Invest in the Leaders of Tomorrow. Your Local Scout Committee asks your aid in this drive. VOLUME EIGHT SUB. RATES: SI.OO YEAR. —Men In Service- Sgt. Ray McCourry i§ on| leave visiting his parents,; Mr and Mrs. E. McCourry of Day Book. He has been in service four years and has been overseas in the Pacific area. Sgt. and Mrs. William Hills of Red Bank, N. J. are also visiting Mr. and Mrs. McCourry. Mrs. Hills, the former Miss Ruth McCour ry is with the army signal corps. j Harold Presnell, Claty Taylor, Ward Price, and George Hall are among those who have completed boot training and are home on leave. L. H. Huskins of the U. S. coast guard stationed at Camp Perrin, Va. is here on leave. His wife is with him. Sgt. Foch Phillips of the U. S. Army returned to camp after spending a fur lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Phillips. Cpl. Luther L. Peterson was home on -a furlough visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Biss Peterson of Burnsville. He left Friday .. for Dothan, Ala. to spend a few days with his wife. Ensign Shelby L. Rob son is now At the nnvalj communications tC'a Tnlag school, Harvard University. He is the son of Mr. . and Mrs. Sam Robertson of —— Bald Creek. . Lt. Lucille Chase of the army nurses corps is home on leave. J3he is stationed at Fort Sill, Okla. Donald Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Thomas is at home on leave from Florida. Petty officer, 3c John! English is here on leave' from Davisville, R. I. SgL Jack H. McCourry, Cpl. John Blake and Pvt. Lawrence Watts who have been stationed *in Alaska are now in Minneapolis, Minn. Pvt. Carson Edwards is spending a 10 day furlough] with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guss Edwards. Also Grady Edwards of the U. S. Navy was home on leave. Roy V. King left last week for Camp Bowie, Tex as after spending a leave here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zeb King. He has| been stationed in Alaska. \ James D. Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Edwards, is' now in India his parents have been in-] ' formed. He is with the! photographic division o f the signal corps. Sgt. Fred S. Honeycutt is now with the quartermas ter corps at Camp Rucker, Ala. Leroy Roland who has, been stationed at Camp Eustis, Va. is home on leave THE YANCEY RECORD J Electricians Mate, 2c ,;John Bowditch is at home ’on leave. He has been in the Navy for two years. A brother, Frank, is with ! the Marine Corps in the Pacific area, and another i brother, Robert, is with the j 1 army in Africa. They are 1 , sons of the late Mr. and s Mrs. John H. Bowditch. !/ Pvt. Ralph Tilley is with | the field artillery training, j unit at Fort Sill, Okla. ] Pvt. Charles Honeycutt l is stationed at Camp Van ‘ Dorn, Miss. His brother ! Kenneth Honeycutt, lias ! been in the Pacific area for ! several months. Pvt. Seth Laughrun is . now at Ellington Field, Texas. Charles G. Clark Seaman first class is in the naval hospital, Corona, Calif. 1 T. sth Clyde Fox is home on a twenty one day fur lough. It is the first time he has been home in four years. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fox of Day Book. He took his basic train ing in New York, then was sent to Panama where he] stayed for three years and eight months. He plans to report back to Fort Bragg. \ Pfc. Stiles who is* stationed at Camp Sibert, Ala. has been home on a 10 day leave visiting his wife ]and parents, Mr. and Mrs. I George Stiles. He left for camp Sunday morning. Ralph Hall who recently recovered from attacks of ! measles and scarlet fever at the naval training sta tion, Bainbridge, Md. is now at the training station, ! Norfolk, Va. He is the son lof Mr. and Mrs. George Hall of Burnsville _ • Sgt. Woodrow Robinson ] Matthews, C. M. P. Detach ment, Benicia Arsenal, Beniccia, Cal. has spent a 23 day furlough with rela tives and friends at Marion and Bald Creek. Sgt. Mat ithews entered service in April, 1941. He received his I training at Fort Bragg and Aberdeen, Md. Mrs. Doshie Edwards has received word that her son, Pvt. Bernie Edwards is somewhere in the Pacific Area. Wilse Hensley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hensley, is home on leave from Home stead, Fla. where he has* been stationed for several months. His wife is with him. Cpl.. Nick Whitson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Whit son of Sioux, is now at Camp Swift, Texas. Over the week end he visited his two sisters, Mrs. E. F. Ger icke of Houston and Mrs. H. E. Pyatte and son of; Galena Park, Texas. Lt. Pyatte is serving in' ]the U. S. Merchant Mar ines and Cpl. Gericke is somewhere in Italy. ‘‘DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY” BURNSVILLE, N. C. THtTRSDAY, APRIL 20, 1944 RITES FOR LT. WIIIT-. SON WILL BE HELD FRIDAY * . Final rites for Lt. War-] ren A. Whitson, U. S. Mar-] ine Air Corps, who was 1 killed in an airplane crash at Santa Barbara, Cal. on April 10, are planned for Friday in Marion. Services arc scheduled! to be held at Garden Creek Baptist church at 3 o’clock Friday with Dr. B. F. Bray, officiating, and Dr. Carl] ,W. McMurray and Rev. I ] Charles C. Parker, assist-] ing. The American Legion planned to conduct military services at the grave. He is survived by his parents,.Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion A. Whitson, three bro thers and six sisters. The Whitson family formerly lived at Sioux and are wid ; ely known in the county. Lt. Whitson attended Bee Log high school. ACCEPTS PASTORATE Rev. M. H. Alley, pastor of the Highlands Baptist 1 church, has accepted the call extended him by the Burnsville Baptist church ]to be pastor here. He and his family will come to Burnsville the first of June/ .jin 1 Candidates Named For Elections At their county conven- WfrlfiOTMfrTO' Kepufr licans nominated the follow ing candidates for the Nov ember elections: For repre sentative, W. I. Parnell; Register of Deeds, Clarence Banks; Coroner, L. P. Banks, Surveyor, M. F. Johnson; Board of Com missioners, P. M. Banks, chairman; C. L. Bailey, W. -Dr- Ad k i ns-.— ——~—— Democrat Candidates Candidates-for the Nov ember election were named at the county convention which was held Saturday by the Democrats of the county. The following were named: For representative: Dr. W. L. Bennett. For Register of Deeds: Vernie Wilson. For Coroner: J. C. Tur ' ner. For surveyor:,, Arthur, Patton. For Board of county commissioners :• Loyd Fort ner, E. N. Stamey and Rex Mclntosh. For Board of education: Jobe Thomas, Philip Hen sley, Fred Ayers. Pvt. Wesley Edwards, son of Mrs. Dollie Edwards of Bee Log has returned to the Army Base at Fort Mc- Clellan, Ala. after visiting his mother on furlough. Pvt. Ossie Edwards is stationed at Fort McClel lan, Ala. Ransom L. Pate of Pen sacola, is receiving his ini tial naval indoctrination at the U. S. Naval Training | Station, Great Lakes, 111. Mrs, Peggy Hack of Black Mtn. is employed in the Northwestern Bank here. v: IMPORTANT NOTICE The BoaNL of Commis sioners of Town of Bur nsville have caused parking spaces to off in the Town for the safety of the public | and to avoid congestion , of traffic. In some'sections of the Town dangerous conditions have existed by reason of care less parking und by exces sive speeding. The Town Officials have no desire to cause citizens, trouble or ex- ] I pense but have determined to enforce the Town Ordi-; nances strictly. For ihis 1 purpose the Town has a policeman instructed to arrest anyone violating] the parking regulations or exceeding limit, j The Town Authorities hereby appeal to all persons to observe tilffic regula tions for their own benefit and for the safety of the public. This is your Town; make it a safe place. Visit ors are always welcome and I we believe they mil respect our appeal. By order of , the Board of Town Commissioners. Clarence E. Briggs, May- Agnes Rigs* is confined to her home of a broken collar bone. • —■ V"B| 1 7:11k NoncF on, ■ijrvfK'R't TIC PRECINCT MEET INGS ________ The State Democratic Executive Committee * has set April 22, 1944, as the date for holding the pre cinct meetings for the elec tion of the Township Exe cutive Committees. There fore, the present Chairman in each of the precincts of Yancey County will hold a meeting in their respective Townships on Saturday, April 22, 1944, at 3 o’clock P. M., for the purpose of electing the Township Ex ; ecutive Committee, the Chairman of which commit- I tee will on the following Saturday, April 29, 1944, attend a County Conven tion to be held at 2 o’clock P. M., in the Courthouse at North Carolina, |at which time the County Chairman, vice - chairman, and secretary will be elect ed and delegates named to | 1 BONDS OVER AMERICA * « * [ Post Chapel Near the little Ger man aettlement of j&M y£^-.. Selma, Texas, ie Randolph Field, one \ v - 2me of the largest mill- -V tary airdrome* in for the^Army the Post Chapel men *f iWw of all faiths attend ■ !||W| | t divine services. ‘‘SB i. Similar chapels in Eu rope are deserted, some * reduced to rubble. Free- War Bends Mean gfigSt!! IK Freedom From Want ISL W w " NOTICE The Legion and auxiliary meeting will be held next Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock instead of the regu lar date, Tuesday, since graduating exercises at the high schools will be held on that evening. The group will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hen nessee. 1 i , FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MRS. J. A. CLONTZ ! Mrs. J. A. Clontz died at her home in Windom Thur- Isday morning. She uras 67 i years of age and was ill only a few days before her ;deatH ! • , r uneral services were held at the Windom Meth odist church Friday after noon at 4 o’clock with. Rev. W. E. Rusty officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. j She is survived by her; husband; three daughters, Mrs. George N. Noland of Cascade, Ore. and Santa' Barbara, Cal., Mrs. Minnie 1 Tipton Jamerson and Mrs. 'Frank Banks of Burnsville; I three sons, Walter and Pen der of Windom and Troy R. i Clontz of Asheville. Eleven j grand children also survive. Pvt. Harry Wilson of I Bee Log, who is now sta- • 'tioned at Camp Atterbury, IncL, has spent a.jaeyciLiJa]y. furlough at home with hie* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aus tin Wilson. Their daugh ter Miss Trula Wilson of - Erwin, /Tenn. spent the ' week at home also. ?! l JOHNNIE BANNER PASSED AWAY MONDAY 1 Johnnie Banner, 16, died ’■ at the home in west Burns-: 1 ville Monday night follow-! : ing an extended illness of > heart trouble. He was the j; son of Martin Banner, an : employee of the Roberts • Johnson Lumber Company, j J l Surviving gre the father ‘ and a brother and sister. > Funeral services and inter ’ ment will be held in Erwin, ’ Tenn., where the family “ formerly resided. , the State Convention. r C. P. Randolph, Chair , man of Yancey County. De • mocratic Executive Com i]mittee. COMMENCEMENT PLANS FOR HIGH SCHOOLS i ■ 'V „ • \ • —] 1 Commencement exercises 1 ' will be held at the county I high schools during the ' week. Baccalaureate \ ser vices were held at Clfear- I I mont Sunday with Rev. F. R. Barber delivering- the j sermon. Graduating exer-] : rises will be held Saturday] April 22, with Rev. A. H.: Mutschler as speaker, j Rev. J. G. Allred will preach the Bflealaureate j sermon at Bee Log on Sun-j day. Graduating eyercises j will be held Tuesday with Vernon A. Wood of Mars Hill College as speaker. Bald Creek Baccalaur ileate services will be held ■ Sunday morning with Rev.: J. G. Allred as speaker. Dr.i , E. J. Cdltrane of Brevard College will give the liter ary address at graduating exercises Tuesday. At Micaville, Rev. Erriest Wilson will deliver the ; Baccalaureate sermon Sun day evening. Dr. Hoyt Blackwell of Mars Hill Col-] lege will be speaker at the ]final exercises on Tuesday.' Burnsville Baccalaureate] services will be held Sun day evening with Rev. M. H. Kendall as speaker. The i Senior honor students will | /speak at the graduating! j exercises Tuesday evening. A number of students county will /take part in commence-! ment-exercises during the ‘ coming week. Burnsville Members of the Senior 1 class are: Carroll Angel] (in service*, Drate Banks, 1 J. C. Banks, Wayman Evans Harold Harris, J. D. Harris, iLoy MeCurry, Champ Mc- Mahan, Duane Penland, ] Vernon Rathburn tin ser vice.*, C W. Robertson, Jr. i'in service); Charles Ray, Florance Anglin Hamby, Marie Banks, Jessie Blankenship,, ILucretia Blankenship, Iris Clark, Marie Clark, Patty Evans, Marjorie Fox, Lill ian Hensley; Joyce King, Ophie Me Scouts Hold Court Os Honor The Court o f Honor for the Toe River District was held at the community club house here on Tuesday, April 11, Members of the Toe River council and re presentatives of the Daniel Boone council of which this is a part, attended. The following were pre sented as tender foot scouts Robert Brown of Bakers ville, Robert Tilson of Bur nsville and Alfred E. Gar-, land of Newland. The pre sentation was madeJby W. C. Wall, ex ecutive of Asheville. Merit badges were award ed the following: Hale Bry son, automobiling and path* finding; Charles Lee Grif fith, safety, first aid and reading; Landon Proffitt, electricity, pathfinding, sa fety; Charles Homer-Par nell, wood carving, reading, •ijaiiauiuaavuaiiantiiaKwiMatioiisußiituAiiaiWMniaiiifNi This is Adult Member ship Week for ' the Scout Troop., Your gener-> ous Support will, mean a larger program. NUMBER THIRTY-EIGHT s' Dowell Ogle, Mary Jo Par rish, Doris Penland, Gladys Penland, Louise Ray, Fran ces Riddle, Agnes Smith, Thurman Staton, Jean Wil son, Grace Ray, Edwin Wilson <in service*. ■j Micaville ■j Dewey Hall, Jr., Carl Sil vers, Jr., Harold Silvers, Min service), Bruce Smith, Irene Ballew, Ruth Ballew, Nell Edge, Harrit Elliott; j Mildred Gibbs, Marie i Gouge, Gean Hall, Effie Murphy, Gertrude Pres nell, Cordy Rector, Genevi j eve Robinson , Geneva Thomas, Maxine Thomas, Edith Westall. Clearmont Lloyd Williams, Ralph Byrd, Robert Deyton, Isaac Walter Tipton, James Til ley,, Dock Renfro, John Elliott, Jr., Louise Phillips, • Ennis Irene Grindstaff, Chloe Sparks, Martha Rid dle, Marie Hughes, June Higgins, Gladys Hopson, ] Mary Frances MeCurry, Helen Thomas, Scott Tur -1 byfill, Sarah Masters, Shir -1 ley Ayers, Beatrice Letter !man, Jewel Woody, Rush Garland, Mildred Peterson, Walter Howard Tipton, j Richard Brandon. Bald Creek J. T. Anderson, Mrs. Min nie Anglin, Ruth Barnes, Jennie* Hen- •'LuL Ruby King, Wilma King, Gladys Proffitt, Ruth Proffitt, Eugene Randolph, Grace Ray, Helen Ray, Irene Ray, Bill Sheppard, Ada Shep jpard, Bettie Tipton, Ruben Harris, Mauveline Shep pard. Bee Log Cathrine Hensley, Viola Hensley, Edna Williams, Estoy Higgins, Lloyd Hig gins, Hettie Higgins, Gar land Duncan, Ross Miller, Belle Miller, Madge Miller; Grace Higgins, Opal i Whitson, Louise Mclntosh, Fred Peterson, Robert Hol loway, Sylvia Mclntosh, Hazel Honeycutt, M. L. Phillips, Lena Phillips, Gle-~ ssie Adkins. safety; Jimmy McKee, saf ety, home repairs; Kenneth Vance, reading; Shufford Carpenter, reading, leather work; Vance Lecka, Hog and pork production. Pre sentation was made by W. H. Biggs, Newland scout master ! Following the court, lead ers of the troops and dis trict officers met to discuss plans for the work during the next months. Reports were made of the adult en listment campaign which was held during the past week —j Sgt. Woodrow R. Mat thews visited his sisters, ’ Mrs. Dora Hilemon and Mrs. George Edwards of Bee Log, his father, Sam Matthews and Roy and Back Matthews. Miss Ethle Melton of Martinez, CaL was his guest while here.

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