4 I- ***’■ ■ *•. 1' '< For local news details { \ Read the Yancey Rec- 1 1 a ord Every Week. I i b ’ VOLUME FIVE ' FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MRS. J. R. BURTON Mrs. J. R. Burton, Sr. died at her home here on Sunday night a t 9:15 o’clock following an illness of several months, Funeral services were held at the Higgins Memor ial Methodist church a t 10:00 o’clock ..Tuesday Mcrning. The Rev. J. S. Folger, pastor, officiated assisted by Rey. J. L. Rey nolds, former pastor, Rev. Smoot Baker, pastor of the Burnsville Baptist church and Rev. Paul H. Merkle, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Active jjall, bearers for the services'"' were G. L. Hensley, Charles Watson and Welzie Riddle, Jr., nephews and Bill McNeill, Bailey Whitt and Ed Hol combe, friends of the fam ily. Members of the Wom an’s Bible Class-of the Me thodist Sunday school were in charge of the flowers. Survivors include the husband, three daughters, Mrs. Earl Johnston and Mrs. S. M. Williams o f Flint, Mich, and Mrs. Al bert Jphnson of Rosscom mon, Mich; two sons, J. R. Burton, Jr., of Detroit and Clarence Burton of Grand Blanc, Mich.; four sisters, Mrs. James B. Hensley of Asheville, Mrs. C. G. Hor ner of Wake Forest and Mrs. Fred Proffitt and Mrs. J. A. Watson of Bur nsville. Several grand children also survive. Mrs. Burton was former ly Miss Nan Hampton, the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. G. M. F. Hampton. She was born at Bakersville on Sept. 9, 1878. She had been a member of the Methodist church since early child hood and had always taken part in all church activities. She had also been a mem ber of the Burnsville Wom an’s club for many y^ars. Burial was in the Burns ville Cemetery. Holccftnbe Home was in charge of fun an d Edwards Funeral eral arrangements. Oglethorpe, Ga. FOUTS IS APPOINTED TO COMMITTEES IN LEGISLATURE The General Assembly of North Carolina has begun its session, and committees have been appointed by both the House and the Senate. * Dover R. Fouts, repre sentatives from Yancey County, has been named to the following committees: , Conservation and Develop ment of which C. P. Rog ers, Sr. r of Tryon is chair man ; Constitutional amend ments, Courts and Judicial Districts, Education, Elec tion and Election laws, Federal Relations, Finance, Game, Insane Asylums, Ju? dieiary No. 1, Military af fairs, Penal Institutions, Pensions, Public Utilities, Public Welfare, Roads, Jus tices of the Peace, Library. (Raleigh News and Obser ver) Mr. and Mrs. Roy\ Dun can are ill at their home at Riverside. THE YANCEY RECORD “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY” SUB. RATES; SI.OO YEAR. BURNSVILLE SCHOOL HONOR ROLL FOR FIRST SEMESTER The Burnsville ' School honor roll for the first sem ester has beenannounced by B. M. Tomberlin, princi pal. It is as follows; High School o o Senior Class; (Average above 95) June Ayers, Beuna Ellen Bailey, Nelle Bodford, Earnest Banner. (Above 90) Jewell Atkins, Mary Glatly, Margaret Riddle, Ralph Hall, Ruth Mclntosh. J Junior Class: (.Above 95) Kathryn Ramsey, Charles Hamrick (Above 90) Louise Jamerson, Vir ginia Edney, Mary D. Bailey, Hope Bailey; Mar garet Allen, Dale Banner, Ralph Bostain. Sophomore Class: (Above 95) Francis Harris, John Lee Ray. (Above 90) Camalee Towe, Evelyn Briggs. Erlene Jones; Dick Bailey, Dick Mclntosh. Freshman Class: (Above 95) Charles Proffitt, Lou cretia Blankenship. (Above 90) Doris Penland, Carroll Angel, Edward Wilson. Grades . Seventh Grade: Rosa Lee Hammond, Mary Lil lian Boone, Mary Woody, Royce Silvers. Sixth Grade: Martha Bailey, Mary Francis Ham rick, Barbara Higgins, Clara Lee Griffith, Romie Burns, Carl Mclntosh, Lan don Proffitt, Ray Staton, Gene Woody. Jane Robison, Junior Wheeler, Don Croley, Billy Banks, Frances Doris Boone, Mildred Wes tall; Mary B. Peterson, Clara Mae Smith. Fifth Grade: Mary Ellen Banks, Mary Evelyn Hen sley, Philip Styles, R. E. Hennessee, Wilma Smith Jean Robison, Wilma Ang lin, Peggy Jean Huskins, Bendene Silver, Ruth Banks, Elizabeth Ramsey, Freida Brown, Clara D. Banner, Betty Wray Hen sley, Mary Blake Wilson, Evelyn Hamrick, Mary Lou Sorrells. * Fourth Grade: Philip Banks, Betty Lee Fox, Gloria Arm Fletcher, Le land Westall, Wade Silver, Peggy Ann Fox, Phyllis Rowland, J. C. Styles, Frank Fox, Lela Bodford. Third Grade: Wanda Hope Charles, Virginia Sue Banks, Bobby Ruth Banks, Reba Banks, June Horton, “Dannie Fouts; Llewellyn Ray, Robert Tilson, Charles Gillespie. Max Buckner, Betty Hammond, Loyce Woody, Jeanette Smith, Sarah Hamrick, Ola Mae Covey,. Barbara Angel, Mable Lee Blankenship. Second Grade: Eunice Hammond, James Delling er, Billie ITall, Cora Payne, Evelyn Watson Riddle, Aaron Wilson, Nancy Buckner, Nancy Byrd, Wayne Cooper, Ray Coop er, Susan Weller, Helen Westall, Peggy Styles, Dor is Styles, Jack Edge, Larry Fletcher, Frank Wilson, Tommy L. Edwards, J. A. • Banks, Tommy Tilson. First Grade: Joe Matt son, Jay Wilson, Clifford .■ —1 rr jr-A fV- _ DURNSVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1941 - ——- < .Jr THE NORTHWESTERN BANK REPORTS GAINS The Northwestern Bank has reported a considerable increase in business during 1940. The home bank is located in North Wilkes boro, and branch banks are located in Sparta, Boone, Blowing Rock, Bakersville, J§ffe rso n, Taylorsville, Valdese and Burnsville. Deposits have increased from $3,344,828.77 in 1938 to $4,740,716.17 in Dec. "31, 1940 as shown by the state ment of condition released this week. r , Total assets were listed on Dec. 31, 1940 as compared to $4,361, 820.32 in Dec. 1939 and $3, 733.119.30 in' Dec.. 1938. This is an increase of over a million and a half dollars during the past two years. There are now over 25,000 depositors of the. bank. The annual meeting was held' in North WRkesboro on Tuesday and all direcr tors were reelected. These are R. A. Doughton, Harry Bailey, W. C. Berry, W. B. Collins, R. L. Roughton, Ralph Duncan, W. D. Far thing, G. W. Greene, M. A. Higgins, W. W. Mast, J.JL Prevette, M., E. Reeves, N. B. Smithey. W. J. Caroon, secretary, tendered his resignation, to become effective Tuesday. His successor has not been named. All other officers Were ‘reflected; 'These are R. A. Doughton, president; Edwin Duncan, executive vice president; John C. Mcßee, vice president. In the local bank R. N. Scott is cashier, Marguer ite- G. McKinney is assist 1 ant -cashier and 1 Trena Presnell Fox is assistant cashier. Members of the local board of managers are C. M. Bailey, Robert Presnell and B. R. Penland. SUPERIOR COURT WILL CONVENE JANUARY 20 . A one week term-of , Sup erior Court will convene in Burnsville on Monday, Jan uary 20 with Judge Allen H. Gwynn presiding. Civil cases will be heard. The following names have been drawn for the jury list: Gus Edwards; C. E. Ran dolph, Silas E. King, C. A. Hilliard, Char lie King, Jesse J. Wheeler, D. S. Johnson, Geo. W. Higgins, Allison English, George Greene, L. P. Horton, Car roll Deyton; W. W. Burton, P. S. Bra dley, Hiram Higgins, W. C. Gurley, Luster Wilson, Mack Hensley, C. L. McMa han, Robert Presnell, Bud Grindstaff, -Henry Grind staff, D. C. Letterman, L. C. Bracken. Peterson, Andy Brown, Frances Wilson, Nelda Pet erson, Betty Presnell, Ena Kate Smith, Doris Bod ford, Virginia Dare Chase, Helen Angel. Steve Buchanan, Clyde Dellinger, Robert Jones, Bernice Hilemon, Belle McCourry, Maude Blank enship, Mildred Blanken ship, Louise Fox, Norma Patton, Faye Styles, Billy Butner, Louise McMahan, Grace Fox. y ■ . ■ BURNSVILLE —l~ 15 Years Ago / (January ssj 1926) Lester Byrd of Asheville spent a part of the week with relatives at Jacks Creek. . : q - Z. V. Benhett is here from Sarasota Fla. to spend two weeks. He plans to return to Florida short- Mrs. Pearl Newcomb of Montana has been added to the faculty of'Stanley-Me- Cormiek school. The contract for the new bank building has been awarded, and \ work will begin March j|* ----- R. W. Wilson is now Mayor of Burnsville, hav ing been elected recently to succeed M. A* Bailey, re signed. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gibbs, Jr. arrived in the city' Wednesday from Ken tucky. Mrs. S|i)bbs, before her recent rh|rriage, was Miss Freda Riley of Gray son, Ky. i A protacted winter spell has been on is this moun tain section for the past two weeks, with the mer cury hanging taround zero most of the time and with several inches of snow and ice covering the face of old mother earth.; The memlfcrs of the Presbyterian gave their pastor, Rev. V. C. Detty, a old fashioned pounding last Tuesday night. The preacher is ex pected to recover unless he partakes too heartily of the good things toted to him by his little flock. S. C. Blankenship of Pensacola was a business visitor to Burnsville last Wednesday. WOMAN’S CLUB Mrs. W. W. Hennessee and Mrs. J. S. LeFevre were hostesses to members of the Woman’s Club on Thursday, January 9, at the home of Mrs. Henne ssee. The president, Mrs. Hubert Justice, presided over the business session. Reports were heard from several committees, and the president appointed the following nominating com mittee to nominate officers for the club year of 1941- 1942: Mrs. J. S. LeFevre, Mrs. R. W. Wilson and Mrs. Hobart Ray. The program was given over to a discussion of in dustry in North Carolina. Mrs. W. B. Wray, Jr. r£ad an article on that subject by the state president, Mrs. John D. Robinson. The foll owing committee was ap pointed to collect minerals typical of this section of North Carolina for a nati onal club exhibit in May: Mrs. J. S. LeFevre, Mrs. W. W. Hennessee, and Mrs. Dover R. Fquts, Mrs. P. C. Coletta, Mrs. W. B. Wray, Jr., and Mrs. John Robin son were also appointed to make a scrapbook to be used at this same exhibit. A social hour followed and refreshments were ser ved by the hostess. / COUNTY AGENT’S FARM NOTES (R. H. Crouse, Agt. V. J. Goodman Asst Agt.) Applications for pay ment under the 1940 Agri cultural Conservation Pro gram will be ready to sign at the times specified on the schedule below, far mers are urged to come out to the meetings to sign their applications. Orders will also be taken for lime and phosphate at these meetings and those who want to get lime and phos phate in the early spring should sign at once. Far mers are requested not to come to the County Agents Office to sign applications before these dates, as they will not be ready. It is very necessary that these appli cations be signed now in or der that the checks will not be delayed. Cane River: Glenn Proffitt’s Store, Monday, Jan. 20th, 1:00-4:30 P. M. Elk Shoal Church, Monday, Jan. 20th, 9:00-11:30 A. M. Egypt: Markle Building Tuesday, Jan. 21 9:00-11:39 A. M. Bee Log High~Sch ool Tues. Jan. 21, 1:30-4:30. Ramsey town: Little Creek School, Wed. Jan. 22, 9:00-11:00 A. M. Vot ing place, Wed.“ Jan. 22, 1:30-4:30 P. M. Brush Creek: L. D. Tho mas Mill, Thursday, Jan. 23, 9:00-10:00 A. M. Vot ing place, Thursday, Jan. 23, 10:15-12:00. Green Mtn.: J. W. How ell’s Store, Thursday, Jan. 23, 1:00-4:00 P. M. Jacks Creek: Presby terian Center, Friday, Jan. 24, 9:00-11:30 A. M. Clear mont High School, Friday, Jan. 24, 1:30-4:30 P. M. Pensacola: Brook Wil son’s Store, Monday, Jan. 27, 9:00-10:15 A. M. H. D. Ray’s Store, Vix.en, Mon day, Jan. 27, 10:30-11:30. Crabtree: Presnell’s Store, Monday, Jan. 27, 1:30-4:00 P. M. Micaville High School, Monday, Jan. 27, 7:00 P. M. South Toe: Wilson’s Store, Busick, Tuesday, Jan. 28, 9:00-10:00 A. M. Geo. Autrey Old Store, Tues. Jan. 28, 10:15-11:45, E. D. Gibbs’ Store, Tues. Jan. 28, 1:00-4:00 P. M. Prices Creek: Silas Hensley’s Store, Wed. Jan. 29, 9:00-12:00 A. M. Her bert England’s Store, Wed. Jan. 29, 1:00-4:00 P. M. FEW CASES OF FLU REPORTED IN COUNTY So far Yancey county seems to be extremely for tunate in escaping the flu epidemic which is wiae spred throughout the coun try and also in this imme diate section. Comparative ly few cases have been re ported and in most of the schools whose principals have been contacted there has been no considerable decrease in attendance. No schools have been closed as yet. The citizens of the co unty are being urged to take every precaution and to avoid unnecessary risks in contracting or spreading the disease. CROP AND FEED LOANS SOON TO BE AVAILABLE Plans For ’4l Disclosed By Field Supervisor Arrangements are being made to launch Farm Cred it Administration loans early in 1941, S. S. Willi ams, field supervisor of the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan office of the admin istration, ’ announced yes terday. Mr. Williams made the statement following a visit of the state and regional office officials in Asheville last week. While here, the officials reviewed the work of the past year and map ped plans for the coming year. Mr.' Williams explained that since the funds used in making emergency crop loans come from a revolv ing fund, it is not necessary to await congressional ap propriations. “Because of conditions in some sections of this terri tory, due to floods last summer,” Mr. Willi §ms said, “we realize that more ; farmers will need assistan i ce for their farming opera ■ tions next year. The Emer gency CropDoam off ice will make this loan available to . farmers who will need as • distance -&nd who are eligi , ble for this type of loan.” During the year 1940, - more than 12,500 farmers . in North Carolina received - loans and more than 90 per . cent has been paid to date, the supervisor said. Many • ioans were made to farm . ers in Western North Car^ olina, and at this time to ■ bacco_ is being sold which , will substantially increase the percentage of collec tions. A number of coun ties in the state, including some counties in Western North Carolina, have re paid their loans 100 per cent during the years past, he added. First loans in the state began in 1929 and since this dkte through 1940, 255,458 North Carolina farmers received loans through the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan agen cy totaling $23,546,000.00 repayment to date on all loans made is approximate ly 93 per cent. North Caro lina leads the United Stat es in the percentage of col lections of loans. Due to some changes in territories in this section, Yancey and Mitchell coun ties have been transferred to the Asheville territory, and will bq under the sup ervision of S. S. Williams; field supervisor, Asheville, N. C. Mr. Joines will con tinue to serve the Boone 1 territory. Announcement is expect ed to be made within the ' next few days regarding ' accepting applications for ‘ loans to farmers this year. The local office for the 1 western part of the state is ! in Room 505, Court House, ! Asheville. i ... i Less than two tons is the . capacity of 88 per cent of > all trucks on American I highways. Loads as high as j five tons are carried by 1 less than one per .cent of all trucks in the United States. _ -«■■■ I The Yancey Beeord • -Tour horn, count, newspaper carries all , | local news. 1t ' ■ V'<«ii«iiaiiaji«iiai.a"aMaiiamaH«iiauaiiafiai(a«iajte«iaiicH9iMMtaH« NUMBER TWENTY-FOUft FUNERAL SERVICES FOR JOHN PARKER, 79 Funeral services for John Parker, 79, were held at the Elk Shoal church at 2:00 o’clock Sunday noon. Rev. J. N. Snow, pas tor of the Bald Creek Methodist Church' of which the deceased was a mem ber, conducted the services. Mr. Parker was a resi dent of Bald Creek for many years, and ho was widely known throughout the section as a shoe maker, scfme'years ago. He follow ed this trade for many years and tanned the leath er for his use and made many articles of the leather besides boots and shoes. He also owned and operated a blacksmith shop but sold this a few years ago. Surviving is one brother, Gaither Parker of Ashe ville and a half brother, Newt Ballings, of Concord community in this county. Visits Local Draft Board Major J. C. Donald from State Headquarters of the Selective Service System, Raleigh visited the local draft board on Thursday, January 9. Major Donald checked the office, the re cords as work done to date and explained classifica tion and other duties of board members and office force. —t ——— PROPOSED REAPPOR TIONMENT WOULD AF FECT YANCEY COUNTY The population of the State of North Carolina, as shown by the 1940 census, is large enough to entitle the state to an additional representative in the Na tional Congress. There have been two pro posals as to how this extra representative may be named: First, a “repre sentajtive-at-large” from the state might be named; second, the 10th and 11th congressional districts, which have shown the greatest increase in popu lation during the 1930-1940 period, may be reappor tioned so that an addition al district would be created. The former plan is not favored by leaders of the state, and if the latter plan, as now proposed, is carried out it will affect counties in the two districts in this way: New 10th District: Avery, Burke, Catawba, Lincoln, Mecklenburg and Mitchell, all now in the pre sent 10th district. New 11th District: Cleveland, Gaston, McDow ell, Madison, Polk, Ruther ford, and Yancey counties. New 12th District: Buncombe, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Hen derson, Jackson, Macon, Swain and Transylvania, all now in the present 11th district. Ten billion dollars in state gasoline taxes and registration fees were paid by motorists of the United States in the decade ended with 1940, more than dou ble what they paid in the previous decade.

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