VJ -f- THE BJ ' 1 - . s r si before her stood" to her rmsruay, r grfm bv mafeilw?; ihM. krn f A Cup ef . Celd Water v;4 1- v 4-1 ; ' 5 Tyler with bis long sword unsheathed. ( ; j A fhrVQtK pierced through the, apart , ments alarmed the members cf the lode B. aide a daft j, beaienroad j he paroym oi their rat, to put the fair 'Neath India's 'burning skv, ; spectatress to death, but at the' moving and Ybereon the' jangles deep and wild k ; j jnMi-ojpplicatior. of her youngest bioth- . The ecortbing euobeanis lie : er. her hleVas. spared on the condition of herewmndoflaughto floods tw rrmami Breaks Vm3JVS 4 W$QWPebWUI Some kind hand Trom a prostrate tree itnsedri Tins she consented to. i aftd Utd hew'd a cistern rude. ' tht-y cooducted the bauliful and . terrified - i .... . l'''tyduhg''tadyibTtugb those! uiaU wbkh are And here is said ajlindoo comes .. JomHiroes ,haq. enough foi masculine Ai inc ursi uawnn u-( 4 frcliUttl$ inTOk they were taking And with pure sparkling WaierfilS J 4-? tscn7 oHhefr crat! a membeT llHSircKignoenaeiBc wy. that would reflect a lustre on the aunaU ol Noareto mafk. noflaUennsllip I ... i v i JU VKVUIT A L fl TT " I , Tavfrpe f 4 P5. yew , nt3 If'SLAfeti 4i fo&jtt, W ffeffeYi! t city Vlhejotnoiircbma. ,Mru lets ovnMyitien" BcfeSoU honpr nn d po wer fur Jljeir own 6ake ; iBuclvriniui cajitiq creae or er and Iafinit atjiong ibe work men in tlieTemtiie.: 6o far from if. mm cTfiruioiu wmarc noi lua - EatLibf ta. I b thirsty trf f ler's oeed race aiid celebrated Dou;ater St. r Leyer He knows not whom his act may bless, stakes, h vent ual y ?Ue ;nrueU Uichard Tl.it -n.U him nn hU waTi Aiaworui, wq.. oi cwina.Kei a mtm-j. r A .p,i,i,,,m bubblinir iahis brtas. Nfa highly honorable an I .ancient Jan.i j.--ij ,M,,V.- " , i- . .tLreatres;i; Lutija or CoiWJor tbe,Masud walked at Ihe-lieaJ oT IreernasoWiih i:-ih. mmmi'mI i . v . i I abrbri aud other lawirniaoi -4 reeuiasorurvt 1 it. I a friir.l . air f 41. a- tlaira; K'iT Etctilf the wa-wfcafarans i H Thehduse jwt always :rowdvd 61 Wis'J And astslnian' regard J, 9?lw.rt A.8yl"i AldI ioe eieniai onrwi urn u unma : 11 all by im ciuorn ruoe, ; ,. ,? -And lave the burning brow and hands the refreshing flood. And btesaox bim . whose, love iiasbeen .Cik l4idesc (r33r3' lO ' Cheer'd by tne cotD, dejici c us draught Again theit path pursue.' Ohl living eWenoeAof theiailn " Thou'rt found wjlUiOvxUie i heart Jbajt, I'd -ML a-. ,'v4 t' f protnpts, ' .!,.!. - 'The hand, to aeti llmt: blHsi And'He whseea eacH hWdet springs v j 1 Ffbni wliTch thfr actions rfoir,; r , ! ; ' Sbal! own the Hiudoo's generous deed "IlaiU injrstic art jnefikble, subUme, " Thejbopd .j charity;mid every .lune 1 . VVhose silent cord in love fratefDaL.-binds. Ten thousand thousand various forms and ' minds, . 7. " I bid theJ hail 1 Blesd magic ipower.'.'tis . thine, ?f$Mr!Ti. - .'g Thou sun,of llfi wdTihtaXd peccpdtTine. One tide oCttlisriar round ''.woikl lo'J ro.i. And humab ; nature breathe cdo kiudieii ; J ioul ;:; . .. ;:; A ?6ul ihatifeels Teels foi : jjny ; that njelts r at bugaftii woe, : dbeiens with kind plrilanthrOpy a celes- 3 1 Tb standard Bules of Masonry. i"I..TttSjrrand objects of freemasonry, an; - to cause Jehovah s name to be honnfeirand hulawir&ipected : to . increase - love and rock! tellowshtp on'-earih : to cultivate the hunpan ihtJlect ;Vand to lessen the hard- thipsor the human lot. ' I . t Iu; 8ortt'tnrM tannliilmia 1ia jr r.at ioni Mrot'ir. ;ng Solomon's sysirux ur ttun occasiobs.'-' (Ttof pjOrfrail p: thisfstiutvablif woman is tin the ! Lodge j toon 1 ot aluoost every IoJge; in Ireland. Exchange. r ! 1 . T a mi Thoughts about Masonry. from Ufjirltars-atnttrtiier of dis s a t i 8 f ilttt 1 oi!f 16 4Ua-a?alJuf; t Uc! c real Architect, Uecaae of oppreasioii amodiJlKeV rfijoei because" they deal not out jniit ice! with an cren balance, aud became the, wordd pi ihtVir lips c irtjrf jlot with ibem the BXteet iiiiKiiations'of) noace , amony the breihren ; tbey mako-uo bairn for the u 6U tided Su ftirrt':irth('V rtiic nor ir itio wcen ot the-wlmie 1 Soi'iinw A5D HiRAit. Tlie histo rian Jpios declares that it was (the Idire of wisdom) vliich iridaccd that leauerjiess 01 trjeuuciup Known 10 have eibted belween theso two Monarchy rjThcy interchanged diiiicntt and nlrsterious qncikns; and poinls df aft fo be solved r ac- coruing 10 in c true reason ana 11 a sons can senicTT dbcontnt-ahJi ture of the matter in hand. M'eii- buuiumsuruci , umung incr, woi Ktncn Thete goes up with the incense rnspectn8 fur I874-S5eTfnCl Tear, : .... ( I-- ; ; I- h " ' I.'- - i j - An IllustrateJ M.ntal5 Joornal. umverullv ' admitted to be tlMlIandaomf t Primlii , 1 eat in e World., ; bVJrvr 1 tire aai Ckampion Af Amen- .f r ,v';'f fas lMt'tvU't' . iVbf for Sale tin ;.Bojk t vr News Stores?, Hi villi i-V-"i' ander, the'Fphesiah. translatofi of the Tyrian aunaUIto Greek, -re. I ? Tlin ALDIK, whiio Uined witk .aUtlie. lates that Whenever any o! these reularity. has pone M the temporary r lironitions proveil toohard fur the tif,-T. J?f 'lS? . V':l 1 ,' " , ' --'i.-' ! - "j i 1114411:1 .t : 9'w I: I '. . r 1 1 It is an tegattt mwpellaly at ' umpDOtniA; -A3 MjlSoss ivife; f Since Ma8onry existetL?-a8ai itv st if 0 tf on ,1 here 1ra?V pef1rn'fe vier peen A me t o ,1 raun iwm y j.e 1; est to t he (Trin pi o ollJatOf try a the me eii t. KTl f c. b ui I d e is" ha veVt a r ed lt&laitleiuentiQvcn ''aYd.tTiViii ana its uicense ascenuut iruin -na -nnfnberlcss auaritp def ccnt:atairi to 1110 eaiiti. uakM iy mim fiweet fratancey.likcl th& rdows ot j neaven, iupon tue 6ons or men, where it exerts its beantifying atd ytilmgl , iijfluence pjpuf. mmdiltinseen and -lnfueaf cppt assceT bearded feCn wife Tn'rti tal elevation of those who! V isit its sacicU precincts. And re plend ant ;is it has bcco;po w.ith iiwn bean! v and nerff cVttiti li ?s !t'M nu olj. cr ot univers T'aUihtfat.Wf ' Ilco lie s the dfttigto 'thdlj loved Oider. IniiatidsiheftiraTthe into their, hearts, and ' while they sj oil.onc jWith sweet meats, aiioth er'ip tin list from the fraternal home tiy cruel injustice. Snclt ambitious minds hive th glitferintr bauble of nonor, nioie ihantodo riirhteonslyV and delight tnoiu In . wvaiing :iie ipbes of powcj tjian the vpeacefu! Ijubil ment8ot the brotherhood. Another danger Jo this titne-hon-cied Orde;r may arise from its pres Gnt igreat proper ty. At tiiis tifpe, whermeh from ever? i-lass i tH coin mmii t y a re p rose 11 1 i 1 1 g t h cni - veiyt'8 Jor,,aumtmtance to the rights 'and privileges , of &Ias)nnTv with every va. iety of'motiveb ljiipcllitJir jrtize of tlie woild;,anilht)uvijtH 1 fheepiritHDf mtnoii.ca'i divine interior guarded bcyereiiis, ,fjiy h dcellrihis otr tliat jlV that the mind of mancan invenijo BcatWeo&'femple I; one1 'wot'han protect its landmarks, still jt H pot . l,telp?3li,Jt dredpo64Phen;:iao; flcience and Triternity, and 'symbolized in. OodU JloJy TeinWf -a Jerusalerto, afiof d :' pies. . .. ;. -j. , IV. Of all tbelfaaons deeisions'and sysi terns-of worltvUAt cotlict in whole or.Sn parr in with eaxtt ;other' the "eldest' ia the ;besfrs-:1T'M:l;7?'.--' ;'V :!,'..''"' 'i SV'TKe aocient chirges of Mawnrv are ; aboViT;iTt lt0rand l-Mas'teV arid (Jrand Lodges Xpptbl j tie iodispuUble and un changeable chart of iasooic government, j . ; 1 i XI: N0 obmng tt. ny-part ' cur poln t of Masonry ari ver be tolerated; v.- PC YII. Nothing can legally '6e btTered as thrark'ot tectdrea of Sfasonry but;"what admfti'df a ratidnarexpiahalion;1 T V yiir.TO eejof;IatoDW effit is for if aGnf to period, andby ,he fre uu- . biased vote of the working brethren."-. flX. The Master. of a lodge havine been dalyelectd; andu inaialledutf t!ie-aforio4 ; source Wjadptn -to? histsmstituet.ts dur ingiiir terra of effice, undlf ohty 1 respdn?i- ' X! The niaterial propefd 'be btTered arid r- mnJoduced inf b he JIasouJ Tetofh Is lLe; gond apd .sotin($' anjHobaef' oi $r$ vw-t V ' Xi2 TLe cblicaliona iiTI a.sonr v . ara lifo ioagv:;0sce a Mason, aJwava a Mason. 4 i .2 V TT.en.KlitRl5t was the onlmaW who, wa evr initiated iut.o th wHW,u9f ;ifeemaaoiiry; 1- 1,, ha bail twq, dr4!; Um tVst and second couterred oo Uk. iAtthiav ibeiijnteresUDff to ; tlie irecerai rcsider.ara cive the-iof v-as to how- AlisiUgeKibtaJaed litis horiorpitm.isingl that4h jflforrriatibn''ofriei from' 1 be besf of-! fWkek r f-ofd - DonvniW, Mi 1 . inacccssrtUle to the nhworthv.' Ye -there, ihelUjeautifnl,, superstructure iarnnJs its bvn internal lgUt Axi snowy piirnyf r(ideriig it impMssi ble any longer.to conceal its come lyjPWorfiprjj frpm lhS'gst'z rif tfie mtMiitnoe. its beauty h s Li-en discovered i by - the ; unpiincipfei portion of. mankind, as well as by men; of; stern 'Integrity.; 'ow "guattd as 1 hey. may be, its ipijei, eanctnaries have been, and wili still bo denied by the vilf iarl; wli i.weat-; ing thegaibandsymbuUottt biolU er, winds his way id their altar, t !ie;Iiea rt8i ko f tU'f rat erW i d j t c . 1 jib r homes, that he may insinuate his poisoned influence inti tlie minds of 1 1I1 Qitficf ile iii I fJ 6' s j vie.-Jtcl,' ingji ithVuiigJlight at iill'Ttttlt' man holdearhiMiinoii .furth. v MnVo'-irjMa i instjtWtolir t ot thorn to snchirrits. mvgrieries fS tiiei;efnpt;ditngGr tiiat'as an inslitu tion it-mavi become coi'ruuJed ? -It m a - iS'fa'ometimes easier to bear adversi 1v than crrea u'rosuerit v1 : J if wfiieii every thiiit "seemed aversj to its public jprosbe it v, and-thefre stem ed but j6iieinotivc lo impel mpii-r seek ai extiri m c w i 1 1 irr ii f 8 portals. they somettines proved not- god men aiid true, mav-thcre" not now b e gre a t d ah ge M h a t tn a 1 j y w i 1 1 be, aamuieo, wiio-jvin tf uinmateiy qo QO in e a If isgfni ce 1 0 'l h e ' 0 ) 1 e V, ai rf si hvf!wi.r(l ntininfr nSf ii who will kn.i wn l!h its histoiT 1 only al Ttfosu wno.ueJaceu its. beauty , ana rfetiiediits purity 4kFor;wiK know at leasuloves thee..; ono; at 7 least nas ten tue warm tear -now anu the heart well on with felling nn utterahle, when for tlio first tinfe oient Heart, ; as a Irtemt i who turns 11 n ALDIXE is 4 Ji tuque and orjgiaal concrptiual V Vb 3i(,ne ad uu ppr.cBedabaotutety ! without mrK'titton Hi price or4 ehnreti-r.!J -5' Of j: 1. I wo ilirgi, II was reteireu IO 111 j,urt?, Jjt nd Krjeefl .iterator 5 aud a cul latll Abltf (styled AbdeytnOlinS OT leetiMi of picture. tbe rarrat pecimen .f Amofi) ; who never faded to solv any device put to lllin. lie IS saiO Uaure.t0 $ta.frieflW. the real value and even to hnvo V challenged King ) beauty of TlB ALD1NB wjll, Iw t 'questions he 4iroponacaTp What ,nay claim superior, cheapness, aa eoiu atieat the cataluffttOof these an-v pared with rivals of a fiinilar elaas, TUB cient puzz'.es would appear - -; , ; o m '! ' fTte po6or ef d complrte taluuMj csniiett lir. k.- . I um-.a 411.1 irlatJixat.l flu nil II 1 1 1 V . Mf hllfl: 'Mtwr aVflll to each Other ; they torra una latn- there are Ue.b.rmn. Reside ! t a uy ipis is,uieir uasi,; .wuerever AH DeparUrtenK ItilAi , n scattered over the face .Uio globe, iUuafri) of XIIE ASEiaVe a id mere geographical lire oi . wkte miiution. aad ia the art boundaries of towns or Statesi cn erntre of Europe it i aa admitted fact .tint not divide those who are bedded hi i.joiv wvfiivjcs. iv . nuicc in incur 01 8ieei piaies.r w rapiir tenia! recognition tar airinde easible lyieldinc to a more educated and diocriioiivr tl... I.;- I.. -.r.l.t f atine taste which recocnixe Hit? advantages Mga.-.M.rgu-u i, 0f ,Uj,eriur artidic .pnlitie with R water fa- inheriUnce.qf every Masoir; he r ry.f nreduction. JTb whmJ-cuu of THE f:inu.l lit .rhori vid of it. exceut I ALDIXE posse nil tne delicacy and elabor- fur Rmnn'itrf nf iMcnwfi -mid after t".u,uni num m iirfipw "' tot some CtpMiWOi-aim bUer reuderiug of f tb arM5 t. a chas-gc and rtfnl: Hrfe tight can forizinat. : - f? not lieeold. as It Catthot bophtcliaSvl Ti fully renlir-? th wr.derfu! winrk wWelr i i-i .i ' i i iiq ai.i ii n r iii iimi lurv ihh m ui iniri ea : ana.wuuu us ime is unuues j. ;r"r.T'T :?-L '..T." Honed UOlieiliay leUlSO t(, reOg jcnuslder the cost to thH ieile of any other illZJ IT. Jt AlaotilO VuncilCli, IIKi'.lceut repreaeniaiiwiia ol me prouoiu)U u CoMtihcntal Uhssuortsr ninst he T1 ?" 5SC ' t Jt '! 4Htt idi i Only t'-..;ibrwi --wfcitia .-tji'' .I $iet : n; . ur ri, i.- .1 j i' ' ----- TJnmsohiq . 'nit . i- A COMPEWBIIXO oo.Mmu.M.u p.u..:.. ...ai In- ndditinn in designs by the mctnbern 1 kVZdq, at every cniTtTfylnie, Ma- of the National Aejiiteoiy.'and ether noted 8miry has talleil rrofll US IHgll es- -vmencaH anisw. i iiivai.ui.mu wii rpr- . ,w, , . ,i t it. r.'1 luce examples offlhe . bct loreien iuateri, -ate and List theverv t ite o d wJth n tlMh(. ,,5,, artj-tic retlOWII.- It I W trtU nothing it -itccesa ami createH teneral iiUerent. TftU the Rubcriber t , T U E. A I.DX.N E wilj, at "a ruung C(Ht, eijn) 111 Iimowi: home luepiea- ur8 ami rcnniujf Miff tences ol f rne art. it be 7iat universal. .i MASivNliV TI1K IVloDKltJT. MkTIIIJSA- Liai -The long and uuit.ten npted (ix-.rt'ence of h I'eemasonrv in tlie World is a ci rcu nisfrtnccvliich can not escape the obse-7a'ioii ofs he conteuiu ative ndr tail to extile iiitne deuree of -wonder in .liose at 1 f ..... .....i... o:.....l !u t.nri I the year I S7 1 will recOWn iwir ol ctirimio and ' well-toinied system, j It has rherpubiiiiii -is. ,4 Um, AKDINE, hy rhomas Stood the was'e lot time thtongu 1 Mftr.ni, 11 oa. ijr.t,xroiril piiure n.nv iMv.ilvif.ir iwoU r iuiiidftt tlieIP,wcn:",;u u) V' Ulllll a ?ueeeseive euipnes, of human laws and cho turns, , it has retriHe without cliaoire in its oririci pies and The quarterly rinied lateL for JaT4,ili I 1 1. The Christinas i fur Ic71 . wilLconlaiii 1 n 'j special desTcuV-'ttppriipiTafe fo the' enoil.'bjJj- our hr-st artist vtul v : 1 1 norptojs in attractions any of its predeceisnrrt, . ; - Every ulii-:iUrr , to w TUE; AUNi ff r deuce, -um: l OrMnsoiiic At4.a&rTv i'i votca-aqiciy -matt . , tif ' if WVVI ! , To: Masoiiic; rhterustSf ; ; -f ' i n '-i-!"1 !: ..--'--4;i - 'i-si "Jl aTi f none emptyi away,, wuen all. eioi -has fiiiled;' i A vonnir wife ami mother, a, st janger in a strange land, tar ti qth "home' , aiid ! kindred, lying on a bed of disease1, wasted 'o a shahw, wi h a swet little ,. u r.i ng tjh cmte sidcjpii? iffJ tor its wrtmedVotnifnienr.eiiss.l- T. alio basea.upau imMiey ; i& jreasu 5es I worthy ineiiihete it mav have, . but- are; tilled orennpliedwbv the-? tirn ;fop ffj': iljd nsrno. nsivoi kjh eti , 4 a symbolized by, tho b.e'chjve Bcentiiulatrniff, whether JtargeH5r s1niIVcar;fury itpreil and;relycrWd to .bo bestb wed a& charities oii Jlie ' ;' 7 truly' needy.: Thar the lone andlcieved a char , to feel piuiiyi; mat orpiiais uiivtimf e Jrelp, and ehcoiitafflinvTit I to iiidhce them tbchbooe the puW?ar4 recif where waiir. liko a enin' reetre;4! Us ieeri tp age and decrepitude, or lobe'ir eti eroJhyrd'ts 4 call tpi'UtiWaji-. lint hallowed as these trcasnres aie'iehdered. bv the usee rfdr: which uiey aio inictiaea, they iliave caught the eyes of a class too numerous in aclas who! arol trot of A .- : t!f"f 1? t vieli -Vaua , to lend i a til.ev. ; Dorraiiallouae hij sous, aud some inii V' matf tds iUtmj .and itU. aaidt Uat never. vera lUauoic 4utteaOre ri o ooiy pertoixeed I ban by thrbra liren 4 Ko. 15, , the ttdmberv of tbei warrant;' 1 !. It appears that prerioos to th -'initintion of a gentleman to the first degree of Ma i eonrv, Miss St.. Ledger, who was a ivouni? j girj, haprned,or bjt irvsrn spartqienr d-itho world jyiuiug W Jodge room was there by cannot coefid time was' uoertwtfsT , : . t . i. . . ,i among oiner. inicgs ine wan was confiuer- Ably reduced in one part for . the purpose of tuakiqg1 a saloon. The young lady hav. - ing beArd 4lv6ics6f Freemasons, and be s Jiug itrdted by 'tb rkjeairy-riatural te alt to see this mystery,-so long and so secretly llockW 8p Tro4'Tt.eypobTuj' tTe, 'bad' tho Courage ft pkjX'rjck (rpta the wali,with steps oTthecerrmony. j. ..fJ, , - u Curiosity gratified, fears at once took pos- ieelinz ofny .iersouJt fys. who icoulo ? ftohld uBbwitnlbehdWtfharprrmd letr, ' I hem judge wliat were the feeliags a yoing girl ; under . such extraordinary iarcum- solemized at' the far end, aud lhe jroom a very. large one. Miss S . Leger nad resolu- tion. enough to atie'inpt her escape j that x wtr.iind Hitii Iieot out tremoun'T strr. ; ; glided along, unobsorred, laid her band on 'A lovmg husband pnle, jeick fexhaiiijted' from care and watehin?-. ready to sink in his ex-tvemit, ex clai jjist; wi.l' fieris s! il I tin e hope.' Uer eager ees met his, to catch impossible,1 that hope ere it was expressed .'In Masinryr we. will lHid lriends.n . . ! ! i Nor was i; a. falsje hope; ! Masonry iiiakt'S jio, talse, pretentious.-. LTii its pfiiiciples are pure. In.dispen sing'irs charities it sou'idd no trtitn, pet , nralv&s no- ost en tetiotii d isplay : but with a tact seeti only in JJJla-, sonry,.it8- recipients aruj relieved from xjyery feeling ol 'having vie ity, for the) heart is oihat it lias 1 recie'ved j'rom tiro bauds of brut hi en. To'IlALK.-The tp.eaiiino of this t ude, -au wubnsc'q ueuil r ?,;a 4--li to t olttiiiasotrtc "TIi i asd is of ten intsanpre ..-... . ... ..if-. - ". . '.:i :- i iiappuiess n inemeive ana -oe fuluessto their felldvfr 'iiifil t fitter vauous.to suiootiithe d trg pdlovctUale,y in his lexicon, a iys : si Hits- worda nsed atuctig Ma sons with two very diffjreht signtti- Lcations. 1. V hen auuiesseu as an inquiry; to a visitiug brot.'ier, it has trie same import as that in which it is nsed under like c-rcu in stances by manners. Thus : 'Whence do you hail T; that is, 'Jot what Lfidge are yqu a member V Used in this seno, it comes from the Saxou tenn. ! of salutattion, .el and i should s uss is con asons .understand lis sqnse it sig heiail derived -.. ! i i ; - r : D iiKe, io roo riu-m of the j widow's i frourth0 Saxon word HErUN," to mite, and the orphans i ajt?, i hide"' 'By-'Uie riile'ofietinollgyr Jliese unpriucallt-d ! meijiWMi eIiouIiI be spelt balel" 'Ihe Tviib.dib y. frjhp wineijiji i preset vluioo of this Saxon i word in sanctuaries of the Temple fAlason- i the Masonic dialect, while it has ly, eiee wny to many pi och bed its ceased to exist in the vernacular, is iimm.itorA t .!. . ' T ,rra; Mi ii;.' :-ui , i ( lue honors ot Unataccienl Order VOsseu chitrtif torbtHtrdasEnauui.tJ r in society. ? Fully accredited, they I ; ascend the Masonic i ladder tiutfl ,n A'nglo-S iheVJ haveLreachftd it& toonwwi round, liut not until thev have bcerlaced jujipii, jljTUn Hon and trust, positions imposing upon them great and ' responsible dut ic3 tbr tlie benefit of the fji dc r. , detheir real characters begiu'lo exhibit themselves' through tlie delegated piiwer of their offices not contcut with tho honois thetr a 61 1 iking proof of the antiquity of Uio .ordsr aud irs cerembuies in - ': ;- ! -r- s '- ', lo-Saxon is to be pronounced as u in be n ord Jatt:, t . .r , , ; f-In tbc; western parts of Eagfamd' says Lord Ktg uaHliU very day ioi-Ja2eover anyihing jsignlties arnogst tte;eomiB9c j-pfe io.6Urei ;aee bi thai 6dtreuY an houvL with tille orslateisca'ledahelliar. Critical Bit: rihe Apost&i Crtd, p 17rJ yy St f- ' Aai ti the Creation, leyeniqg came before morning, 60 in our mystic work . Vlvii.g. aiek ; aundat the Pachas! b) C;.;rVf r u'" u...,an.l dot v o v5 . - , taw. The ufjefi Wi iv chosen to lepre- e. revoiHUotrt ot Uitei ajiu ..-Ht Tlie -Ktn ? and - Vtrt! Oeria U Cfl-- TrxV .'u. b:t MoilttaHia..X4rw U ,u Ut am tti rai the o'Mie? sTvc TbeflilH ol' (iiWn . Wivi-r,;WyWiiii:f Tirritri';.' VSS ditf.refle mt.uHV material! alteration in it. Mlea!.iuMcojtr.t, and lTuU'fc R'ljM'' uuti ihi rtorrtr'' I. ,W.iV-,H Ho. ItiU h artutv' -c,.tie ni d .. rolorUa; "IV ... . ' 'r . - ; i , i cliroaiMjj i Oi iiiovahle tr . : I - i i , 4 cttroaiM,! nre ecRVi-MKV'lNmfhirtvWirtef ..basis eiH the tict tiatura' .AiiU , Br4.,-M t....1ti..Hu Jineataurv principles X vho-:4imuaii heart, i:s snct c-uiii:M ?f ihe oriftiv-Th pre: ri i iiioiroi n uriny -x wnino ii , America rr?iesf taiite.io' ai-itt-T to lire unbucribefn t lilt; AbLllNt: vv.iJ a bold but oedilivU; r : 1 ... .... 1' . ... " e i . TS . .. i p liar have : reinained uurhakt u 4tiu.dat tlie,ragi3 ! f 'everv varicO sioim arid to ttiishtrrr4mvt? 4lFeed-4-W'y idea.- n.ut it smrgtuifiil rr;uAti .ji,i I ...... I l .. .1. r ii ' . iii-nifu u ui " i 'nmvi ic ( kuunini. orer uie no decy. F.B ANON; w liv'bq n t letters f r u r Syiiavdeclat e tfjat the '.cedar Lebanon have ' diminished fioin a loresr to a sacred jgrove, gtiaids.d by apiit'St aud.jiroti'Cied by.- aj strpeiv s inooi iiie.pr"piic-y oi i-.aian nas long since been ln!iiled and "Lib ation isurned into a fruitful; lL;ld.; the'resh .the", tices of his' forest iie lew lliat a child may! write ilieiii.'ljj The cellars of Lebanon ecarcelj occupy a space eqjial to two acfles of grojimd. !. i ! Leba non is a;itrui'!ul tiehl; she uiull'ci n tee yifc!lds i s Iuhlvous' fruit, an'd its more ti-jei ill leaves with gracefnl luxuriance rai id a n; lr ral liwtire iiarvesrsj wavespo vfafcd -Utiy, in.in Tut: AIas 'Nit; liiv-To shioud tho itiiptMlVcMiofVpof -iMir Hniihei and clnJw. his infjrmititus i- j truely becoming a Miisoh. ' Lven ; ;jhe tllith sIiotild-n.t bb told at all times tor wnerc we cannot approve we, should ilpity iii silence, r What pleastirdjor profit can theie: ar'se by ex poSngl'r) ors oHaliGroJ er ! ItiiVirtuort to ex1iortfhiiiih is inhuman torevile him-bht to ridicule hitn;bef6ro. lhrW0riuMis in ler,,al.; Sg . igu,a:iiro ol M. it.ir.m hi.ni..'Tf. NEWMtK.N:.r.Sept.0tll,f873. Mrs Jajiv..Suttox t Co.' H4 treiitliiien I nin j il-.ielied .w'tiji . be prrtof in 'color of yourichmuioH. they .are ivoriitei fill .siicce.vlui rt-iireieiit'atiiii by' inc- cliauical, 'urocei of th lorfoifwl w In ting. .- lVr Kf m-i fully. . s j . Si?ne.l. , THOMAS MUKAX. Tlii-.-i c'ipiin 8 arc i.i ,svery, jo:ic Ameri can. They are by nn oniNat ' Ainericaa p:oie;"wrth iillerfel;.tl Anuiican iniiaiif.ir line, frniyf UeiiH f Auericai scenery hy a: i A'Werie;'n juiitcr, a:il preKeuti to sub'icnVrii to" th;- fiKt nircct'xiru! Ant'erirfili A rt Jnru.il. If no b-'tteT b-caiMii rnU .thi., they will cert ti ily piJ!Mv. at iuU'U'itiwt irrfig-i roJnc:ioii cjk,: iiixj.ire and iu-i;h.';r are tliey any the wifrxi Jf ly j-eaon of jjS'rn Ihr tacilities . of rtMluctioii they ewt th.1 l")uhh'!h;r8 only n Irifl svUilv ijual io.rvejp, re,iect t otlier ciir;iiH that are aojdjMii. kIv fur double the siiiWriptiou ptice itTTU V. IDLXE. . A'ermmi or taklc will prize llM Victure for tleiuc!fci riiotvfor Ueori tbey did or not cot will appreciate thj rt ierpriiie that reiid.iri1heir u jt riba tion 'p.f rtfany ubcriber !uwi!d indicate a pre&r encti nir nUfr fii'jeci, I lie piUIIfliera xea.l ;Thoirjhti of ilAfW,"a newaiid beaufi Wi'oso Ftotipbth hiicar atjlhe cry of the poor lie , also VsltJlcry himseltkouf ha Shall not be heard. Tlie ricJiand thtipoor meet togeth er the lord fs the maker ot them -it -rV , .? U ... - -U - :-; 11. a The fif.st lyidgc; established , i America was at Savannah Georgia, 1730: butjthe tirit Grnnd L-dge was at Bo4ton,'Mas3., two years a- ter. - j.;. ;j 1 ?; ; - . l - : .' . The oldest L fdge in the world Ja Antirjuity! L'dge Londfon. j Jobn 1. Butler, CltABtOTTE. N. C ! - i Dealer in s u pine Witcheji land Diamonds. ; Masonic Jewielrxaud Jev-" ' f els Hdr llib Lodgd on i hajid or to Order. -Dec. l ti'- .y 1 .- AM Dili IT si h aw i - i.a m m n m imh --.mm wa. , intii n i q h 1 1 ii i mi . i v i . j ,.'' ? V ' -. GomniiiriTcation Ul . 4.; sc. i '. i 'jfTififTvr i ,uj r a Ul. i;ii " atHf i4il..4iji..j b.j-av . s;:t 1 f J:tf Tlt ii! 'h..' .Kllll 3 VP v's; i.b-yili .t.ialtA on I'd . i .eUiaV mm': t. a. I.. wrw CI iri.ljird u-; ii Jlif, v' i itCJIiete AVlt Ua i qtA : MaspiiiqJiffQtji'i; .... jwui; Tidi!iM;frd4rf tlie Grit ft. ia ulj.igcptifrnrl - j;v - v 'i,.;r;i- .-a A mio urva . . . r f no l pt.iau eiilq-. u-liuno .fpeakiuif tries. betray fiil'ch romev 1 4 x?tt tncke . repreeutix a iii ttte Jpilirlu riilu-u iirhgs of the tun of'hia heart 1 -fii. It youAWoa K sV-: .'I -f fdib I ;; ... J l17 oii $5 per auiium, in ,ndranee,wfth ell . eliromos free r For 00 ceatr extra, the ebmiooa '.-will be nt, inaunted, varuiKged aud prepaid by naiJ, ' l-TIIE ALTJINE will tier rafter ''obtaiiia- ble only by nibucriplHn.. There 'Wilt te ae reduce or eluu rates I cab for raiMcriptions unit be aeet to the piibiiber direct, or handetl to'tbe.t.tcal eanrasaer withoqt nf nupiMuibinty te the publiber ezerpttn case where ,tb certificate m cireiv beariat ,tbe Iac-iiuil4 aignaturo of Jainca Sutton &. Co. . . - , - - -v. Cantassers Wanted. -J- s Any pera wishing to act pennanentJy aVa Irittd anvasaer wHI rreeive' fotf and pronpt i aforaaatioiv by e rpiyiji. tt i ijii ti. ? ! v JAMES StrTTON & CO , PnblUbem. V S3 Maiden Lane. New Yurk iiiV .M tlr rf l Bright iiv. jttqfonxy4 uaiiy stag 6 CiiXn toTTE i to Wadesdoro1 V W ADS WQimi&DA VI I5SON have opened v'a!? new Stage Route, (cary the U. S.aii)' from XJhar-i lofte to WadesboroVdiiiy.! Through tfefceta from : Charlotte to Wilmington, lit lower rates lhah by anp 'other Route, '.y 1 J j tcT Express packages taken on this route, at rcasonables rates. 8 u bs wi bee for t hov to t iit"yiirirt)'-' !T'TrtTTrn nn i Tti t avx .o. .a. ,-..11 i i ia r t Twcmty or mortj do 1-7541 TO J Aft if. -.mmi in u5wcl-. Jlii . ..--,-- act Agents v. a; k x Ht di p mnr t fWi 3 ' V. 0CtltlIBf(O'w i'MiMs.. ,1 'Hdt,liWJ l ;CH AS2 F.' H AltHISi 1 soi dec 1 j: 3.'; V-pTir; ...t - J

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