•naoattaitftrX'inaiißjisi-ita laua-'ananatiauai'ai Your Country needs Scrap Materials. Throw your Scrap into the fight for Victory! wa!ia»e'i«itaiiaH9tiaiiati«Meita'fcuaHeiie»aMa •>■•••> VOLUME SEVEN SUB, RATES: SI.OO YEAR. BURNSVILLE, N. C. THU&iDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1942 Men In Service •>».« - ■ -- - AVAILABLE FOR SERVICE The following men have passed examinations here and are now available for induction into the army: Brady Hedrick, Ramsey town; Ervin Bradford, Bee Log; Tillmar. McCurry, Bee Log; Dock McCurry, Windom; Charlie Forbes, Newdale; Wm. Gus Wilson, Burns ville ; Glenn Mclntosh, Burnsville rt 1; Woodrow Ledford, Burnsville; Nir am Haney, Bee Log; Clyde Tipton, Bee Log; Tillman Hensley, Swiss; Bristo Wallace, Burnsville; Avery Erman, Day Book; • Welzie King, Cane River; Philip Bailey* Toledo; Herman Gurley, Celq; Claude E. Dale, Green Mtn.; Kenneth Autrey, Pensacola; Lewis Butner, Burnsville; James Wilson, Bee Log; Burges Higgins, Higgins John W. Blankenship, Bur nsville rt 1; Glenn Ray, Burnsville; Joseph Wilson, Ree Log; Ward Hilemon, Toledo; Gresham McPeters, Win dom; Ralph Barnes, Swiss; Claude Buchanan, Green Mtn.; Floyd Elkins, Burns ville; Cecil Renfro, Green Mtn.; Claude Watts, Bee Log; Willie John Robinson, Kona; Rothie Ogle, Cane River; Alfred Ogle, Vixen; Gus Proffitt, Cane River; Gale Robinson, Boonford, Avery Huskins, Newdale Fred Beaver, L Windom; Clyde Robertson, Lunday; Grady Pittman, Burnsville rt 1; Chas. Raymond Chri sawn, Newdale; Lewis Roland, Pensacola; Roy Silver, Micaville; Mor ris Adkins, Ramseytown; Wm. Calloway, Pensacola; Shelby Ray, Cane River; Vernie Murphy, Busick; Fred Tallent, Ramseytown Frank Briggs, Burnsville; Jay McCurry, Day Book; Claude Thomas, Mica ville; Charles Radford, Cane River; Cecil Adkins, Siour; Kenneth Hughes, Burnsville; Albert Tolley, Boonford; Howard McGee, Windom; Lee Curtis, Burnsville; Linzie Buchanan, Newdale John Wyatt, Micaville; Troy Simmons, Hamrick Delbert Robinson, Green Mtn,; Francis Arrowood, Cane River; Ralph Tilley, Relief; Lewis Grindstaff, Green Mtn.; Frank Allen, Cane River; Fred Phoenix, Cane River; James Paul King, Vixen; Harold Robinson, Green Mtn.; Vernon Gardner, Burnsville; Roy Wilson, Burnsville rt 2; Homer Reterson, Day Book; Oscar Riddle, Cane Riv er; Sanford Hunter, Ram seytown ; Mack Higgins, Cane River; James Hig gins, Higgins. The next gioup of men will leave the county in early October. Not a#> of the above listed men will THE YANCEY WOl “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY” go at that time, probably, but they will be called with in the next'few weeks. > j ■ | IN SOLOMON ISLANDS John Ledford of the U. j S. Marine Corps is now ser ving on Guadalcanal Island ' in the Solomon group, ac • cording to a V. letter re -1 cei.ed here this week by ■ friends. Ledford joined the Marine Corps in Feb. ■| 1942. He is the son of Mr. . and Mrs. Curtis Ledford; " of Cane River. ■I I MAX YELTON HERE ON LEAVE ; Max Yelton, son of Mr. 1 ; and Mrs. Rex Yelton of! ; Paint Gap, left Wednesday: to return to duty with the ; Navy after spending three i days here with his parents. ,;He is serving with the Pa cific fleet and has been in J the navy for 4 years. Lee, another son of ; and Mrs. Yelton who has ■ i been in the air corpps, is' Jalso at home. • ;j .' i ■ • j !|SAM BYRD BENNETT COMPLETES PRE FLIGHT TRAINING | Sam Byrd Bennett com pleted his pre flight train ing at Maxwell Field, Ala., ,on August 22 and is pow taking advanced training in the army air corps, , Earl Bailey, son of Mr. • and Mrs. M. M. Bailey, who • is in the U. S. army has been home on a ten day , furlough. ; Lt. Gene Bowyer has ar [ rived safely in Great Brit . ain, according to a message received by Mrs. Bowyer . hore. Frank. King, son of Mr. : and Mrs. R. A. King of Burnsville, has landed saf ely in England according •to a cable received this 1 week. : His address is: Pvt. Frank King 3412 3973 ■ 366th Bomb Sq. 305 Bomb l • APO 640 6 P • c. Postmaster, New York ► Mrs. Hobart Wilson has ; received word that her ; brother has arrived safely ;in England. Pvt. Paul W. 1 Harrell joined the army in May 1942. He received his basic training in New York then was sent over 1 seas. The message receiv -1 ed was one of the new “V” letters. I i Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Fen der have received word , that their son, Cpl. Thomas Guss Fender has arrived safely in England and he , likes it fine. His address is: ■ Cpl. Thomas Guss Fender Co. E. 346 Engs. A. S. N. 34300342 APO 871 c. Postmaster New York 1 Yancey Record: Just a line to let you know I have changed my 1 address, I have been re | ceiving your paper for the ■ past three months, and I (Continued on page four) COUNTY AGENT’S ! FARM NOTES —ll > Any farmer desiring 1 TVA forest tree seedlings t for next spring planting!; should call at or write the, i County or Assistant Coun-T ty Agent for application 1 1 blanks. The TVA has for 1 planting, to control erosion the following species : < White Pine, Pitch Pine, i Shortleaf Pine, Black LLo- 1 cust, and Yellow' Poplar. The tree seedlings should 1 be planted 1000 to the acre; or spaced 6 feet by 7 feet.; After applications are! ;sent in, the County Agent |or TVA Forester will visit ( j the farm and go over the ; site with the operator.! | There is no charge for ! these tree seedlings, as in i previous years, provided they are used for erosion 1 controlwork. Also, throu gh the AAA Farm Pro gram Forestry Practice, a farmer may earn Up to $15.00 per farm at the rate 1 of $2.25 per acre for plant- h | ing these seedlings. This 1 jis separate and above his: < | regular farm units earned : ; for payment. ! < j ' James and Jean Gardner ! of Riverside, have obtained a good grade Hereford Bull calf for their’ 4-H club Baby BeejLproject for thej coming year. This calf will be fed and cared for by the Gardner Brothers ■ and entered in the 4-H 1 Club Baby Beef show and 1 sale in the fall of 1943. h They will keep a record of ; : its weight, feed costs, la- 1 bor, etc. for their club pro- 1 ject. BALD CREEK GLEE CLUB The Bald Creek Glee club met and organized on Sept. 16. The name selected for the club is the Happy Song sters. Officers elected were: , President, Louise Proffitt; secretary, Dot Robinson; Treasurer, Willie Lou Pro- Iffitt; librarian, Mary C. Severs; reporter, Evelyn Peterson. Robert Morris Styles is now stationed at Norfolk, Va. His address is: Pla toon 483, N 0 B N T S, Norfolk. SUGAR Those who have not re ceived their canning sugar certificates for the last canning registration must do so before the first of October as the expiring date is September 30, 1942. ~ ~ < E r ; 1 i I MARK BENNETT HOME FROM BERMUDA Mark W. (Bennett who has been in Bermuda for the past several months asj an electrician with the U.l S. construction force there 1 is at home fpr a vacation., He is the soj of Dr. and Mrs. WJ L. E|ennett. Before goijhg to Bermu da, Mr. Bennett was con nected with the Northwest Carolina Utilities and with the French »road Electric corporation, i He and Mrs. Bennett resided in Mars Hill. 4 PROPERTY IS PUR CHASED BY BUSI NESS MEN : —* R. N. Scott, B. B. Pen land, B. R. Penland and Luther Ayers have pur chased three buildings of the Carolina! New' College property from W. W. Hem nessee." . : i The property purchased by the group of business men includesjthe two brick buildings formerly used as dining hall a|d shop build ing, and the) cottage adja cent to them* GETS CONTRACT SOR CLEANSER -4- • “ The Saffcfrd Company here, headed by Col. James O. Safford jtfid manufac tures of closer products, has been awarded a con tract for 300,000 pounds of cleanser by the Navy De partment. This is the fourth contract for the products that the manufac turing company has had from the navy, in addition to orders from business firms. ,*■ YANCEY BOYS DON’T T.Tirr NAZIS - OR EVEN IMITATION I Yancey county boys just don’t like Nazis—not even make-belief ones as a re cent event in Charlotte proved. The story was re ported in the Charlotte News, and was illustrated with a picture of the ma rine and the soldier who “did something about it”. One day last week two young Charlotte men de cided, as a bond promotion stunt, to dress up in Nazi uniforms and parade along the uptown streets. The uniforms had been received to be used in the General Pershing parade and w , ere authentic, with the sloping Nazi cap and red and white Swastika around the left arm. It took a lot of persua sion, the paper stated, to get the two men into the uniforms and qut on the streets. It would take even more to get them to do it again, as they still remember the tough little private and the tough big Marine who finally stopped them. The men started their walk around the streets, and it created quite a bit of excitement. “Ladies al most dropped packages, R. A. CHIARLES AND FAMILY TO ERWIN Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Char les and their daughter,; Hope, left this week for ; •Erwin, Tenn. where they; will reside. Mr. Charles! 'has resumed employment' with the C. & O. Rail way there'. J RESIGNS PASTORATE HERE » Rev. Paul H. Merkle who j has been pastor of the Burnsville Presbyterian church and other churches in the Yancey County Par-: ish, has sent his resigna tion to the Presbyterian Board. J Rev. Merkle had served I as pastor here for the past two years and his work • throughout the county has j been unusually successful, j ! He is a graduate of Prin ceton Theological Semi- I nary. DECORATION 1 j There will be a decora tion vat the Byrds Chapel cemetery, Ramseytown on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock. Bascombe Ray of Bol ens Creek is very 1 ill at his home. BILLY BROOKS WILSON VERY ILL i .. Billy Brooks Wilson, 13 year old son of Mr. and ;Mrs. Brooks Wilson of Pen-; “•sacola is seriously ill in the; f ;Norburn hospital, Ashe : ville. II ‘I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Banner s I visited relatives in Erwin Sunday. | cars slowed and_arms poin ted. Storekeepers stood in front of their establish ments and called to one an- 1 other. A traffic cop beck-; oned to an officer on a motorcycle. Two or three’ soldiers stopped, turned and followed. Kids follow ed, shouting at the ‘Napis’.t Very soon a large crowds had closed in. “Then a chunky U. S. army private and a lanky U. S. Marine decided to take things in their own hands. They grabped the two “Nazis” and held them till the officers arrived in a few seconds. “The reporter who had thought of the plan ex plained everything to Pri vate J. M. Blankenship of the U; S. army and to Pri vate 1 Seth Boyd Angel of the U. S’. Marines. Or ra ther, he tried to. But Pri-; vates Blankenship and An gel didii’t like the whole proceedings, muttered as they listened to the expla nations, still holding the Nazis.” So, concludes the story, it proved very convincing ly that the people of Char lotte are not only obser vant put that they don’t (Continued on back page) SCHOOL ENRoffl^^P • —— ; —— (• FARM HAULERS r - | The following, persons, | operating trucks have sig-; ned an agreement with the farmers of their locality to haul their produce to mar ket : « H. H. Penland, Paint Gap; Frank McCourry, Windom; A. W. Hensley, Cane River; Arthur J. Ed-! wards, Bee Log; Krby Sty les,"Micaville; Clay Mor | row, Higgins; R. K. Grind ! staff, Green Mtn.; Dewey! Carrol, Windom; G. B. Hensley, Cane RiVer; Jam es and Ralph Proffitt, Bald Creek; Mack Huskins,: Celo, N. C. These persons have their j agreement on file in the Rationing Board office forj which they received tires to do this hauling. It w'ill be necessary for! the farmers to. pool , their! j produce so the trucks will be loaded to capacity.; FARMERS COOPERA TION WILL HELP -WIN THIS WAR! “ -■ : ; j CHRISTMAS PACKAGES SHOULD BE MAILED OVERSEAS NOW ——^ Should Be Selected and Packed Carefully It’s time to start Christ ianas shopping for friends : and relatives serving ab road in the Navy and Mar ine Corps. Christmas par cels and cards should be mailed during the month of October—November may be too late. The earlier packages are mailed, the better the chan ces that they will arrive be fore Christmas. Packages should be labeled “Christ mas parcels.” Here are some of the suggestions of Navy and Postal officials: Articles .should be easily portable and useful in any climate. In the recommend ed category are toilet kits w r atches, notebooks, pipes t wallets, pens or pencils) ! photographs, etc. Electrical apparatus is of doubtful value. No perishable mat ter should be included. Food, including cakes, cookies, fruits, etc., should be particularly a v oided. Clothing should not be sent unless it has been specif ically asked for. Because ,of the urgent need for shipping space for war materials the size of Christmas parcels should not exceed that of an ord inary shoebox and should not weight more than six pounds. Not more than one I Christmas package may be mailed by the same sender, or to the same recipient, in any one week. Most Christmas parcels for overseas must be trans ported great distances and undergo considerable hand ling and storage. Therefore all parcels should be packed in substantial boxes or con (Continued Page) j The total enrollment in | Yancey county schools for I the first mdjith totaled 4075. Os this total 4040 are white students and 35 are colored. More boys than girls are •enrolled in the elementary grades, but there are more girls in the high school de partments. All the color ed students are in the I grades.® Os the 4040 white stud ents, there are 3232 in ele mentary department, and of these 1653 are boys and 1579 are girls.. j The high school enroll ment is 808, with 368 boys and 440 girls. The entire enrollment shows 2039 boys and 2036 girls attend ing school in the county. Teachers Allotted The teacher allotment for the county is 130. Os i these, 28 are in the high school department, and 102 in the grades “A” certifi cates are held by 92 teach ers. TWO BABY BEEF SHOWS SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER Cancellation of the State Fair and similar events will not prevent farm boys and girls of North Caro lina from showing their baby beef calves this year, announces L* L Case, Ex tension husband man of N. C. State College. To promote and keep alive interest in the pro duction of this superior type of beef, two baby beef shows have been sch eduled, one in Asheville and the other in Raleigh. Conducted by the Exten sion Service, through the cooperation of the Agricul ture Committee of the State Bankers Association, the shows are expected to attract a large number of entries from 4-H Club members and vocational agriculture students. The Asheville show and sale will be held October 7 and 8 in the City Water Department garage o n Valley Street. _ Judging will begin at 1 o’clock the first afternoon, and the sale will be held the same hour the second af ternoon. The Raleigh event will be held on the State Col lege campus October 13 and 14, with the cattle to be housed under tjie east stands of Riddick Stadium and judging and sales— rings to be located nearby. The judging and sale will follow the same pattern of the Asheville show. C. Dalton Swaffar o f Jacksonville, Florida, live stock development agent of the A. C. L. Railroad and former t animal hus ; bandman of State College | will judge the Asheville show, while Dr. John E. | Foster, associate professor of animal husbandry at State College, will iudgo i the Raleigh show.