THURAftijL JULY 2, 1942 * Main Sheet \ r , I , ' | I • .a> Saturday, July 4 1 I '• \ ) I I The Farmer’s Federation picnic will be held at the? | school: I \° Tuesday, July 7 | The circles of the Woman’s Missionary society will! | meet. v/ . | » | “T" Elwood Smith was home from the C.C.C. camp for the week end. ™ —• ~A M.. 1 ' Mrs. E. L. Johnston and daughter, Miss Lora Lee Johnston, will arrive with in a few days to visit rela tives; — ■*—. *» • * Miss Frances Byrd has returned to Washington, D. C. where she is employed after a visit here with her mother, Mrs. Lorene Byrd.! #* * # Mr. and Mrs. John Ben nett of Asheville were over for the week end. Miss Sadie Whitley was their guest. t, v * * * Jack Riddle is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Riddle. '*# * V Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bea ver and family Hos Kings port were guests Sunday of the former’s sister, Mrs. t Sallie B. Butner. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rob inson and family of Char lotte are visiting Mr. Rob inson’s sister, Mrs. G. T.J Robbins, arid Mr. Robbins ; here. , a r t 1) a ■ ... ■ ■ and visited rela tives in Lenoir last week. ** * * Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pate a son, June 27. Mrs. Pate is the former Miss Evelyn Hunter. ♦* * * Misses Mary Bailey and Lois Woody of Green Mtn. were guests of Mrs. Royce Masters the week end. ** * # • > Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Banks are visiting the El lis Moodys in Charleston. ** * * Mrs. Julia Lyon t s Ashe ville is visiting friends and relatives here. .-•'-U • # * • Miss Catherine Stewart, district representative of the Red Cross, was in Burnsville this week. ** * • Guss Peterson under went a minor operation at an Asheville hospital last week. HOW TO GET EXTRA SUGAR FOR CANNING! Uncle Sam wsnti you to can and preserve fruit* and berries and will let you have EXTRA SUGAR) (or this purpose. Take all of yjur sugar ration books to your I/ocal ration board. Without removing sny stamps from your hooks, your board will enable you to get an exits supply of sugar for canning. Your grocer will then fill your requirements with your old friend I CrycVriir I I " ( % ; ' Bill Huskins is visiting! in Goldsboro. Miss Bill Proffitt of the army nursing corps spent the past week end at Bald Creek, She is stationed at Ft. Jackson, S. t. ■ » a—, —— Miss Carolyn Hobson is visiting friends in Clover, S. C. B. W. ELLIS IS NOW AT YANCEY THEATRE B’ W. Ellis of Boone is here for 30 days as manag er of the Yancey Theatre while Iliff Clevenger is away. Mr* and Mrs. Clev enger will spend two" weeks visiting his parents and ! other relatives in Kentuc ky and Illihois. DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL CLOSES A Daily Vacation Bible school was conducted by Robert Clementz at the Presbyterian church last week. Mrs. R. Y. Tilson and Miss Wilma Jarrett assist ed with, the activities of the school. -V-/ -L Closing exercises were held Sunday with the fol | lowing taking part: Mon tez Peterson, Elizabeth Ann Roberts, Joe Mattson, i Susan Weller, Louise and kDick Hobson, L. B. Jarrett, rTommy and Robert Tilson and Frank Wilson. PENSACOLA NOTES Mrs. Ben Lee Ray and family are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cleonard Peake of Swannanoa this week. Miss Gladys Penland was taken to an Asheville hos pital for teatment last week but has returned home and is feeling better. Carrol Robinson and sis ter, Reba, of Kannapolis, N. C. are visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo phus Robinson. Mrs. Ophus Ledford and son - are in from Erwin, Tenn. visiting home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown and family left Monday for Lyons, Colora : do where they expect td make their home. BANKS CREEK NEWS Willard C. Banks * who has been visiting his moth er returned to his home in Alexandria, Va. Friday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Banks on the 24th a daughter, Juanita. George Banks left Sat urday to attend Asheville Farm School. Carl Banks of Leaks ville, is visiting, his mother this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Butner and Misses Louet ta and Mary L. Butner visited Mrs. Floyd Banks Sunday, Roger Banks who is at tending Asheville Farm School is home for a few . days. Mr. and Mrs. Connor I Banks and small sons, | Tommy and Dicky of Al coa, Tenn. are expected to ‘arrive for a visit with Mr. Banks’ mother, Mrs. T. W. Banks, who has been sick for several weeks, l. . - ; BALD CREEK NEWS The Busy Bee society of Bald Creek Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Ralph Neill Friday afternoon of last week for their regular semi-monthly meeting. Betty Neill was the program leader. The devotional exercises con sisted of songs, scripture reading and sentence pray ers. The program included a number of readings by the boys and girls. At the , conclusion of the program, games were played on the lawn. Mrs. Neill was assist? ed by her daughters in ser ving delicious ref r e sh ments. Fifteen members and four visitors were pre sent. The next meeting will be at the iiome of Julia Ann and Margaret Wilson. Rev. C. B. Way, who is pastor of Borings Chapel Methodist church, located on Jacks Creek, will begin a revival meeting at that church Sunday, July 12. A Daily Vacation Bible school will be conducted during the same period of the re vival meeting, the school to be conducted during the ' morning hours and the preaching services at night. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. King of Baltimore,,, were guests of Mrs. King’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hensley, at the Valley View Tourist Home Tuesday o f last week. Edgar Ray of Newport News, Va. spent a recent week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Carter: Mr. Ray came in for a vis it with his wife and son, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carter for several weeks. Shelby Robertson, mem ber of the faculty of Bald Creek school, and Ralph Neill, Jr., have gone to Baltimore, Md. where they ; are employed during the summer months. < Miss Mary Glenn Prof- i fitt is visiting her sister, ] Mrs. Yates Bailey, at Way- ] nesville. Mrs. Earl W. Wilson, i who has been visiting a ] sister at Charlotte for the < past ten days, is expected to return home this week. ' 'Miss Marguerite Fergu son has been in Washing- . ton, D. C. for the past three weeks where she is employ ed. i Relatives and friends of Mrs. Ralph Proffitt, who i has been a patient in Duke Hospital at Durham, for several weeks, will be glad to learn that she is impro ving and expects to return to her home here this week. Mrs. Furman Carr and sons, Marshall and Charles, and daughter, Jean, left i Bald Creek Saturday of last week for Detroit,Mich, where they plan to remain with Mr. Carr and another son, Harold, for some time. Mr. Carr and son have been in Detroit at work for some time. REWARD A reward of $5.00 will be paid by the Town of Burnsville to any one furnishing information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person guilty of breaking out the street lights of the Town. The Town paid $11.28 during the month of June to replace street lights wilfully broken by a certain group of young boys around Town. It would seem that the parents, who are the tax payers, could teach their children to have more respect for public property. The Town announces that it will pay $5.00 for in formation leading to the arrest and conviction of those persons guilty of breakingihe street lights during June, and the same sum will be paid for like information as to all other offenses in the future. » This needless des truction of public property must stop. J. Frank Hyskins, Mayor J. B. King,'*’Commissioner * * Troy Mclntosh, Commissioner * "" THE YANCEY RECORD RIVERSIDE NEWS ! Mrs. Jack .Harlin arid little son, Tommie of Swan nanoa spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gibbs. Sarah Gibbs returned home with them for a visit Mr. and Mrs. Seth Laug hrun of Baltimore, Md. have been visiting relativ es here. to Clevland, Ohicrwhere he will be employed. Frank Briggs of Camp Croft, S. C. the week end at hor i. Mrs. S. J. RRoland is spending a wee|; in Erwin with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Wo ody and son, Jack, of Ten nessee visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. Ben Riddle has been ill for some time, but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Lau- - ghrun of Baltimore are vis iting here this week. Miss Edna Melton of Charlotte visited home folks last week. Miss Edith McKinney was her guest Saturday. MrS. Zeb McAllister of ! Baltimore has returned home for a short visit. Mrs. Luetta Wilson an,d < son have gone td Lexing ton, N. C. for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest An ders of North Wilkesboro visited here this week. Rev. E. G. Adkins of Higgins was the guest of < Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McKin ney Thursday. • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rob ertson of Tennessee were i guests Sunday of their mo ther, Mrs, Ann Roland here. „ 1 DAY BOOK notes Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anglin on the 27th j a son, William Gerald,. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. How ell of Bald Creek spent last week end here visiting Mr. Howell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Howell. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hon- 1 eycutt and son, Hollis, and ( Mrs. R. F. Peterson attend ed the funeral of the Rev. W. B. Duck at Greenville, Tenn. Sunday. Miss Wilma Ray has gone to Raleigh where she is employed. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Min cer and family, Mrs. Royal Bailey and Mrs. R. L. Jor don of Asheville spent last week end here visiting re latives. Charles Piercy of Col umbia, S. C. has been home the past week on leave. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowman of Johnson City were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter Sun day. Miss Chloe Honeycutt of New Mexico is at home visiting her mother, Mrs. Margaret Honeycutt. Ross and Kenneth Bailey of Micaville are spending a few weeks here visiting relatives. HAMRICK NEWS 1 Hermon Silver, f i y.s t class electrician mate of the U. S. Navy, spent ( a! part of last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al-j onzo Silvers here. Silvers enlisted in the Navy about three years ago, and was stationed at Hawaiian Is lands during the Japanese attack of Dec. 7. Mr. and Mrs.-W. L. Aut rey have received a letter from their son, Pvt. Gilbert Autrey, that he has lended safely in the Hawaiian Is lands. Mr. and Mi's. Emory Chrisawn and little son, 1 Dean, have returned home Thom Havelock, N. C. Dr. R. D. Croom of Max ton has arriyed at his sum mer cottage here. A bridal shower was giv en for Mrs. Ernest Ballew Saturday at the home of], -Mrs. Ann Robinson. 'A! ■ large number of guests was present and many lo- . vely gifts were presented ' to the bride. > • Mr. and Mrs.-Carl Shu ford and children haVe go- , ne to Raleigh where Mr. Shuford is employed in de fense work. Ray Kates of the C.C.C. gamp in in the hospital at Ft. Bragg according to news sent ta hi.s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kat es. Rev. Jones of Marion preached at the Baptist’ church Sunday morning. Miss Mae Patton has re turned home from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Ray mond Robinson in Marion. “MISS YANCEY COUN-. TY’’ WILL BE SELECT ED SATURDAY v., c ’• . “Miss Yancey County” will be selected in a popu- ; larity contest on Saturday, July 4 at the Farmers’ Federation picnic. Daymon Fender is now in Durham where he ifc training at the N. Y. A. center. SPECIAL SUMMER BARGAINS , Special Summer Bargain No. 1 | all FIVE American Poultry Journal 1 year [ FOR ONLY Bee mm. az ■■■■*_ ___ Farm Journal & Farmer's Wife— 1 year > e* - earns THIS NEWSPAPER ir::;:,. l^.': — ( * 1 -35 ONE YEAR THIS NEWSPAPER 1 year J f .... ■ A|d AIV Mi mine Special Summer Bargain No. 2 *\ SK ■MV fill J Farm Journal A Farmer'. WUe_ 1 year FOE ONLY mm lm ■ Pathfinder (weekly) 26 iuuei ■ American Poultry Journal 1 year ► t CC LIS IV U Household Magazine 1 year ▼ I ivS Progreezive Farmer 1 year A— BOTH FOR PRICE SHOWN TH “ NEWSPAPER i year J / ALL MAGAZINES ARE ~ ~~~ FOR ONE YEAR J*'*'** 1 Summer Bargain No. 3-t m SIX >SStS Mi»iZ i£g fohonly □ American Fruit Grower $1.23 Houeehold Magazine i y . a r >- . C O American Girl 1.80 Farm Journal & Farmer'* Wile_ 1 year f T Jei9 LJ American Magazine 2.80 Southern Agricultural i year ~ □ American Poultry Journal . 1.15 THIS NEWSPAPER x year J 1 □ Better Home* A Garden* _ 1.80 * v □ Breeder's Gazette 1.50 .———^_,———■ □ Chrizdan Herald ■ 2,30 □ Click - J 50 □ Collier*. Weekly 3.30 THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR. AND 'l PA nn S S SIX FAMOUS MAGAZINES l $7.90 □ rtnmjoumai * Farmer*. f For Both Newspaper and Magazine, ... J / o Flower Grower 2.30 J □ Household Magazine ___ 1.25 □ SibS? o«n SELECT ITIREE MAGAZINES SELECT THREE MAGAZINES ‘ GROUP -A- GROUP -B --□ Modem ■ctSS* 0 *" i'to n Science 0 ? tv J Tr. □ Household Magazine— 1 yr. § Nature (t<yi-« 14 Mo ) 330 n t, Dl,c ° v#r r— 1 yr. □ Path Under (weekly) —26 lee. Official x3C£t. s££. Z 2.00 g Fac* m,. M .r 9ali “ ~ \ i \ Gf ? W " \ Onen Road (Bove) (12 lee H io« ingett 1 yr . n American Poultry Jour. 1 yr. 14 Mo ) S «“»"“« * Filhin « 1 yr. O Frm. Jour. A Fm.*e Wife 2 Jm. n Parent.' lfaa„ri„. J’" S %*•<? —1 yr. LI Mother's Hem. LUe_lyr. ri ZS^aV72, T*;i L.l ChrUticm Herald 6 mo. I J Poultry Tribune 1 Tr. L Mechanics * [2 LJ Path Under (weekly) —1 yr. (.) Nat'l Ur. Stock Prod_ I£. n KSmSdel Fa?m!. ??“ R Flower Grower 6 mo. □ Farmer _ lyrt. n i*i* ''l- door. (12 Isa.) 14 mo. ( J Southern Agriculturist. 2yr>. □ □ Silver Screen . 1.80 ■ «~e——w R _Aj(rtcnllurijt 1.13 □ Successful Farming - 1.25 MNi jUP RSrjRSL— - \Z | CGr* J.4...R11 Out And Mail Today | mmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmmmm * check magazines i.zs red and enclose with coupon. m Gentlemen: f* enclose $ lam enclosing I SEE US FOR MAGAZINES I *•>« offer desired with a year’s subscription to yonr I NOT LISTED | MP * r ' I " NAME . -, BUY VA r :ONDS IST EET OR R.FJD ' \ / ZSA'.SSi | CITY STATE BOLENS CREEK N • Thejv was b baptiiiLs service! at x this\ I Sunday aV2:SO. Peggy ]Ai|i Fox and Mrs. Leonar(L|Jf<k :one were baptised, r j Mr.-and Mrs. Bob Harris, ; visited “UhcleT Amos Prjiep nell Sunday. \ M i Mrs. Ranks , is'Un the Marion gerieral hospit al where\she underwent 1 : W operation.. \ *'l Max Penland \ whh has been working at Newpo.i|t News, \la. visiting his : parents, Mr, ancl\ Mrk Bh B. Penlarld. ' \|U J . ,\ Frank Fox wIV lis j ehivl ! ployed at! Ne<ypprt NeVlrs| , Va. has been deferkM from;' the army tpr four nthsj KATHLEENS® JOINS ARMY NURSING CORPS T Miss Kathleen lyeake, daughter of Mix and Mrs. R. A. Peake" of Toledo, has been accepted by the U. S. army nursing corps, She I received a commission as -second lieutenant, and is now stationed at the gen eral hospital in Atlanta. 1 - J jlHtt V/iOSBA Bonds are sold by this bank as a patriotic service, without cost to the purchaser or the government. THE NORTHWESTERN BA^K BURNSVILLE, N. C. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation PAGE THREE ISlie •mt, rttdy m '\ \P- B - Penland & Son Lumbper'* Conipany Phone 8 Burnsville 1$ ~ \ I 'Shi r win W/i.t M ; n Paints , S 9

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