PAGE FOUR - - ————— . ' . r VANGEY THEATRT7 . '■ r ' ' ~-'. .'; FRIDAY—SATURDAY MARCH 24-25 ' HIT NO. 1 “Santa Fe Scouts THREE MESQUITEERS HIT NO. 2 "The Traitor Within” Don BARRY Jean PARKER SUNDAY—MONDAY MARCH 26-27 "Old Acquaintance” Bette DAVIS Miriam HOPKINS Gig YOUNG John LOUDER TUESDAY— MARCH 28th "Find The Blackmailer” Jerome COWAN, Fay EMERSON, Gene LOCKHART CHAPTER NO. 12 SECRET CODE WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY MARCH 29-30 "Above Suspicion” f| Joan CRAWFORD Fred MacMURRAY ForJßale i The following Properties offered at LESS than ac-; tual Value: On Account of my health, I will sell any or all of the property listed below at less than its worth. TERMS: One Third Down; Balance Jo suit Buyer. First: 1 Acre Lot—Corner Main Highway and De pot Street. Good 7 room dwelling and Store Building. This is one of the best business locations in the County. 1 Second: 44 Acre Tract near Burnsville Depot. Good House (needs painting) 35 acres hill land; 9 acres good, level bottom land, rcbacro Allotment. Good wire fences. Third: One and one half lot near Hospital building 4 room house. < Fourth: 410 Acre Tract, 1 mile from Court HoU&e. About 10 acres crop land. 10 acres open pasture, balan ce in timber. 5 tenant houses, good Tobacco bam, and Tobacco Allotment. Plenty of good springs and good wire fences. Fifth: 67 Acre Tiact one and one half miles west of Burnsville on State Highway. Can mow with mow ing machine over 64 acres. Good 7 room house, barn Tobacco Allotment. Good wire fences. Also for Sale X Registered Bull and 21 head grade Hereford Cows and Heifers that are due to bring calves this spring and summer. When the above properties are sold, I will still own three other places which are enough for me to manage due to my health. C. M. BAILEY Phone 211, Burnsville, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER MORTGAGE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF YANCEY Under and by virtue of Mort gage Deed executed on the Bth day of November, 1932, by Fred Hensley to the undersigned to secure certain indebtedness and there having been a default in the payment of said indebtedness, the undersigned will, at 1:00 o’clock P. M., on the 27th day of March, 1944, at the Courthouse door in Burnsville, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash that tract or parcel of land situate in Egypt Township, County of Yan cey, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: BEGINNING on a sycamore on the South bank of Bald Mountain Creek near the old store house. This tract containing ONE HUN DRED FIFTY (150) acres more or less This being the tract of land conveyed by B. S. Hensley, deceased to Charles Hensley and conveyed by Charles Hensley to Molt Hensley and being the Old Home Place known as the B S. Hensley homestead. Being the property acquired by Fred Hen sley in a division of the lands described in said Mortgage as his entire interest in all of said l*nds, and the above described property is to be sold as his sep- and entire interest in all of the lands described in said Mort gage. For a more specific de scription of aaid land reference may be had to Deed Book 49, page 409, Records of Yancey County, North Carolina. This the 25th day of Feb. 1944 0. B. Hensley. Mortgagee. March 2,9, 16, 23 I*OR SALE: 260 acres mountain land, ideal for pasture and tobacco grow ing, two houses with barns, pasture fenced, lota of hardwood and saw logs some Black Walnut trees E. L. Brings, Burnsville. Avon Products, Inc., has good territory for a wom an of pleasing personality who would like to earn in her spare time. Write S, (c. Record). FOR SALE: I will have Apple Trees and Grape Vines for sale during the week of Court, beginning March 20th. Good heal thy stock. State inspect ed. S. L. McMahan and j FOR SALE: House and lot in North Burnsville. Seven rooms, bath, lights, con crete basement, un usually warm in winter, cool and pleasant in summer- Some outbuildings. Only for a few minor repairs, in splendid condition. Ideally located for school, church, etc. Priced to sell. See Jake F. Buckner r« —— LETTERS FROM r MEN IN SERVICE ; Yancey Record? certainly: missed t the - last copy or two iof the Record as it has not been forward ed to me. I would appre- it if the address were changed and it was sent to me here as it always seems like news from home to me, I have been grateful for it and also the letters I have received from many friends there. I have been assigned to the field here since the first of March and will pro bably be here for a while longer. Best wishes to all. Pfc. Garmon B. Smith, Hq. Det. 11l Bomber Com mand, Mac Dill Field, Tam pa 8, Florida. Yancey Record: I have been receiving the paper far twc years and there is nothing I enjoy more than getting news from ym old home town. I can learn so much about my good old school mates and friends I used to write to. I hope and pray that we may soon be back home sit ting around the fire and seeing our friends again. Please send the paper to my new' address: Cpl.| Luther Peterson, Bttry B. 802 F. A. Bn. Camp Gor don, Ga. NOTICE OF SALE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF YANCEY The Board of Education of Yan cey County being of the opinion that the property, hereinafter de . scribed, has become unnecessary for Public School purposes, and the said property not now being used for School purposes, the said Board of Education will, at 11:00 ,o’clock A. M., April 12, 1944, at 1 the Courthouse door in Burns ville, N C., sell to the highest bidder for cash that tract or par cel of land situate in Cane River Township, County of Yancey and State of North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of J. E. Edwards and others and described as fol-j lows: BEGINNING on a Hick ory on the bank of a small branch abuut 300 yards East of L. H. Edwards house and runs a North erly course 14 poles to a Beech on top of a ridge; then about the same course 6 poles to a Dogv wood; then to the river the near -1 est course, then up and with the ! river to the mouth Lankfords branch distant 13 poles; then up said branch 10 poles to the mouth !of branch first named; then up j said branch 21 poles to the BE GINNING, containing one and one-half acre, more or less. Said property will be sold subject to | a reservation contained in the i deed to Board of Education of 'Yancey County which provides I that John McAlister is to have free access to the spring with , the privilege to erect a spring j house on same, And being that tract of land conveyed by John McAlister and wife, Isaac Hile mon and wife, to the Board of Education by deed dated May 2, 1904, and recorded in Deed Book 62, at page 324, Records of Deeds of Yancey County, North Carolina The Board of Education reser ves the right to reject any and all bids. This the 13th day of March, 1944, BOARD OF EDUCATION OF' YANCEY COUNTY By Miss Hope Buck, Secretary to Board of Education. March 16, 23, 30, April G. ' I 7 • I FOR SALE I Tender green Bean Seeds 10 Pound or more 25c Pound. Less Than 10 Pound 30c. Also Giant Stringless Green Pods. RAY’S GROCERY Burnsville, N. C. ■m ■ »— ——— mJ| J » THE YANCEY RECORD BURNSVILLE— “So They Say” The”#eatKer: Forget 16 warn you last week to look out for "Court Week” wea ther It never fails, and has been cold and rainy this week too. Thus we greeted the first day of spring. About town: New arri val: Nina and Douglas Powell’s son, Douglas 111. . Ernest Banner home for 10 day leave, and Paul Buck home because of serious illness of mother who’s now improving... Bill Hus kins now cadet-midshipman in Pass Christian, Miss. . . Lorene Beauty Shop in new location. , . Largest group of men left Tuesday, and | number already back from ! exams. .. Correction please: The garden club will not meet Thursday evening as announced in calendar, but Friday at 7:30 in the court house when extension hor ticulturist from Raleigh will speak. . . and if some ;one from Raleigh can come ito speak, a good number should be on hand to learn! best ways to improve gar dening. Very Popular: Spelling! contests. Grammar grades ! had county wide, and Eli zabeth Anne Roberts won second place in county. . . Then students at B. H. S. | will hold one soon. . . and 'we expect any day for Dover Fouts to make the suggestion again that we have old folks spelling bee! That might not be so bad, but we don’t want to com pete with the youngsters! They’re much too smart. More about— MEN IN SERVICE fine to hear from home folks and through the pa , per I learn where lots of j the boys from home are. Please send the paper to my new address: Cpl. Ralph W. Byrd, c. Postmaster, San Francisco, -MONTHLY REPORT NORTH CAROLINA, YANCEY COUNTY. | The following exempt » ions were issued: $32.49. [ The following vouchers l were issued: | From General Funds: $2,937.25. From Poor funds: 216.95 l From Debt Service funds I : $41.15. ; From health funds 120.00 I, Earl C. Wilson, Regis ter of Deeds, in and for Yancey County, North Car olina, do hereby certify that this is a true and cor rect copy of the Minutes of tje meeting of the Yancey ! County Board of Commis sioners, as of March 6, 1944. Earl C. Wilson, Register of Deeds, Yancey County, North Carolina. RUSS MEMORIAL I Recently Evangelist Dan; Graham preached at~”this‘ church, at which time he ! baptized and received seven persons into the church.! At this same meeting he ordained Garrett Forbes as elder and Warren and R. L. Forbes as deacons Madge and Mary Jane Masters, teachers in our S. S. are now working" in. Spruce Pine. Miss Zetta Davison has returned from a business trip t o Fuquay-Verin&s where she was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. Cecil Lawrence. Miss Davison al- FOR SALE: 20 acr r bottom land, 30 act • woo l land. 1-8 mile of No. 10 highway, Vi m !e of Figh School and 5 miles v ?st cf Marion. Free water line available. W. M. K. Gilkey, Marion, N. C. FOR SALE: 50 acre farm with .7 tobacco allotment orchard and pasture land. I Pig Pen Cheek. Plenty of saw timber and hardwood j and pulp wood on same. FOR SALE OR RENT: 13 acres land with .7 tobacco allotment. Several apple trees, Bee Branch section near Horace Ray’s. Will rent the tobacco land toj reliable farmer. FOR SALE OR RENT: 17 acres near Carl Silver’s at Micaville. Wanted some-! one to cultivate this land. FOR SALE OR RENT: 30 acres near Boonford, has lots of hardwood on same that 1 want to have cut. Several thousand feet saw timber on same. FOR SALE: 5 acres near John Thomas on Rosie’s branch. Several car loads of pulp and hardwood and several thousand feet of poplar and hardwood saw’ timber. FOR SALE: 20 acres near Boonford. adjoining Jeff Laws and Josh McCurry. part of the Criss Garland farm. FOR SALE: 5 acres, eight room house, barn, .8 acre tobacco allotment, 100 ap ple trees, Burnsville, N. C7 Will rent pasture for about 20 head of cattle. E. L. Briggs. ■ Wt. COUNTY QUOTA $4250 - Collections To Date $3570.90 -v■ ■ 1— - 1 | soi visited Rev. and Mrs. ! John Young at Stovall and Colonel and Mrs. Bennett Stow, re sidents of Rock Creek sec tion. The auxiliary met at Mrs. Garrett Forbes for an all day meeting at which time a quilt was quilted for Grandfather Orphanage. The fifth leadership class for this winter has been jheld here. This one on Per sonal Evangelism was at tended by Madeline Honey cutt, Thelma Yelton, Janie sand Louise Street, Betty ahd Billy Garland, Ray Forbes and Warren and R. L. Forbes, the few remain ing young people in oiir church. Credit cards ior these courses are Issued t o those who complete the course 11 Carolina Tire Company Says | Guaranteed Recapping | I Plenty Os ] ! RUBBER ■ 24 Hour service on following passenger 1 f sizes 5:50 xlB 5:50 xl7 6:00 xl6 !| fi:so 16, ■ 1 Week’s service 0n.4:50 x 21 4:75 x I 1!) 7:00x16.,/ ■ , ■ 24 Hoar service on Truck Recap 6:00 x * 16 6:sox 16 —34 x 7 8:25 x 20 | 32 x 6 7:00 x 20. 1 • GOOD STOCK TRUCK TIRES g l 32 x 6 10 ply —34 x7 10 ply 8:25 x 20 10 ply if I AUTO BATTERIES ii . • " ~ jfr Big Stock Good Discount ■ ~ lanBBBHanaBBBBi j” EASY TERMS LOW PRICES ■■■■■■■■■■■■■Baa l Carolina Tire Company fa Store Nn. 1 SPRUCE PINE, N. C. ti Stoie No. 2 BURNSVILLE, N. C. S'!BL Bi B-B B B-Bc B. B/Bi BB. ißliißliiißlllMliiiMmiiHinm^S THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1944 PERSONALS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Opha King a son, March 16. Mr. and Mrs. Everett King have been visiting their parents on Jacks Creek, Miss Frances Tomberlin of Swiss is now working at the Beacon Co., Swan nanoa, N. C. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tomberlin. Joyce King is ill of mea . sles at her home. NOTICE The Yancey county Board ■of Education will receive • bids for hauling coal for ’ the 1944-45 term on Friday* * March 24. The coal will be i shipped to Burnsville, Hun tdale and Green Mountain.

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