| For local news details \ f the Yancey Rec- 1 I ,• , I ord Every Week. * I [ I ins iijjUfw— wwfcwwiiwrapM—anop—* VOLUME FOUR FORD AGENCY OPENED ] HERE THIS WEEK ' N ' Whitt Motor Sales, new Ford agency for Yancey County will be located here with A. Z. Whitt of < Marshall personally i n charge. The agency is locat ed in the Styles Brothers Garage building. The new agency will han dle Forts an( * Mercury cars . and Ford trucks. It will also deal in used cars and trucks*. Mr. Witt has been an es tablished Ford dealer in Marshall for more than 20 years, an<j has been very successful in the manage ment of his business there. BAPTIST MISSIONARY CIRCLE IS ORGAN IE D The organization of a business woman’s circlfe of the Baptist Missionary So ciety was completed at a meeting held at the church on Monday evening. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Watson Williams; vice president, Miss Thelma An glin ; secretary - treasurer, Eloise Chase; circle leader, Mrs. Ivan Westell; personal service chairman, Miss Lucy Gibbs; Bible study leader, Mrs. C. R. Hamrick ; pianist, Miss Louise Watson. The first Tuesday even ing'of each month was sel ected as the meeting time. The Missionary Society of the church honored pro spective members of the circle with a supper given at the churclf on Friday evening. YANCEY ASSOCIATION WILL HOLD SPRING SESSION The Yancey Baptist As sociation will hold the spring session at the Jack’s Creek church on Friday, May 10th, . Each church is urged to send as large a delegation as possible. Rev. J. E. Hensley will speak first §n the morning program and representa tives will then discuss the Biblical Recorder, the Or phanage and the Hospital. Rev. B. S. Hensley will bring the missionary ser mon. Rev. Ben Lee Ray will open the afternoon session, after which a round table discussion of church- prob lems will be held. Rev. R. E. Powell will speak. Monroe Mclntosh is moderator of the association. MRS. CRAIG WILL BE GUEST SPEAKER AT CLUB Mrs. A. R. Craig of Spruce ' Pine will be guest speaker at the meeting of the Burnsville Woman’s Club on Thursday evening. Mrs. Craig is a missionary to China, and her talk will be of particular interest to members of the club. R. O, Miss Ella Horton are hostesses, and the meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Briggs. THE YANCEY RECORD SUB. RATES: SI.OO YEAR. * LEGION POST MEETS AT BALD CREEK The Earl Hprton Post of the American Legion, and the Auxiliary, met Tuesday evening at Bald Creek. High School. Mrs. Earl W. Wil son and Mrs. Monroe Mc- Intosh were hostesses, and they were assisted by Mrs. Ralph Neill and Mrs. J. N. Snow. p In separate business ses sions the two groups dis cussed and voted on mat ters of business. The Legion Post voted to sponsor a Legibn Junior base ball team with R. A; Charles as coach. Plans for the obser vance of Memorial Day were also under discussion. Oscar L. Young, post com mander, was in the chair. The Auxiliary arranged for the Memorial Poppy sale with Mrs. R. N. Silver as chairman. Reports were heard from committees. Those who attended the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Young of Green Mtn., Rev. and Mrs. J. N. Snow, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Neill, Mr. an<j Mrl. Monroe Mclntosh, Mr. and Mrs. Dover Fouts, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cheadle, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Silver, Mr. and "Mrs. C. L. Proffitt, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Charles, Mrs. R. Y. Tilson and Mrs. C. R. Ram rick. , ", MATTRESS PROJECT I LAUNCHED HERE Representatives of ten Western North Carolina counties met at the com munity club house in Bur nsville Friday to plan-for setting up a mattress mak ing project. This program, recently inaugurated by the AAA, is planned to aid families in obtaining mattresses at a small cost. The project so far has been set up in six demonstration counties in the state in order to see how it might be worked out most satisfactorily, and to ascertain the response of the farmers to the plan. The meeting Friday was the first planning meeting to be held in the TV A watershed counties, and was one of a series of group county meetings planned for the state. R. H. Crouse, Yancey co unty farm agent; presided at the meeting and intro duced ' Fred Sloan, of Franklin, western district 'agent. Mr. Sloan and Miss Anna C. Rowe, western dis trict home demonstration agent, explained the put pose of the meeting and discussed plans for begin ning the project in the vari ous counties. '' ~ ‘ -Miss Pauline fi. Gordon of Raleigh, home manage ment specialist of the ex* tension service, and Mr. A. B. Starnes, also of Raleigh, gave a mattress making de monstration and led the discussion cbhcerning all phases of the work. . . Avery, Burke, Cherokee, Clay, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Swain, Watauga and Yancey counties were represented. —‘=*■ : * “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY" BURNSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1940. - COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES ——— *> - Bee-LOg High School V Sunday evening, April 28.—Baccalaureate exercises, school auditorium. Rev. Dean N. f Dobson, Jr., speaker. , ' V Wednesday evening, May I.—Graduation exercises. Hon. Zeb Curtis of Asheville, speaker. A Micaville High School | Friday evening, April 26.—The Primary? Grades will present operetta. ,1 '% Sunday evening, April 28. —Baccalaureate services, Rev. A. R. Craig, speaker. JL Monday evening, April 29.—Seventh promo tion exercises. • Tuesday evening, April 30.—Music Recital. Wednesday evening, May I.—Graduation exercises. Hon. E. F. Watson, speaker. % > Clearmont High School Friday evening, April 26.—Junior Play. § Sunday evening, April 28.—Baccalaureate services. Rev Geo. K. Neff, speaker. Wednesday evening, May I.—Graduation exercises. Dr. Hoyt Blackwell, speaker. # - Bald Qteek High School Thursday evening, April 25.—Junior play. Sunday morning, April 28.—Baccalaureate services. Rev J. N, SnoW, speaker. . Monday evening, April 29.—Music Recital; Wednesday evening, May 1. —Graduation exercises; Hon. C. P. Randolph; speaker. Burnsville High School I Friday evening, April 26.—Senior class operetta. Sunday evening, April 28.—Baccalaureate exercises. Dr. Hoyt Blackwell, speaker. Monday evening, April 29.—Seventh grade promo tion exercises. Tuesday evening, April 30. —Graduation exercises. Hon. J. M. Broughton, speaker. BELOVED SONGS IN ] “SWANEE RIVER” ] | The best-loved songs Os | Stephen C. Foster, the great American trouba dour, are heard in “Swanee River,” the 20th Century* 1 Fox Technicolor produc- ' tion, featuring Don Ame che, Andrea Leeds and A1 Jolson at the Yancey Thea-;: tre on Monday anj Tues day. Ameche, who plays the:! composer, and Jolson, who : plays E. P. Christy, mins- i trel king of that colorful < day, sing several of the i songs, and other melodies are rendered by the famous < Hall Johnson Choir. . Among the numbers sung are “The Old Folks at 1 Home” (Swanee ‘ River), “Old Kentucky Home,” ; “Oh! Susanna!”, “De Camp town Races.” “Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair” and “Ring, Ring de Banjo.” Also heard in the film are ; Foster’s “Beautiful Dream- i er” an<j “Soiree Polka.” . , “Swanee RivjpiJ’ faithful- , ly tells the of Foster’s , life as he ctually lived it. - His life contained all the dramatic ingredients all the romance, the comedy and the color—which go into the making of a great motion picture.*Few liber ties were taken with the facts, for there was no nee<| to do more than portray them faithfully. SENIOR OPERETTA The Senior class of Bur nsville Hig School will pre sent the operetta “An Old' Kentucky Garden” on Fri day evening in the school auditorium. The operetta is based on the music of Stephen C. Foster, and combines both dramatic and—romantic situations,. The costuming and stage settings add much to the effectiveness of the presentation. " rV " 1 iri " 5 Health Department And Yancey Theatre Announce New -Film An unusual short motion picture “A Nevt Day” will be shown at the Yancey Theatre on Monday and Tuesday of next- week through the cooperation of the district health ment and the manager of the theatre. In this picture, which shows the story of man’s fight against pneumonia, many facts about this dread disease are brought out most vividly. “A New Day” is sponsor ed by the United States Health Service and the Me tropolitan Life insurance Company as a contribution that is now being waged against pneumonia. RECORD A new enrollment peak in 4-H Club work was reached last year with more than 1,381,500 boys and girls belonging to 79,500 clubs in the United States and the territories. mickiesays— ' : 'a m callth' want ads OUR*MKSHTY MIDGE TS n becuxthe/re SMALL BUT THEY GET RESULTS BENEFITS OF Ol'R BIG CIRCULATION ... TER. A TEW NICKELS r/rrn fyl NOTICE • Services at the Deyton! Bend church will not be held on next Sunday morn ing as planned because the pastor, the Rev. J..N. Snow, will deliver the Baccalaur eate sermon to the gradu ating class of Bald Creek High School at that time. The services will be held at 8:00 o’clock Sunday evening at the home of R. C. Deyton. - The report of the build ing committee will be heard, and it is important that every member of the church attend. CLEARMONT ECHOES Juniors to Present Play “Look Who’s Here,” a comedy in three acts, by Charles George, will bb pre sented by the Junior Class at eight o’clock Friday eve ning, April 26, under the direction of Miss Islean Ray. The play is filled with funny situations. Lyman Winchell has been married for sometime an<j is living on an allowance from his Aunt Alice, a spinster who has been living abroad. Aunt Alice is dead set against marriage anj one of his stipulations in her monthly allowance to Ly man is that he remains sin gle; The unexpected visit of old friends, together with the unexpected arriv al of Aunt Alice, bring about such funny complica tions that it is almost im possible to see how they will ever be straightened out. One laugh piles on top of another to the very end. The cast of characters in cludes, Bill Renfro, Verna Deyton, Jack Bailey, Belva Hughes, Pauline Renfro, Gladys Renfro, James Gar land, Lucille Ruth Williams. SCHOOL PLANS FAIR FOR PARENT’S DAY Following the annual cus tom of Clearmont, Wednes day, May 1, has been set aside as Parent’s Day. Ors this day the seventh grade graduation exercises will be held. The chief feature of the program for Parent’s Day is , a school fair to be held in the school’s aduitorium. Each grade, class, and club is to sponsor a booth and demonstration portraying some outstanding phase of 1 work done during the year. In addition to the class room exhibits, the follow ing'' 'clubs will have booths and team demonstrations: Four-H Club, Hobby Club, Aviation club, Dramatics club, Voca tion club, and Good English club. FACULTY "SELECTS HONOR STUDENTS Fourteen gold medals are to be awarded at the annual commencement ex ercises, Wednesday evening May I. >• The following honor stu dents have been chose by (Continued on p«g« four) j J. M. BROUGHTON j I Will Deliver Address at Burnsville High School Hon. J. M. Broughton, prominent Raleigh attorn ey and one th® fading citidens of North Carolina, will deliver the Literary Address at the Burnsville High School graduating ex ercises on Tuesday evening, April 30th A. Mr, Broughton is a gra duate of Wake Forest Coll ege and has been a leader in many activities in the state during the past years. He has served as president of Wake County Bar Asso ciation and the North Caro lina Bar Association, a member of State ‘ Senate from Wake -County, mem ber of the Board of Trus tees of Wake Forest Coll ege and of Raleigh Public library, president of Ral eigh chamber of commerce. These and many other posi tions of responsibility and trust in the state have given him a wide and vari ed background. Mr. Broughton is now a candidate for the nomina tion for governor of North Carolina. PROCLAMATION 4 £■ Better Homes Week Whereas, by proper au thority, the Week of April 28th to May 4th has been designated as Nati onal Better Homes Week; And Whereas, it is fit ting that the County 5 of Yancey and The Town of Burnsville should parti cipate in the laudable un dertaking of improving and beautifying the homes of our communi ty; Now, Therefore, I, J. Frank Huskins, Mayor of The Town of Burnsville, do hereby proclaim the week of April 28th to May 4th to be, and the same is hereby designat ed and set aside as, BET TER HOMES WEEK for The Town of Burnsville. This April 24, 1940. J. Fi-ank Huskins, Mayor. - ■ “ Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Canipe of Black Mtn., Mr. and Mrs. Verna Hensley of Elizabethtown, Mrs; Mary i Westall, Mr. and Mrs. Kelse s Boone, Mrs. Ruth Deaton, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hensley, r Mrs. Merritt Hampton and Gillon Westall all of Erwin . attended the funeral of r Miss Idylle Batner here Saturday. iiroitwwi ! The Yancey Record I —Your home county ■ newspaper carries all I. local news. VnatisuatieueiieuaweiieiianeiisiiwieiieMeitauadeiteiieiieMaueui NUMBER THIRTY-EIGHT FUNERAL SERVICES CONDUCTED FOR - BUTNER Funeral services for Miss Idylle Butner, 30, were held at the Burnsville Baptist church at 10:30 Saturday morning. Miss Butner died at Black Mountain Thurs day morning following an illness of several months*- The Rev. Geo. K. Neff, the Rev. J. S. Folger, Rev. R. E. Powell and B; M. Tomberlin officiated at the services. 1 Active pall bearers were Wood Butner, Gerrard Butner, Verna Hensley, .r Ray Hilliard, Glenn Gard- J / ner and Lyna Hensley. Honorary pall bearers. l were Cecil Higgins, L. V. Pollard, H. S. Edge, W. E. Anglin, Clarence Byrd, James Hutchins, Dr. J. C. Burges, Jr. Dr. B. C. Dig gings, Dr. W. B. Robertson, Dr. C. M. Cheadle, Ivan Westall, A. G. Edge, Dr. G. M. Whisnant, B. M. Tom berlin, Charles Tomberlin, Alden Tomberin, J. Frank Huskins, Bert Higgins, Arney Fox, George Robin son, Clarence Robinson, G. L. Hensley. Tho,ge in charge of the flowers were Miss Clara belle Ayers, Mrs, John Wil son, Mrs. Frank Huckins, Miss Qllie Styles, Miss Will ie Hensley, Miss Lucille Banks, Miss Thelma Anglin, Miss Lucille Erwin, Miss Alice Roland 'Mrs™ v Pollard, Mrs. J. B. King, Miss Ruby Robinson, Miss Ethel Boone, Mrs. Cecil Hggins, Miss Lila H’Jiard, Mrs. Nina Evans. Burial was in the Mc- Cracken cemetery. Miss Butner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Butner of Burnsville, gra duated from Burnsville High School in 1928 and at tended Appalachian State Teachers College, Boone. She taught in the Yancey School system for several years and was a jnember of the Baptist church. Surviving are hpr par ents; one brother, Henry; three sisters, Mrs. Floyd Banks, and Misses Mary L. an<i Lou Etta Butner all of Bumville. Holcombe & Edwards Funeral Home was in charge of funeral arrange ments. LAST RITES FOR MRS! FRED ATKINS OF SIOUX Mrs. Fred Atkins, 30, died at her home at Sioux on Saturday, April 13. Fun eral services were held Monday afternoon with burial in the Atkins ceme tery. Surviving are the hus band, Fred Atkins; three children, Jewel, Pauline and Ivan; ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. W ill Deyton; three sis ters, Mrs. Wash Bryant, Mrs. Opha King Miss Belle Deyton* four broth ers, Jim, Jesse, Cicero Roy Deyton. ' E. W. Mullikin, superin tendem of Northwest Caro lina Utilities, Inc., of West Point, Va. is spending some ! time in Burnsville and Mar* r

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