■ttauaitaiiaiia (i^ii■mi'll tni!■(,■<iiitaim anana' Your Country needs Scrap Materials. Throw your Scrap into tile fight for Victory! VOLUME SEVEN SCRAP COLLECTION NEAR 500,0CX) MARK _/■ . r | a The scrap collection cam-* paign in the c'ounty is now nearing the 500,000 mark,; -with scrap still being hatfl ;’ed from central collection) points. Rules Revised r The three weeks" cam paign sponsored by the newspapers of the state closed officially at mid- 1 night Wednesday. How ever, because of the large amount on hand in many sections, the rules were, reyised so that any scrap; already collected could be! hauled to the collection center by Oct. 31. Another revision that will greatly aid this county stated that any large piec es that had been located and donated as scrap prior to midnight, Oct. 21 could be estimated and brought . in later. Incomplete reports show' that there is an estimated, amount totaling 89,450 pounds in pieces so large that they have not been brought in. This will grea tly increase the county’s total. Impossible To Make Official Report It is impossible to make an official -report since some of the scrap has been sold directly to dealers in Asheville, Marion and Bri stol as well as being haul ed to the collection center at Spruce Pine. The latest estimate made Wednesday night, placed the total at approximately 420,000 pounds with none of the smaller schools re porting. Busick school then reported' 5,580 pounds to boost the total. A re port from the collection and shipping point i n Spruce Pine showed a to tal of 265,416 pounds for Yancey county. Complete Reports Next Week A complete tabulation will be made by the next issue of the paper and it is hoped that this may be given by schools. Micaville School has an approximate total of j 100,000 pounds,, Mr. Hubbard has reported but none of the school re ports are official. Highway Trucks nelp Seven highway trucks were put on the job of hauling on Tuesday and. Wednesday, and the high way personnel worked the two days in getting the scrap hauled in to Spruce Pine. This made it possi ble to get much more haul-1 ed in on these two days! than at any previous time. NOTICE I The Yancey County! Board Commissioners will hold their regular monthly meeting on Mon-! day Nov. 9 rather than Nov. 2 which is the First Monday in Nov. This change is being made on account of the County Election. THE YANCEY RECORD “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY’’ SUB. RATES: SI.OO YEAR. ( HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE SCRAP CAMPAIGN j It would be impossible to name those over the coun ty who have contributed to the scrap metal drive be cause that would sound like a census takers list! Old and young, in every section of the county: the 1 response ' has been some thing to make > anyone proud. A few instances: The Black Mtn. Railway set the employees to col i lecting and the total was 27,000 pounds. Os this amount, 8,000 pounds was donated by Mrs. J. B. Ew ing of Boonford and 4,000 pounds by Charles L. Gar dner of Burnsville ihe has ! a son, Fred Bardner, at Camp Adair, Ore.) Old Press Donated Another piece, weighing approximately 2,500 poun ds was donated by O. R.i Lewis. This was the old Washington Hand Press which was brought into the county in 1896 and used for 25 years by Mr. Lewis and J. M. Lyon, publishers of the county newspaper for over 40 years. Following the 25 years of use, the old press was I seC aside £nd' later moved to Mr. Lewis’ home. He had kept it as a “reminder of the old days”, but decid ed that he would never have an opportunity to donate it to a better cause than in the present drive. Mr. Lewis also has a son in service, John Lewis, who is now stationed ini Ireland. / Feldspar Milling Company Contributes The Feldspar Milling Company donated several thousand pounds to Mica yille high school, and this‘ is responsible in large measure for the fact that j this school took an early! lead in the inter—schooli contest. Many large contributions have been made by indivi duals. Highway Department Helps The greatest handicap to the campaign was the! lack of transportation fa cilities as only two W. P. A. trucks were available. 1 On Tuesday morning the county highway de partment came to the res cue and put their seven ! trucks to hauling for the two days remaining of the campaign. The amou | nt hauled in took a tremen dous jump during the two days. * •’ j SATURDAY IS LAST REGISTRATION DAY Saturday, Oct. 24, is the last day on which persons may register to vote in the November election. Those persons who wish to register may do so at any time before and through Saturday. BURNSVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1942 CLYDE R. HOEY WILL SPEAK MONDAY The Hon. Clyde R. Hoey ex governor of the state and for years one of its leading citizens, will speak at Burnsville school ditorium on Monday ev ening, Oct. 26 at 8:00 o’clock. Ihe Democrats will hold a county-wide rally at that time, and all citiz ; ens are invited to hear j Mr. Hoey speak. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL MER CHANTS HANDLING KEROSENE OIL All merchants who han dle fuel oil and kerosene oil in Yancey county must come to the Local Ration ing Board Office and re gister on October 27 and 28th. If you do not regis -- ter. you will be prohibit ed from handling kero sene oil. All consumers will be required to register on a later date. YANCEY COUNTY RATIONING BOARD SPECIAL ORDINATION SERVICE AT BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY I A special ordination ser vice will be held at the Sun day evening worship hour al the Baptist church. Lewis Mclntosh and Arney Fox will be or ; dained as deacons. The deacons of the chur ch will attend in a body and all members of the church are urged to be present. i; u _ (TWO BEARS KILLED ON FIRST DAY OF SEASON _ * ! Two bears were killed in: Yancey county on Tuesday ; the first day of season. A group of forty hunt ! ers and approximately 40 dogs on South Toe River j ! bagged one, with Leonard j Presnell of Newdale as the (lucky hunter. On the Wilson property at Mt. Mitchell, a group of i hunters was also success ful in killing a large bear*. The bear put up a great fight and injured nearly half the dogs in the pack ! j before it was finally killed. | Gov. Broughton To Hunt j It is understood that i Gov. Broughton will come *to Burnsville next Monday and will be the guest of the Wilsons at Pensacola on a bear hunt. ATTENTION, VOTERS A number of voters re gistered in the recent School pond Election i n Yancey county. This elec tion does not permit a vot er to vote in the General Election. It will be necessary, the refore, for voters who re gistered only for the school Bond Election to register) if they vote in the general) election to be held on Nov.! 3, 1942. James Hutchins. Chair man board of elections. PLANS MADE FOR RE GISTRATION OF THE TRUCKS IN COUNTY .. ..—i.. - i „ IMPORTANT NOTICE i »\ After November 15, no! truck can be legally moved; 'without a Certificate of; War Necessity and no gas-; oline, tires or.repair parts can be obtained without the certificate, according to new regulations order, by the Office of Transportation. The Yancey County (Farm Transportation Com-j mittee and other helpers j will be in the; court room of the county courthouse,: i Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, October. 22, 23, ahd| 24, to help farm truckers, fill out their application blanks from QDT for their certificate of war necess ity. All trucks must have, one to operate after Nov-i (ember 1 5. AM Farm truck-; ers should come on the above days, f The Farm. Transporta-j tion Committee as appoint-! ed bv the Yancey County! US DA War Board is as s follows: I Tt. O. Riddle, Chairman; G. C. Hunted H. W. Hig gins, James Proffitt, H. G. ■ Bailey. ■1 This committee will help ■ work out F&rm Transpor tation plans 'for'' Yancey County. J. A.'Hannum, Chairman Yancey County US DAj War Board. MILDRED YELTON JOINS ARMY NURS ING CORPS Miss Mildred Yelton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Yelton of Paint Gap,', has joined the U. S. army), nursing corps. She receiv-(: ed a commission as Second Lieutenant and is now sta tioned at Fort Bragg. Lieut. Yelton is a gradu . ate of Bald Creek high school and in August gra duated at the school of nursing at Grace hospital, . Banner Elk. She took fur ther training at the Gener al and Children’s hospital |) in Louisville. She volun teered in August for the' army nursing corps and!' I was called into service last week. '• ; ! THREE INJURED IN CAR WRECK Three persons were in jured Wednesday when a j car, driven by Mrs. Clifton Stewart of Spruce Pine pverturned at Riverside. 1 Mrs. Ralph McNeill of Spruce Pine and S. Sgt. Earl Hughes of Burnsville were in the car and all 1 sustained painful injuries, i 1 Sgt. Hughes had spent a leave at home and wasj returning to Fort Benning,! Ga. He was waiting so the bus in Burnsville when; he was offered a ride to! I Asheville in the Spruce 1 | Pine car. He is now at 1 his home here and will leave for camp as soon as he has recovered sufficien tly. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR BRATCH AUTREY Funeral services for Bratch Autrey of Hamrick were held at his home Fri day afternoon at 2:00 (o’clock with a large con-.; I gregation in, attendance. (Mr. Autrey died at the) i Marion General hospital (Wednesday night from in- suffered in an accidental fall from a rail way trestle near Old Fort, i Mr. Autrey was 63 years old and was a native of McDowell county but had lived in Yancey county for many years. He was a member of the Baptist | church and had many fri jends and was always ready to help those in need. He j will be greatly missed in ithis community as well as in the home. j Surviving are his wife, the following children, Mollie, Edith, Claud, Jay, j Judith and Betty at home, and Pvt. Howard Autrey who is in the U. S. .army at Fort Bragg, three sis-; Iters, Mrs. Mary Jane Byrd of Marion, Mrs. Elmer Jon es of Old Fort and Mrs. Ida Robinson of Helena, Ark. - Funeral services were conducted by Rev. S. W. Shuford and Rev. J. E. Hensley. McCalls Funeral home of Marion was in charge of . funeral arrange ments and burial was in the Autrey cemetery. TIRE INSPECTORS ARE NAMED Compulsory Inspection Additional tire inspec tors for the county have been named by the ration ing board in order to take care of the compulsory in spection of tires which will begin in a short time. The following have been, named inspectors. Whitt! Motor Company, Joshua ( Banks, Vincent Westall, Ed Bryant, George Hall, Dancey Irvin. The board has requested that the following regula- ! tion be observed by those ) making application for re- ! capping tires: The appli cation must carry the ser ial number of the tire. This should be observed as it will eliminate delay and , confusion in passing %n* the application. MAJOR BULWINKLE ADDRESSED CITIZENS Major A. L. Bulwinkle , Congressman from this , district and candidate for’ re-election, spoke at the county court house on j Wednesday evening. H e discussed the issues of the I day, stressing the fact that the support and coopera- 1 tion of every citizen of she 1 country is necessary to win the war. Major Bulwinkle contac ted many of the party lead ers in the county while here. He was accompanied by his secretary, Charles, Z. Flack, and they are) making a brief tour of the district. NUMBER TWELVE SEVENTY FIVE MEN WILL BE CALLED TO SERVICE FOR NOV. 4 I The largest call for men for military service yet made in the county is "for November 4th when 75 will be sent for final 1 ex amination and -induction into service if all'examina tions are passed. Over a hundred men are now classified in 1 A and have passed the prelimi nary examinations here. The following are those who are now “available for service”, though some of them will not be included in the November call: ; Cecil Adkins, Sioux; Charles Phillips. Bee Log; ■ Charlie Calloway, Burns ville; Malley Mitchell, Day Book; Monroe Calloway, St Rt.; Dave Earl Bryant, HuntdaJe; Kimsey Jones,, Paint Gap Eddie Hughes, Huntdale; i Mark Forbes, Newdale 1 ; Lawrence Hughes, Lundayj Virgil William Banks, Bur- 1 nsville, St. Rt.; Shelby Ros-! cue Robinson, Hamrick; Avery Hughes, Vixen; Brady Hedrick, Ramsey town; Don Renfro, Higgins Herman Thomas. Ramsey-1 town; Clarence Baker, Rt., 1, Burnsville; Joe Bailey, Higgins* ------- -Jx - \ Homer Penlund, Burns- 1 ville, St. Rt.; Avery' A.! Wyatt, Micaville; Nir.am Haney, Bee Log; Ernest Wyhtt, Micaville, Claude; Silvers, Hamrick; Kelse Collins, Pensacola; Gracen Carroll, Windom,) Ralph Banks, Burnsville; Joe Peterson, Green Mtn.; Arthur Letterman; Toledo; George Woody, Windom; Clyde McCurry, Bee Log; T. J. Gouge, Newdale; Gaither Autrey, Hamrick; Clyde Hopson, Green Mtn; Clyde Willie Dulaney, Win-) dom; Glenn Ray Howard, Bee Log; D. R. Fouts, Jr., Burns ville ; Grayson Lee Evans, lit. 1 Burnsville; Roy Mc-j intosh, Bald Creek; " Flet-! cher Bryant, Sioux; Dan-1 iel Silver, Micaville; Mack' Ray Higgins, Cane River; Harold Robinson, Green Mtn.; Clarence Banks, Burns-; ville; Jasper I). Price, Win- Vlom; Blevins Byrd, Celo; Sanford Hunter, Ramsey-; town; Fred Phoenix, Cane River; Jack Tipton, Day, Book; Ernie Wilson, Burnsville C. L. Byrd, Rt. 1 Burns ville; Woodrow Ledford, Burnsville; Woodrow Ed ge, Micaville; Charlie For bes, Newdale; James Paul King, Vixen; George Tomberlin, Bur nsville, Rt. 1; Luther Silver Windom; Jack Banks, Bur-; nsville; Leanord Weather man, Celo; Albert Paul Tolley, Boonford; Elmer McMahan, Vixen; James Arvil Adkins, Bee ; Log; William Ensor, Green Mtn.; Lonas Tolley, Boon ford ; Ernest Peterson,! Green Mtn.; Robert Lee Chandler, Swiss; Clarence (Continued on pag« four) H .MAEI * EVERY PAYDAY J BOND MY l - 1 ' —'■ - - - MEN IN SERVICE IN GUADALCANAL v Pfc. Robert M. Chead le is now serving with the U. S. Marine Corps j on Guadalcanal Island in the Solomons, according to a letter received Sun day. ’ ® - ‘j * • FORD SHELTON IS MISSING IN ACTION i . j Fprd Shelton of Ramsey • j town, son of the late Rev. • and Mrs. Harrison Shelton. . has been reported by the , war department as “miss ing in action in the Philip pine Islands since May 7, ’ 1942.” r L The next of kip is listed as Mrs. Zora Warrick o f I Sioux, N. C-, a sister. j Pvt. Suel C. Anglin is in ,town on leave from Camp Picket, Va. | Milton Higgins, Jr., who is now in training in the U. S. Navy will be at home this week for a short leave. D. R. Fouts and Clarence 'Banks have •snccesrfußy' completed all examinations for officer candidate sch ool. They will leave on Nov. 4 to enter upon this : training. j Yancey Record: 1 have been getting the paper for about six months. I think I am the only boy in this outfit and I always look forward to receiving the Record each week. The news from the county is always welcome to me and I believe all the other boys feel the same. Please I change my address to John Harmon Angel, ABATU Hut No. H-18. Naval Air Station, Norfolk Yancey Record: Thanks very much for sending me i the Record to Camp Clai borne, La. for the past sev en months. It really helps ; a lot to know what every one back home is doing. Please send the paper to my new address now since I am back at Fort Bragg. I Pvt. Ralph Mclntosh, Co. A 326 Glider Inf. 82nd Air Borne Div., Fort Bragg N. C. Yancey Record: I wish to thank you for sending the paper to me every week. It surely helps to get the news from home. I most of all enjoy your column on “Men In Ser vice”. My new address is: M.,~- L. Bailey, Co. I, 63rd Inf., 6th Div., Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. * I Yancey Record: I would greatly appreciate getting your paper as I aid now with the armed forces. I am with the army air corps and I think it is the best (Continued on Back Page)

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