JANUARY 15, 1942 & i DOWN MAIN STREET i _ ~i ... ' ‘ i. t \. • Thursday, January 15 f • • i I The Woman’s Bible Class of Higgins Memorial! ft church will meet, .with Mrs. Fred Proffitt at f 3:00 o’clock. ■ * ■* ; •“ • • a « * i | 1 Monday;-January 19 1 l A county wide Patriotic Rally be held at the I. court house at 7:30. ; / - "V ■ • Tuesday, January 20 , i S - x ■ u | The Burnsville Parent-Teacher Association will 1 | meet at the school h<?use. * | f m m ••tiaittfiiAtiaijait anai anaitaoai'aiiai'ai’araiivcuei an# ■ • '••<<«<.#' ■> • * ■ a> ■> aiiananauarianauat'a>iana- •I- mum-imu w ‘mi.m'im" mi l ai a. ■ “ r ™ r r Mi’s. W. is ill at her hoiner Her dau ghter, Mrs. W. G. Wilson of Nebo, is with her. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. David Pit-' cher of Washington, D. C. are now residing in Bur nsville. They are the par ents of Mrs. V. L. Mattson. *** * ~ Mrs. T. G. Ellis and sons returned home last week from an extended visit \vith relatives in the eas tern parr of the state. • s - • • * Mack Wilson of Detroit was home for several days. Mrs. Wilson returned with him for a two weeks visit. ** * * Mr. and Mrs. Will You ng of Newdale have gone to Virginia where Mr. Young is employed. * * * * Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sol Harris a daughter, January 11. •*— * •* # A. G. Edge underwent an operation for appendi citis at the Marion Gener al hospital early Tuesday morning. ; , 1. * * * * ... Jack Johnson 0? Bolens Creek is in Newport News where he is employed. ***** Worth and Jimmy Hurst of Santa Barbara, Cal.,|. have been visiting relativ es in this section recently. * *'!■■*■ • Miss Anna C. Rowe, dis trict home demonstration agent, was her£ Tuesday and with Miss Turner, 1 home agent, visited sever al sections of the county. ; PATE-SWAN Mr. J. R. Pate of Swiss has announced the marri age of their daughter, Miss Wanda Pate to J. Howard Swan of Asheville. The marriage took place in Greenville, S. C. on Sat urday, December 13th. Mrs. Swan is a graduate of Bald Creek High school.; Mr. Swan is a graduate of Asheville High School and i$ now employed at Ashe ville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Swan are l making their home i n Asheville. t ... PP JP ' LET IT BE WRITTEN: “Everything was done perfect ly.” Every detail of the funeral service is taken care of, and carried out in away to make it a fitting tribute to the departed. HOLCOMBE & EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME Burnsville, N. C. Ambulance service Day & Night • '? r ir“V ' * • * ’ * ,a . • i ll.m • m #Ua»anpi LY BRA N D-BRIGGS ; i x. The wedding L Miss Nell Lybrand and Frank English Briggs was solem nized on Saturday evening January 3 at the Wagener. Baptist church, Wagener, S. C. with the Rev. L. W. Shealy, pastor of the Wag-; ener Methodist church, 1 officiating. Prior to the ceremony a program of nuptial music was given by Harry W.' | Southwick, pianist. Mrs. j Leon W. Corbitt and Miss /Thelma Cook sang.; j Ernest Briggs, brother of the groom, was best man. The groomsmen were Jim Anglin, William M. Mixom, B. F. Rauline and E. H. Croslahd. Mr. Mixom and Mr. Anglin 1 lighted the candles. The maid of honor and only attendant of the bride was her sister, Miss Hope Lybrand. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Grady 0. Lybrand. She wore a wedding gown of ivory taffeta and Venice lace, and carried a bouquet of bridal roses and orch ; ids. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was j held at the home of the bride’s mother. Later the bridal pair left for a wed ding trip through Florida. They are now residing at 1619 Green St., Columbia, S. C. Mrs. Briggs is the dau ghter of Mrs. G. T. Ly brand of Wagener. She attended Columbia College; and Asheville College. Mr. Briggs is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Briggs of Burnsville, and for the past several years has been connected with a gov ernment agency in Colum bia. Among the out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Belgarde and Ernest Briggs of Burnsville. j 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mix-, om entertained with a buf fet supper and dance Fri day evening for the re-! i hearsal party of Miss Ly- 1 brand and Mr. Briggs at j the Baughman’s club house! WINDOM NEWS y f ■ j, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Hyatt of Philadelphia are visiting the Hyatts. / Miss Atlas Griffeth is ill at her hbme following a recent operation. Mrs. Fred Beaver is ill of flu. a , Charles Hyatt has fine prospecV-ef a mine on his farm. ■ T • ; • Privates Claude Hughes and Gale Young have been transferred from Camp Lee, Va. to a camp i n Florida and like it fine. HAMRICK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sil vers, have received letters since New Year from Her mon Silvers, their son, --who, is stationed in the Hawaiin Islands, in the U. S/ Navy that he is safe j and sound, plan to attend. Paul Westall, of Ham rick, stationed at Tampa, JFla,; in the corps has been promoted fronjt- the : rank of corj>oral to . ser geant. Lieut. Earl Simmons of Fort Jackson, S. *C* and Clarance Simmons of Fort Bragg visited their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Simmons, New Years day. Pvt. Elmer Ballew of Fort Bragg spent a 10 days furlough visiting his mother, Mi’s. Thomas Bal lew, and other relatives here, during the holiday season. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dee Robin son died Jan. 2. Mrs. A. M. Robinson and Miss "Mildred Robinson and Miss Pauline Gibbs visited at Asheville Saturday, who WasYaken to the Mar ion General hospital sever lal days ago is reported to be Improving. -L Mr. and Mrs. Joe Patton of Georgia have moved to this .section. —— PHIPPS CREEK NEWS . Those visiting M£. r and Mrs. Lattie Stiles Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Oval Smith and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stiles and Will Anglin. Rev. Hayden Honeycutt spent the week end at Jacjks Creek preaching. - Winnie Bailey is very ill at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sil vers and children were called to Mr. R. D. Ray’s Friday on account of the ' illness of Mrs. Silvers mo 1, ther, Mrs. Bob Presnell. Mr. C. M. Allen took din ner with Mr. and Mrs. ; Dewey Ray, Sunday. Walter Edwards moved 1 into his new house Satur-' day. CANt) RIVER NEWS MiC and Mrs. Coy Miller were visiting Mr. and Mrs. G*. A. Fender Sunday. A revival meeting now in progress at the Cane River Baptist church | Ev erybody is invited to at tend. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fender and children were visiting Mrs. Fender’s sis ter in Burnsville over the week end. Mrs. Cora Allen and son Frank were "visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King Sunday. in Wagener. Among those who attended were Jim Anglin, Ernest Briggs and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence , Belgarde. ‘ 1 I THE YANCEY RECORD LOCAL CHAPTER OF INFANTILE PARALY SIS FOUNDATION IS ORGANIZED A meeting was called and held by Mr. C. H. Har ris of Asheville, in the Yancey County Communi ty Club building, Tuesday, August 26, 1941 for the purpose of organizing a local chapter of the Nat ional Foundation for In fantile Paralysis, Mr. Harris -fed the dis cussion and explained the purpose of having an exe cutive committee for the local chapter. This com mittee was selected by Mr. Harris before h 6 called a meeting. Members of the committee are as follows: i Dr. C. M. Whisnant, Dentist; Dr. Croley, District Health Officer; Dr. C. M. Cheadle, Private practioner; Mrs. Elizabeth H. Crouse, County Health Nurse; Miss Hope Buck, County Supt. of Education* Mrs. C. R. Hamrick, Edi tor of the Yancey Record; Charles L. Brown, Chair man of County Commiss ioners; R. N. Scott, Cash ier of North Western Bank; W. B. Wray, Mana ger Nu-Wray Hotel; Lee Hilliard, Feldspar Milling Company. Mr. Harris explained that the 1 * Executive Com mittee could take in other members if necessary, but advised that better work would he accomplished with a small group. H e stated the purpose of the chapter shall be to act lo cally for the National Foundation —for Infantile Paralysis. He also explain ed the function of the cha pter is to tender direct assistance to afflict ed with infantile paraly sis, to furnish funds for braces, crutches, wheel chairs, casts, hospitaliza tion, transportation, and the like to the fullest ex tent possible within it’s mesjns. Social Security Act passed in Aug. 14, 1935 and ammended Aug. 16, 1939 was described by Mr. Har ris as federal aid.to states for service 1 0 ■ crippled children. This* phase of the Social Security gives a 4pllar for every dollar the local chapter has. He also brought out the fact that [in case of epedemics the local chapter would wire jNati 0n a 1 Headquarters, 120 Broadway, New York ity, and receive aid such as nurses, doctors, equip ment money, braces, efce. ( Publicity was discussed as a means of detaining a successful Infantile Para lysis program. The cele bration of President Roos evelt’s birthday and the 1 “March of Dimes” should be the occasion for inten sive publicity. Following these expla nations and • discussions, the officers of the execu tive committee for the lo cal chapter of the National Foundation were elected and are as follow?: Dr. C. M. Whisnant, Chairman; Dr. J. J. Croley, Vice Chairman; Dr. C. M. Cheadle, Treasurer; Mrs. Elizabeth H. Crouse, Sec retary. Mr. and Mrs." Lloyd Cre asman and son of Chicago visited relatives and fri ends in Asheville and Bur nsville through the holi days. They, spent New Years’ Mr®. Creas man’s mother, Mrs. Fannie Styles. WOMAN’S CLUB | The regular meeting of; the Woman’s Club was! held on Thursday, Jan. 8, j at the home of Mrs. D. R, Fouts,' with Mrs. Fred Proffitt associate hostess. The business Session was presided over by the pres ident, Mrs. Fouts. Sever al committees made their reports, the Welfare com mittee . stating especially 1 the needs of the school children. The ' president appointed the following Nominating committee to nominate the club officers for the year 1942-1943: Mrs. H. Grady Bailey, Mrs.! Troy Ray, and Mrs. Hub ert Justice. _ j Mrs. J. S. LeFevre intro duced the speaker of the afternoon, Miss Dorothy Turner, Home Demonstra- i tion Agent. Miss read a very interesting pa per on Food and Defense. Mr. H. Grady Bailey was also present and spoke on the work of the Red Cross. The club voted y* donate ten dollars to this chari table organization. A social hour followed, with Mrs. Fred Proffitt; presiding dt the tea table. 1 The next meeting of the club will be on Feb. 12, and the hostesses will be Mrs. W. B. Wray, Sr. *and Mrs. G. L. Hensley. TOLEDO NEWS Recent visitors in the home of Mrs. W. Mi Ran dolph were her son Watson ; Randolph, his wife and daughter of Kingsport; her daughter, Mrs. W. D. : Smith and Mr. Smith of Bristol, Tenn.; and her grandson, Mr. Stanley Rid dle with his wife and two ; children of Burnsville. Mrs. W. A. Bailey who; has been quite sick is slow-1 Ijr improving. John Ayers and his fri+- end Mr. Allan from near! Mobile, Ala. .after about 10 days spent in our midst re turned to Fort Bragg. Mo bile is quite far south so isn’t often visited by snow storms so Mr. Allan was greatly pleased to be here during the snowy weather which he enjoyed greatly. Enzy and Arthur Letter man have gone Nash ville, Tenn. to take a cour-i se in air plane mechanics. ; James Garland visited in Glenn Willow, spent about a week and returned. 4 & SPECIAL NOTICE! LIST YOUR TAXES | ' f ■ ■ y .. - ~ l . IS - - * • . • ---w— rag Ail persons are required to list property and poll tax during January. V'- Failure to list taxes will result in your being PEN- *jjj ALIZED BY LAW. Meet the tax lister for your town ship and list taxes NOW. I ; Mr. and Mrs. Edd Pate and children Billie and Ed line have returned home after a trip to Hollywood Beach Florida and Georg ia and places of interest. •■ y ■ri '%rr * ■ J - ■'■■'■■■■l ■——— THE CALL TO THE COLONS IS A CALL FOR DOLLARS! I.■■ . . • Dig deep. Strike hard Our ' boys need the planes, ships, and grins which your money will help to bw * -- —tytSr Go to your bank, post office, or savings and loan association. , Tell them you want to buy De ja tense Bonds regularly, starting j ■ . now - c- ; THE NORTHWESTERN BANK BURNSVILLE, N. C. * V;Y . - . » f$ Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation jjj'ininliQiiii ■i!iiißi''iiHiiini!iiiipß!iiißiiiiini) ;iiiiiiißiiiiiH!i!ißi;!miim!!iiM'iiiißiiiin!ii!nniiiMiiiiiMiiiiiniiii CASH PAID FOR LOGS We buy Oak, Birch, Hard and Soft Map | le and Ash Logs. One load or more delivered at our mill. For prices See Luther Ayers at I Old Pollard Plant ip 1 m I Penland & Ayers I I BURNSVILLE, N. C. j DR. F. K. GARDNER j OPTOMETRIST s Os 60 1-2 Patton Ave. Asheville, N. C. I WILL BE AT j NU-WRAY HOTEL BURNSVLLE, N. C. j THUR., JAN. 22, 1942 FOR THE PURPOSE OF LOOKING AFTER ALL EYE TROUBLES I• • * ‘ r . t • [j, EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED | * ; , jjj ananaiia«i|rii»iia''a '•• , aiiaiian#iiaiiaMait#iiaiiai'aiiai<aHßwana|i«iiai.#iiauaii#iiaiiaitaMaiiaHfl.iiaMaiiaiiai»aiiaiiaiiaiiaMaiiaiw» PAGE THREE Mr. and Mrs. Bruce An glin and family have rfiov ed to Chappells, S. C. where Mr. Anglin is employed. Dover R. Fouts has been ill of flu this week.

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