HbBRUARY 13, 1941 HpBoWN MAIN STREET r ■ * T 7 - -■■■-■ i Hv - Thursday, February 13th HKmVoman’s Club will meet with Mrs. Fouts. \ fsP|? ; February 15th | Saturday Bridge Club will meet. HHB Monday, February 17th H Wm Little Theatre will meet. Tuesday, February 18th • Burnsville Parent-Teacher Association will meet! HI at the school house. T. C. Roberson, superin-! Hn tendent of schools of Buncombe county, will be] ■| guest speaker. Ks Thursday, February 20th |lßie Wethan s Bible Class of the Methodist church! jgW meet with Mrs. I). R. Fouts at three o’clock. | • • • • * * * * * * * * « ' * •••••• • • • • iril.ii.lnli.iMi:>). -■Vt tonify P ibiti:. Hs a business visitor i n Hueigh this week. ♦* * * ■ Mr. and Mrs. Wesley ■oberts of Hillsboro are fisiting Mrs. Roberts’ mo ther, Mrs. Charles Young. • • « » Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mcln ttud son, Billy, have re rom Alexandria, B- * * * 1 ■1; i from Bristol HHHBB treatment. '£}(J~*ltm ir y Allison has IjpjpVPf flu and emnpli- EjsHfßhis week. •t # • ||||||Hi(l Mrs. Hobart Ray Bjj||fo’lyie week end in Mor |** * * Hs. J. L. Ray is visiting Sjßtives in Rutherfordton. and Mrs. Troy You h were week end guests JrMrs. Belle Erwin and raliss Lucille Erwin. * * • "* • 1 Miss Mary Louise Young of Celo was the guest of Miss Mary D. Bailey Tues day night. »• • • Mrs. Louise Higgins has been ill of flu for the past week. ** * * Mr. and Mjs. Hubert Carter and’ som of Enka and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dixon and son of Candler were guests of" Rev. and Mrs. Smoot Baker Sunday. ** * * ✓W. H. Overall, secretary of the Asheville Production Credit Loan Association, was a business visitor to Burnsville Wednesday. ♦* * * Wanda Hope Charles i s ill of scarlet fever. ACCEPTS POSITION Miss Mary Martha Banks has accepted a position as secretary in the local office the Northwest Carolina Utilities, Inc. Miss Banks Hio has been employed as t o Attorney Hutchins, began ipggßin the Utilities Com- Rl id'lie*- ,I;1111iar\ BBBgߣS| 1 I Kpublic Oil Company Rest MAIN STREET, Burnsville, N. C. Our gas and oil rate as high as any gas and oil sold at any price. We., do not sell 3rd grade gas. Our operator, Frank English is a local boy well known in the community. He will render the very best service and will appreci ate your patronage. A. T. COX, Distributor CANERIVER NEWS AND HAPPENINGS Fred Same spent the week end in Asheville and Mars Hill. Little Bruce Radford who has been very sick for the past week is still fined to his room. R. M. Ray who has been very sick is reported better. Mrs. Mary Gudger Green from S. C. has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gudger Anderson. We are glad to report that Mr. and Mrs. John Hannum have returned from the hospital in John son City and are getting along nicely. Birthday Greetings -Donald Nelson Banks Joe Briggs Mrs. Earnest Taylor Mary Etta Briggs Junior Briggs Bonnie Gordon Maurice Briggs Ethel Roland Willie Lou Proffitt Ruth Proffitt Pauline King Mrs. Delia Huntley Talmadge Byrd Elizabeth L. Wheeler Bessie Silvers Wilma King Alice Styles Frank Blankenship Moutez Peterson Will Briggs Elizabeth Robinson Corrie Butner Cecil Miller Dorothy Hollifield Marjorie Fox C. P. Randolph Max Howell - R. 0. Riddle Bascombe Ray Bruce Fox , Lewis Butner Mrs. Coy-Butner Clyde Riddle x Wilma Anglin Walter Young Wm John Young Mrs. Mary Allison Mrs. Troy Mclntosh Mrs. Rex Mclntosh Mrs. R. W. Mincer Edd Gibbs ,- - Oliver Carroway Ruby Presnell Vance Silver Alfred Parker Ruby McMahan ; Agnes McMahan Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Plea sant spent a few days here during the past week. Milton McKinney who i 3 employed in Baltimore is spending a few days at home. SWISS NEWS The Woman’s Missionary Union will meet at the church Saturday at 2 P. M. Mrs. James Wilson and —T —■ . - - ■ - JEFFERSON STANDARD —r \ , , .- , _ ; * 1 1 “ »"*r . - > HEADLINE FACTS 1940 REPORT ASSETS CLIMB TO NEW HIGH Assets total $94,764,607 largest in company history. SALES $1,000,000 WEEKLY New life insurance sales in 1940 totaled $51,000,000, averaging nearly one mil , lion dollars each week. INTEREST EARNING EXCELLENT _:'V„ 5.11% interest earned on invested as sets. The Jefferson Standard has consist ently maintained leadership in this field. 5% PAID Jefferson Standard paid 5% interest in r ■ 1940 on funds held in trust for policy holders and beneficiaries (this rate paid continuously since organization in 1907) — No change in 1941. SURPLUS FUNDS INCREASED Surplus, capital, and contingency funds now total $6,730,000—new high mark in funds set aside for policyholder pro tection. -o _ ' Oj THE YANCEY RECORD Blanche Robertson “were guests of Vergle Duncan over the week end. v Miss Deima Hensley who is 'teaching at Beech Glen was home for the Week end. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Rice and family of Ivy were vis iting here Sunday. Miss Inez Allen of Swan nanoa visited Wanda Rob ertson Saturday. Mrs. B. T. Nanney of flu. Rev. and Mrs. B. S. Hen- ! sley were visiting here Sat i urday.. They were the din ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. i Andy Johnson. l 1 I—■— 1 —■— RIVERSIDE NEWS , Mr. and Mrs. Will Evans and family have moved • from Pounding Mills, Va., • back to this county. Mr. and Mrs. Worth I Womack and some friends from Marion, N. C., were ■ visiting Mr. Womack’s sis- j -- f r $422,300,000 LIFE INSURANCE IN FORCE 165,000 policyholders own life insur ance totaling more than 422 million dollars. I 4 FINANCIAL STATEMENT • DECEMBER 31, 1940 '* ‘ ‘ >*r’- * L- * ' * - * ' . H ASSETS Cash $ 3,107,287 United States Government and Municipal Bonds 3,896,692 All Other Bonds 5,982,293 Stocks If. 6,858.238 LutfHl securities carried at market, ooat, oi call value, whichever i« lower. First Mortgage Loans 49,793,609 On farm property $0,112,832. On city property $43,380,777. •» f - Real Estate 4,023,629 Thi* our seven teen-stafy'lfbiut Ottice Huildiug. ? Loans to Our Policyholders 13,972.608 Fullv secured by the cash values of policiesi. Premium Loans and Liens _ 3,723,601 Fully secured by the cash values of policies* , » Investment Income in Course of Col lection 940.817 Premiums in Course of Collection..*.. 2,576,858 All Other Assets 90,945 Total % 94,764,607 ' . DAWSON BRIGGS, lpPill Special Representative v f|||S^Hi ter, Mrs. George Wheeler, Saturday. Rev. Ben Lee Ray filled his regular appointment here Sunday. T. 0. Wilson who has been at the home of his daughter, Mrs. T. K. Rid dle, since returning from Marion hospital, has gone to his sister’s, Mrs. Chriss Byrcls, for a weeks visit. Miss Zelda Riddle who has been ill for the past (week is able to return to PAID OUT $6,820,000 Policy benefits paid in 1940 total $6,- 820,000. The Jefferson Standard has paid $118,600,000 to policyholders and beneficiaries since organization in 1907. LIABILITIES POLICY RESERVES $ 79,288,190 This amount represents the reserve re quired by law to assure prompt pay-. • rnent of policy obligations. Reserve for Policy Claims 339,662 Claims in course of settlement on which • proofs have not been received. Reserve for Taxes “ ~ 483,848 Premiums and Interest Paid in Ad vanes r „1 895,850 Policy Proceeds Left with Company.,- 5,865,409 Dividends for Policyholders „ v 882,475 Reserve for All Other Liabilities " 279,173 $ 88,034,807 Contingency Reserve $1,400,000 A fund to take care of coi*- tingencies, depreciation ,J~. on real estate and invest ment fluctuations. Capital 2,000,000 Surplus Unasßigned 3,330.000 Total Surplus Funds for Protection of Policyholders......s 6,730,000 T0ta1.... ...... — .$ 94,764,607 PAGE THREE school. * Mrs. Glen Brooks o f Asheville spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McKinney. Mrs, Wiil Hall who has been ill for a few weeks is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pet erson were in Asheville on business last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Byrd visited Mr. Byrd’s parents during the week end. r~* *•