PAGE TWO THE KAsNCEY RECORD ESTARUSHED JULY. 1936 Editor Mrs. C. R. Hamrick * Published Every Thursday By YANCEY PUBLISHING CO. A Partnership Entered u second-class matter November 11th. 1936. at the Poat Office, at Burnsville, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1879. NOTICE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY V 9. Minnie Duncan, Clinton Deyton and wife, Mrs. Clinton Deyton; Clarence Deyton and wife, Mrs.: Clarence Deyton; Virgie Collins; ! Linda Bell Deyton and husband, 1 John Deyton; Nancey Jane Dey ton and husband. ,«.! Heirs at Law of Phoebe Deyton, Deceased. “ * The Defendants, above named, will take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been com menced in the Superior Court of Yancey County to enforce the tax liens for the years of 1939, 1941, 1942, 1944, for taxes due by the above named Defendants on land in Green Mountain Township. Yancey County. North Carolina: and the Defendants will further take notice that the complaint in said action is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yancey County, North Caro lina, and the Defendants are re quired to appear and answer or demur to the said complaint with in 20 days from the 24th day of Feb. 1946, or the Plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint This 14th day of Jan. 1946. Fred Proffitt, Clerk of the Sup-, erior Court. Jan. 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7 1946 SUBSCRIBE TO THE RECORD COUNTY BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1945-1946 Bald Creek at Burnsville January 18th Bee Log at Burnsville January 25th Micaville at Bald Creek January 31st Bald Creek at Bee Log February sth Burnsville at Micaville February Bth Clearmont at Bald Creek February 12th Clearmont at Burnsville February 15th Burnsville at Bald Creek February 22nd Micaville at Bee Log February 22nd Bald Creek at Clearmont February 26th Burnsville at Bee Log March Ist Mt. Mitchell Case Good Food at ail Times Special J Sunday .Family. Dinners BANKS BUILDING OPPOSITE THEATRE FLOYD KING, Owner-Mgr. Announcement .... / We have on display a Cros ley Shelvador Refrigerator. We will have a complete line of Crosley Products as soon as Available. , Roberts & Johnson Lumber Co. WEST BURNSVILLE ON ASHEVILLE HIGHWAY NOTICE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey County vs. I Grover Tomberlin, Beatrice Peake : Juanitia Tomberlin, Joelene Tom j berlin and Charles Tomberlin, Heirs at Law of Bessip Tomber ; tin, Deceased I The Defendants, Grover Tom— berlin, Beatrice Peake, Juanitia Tomberlin, Joelene Tomberlin and Charles Tomberlin, will take not ice , that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Yancey County to enforce the tax liens fpr the years of 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940 1941 1942, for taxes due by the above named Defendants on land in Jacks Creek Township, Yancey County, North Carolina; and the I Defendants will further take not ice that the complaint in said ac tion is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yancey County, North Carolina, and the Defendants are required to appear and answer or demur to the said complaint within 20 days from the 14th day of Feb 1946, or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This Jan. 10, 1946. Fred Proffitt, Clerk of the Sup erior Court." Jar.' 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7 1946 NOTICE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey County VB. Sheeler Byrd and wife, Mrs.! Sheeler Byrd The Defendants, Sheeler Byrd and wife, Mrs. Sheeler Byrd, will take notice that an action, entitled as aboye, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Yancey County to enforce the tax liens for the years of 1937, for taxes due by the above named Defend i nts on land in Green Mountain ownship, Yancey County, North < arolina; and the Defendants will lurther take notice that the com plaint in said action is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Sup-* erior Court of Yancey County, North Carolina, and the Defend ants are - required to appear and answer or demur to the said com plaint within 20 days from the 14 day of Feb. 1946, or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. 'This Jan. 10, 1946. Fred Proffitt, Clerk of the Sup erior Court Jan. 17, 24. 31. Feb. 7 1946 NOTICE In Hie Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey County vs. Rissie Bennett, S. J. Bennett and Fannie Bennett The Defendants, Rir-sie Bennett,; S. J. Bennett imd Fannie Bennett, 1 will take notice that an action, en- i titled as above, has been commen ced in the Superior Court of Yan -1 cey County to • enforce the tax j liens fpr the years of 1940, for) taxes due by the above named, Defendants on land in Jacks Creek j Township, Yancey County, North Carolina; and the Defendants will further take notice that the com plaint in said action is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yancey Couhty, North Carolina, and the Defend ants are required to appear and answer or demur to the said com plaint within 20 days from the 14 day of Feb. 1946, or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This Jan. 10, 1946. Fred Proffitt, Clerk of the Sup erior Court. Jan. 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7 1946 NOTICE OF FINAL SALE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey County rm. Selelia Young, and others, Heirs at Law of Jeter Young (Col.) Deceased * Under and by virtue of a judg ment of the Superior Court in the above entitled action appointing: the undersigned as Commissioner to sell" the hereinafter described lands to satisfy said judgmeu. for taxes for the years of 1938, 1939, 1940, together with interest, pen alties and costs thereon, and sub sequent taxes, the undersigned will on the 4th day of March, 1946, at 10:00 o'clock A M., at the Courthouse door in Burnsville, North Carolina, sell the hereinaf ter described lands to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said judgment, together with all costs and subsequent taxes, said prop erty being in Burnsville Township, Yancey County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Freddie Young, and described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a spotted oak 12 feet from Henry Ramsey’s corner and runs South 47 East 2 poles and 10 links to a spotted oak; then North 47 West 16 poles to a stake; then South 20 West 3 poles to a stake; then South 20 East 13 poles, to a stake in Pansy Ray’s line; then with Pansy Ray’s line to the BEGINNING, contain ing M acre, more or less. This Jan. 10, 1946. BILL ATKINS, Commissioner Jan. 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7 1946 BUY VICTORY BONDS THE YANCEY RECORD NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR MOTOR VEHICLE - FRANCHISE RIGHTS BEFORE THE NORTH CAROLINA UTILITIES COMMISSION DOCKET NO. 3473 Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the North Carolina Utilities Commis sion by Yancey Bus Company, Burnsville, North Carolina, for a franchise certificate to transport passengers and their baggage in the same vehicle from Burnsville, N. C., to Micaville, N. C., over 19 E., from Micaville, N. C., to Gar den City, N. C„ over N. C. 80; thence to Marion, N. C., over U. S. 70, and return over same route. Notice is further given that said application will Ije called for hearing before said Commission on Wednesday, February 27, 1946, at 2:30 p. m., in the Burke County Courthouse at Morganton, N. C., and protestants desiring to be made parties with the right to! appear at said hearing and be j heard in opposition to said appli- j cation are required to deliver or mail a written protest and two: copies thereof to the North Caro ! nna Utilities Commission, Raleigh, J North Carolina, and deliver or mail a copy thereof to the above named applicant at least five days prior to the date above fixed for said hearing, which said protest shall state FULLY AND WITH PARTICULARITY the way and manner in which said protestant will be adversely affected by the franchise rights requested. Said protest shall certify that a copy thereof has been delivered or mailed to the appMtant. Further notice of the proceed ings in this cause will be given only to the applicant and to pro testants filing written protests to said application as above required. ALL CORRESPONDENCE RE LATING TO THIS MATTER SHALL REFER TO DOCKET NO. 3473. This the 9th day of Jan. 1946 BY ORDER OF THE N. C. UTILITIES COMMISSION. v By Fred C. Hunter, Commis sioner Jan. 17, 24, 1946 NOTICE OF FINAL SALE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey County vs. Richmond Bradford and wife, Mrs. Richmund Bradford Under and by virtue of a judg ment of the Superior Court iii the above entitled action appointing the undersigned as Commissioner to sell the hereinafter described lands to satisfy said judgment for taxes for the years of 1936, to gether with interest, penalties and costs thereon, and subsequent taxes, the undersigned will, on the 4th day of March, 1946, at 10:00 o’clock A. M., at the Courthouse door in Burnsville, North Carolina, sell the hereinafter described lands to the highest cgslkjp satisfy said judgment, "together with all costs and subsequent tax es, said property being in Egypt Township, Yancey County, North Carolina, adjoining the land? of Howard Fender, and described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a sugar tree and running to a sourwood; then with the road to a plum tree at the branch; thence down the bran ch to a balm bush; then-* straight line to the top of the ridge to a black oak; thence down the ridge to the BEGINNING, contain- j ing 5 acres, more or less This Jan. 10, 1946. BILL ATKINS, Commissioner Jan. 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7 1946 NOTICE OF "SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY _ Lillian Fender (Royster) vs. Howard Royster Howard Royster, the defendant above named, will take notice that un action entitled as above has been commenced in the Sup erior Court of Yancey County for the purpose of annulling the pur ported marriage between plaintiff ami defendant and having it de clared void ah initio; and the de fendant is required to appear in the office of Clerk Superior Court, Yancey County on or before the 28th day of February, 1946, and answer or demur to the complaint. And let the defendant take no tice that if he fails to appear and answer or demur at the time and place specified the plaintiff will apply to the court for Hie relief demanded in the complaint. This the 28th day of Dec. 1945. Fred Proffitt, Clerk of the Sup erior Court. Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 1946 NOTICE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey County vs. l*rk Sparks and wife, Mrs. Lark Sparks and W. H. Woodby The Defendants, W. H. Woodby will take notice that an action, en titled as above, has been com menced in the Superior Court of Yancey County to enforce the tax liens for the years of 1937, for taxes due by the above named Defendants on land in Egypt Township, Yancey County, North Carolina; and the Defendants will further take notice that the com plaint in said action is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Yancey County, North Carolina, and the Defend ants are required to appear and answer or demur to the said com plaint within 20 days from the 10 day of Feb. 1946, or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. This Jan. 8, 1946. Fred Proffitt, Clerk of the Sup - erior Court Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31, 1946 Y’ancey County NOTICE OF FINAL SALE In The Superior Court | NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY I Yancey County vs. ■ Frank Randolph and wife, Mrs. 1 Frank Randolph < Under and by virtue of a judg ment of the Superior Court in the ' above entitled action appointing the undersigned as Commissioner to sell the hereinafter described lands to satisfy said judgment for taxes for the years of 1939, to gether with interest, penalties and costs thereon, and subsequent taxes, the undersigned will, on the Bth day of Feb. 1946, at 10:00 1 o’clock A. M., at the Courthouse ] door in Burnsville, North Carolina, sell the hereinafter described lands to the highest bidder, for ; cash, to satisfy said judgment, i together with all costs and subse quent taxes, said property being! j in Cane River Township, Yancey j ; Cunty, North Carolina, adjoining’ the lands of Frank Randolph and | { described by metes and bounds as j < follows: j Being the lands described in‘, deeds from Winnie Higgins, and j the other heirs at law of S. M.! j Higgins, Deceased, to Franks • Randolph, which deoils are regist-V ered in the office, of the Register of I) edii 1. .—C./ , North Car lina. in Deed Book 82, J pages 311, 31- :: 1 3, and 314. re ( serene to whicu is uere’oy made j for n more complete description ( of said lards as ihe same will be ( read at the u.ns and place of .he ; aforesaid sole. ] This Jar.. 8. 1946. . BILL ATKINS, Commissioner. ~ Jar. >O. 17. 24. 31. 1946 _ j NOTICE OF FINAL SALE U In The Superior !, NORTH CAROLINA I YANCEY COUNTY i anc. y County - ' vs. Aarcn Wright and wife, Essie Wright As under and by virtue of a judg ment of the Superior Court in the above entitled action appointing tie undersigned as to sell the hereinafter described ‘ lands to satisfy said judgment for taxes for the years of 1933 and 1934, together with interest, pen alties and costs thereon, and sub sequent taxes, the undersigned will, on the Bth day of Feb. 1946, at 10:00 o’clock A. M., at the Courthouse door in Burnsville, North Carolina, sell the herein after described lands to the high est bidder, for cash, to satisfy said. judgment, together with all costs | and subsequent taxes, said prop-, erty being in Ramseytown Town-| ship, Yancey County, North Caro-: lina, adjoining the lands of Lost Cove School Property, and describ- • ed by metes and bounds as follows: Being the lands described in a deed from H (Toper to Aaron Wright and wire, Essie Wright, January ;:0, 1332, und registered in the office of the Register of [ Deeds f ■ Yancey County, North', Carolina, in Deed Book 73 page I 502, reference to w.iicii is hereby made for a more complete de scription of said lands as the same will be read at the time and place ui the aforesaid sale. This Jan. 8, 1j46. BILL ATKINS. Cimmissicner Jan. 10. 17. 24, 31, 1946 BONDS FOR VICTORY i" ALLEN & DELLINGER ELECTRIC CO Licensed Electrical Contractors Electrical Repairs, House Wiring and Electric Supplies. t '/ ' Agent For G. E. Mazda Lamps Discount To Dealers PHONE NO. 235 BURNSVILLE. N. C. Radio & Electrical Service MOST RADIO PARTS NOW AVAILABLE 21 HOUR SERVICE WE PICK UP AND DELIVER WE REPAIR ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES PHONE US YOUR NEEDS OR CALL BY' We Will Have New Radios and Electrical Applian ces as soon as Available. PHONE NO. 235 ELLIOTT RADIO SERVICE ON THE SQUARE NEXT DOOR TO COURTHOUSE The expense of making high crop yields and high livestock production i s justified by increased prof its to farmers, Dean I. 0. Schaub of the State Ex tension Service, declares. Give Used Clothing NOTICE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey C<xunty a vs. Lyda Bradford, Charley Phillips and wife, Mrs. Charley Phillips The Defendants, Lyda Brad ford, Charley Phillips and wife, Mrs. Charldy will take notice that an \ action, entitled as above, has been! commenced in the Superior Court of Yancey County to enforce the'' tax liens for the ye.-'.r. of 1936, for taxes due by th' 1 . above named Defendants on la. d in Ramseytown Township, Yan.ey County, North Carolina, and Hie Defendants will further trke notice that, the complaint in said action is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Yancey County, North Caro lina, and the Defendants are re quired to appear and answer or demur to the said complaint with in 20 days from the 10th day of Feb. 1946, or the Plaintiff will ap ply to the Court fer the relief de rnanded in said complaint. This Jan. 8, 1946. Fred 1 roffitt, v lcik of the Sup erior Court Jani 10. 17. 24, 31, 1946 ATTENTION FARMERS Buy your Tobacco Fer tilizer, Nitrate of Soda Plant bed fertilizer, Tobac co bed Canvas now. Place your order for delivery after Jan. 15th. Labor scarce; buy early and don’t be left*out. •«9 FARMERS FEDERATION BURNSVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1946 NOTICE OF FINAL SALE In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA YANCEY COUNTY Yancey County ,vs. Hiawassee-Nolichucky Power Co., John L. Williams, W. V. Dead rick Trustee ..and Monsanto Chemical Co. of St. Louis, Mo. Under and by virtue of a judg ment of the Superior Court in the above entitled action / appointing the undersigned as Commissioner to sell the hereinafter described lands to satisfy said judgment for \ taxes for the years of 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, together with interest, penalties and Costs there on, and subsequent taxes, the un dersigned will, on the Bth day of Feb 1946, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., at the Courthouse door in Burns ville, North Carolina, sell the hereinafter described lands to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said judgment, together with all costs and subsequent taxes, said property being in Ramseytown Township, Y’ancey County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of C. C. & O. R. R.. and described by metes and bounds as follows: Being the lands, rights, and easements described in a (feed from the Nolichucky Power Co., To the Hlawassch-N | !’>hiif l ‘ry Power Co., D, e. Ij, 1-3 if, which deed appears of r-cc-d in the office rs the F; gist or of Deeos lor Yan.ey County. N llh Car lina, in Deed L<-k 81, page 1), reference to which is hereby made for a more specific description, as the same will be read at the time ' of the said sale. *■ , This Jan. 8, 1/Jl6. iiiLL ATKINS, Commissioner Jan. 10. 17, 21, 31, 1946 BUY VICTORY BONDS

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