YOUR RED CROSS AT HIS GIVE TO THE 1944 WAR FUND. COUNTY QUOTA $4250 VOLUME EIGHT —Men In Service— Bruce Byrd, son of Adler i Byrd of Burnsville, is at home on leave following service overseas with the Naval Medical Corps for several months. Pvt. Chester K. Souther is now stationed at Fort McClellan, Ala. Pfc. Rob ert R. Souther is at Camp Butner, and another broth er, Sgt. Carroll Souther has been overseas since the landing in North Africa. Thomas Fletcher MeCou rry has been home on leave after serving overseas for the past two years. A bro ther, Ray, is al s o overseas in the 'Pacific area, and a second brother, Alvin, is in camp in the U. S. A fourth member of the family, Mrs. Ruth McCourry Hills, is j with the U. S. Signal Corps! in New Jersey. Their par ents are Mr. and Mrs. E. McCourry of Day Book. son of Mr. and sfts. Robert Bod ford, is at home on leave after 20 months in the Pa cific area. He was on Guad alcanal for most of that time. Greensboro, N. C. —Stpff Sgt. Howe Deyton, s o n of Mrs. Sarah Deyton, Route 1, Burnsville, N. C., has! been promoted to the rank of Tedh. Sgt. at the AAF Training Command’s Basic Training' -Gentep No. 10 herb, it has been announced by the Commanding Offi cer. T. Sgt, Deyton arrived at BTC 10 on March 19, 1943. Large Orders Shipped By Plant Five car loads of clean ser have been shipped re cently by the Safford com- I any, weighing approxima tely 250,00 pounds. Most of this went to the Navy de-' parunent as the company! been awarded orders "for nearly every navy yard in the continental United States. In addition to this andj c her government orders/ the company now supplies about 50 per cent of the state, colleges and institu* Lons, and many city muni cipalities and county insti tutions. Origina 1 orders were for approximately 10,000 pounds to state insti tutions and during the past six months -these have ris en to 80,000. J The capacity of the plant! is now 20,000 pounds a day 1 and orders already on hand will cover the production for the next 3 or 4 months, j In addition to the vari o- 3 types of cleanser, the’ company now is manufac-i turing an insect repellent which will be marketed this spring in large quanti ties following exhaustive tests for effectiveness. Lend-Lease food deliver-! ies in 1943 were more than II billion pounds: to the British Empire 42 per cent; Russia, 51 per cent; North Africa, 5 per cent; and oth er area®, 2 per cent. THEYANCEY RECORD SUB. RATES: SI.OO YEAR. * 1 Ernest J. Banner, son of ]Mr. and Mrs. Ed Banner, ;j is now an integral mem jber of the Amphibious ' Forces of the States Navy. At the completion of preliminary LST training lat the Amphibious Train ing Base, Camp Bradford, N. O. B. Norfolk, Va., Sea , man Banner, has been a,s-_ | signed to the crew of an LST for active duty. 1 The LST is especially ■ constructed for the trans ■ porting of troops and heavy • equipment. It has a bow • that can. be opened when ;it comes into 2he beach . which enables men and eq i uipment to land ready ■ for action. This type of amphi bious craft is as large as a destroyer, and it is the lar gest of the amphibious ships capable of making landings directly on the beach. Like the Naval Air For . ce and the Submarine Ser vice, the physical require ments of the Amphibious Force are greater for the other branches of the Nav al Service. To qualify for assignment to any of the amphibious craft, a candi date must successfully com plete a thorough and var ied curriculum. ! Pvt. Perry Lee Robinson is at home on a ten day furlough visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Robinson at Swiss. He en tered service last May and |is serving with the Tank Destroyer division at Camp Hood, Texas. PRICE SURVEY A drive to mobilize price control forces among re tailers and consumers in ! Yancey will be launched March 13-18 under the dir ection of the local war price and rationing board, Carroll P. Rogers, chair !man, announced today, j The program calls for about 10 (number > of price panel representatives to conduct a survey of every food store in t his area with the main objective of helping retailers to under stand necessary price con-< trol requirements. A training period of pi i |ce panel assistants and I board representatives is j underway at local board headquarters, where pre parations are being made for the drive. Mr. Rogers said that one of the primary jobs of the .local board now is to show retailers that complete com pliance with price regula tions will result in firm control of living costs in this area. He also empha sized that the drive also will serve to protect store ! keepers and their custom ers from black market com- 1 petition. Jace Woody who has been very ill is improving rapidly. , "DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY” —— • i - - - --- , BURNSVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1944 ';- i |lji ' ... . .. RE(’ORI) DISCHARGES -Men who have served in . World War II and have re ceived discharges, a/e now ’ having these discharges re , corded very rapiply, Earl I C. Wilson, register ofL,deeds said this week. There is no charge for ’ this, arid all those who re ’ ceive discharges are urged to have iti done as soon as ' received. This will not on ly make it easier for the -register of deeds but will also lessen the danger of loss or misplacement o f these papers before they ’{are recorded. - I > EXCEED QUOTA Both over-all and E bond were exceeded { during the Fourth War ■ oan drive by region No. 1 0, comprising 15 western { North Carolina counties,- it has been announced. AH counties did not reach the E‘bond quota assigned them, but the excess was h great enough to pull the ! ' region over the top with! { 100.56 per cent of the quota { for E bonds. Yancey coun ty wa s third in percentage of sales as follows: Henderson county, 335 per cent; Clay, 221 percent and Yancey, 211 percent. 4-H CLUB NEWS Special programs are being held this week at all 4-H chibs emphasizing Na tional 4-H Mobilization : week which i s March 4 to March 12. New boys and girls are invited to join and present members are urged to pledge themselves to increase production re cords and improve project work in the coming year. j Miss Frances MacGregor assistant state 4-H club leader was a visitor in the county March 7. She at tended club meetings a t Bald Creek, Bee Log Clear mont Jr. club and Clear mont Sr. club. She discuss ed the importance of 4-H club work to the war effort and the educational oppor tunities it provides for ru ral boys and girls. CELEBRATE 60th WED DING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Bailey of Relief are celebratinb their sixtieth wedding an- 1 -niversary today. They were married in Yancey county on March 9, 1884. She was 1 the former Miss Mary Jane Laughrun, and both are members of pioneer fami lies of this section. There are nine children living, Mrs. I. F. McCourry and Mrs. Edd Roberts of Burnsville, Mrs. Julia Cam pbell of Relief, Mrs. Edd Hunter and Mr«. Clifford Hunger of Burnsville, Rt. 1, Mrs. J. C. McFadden of Forest City, Mrs. Jeter Peterson of Erwin, Mrs. J. C. Rary of Statesville and Gus Bailey of Green Mtn. Two a ons are deceased. In addition to the child ren there are a number oft grandchildren, with nine! grandsons now in the arm-j ed services. Three are ov erseas. COURT CONVENES MAR. 20 Superior C6urt, with) Judge J. Will Bess of Mar ion presiding, Will convene in Burnsville s>n Monday, 1 March 20. Bcffh civil and 1 criminal cases Will be heard The jury lisftorahe first ’ week of Court is: ' E. H. Griffith, Jess Mur } phy, Billy Edwferds, Wess Ray, Sheridan Silver, Clay ' Morrow, Charlie King, ' Howard D. Silver, Charles [ O. Hyatt, J. H. Wilson, Jr., Dewey Husking L. M. Wy att, Herbert Hughes; Goldman Lefris, Wyatt Hoilman, Forbes, , T. J. Renfro, Halt Whitson, , Jake Robinson* T. R. Rob j inson, George (jibbs, F. H. 1 Hughes, Fred kdkina, W. ",0. Briggs; •j Grady Rolaijd, Howard 1 Fender, E. Mdnirry, W. R. ; Arrowood, R.j V. Angel, Luster Wilson, Theo B. | Gibbs, Johnnie G. Robinson, 1 Dewey Higgins, Ernest \ Hughes, W. M. .Tolley, Ras -1 sie Bennett; I it —r— LODGE MEMBERS WILL MEET MARCH 11th Bald Creek Lodge No. 397 AF&AM will hold its regular communication on Saturday, March 11th at 10 a. m. All members are invited to attend as we will i have first degifee work to confer. Lunph £vill he ser ved in Masonic hall at 12 o’clock noon. Br. W. B. Ferguson, Post Deputy Grand of Weaver ville, will be present to confer the degree and oth > er distinguished guests are expected to be present and a most enjoyable day is expected. A. P. Hensley, Treas. READING CONTEST WILL BE HELD The annual reading con test will be held Friday ev ening at 8 o’clock in the Burnsville school aulitor- Jium. The following contestan ts will compete: Clara D. Banner and Alberta Par rish of the Bth grade, Mar tha Bailey and Barbara Higgins of the 9th grade, Jean Sholes and Mary Frances Hamrick of the 1 11th grade, and Joyce King and Louise Ray of the 12th grade. j All patrons of the school are invited to attend the program. Last Rites For Mrs. Willard Banks Mrs. Willard Banks, 61, died at her home at Bolens Creek Saturday afternoon following an extended ill ness. Funeral services were held at the Bolens Creek church Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock with the Rev. F. R. Barber officiating. Active pall bearers were: j Ralph Shepherd, Jake Ramsey, Sal vie Ramsey, i Vincent Westall, Bruce j Westall, Jack Patton. I Surviving areHthe hus-1 band, two sons, both ofi whom are in the army, Milt | G. W. Wheeler, Wash Fox, W. D. Styles, Edd Sparks, Lasky Shepherd, George Lewis, Oscar Gibbs, E. C. Blankenship, M. *A. Hughes, G. Y. Hall, James G. Scott, Joe Woody, Edd Woody, Charley Gurley, W. R. Burleson, Cecil C. i Wyatt, Sam Wallace, Guss Ledford. Second Week i J. W. Adkins, Walter , Laws, J. C. Bailey, Joe Ban ner, Charlie Gibbs, Rotha | Bailey, Fred Harrell, Char les M. Allen, Eugene Aut ,'rey, Calvin Evans, Dolphus , Ensor, Paul Silvers; ■j P. M. Banks, Brantly . Ray, Wess Robinson, flar . ley Riddle, J. P. Sr once, [Thad McCurry, Hiram ig- I gins, Malley Whiten, Floy , Blankenship, Luke Laagh , run, Clingman Ensor, Lon - . nie Honeycutt; , Kirby Hall, D. C. Johnson Richmond Anglin, Ca i Thomas Isaac Randolph, Crawford Jones. i POSTAGE RATES WILL BE HIGHER AFTER MARCH 26th 3 Increased postage rates i and fees for money orders, : registered, insured, and C. ; O. D. mail, which go into 1 effect March 26, were an i nounced yesterday by Post- 1 . master G. L. Hensley. ! First class mail for local delivery, except that on ; which the rate under exist . ing law is one cent for each ( ounce or fraction thereof and except post and postal I cards, will require three! cents postage for each oun i ce or fraction of an ounce. Air mail rates from one post office to another on the mainland of the United States, including Alaska, has been raised from six cents to eight cents peri ounce or fraction thereof. I The rates also apply from one post office to another in the Hawaiian Islands, from one post office to an other in Puerto Rico, from one post office to another in the Virgin islands of the j United States, and between 'the latter islands and Pu erto Rico. The rates do not apply to mail being sent by airplane from the mainland of the United States to the islands, j The air mail rate of six cents for each half ounce or fraction thereof will con- J (Continued on page 4) of Camp ( Gordon, Ga. and Henry, now serving over seas; three daughters, Mrs. Edd Bryant and Mis« Doro thy Banks of Burnsville, and Miss Mary Banks of Cleveland, Ohio; four bro-| there, W. C. Ramsey of { Buckroe Beach, Va. Hiram of Toledo, N. C., Ed of Cincinnati, Ohio and Henry of Elizabethton, vhree sis ters, Mrs. W. I. Parnell, Mrs. Ebb Mclntosh and Mrs. Clyde Williams, i Holocmbe and Edwards funeral home was in char ge of arrangements. IV* ■ ! ■ ! LcjVl RED CROSS CAMPAIGN » 100 Per Cent Townships And Groups Jacks Creek township the first township to reach its quota. A. P. Honeycutt, chairman, organized and canvassed the township, and the quota was reached and exceeded on the first | day of the drive, March Ist. I Workers assisting, Luke iLaughrun, Rube Peterson, Rotha Bailey, Mrs. ' John Byrd, Mrs. Glessie Stamey, and Clearmont school. The Shop and Equipment, Department of the State. Highway Department is announced as a 100 percent group, each employee con tributing ond days pay. The South Briar Co. and Arno Co. are also 100 per cent. The following firms and individuals have contribut ed, according to the reports | that have been filed to date: SIOO.OO Contributors H. S. Edge, B. B. Penland & Son. $75.00 Contributors Penland & Ayers. $50.00 Contributors H. Rotha. $30.00 Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Aaron C. Bailey. $25.00 Contributors Earl W. Wilson, Glenn Proffitt, S. T. Ledford & Son. $20.00 and Above Troy Mclntosh. $15.00 and Above i Miss Bess Lewis, J. E. I' Huskins. SIO.OO and Above A. P. Honeycutt, Mrs. Edrus Ledford, H. D. Jus-: tice, Riverside Church, Mr. j and Mrs. J. A. Hannum, T. M. Young, Mrs. J. J. Laugh run, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence i Briggs, B. M. Tomberlin; Della Tipton, Monroe Mc- Intosh, Max Proffitt, Ver nie Wilson, Ora Deyton, Ruth Jobe, Lt. Sam J. Hus kins, Jr., S. B. Conley, Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Briggs, Presnell Brothers, Jim Wheeler. • $5.00 and Above Mrs. Hattie Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Prof-| YOUR RED CROSS AT HIS SIDE. GIVE TO THE 1944 ■ WAR FUND. COUNTY QUOTA $4250 * * NUMBER THIRTY TWO ! fitt, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Proffitt, J. R. Pate, James Proffitt, J. E. Bailey, Les ter Byrd, Mose Byrd, Bell Hunter, Mrs. George Tip ton, Luke Laughrun, Mrs. Alice Jobe, Carl Jobe; j Tom Renfro, Sam J. Byrd, Fred Ayers, Mark Hall, Mrs. James Cornwell, l H. M. Hall, Andrew Bishop, C. D. Young, C. L. Wheeler, ISf OWW to - c - H. G. Bailey, I. R. Lau ghrun, J. W. Edwards, J. W. Hoover, Jos. S. Youn*, Minnie H. Young, Francis S. Ensley, Helen D. Silver, Clyde N. Young, Mrs. Phy llis Bailey, Mrs. Lilliam Robinson, Elizabeth B. Hughes; __ Burnice H. Justice, Dell ma Hensley, L. B. Ray, Maude McMinn, Margaret Chandler, Gladys Gillespie, Jeanette tP. Bailey, Mollie V. Hensley, Mrs. Sarah Sil ver, Violet Navy, Alberta Campbell, Clonnie Huskins, Mrs. J. P. Lyon; Mrs. W. W. Sorrells, Ber tha B. Huskins, Mrs. Chas. Proffitt, Osie Bennett, Net tie Bennett, Gus Peterson, Mrs. Joe Young, Mrs. Mild red Hyatt, Emmett Sams, Vinita Penland, Aldine Pleasant, Edna Wheeler; Mrs. Bumice Angel, Jack Mclntosh, Mrs. Monroe Mc- Intosh, Prices Creek School John S. LeFevre, Mrs. John S. LeFevre, Edith Huskins, Mrs. John S. Bennett, Mrs. John Byrd, Mrs. Thelma Gornto, Cecil Deyton, Clar ence Bailey; Lois Moody, Mrs. Claud" Hughes, Claude Hughes, Ola Edwards, Walton An gel, Madlyn Bailey, Mrs. Glessie Stamey, Mrs. Arti° Lee Higgins, Alice Roland, O. C. Bryant, P. M. Gallo way, R. R. Dellinger. NOTICE TO MILK SELLERS Dairy Feed Payments will be made thru the AAA office for the entire mon th of February, and every one selling milk should submit their evidence of jsale before April 1, 1944.

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