•• »<*•< » Mr ■: • « • t • * jß|\ : news details ! th e Yancey Bee- I Every Week. I WSSs^^^^tiS?' 7 ' ■•; 4b ■Kume five ■'OTA GIVEN FOR ■LECTIVE SERVICE |Vrhe February quota foi ■Be selective military train ing service is eight. Volun jßers will fill this quota and Key ...will be sent to Fort Bragg -on Wednesday, Feb Buary 19. B The following are the who have been ■ notified by the local draft ■ hoard to report to the [local draft board here on February 18: Clifton Lau rence Wheeler, Horace Sil ver, Burnsville, route 1; Luther James Banks, John King, Nevil Boone, Burns ville; Woodrow Bradford, “Murley Williams, Bee Log; Guy David Thomas, Green BjL ft. 1. Lee Byrd will ■L'* included but has re- H to be inducted B'eekmore, Ky. are re in case any of rs do not pass Clair Laws, HBBRuk i volunteer i, Earl HHBBII, route 1, William mjmXlg lensley, Swiss, Glenn jßjßknglish. route 1, John I? n , Silver, star route. HRic Program Feb. ISth Be men have boon noti : to meet at the court- Xpuse on Tuesday after won" at 3:00 o’clock. A Bhort meeting will be held [at which time a speaker l will addresslr the‘group and ecy appr^riateexep^sfts 5 invited to attend the ;ing. i : I REPUBLIC SERVICE STATION NOW OPEN B new Service Station °Hnpublic gas and oil week for busi ss Frank English as -n Alpine is distributor of service sta tioßK are given, and f onl|F'|swt and second grade station is lo i cat«Pln ! West Main Street on the Asheville highway. HONEYCUTT CHILD PASSES TUESDAY AT SWISS Glenn Honeycutt, 9 mon ths old son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Honeycutt, died Tuesday at 3 A. M. . Surviving, are his parents and the following brothers and sisters: Jack of Bur ner, Lum, Margaret, Rufife, Edwin, Josepnine and Jane of Swiss. | B Funeral services were lit the family cemetery Bee Log. C. M. Cheadle left at Wednesday for Coral 8, Fla’, because of erious condition of Cheadle • '-XL - gllliL « J , 1 X ; s >i, Agfe IT ■ aßwlir. i' i \ m ' mcßn|£ L I 1 ' \tj HnK /" v - bI J L<. \M, 'JwJBIPII'JBbBi I £ 'V » mmMmmmßemmf 4 TOR mm** • | M Hr WTpjgV’ " ygpSaf Mb |£ . m 1 ■ \ 1 IJfeif Wmk m BMIM I 4 .GRBIR9ULM Wl, > * I , I fl|| H IL' Jl \ l.i It s laLiil ft f, \ mHI if 1 Rc I B»|<« aw— Pvt RRI l BiBBMi t 1 Representative and Delegates. The above picture shows four SeutK American delegates to the Inter-American Institute at the University of Horth Carolina I at Chapel HilUand Dover R. Fouts, representative. The picture whs made when members of the N. C. Legislature spent one day at Chapel Hill. From left to right: Carlos Munoz of Peru, Senorita Netter Lauder of Chile, Mr. Fouts, Senor -1 ita Victoria Noguera of Chille, Senorita Jnana Gahdarillos of Chple. ( _ a “OVER EIGHTY” Each .week we are pub lishing story about citizenjior citizens of the counjppvho are 80 years old jwolder. Jf you know soUbwune who has reached th JH# we shall -appreC iJ§r sending the in fjnpmaon to us. We al roffpnove on hand a nura be*F of stories and plan to publish one each week. Mrs. JonnM. Robertson, who is 84 year old, is the mother of four children, Festus vßobertson of High Point, Mrs. Elsa Brown of Swannanoa, Mrs. Bertha Thompson, Burnsville and Brinton Robertson of Boone. She also has eleven | grand children and one great grand child. She was born, raised and has always lived in Yancey county. She joined the Baptist church at the age of fif teen and has been a loyal member ever since. / A ALL STAR TOURNA MENT ARRANGED AT MICAVILLE Four Counties Already Represented * Final preparations are being made for the Mica ville All Star Tournament. Six teams representing four counties have already entered the tournament. They are: Madison county, Walnut, McDowell county, Pleasant Gardens; Mitchell county, Spruce Pine;‘Yan cey county, Clearmont, (Bald Creek and Micaville. Invitations have also ex tended to Bakersville, Tip ton! Hill, Pineola, Cross nore, and Riverside. The drawings for places were made on February 11. The tournament will be held in the Micaville High School gikmasium on Feb ruary 20-21-22. Forty three medals and awards will be given the winning teams and outstanding players. The tournament promises to furnish some of the best games to- be played in this section of the state this season. Paring of the teams wUI be given in the next issue of the paper. J% 1 • , r BURNSVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY *l3, 1941 INCOME AND INTAN4 GIBLE TAX SCHEDULE ' ~r ' ' - bmlk .1 Mrs. Sam J. Huskins, De puty Commissioner of Re venue, has announced the following itinerary during the period for filing State income and intangible re turns, from March Ist to March 15, 1941, for Avery, Mitchell, Madison and Yan cey Counties. - Mrs. Hus kins will be in Burnsville, March ist, 3rd, Bth and 15th; at Bakersville,- Bak ersville courthouse, o n March 4th; at Newland, Newland courthouse, o n March 6th; at Marshall, Marshall courthouse, o n March 7th; at Mars Hill, Roy Tillery Case, March 11th; a t Spruce Pine, Spruce Pine Store Com pany, on March 12th. Mrs. Huskins states any person subject to filing either or both the income and intangible returns must file such returns with the State Department of Revenue on or before March 15, 1941, and pay the tax due. , Any unmarried man or any woman, either married or unmarried having an in come of SIOOO or more dur ing the year 1940, and any married man having an in come of S2OOO or more must file an Income Tax return. Any person owning on December 31, 1940, Intan gible Personal* Property; such as, Money on hand, Accounts Receivable, Not es, Bonds, Mortgages, or other evidences of debt, or shares of Stock of Corpor ation, must file an Intang ible Tax return. No ex emption is allowed. COUNTY BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTS Girls Tournament Friday and Saturday, February 28, March Ist FRIDAY NlGHT—'7:3&—BurnsviUe vs Bee Log —B:3o—Clearmont vs Bald Creek. SATURDAY—IO:OO A* M.—Winner of Burnsville- Bee Log game vs Micaville. • SATURDAY—B:OO P. M.—Finals. BOYS TOURNAMENT Friday and Saturday, March 7 and Bth FRIDAY—7:3O P. M.—Burnsville vs Micaville 8:30 P. M.—Clearmont vs Bald Creek. SATURDAY—IO:OO A. M.—Winners of Burnsville- Micaville game vs Bee Log. SATURDAY—B:OO P. M—Finals. —— BURNSVILLE P. T. A. FOUNDERS DAY ■ ;• 1 H • On Tuesday evening, ■ February 18, the Burns i ville P. T. A. will hold its ; annual Day Gel i ebration ati the Burnsville High School.* i T. C. Roberson; superin , tendent of Buncombe County Sobools will be the guest speaker of the evening. He wilUbe pre ofl^^e^rHlgh School, a former citizen of Yancey County. Other features of the program will include wel , come to the visitors by B. M. Tomberlin; a group of violin numbers by Mrs. Elizabeth B. Hughes ac companied by Mrs. Garret Bailey; History of the P. T. A. by Mrs. W. B. Wray, Jr., and a social hour with cutting of the birthday cake by P. T. A-jjresident, Mrs. R. W. Wilson. All parents are urged to be present and a special in vitation is issued to all County High School Prin cipals and the presidents of the other County P. T. A.’s to attend. STOCKHOLDERS MEET The annual meeting of the Yancey county stock holders of the Farmers Federation will be held in the Farmers Federation warehouse at Burnsville on Saturday, February 15, at 10 a. m. James G. K. Mc- Clure, President of the Federation; Guy M. Sales, general manager; and E. N. Stamey, manager of the Burnsville warehouse, will speak briefly about the year’s business. COUNTY AGENT’S FARM NOTES Farm demonstrations conducted last year i n growing tobacco it has been found that a fertilizer high in potash is much needed in Yancey County to grow the crop most suc cessfully. The tobacco fer tilizer recommended is 3-10-6 or 3-12-6 and i n most cases it is also recom mended that 100 pounds of 48 per cent ■ sulphate o f potash be applied about three weeks after planting in addition to the regular tobacco fertilizer. According to these re commendations the follow ing demonstrations were carried out: Bill Bailey, Toledo, ap plied one hundred pounds of potash on 0.8 of an acre and no potash on 0.5 acre. The yield on 0.8 was 1188 pounds and sold for an av erage of $25.00 per hund red. He said he . could tell the differ e mftr in the brightness of each leaf and ’ he is well satisfied that the • five cents per pound incre -1 ase resulting from potash is well worth while. Jesse Howell, Green Mtn. applied fifty pounds of po tash on 0.4 of an acre of tobacco and 0.7 acre in the same field was not treated. He applied the potgah about three weeks after planting And .800 , pqwnda per acre bf 3-8-5 fertilizer was used at planting time. The yield on the treated plot was 1280 pounds per acre as compared with 1170 pounds per acre on the plot receiving the potash. The big difference occurred in the increase i n quality where potash was used. The following compari sons will further illustrate the benefits of the recom mended practice: Tobacco from .4 acre treated with potash was 512 pounds which sold for $101.37. *^4^ Tobacco from .7 with no potash was 822 pounds, sold for $149.50. W. T. Tomberlin of Swiss carried out the third de monstration using 60 lbs. of potash on .44 acre and checked against a plot of .36 acre which received no potash. Tobacco from .44 acre treated with potash was 864 pounds, sold for $164. 64. Tobacco frcui .36 acre with no potash was 510 pounds, sold for $103.52. During the 1939 season J. A. Hannujn of Ramsey town and L. H. Ray carried out similar demonstrations and received similar results These demonstrations, made in different sections of the county, all , show that by following these re commendations very good results are obtained. (R. H. Crouse, Agt. V. J. Goodman Asst. Agt.) Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Par nell of Greenville, S. C. vis ited relatives here during the past week end. W. A. Covey who AIAS been very ill for the past two weeks is some better. •■,* ' . r NUMBER TWENTY-EIGHT * ... . iß^ftH ’ ll ' R* . ;|RB’ ; 1 iBL -«illp fl • I 1 9 m m * - v.. v Julian Price ? JEFFERSON STAND ARD COMPANY RE -5 PORTS GOOD BUSINESS a " Greensboro, N. C, (Spec j ial) “Present prosperity of our country is largely . due to the tremendous 1 sums of money being spent , by our government on de j sense measures,” reports , Julian Price, re-elected ' of the Jefferson j Standard Life Insurance Companjt - In his annual statement ’ to stockholders here yes ! terday, President Price ad ; monished that “while we can reasonably expect pros | perity in eountry for . the next few years whether the war continues or afiafo J hei it end, prepare for the future 1 fev continuing to build on iwSafe, sound and conservative basis.” The stockholders’ and directors’ meetings were held yesterday on the 14th floor of the Home Office building with Col. William A. Blair of Winston-Salem acting as chairman for the re-election of all officers and directors. The only change made in the official staff was the naming of Dr. W. M. Jones, assistant medical director, to the full directorship in succession to the late Dr. J. T. J. Bat tle, who died September 29, 1940. In addition to the declar ation of the regular divi dend of 75 cents a share on stock (payable January 31 to stockholders of record on January 27), the direc tors, following last year’s procedure, declared a five per cent bonus on the earn ings of all home office and branch office employes. MILLION A WEEK J *From the standpoint of earnings and progress”, Mr. Price stated in his an nual report, “the year 1940 has been as satisfactory as the year 1939, when we ex perienced ah outstanding year.” One evidence of that is the $51,000,000 worth of new life insurance sales made during the year, an average of almost sl, 000,000 a week, with a mor tality ratio described as “very satisfactory.” “During 1940,” Mr. Price further reviewed, “our as sets increased $7,264,000 and now stand a i $94,764,- 607. The unassigned sur plus and contingency funds increased to $4,730,000, making a total of $6,730,000 (Continued on beck page) | Tlie * 'lf 9 • i' ■ ¥ OUT* I j c * rri *‘ a | \ * a" ; - -\ W k J" - i—: — (IVES RETORT OF ’4O t . ' 1; Probably tne most im portant responsibility of the Health Department is the control of Communica ble Disease, by both the preventive and protective measures. During 1940 the Health Department was very active in this phase of the work. There Were 67 cases ftf communleable dis eases Reported and found by the Health Department officials? A total of 161 home visits were made in the interest of control, in vestigation and quarantine measures. ' Diphtheria cases were much less in the District i for 1940, with no deaths re ’ suiting. 'We found that most cases occurring were , due td the fact the parents had failed to have their , children inoculated against diphtheria. However, - sbme cases had had one dose of , diphtheria toxoid, but had not been schick tested. The Health Department is now. following the procedure of giving two doses of,diph theria toxoid, one mdhth apart, and schick testing three months later. This de partment is making stren uous efforts to*, see that every child receives diph , theria toxojd, either from EEjaessi; t.h department.!) A great deal of time has been spent in holding diph theria clinics, and the re sults have been very grati-~ fying; 1,432 children have received the diptheria ino culation in 1940. u is now a law that every child At tending school shall be Suc cessfully vaccinated. We are carrying This out by seeing that the children under ten years of age are successfully vaccinated if, they are attending school regularly. The parents are responsible for children not attending school, and are required to have every' child that is over the age of si x months immunized* Those unable to pay for this service may obtain it free at the health depart ment. During 1940 a total of 16,751 doses of typhoid vac-- cine were given. A totaf of 416 doses of Whooping Cough vaccine were given. Two cases of typhoid fever occurred in Yancey Coun ty. Both cases occured in the same family. This fami ly did not have approved sanitary disposal, they also had refused to be vaccinat ed at the clinic held in their community this summer. A second clinic was held in the same community, and they still refused to be vac- <■ cinated. Typhoid clinics were held this past year in practically every section of the District and also in the county schools. Five hundred six were vaccinated for smallpox. No cases of smallpox were reported in the District. One of the activities jof the Health Department which gives gratifying re sults is thfc work done in *