KEEfI FAITH Pv fj M » § a VOLUME NINE —Men In Service— Silver Star Awarded John J. Evans J. E. Evans has received a Silver Star which was awarded his son. Sgt. John J. Evans recently. As yet,' no citation has been receiv ed of the circumstances un der which the award wasj made. Sgt. Evans has for some months been in France I After having been or. New Guinea, Lt. David Low! is based in the Netherlands East Indies. Sgt. John Low is now in England They are both in the army air corps and are sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.Low of Bur nsville. .Pfc Glen E. McCourry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mai McCourry, is at home on leave. He has been in ser vice for 34 months and this is his first leave at home in that time. For the past 15 months he has been station- j ed in the Aleutian Islands, i I James Ray. S lc, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Ray is now on sea duty with the Pacific fleet — Cpl.. Max Penland has been home on leave from the ElCentro, Cal. Marine base, visiting his parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. B B. Penland. 1 v | Bill Mclntosh has been home on leave visiting his parents, Mr| and Mrs. J. C Mclntosh, after completing boot training at Camp Peary, Va. Sgt. Rush Beeler who is stationed in Raleigh was home on a short leave Pvt. Juitt Randolph of Camp Mackall. has been visiting relatives at Ram- 1 seytown. Cpl and Mrs. Cecil Byrd are visiting Adler Byrd and other relatives here. S. Sgt. Grady B. Gibbs has been awarded the Sil ver Star. Sgt Gibbs has been overseas since Feb. of this year. Record: Please the paper to my new address as Ido not want to miss a copy of the home news I would also like to say a few words in the paper. I would like to say Hello to my family and also to all my friends in Yancey coun ty, especially in Double Is land and Brush Creek, and wish them a happy New! Year. I hope and pray the war is over soon so that we can return back home to our loved ones and friends. Let’s all pull together and trust God. There is a big job for all of us to do. Please remem- j ber all the boys in service Do your part and we will do ours. Back us up with your prayers and War Bonds.! Remember that we have a long road to travel yet be fore we reach victory. May GodT bless us and give us peace soon. Pvt. Ben F Riddle, THE YANCEY RECORD SUB. RATES: $1.50 YEAR. Cpl. Woodrow Bradford, brother of Mrs. Mack Hen sley, has landed safely over-* seas in the East Indies. D. R. Styles, S K Ic, ha 3 been home on leave from the Norfolk naval I Pvt. T. M. Swann who has ■ completed basic training at | Camp Wheeler. Ga. has been here on short leave. He and I Mrs. Swann are visiting re ' latives in Winchester, Va. Frank H. Watson who has been stationed for several months at the New Orleans naval base was home on leave for the Christmas sea son. R. L. Byrd, F lc, is on duty with the Atlantic fleet Camp Bradford, Norfolk, Va.-—Reed H. Moody, S 2c, whose family resides at Celo. N. C. is undergoing training with the Navy’s amphibious forces at Camp Bradford, Va., and has been assigned to the crew of an LST (Landing "Ship, Tank), largest of the amphibious craft capable of making a beach landing. Heavier than a modern destroyer, the 300-foot LST lands assault troops and eq uipment directly onto ene my beaches under the pro tective bombardment o f heflvy w arships and Navy planes. Despite its size and weight, the landing vessel is designed ro navigate •hallow approaches to hos tile beaches, spilling its troops and tanks ashore through huge bow doors Camp Bradford is one of the group 0 f bases operated by the Amphibious Train ing Command of the U.'S Atlantic Fleet along the eas tern seaboard. The following letter was received recently by Mrs. j Julia Jarrett of Green Mtn. 1 (from her son, Pvt Eleck E. Jarrett, now somewhere in the South Pacific: “I will write you this ev •ening to let you hear from 1 me again. Hope this finds you all well and not work-J | ing too hard these days.: This leaves ms well and; getting along very good. “How does Charlie like the army by now and is he still in South Carolina? | “I ran up on Frank Tho- Imas last night. We are in i the same outfit. I was glad to see him. It makes a fel -1 low feel better to see some I one he knew back home. 1 (Hazel’s husband is in this (outfit too and I have seen i him several times since I got here. ' , “Has Aunt Dana 'Sparks) had any mail from 0. K. jately and how is he getting I along, I “Well tell all Hello for me and I hope to see them be fore long.” i The following is a letter from Pvt. James Harris Ft. | Meade. Md to his mother, j Mrs. Grace Harris Burns ville, N. C. Rt. 2. “I am 0 K. tonight tho ! i Continued on back page) "DEDICATED TO THJE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY” BURNSVILLE, N. C. THUIfSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 19U ©gssse© f- t k | > I May Yours Bela Most Happy 1 I ad | 1 Prosperous New Year | p We look forward It 1945 with the firm |1 belief in better things to come. Anti we w want to express o tr deep apprecinUun % g to each of you lor having contributed in M 8? _ such an important way to our continued ■* success in this community. || I The Yancey Record f District Scout Officials" Named | rmamms Toe River District Com-[ mittee of the Daniel Boone Council, Boy Scouts of Am-! erica elected Dover R. Fouts| of Burnsville as chairman; of committee for 1945, with the following as vice chair men of the District: Fred Brummitt, of Bakersville;! Leo K Pritchett of Banner Elk; Bjrrd Gillespie of Bur-| nsville. * Guy Wiseman, wasj recommended for District Commissioner and C. 1.1 Baucom of Banner Elk as! Asst. Commissioner. . Mr.- Fouts appointed the following committees for the year: Organization and Extension Chairman, E A. Scott, Spruce Pine; C. R. Von Cannon, Spruce Pine, and Carroll Rogers, Jr., Burnsville; Leadership Tra ining, J. H. Duncan, Spruce Pine, Chairman, D A. Fink, Crossnore, and Rev. M. T. 1 Hipps, Spruce Pine; Finan | FARM MEETING Farmers of the , Upper j South Toe section will hold i regular farm meetings on the first Wednesday even- 1 ings of each month. Farm-* ers in nearby communities are also invited to attend. 1 The first meeting will be held at 7:30 on Jan. 3 in the Celo Community potato house. The subject for dis |Cusslon will be “Growing i and Harvesting Small ; Grain ” V. J. Goodman,' [county agent, will be pre sent. * . j Practical discussions and I plans for meeting farm pro blems will be stressed at all of these, farm meetings which are planned for the year. . n [ce chairman, J. E. Boyd Spruce Pine, Fred Brum mitt, Ben Quinn, Rom Sparks, Sam Cannon, B. Gillespie, C L. Proffitt, Lee Griffeth, Leo K. Pritchett, D. T. Vance. Edwin Robbins J. V. Bowers Advancement! Rev. A. R.. Craig, chairman,! S. K. Mortimer, Jr., S. Guy! Wiseman; Health and saf j ety, Dr. B B. McGuire, chairman, Dr. W. B. Rob ertson, and Dr. A. S. Mof 'f=tt; Camping and activi ties, Bill McKinney, Ray Dixon, Troop Committee chairman -of the Troops. The meeting was presid ed over by John E. Boyd, chairman of the District for this year. A review of the years’ activities was made by W. C Wall, Assist- j ant Scout Executive, who stated, that there had been Jan increase of 18 per cent (Continued on page 4) LOCAL BOARD NEWS Notice has been received from State Headquarters ’for Selective Service advis ing that in the future regis trants being forwarded for 1 either preinduction physical 1 examination or induction will go to Fort Bragg, N. C. Camp Croft, S. C. has been discontinued as an induc tion station and no more men will be forwarded to that point. Under this new set up registrants going for) j physical examination will not return first or second day as it will take a longer length of time to go to Fort Bragg, and return. Yancey County . Local , Board No. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Arney Fox ,vi vC been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edd Fox in Hartsville, S. C. Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Whis nant spent Christmas week in Shelby. j Jane Shackleford of i Winston-Salem has been | the guest of friends here. Mr and Mrs. Roy Prof fitt came up from Charlotte for the holidays. * Mr. and Mrs. Edd 1 Hig gins and daughter. Phyliis, were here for Christmas with home folks. Edd Hutchins underwent an appendix operation ’at : the Marion General hospi tal Sunday night. Louise Yelton who is at tending a government train i ing school in Ga. 1 was home last week. She i plans to leave for Hawaii ( early next. year. Mildred Yelton of the Norburn hos pital staff was also at home Doris Mclntosh has been visiting friends in Asheville Mr. and Mrs Neill Byrd of Knoxville visited rela tives here during the holi days. | Mr. and Mrs. Norris Hoy le of Newton visited Mr. and Mr 3. George W. Anglin during the seasoi^, STotTue The District Health Of fice will be closed on Mon day, Jan. 1. NOTICE Daily feed payment will be made on November and December milk sales begin ning January 1 through January 31, 1945. It is im portant that payment be made during this time Farmers Urged to Save Seed F. S. A. NEWS We would like to ask per sonally every farmer in Yancey county the follow ing questions: How much county tax do you pay? How much do you spend each year for grass seeds? Recently we asked four average farmers of this county these questions and the total amount spent for county taxes last year was! $303 and the total amount l spent for grass seeds was $338. Each of these farmers agreed that he could have grown and saved all the seeds that he had to buy ifi some adequate type of! threshing machines were I available These threshing| machines can be made av ailable with a little cooper ation among the farmers of the county. “ The Farm Security Ad-! ministration with a county) V. V. BODFORD PASSED AWAY TODAY Vasco V. “Cody” Bodford well known resident of Bur-' ! nsville, passed away this I morning in the Western Carolina sanitorium where he had been a patient for ! the past 21 months, i Funeral services will be !li<eia at 6f Ws par ! ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. • Bodford, at 2 o’clock Friday t NEW RATIONING ! REGULATIONS : The following telegram received by Yancey County War Price and Rationing i Board, December 26. 1944: Effective at 12:01 A M. • Tuesday, December 26. 1 1944 the following changes | in rationing become effec tive: > Item One: Point value > restored on canned aspara gus, beans, peas, corn and spinach. Item Two: Point value on ■ butter increased to 24 points. Item Three: Sugar stamps, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 40 and all ( outstanding canning sugar, certificates issued by local boards become invalid. Item Four: Red stamps A8 through Z 8 and A5 through P 5 in Book Four are cancelled. Item Five: Blue stamps A8 through Z 8 and A5 through W 5, book four are cancelled. I Item Six: Effective at 12:0LA. M. on December 31. red stamps T, TJ, V, W and X 5 become valid. Item Seven: Effective January 1 at 12:01 A. M. Blue stamps C. D, E, F and G 2 become valid. Ration book holders shou ld remove all cancelled stamps from Book 4 them selves. War Food Adminis tration says meats, butter and processed foods will be shorter in first quarter of ' New Year than at any time since War started. » L. W. Driscoll, District Director OPA. mpmmnai NUMBER TWENTY-TWO office in Burnsville will make loans to groups of farmers or to individual farmers to purchase thresh ing machines or other types of farm machinery. These small threshing machines, with attached power units, can be bought for approximately SSOO. If five farmers in any com munity of the county pur chase a thresher for SSOO each farmer will pay SIOO as his proportionate share. If you farmers need to bor row the money, FSA will make you a loan for the amount you need at a three percent interest rate to be repaid in five years. The ! payments on a five year , loan of S6OO to five farmers repaid equally by each of ! the five farmers would be S2O a year, plus a small amount for interest. ! Can you as a farmer in jvest S2O in any other way f that would give you any (greater benefit? NOTICE I February 15, 1945 is the last date on which perform ance reports may be filed aKiLMsis for making a net payment to producers on 1944 applications for pay ment, M, D. Bailey, Chair man Yancey county Triple- A Committee, announced “Payment of 1944 appli cations is to be completed during the early months of y 945, therefore, it fs neces sary that performance re ports be filed early in order to provide opportunity fpr timely preparation and aud it it in the county and State offices;” he stated. Mr. Bailey pointed out that applications for pay ments based on performan ce reports filed after the. closing date may be process ed for payment only if it is determined by the State committee, on recommenda tion of the county commit tee, that the producer was prevented from filing with in the specified time (1) be- I cause he was a member of 1 the armed forces, or (2) be cause of prolonged illness. “All eligible fanners who have not already filed per formance reports and sign ed applications for payment are urged to do so at once,’ NOTICE The fifth Sunday union service of the Burnsville churches will be held Sun day evening at the Method ist church. 1944 LICENSE PLATES GOOD TO JANUARY 31 The 1944 automobile lic ense pfates will be good through^Jan. 31, 1945, the state department of motor vehicles has announced. An act to this effect was passed by the 1943 legislature. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ray of Leicester are visiting rela tives here.

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