* ' * ’ s'' WS' THE YANCEY RECORD SS ■' *■* * ; 4 “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY” VOLUME EIGHT SUB. RATES: SI.OO YEAR. BURNSVILLE* N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1944 NUMBER FORTY-SEVEN —Men In Service-- Prisoner of War Mr. and Mrs. John Hen sley of Pensacola have re cently learned that their son, Andrew, is a prisoner of war in Germany. He had been reported missing in Italy since Jan. 30th. Prisoner of War News has been received here that Rex Silver is now a prisoner of war in Ger many. He was reported missing in action over Italy several weeks ago. His par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Silver reside in Lakeland, Fla. but were formerly of this community. Charles Edwards who has completed a training cour se at the naval center, Nor thwestern University has been home on leave. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Edwards Cpl. Ralph Calloway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Calloway, is home on leave. He has been in service over two years and has been stationed in the Aleutians for the past 18 months. Sgt. Hiram Wilson who has been stationed at Truax Field, Wis. is now at Chan ute Field, 111. Percy England, sQn_of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Eng land of Paint Gap, is now stationed at Camp Peary, Va. A. S. William Otto Prof fitt of Camp Peary, Va. has returned to camp after spending a ten day leave with home folks. Pvt Fin Cooper spent the past week with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cooper. Cpl. ’Roy Duncan of Camp Davis was visiting his brother Clyde last week and spent a 10 day fur lough with home folks. E. R. Riddle, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Rid dle of Pensacola, is home on furlough. He is station ed at Camp Hulen, Texas. Pvt Paul Price is now stationed at North Camp Hood, Texas. Lyle Dean, seaman sec ond class, is now stationed at the A. T. B. Boat Basin, Oceanside, Cal. T. sth grade George Murray of Camp Mackall has been visiting Aunt Cin dy Griffeth and other rela tives here. Receives Commission Hugh M. Tomberlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tomberlin, has recently re -1 ceived his commission as > second lieutenant. He has been overseas for several months and is stationed in the near east. Wins Citation First Lt. Sam J. Huskins, , Jr. has recently been awar ded the^distinguished flying cross and made assistant , operations officer. He is [ with the Bth AAF fighter group in England and holds ? the air medal and three oak leaf clusters. The latest citation was i awarded “for extraordi nary achievement in aerial flight over enemy-occupied \ Europe.” The bulletin iur : ther states: “The skillful and zealous manner in which Lt. Huskins has sought out the enemy and 1 engaged him; his devotioii • to duty and courage under all conditions serve as an ' inspiration to his fellow flyers. Hi* actions on all 1 these occasions reflect the highest credit upon him self and the armed forces 1 of the United States ” J. H. Styles, apprentice seaman, has been on leave visiting his father* E. H. Styles of Paint Gapr—He - has been at Camp Peary, Va. Pvt. Arnold Berry has been visiting relatives at Ramseytown on a short leave. x Joe Hubert Gouge, ap prentice seaman, has been home because of the illness of his father. Pvt. Troy L. Simmons! who is stationed at Spring-, field, Mo. is very ill, fbl-l lowing an operation. His ( father, W M. Simmons of Hamrick, has been called there. Sgt. Rush Beeler of the weather observation divis ion is here enroute to At lanta, Ga. where he will be! stationed. Iliff E. Clevenger is here on a ten day leave from Camp Stewart, Ga. where he has been stationed for several weeks. Vernon Banks, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Banks who lias completed his boot tra ining at Camp Peary, Va. is home on leave this week. Pvt. James A. Laws who has been at Fort Jackson, S. C; is now at Camp Ellis, 111. s *smi I Cpl. B. H. Hydar has been here on leave ftp” Washington, D C. He connected with the RoteiW’ Johnson Lumber Co. b he entered service. Pvt. James H. Lewis of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. and Sgt. Frank Murphy of Eglin Field, Fla. have been visiting parents at Hunt dale. D-DAY SPECIAL . Pictures of invasion day when Allies launched their assault against mighty For tress Europe. See these films at the Yancey Thea tre, Sunday and Monday, June 25-26. Chester Souther is home on leave from Fort McClel lan, Ala. Kennith Maney and Jay H Styles who completed their boot training at Camp Peary, Va. were home on leave last week. They re turned to camp Monday. Mrs. Dana Sparks of Green Mtn recently receiv ed a letter from her son, Pvt. Oscar K. Sparks, who is a prisoner of war in Germany, Doris Johnson of Green Mtn. also received a letter from him recently. Letters received by Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Whitson from their son, Nir ’am Whitson says that he is somewhere in Sicily, says ; he enjoys reading the Yan cey Record. He has been ; overseas a year. Mr. and Mrs. Whitson have another son in ser vice now stationed in Indi ana. Pvt. Melvin Fox of Fort Jackson has been home on ’ furlough visiting his fath er, Sol Fox. The 'following letter was received recently by Mrs. Clate McCurry of Day Book, N. C. from the bat talion commander of her son: “In all probability you are wondering why you are i the recipient of a letter .from your son’s command • er. The reason is really i quite simple and very eas | ily explained. It is only that i I would like to tell you of | the wonderful work that your son is doing as a plg-< f toon guide in this battalion “First though, because I know that as a mother, you’re more interested in your son’s health and well being than you are in his i military accomplishments, i it gives me great pleasure I to tell you that he is in the best of health and is enjoy ing himself as much as pos sible here in England. “I might add, that it really isn’t hard to enjoy oneself here, because de spite the fact that the en emy has tried his best to dispose of this lovely coun try, England is still very much bn the map and there wtQt, still plenty of sights to see. '4||As you know, your son j s.•] been in this Battalion ( jr 7 for quite a while. It, Vh truly be said that dur that time he has always RlViducted himself as a gen- Jwman and a tine soldier Ho has performed his dut lies both in the field and in garrison in an excellent! manner. I would like to tell you now that it is indeed a pleasure to have men of his caliber serving with! j me,” LOCALPOCTOFFICE Leave For Induction ] NOW SECOND CLASS The following men re s' ported to Fort Bragg for The Burnsville Post Os- induction into active ser fice has been officially cer- vice this week: tified as a : second class of- Clay Edwards, Ralph fice as of July Ist, Post- Griffeth, Lee Mclntosh, master G. L Hensley has Yates Carl Laws Benjamin been notified. Riadle, Arthur Wilson DivfeionJof Post Offices Frank Fox, Joe Blanken into classed is based entir- ship, Lee McPeters, Sam ely on the; volume of busi- Rathbone; ness, and during the past Ransom McKinney, Amos eight year* this has increa- Presnell, John Peterson, sed rapidly and steadily at Eugene King, Burdette the Burnsville office. Es- McAllister, Andy Calvin pecialjly daring the past Taylor, Hughes*, three years the greatly in- Ralph Barnes, John Dale; creased volume necessitat- Cumel Price, Claude ed the enlargement of the Bolick, Edward Saylor, space U3ed» Howard Nelson, Grady The advancement to the Fender, Bill Huskins, Her second class rating marks man Wilson, Fred Murphy, the first time that the local Earl Burguv JloyceJHortom post bffic§, or any in the Geter Hensley, Vincent county, has been so certi- McMahan, C. L. Hunter, fied. Paul Wilson, Briscoe Ran — 4 dolph, Clifton wilson. SERIES 0)F PRAYER SERVICES FUNERAL SERVICES § FOR MRS. ZORA The serifs of prayer ser- LOUISE GRINDSTAFF vices preceding the union „ revival, meeting will begin 1 Mrs. Zora Louise Grinds on Monday, June 26 and staff, 60, who has been ill will be held at the three for many years passed churches throughout the away Tuesday, June 6. week. All services will be She is survived by two held at 8 o'clock. The sche- daughters, Mrs. Howard dule follows: Wilson and Mrs. Bill Bow- On Monday evening at .man and eight grand child - the Methodist church with ren, all of Johnson City; Rev. Alley t in charge. five sisters, Mrs. Dana Tuesday at the Sparks, Mrs. Lily Woody, church, with Mrs. Julia Jarrett, Mrs. Rev. Barber as leader. Rosa Johnson, aTT of Green Wednesday evening at Mtn., Mrs. Nettie Garland the Baptist church, with of Bakersville and one bro- Rev. Mutschler as leader, ther, Willard Woody of Thursday evening at the Dayton, Ohio. Presbyterian church, with Mrs. Grindstaff was a Rev. Alley as leader. i member of Pleasant Grove Friday evening at the Baptist church for many Methodist church, with Rev years until her death. Mutschler as leader. ~ Saturday evening at the FAMILY REUNION Baptist church, with Rev. Barber as leader. There will be a reunion All citizens are urged to of the Wheeler family at attend these services as a the Free Will Baptist preparation for the series' church, Pensacola, N. T C., of meeting which will be-! on July 2nd. gin on July 2 with Dr. B.j *- B. Lavendar, president of; DAY BOOK NOTES Washington College, Tenn. who will preach. This union Mrs. U. ». McCurry is ill service should mean much at her home, to the people of the com-j J. C. Hunter and daugh munity as a united effort ter are confined to their at this time, . home because of flu. —i Miss Doris Huhter re- E. C. Hubbard, sanitary j turned to Boone for the engineer of the state board summer term of school, of health, Raleigh, and H. A very interesting pro- O. Bealmear, state sanitar- gram on China given at ian of Asheville, were in the Mary Dellinger Mem this district last week work- orial church Sa t urday ing with Jake F. Buckner, night, June 17 by mission-! district sanitarian. aries from China. ! WAR BOND SALES REPORTED, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21 SALES QUOTA BURNSVILLE $lO6lB-75 $40,000 CRABTREE 4893.75 . 10,000 PRICES CREEL , 2025.00 5,000 GREEN MTN. 1762.50 7,500 PENSACOLA * 1162.50 2,000 JACKS CREEK 450.00 7,500 SOUTH TOE 375.00 2,000 l EGYPT 168.75 10,000 CANE RIVER 7500 10,000 RAMSEYTOWN 10,000 ; BRUSH CREEK 2,000 TOTAL $21,531.25 $106,000 COMMITTEES NAMED FOR STHBOND DRIVE The following committees have appointed to complete the township committees for the Fifth War Loan Drive: Cane River: Wess Edw ards (ch.), R A. Radford (ch.), Gene via Angel (ch.), Rassie Howell, Catherine Proffitt, June Fox, Lucy Evans, Max Proffitt, Rev. James Allred, Madge Car ter, Delma Hensley, Madge ..Ferguson, Mrs. -Alburn Shepherd, Charles Tomber lin, "Jess Buckner, Earl W. Wilson, and Mrs. Hattie Peterson. Prices Creek : Miss Mild red England (ch), Donald Banks, Robert Maney, Bert Styles, S. R. Hensley, Mrs. Miller Ledford, Bill" Ball, |Miss Hattie Phoenix, Mrs. Garsie Mae Banks, and Walser Penland. Egypt: Niram Hensley (ch.), Max Higgins, (ch.), Edna Wheeler, Mi's. Veo Burnette, Mis s Clillon Hig gins, Miss Atlas Mclntosh, i Miss Alma Buck, Tom i Wheeler, Miss Delma Ed wards, Miss Eloise McCur i ry, Jim Wheeler, and Paul I Higgins ■j Ramseytown: Mrs. Daisy • Williams (ch.*, Mrs. R. E. 5 Holloway (ch.), James Mil -1 ler, Miss Lena Phillips, > Lloyd Miller, Miss Grace • Hunter, and Miss Lena tJHolloway. “Invasion is in the air— ; and no morally alive,“soci ally aware a person wants Ito be excluded from it. 1 Make the Fifth War Loan ! , a tangible way in which he can vent his feeling about the war and get into the fight” FEDERATION PICNIC ON JULY FOURTH The Farmers Federation War Rally Picnic in Yancey ’ County will be held at the Burnsville high school day on Tuesday, July 4. ) Announcement of the pic [ nic was made this week by •James G. K Mc( Tare, Pres- 1 ident ol the Farmers Fed-! , era: ion. who announced that the oounty agent, a a Farm Security Adminis tration representative, and those in charge of War I Bond sales in the county will be invited to partici pate in the celebration, i While the sale of bonds , and the all-out production |of food for victory will be ' stressed throughout the day, there will he plenty of! fun and.entertainment, Mr. McClure said. All quartets and choirs and individual musicians are invited to sing or play during the day. Pender Rector and the Farmers Federation String Band will be present. Each family is invited to bring a picnic dinner. The usual watermelons and lemonade will be furnished free by the Farmers Fed eration. Lavonia and Mary Vance Robertson are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Reere Melntoah. To tfio People ol this Community | This is a home front communi que on the most vital war action now in progress in every com munity o t the land—the Fifth ■ War Loan. ( c #, 7 We are ad- S f JB| S r vancing o n v // out objee* \ / tive. How ~ A iMf 1 « ve /’ Wf ! 1 must make V'H wkmm certain that » W Vwe reach |7« A* and pass n\ Iv/itil our goal by July 8. This can be done if every one ot us puts something extra of ourselves into the fight. No one needs to remind you that it is an American trait to go into a sprint with the goal in sight. We started this push June 12. Reports from every city and town in America tell us that the num b»er individual buyers of extra- •*' War Bonds today has reached an unprecedented total. We all know that in addition to numbers we need fire power. Your extra War Bond is absolutely essential. The greater the stockpile of War Bonds, the easier it will be for us to get this war over. This very moment our boys are waging a life-and-death struggle. Every additional War Bond you tAnonth’s War Bond, last week’s War Bond, yester day’s War Bond are already in the embattled foxholes. Today is another day for the home front just as today is another day for , the boys on the battlefronts. THE EDITOR. T GRADUATES U. S. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Fla., May 30. Charles William Silvers, son of Mr. Lee B Silvers, Burnsville, N. C., recently graduated from the Avia tion Radioman School here and was promoted to Sea man First Class in the U. ■ S. Navy. Entering the Navy Oct. • 10, 1943, he received his -recruit training at Bain -4 bridge, Md„ transferred to the Naval Air Technical Training Center here Silvers is now a qualified Aviation Radioman and is scheduled for Operational Training. He will probably see future service as a Naval Air-crew T man. Pvt. Paul Johnson and Cpl. Hubert Johnson have been called home because of the death of their fath er, Zeb Johnson, of Bakers Creek who died Wednes day at his home. Pvt. Loyd Williams is now stationed at Truax Field, Madison, Wis. i Haiold B. Fr id v *, Tprri tice sea nan of th' U. S. Navy, is visiting his mo i er and father, Mr. aid Mrs. Levi Fender, of Bee Log._ He has completed boot training at Camp Peary, Va. Gus Haun has also completed boot (rain ing at Camp Peary and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mi's. P. L. Haun of Bee Log, N. C. Pvt. 11. T? Hill, who is stationed at Camp Barke ley, Texas spent a 14 days leave here with his wife and son. He also visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hill at Henderson ville. Pvt. Larmer Byrd of Camp Hood, Texas visited his wife last week. *********** «

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