhm niWortfiije Vd oe Sf Hrob; w hi! servin s? as .sojdie rs in.tjr her the. yonlederate or iri'aerai Army, win e siippTiel with the Brisbt Mason free of charge. Masonry, knows no dislinctio.u be- ween the Gray and the ISlue. ;Tbe Adfance Cotton Planter," I a oerfect soccess. and the.only Planter gold ar a .price, which will paj TQ Do not buy, until yoii have read our cir culars and prin list. AtTdres, TUE ADVANCK M ami fact unnf -1"agents wanted 1 . ; ; Concord, N. C. Dec 1 tf pd 'I VITRITE for a circular and. testimonials VY 1 Address. j. N. D. TETZER, Draggist, , . Concord, N CL Decl-tf 1 Pianos. TTWARiiS of fifttr First Premiums of U Gold and Silver Medals, were award ed to Charles XL Surffl for the oest llano. in competition with atf the leading anaoa- lacturerS in tbe country. OfSce and Warerooqss, Nb 9 K. iberfy Street Balt:mor. ifd. . Th Mnorinritv of the Unrivalled ; bticu m conceded bv all who have eomnared it.with others. In their Ne Grand Square Scale, 7 1-3 ctavos, tbe manutaotarer baa socoeaea in maaioj un most pet feet Pianoforte possible, i PricM will be found as reasonable as eohaistant with thoroosh workmanship. A laree aasortmeat of seco-hand Pianos, always en hand, from $75. to $300. We are agents for the celebrated Burdett Cabinet, Parlor and. Church Organs, all styles and prices, to suit every one, guar anteed to be fufly equal to any made. 8etd for iUostrated elogoe cooCamiog the names of o ver 1500 southerners, 500 of whom are Virginiaos, 200 North Caroli 150 East iTerineaeeaML and others thrrtarhoat the South, who have boesht the Aieff Piano since the close ofthe war 1W1B1 - CAN BE CUBED, Stieffs 'A wwOT'awnavsj' WALTSJtBaXU, :JQf)f VAXLiSPfXGUAH, iaroRTCits AWtJiALrxis iif WW Jt n. n TrJf W T Corner rrkde in,Tron Street!, Charlotte! C. tug 9 ; " 20 FiedmoiitiLuLino B. VJ , :Q:c y RICHMOND jSS . J AN VILLE, RICHMOKD.&I)ANVJLLli a. vv.,N.aTjTyisi6N; and N,WBS , TERN ; CONDEN8ED TIME. TABLai . In effect ou and after Sunday Oct. 12,1 1873. GOING ifORTUr . -i. STATIONS. MAIL. EXPRESS. Leave Charlotte, 10 00 p. to. 8 15 a. mi " A-L J ct n, 100G: : 830 . Salisbury. lOVOGa: m. 1Q21 u u reeshoro, 3L30 f t 12.45 p Danville, .GlOviS"-" :'3 12 Burkvifle. lL35a.m, 76 Arrive at Richm'd, llfm.' 10.17 p. m GOING SOUTH. stations; mttL. XIRK88. 6.08 a. m 9.17 1.41 p. m. 4 30 V 64G.V4 8,54 9 00 " Leave Kichmond, 1 20'p?m. 4 Bttrltvillej 4.5. . Danville, 9.18 'M Greensboro', 12 26t Salisbury, 2 8 a. m, A.-L. Junc'n 4.29 .1 tl Arrive al Charlotte,4 35'" j GOING EAST. STATIONS. ' MAIL. 3.05 a. m. 445 44 if eave Greensboro', Co. Shops, o " Raleigh, Arrive at Goldsboro', 835 ltl5 u GOING WEST! STATIONS. . " KAIL. 28 a ra. 9 M M Arrive at Greensboro' Co. Shops, O. a Ealeiffh, 5. 2.30 p. m Leave Goldsboro' : NORTH: WESTERN N. C. R. R. (SALEM BBAlfcil.) ' Leave Greensbor.o' 4.30 p.m. Arrive at Salem, ; 625 p. ra. " Leave Salem, .. ,h . 8.00 a m. Ai rive at Greensboro' 10.00 p. m. ; Mail trains dailyt"b4th vrys,: oyer entire length of road. Accomodation -daily be tween Danville and Richmond (Sundays expected.) 1' r ' ; c ti.OfcaadAy Lyntsliljtifjri-Aecc-mmodation leave ihntAflJ: at. 4j42. JL m., aniTe at BuVVtDe tomjleafrark p. inti ri W Sfi Uichnsoad .44im.- & Wtwjjerf Qixmrljftt ancZ.titiluncmd, (wtaout Engineer it GenT Bopetirtendent, PACKING, CURING SMOKING ESTABLISHMENT Steam Sausage Manufactory. V. HECHLER, JR.,' & BRO. Nos. 18 and 20 First Market, Richjoond, Virginia. Dear Sir : As the sausage season is ab tut tocomtuence. we enclose you one of our circulars. We are better prepared than ever to fil a y orders in tor line, and as everytliing is undr the special supervision of one of the firm, we can conndenuy rec ommend our Provisious as ot the best quat tv. and challeoge competitk'n: We pay particaUr attedt)QQ to the manu facture of a ? sage for the boulnern mar kets ' We have been enlarging our facilities for lui nine out our famous Saasaze, and r with our usual choice q-iality' of Tneats osed for the purpose, we shall be prepared to meet the wants of our friends to their entire Sat isfaction, This Sausage is manufactuted entirely by steam powerj great care being taken in adding Seasonings, which makes ft the best Sausage manufactured this, side of Baltimore and equal to any msde there or any wbe re else. We are prepared to furnish any quantity of it, we have been- jp the expense ol over $5,000 m machinery to make this Sausage. . . i Those in want will address ns, and we wilt put it up to neat boxes and deliver it to i be Express Company or. depot iree of charge lo boxes and; drayage, providing you riturn the boxes by Express. And we. want to call, your attention .to one more item the Southern Express Compa pj will cariy this lreight at much less than last year.'. ,..vs I ' lb response to many calls, we are pre pared to fill orders for all kinds of Saoage; Puddings; Bacon, Lard. AdL, soch as ' Fresh Pork ausage ia1 links, and in cakes ; Fresh . Pork Tenderloin &esage, do . amoked ; Bolojnia- 8auiage, sm. ad, Garlic da smoked ; Bood puddings Liver. Padding ; Dutch Paddings ; Irish do Uog's Head Cheese ; Sagat Cared Asms do. hbul iers; do. Breast du Joles ; do Strips ; Beef Toogaes : smoked Beef ; dc. by the Quarter or side; afuttod, by tbe qoanlitj ; Hogs, in any quaatity ; i picked Pork ; Lard by bbL or. keg; Loins and Bibs of Pork f rig's Feet in bbL, spiced do. ia half bbl, spiced LamVi Tongnea in Pickle Oog's Toqgoea to Pfcdde. We remain yoers trolyi . ; V. I1ECI1LER, fa., & BRO. novl m i 31 Good ins. X here 50,000 strawberry Plants ; 0.000 Grape Oiittbn, and Rooted Tines, for sale Cheapi f &T,MICKSr. . : -SahflM, N. CL. M Y M - irW rl.ir , HI lit fcit llw II I I II it ii i ii ii aim. ill nil - ii ii s .ii .3 O:- C250JOO in Csirrcipy O; O: Fcr tho Under authority cf a gacfcfel act of tba Lcf?Haiz March 8th, 1873, coxiffrra rorrjorate prifiHta epea th Oav sonic , Relief - Asociatioa, - ilKi liirectora now 4 feato tho plcii- . ure to announce that a Grand Gill Concert fwhiiisjcsfriEa set forth in this circular has bevii vjvi ar a.vwv 114 alio VUJ Ul 1VUIHM, UQ ' Thursdny, the 15th tor the ntmm f vrtttrtM mw laeoarae ferret ion iatWCavaJK Terevieeateaas for tab Gtaarf C fa eaea wtU be i 4 an4 aaML a-ajl inrl ticaeoasMtsaTv. lialreaealskviaa tw rraetaeaal mixs I r. rnttia i rWa-ai V tia xareaaaer m a waoi xieaet as ewtiSM gut aai saay awaa Ira fa Ssav sa s oa ta tbe Cmm ct aed ta ee hatt el aai saers. Thas. tho old Tea HaUcaaf the lae e award of the $50,700 gift Whetd ef twe to uu ea preaenratioa s aas rssaeitose tae foartk aav after taa d Tbe beat attMical talent ta4 ratertaiBBBent,' aod?Va Dollara, Carreaeyvvill Caah Ga. ay a Axis t One grand cash giffr One grand caib gift. One grand cash gift,. One grand cash gift, One grand cash gill, , One grand cash gitt, 24 Cash Oifts, $500 each CO Cak Oitta. 250 each . ; 30 Caah.Gilta, 200 each r . trjCMb gifts, 150 each J50 Cash Gifts. 100 each wu mwm uuw, w (KB ww uutuiiMb mm ia ' Grand Total, TEN THOUSAND Gifts, all Cash, - tyjp -v - ' - WHOLE TICKETS HALF TWEETQ C?H The Dirrctort avai ( themaeHe ad raevneB af the awaageawot ef the f Xaerisaew af theJCentoeky Ubrar ' aMoitiMkarf will Wjuvnady its rrplatia as ngsyd 1 taw .' diatributioir of prixea- The CWwrt wf U bv in tta. Opera House arid wader the liavttediatev liiberriaioB of the Di sctora smd tW aseat easmiiuat , citisena . e tae State. , The Jrawias wtfioe py cweoiHMia see auawr iraro vwa kbm waeeu, tae mautw ef wasea caa fee aeea -by the audience, whiciii will tBataas M gjJte oa assBted aCse b isralrJ eirrakr tabes,aod taw other in leather tat -with asatawss an tls twreseeediif ta. all tkieto eaUL Aitef thw ' " contents are thorough f, mixed ay srsmtsisg tia taiUi at tan first wheel wifil draw awnshar. ' therefrom: and tbea t. teehild al tar seevad wheel wal dfaw a fp tharvaresa, and the gift thai drawn bektngs tathe tnombrr tlntwtiaancistrty hftre U. The thss aeaeesa wiU eawtlaaja ' - . ". . a -a- . mmm mm a m a. m .... until 10U0 situ aae na naerB a 4anaB-a i keot b v fHir of-the noi t aeoarate tank tetlesa finished, the great whe 1 eeataisaa thaisalaer Ua wil he seaeeA ha the hasssVad a eeeisait tee acting on part of tl ticket hahUas. waa ca Bsaattae far tlsmsswes aad) 'asefrtiia whether all the tickets oi4 were njwmvtra la ta drawing, witbsacb acsasatasa aH saasft see that the attenaeat iaimeas is w rtaei and a haowledaw hefcee head at' what gtaey ticket will draw ia aeee ateJy ii i bisIIb - All the gifts aside fro ai woe tWaaaod thaSjaee ahated ia tie aeaan wheel at tW eVsnriag. will he determiaedaBd .paid by afaeaaiaaf sa fcleess s ' The aaaaher efatt tie Task- etasold beiag feoaaiaerea in a oretay aasaesssany asawBVaaai hewaij tae SigaeaS aaaitu in a circle may be entitle t ta tae fctpeat of which the next 400 aumhcrs navegjaikc avraetiesl affder w2he eaanted t tho iu on its two sides the aearwat aaeaheva, tweaetb ef vskacbC sSI he pail, la i t : ii- I I k nnn wm ,hrrm tmnrf ImUmB Waieaeraw Blgner KHM Wiu .wymwi wamMmmmm mvmm w mrnvrnm bWM a" beii the iatentioa aat te ry gdta W aay tathet entitled te a liifceT gift. " . Persons desiring to patronize the Ceweert by the paei ftuee af tisWte aar earnestly reeasa ted te hay t eaee aad thsjw aave the aasnagunM at wasaheisCi sea I was land with Uttars orders, and'eerreapeadeae f a Urn wra et pntri a thedfaws Att aaay aat aaf aured of the Concert coining off prawphr and aesavag wfcting partiralar pasahrra wtiil tw accommodated as far as pmrnbte if they arder earls, bad if left withht tan weeks af the dra wing, aaeh reqaeata eaaaot reeiere acSeatiea. : TickeU. fike greeabaeks, are good te the ladders ; buyers need act therefore he Lasaav unless they sachooae, , ;:. Ia a cause so beueficial io the public, It is expected that every ticket wiU la sell ; lei whether aOare s14 or aet. tb drawing wift neverthateai take place .'i Cheald aay tkksta ba leftaaaold alae day af tea drawiag, they will he destreyed, V aad the tea theeaaad cifts will he drawn aae paid, but jdisoiaisaed ia valae ia preperti aa te tae asreeelrgB ef aav mOla ItCae. nwac wmxmm aaredtteed teft37J500. aad all -wthers ia feaasetaaa. IlaeffMA.aee.tlat ff irVt eaAeeUed the ehaaeea of the helsWr are iag it reaally fair ta tae tiekethaieerB la eOarr eaae. e large a aeaieev af .gUJa, aa eaaa . (being tn tt e proaertie of one te every teath taraet awUet) a-ifejathig W vast S am aad in a eaaae so good, were never before aCerrd te the pebf ie. " ' : ";- " . '' C Aeeats are expresaly repaired te make ibeir tetaras ee the fat aad tSih ef sec! saeeth. '',; aad aa Ageat will he permitted te hold or sell tiriets aa eeeeeet af the aamaageaieit aftsr - the lstjday of January. 1874. bat all most saaie their Caal rrtaraa sa tisae ti by tbe 7th. The drawiBg will be pahlUbed ia the Beradk aad Hear Term rL eooiea of the drawiae aeathy snail teaO aeeats aad those eat af the dered ticket by letter. All eommuBicatieea eeaaeeted with the Ceaeert. and eeaeta for tickets, aad appplication for Af eoeies te seB tkleta shsall he adixvased ta t, ! ' ' " Secretary Mssonic Relief Acoctttica, Ncrfhli, Vo. Those whe ceavmialctU with this oflce Ordiaary words ia has wrltiag saay he made aersiaoa, SBan aa wnuea eiataiy. - .j , - i" ' - - Thuae waa wish te act a Ageata fer the sale af tickets, caa kare teraas by addreasxag ata. . aaaaeeeeraeted.v' v I . r , . TWkeU fer sale at the efice ef the Aseeeiatlea. Ve. 93 WEST UAI5 8TCEET, gpjt 4 FOLS. VA, aad 80SF0LK KEW8 COI1PANT aad T. O. XflZZTa 1TEW5 DZPOTS , AM orders tar tickets acceipanicd with the cash, wig he frocsatly Med. BecrcUrj Zl&so&ie !.. ". .. - .! Tickets can he procurred cf Nov 33 tf II . I I I i ll i i -.'' " tm . m i a, i I ii t i a. ' " . c - - - .- w. , j t v :0 to to 61tch Ayay ! i K . postponed,! will bo mca ci tto - dav of Jan car v, f S8Xd ' lae tWaoaaDlataoa af tha Maaoata it, oae hcadre4 taemsanc' .tlcaats af adsSaw aslf Iwoa I t resfeevety. Csery ta easae msiiiii a) lea U atUeAtoto ftsCr fa Cai fssrsia. Tl . 8 ta awklera aaalf tkftaas MtiilaA UdL 1 a'tft tham mmj he awarded ta their rstseeiiv i tieat ia waaeb waa ta mAUt taai NMiti4 el&rreat iadHidaals. each eae wocU he entltlad Hair tieat at. the eitaw dtk Oaaaart am W. 11 . w. b ..mil 1 . ,'f . i. y,.,, aati a af all Aaer gifta, i Baa all tai il wUl BoatribKia U tim alaaasra mt IU aggregatiag Twt lleadred aadj fifty ThnBii i n sstaeia4aees as wtQsmS l ' 1? . , .IJW,; " f5jOC3 - rBfZT . XSi- . ae aetas registry as lav ana as erawa will ae that caa aa pbtaiaed. aad when thedrawiaa a saattaicja was aw taeawaaaeeotrr.ea rffWi mmm ttmX mitt mil mttmru iin mm. mm mmmt nwt.mwwm mmw Maw mmwrn ft. mm iu tm iiiisasiS aa the sa raac uus euee Uat sat etiy wh haaa ar-- s-' - OEWRIV. EIO01&1BS " saeaU write their i !aia!r. est. hat aaaaes af j take sav HEJN0Y I20011E, Relief Acodiiica, Xlcrfclli, Va. " " j ..; ' - i r Uoseoxd UotaL 15 peraeae aad a4aeaa . 1 I I 'A- . er p5 "v. V: I. tf-;t :1: 'a ,. .r 4. . - 'v U If y tsv . ' i, Mil I f f, 't