PAGE TWO ■1 I U ' <> " 1 J \ 57 * . • j- XHE YANCEY RECORD fiSV&BLISHED JULY, 1936 Editor Mrs. C. R. Harp rick Published Every Thursday By I YANCEY PUBLISHING CO. f A Partnership \ \ ; ' S -—.—» \ t Entered M second-cI»M matter November 11th, 1936, at tbe\ Past Office, at BornaviUe, North Carolina, under the Act of March S. 1879. ~ I'VE FOUND THE ONE ETERNAL THING _.... y. ~~ By Minton C. Johnston, Chaplain, Ro>al Canadian Air Force You feared when first you saw me fly And stood quite breathless till again From out the clouds you saw the plane 1 Glide gently in the field near by. y You said the ground was safe, secure, That, men were never made with wings, That they should trust in firmer things And always keep their footing sure. So men have said. But at the last The solid earth will fade away, And we, robbed even of our clay, Alone must pierce the overcast. So passes all that men call secure, But I, v T ho dared tne trackless sky And ’gainst your judgment learned to fly. Have found a faith more strong and sure. There in the silence of the blue With only clouds beneath my wing I’ve found the One Eternal Thing Which carries on when earth is through. There in infinity of light I bowed my head, and all my heart Was filled with awe; I was a part Os God Whose Hand upheld my flight. If for a time the clouds now hide My face from you, take heart and trust, For God Who rules the air is just And I h nve found Him by my side. (This poem, published in an Episcopal church letter, was sent to rs with the request that it be reprinted.) PLASMA SAVING LIVES OF WOUNDED MEN Washington, D. C—Re vealing that invasion re ports have resulted in a rush to blood donor centers, the American Red Cross announced that approxim ately 8,450,000 pints of blood had been delivered by July 1 for processing into! the dried plasma and serum albumin which have saved lives of thousands at the battle front. About 5,650,000 pints' were procured during the three years ending last De cember and the armed for ces requested an additional 5,000,000 pints during 1944. Os this year’s quota, 2,800,- 000 pintsf were donated by June 30, and the Red Cross now is procuring about 100,- 000 pints a week. Although blood procure ment facilities must be lim ited to 35 cities and the 1,000 nearby communities which can be visited by mo bile units, reports to Red Cross national headquart AMERICAN HEROES BY LEFF BP>\ Cmt|( Sylvealer Croak, Second Aaairtant Kngineer, Merchant Marine, waa the aoU anrifiai offcer of a (battered (hip. In the only lifeboat that , eeald ha law chad ha raceeeded in reacning 19 aurvivora in the atormy aeaa. Crank bna|hl hia boat ufely to land after 31 daya. Art you buying more Wm flwaii ihm over btfortf V. S. Trtanry Drfnrimtni . .... ..,. 11 ";a> .. . ers show that this blood has saved the lives of men from every section of the nation, Because blood is perishable iand the commercial labora tories have limited facilities it has been impossible tc extend the procurement project beyond those cities within a 75-mile radius oi ; the donor centers. Officials commented or the overwhelming respons< of blood donors June 6 whei news of the invasion o: France flashed across th< ! country. In many cities, lin 1 es of donors began forminj outside the Centers and ap 1 pointments increased fron per cent to 700 per cent ‘I A Prisoner of War Cook ing Guide has just be'ei h published by the America! Red Cross and now is beinj shipped in bulk to Genev; ' for distribution to group of 20 to 35 men in prism - camps of Europe wher 3 Americans are held, j —7. of June 2 lIiiNDS FOK Ut ldlU RESOLUTION >i. ’ fl- i-' ' WHEREAS, Lieutenant Sain Byrd Bennett, Burns* 1 ville, North Carolina, son of 1 Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Bennett, 1 made the supreme sacrifice ] for flag and country on < May 28, 1944, in Germany, i and - WHEREAS, the Earl ] Horton Post of the Ameri- { can Legion, Number 122, '• and the Auxiliary desire to 1 express to Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Bennett and family their most sincere sympathy in their great loss and sorrow in the passing of their noble son and brother; and WHEREAS, the Earl Horton Post of the Ameri-; can Legion and the Auxili ary wish so give expression to their profound admira tion of the fine qualities of Sam Byrd Bennett—his sterling manhood, his per-1 sonal worth, his gracious manner, his deep intelli gence, his willing sacrifice for the highest ideals of ! America and his steadfast and unswerving devotion to his friends and to every call of his beloved country; now be it Resolved; That a copy of this resolution be sent to; Dr and Mrs. W. L. Bennett; a copy be filed in the per manent records of the Earl Horton Post of the Ameri can Legion and the Auxili- ! ary; and a copy be furnish-; ed the press for publication. Done by order of the Earl Horton Post of the Ameri can Legion, Number 122, and the Auxiliary, this July ’ 11, 1944. - , Dover Fouts, Commander s ' Mrs. W. W. Hennessee, J President, James Hutchins, ,j Committee. 6 MAKE THIS THE VIC s TORY PULPWOOD O EVENT ,t , s While it is too soon after f the invasion of western Europe to forecast when n the Nazis will in unison ie yell “Kamerad”, even Prime n Minister Winston Churchill £ has said that the European [e phase of World War II 1 . might end this year, g Regardless of whether > we lick .the Germans in m 1944 or 1945, all military t. leaders agree that this is the critical period when our war production on the >n Home Front and our supply in lines must not falter. If ig they do, the war will be pro ra longed and our victorious as advances may be reversed. ,n Pulpwood is one of the •e vital war materials on whi jch the Allied military for >3 ces depend. The War Pro duction Board has pointed out that military demands for paper and paperboard tm. support the invasion Rave mounted tremendous ly. Even though production is much better than this time last year, it is not en ough to keep pace with growing war needs. Maybe the pulpwood that is harvested this summer and fall will become a vic tory harvest by furnishing - our fighting men with the equipment and supplies they need to administer the , death blow to Hitler’s le gions. Gun powder made of pulpwood may very will fire the final shot. Every cord or carload of pulpwood cut today will bring the end of the war closer. Let’s make the next few months the Vic tory Harvest on the Home Front. J BUY WAR BONDS YANCEY RECORD RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Arnold Ef fler, son of Mrs. Tilda Es- - fler, Hamrick, North Caro lina, made the supreme sac rifice for flag and country, < on June 11,1944, in France; and I WHEREAS, the Earl Horton Post of the Ameri can Legion, Number 122, 1 and the Auxiliary wish to express to Mrs. Tilda Effler and Mrs Arnold Effler their most sincere sympa thy in the passing of Ar nold Effler; and WHEREAS, the Earl Horton Post of the Ameri can Legion and the Auxili ary desire to express their ! admiration for. the fine qualities of Arnold Effler — his personal worth, his de votion to duty, his sacrifice of himself for the highest ideals of his country, his j loyalty to his friends and i America ; now' be it Resolved, That a copy of j this resolution be sent to Mrs. Tilda Effler and a |copy to Mrs. Arnold Effler; a copy to be filed in the permanent records of the Earl Horton Post of the American Legion; and a copy be furnished the press I for publication. Done by order of the Earl Horton Post of the American Legion; Number 122, and the Auxiliary, this July 11, 1944. Dover Fouts, Commander Mrs. W. W. Hennessee, i President; James Hutchins, ■ Committee. i! a—ma— j (BUY MOM THAN BEFOREj BONDS FOR FREEDOM QUARANTINE L_ - "'N* Because of the danger of Infantile Paralysis Epidemic the County Health Board lias passed the following:- RULES * f ’ /• 1. All children under 15 years of age must stay on their own premises. 2. Theatres shall be closed to all children under 15 years of age. 3. All people coming into this County from infected areas must report to a local doctor or to the Health Department for examination within 24 hours after arrival. 4. All children under 15 years of age coming into this County from infected areas must remain under quarantine for three weeks. 5. All persons wilfully violating quarantine regulations will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 6. Children under 15 years of age shall drink from paper cups only, when away from home. 7. All persons should report any sickness to their doctor or to the Health De partment immediately. These restrictions will be in effect only through the emergency period and will be lifted as quickly as possible—after the danger is over. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. All crowded places should be avoided by every one. 2. General health should be kept up. Get plenty of rest, well balanced meals, adequate water and milk, fresh air, exercise, sunshine, and proper elimination. 3. Flies should be kept out of homes and away from all food. 4. Swimming is to be discouraged by ail children under 15 years of age. 5. People from this County should not visit in other counties without permis sion from the Health Department. B. B. McGUIRE, M. D. RUSS MEMORIAL Miss Zeta Davison left this week for Montreat where she will attend the meeting for the Directors of Religious Education and the Leadership Training School. Miss Madeline Honeycutt of the Primary Dept, is at tending the Leadership school at Montreat. The Pioneer-Senior Y. P. held a council meeting at Russ Cottage Wednesday night. The following are the new. officers: Pres. Gene Masters; viee pres Louise Street; sec.-treas. Janie Street; committee chair men, Betty and Billy Gar land and Thelma Yelton; adult advisor, Mrs. Henry Masters. Madge Masters and Mad eline Honeycutt attended the Y. P. Conference at Sullins College, Bristol, Va. MONTHLY REPORT NORTH CAROLINA, YANCEY COUNTY. The fnPowing exemp tions w'ere issued: $20.57. The following vouchers were issued: From health funds 120.00. From poor funds 113.82. From General funds: • $1,626 41. 1 From Debt Service funds • $12,033.23. i I, Earl C. Wilson, Regis- Iter of Deeds, in and for • Yancey County, State of , North Carolina, do hereby , certify that this is a true and correct copy of the Meeting of the Yancey County Board of Commis sioners, as of July 3, 1944. Witness my hand and of- j j ficial seal, this the 11th day S i of July, 1944. j Earl C, Wilson, Register of Deeds, Yancey County, 1 North Carolina. « RIVERSIDE NEWS Turner Silvers of Way nesville visited his brother, Ben Silvers here. Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Kinney left Sunday for Baltimore after a visit here Mr. and Mrs Tom Rob- “THE FLAT BOTTOMED NAVY” (The poem printed below w r as sent to Mosco Towe of Cane River bv his son, Quinton Towe now in the South Pacific). The lollov.inp' tributes by two soldiers of the Div ision. Australian Imperial Forces, is published for the information and enjoyment of all members of this command; with whom this Brigade experienced such happy relations in training and in campaigns. A Tribute to the Men of the American Landing Craft Service Just before we leave for New Guinea * There’s a poem we’d like to draft r x. - To those Stirling Yankee watermen v, Who manned the landing craft. Kind, generous, openhearted And game to their very core Nip’s strafing and bombin they laughed at As they ferried us up to the shore. At Lae, Finschhaven and elsewhere Undaunted they kept on the job Landing their human cargoes there Valiantly doing a job. pJt ' That was vital in this rugged country To the success of the Allied Cause Though tired, cold, wet and weary They toiled on without a pause. Yes! “You’ll do’ ! The highest form of praise The Aussie ere gives whom it fits Ar.d it sure fits you blokes from the U. S. A. Who gave us those “Taxi boat” lifts You’ve earrit-d for yourselves 1 A warm spot in the hearts Os the lads who wear the famed “T” And talcs will be told of the great job you did Wherever these lads may be. So! A toast to Ye Mariners of flat bottomed '-'o? Who kail from the land of Columbus “May your great shows never grow less” Is the firm wish of every one of us. HEADQUARTERS 2D ENGINEER SPECIAL BRIGADE fHURSDAY, JULY 13,1944 ertson of Erwin spent last week here. •„ Ernie Wilson is ill at his , home here. * Mrs. Bessie Mae Anglin ■ of Cromwell, Conn, is visit ■'ing her parents, Mr. and • Mrs. Jobe Austin. Mrs. Aus* -j tin is very ill at her home