PAGE TWO ? THE YANCEY RECORD I I f ESTABLISHED JULY^936 I Editor Mrs' C. B. Hamrick I Managing Ed.... .. Lee Edwards Published Every Thursday By YANCEY PUBLISHING CO. A Partnership Entered U second-class matter November 11th, 1936, 'at the Poet Office, at Barnsville, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1878. BOY SCOUT ANNIVERSARY This week marks the birthday of the Boy Scout movement, and throughout the nation this significant event is being appropriat ely observed. In this coun ty renewed interest ha s been shown in Scouting dnuring the past few It is during the coming week, however, that adult citizens are given an op portunity to, share in the Scout program. February 17-22 has been designated as adult membership week and all citizens who will are asked to join and thus show their interest in the youth who will benefit so greatly from the Scout or ganization. It is a worthy gesture to join as an adult member of the Scouts. Os the 20 boys enrolled in the Jamesville 4-H Club, 15 will carry peanuts as their project for 1941, re ports John I. Eagles, as sistant farm agent of Mar tin. County. • Fanners of Johnson County are thinking more in terms of soil-building than they ever have before, reports R. M. Holder, as sistant farm agent of the N. C. State College Exten sion Service. RED-EYEI) TOWHEE ’V" Many birds are responsi ble for their own names, the Bob-white and the Whip-poor-will being ex amples. Students of nature interpret the call of the Towhee differently. To some it seems to say “Tow hee,” to , others “Jo-ree,” and to others *,Chewink.” Hence so many names. The American Ornithologists’ Union finally agreed to the name “Towhee.” The neck, head, bill and back of the male are black; the wings are black with white margins; the tail is black, the three outer fea thers being tipped with white. The sides are red dish-brown ; the breast is white. The color of the fe male is similar to that of the male except that the black of the male is replac ed by brown in the plumage of the female. At one time the Towhee was considered a game bird in North Carolina, but the law was changed during the year 1928, placing it among jthe list of songbirds to be protected. Second growth thickets of dense bushes, vines, and briars are the favorite abodes of this specfies of' bird. - The nest is usually built on the ground or in very low bushes. Rootlets, plant fibers, grass, and hair or other soft material, are used. Four eggs, white with brown spots, are laid. The male often assists in the process of incubation. This variety of bird feeds to a great extent on the ground, devouring many kinds of insects destructive to crops. It is regarded as of considerable value. (James Hutchins). Methodist Church Mrs. W. W. Hennessee and Mrs. R. E. Anderson were hostesses to the Wom an’s Society of Christian Service on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Fred Proffitt conducted a devotional ser vice after which the meet iing was given over to bus iness and the discussion of plans for the work of the coming months. During the social hour the hostesses served a salad course using the Valentine motif in food and acces sories. The young girl’s mission ary group with their lead er,, Miss Margaret Proffitt, enjoyed a potluck supper in the recreation room o f the church on last Friday evening. This group will take up soon a special study of conditions in China. The young men of the church has organized a new class in the church school. It is hoped that all young men connected with -the church will join this class. Any young man not con nected with another church will be welcome. Mr. Ru dolph Charles is the teach er. Officers have not yet been elected. The- young woman’s cir cle of the Sbeiety of Chris ti§?) Service met with Mrs. Joe Young on Wednesday .evening. Mrs. Gibson Dey ton had charge of the pro gram with) the subject, “Drifting Youth.” She was assisted b yr Mrs. William Higgins, Mrs. Vincent Wes tall and Mrs. Cecil Higgins. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND , By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of 1 Trust dated April 14, 1934, and . recorded in the office of Register , of Deeds for Yancey County, in Deed Book 10, page 304, and exe -1 cuted by A. L. Silvers and wife, Effie Silvers, to W.„ C. Berry, Trustee, and default having been 1 made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and 1 the holder of the indebtedness having made demand upon said trustee tq sell said lands there ■ fore the undersigned trustee will on the 21st day of February, 1941, at 12:00 Noon at ths courthouse door in Burnsville, sell to the I highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate: BEGINNING at a chestnut cor ner of R. N. Silver and J. D. Hughes and runs northeast courst to a spring at the head of a small ; fcnanch; thence down and with said branch to the creek; thence up and with said creek to Bill Mum -1 power’s corner; thence a south east course to the railroad; thence down and with said railroad 11 poles to J. G. Carraway’s comer; thence south 38 poles to a chest nut in J. D. Hughes’ line; thence a southeast course with a condi tional line and J. D. Hughes’ line to the BEGINNING Containing 35 acres more or less. Except ing, However, three acres sold to Kelce Branch, as shown by a deed from A. L. Silver and wife, re corded in Deed Book 68 at page 176 records of Yancey County, ■N. C. l 9 Jhis the 20th day of January, W. C, BERRY, Trustee. Jan, 23, 30, Feb. 6. 13, 1941 NOTICE j In the Superior Court of Yancey | County, North Carolina Elzie King, Plaintiff f VB. v Andre King, Defendant The defendant, Andre King, will Please take notice that action en titled as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Yan cey County. North Carolina, for an absolute divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is requited to appear at the office of the Clerk Superior Court of said county, at the court house in Burnsville, North Caro -25* within twenty days after the 27th day of February, 1941, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re heLte^ted in , 5fl d complaint. This 6th day of February 1941 FRED PROFFITT. cTerk enor Court. < Fab. 6, 18, 20, 27, 1941. , \, ' ORDER OF RE-SALE . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT | T. J. Wilson, Administrator of the Estate of Joe N. Wil3on. Plaintiff Versus C. I. Carter and wife, Thelma Carter, Josie Brigmah, Janies Cole and Joe M. Burleson, “Defendants Pursuant to and as directed by the Order and Judgment of His Honor, William H. Bobbitt, made and entered in the above entitled cause in the Superior Court of Buncombe County at the Regular January Term, 1941, at Asheville, N. C., on the 13th day of January, 1941, the undersigned will, on Monday, the 17th day of Febru ary, 1941, at 12 o’clock Noon, at the Court House door of Yancey County,'in the ToWn of Burnsville, North Carolina, offer for sale’and sell to the highest bidder for cash in accordance with the terms and provisions of said order and Jud gment, aforesaid, and subject to prior liens, all of the property of the defendants described in the Complaint and in the Orders and Judgments of the Court lying and being in Yancey County, North Carolina, described as follows, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: On the waters of Indian Creek. BEGINNING at a -stake-in-'-the county line between Yancey and Buncombe Counties on Little Rocky Knob, at the Southwest corner of tract of land known as Keith’s Capp Ground, described in a deed from John Gray Blounts’ Executors, to Joseph Shepherd, dated March 31, 1835, and record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Yancey County, North Carolina, in Book 1, page 264; and runs thence with the west line of said Camp Ground Tract north 2% degrees west 142 poles to a stake, its northwest corner; thence with the north line of said tract south 86 degrees East to a. beech, another corner of said tract; thence with the east line of said tract south 6 degreed east 120 poles to a white oak, with a red oak pointer at the southeast corner of said tract in the County line above mention ed; thence with said county Tine as follows: North 65 degrees east 22 poles; north 48 degrees east 12% poles; north 80 degrees east 13 poles; to a stake on Big Rock Knob; thence still with said Co unty line as follows: north 57 de grees east 10 poles; north 60 de grees east 58 poles; south 70 de grees East 11 poles; north 81 de grees east 20 pales; south 77 de grees east 22 poles; north 66 de grees; east 12 poles; north 50 de grees east 16 poles to a stake in Horse Shelter Gap; thence still with said County line north 60 degrees east 28 poles; north 44 degrees east 20 poles to a stake in the south line of a tract of land known as the Glade Tract, conveyed by John Gray, Blount’s Executors to Joseph Shepherd, by deed dated March 11, 1839, and recorded in said office ofifhe Reg ister of Deeds for Yancey County. North Carolina, in Book 1, page 265, thence with the south line of the Glade Tract, North 86 degrees west about seventy poles to a stake at its southwest comer; thence with the west line of said tract north 4 degrees east 50 poles to a stake at its northwest corn er; thence with the north line of said tract south 86 degrees east 35 poles to a stake in said north line, and in the line of the Eiever Spring tract; said stake being 5 poles northwest of the Chestnut corner of said last mentioned tract; thence with the west line of said last mentioned tract north 9 degrees west 66 poles to two water oaks one and one-fourth (11-4) poles north 49 degrees east from a cliff of rocks; thence with another line of Eiever Spring tract north 49 degrees east 20 poles to a beech; thence north 42 degrees east 8 poles to a stake on top of a ridge; thence north 37 degrees west 28 poles to a stake; thence Nofth 63 degrees west 58 poles to a sugar tree, the begin ning corner ox a tract of land known as Bailey Cabin tract; thence with the line of said last mentioned tract south 49 degrees west 35 poles to a stake; thence with another line of said last mentioned tract north 26 degrees west 94 poles to a stake in the line of the Fox Gap tract; thence with the South line of said last mentioned tract North 86% de grees west 65% poles to a bunch of cucumber, the beginning corn er of the Fox Gap tract; thence with another line of said tract south 88 degrees west 40% poles to a stake and pointers, a corner of the Fox Gap tract; thence with another line of said tract north 3% degrees east 68 poles to a stake at the southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by Willi an Johnston, Jr., Administrator to W. L. Maney, by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Yancey County, in Book 33, page 258; thence with the south line of said tract north 89 degrees west 79 poles to sugar tree, the beginning corner of said last mentioned tract; then south 49 degrees west 63 poles to a stake and fallen poplar; thence north 41 degrees west 154 poles to a Beech; thence north 49 de grees east 60 poles to a chestnut; thence north 69 degrees oast 44 poles to a stake on top of a ridge; thence with the top of said ridge north 30 degrees west 6 poles to a stake, north 14 degrees west 25 poles to a white oak on top ot Green Cove Ridge; thence with the top of said last mentioned ridge north 77 degrees west 20 poles to a stake; north 86 degrees weat 6 poles to a stake; north 71 degrees west 10 poles to a White Oak on top of Mill Knob between Indian Creek and Green Cove Branch.; thence with the top of said ndge north 62 degrees west 10 poles to a stake; north 60 de gre« west 22 poles to a stake; north 24 poles to a stake; north 23 degrees west 16 poles to a atake; north 42 degrees west 18 the Yancey record \ \ . poles to a stake; north 10 de I grees west 16 poles to an iron- I wood; thence north 25 degrees west 42 poles to a Chestnut Oak; thence north 2% degrees east 36 ■ poles to a stake, formerly a Dog wood; thence north 22% degrees , east 38 poles to a fallen Chetsnut; il thence with a Hue of the tract of land conveyed by Joseph Shepherd i to John Shepherd by Deed re r corded in said Office of the Reg i ister of Deeds of Yancey County, * in Book 1, page 373; south 39 de- I grees west 44 poles to., Hickory, f formerly a Poplar; thence south - 3 degrees west with said line last , mentioned 37 poles to a stake on , the back line of what is known as i the Lorance Tract; thence north - 87 degrees west 30 poles to a t Cucumber, jnl.n Maney’s corner; r thence line south 2 , degrees west 221-3 poles to a I Dug wood; thence south 88 degrees i cast seventeen (17) poles to a I stake, formerly a double maple; . thence south 20 degrees west 126 i poles to a stake in the north line : corner or a tract of land conveyed to M, B. Maney by R. M. Hol combe by deed dated March 13, 1843; thence with the north line of the Shepherd tract south 86 degrees east .68 1-3 poles to a stake and chestnut pointer; thence with another line of Shepherd tract south 4 degrees west 135 poles to a sugar tree; thence south 86% thence south 49% degrees east 24 poles to a stake, formerly a locust; thence south 36% degrees east 10 pole's- to a stake, formerly a cucumber; thence north 86% degrees west 7 poles to a stake, formerly a black oak; thence south 35% degrees east 84 piles to a stake formerly two hickories and a water oak; thence south 86% degrees east; 6 poles to a stake; thence south 16% degrees east 182 poles to a hickory stump; thence north 88% degrees west 73% poles to a buckeye; thence south 7% degrees east 100 poles to a sugar tree; thence south 44% degrees west 10 poles to a stake in the north line of a tract of land conveyed to J. J. Maney by R. and J. R. Love by Deed dated December 15, 1848, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Yancey County, North Carolina, in Book 5, page 288; thence with said line south" 86.5 degrees east 3-4 poles to a stake; thence with the east line of said tract to a stake; thence 1 with the east line of said tract 23 degrees west 64 poles to the southeast comer of said tract and the north east of a tract conveyed to said Maney by Hand R. B. Johnston; thence with the east line of said last mentioned tract south k>>4 stake in the county line between ! Buncombe and Yancey counties; thence with said County line in an eastern direction to the BEGIN ; NING, containing nine hundred . and forty (940) acres, more or less, excepting and reserving from ’ this conveyance, however, % tract ; of land containing one hundred ■ and fi\M (105) acres more or less. 1 lyiflg q|)irqjj' toithip the bound aries ofrthe above described tract ; known as the Sodom one hundred j and five acre tract and fully des cribed in two deeds, to S. T. Hol ’ combe; one from R. and J. R | Love, dated November 27, 1857, I and the other from Hugh Johns ton, dated October 25, 1859, said ' deeds being recorded in the office ■ of the Register of Deeds of Yan cey County, North Carolina, in ; Book 4, at page 126, and 3 res ! pectively. i SECOND TRACT: On the _ waters of Blankenship Creek, [ known as the Laurel Gap Tract. . BEGINNING at a Cucumber on , top of a ridge south of the Lick ( Log Branch, and runs south 25 , degrees west, 100 poles to a r Spruce Pine, on the west bank of , Big Laurel Fork of Blankenship , Creek; thence up and with the i various windings of the creek to > the Laurel Gap; thence south 25 j degrees east 60 poles to a stake; ■ thence south 45 degrees east 40 poles to 1 a locust on the north of j a branch, one of the tributaries . of Elk Fork, the total distance I from the Spruce Pine above men tioned to said locust being 238 • poles; thence north 4 degrees east j 185 poles to a sugar tree; thence , north 72 degrees west passing a white oak corner of S. C. Blank j enship and Ossie Burton at 68 . poles, total distance 201 poles to . the BEGINNING, containing 18Q acres, more or less, and being the ; same tract of land allotted to R. B. Johnston in a special proceed-; . ing conducted in the Superior Court of Yancey County, North Carolina, in 1886, as appears from the report of the Commissioners . in said proceeding as registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Yancey County, North Carolina, in Book 15, page 285. THIRD TRACT: Known as the, Glade Tract. BEGINNING at a fallen Cherry on glade’s Knob, and runs 50 poles north; thence 100 poles west; thence 60 poles south; thence 100 poles east to the BEG INNING, and being the same tract of land deeded by E. B. Metcalf, Commissioner to W. T.i Angline, by deed dated the 13th day of September, 1930, and re corded in the Office of the Regis ter ol Deeds of Yancey County, N. €., in Book 72, at page 316. And all of the above property being the same property as des cribed in one certain Deed, regis tered in the Office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Yancey County, in Book 79, at page 375 (426); and the same property as des cribed in Book of Lis Pendens No, b at I ,a .K e 142 in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yancey County, North Caro lina. The above described land will be sold as a whole and the bidder will be required to deposit the amount of his bid, in cash, subject to acceptance and approval by the Court. Thin sale is made subject to un paid taxes and penalties and all liens, which are, as a matter of law # entitled to priority over the * o PRESBYTERIAN NEWS Yancey County Larger Parish of Yancey County Boys At , Asheville Farm School I At 'the present time there ; are eleven boys from Yan ! cey county attending the | Asheville Farm School, at ; Swannanoa, in the high 1 school division. 1 Roger Banks, of Banks \ Creek is now a forward on i the varsity basketball team • and has played a commen -7 dable type of ball this year. ; He has been studying Agri i culture and has worked on ; the school farm, where he • has become a good team ’ ster and dependable work erable progress since corri ; ing to Farm School three years ago. He is also on the tumbling team. Royce Boone, Burnsville, is a woodworker and has shown much interest in the many activities of this de partment. During the past year he acquired sufficient skill so that the department accepted His request to work in the shop. The boys at Farm School may apply for work in whatever de partment they choose, but many of the jobs are only jlpven to students who have proven responsible and cap abltf of meeting depart mental standards. Royce ; plays an instrument in the school hand. James Brown, Burnsville, j is particularly interested in auto-mechanics. He and two other boys prepare breakfast for the school i family each morning. In addition to this James is ; custodian of the adminis tration building. This is his' i first year at Farm School. John Evans, Jacks Creek, is studying Agriculture and . works in the dairy. Four i boys manage the dairy. Ap ■ proximately twenty cows | of a registered Holstein herd are milked twice daily. The records, feeding, arid , care of young stock and. i breeding stock also belong ■ to the job thfese boys un ’ dertake. All the milk is con ’ sumed at the school and the I dairy also contributes to i the meat supply. Therefore ’ it is a responsible position i that John fills the first ■ year at Farm School. !j Reuben Harris, Banks Creek, used to drive the /dairy wagon but now he ■ works on the main school farm; and the work must have been good for him be ! cause he certainly has grown tall in the year and a half that he has been at Farm School. Reuben is a member of the tumbling team and the Boy Scout troop. His principal voca tional interest is Agricul ture. j Ralph Harris, Micaville, entered Farm School only recently and is studying handicrafts. Frank Greene is also a j new boy this year and is particularly interested in Religious Education. Another member of the Boy Scouts is Jdbk Hensley, Banks Creek, who is at Farm School for his second year. In addition to special jobs for the landscaping de partment, for which Jack worked last year also, he is the waiter for the faculty table in the dining hall. Jack was chosen for the latter job because of his 7-4 ' ■ Judgment in the above entitled cause. * This 18th day of January, 1941, J. C. CHEESEBOROUGH, Re ceiver. Jan. 23, 30, Feb. 6, 13, 1941 , NOTICE The regular Prenatal clinic will be held in the dis trict health office on Ffi r eoruai > ui, neatness and ability to do his work quietly and effi-i ciently. Jack is now taking , a course in the Business , Department. Jack and Junior Robin | son, Hamrick, are much in terested in Agriculture and , are members of the tumb [ ling team. Jack and anoth , er boy have taken over the poultry plant at the school and are using all their ’ spare moments to make the i ! project yield a profit. Glen Thomas, Micaville, ’ hopes to concentrate in the commercial subjects. He is . a Scout and also cooks in . the .school kitchen—which is ja valuable contribution and much appreciated when 125 hungry boys, to say nothing of, the faculty, appear regularly at meal time. These boys haV£ found at Farm School something which has captured their interest, something ipto , which they have thrown their energies and built ! their hopes for the future. The records show how well they have availed them selves of the opportunity. They are fine boys. „ r; . i“- ' . : Reconciling Accounts.S " This term is most common in usage ainonß banks. Its meaning, however, is simple and is easily adapted to accounts. B | We suggest all parties having bank ac- ■ ■ counts call for statements promptly following ■ the first of each month and carefully reconcile , § their account with the balance shown by their 9 • i bank. We shall be glad to assist any interested cus- 4|m |i tomer or friend to set up a system of recon- «l | ciling accounts adequate to their needs. | j j | THE NORTHWESTERN BANK j ■ Burnsville, N. C. 1 I APPLES Do you get $1.65 per bushel for your apples? If you do not there-#is something wrong. That is the price which I got for my three best grades last year. I also increased my yield over 60 per cent by the application of only one extra spray of LIME-SULPHUR CONCEN TRATE. This material is compounded here in Pensa cola just 14 miles south of Burnsville. It is made from the very best materials obtainable and is processed by the latest methods approv- i ed by the State and National Extension ser- u vice, combined with life-long experience in Jfl the orchard. If you saw apples from the M orchards where ipy materials were used last M year, you have learned more than I can tell B you. m This spray material will be available hjBSSBM March 15th at the lowest possible price. You can spray an apple tree one whole son for the «ost of less than the increased valflHSj ation of one bushel of its production. I'etßßßf use the experience of others as stepping to greater success in apple growing. We have W soils and climate well adapted to the growing W of apples and many other fruits. Try spray- S ing your orchard this year and lam sure that JP you will be well pleased with the results. Send your correspondence to * C. D. WILSON Pensacola, North Carolina THURSDAY, FEBRI .5 5 -i \\!> -- m .... r\ mos in 1 on loHl '•! with war and h 9 and Abner of ratS bring a simple ed with the humorygffijMi peace of the OzarflHH their millions of V Playing the two kind.® storekeepsrs of Pine 1 who have become so Hsil ed, Lum and Abner fl|H screen bow in “Drea* Out Loud” for RKO RS : ::£ When they take theHH fairs of Pine Ridge 9 their own hands to str9 hten out, Lum and let themselves in for actß and excitement, 9 How Lum and AbmS handle the situations thß~ arise, meanwhile findiiW time for bickerings ov« their checker games, fu9 nishes a fast-moving comfl edy drama. Director Harß old ‘Young has employed! . clever, human touches tol accent the story. This outstanding tion will be shown and Tues. at the ■ Theatre. M J 9 Mrs. Jesse lt9 turned from is etn in tfl department.

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