PAGE TWO THE YANCEY RECORD y ESTABLISHED JULY, 1936 Editor Mrs. C. R. Hamrick Published Every Thursday By YANCEY PUBLISHING CO. ' A Partnership Entered U second-class matter November 11th, 1936, at the 1 Post Office, at Burnsville, North Carolina, under the Act o1 « March 3, 1879. HEALTH DEPARTMENT NEWS—PRE-SCHOOL < CLINICS Each year in this county pre-school clinics have been held for the benefit of all the children who will . * start to school the following August. We shall continue to follow this practice. These clinics are to help you to know if your child , has any defects that might delay him or . interfere < with his ability tn learn. ‘ You will be advised of these j defects and as to whether they need immediate atten- , tion. Also the needed vaccinations will be given. As you know, all children must be vaccinated against diph- ■ theria and smallpox before they can enter school. The schedule is as follows: March 28th: Been ford, 9:00 —10:00; Micaville, 10:30 —12:00; Burnsville, 1:30 —3:00. March 29th: Fe° Log, 9:30—11:30 ; Pensacola 1:30 3:00 March 30th: Hortons Creek, 9:00 —10:00; Prices Creek, 10:30 —12:00; Banks Creek, 1:00—2:00; Bakers s Qceek, 2:00—3:00. March 31st: Double Island, 9:00—10:00; Brush Creek, 10:30--12:00; Bee Branch, 1:00—3:00/ April 4th: Seven Mile Ridge, 9:30 —10:30; Shoal Creek, 11:00—12:0u; Burnsville (Col.) 1:30—3:00. April 6th: Cove. This schedule will be followed as stated. Please be on time because we have only a limited time to spend in each place, and if every one is not prompt, somebody will fail to be seen. Keep in mind where your child will go to school and the date of the clinic at that school. The principal of the schools will have a copy, if you are in doult. GREEN MOUNTAIN Sgt. Jack Renfro, 1 f- Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Renfro, Sr., has been home on a ten day furlough. He returned to Camp Shelby,! Miss. Sunday. Avery Fox, seaman 2c, is home on furlough visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fox. He is stationed at Norfolk, Va. Floyd Huffman, A. M.M. 2c, is visiting his mother, Mrs. D. D. Huffman He has been in service for ov er three years and is now at the U. S. naval air field, Green Cove Springs, Fla. Mrs. R. C. Howell spent the week end in Erwin with her daughter in law, Mrs. Ward N. Howell. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ran dolph and children and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howell and son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howell during the week end. Aunt Ellen Huffman has been ill for sometime but is slightly improved. She is 94 years old and lives with Mrs. D. D. Huffman. AMERICAN HEROES I BY LEFF I Torpedoed at night, men of the Merehant Murine abandoned their Wt'dlliai (hip. Frederick R. Zito, (aidet-Mid'bipman. left his lifeboat, | elimbed band over hand up the fulls to free a 250-pound fireman. Unable to loosen the ropes, he cut them free, then towed the entangled nun until ? the, were picked up by • lifeboat. Hit it heroism beyond the lint* of duty. 11 | Tbit mtrm War Bond you buy may save a life! I V. 5. Treasury Department BUY BONDS FOR VICTORY Mrs. W. S. Renfro visited relatives in Erwin during 1 the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Bailey were called home Friday from Kingsport where Mr. Bailey is employed on ac count of his mother, Aunt Jane Bailey, having fallen Thursday and seriously in jured herself. She was tak-| en to Johnson City Friday/ and no further details of her injury have been learn ed. [ We understand that the' acreage allotment of 225! acres for the Green Moun tain Cannery has already been signed up. However, the new T price contract has not arrived yet and was signed on an acreage basis to date. Miss Mary Wilson of Bald Creek visited Mrs. Pershing Wilson of Stocks ville over the week end. Betty and Helen Wilson had as their week end guest Rose Smith of Swan nana. Subscribe to the Record Contributors To Red Cross $50.00 Contributors The Northwestern Bank. $25.00 and Above j 1 Sam Wilson, Reece Me- ; Intosh, The Safford Com pany, Young and Westall. $20.00 and Above \ Richmond Anglin, Nu- JVray Hotel. $15.00 Contributors Hopfe Buck, Martins 1 Chapel Church. SIO.OO Contributors . ! Mrs. Molt Mclntosh, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laughrun, Mrs. V. L. Mattson, Mrs. D. M. Buck, Mrs. J. A. Hig gins-, C. P. Rogers, Jr., P. C. Coletta, L. M. Hilliard, Sam Greene, Charles Hut chins, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Hensley, James Ray, Hob art Ray. $7.50 Contributors Charlie Maney. $7.00 Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Drate Young. $5.00 and Above S. R. Hensley, Harmon Edwards, Mrs. Ila Mcln turff, Mrs. Mae Wilson, Mrs. Robert Maney, S. W. Hillemon, H. W. Briggs, Molt Mclntosh, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Gibbs, Mrs. Pla to Riddle, Mrs. Addie Led ford, Mrs. Rena Laws, Mrs. H. G. Crowgey, Mrs. J. Bis Ray, Mrs. Ottis Gibbs, Fred Proffitt, G. C. Hunter, Mrs. C. R. Hamrick, Sim Young, Margaret Laughrun, Geor ge Hall Gus Bailey, H. H. Lewis, Mrs. W. B. Hensley. Willard Smith, Grace I Smith, Hiram Higgins, Jobe Thomas, Dave Hall, ! Junior Johnson, V. J. Good man, Elizabeth Russell, R. , C. Deyton, Rex Miller, Han nah Lewis, Mrs. I._C. Hen sley, R. S. Ray and Family. Mrs. Bill Austin, Mrs. Mack, Bailey, Mrs. Joyce B. Shep herd, J. B. Wilson; J Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rob inson, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Huskins, Emory Chrisawn, i Cut. Rate Furniture Store, ‘Harold Anglin, Lucy Gibbs, John P. Lyon, Vincent Wes | tall, F. R. Barber, W. L. | Allen, W. B. Woody, Oval Smith, Tom Mclntosh, G. L. Hensley, Ruford Cooper, I. F. McCurry. | Prisoners Yancey Coun ty Prison Camp, every pri-j soner contributed from SI.OO to $5.00 total amount $51.50: Henry Clay Baxter, Ves ter Lackey, Elisha Burch, Eddie Nichols, Cecil Long, Bryce Abernathy, Ernest Doster, Grady Cutshall, Bill Deyton, John Campbell Frank J. Roberts, John W. Elkins, Hobert Taffey, Guy Godfrey, Thomas Nolet, John Woodard. $4.00 Contributors Mrs. Floyd Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Buckner,I Miss Lena King. Mr. and Mrs. .Clyde Ray. ' $3.00 Contributors Ethel Maney, Mrs. Lela Sams. $2.00 Contributors Mrs. Mae Maney, Robert Maney, Bill Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Riddle, Max Hig gins, Pansy Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Proffitt, Mrs. Max Proffitt, Melvin Rob inson, Tommy Buckner, Frewn Revis Zeb Blanken ship, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ray, Thfio Gibbs. SI.OO and Above Joe Austin, Mrs. Douglas Robinson, Rex Yelton, Mrs. Rex Yelton, John England, Mrs. John England, Walter Maney, Mrs. Walter Maney, Mrs. Effie Brotherton, Mrs. Mollie Ledford,-Mrs. Venie Rathburn, Mrs. Bill Buck ner, Inez Randolph, Mrs. Pitman, T. F. Sams, Mrs. Claude Hunter. THE YANCEY RECORD Ray Riddle, Fred Silver, Willie Anglin, Lat Styles, G. A. Fender, Bonnie Pit mhn, T. H. Phoenix, C. M. Allen, Joe Allien, Mrs. Fra nces Anglin, Mrs. Coy Fox, Mrs. Ida Allen, Mrs. W. B. Austin, Lensie Parker; Frank Allen, Mrs. Tom Allen, John McAlister, Coy | Miller, James Higgins, I Vance Webb, Elbert Hig- 1 gins, Dan Adkins, Roscoe Hensley, Irene Higgins, 1 Mrs. Paul Higgins, Paul Higgins, Mrs. Ida Higgins, l John M. Morrow, Dollie J. Morrow, Bill Renfro, Esth er Higgins; Grant Hensley, Mamie Hensley, Veo Byrd, Milt Edwards Bailey, Lowe Hig gins Anderson, Big Will Higgins, Elizabeth Tipton, Charlie Edwards, Jane Hensley, Mrs. Charlie Edw ards, H. L. Angel, Verdie Crane, Avem Jamerson, J. D. Mathis, Mrs. Gus Edw ards, Miss Lizzie Holcomb; Mrs. Lola Proffitt, Mrs. M. F. Smith, Mrs. J. B. Robinson, Mrs. Vergie Rob-! inson, Mrs. Blanche Styles,! Willard Styles, Ruby Styles Mrs. Ernest Ray, Mrs. Earl Proffitt, Mrs. Alice Prof fitt, Hermon Penland, Mrs. Blake Ray, Blake Ray, Ray mond .Penland, Kenneth Smith; Eddie Penland, Chet Hol combe, Mrs. Chet Holcombe Willie J. Robinson, J. M. Edwards, Virgie Thomas, Jule Honeycutt, Kelse Tho mas, Welser Penland, C. C. Byrd, Robert Thomas, Mrs. S. R. Hensley, Hazel Barn es, Ollie Chandler, Lemmie Edwards, Myrtle Fender; John Miller, Ora Chand- Chandler, Es- A. C.' Angel, Mrs. J. M. Ballard, Laskie Shepherd, Fannie Miller, Grason Williams, Auburn Shepherd, Mauveline Shep herd, Willard Shepherd, Lattie Ballard, J. W. Fen der, Robbie Ferguson, Ar thur Ballard; Estelle Ingle, Armerlie Ballard, Joe Honeycutt, , Kenneth Styles, S. P. Done, (Rubert Ray, Horton Gibbs, Sammie MoPeters, Grace |E. Ray, Mrs. Geo. W. Ang lin, Mrs. C. C. Higgins, W. C. Byrd, Margaret Honey cutt, Le-Roy Silvers, Hollis Honeycutt, £7 M. Bailey, , Murtle Hensley, Jasper , Hensley; Glen Bailey, Wiley Wil-; , son, Gilbert Byrd, John ! Evans, Maggie Bailey, Mrs. Crate Higgins, Burnie Hun ter, Joe Silvers, Floyd I .iHyleman, Glenn Ledfqrd, Marie Ledford, Ben Wilson Marion Phillips, Lee Hig gins, Maggie Elliott; J Tommy McCourry, Belle Honeycutt, Ella J. Honey cutt, Ottis Honeycutt, Gro ver Honeycutt, Paul Elliott Cart ha Duncan, Nola Dun can, Mrs. FYance Riddle, Mrs, Mark Laws, Mrs. Kit tie Laws, Will Duncan, Gladys Arrowood, Clarence Williams, C. C. Byrd, Mag gie Byrd, Mary A. Honey cutt, Rodma# Arrowood; | Woodrow Tipton, Ben Styles, R. F. Peterson, Geo rgia Peterson, Clyde Dun can, J. C. Wheeler, Maude Byrd, Carl R. Styles, U. S. McCourry, Doris Hunter, John Tipton Family, Min nie Mitchell; | Mose Arrowood, Jack Laughrun, Ethel Laughrun Floyd Laughrun, Nora Pet-, ereon, J. W. Letterman, Abbie Arrowood, Mrs. Lil lie Bailey, Oscar Ayers, Pansy Ayers, Connie Laws, Lizzie Ledford, J. H. Miller, Calvin Evans, Hiram Wil- son, Sam Silvers, M. W. Anglin, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Clyde Anglin; Mrs. Cora Anglin, Shelby: Briggs, Bill Wheeler, D. T. Byrd, Hattie Byrd, Ed Hig- j gins, Janie Higgins, Winnie Higgins, S. W. Silvers, Mrs. Wade Honeycutt, Vina Hig gins, Mrs. A. P. Honeycutt, Mrs. Ruth Bailey, S. C. Pet erson, Late Edwards, Tom King, Mil Byrd, T. L. , Brown, Welzie Wheeler, Jennings Peterson: l Mai McCourry, Beile Mc- CouVry, Gus Edwards, Z. V. Renfro, Mary Laws, Wes Deyton, Charles Edwards, Sid Laws, Don Laws, Rebe Edwards, Mrs. S. S„ Peter son, F. M. Roung, Mrs. Al lison English, Jim Riddle, R. D. Peterson, Sam Hen sley, D. J. Peterson, E. J. Peterson, Mary Peterson; Mae Arrowood, Ida Mc- Courry, date McCouFry, Ellen Johnson, Will Tipton, Letha Tipton, Joe Tipton, Malcom Fox, Carl T. Young Ransom Wheeler, Bob Hig gins, Grace Presnell, Geor ge Parsley, L. P. Young, M. C. Wyatt, Claud Allen, | Smith Howell, Kenneth Hall, Dewitt Howell, Wood row Howell, Roy Presnell; H. H. Young, Kelse Bu chanan, Bill Edge, Kenneth Wyatt, Josh McCourry, D. M. Edge, George Young, S. D. McKinney, Welzie McMahan, Walker Thomas, Gilbert Buchanan, Dorothy Silver, Roy Johnson, CrCed Wilson, Madge Davenport, Charles Wilson Ave Hus r kins, Charlie Wilson, Char les Hall, R. C. Parcley, J. j M. Presnell, Horace McNeill j Clarence Edge; Glen McMahan, Hall Young, Will Huskins, Mrs. L. R. Young. Lee Buchanan Will Young, Fleeter Young, Dell Bishop, Lewis Hicks, Champ Ray, Welzie Robin son, Carl Robinson, Ed Sparks, Chas. Howell, Ver nie Silver,* B. G. Thomas, Cecil Renfro, Mrs. Thelma Buchanan, Clifton Buchan an, E. W. Huskins, Gladys Huskins, R. T. Ensley; Mrs. Flaud Wilson, Clar ence Presnell, David Briggs Bud Sparks, Austin Buch anan, B. M. Young, Mrs. Bill Hipps, David Parciey, S. D. McKinney, M. D. Hur st, Alvie Ledford, Letha Ogle, G. W. Higgins. B. B. Banks, Lewis Robinson, Roy Blankenship, S. M. Melton, Doug Robinson; Pauline Austin, Bessie Ledfprd, Marcus England. Maude Elkins, John Greene Mrs. Bob Allen. B. R. Wil ; son, U:ah Blankenship, i Mrs. B. B. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Blankenship. J. H. Robinson, Viola Robin son, Mr. and Mi . Jo/ Blun . kenhip, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Banks S. C. Ledford. Mad ge Ledford, Mrs. S. C. Led ford, Betty Ledford, Mack Ledford; Pate Jones, Edd Willis, Emma Hensley, J. W. Dale, Tom Davis, Nettie Allen, M. H. Blankenship, Jessie Penland, W. W. Gardner, Mrs. W. G. Blankenship, Mrs. A. G. Wilson, Mrs/ i Quillen Riddle, Kathleen Hensley, Lawrence Wilson, Cam Wilson, Walter Will iams, Tom Payne, Z. S. Hamby, Lon Smith, Ray Smith, Troy Smith; A. E. Miller, Prineey Miller, Frank Laws, Liney j Hunter, Annie Hamby, Charlie Briggs, Bill . Atkins, Cling Briggs, O. L. Silvers, j Laley Hunter, Echird Hun ter, Charlie Miller, Mrs. Charlie Miller, Mary Edw ards, Clarence Robinson, Clifford Hensley, Howard Turbyfill, Ashton Ramsey, Mrs. James Ramsey, Joe Bodford, Paul Anglin; Dewey Wilson. Andrew j Letterman, Carl Kates, Robert Boone, Howard Ward, C. A. Branch, Wat ison Boone, Commodore Hensley, H. R. Branch, Roy Buchanan, F. A. Hughes, R. ft. Jones, J. B. Blevins, Millard Cox, Lat Hughes, Paul Gardner, George Jon es, Wilson McHan; Jack Gillespie, Floyd Boone, Roy Cassida, Har -1 ley Bennett, Mrs. Park. Peterson, Earl Garland, Bert Renfro, Miss Golda > Warrick,-1. B. Bailey, Miss . Lois Moody, Mrs. H. H. * Lewis, Ike Webb, Loss Pet ■ erson, Lonnie Griffith, ■ Noah Hughes, Mary Jane , Bailey, Roy Tilley; Mrs. Noah Hughes, Mrs. • Lundy Warrick, Mrs. Ida Webb, Mrs. Gus Bailey, ‘ Alex King, Shelton Hugh ’ es, A. J. Thomas, David > Jarrett, Ernest Hall, Her > bert Robinson’ Roy Hugh ■ es, Lida Robinspn, Wyatt ' Tloilman, Grady Woody, ' Earl Robinson, J. B. Thom > as, Grayson Roberson; ' Paul Dulaney, Paul Bu -1 chanan, Harris Gortney, Theodore Freeman, Rass Thomas, D. S. Johnson, Mark Thomas, JVoodrow 1 Robinson, Carter Thomas, '• Fred Jenkins, Zeyland ’ Gardner, Rule Adkins, ' Doyl Edwards, John Lee ’ Wilson, John Holloway; j Cart Randolph, J. Will i Higgins, Woodrow Whit ’ son, Jack Hensley, Rex Wilson, Deck Adkins, Carl Adkins, Hobart Whitson, j Park Adkins, Kenneth Ad kin, John F. Phillips, Roy Edwards, Coy Wilson, Ar thur Whitson, Mrs. Claud • Buchanan, Mrs. Zeland 1 Gardner, Mrs. Junior ...John-. ’ son/ Mrs. “Rass Thomas,; ’ Mrs. Jobe Thomas, Mf-s.j ■j yjjjg $&9 P^ fl Pes>*r supplier or© limited! Subscribe now to make m y ***** oi getting newspaper and favorite magazines u I bargain price* before paper shortage* Pi ■I Ifiterxerel —- B| Ly S 1 CLA BIG ISSUES SOSO 1 8 IVT FOR ONLY Mm— f i OUR LUCKY SEVEN OFFER fi (weekly) • »• 52 Issues ALL <cvcu R S! True Story 12 Issues ALL SEVEN IK ■ Household Magazine .... 12 Issues F ® R ONLY |j| H Ferm Journal * Farmer's Wife . 12 Issues l tt PI B| American Poultry Journal . . 12 Issues >P 50 IK I ■ 5? uth * r " Agriculturist . . . 12 Issues JF —— LA I This Newspaper 52 Issues | H ■ 1 if •*»““<l # t TRUt STORY, tend me: ( ) Op.n Road ( ) American Girl. 8 Mo. fc ■p. 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C - 0 - luW " * ov,,w 280 Southern Agriculturist 1.15 |& k| Household 1.15 Sports Afield 180 15 ■ , Hy **!* 2.80 The Woman i!:::; 2.00 ■ I Nsfionel Digest Monthly'l"! 130 Your Ufe* .!! |!! jjo [I U We Can Take Your Subscription For Any Magazine 1 £1 Gentlemen: I enclose i Please send Hi . If me dub Offer Number tj N inan M SI OH H.T.D. Hi Q »OBTO»zoa 11l THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1944 J. B. Thomas, Stella Tur ner,, Laura Dillinger; Emma Banks, Ransom Riddle, Thad Ray, R. F. Shepherd, Mrs, Joe Riden hour, Dale, Edna Jones/. Mrs. Viola Robinson, Mrs. James Jones, Mrs. Horace Jones, Gertrude Ray, Hughie Harding, Jobe Buchanan, Cora Ray, Gil bert Roberson, Hester Rob erson, George King, Mrs. George King, J. E. Edw .ards, Willard Angel, Clyde Higgins, Will Angel, Myr tle Mclntosh, Zeb Randolph Edgar Riddle, Lum Riddle; | Randolph, Bill Ran dolph, J. H.Mclntosh, Wel lington Mclntosh, H. S. ! Mclntosh. Rath Mclntosh, Mrs Fulton Hughes, Lois __ *• % t tt r n/r an* j Hughes, J. W. McAllister, Mrs. Cora Robertson, Belle Hilemon, Lige Hilemon, Phyllis Hylemon, Lizzie King. Charlie King, Mattie King, Richard King; AveFv Silver, Thelma King, Silas King, Burney Robertson, Jeff King, Lula King, Bertha Hilemon, Cora Higgins, Hiram Hig gins, Mae Higgins, J. A. Buckner, W. M. Hensley, Edd Pate, Horace Shepherd Myrtle Proffitt, Maude Shepherd, Horace Revis; | Max Miller, M. O. Fergu son, Floy Hensley, E. J. Angel, Annie Mae Fox, Nola Robinson, John Eng lish, Virgie Shepherd, Ros coe Briggs, Esta Edwards, Frankie Edwards, Mildred Biggs, Betty Crowder, I. R. Shepherd, Joe F. Fox, Min nie Shepherd, Bill Shep herd, Lee Hamlin, Amos Edwards, Belva Edwards, Laskey Shepherd, Louise Buckner. Bob English, Ral ph Barnes, Matilda Ballard. I. T. Fox, W. J Fox, Louise Silvers. j \Continued next week)

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