' Ath WAWfc VOLUME EiQHT J SUR RATES: SLOG YEAR iii'RXSVILL!N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1944 \ . NUMBER TWENf¥- *&NE Lit ' • : - • : : • . —IV m in Service— , . . —r - . . Completes Course Missing In 'Action- . p - . ;• Cpl. Joseph~C. Bsavei;, 21,' _ Josef B. AVilsorf, son of son of Mr. Willard Beaver Mr. and Mrs. It. W.*\Vils of Eanisvillcrleis been n- of Burnsville,has.coni plek. ported'missing in action in' ed '-the course of training Cars 31. 'in the Aviation Radioman (,:J. : has been in school at the Naval Air service for three yearsjteehnicaL liraining cer;U , Both he and lus brother,' Memphis, Tenn, lunteered for service.] Wilson is a graduate of| ' he nr er ; • Stationed in Burnsville high school ai 1 Pennsylvania at present. _ J attended JJemr-cnlleg^forj —LA -. ' two. years before enlist-; • ■ ■ ••* son of Mr lilen t in the Navy. He com aivi . GastaxLwAngeJ, is pleted his boot train home on a morUeave from Great Lakes, 111. and was; He is y ith the' then assigned to the train 'Arhrrn is in t-Ive tn Metnphi sT' ~l comm-.init-attons division. ’ —. -— i „ , n A-rented For Service o •’B, ii i lemon S 1c y r z. , ■ u, v ,JT o ! . .“'i. , -.A" ' The following men pu-.i ter no oast 10 months , ... ” . K s:tn: a . o rhi-s furlou v\ ■ ■ " , , 1 . for service last ween at y 1 0" r ' Camp Croft, S. C\: Bgan, G . foi c ber.r*; assumed to sea r , , T T >_ , I red J. Loone, Jriantv i). dULy - __ j Gillespie, Carl T. Wyatt, y,, ... j. , r a, the U. S.r Donald A. Thomas, Charlie Vhwa.l frain'm*- Statin- . 1 A. Cassida, Guy Robinson, •- Yah c< mty;raen. Talatadge Y. iHensley, Xp.ev a no v receivn yC’inton C Bryant, I'aNh instruction ini seamanship! Tilley, Charles B. Han T :: [], ; : o. ;v : Ti cutt, William R. Kclnto h, .. m. rihMVi rntma of IB ned to one o.i the Nal •oei’vkv? s.h., 3 if,to "1 -.recaailt—training-, : t h esc ■ - *— #j I / j Byrd, Re. Burnsville,J v CL; Yates Claude WJ Celo, N. C.; Clyde BrJ Revtcn and Everett tfl land, from Green Mtn. Ml Pic. John 8,. Silvers | -I — tin* tl. Marine Corps 1 W \ I CL 1 River. X. ? ha on a on *av f rlouah vi Iv r,- 'r-' hur Silo ers at B; Creek ( * •• Thomas e-t-L ■• r ‘- : -mr-fo ! a| ], < ; :i *a ill -' is now nm seas I .i ::iddlfiJEa*. v, •'ting the •<*»£«» *** ■ . qme x?me"t "atntent has been ' ho: \ now and I v. Mi to inform on furlough. He will* return you that my address has to Springfield, Mo. i.ccn changed. , ,"\ Pvt. Paul Dry ton is n hope- everything is s tatioi\ed at Camp Bland going along good m \an- j nfr pj a cey and we boys are hop- ' c ‘ ing t * be hack there in the.f Pfc. Burns E. McMahan,] near future. We are doing son of itoscoe McMahan of ever here and we, Pensacola has returned to know' you people- will do] camp at Douglas, Arizona’ your bc.-.t hack there. ~diere U* is , ing w Li. in England now- apd the air force,-after spend ii!:e its vagy well although ing a furlough with is l haW not keen---; arournE wife, iho -fortner Miss Ah very much but hone to ma *. Phillips.'-' who resides soon. I hope- to go to Lon- with her father, at Swan dan so n ,nd I would like nanoa, N. C. He also vir.it to mce: somebody from ed friends and relatives at h njrrcr'—E'thut i?'' nwly Pfc. McMal an Impossible, ■-intern! sendc-e Jan. JL. I will close saying hello *9*3. He took his bi ac to all the god old Yancev training at Keesler Fit (■, ueople and bo>s in the ser» ( i-iss, also has A i vice. Edit 1 at Doming, N w Pvt. Stan!-X Bailey. j ~0..*j0. HSHFGHFJ treatment has been ' hoi m un furlough. He will return to Springfield, Mo. Pvt. Paul Deyton is no’ ] stationed at €amp Bland ! ing, Fla. : Pfc. Burns E. McMahan,! son of itoscoe McMahan of Pensacola has returned to ] camp at Douglas, Arisen ' (where he is sorting w.th the air force,-after sperd ing a furlough With h wife, the former Miss Al ma Phillips’ who resides with her father, at Swan nanoa, N. C. He also vinit ed friends and relatives at •■*en?avjla. Pfc. McMahan vVercd service Jan. 11. 79 id. He Look his bt tic training at Keesler Fit (•', ■ Miss. “IT also has h; m , t‘om 1 at Doming, N w j “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF VA N CEY COUNTY” INCOME TAX ) A representative of the Federal . Revenue depart-! ment will be at the. Court House in Burnsville on February dl and 22 to as sist citizens of the county ir; filing Federal income tax returns. ! * i NOTICE TO WORKERS ! h e V, a r Manpower mjasjdifs Stabilization i rograi i restricts chang-1 locally’ and travel-] ig to other areas for nev i d . V, orkers in essential activities should not apply ; C<l . <h the U., S. Em-| > orvice lice in a l tore changing MACK IL RAY ; t KES service I ’> Kay \yho haa 5 3S F. Si A. supervis cr Jo- the past three years resigned this position sev-; oral weeks ago, t 'ed. i >, lo enter active mil-: dai y service in the ‘ army. Ue completed his work •wo on Tuesday and has left U) re*)')!*, for duty. . . .' •• who has been immMkm Hnnw HmnnmuN r e*»? »r» rr vvnvnp MifNifllnlCo 1 v * 1 *■» *. Y vilcu cu u-iUi vii Uiuti LLC GbjpJ /]UAildi)l^ ; ‘ % ,-' ‘ " * s ) - — uunag a ' e ’ pieaStint Now’s announcement that —»•» VN»» AAV**. V, ' W*VUk7(»<tV a iurlomdi here. Isncfhl hour. Vv*. Me In. qgh, sea- Ernest J. Ba ner S. 2c is n>. i! 2c is with the Pacific now at Camj Bradford, Norfolk, Va. Charter Presented Scout Troop j The charter for the local Boy Scout tr'oop was pre l sehfed Tuesday evening at a group meeting of the Bur r ville Parent-Teacher as ro iation which is the spon soring organization. W €. Wall, d istrict scou t i executive, and John Smith, . assistant district executive both-of Asheville were pre sent.. Mr. VYall spoke brief-i fy’ (>;• Ui ‘ scout program . and the duties of the spon ■ sor. He then presented the charter. I Mr. Smith. outlined > the duties of the troop commit - j tee and. presented cards \FUNERAL VICES ' FOR SAIN, 2 Rebecca uj|d Sain, two year old daviMter of Mr. and Mrs. of Mica ville, died Jprday in a Marion hosj® following a brief Funeral sjjpiees were held Mondayi|t the Mica ville Presbytia n church with the . pas||’, Rev. Er nest official ing. Burial whs Micaville cemetery; ' Agt Surviving hi the par ents; one bro|«r; a grand mother, MrsAf. G. Harris, Micaville; all grandpar ; cuts, Mr. an#l:r. [>. ,f •Sain, Lincoli4pounty. COLDEST wIaTIIER™ OF WINTER! ’ This sectioi&vd the cold est weather If the w'inter during the pit week lend when the thpmonieter re gistered 8 Mferees above zero on Sa uiiay night. Warmer njitther early Monday nimiing brought several ii*Ms of snow which chanjetj Jo rain Mon day at nooL * There wi {lit le traffic disruption Yh«* highway li u epar mien yteiftikUi v- cleared to the member; B. M Tom berlin, D. R. I uts and B. R. Penland ev F. R. Barber was pr entftfT .the scout master's trd, and V. J. Goodman, t assistant scout masterY card Mr. Barber then rt iewed the work of the ml scouts since the troop vas organ ized last fall. A special sc it service was held Sund r evening at the Burnsv e Baptist church. Rev. 1 A. Ken -1 dall of Mars 11 college brought the m< ;age. with his subject, ie Impor tance of Makin Decisions ” BASKET BALL TOURNAMENT W;' • . 1 I i The county Basketball , Tournament for the girls teams will be held on the Micaville high school court • on Tuesday, February 29th. | The BojyS Tournament • will be held on the Burns • ville high school court on Fridav afternoon, March ■ 3rd. t *■ tt CHURCH LOYALTY CAMPAIGN The Committee in con , nee ion with the Church • Loyalty Campaign did -a splendid work Sunday af ternoon, February 1 tit. However, there were quite a few people that were ru t contacted through no fau t oi the committee, it s ■ hoped that every person • served by the churches pa - I tieipa.ing will be contacted; •It is urgently roqueted • that those who have not re ceived a card immediately make inquiry, obtain Y card ; and fill it out so that the • churches may have a eoti • plete recoi’d. , r Perhaps there haAAjyvtv .* been a time wh n it Avas Hmore -to s--- si c-s the lNcivy s announccmeni tnuL, 50,000 rafiding craft will be launched and manned by the end of 944. Lt. Lod ’ wick C. Hartley, head of j the Office of Naval Offi- | cer Procurement in Ralei-' j gh, said that the impend- : large-scale swing to action ■ in the Pacific “ makes most urgent the need for even , more women in the Waves j : “In its plans for Pacific attacks, the Navy has 92,- 000 invasion jobs allotted to women, jobs upon which i the success or failure, of i the Pacific invasions will ■ depend,” the officer said. | Beginning February 20, i a two-week drive will be! ; conducted in North Caro-j ; Una to contact every avail . able woman who is quali-' 1 « fied and interested in the ; t Waves. An effort will be - made to contact every wo- 1 who are eligible. \ ~ COUNTY EXCEEDS QUOTA IN FOURTH WAR LOAN 5 Results Show Fine Spirit Os Citizens With a quota of $90,000 in the Fourth Loan . drive, the county passed this early in the campaign, , and, sales totaling $138;22|f were announced through Tuesday night. L Tlx's .unusually heavy purchase jof bonds repre sents the of . citizens- of the whole eourf !ty committee members , have said, and sales were! J distributed orer the entire county. J During the driVe. the 19 t post offices of the county pwere contacted Ip an issu jiing agent and each post , master served With the . (Committee in .his commun pity to assist in the sales. ]V in series E bond sales _ which we r e especially during the cam -1 " Plans are Made for Annual Red Cross Drive s The 1944 Red Cr'osg War s]Fund campaign. will open :* officially on March 1 and 'ontinue through the mon h of March,. The amount isked in this drive is the argest ever asked in any lenity expect that it will te oversertbed'in the eai ly lays of the. campaign. The-national quo a is 200 million dollars. Ihe motto of the campaign is “Your Red Cross at his side,” and iO tremendous are the ieeds, that the appeal for his largest of all Red dross Funds will be a chal enge to every citizen to lo hig part. County Quota Just as the national quo a has been grea.lv increa ed, «so. have quotas of all ouhlfes'''jreen increased, ’or Yancey county the mount asked is $4250.00. he first gift,, a check for 100, has already been re lived, apd all citizens ard ged to ma .•. L heir gifts generous as possible. Ve hope that we can raise r quota the first week,” one chairman has said. “With our boys and girls scattered- over the earth in this- terrible war, the Red Cross becomes very person al to us all. The Red Cross ! now has an even greater ; : mission than ever before, ; that of being the link be- 1 tween the soldier and the people back home. “American boys look to the Red Cross for their on ly contact with home. Many ! times their only hope of < life itself. The drive in Yancey county will meet , with the same enthusiastic 1 ! response of truly patriotic | people. The flag of the Red Gross, like that of the : nation, must fly proudly and victoriously through- ] !out the world. Our effort!, at home is on trial We must not fail to meet the challenge. We have not yet in any war effort.” j f - - r t ?,MKm ATTACK ;paign, the following amo unts were reported: 267, $25.00 bonds; 13.5, $50.00 bonds; 473, SIOO 00 bonds; 68 $500.00 bonds; 112, SIOOO.OO bonds. Time Extended d The drive officially dos sed on Tuesday night but j the time has been extend ed till midnight, Feb. and all sales reported by that time will be counted. This will give further op portunity for “Backing the Attack” and it is expected that the splendid, results will show an increase dur ing the next ten days. The county chairman, members of all community committees and the post masters of the county join in saying thanks to the citizens of the county who have again shown their "j fine spirit of loyalty and - cooperation. The following chairmen [ have been named and have ; met to make initial plans _ for the drive: Special gifts division, L. G- Deyton; ' Schools, Miss Hope Buck; ! General county soliciation, -Baileyq-». Industrial division, Mrs C. P. Rog ers. Jr.; Agriculture, V. J. Goodman; Highway and Prison departments, Mrs. Charles Hutchins; Profes sional, C. P. Randolph; Headquarters, Miss Ruby Robinson; Budget r Claren ce Briggs; Publicity, Mrs. C R. Hamrick. Organization is being made in every township in ; the county and announce ment of the workers in each township will be made as soon as. the list is com plete. An Adviory committee in Burnsville hag been named as follows: Horace S. Edge, B. R. Penland, D. R. Fouts, R. W. Wilson. Mrs. Lee Griffith, Bill Atkins, Char les Brown, Mrs. J. H. Ray, Luther Ayers. J. E. Hus kins, Bruce Westall, Mrs. W. B. Wray, Edd Roberts, Mrs. Roscoe Banks, Fred Proffitt, Earl C Wilson, R. E. Neill, J. A. Goodin, Mrs. W. B. Robertson, J. S. LeFevre, Lucy Autrey, Dr. C. M. Cheadle, Mary Martha' Banks, C. M. Bai ley, Mrs. Reece Mclntosh, Harold Anglin, Mrs. C. L. Thompson, B. M. Tomber lin, Mrs. W. L Bennett. J. B. King, Mrs. L. V. Pollard, Norman Barnett, Mrs. Jack Patton, Dr. C M. Whisnant D. H. Covington, H. Rotha, James Ray, J. P. Lyon, Ernest L. Briggs, Paul Lau ghrun, Mrs. Juanita Mas ters, Rev. F. R. Barber, Rev A. H. Mutschler, Mary L. Burner and George Robin -SonL— —- -4 . i Junior C. Robertson who entered service last month is now stationed at Fort McClellan, Ala. Before en tering service he attended .Burnsville high school.

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