55555 VOLUME EIGHT SUB. RATES: SI.OO YEAR. —Men In Service- Two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joe McPeters of Vixen are now serving overseas. They are Sgt. Carmon McPet ers who is stationed some where in England and Pvt. Enrl McPeters who is in Burma. Sgt. Marion P. Ballew was recently transferred from Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma City to Musko gee army air field, Musko gee, Okla. Cpl. Ralph S. Wilson is now stationed somewhere in England. Ransom Lee Pate, sea man second class, son of, Mr. and Mrs. Sherdan Pate of Pensacola, recently land ed safely in New Guinea. He entered service in Mar ch, 1944, took his boot tra ining at the Great Lakes training station and was home on a 9 day leave be fore reporting for assign ment. Charles Riddle, third class petty officer, has sent his eight months old dau ghter, Sammy, the Purple Heart which he recently received. He did not say for what reason he had receiv ed the award, but wrote that he wap tfcell. He ia the son of Mrs. Jennie Riddle of Pensacola, and his wife is the former Miss Evelyn Pate. .1 '<■ .. Thomas T. Wilson, son of T. K Wilson, has received painful wounds in the left wrist while serving as a marine gunner in the south Pacific, relatives have been informed. He is now receiv ing treatment in a hospital in Seattle, Wash. His home is in Portland, Ore. and he is the grandson of the late R. S Wilson of Pensacola. '•*. Cpl. Vernie B Murphy is now stationed at Camp Barkley, Texas. Pvt. Ralph L. Hyatt who entered service recently is at Camp Blanding, Fla. Cpl. Burnis Angel who has been stationed at Camp Stewart, Ga. is now at Or lando, Fla. Pvt Claude King, for merly of Day Book, is now in the army, serving in the' Pacific area. He entered service in 1942 from the state of Washington. Pvt. Roy Oassida is sta-; tioned at Camp Blanding,' Fla His address is: i*vi. n, ivid R. Cassida, Co. F. 211th Bn. I R T C, Camp Camp Blanding, Fla. Pfc. Howard L. Burleson, 1 son of Mrs. E. D. Burleson, Burnsville Rt. 2, and Pvt. Armin 0. England, son of Mrs. Mamie H. England,; are serving with the com-' munications division in the Mediterranean area. A re lease from this headquar ters gives some of the work '’"’♦ried on by signalmen in this area: “Communications net (Continued on page 4) • THE YANCEY RECORD “DEDICATED TO THE PROgRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY" Aviation Cadet Bill Banks is now at the pre flight training school, San Antonia, Texas. Pvt. Bill W. Howard is now in the Baxter general hospital, Spokane, Wash. Lt. Carl B. Hyatt who re cently returned after twen ty months in the European theatre is now attending an advanced officers school at Camp Davis, N. C. He will be there approximately twelve weeks. Sgt. Raymond D. Robin son has been sent back to the states from Bouganville for treatment of a broken shoulder received March 22. He is now in the Army and Navy general hospital, Hot Springs, Ark. Sgt. Horace Silvers is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Jess Wheeler on Jacks Creek. He has been over seas 16 months. Pvt. Charles Ledford .is home on emergency fur lough from Sheppard Field. Texas. Robert C. Howell, sea man second class, is in a naval training radio school at Indianapolis, Ind. He is thensorrof AtTermn? "ffowell of Green Mtn. Pvt. Blake Penland who has been serving in the arrpy has returned home. Pvt. Ray Mclntosh who is stationed at Geneva, Ne braska is spending a 15 day furlough with his -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mcln tosh of Bee Log. Pfc. Arnold Mclntosh has arrived safely overseas, ac cording to word received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mclntosh of Bee Log. James King, son of Mr and Mrs. Riley King is home on leave. He has been on duty with the Atlantic fleet. Word has been received that Pvt Junior C. Robert son, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Robertson of Pensacola has been sent overseas. Commended i Pfc;'Richard H. Howell, son of Mr and Mrs. J. W. Howell of Green Mtn., has % received a citation for mer itorious conduct in Italy on Dec. IT), 1943. Assigned the ♦ask of carrying ammuni tion, food, water, anc\ cloth ing to front line troops, , these men climbed a steep, | precipitous trail to the top 'of a mile high mountain, subjected to almost con stant enemy artillery and mortar fire, sometihies i crawling on hands and 1 knees to achieve their ob jective. In spite of all diffi . culties and hazards they succeeded in reaching the mountain top without los | ing a single load of the vit al supplies. There were ten . men in all, two officers and eight enlisted men. BURNSVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 20,1911 BANK DIRECTORS HOLD MEETING HERE Congressman Doughton Attends Meeting Congressman R. L. Dou ghton of Laurel Springs, N. C. was here Tuesday to attend a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Northwestern Rank. 'j “Farmer Bob” as he is i known throughout the state; i and in Washington, is chair -1 man as the Powerful Ways I and Means committee and 1 has had more influence than perhaps any other .man on the tax program . of the nation. , Congress Doughton has , been connected with the; Bank for a number of years, but this [ is only one of his many ac-i tivities in the business as-; fairs of the state. Other directors who were i plesent included: t R. A. Doughton, Presi i dent, Edwin Duncan, Exe . cutive vice president, D. V. | Deal, Secretary, Harry Bai ! ley, W. C. Berry, J. D. Brin • kley, Ralph Duncan, W. D. - Farthing, G. W. Greene, • M. A Higgins, W. W. Mast, jM. E. Reeves, N. B. Smith ey, Gordon H. Winkler. ‘i The present year hasj JI been a very successful one for the bank with the state ' rnent of .condition of June ,30th showing an increase of one and a half million ) dollars in deposits since the > first of the year. ; FUNERAL SERVICES IFOR JAMES WILUAMS l . __ , James Williams, 80 year, . old resident of the Elk {Shoal section was found {dead on the mountain near ! his home Sunday at noon. ' He made his home with his ;son, Henry Williams, and • had left Saturday afternoon “ and when he did not return a’search was begun for I him. A coroner’s inquest s iwas held and found that { death had resulted from a . heart attack. Funeral services and bur -1 ial were held at Little Creek I under direction of Hojcom ■ be and Edwards. Another • son and a daughter also 1 , survive. Pass Examinations The following men who . left last Wednesday passed • the pre-induction examina -1 tion and are now classified • LA. 1 J. C- Hensley, army; Will ! iam Bailey Huskins and ■ Drate Banks, navy. These - reported for immediate ser > vice. . Braskie Albert Allen, > Reed Hermon Moody, Ken » nie Ernest Ray, Lee Wal - lace, Isaac Walter Tipton, l G. D. Robinson, Glen Aus -3 tin, Thomas Clayton Math- I is, James G. Beaver, Ray • mond S. Robinson l Mrs. Van B. Bennett of j Jasper, Fla..has returned - home after visiting Dr.’ and . Mrs W. L. Bennett. i Mrs. C. M. Whisnant has 1 returned from Winston-Sa lem hospital w J i SCHOOLS! WILL OPEN 1 SEPTEMBER 7th County Schools are now ' scheduled to open on Sep tember 7t|i instead of ..an earlier date as planned, ac cording to an announce ment thi| week from., the office of the board of edu cation. 1 Further notification * will be made if there is any change ini the above date for the opening of schools. MAJOR iftjLWINKLE HERE FOR SHORT VISIT | Major A. L. Bulwinkle, representative to Congress from the lXth North Caro-' ,lina district, was a visitor here during the past week; end. He was accompanied j ;by his secretary, Charles F.| Gold of Riitherfordton, and J. Wm. Osborne of Wash ington, D. ip. i Major Bulwinkle was making a fcrief visit throu gh the Colin ties of his dis trict during the present re- j cess of Congress. A number of county ditizens met with him to tali ever affairs of I interest to: the country at j large and t| the district and j county. I ATTEND I CONFERENCE Guss Peteerson who was , recently turned chairman 'for Yancey county for the United War Funds cam paign attended a conferen ce meeting in Ashekille Friday. V. J. Goodman and L. G Deyton who are on. the committee also attend ed. The drive will be held in October, and county quo-; tas and additional informa-j tion will be announced later! - | Zenas Boone who enter- j ed service recently is sta-1 tioned at Fort Bragg Charles L. Elliott is now stationed with the 144th' Infantry at Camp Van: Dorn, Miss. Dover R. Fouts spent the past week end in Franklin.; "Health Department News - IS The Health department' is glad to report that we' have no cases of poliomyeli tis in Yancey county as yetJ This does not mean that we! can loosen our precautions in the least, but that we! must continue our careful measures 1 We wish to thank the people of the county for their cooperation with us. We would like to repeat,' I however, one request that is very important. If you know of ANY ONE bring ing children into this coun ty from the infected areas, urge them to report to us. These measures are to pro tect your child. The infect ed areas are listed daily in your newspapers, and we have been advised that Mc- Dowell and Madison coun-j ties also have a few cases. Even though you are going: to a place where there are! no cases, do not take your children on buses or trains, LAST RITES TODAY FOR GRANT WYATT Grant Wyatt, widely known citizen of Micaville, died at his home early Wed nesday morning following an extended illness. Surviving are his wife, his mother, Mrs. Rhoda Wyatt of Celo; three sons, Cleveland and Arnold of Greenville, S. C. and Jack] of the Navy now on duty! With the Pacific fleet; three daughters, Mrs. Ed Boone, Mrs. Foy Boone and Mrs. James Dale, all of Micaville; two brothers, Greely Wyatt jof Winston-Salem and Geo rge Wyatt of Enka. ; Funeral services are plan ned for this afternoon j (Thursday) at the Pleasant Gap Baptist church. Hol combe and Edwards funer al home is in charge of ar rangements. NOTICE I To Persons Peddling Mel lons, Fruits, Vegetables, or 'Products of the Farm. | Any person peddling [fruits, vegetables, or prod ucts of the farm shall pay | a license tax of twenty-five {dollars ($25.00) per year, {which license tax shall be State-wide. Counties, cities andtownsunaylevy a tax under this subsection not in excess of one-half of the State —tax. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, n o county, city, or town shall issue any license, or permit any per son, firm, or corporation to do any business under the provisions of this subsec tion, until and upless such | pewson shall produce „ and \ i exhibit to the tax collector !of such county, city or jtown, his or its State license i for the privilege of engag ing in such business. Mrs. Bill Bailey has re j turned home after spend ing several weeks in India na where Pvt. Bailey is stationed at Camp Atter ! bury, Indiana. ‘ SI * 7 because there may be somt one on there who is taking the disease. ! We have had reports ' from two sections of the county of an epidemic of 'Rabies among dogs. These were from Relief and Green ! Mountain and Indian Creek. Around forty dogs were killed in the Relief and Green Mountain section thi? past week which had be?/ exposed to rabid dogs. All owners of dogs and cats are urged to keep their dog a up. If you think they have been, exposed to a rabid dog, put them in a closed place. If there is a dog in, your section which may be mad, put your dogs where they cannot be reached by the other dog. Tying them 'will not protect them. All owners should have their dogs vaccinated ag-| ainst this disease at once. y j Jake F. Buckner, District’ Sanitarian. y __ e r -rniJL U Hf L £. B K ■iqpnigß jHg| 'Wp 9 Ilf IfPSeSKt--'' ’ B ppm ® ***' I M-'Li'i IK~.- r . A, .. :i> . . i 'J-gfytfr *■ lilr'lliHi '"I OUR NAME WILL BE ON THIS SHIP I Every county in the United States which reached the E Bond uuoi.a, and exceeded by 10 per cent the over all quota in the Fifth War Bond Drive is entitled to have their county’s name on a plaque on one of the LSMs ■ which will be launched. Ten of these Landing Crafgs have been allocated to .'North Carolii n, one for each district, and these will be I launched at Charleston, S. C. Z 1 . . Yancey county qualified on July Bth, for the honor . of having her name on a plaque. At that time, E Bond. sales were $84,318.50 and overall sales were $119,124.50,"' . which was 18 per cent over the quota. 5 1 This county w r as the fourth in the state to reach r tne- E > Bond -qtHtfcftr-Tlag* aaleg tire now* 1 4ft pey-Cffrit evfer 1 the quo^a WAR BOND SALES REPORTED, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1944 TOWNSHIPS SALES QUOTA PENSACOLA $5,498.00 $ 2,000.00 SOUTH TOE 5,348.00 2,000.00 BRUSH CREEK 3,491.75 2,000.00 CRABTREE 15,729.25 10,000.00 i PRICES CREEK 6,716.75 5,000.00 EGYPT’ 13,616.75 10,000.00 BURNSVILLE 48,370.00 40,000.00 GREEN MOUNTAIN 8,704.25 7,500.00 CANE RIVER 10,295.00 10,000.00 JACKS CREEK 5,585.50 7,500.00 RAMSEYTOW N 5,023.00 10,000.00 TOTAL $128,378.25 $106,000.00 SERIES E 93,561.25 83,000.00 SUPERIOR COURT WILL CONVENE AUGUST 7 i The August term of Sup-f erior court will convene here on Monday, August 7i with Judge J. A. Rosueau| presiding. Both civil and criminal cases will be 1 heard. The jury list drawn for duty is as follows: First week: Alvin Hen sley, Fred Jenkins, Floyd j Gardner, Edd Edge, Geo-: rge Melton, Wesley Deyton; Raymond Phillips, J. B. Sparks, Noah Hughes, Crawford Ayers, Fred Mc- Curry, Wilce Adkins, Wes-, ley Williams, G. W. Wilson,' Carl Wilson; Jeff Law’s, Jess Young, Lawrence Murphy, Guss E. Higgins, Dewey Gurley, Ben Wilson, Sr., Sam Hile mon, Avery Wilson, Zenas Metcalf, Joe Thomas, J. W. Maney, Jennings Fox, J. Luther Robinson, Gar mon Edwards, Dewey Sil vers, W. K. Banks, H. C. Wilson; Roby Silver, Ed Bryant, (Erwin Wilson, Jim Honey cutt, Genio Webb, Vance Pen!and, D. W. Ballew, r NUMBER FIFTY-ONE [Walter E. Ray, Charles E. Ray, Clyde Brinkley, Bryan j Wilson, Gaither Carroll, Park Peterson, Hobort , Whitson, J. E. Bailey, Wal ter Smith, Walter Letter man, R. T. Ensley, Mack Mclntosh, Bradley Silvers, I Sam Buchanan,'A. J. Gilles pie. , Second week: W. G. Smith, Herbert Garland, Tice Peterson, G. B. Dey ton, Jamek M. Thomas, Gaither Simmons, Lee ; Pet erson, Doug Robinson, Al ilen Honeycutt, Ernest R. Wilson, John C. Robinson, Clyde Duncan, A. L. New ton, T. A. McKinney, J. Banner Huskins, M. H. Deyton; S. S. King, Lyda Robin son, C E. Tipton, H. R. Hilliard, Zeb Renfro, Wal ser Penland, Wm. Gortney, Harrison Peterson, Charlie Buckner, T W. Branch, W. E. Scott, H. C. Honeycutt, J. W. Robinson, Carl Byrd, John S. Dellinger, Clifford Hensley, J. V. Hensley, Hobert Carroll, Charlie Parker, John King.

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