THEUSDAY, JUNE 18,1942 Jbaum Main Btteet Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mclntosh are attending summer school at Appala chian State Teachers’ Col lege in Boone. Mrs. Mcln tosh is taking work on her Masters Degree. ** * • v Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett Hughes, Mrs. Harmie Brig gs, Mrs. Artie Lee Hig gins, Mr. Dawson Briggs, and Hubert Justice are at tending A six weeks -sum mer school' at Asheville College. * * * * ! Mrs. Earl Murphy has returned to her home in! Maryville, Tennessee after a weeks visit with' her mother, Mrs. J. R. Evans. Ruth and Sally Evans ac companied her home for a few weeks visit. • * * •—• — M Eight graduates of last! year’s* senior class celebra-| ted a class reunion picnic at Carolina Hemlock Mon- ! day night. ** * # Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hev ner and young son are vis- ! iting Mr. and Mrs. Molte Hensley. ♦ *- * * Dr. and Mrs. Gus Laugh- j run *of Forest City, Ark. spent the week end here with relatives. Dr. Laugh run has been called into military service and will be stationed at Hot Springs. He received a. captain’s commission. * * * * Miss Althea Pemberton is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lee Griffeth. —. i ** * * Miss Marjorie Allison has returned from the Bilt-j more hospital but will be confined to her home for several weeks. jj ** * * Mrs. James — Holcombe and son have been visiting •Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Hol combe. * * * * <e Mrs. George Smith and daughter, Miss l Dorothy Smith are house guests of Mrs. Rudolph Glatly. ***** B. M. Tomberlin is at tending summer school at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. ** * * Miss Virginia Angel deft this week for Baltimore, Md. where she will be em ployed. Miss Hope Bailey is now secretary in the Bailey Appliance Co. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rob ertson of Brevard visited relatives in the county dur ing the week end. • *• * • Lee Ray Robertson came down froth Newport News to spend the week end. Wayne Banner was also at home. H B Unde Sam wa.its 3 I > ou to can I and berries and J will Ice you have for ihn purpose Take all roursuf \ ■ nar ration books 10 local ration - jf jUH] C” -Jk XmtriMg any tlamft, 1,/>. Wf? XJyour board will W as tenable you to let W txtra tuiar for c. j w7 Dr. R. 0. Jones under went an appendectomy last Wednesday at the Marion General hospital. ** * # Mrs. Ralph Laughrun left Tuesday for Charles ton, S. C. w'here she has accepted a secretarial pos ition. Mr. Laughrun will Join her later. sj ** * * t Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Byrd and children are spending a two weeks va- I cation here. •* * * Mrs. T. C. Coble of Gre | ensboro has been Visiting relatives in the county. -** * • Misses Edith and Myrtle Huskins are visiting rela tives in South Carolina. ** * • “Mrs. Herrick Roland of Wilmington is spending several weeks here with her father, Dr. W. B. Rob | ertson. Mrs. Robertson is still in Aston Park hospital but is improving. # * * • r Miss Jennie King is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dov er Fouts. * * * * ; Barbara Bumgardner is ; spending the week with the H. G. Fletchers, j V* * * Barbara Jean Russ has arrived to visit her grand mother, Mrs. J. A.. Banks. ** * * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hubbard came up from Shelby to spend the week end with friends. t •* # • Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Mat tson 'have as their house guests Mr. and Mrs. David L. Pitcher, Jr. of Washing ton, D. C. Celebrates First Birthday A happy group of very young guests, accompani |ed by their mothers, gath ered at Camp Ray on Wed nesday afternoon to brate R. L. Mclntosh’s first birthday with him. Late in the afternoon, ice cream and cake were served to the group. ■Guests were Johnnie Connelly, Joan Croley, Randolph and Louise Rid dle, Mary Alice Westall, Cyt hi a Ann Randolph, Linda Ann Banks, Lois and Joyce Leigh, Carroll Rog ers, Jr. and George Floyd Rogers, Mary and Marion Robbins, Jerry Holcombe, Mary Vance Robertson, Lucy Bailey, .Nelda and Ronnie Peterson. BAILEY HILL DECORATION The annual decoration services at Bailey Hill ce metery will be held next Sunday, June 21 at 2:00 o’clock. All those who will, are asked to meet Friday or Saturday to clean off the cemetery. * YOUNG REUNION~ The annual Young fam ily reunion will be held at the Pete Young home on next Sunday, June 21. GARDEN CLUB WILL MEET The Garden club will meet at the home of Mrs. Troy Ray on Thursday, June 25 at 7. P.M. for a covered dish supper. - Mrs. L. E. Briggs is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Clar ence Belgarde in Philadel phia. PENSACOLA NOTES Friends of Pearson Rid dle, Jr. will be happy to know that word was rece ived that he was still O.K. but a prisoner in the hands of the Japanese. Rex Ray and Ralph Gar dner will leave for the army Saturday morning. C. . B. Ray underwent a very serious mastoid oper ation last Thurday after noon in the Oteen hospital, but is doing nicely at this W'riting. f Miss Irene Silver has been ill of a severe attack of sore throat but is bet ter. Miss Billie has been sick for some time but is improving. SWISS NEWS'' ■ ’ Rev. A. Z. Jamerson preached a n interesting r sermon to the large crowd , that attended the Memor ial services here Sunday. Della Mclntosh left Mon day for Marshall where she will be employed. Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Sparks and daughters of Parrotsville, Tenn. were here visiting relatives Sun day. Mr. Sparks remained for a weeks visit. Mr. and Mrs. Cartie Tomberlin were over from Tennessee Sunday visiting relatives. Hugh Tomberlin and Ralph Robinson leave here this week for the Army. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tho mpson of Johnson City were visiting here Sunday. Julias Annastasia Tom- Eerlin, Mrs. B. M. Tomber lin, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Mclntosh and Madge Fer geson are attending sum-| mer school at Asheville College. The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Anglin of Burnsville spent last week here with Mrs. A. C. Angel. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ja merson and children of Jonesboro, Tenn. were vis iting relatives here Sun day. Rev. Jeff King is visit ing relatives here this week. and Mrs. George White of Asheville spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Sheppard. Rev. B. T. Nanney of Brevard is visiting here this week. LEGION MEET r i he Earl Horton Post of the American Legion, and the Legion auxiliary held the June meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hennessee. Delegates to the state convention were named. These are W. W. Hennes see, R. N. Silver, and Dover R. Fouts. Members of the aux iliary plan to attend the sessions on Monday. At the business meeting, the auxiliary as a unit vot ed to volunteer to aid in further registration in the county. They also voted to assist in every way possible in the collection of scrap rubber and old phonograph records.. The next meeting, on July 28, will be held at the home o% Mr. and Mrs. R. 1 A. Charlies at 7:30. NOTICE “Silas Smidge from Tur nip Ridge” will be present ed by the Pensacola Dra matic club Saturday night, June 20th, at the school auditorium. The time is 8:30 war time. Admission is 15 and 25 cents. I THE YANCEY RECORD WOMAN’S CLUB The Woman’s Club held its regular meeting on Thursday, June 11 at the home of Mrs. P. C. Coletta, with Mrs. H. r D. Justice the associate hostess, Mrs. D. R. Fouts was in the chair and presided over the business session. Reports were heard from chairmen of several committees. The" treasur er’s report was read and announcements made. Mrs. Hobart Ray handed in her resignation as president of the club for the coming year and a new election was held. Mrs. John Rob i! inson was unanimously el ected president, i Mrs. Fouts made a sum mary speech of the year’s work and handed over the ! gavel and her official dut ies to the new president, rlMrs. Robinson. It was stated that the fi nal meeting of the club will be on June 30 at 7:30 at i the club house and this meeting will be in the nat ure of a benefit buffet sup-j per. All proceeds will go to the Red Cross and the public is invited. After the busines session Mrs. Charles Proffitt took charge of the program for the evening. She presented Miss Hope Buck who re viewed “The Moon Is Down” by John Steinbeck, and Mrs. John Robinson who reported on “Cross Creek’ by Marjoncf Ken nan Rawlins. Both books contained elements of tra gedy and comedy and were well handled by the speak ers. I. A social hour was held and the club adjourned to meet again on June 30. Miss Mary Martha Banks will leave Saturday for Jef fersonville, Ind. where she will visit Mr. and Mrs. Espy, Banks. Miss Azalene Howell ! of Newdale will accompany j her and will visit her bro- 1 ther, Ray Howell at Fort Knox, Ky. * * * * Mrs. Lorene Byrd will leave Sunday for. a visit in Gaffney, S. C. She will re turn on Thursday. ** * • ,G. L. Hensley sustained painful injuries Wednes day when he fell from a ladder in the post office. *** * . Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Powell of Spenser, a daughter on June 13. •* « • Pvt. Guss Fender is* at home on furlough from Camp Claiborne, La. ** * * Miss Carrie Tipton of Day Book has returned to her home from Greensboro where she has been work ing. typhoid clinics by health department June 30, July 7 SWISS—Post Office—9:3o to 10:30 BALD CREEK—Proffitt’s Store 10:30 to 12:30 CANE RlVEß—Bailey’s Store, 2:00 to 3:00 CANE RIVER—Mrs. Peterson’s House, 3:30 to 4:30 July 1, July 8 WlNDOM—Gibson’s Store, 9:30 to 10:30 BOONFORD—Young’s Chapel Church, 11:00 to 12:00 MlCAVlLLE—Robinson’s Store, 2:00 to 1:00 N NEWDALE—Post Office, 3:30 to 4:30 / July 2, July 9 PAINT GAP—Austin’s Store, 9:30 to 10:30 HORTON’S CREEK—England’s Store, 11:00 to 12:00 PHIPPS CREEK—Charlie Allen’s house, J:00 to-2;QO BAKERS CREEK—School house, 2:30 to 3:00: : 4 July 3, July 10 JACKS CREEK—Hensley’s Store' 9:30 to 10:30 CLEARMONT—HoweII’s Store, 11:00 to 12:30 JACKS CREEK—Presbyterian Church, 1:30 to 2tfo TOLEDO—Zion Baptist Church, &00 to 4:00 +■ July 14, July 21 BUSICK-*-Mt. Mitchell Baptist Church, 9:30 to 10:30 SEVEN MILE RlDGE—Ballew’s Store, 11:00 to 12:00 CELO—Baptist Church, 1:00 to 2:00 BOWDlTCH—Mill‘Office, 2:30 to 3:30 i zgj v ■ ~— —' - ' BIG CROP LOSS FEARED UNLESS FRUIT IS CANNED ! Housewives Urged to Take Advantage of Extra Sugar Ration For Canning (Atlanta, Ga., June 10.)- OPA officials express fear I that a major portion of the $15,000,00 fruit and berry crop in the South east will be lost unless housewives take advan tage of the extra ration of ‘..{Sugar provided for earn ing : and preserving. The Office of Price Ad -1 ministration said reports from Georgia, Tennessee ■ and the Carolmas indicat ed that there was virtually no market for the already 5 ripening fruits and berries 1 in these S&ates. Housewives seemingly » are not aware that they can secure extra sugar for 'canning purposes, in addi tion to the sugar alloted to them on their ration cards. Application for this addi tional supply of sugar for canning and preserving should be made at places designated by local ration ing boards. Housewives, by obtain ing extra sugar, will be assuring themselves of a winter supply of sweets in the event of the further tightening of sugar ration ing, and at the same time will prevent the waste of , present fruit and berry crop, which would result in a heavy loss to Southern growers. Commercial canneries can only use a small per centage of the crops in this region. TOLEDO NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Nas G. Bailey and sons, Woody and Charles Allen, have arrived here from Murf ireesboro, Tenn. to spend I their vacation with rela tives. The annual decoration of the graves at Bailey Hill cemetery will be held Sun day afternoon, June 21. Hiram H. Ramsey, Jr. has returned here to spend the summer with his fath er. He has been in school in Charleston, S.“ C. c Rev. Ray Campbell will speak to the Training Union of Zion Baptist church Sunday night, as a special feature of the annual en listment campaign, which is now in progress. The friends “and family |of Pvt. Ward N. Howell of | Camp Pine, N. Y. are glad Ito know that he will be ' here on furlough this week. . Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pe terson and Mrs. Myrtle Bailey of Green Mountain CONFECTIQN_ A candy made of sweet potatoes and another from 3-day-old breau were am ong the wartime exhibits at the annual convention of the National Confect ioners’ Association in New York. . • visited friends here Sun day .afternoon. “IT IS CHEAPER TO WIN THE WAR THAN TO LOSE IT.” Morgenthau 1 — —— l —- ■w Ml buy „ih_:... —■ fNgH UNITED STATES fW WAR (jjj jakpONDS STAMPS •\ 73 ■ . . . j • / > . . - #■ THE NORTHWESTERN BANK BURNSVILLE, N. C. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ■ ' ■ p "" ' __ . CJSW,) |Hg§ Rjnom f 'n.s« teassSfel • • • Per «r.t * I It’s the latest diecovery in 1 j , paint science... a paint that • Covers with On# Ceetl 1 covert almost any interior sur- • Q,j al j n o nc Hour! face, painted or unpainted; * tt ' g Worhoble! wallpapered; brick or cement! m B Ideal for quick, low-cost room * 1 » aL F,n,,1,M Av,ro «* Rottm! I painting. Investigate! See us. NEWEST PASTEL COl.Qßfi j j -THIN WITH -PAINT ON -USE JUST * PLAIN WATCH! ANY SUKFACII ONI COAT! fSw" I HOUR! \ Km!**, %Mj IT'S WASHABLE! .98 Briefly, this altogether new and differ- / j ent kind of paint—XEM-TONE—lets l ‘r you paint any room, paint over any •urface (including wallpaper), with a p single coat of beautiful, flat paint 1 er 1,81100 that dries in an hour and may. be yra|hed with poap and water! f£ THE NEWEST, SMARTEST PASTEL COLQgflj jB, B. Penland & Son Lumber Cpmpany /HfY Burnsville, N. C. PAGE THREE To School Wis’lGrrace Rii^TdaugHt er of Mr. and Mrs. Frhnk Ray, left Sunday for Swam nanoa where she will at tend the Junior Vocational College. She was at Dor land-Bell school last year, and this school has now been consolidated with the Farm School to establish the junior college.

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