*Y .... • &3Ei - ■■■ ——— VOLUME EIGHT SUB. RATES: SI.OO YEAR. —Men In Service- Killed In Action Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Ben nett have been informed that their son, Lt. Sam Byrd Bennett, was killed in action over Germany on May 28. He had previously been reported missing on that date. The telegram from the adjutant general was re ceived Saturday and stated “Report now received from the German government through the International Red Cross states your son, Second Lieutenant Sam Byrd Barnett, who was previously reported missing in action, was killed in ac tion on May 28 over Ger many. The Secretary* of - War extends his deep sym pathy- Letter Follows”* Promoted Lucille Chase, daughter of Mrs. Lillie Chase of Bur nsville, was recently pro moted to the rank of cap tain in the army nurses corps. She is now in charge of the Cantonment Hospi tal at Fort Sill, Okla. Johnnie E. Harness, the former Miss Edith Ray of Bald Creek, has been pro moted to the rank of First Lieutenant in the Army Nurses Corps. Lt. Harness is “hdw stationed at Camp Van Dorn, Miss. Sam S. Young, 26, hus band o f Kathrine M. Young, Burnsville, N. C. was enrolled recently in an intensive course at the El ectrical Naval Training School located on the Pur due University campus, La fayette, Ind. Selected for this special school on the basis of his recruit training aptitude test scores, the newly en rolled Bluejacket’s course of study includes the use, function and maintenance of all electric tools used by the Navy. Electricity and the radio elements of elec tricity are also included in the course. I Successful completion of the course will see the Bluejacket graduate with the petty officer rate of Electrician’s Mate third class or receive recognition as eligible to qualify for that advancement. Mrs. Grace Harris re ceived a letter last week that her son, Pvt. Edward E. Harris had arrived safe ly overseas He is some where in the Pacific Area. Cpl. Ralph Calloway has returned to camp after spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Calloway, Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Fox have received word that their son, Brady Fox is in France. Pfc. Gusß Proffitt from Camp Barkley, Texas has been home on a 14 day fur lough visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Prof fitt of Cane River THE YANCEY RECORD “DEDICATED TO THE PROGI(|sS OF YANCEY COUNTY’* : * Killed In Action Willard Beaver of Bur nsville has received word that his son, Cpl. Joseph C.| i Beaver was killed in action > on Dec. 31, 1943. The letter from the War i Department stated: “It» is with regret that I am writ i mg to confirm the recent telegram informing you of> l the death of your son, Cpl. i Joseph C. Beaver of the air corps. I “Your son was reported , missing in action Dec. 31, i 11943 off Corsica- He was ♦» t passenger on a British ship : which struck an enemy • mine in the Tyrrhenian Sea. • Official reports have now been received in the War ■ Department which estab lished the fact that your son died on Dec. 31 as a re sult of the explosion of the . mine.” John R. Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Lewis, is now stationed with a Head -1 quarters shore regiment of engineers somewhere in France. C. A. McCurry is now at ; the Navy V-12 Unit 1, Wor-. cester Polytechnic Institute 1 Worcester, Mass. ——- . Roy W. Hensley, son of i i Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hen , sley of Bald Creek entered the Merchant Marines on March 27. He took his boot training at Catalina Island, Avalon, Cal. and is now in radio school at Boston, Mass. Pfc. Ned Evans who was recently transferred from Camp Hulen, Texas to Fort Jackson, S. C., and Pvt. John Evans of the Marine base, Parris Island, S. C. are home on furlough.] They are sons of Mr. and iMrs, L. W. Evans of Jacks Creek. Pvt. Keith Penland, son of Mr. and Mrs John Pen land of Paint Gap, is now somewhere in England. ! | | Edward Morgan, S. 2c, is; home on a fifteen day fur- 1 lough visiting his mother. Seaman Morgan has been at Corpus Christi, Texas for the past eight months. He is a grandson of Mrs.! Oliver Ayers. Cpl. Woodrow Ayers i writes home: “I will spendj my birthday in France and it will probably be celebrat ed by the noise of Cannon fire all around me. You know by this time that I was in the invasion. I re ceived my package and birthday greetings, for which I thank you very much” Pvt. Fred H. Riddle and Pvt. Clyde W. Riddle are taking their basic training at Sheppard Field, Texas. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. C C. Riddle. i Jack Anglin, S 2c, son of T. T. Anglin of Burnsville , is now at the naval train ing station at Patuxent River, Md. i BURNSVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 13,1944 LEAVE FOR PRE-IN DUCTION EXAMINA TION The following men left Wednesday for Camp Croft where they will take pre induction examinations: | Roy Wallace, Arthur Lee McPeters, Landon Frank McMahan, Wm. Floyd Fox, Ralph Bradford, Braskie A. Allen, Tommy W. Buckner, Reed Hermon Moody, John Lee Ray, Kennie Ernest | Bay; Lee Wallace, Isaac Wal ter Tipton, G. D. Robinson, Glen Austin, Thomas Clay ton Mathis, James Leonard ■ English, Jonathan Robin son, James G. Beaver, Ray -1 mond S. Robinson, William Huskins, J. C. Hensley, ■ Drate Banks. Commended Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Buch anan of Newdale have re ceived the following letter of commendation in regard to their son, Sgt. Paul B. Buchanan, who participated in the battle of Guadalcanal It was signed by his com manding officer and read: ! “Paul B Buchanan, Ser geant, Field Artillery for conduct during the attack against the Japanese Dec. : 19, 1942 at Guadalcanal. In the course of the attack a battalion commander was ; killed and his radio opera- Jtor was wounded while re connoitring in front of our lines. Sgt. Buchanan, with other members of an artill ery liasion party voluntar ily covered a party that re scued the body of the com mander and the wounded J man, though exposed to enemy fire himself. Sgt. Buchhnan’s spirit of will ingness and high devotion to duty was an inspiration ,to his men.” T Sgt. Jack Higgins is now stationed at Camp Barkley, Texas. Seth S. Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peterson of Day Book, N. C. has been promoted from the rank of Corporal to Staff j Sergeant according to a let jter received by his wife Mrs Athleen Peterson. S, Sgt. Peterson has been in the U. S. Army three years land has been oyefseas siy months. He is now with the invasion troops in France! land writes in the frequent |letters received that Fran ce is a beautiful country. Pvt. Royce Horton, son of Mrs. Alice Horton, is now stationed at Camp Bland ing. Fla. He entered service in June. George Blake, H. A. lc, is now at the naval train ing center, Memphis, Tenn. James Reece Robertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. w! Robertson of Bald Creek, is now stationed at the naval aviation training center in Memphis, Tenn. Tom Lee Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Wil son of Pensacola is now sta tioned at Camp Wheeler, Ga. He entered service in May. , LEADERS RAMED FOR UNITED WAR FUND ■■j?*-. i Successful f local leader ship in the jseven county area included in District Two of the .'United War Fund of Nfcrth Carolina was assured !with the an nouncement | Saturday . of the appointment of county chairmen by lames G. K. McClure, chairman of Dis trict Two. J Counties ittcluded in the district are Buncombe, Hen derson, Madison, Mitchell - McDowell, Transylvania and Yancey. Gus| Peterson was 1 named chairman for Yan ■ cey county. | An organisational lunch eon meeting of county i chairmen and members ofi their executive committees will be held *in Asheville, Friday, July" 14, at the George Vanderbilt Hotel, it was announced by Dis-; • trict Chairman James G i K. McClure, f County quotas will be dis cussed and plans initiated for organization, publicity and methods of solicitation. Each county Committee will include representative citi (Continusd? on page 4) War Bond Rally Puts County “Over The Top” The War Rond Rally held .on the town jsquare was a . highly sucofbftil wind-up i for the cTriVe in the county, . and the $14,000 worth of . bonds sold Saturday put the . county over the top. A military band, jeeps and other army equipment , and a number of the Moore General hospital patients! . and personnel gave a mili-i ; tary air to the rally, and! brought first hand infor-. mation from some of men who had returned 1 from active participation! in battle. Lt. Marvin Golden of Moore General made all ar rangements for the visit here of the group, and Lt. George B. Faulder, infan try officer of Wapakoneta, Ohio, served as master of ceremonies. The latter was overseas for 8 months and was wounded in action in Italy. i. Brigadier Gen. Lehman W. Miller of Lynchburg, iVa. was present. He is a ! graduate of West Point in the same class as Gen. Eisenhower and Gen. Brad ley and is a former instruc tor there. He has been in the regular army for 33 years and is former com-) --- WAR BOND SALES REPORTED, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1944 TOWNSHIPS SALES QUOTA SOUTH TOE $5,329.00 $2,000 00 PENSACOLA 5,104.25 2,000.00 BRUSH CREEK 3,491.75 2,000.00 CRABTREE 15,550.50 10,000.00 PRICES CREEK 6,716.75 5,00000 EGYPT 13,616.75 r 10,000.00 BURNSVILLE 48,070.00 40,000.00 CANE RIVER 10,201.25 10,000.00 GREEN MTN. 6,716 75 7,500.00 JACKS CREEK 5/416.75 ' 7,500.00 RAMSEYTOWN 5,023.25 10,000.00 total m —wmm SERIES E 90,431.00 83,000.06 GEORGE T. ROBBINS NAMED SUPERIN TENDENT George T. Robbins, who was formerly connected with the Northwest Caro lina Utilities here, has re cently been appointed sup erintendent of operations for the telephone and elec tric properties of the Vir ginia East Coast Utilities. He succeeds E. W. Mullikin who recently resigned toj accept the position of sup-; erintendent of operations! vrtth the Central Ohio Light j and Power Co. Mr. Robbins entered the public utility service with the Blowing Rock Power and Light Co. in 1923. He i was elected vice president and manager of the North west Carolina Utilities in 1941 and he and his family resided here for several years. Mrs. Thomas Rayburn and Tommy, Jr. are visiting the latters Aunt, Mrs. Cora Byrd at Jacks Creek where she is spending the sum mer. Mrs. Rayburn is the former Miss Madeline Mc- Curry l mandant at Fort Belvoir, t Va. He was military attache l and head of the military mission to Brazil at the /time of Brazil’s break with ? the axis. At present he is a patient at Moore General i hospital but retains his po sition as commandant at : the Camp Sutton Engineer i; unit training center. Capt. Wm. E. Beauvais/ ! Engineers, of Muskegan, . Mich, and Lt. Bruce Taylor, |M. P. officer, of Lansing, Mich, were also present. The man whose experien | ces were of greatest interest in the group was S. Sgt. Victor Cameruice of Sprin gfield, Ohio, holder of the distinguished service cross, second highest award given to a member of the armed services. In the South Pacific are? Sgt. Cameruci spent 5 months behind the Japan- 1 ese line as member of a re connaissance party of 5 men, and his telling of his experiences there was a real incentive to the as sembled crowd to “buy more bonds”. Mayor Clarence Briggss and Bond chairman, G. L.l Hensley were in charge of | arrangements here. Health Board Takes Precautions Against Infantile Paralysis No Cases In County; Children Lnder 15 Quarantined; Other Recommendations Listed Y The epidemic of Infantile Paralysis which has devel opepd in the Piedmdnt cou nties of the state during the past few weeks is of grave concern to all citi izens. There are no cases I in Yancey county, but near -Iby counties have reported j j cases and as a pre-caution |ary measure a meeting of 'the county Health Board j was called and it was voted to pass quarantine regula-j tions now to lessen the j dangers of an epidemic in | the county. The health ddepartment !|has released the following IJ statement: As yet no cases of polio 'have been reported in Yan-j ( icey county. However, near r counties have reported ; cases, and the number of. ( cases in the state is increas ing steadily. } We are making every possible effort to prevent i the spread of this epidemic , to our county. It is only through the complete coop eration of every individual of Yancey county that we can hope to prevent an epi demic. Thus the rules and ; rogulatioris regarding polio r have been passed, by the > County Boai-d of Health , and these MUST be com , plied with, or action will be I taken to enforce them. The Sheriff’s Department has been authorized to en |force these rules and any! |offender will be punished, ! within the discretion of the court, the fine not to exceed j $50.00 or imprisonment not to exceed thirty days. Due to this emergency it will not be permissible for children under fifteen years of age to visit the regular clinics held at the Health Department until further notice. We hope that the public will not feel that these are police rules, but rather are Imeasures taken in an es-, (DROUGHT MENACES STATE :HIA( H CROP t I Ealm h. The State’s pea h crop may fall below earlier erpectations unless rainfall cemr-a in the peach belt before July 15, accord ing *o Crop specialists of I the North Carolina Depart ment of Agriculture. The , bulk of the crop is now reaching the critical stage, l the point at which moisture iis a determining factor in sizing the fruit The early varieties, chief ly Red Birds, and Early Rose, are now moving from the Sandhill section, but the bulk of the crop, which consists of Hileys, Georgia! Belles, Elbertas and Hales,’! is not expected to start moving until around July 19th to 15th, with the peak, movement anticipated aro und the latter part of July/ Some peach growers report J a very light set of fruit . • - "-H V. 4TTV • j --iAMai;, -1 , ; v . k S I THAN BEFORE Eiftl t~ fort to prevent a serious epidemic. These restric tions will be lifted at the earliest possible moment. Because of the danger of infantile paralysis the Cou nty Board of Health " has passed the following rules: | 1. All children under 15 years of age must stay on .their own premises. I 2. Theatres shall be closed to all children under 15 ! years of age. j 3 All people coming to this county from infected areas must report to a local doctor, or to the Health De partment, for examination {within 24 hours after ar rival. 4. All children under fif teen years of age coming into this county from infec ted areas must remain un der quarantine for three weeks. All persons wilfully vio lating quarantine regula ! tions will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law 6. Children under 15 years , of age shall drink from pa per cups only, when away from home. i 7 All persons should re i port any sickness to their doctor or to the Health De . partment immeliately. Recommendations 1. All crowded places should be avoided by every one. 2. General health should be kept up. Get plenty of rest, well balanced meals, adequate water and milk, fresh air, exercise, sunshine and proper elimination. 3. Flies should be kept out of homes and away from all food. 4. Swimming is to be dis couraged by all children under 15 years of age. 5. People from this coun ty should not visit in other counties without permission from the Health Depa , ment, . At lire 1 , ard College , Brevard. Jul / I.—Thc.e are two students from Yan cey countv extending Bre vard college this summer, it was announced ioday. ! They are Misr Ray, daughter of Mr. Elzie W. Ray and Miss Mary Hig gins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Higgins. Bqth of these are members of the freshman class. Brevard college has an enrollment of over 100 stu- ~ dents for the summer ses sion. B. M. Peterson, Jr., is home on 10 day furlough from the Marine Base, Parris Island, S. C. „ , • mm, , Warren Fox is home on 1 10 day furlough from Fort McClellan, Ala. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kell Fox. .while others expect around | normal yields, providing ! ample moisture is available and the fruit sizes properly , • * **"""• lit m i . - -1 U» ’ •• NUMBER FIFTY