Food Production an d Conservation are more Im portant now than ever be fore. Do Your Part. VOLUME TEN F.S.A. Makes Loans to Veterans \y ALONG THE WAY WITH , PSA—G. I s DREAM COMES TRUE During the war thous ands of Gl’s dreamed of, owning and operating theii i own farm when they re-| burned to civilian-life. Af ter the war was over many; hoped to take advantage of i the GI Bill of Rights and: own their own farm and home. For many of them! it' was a -practical • dream 1 wan u while for others it was not. j The Farm Security Ad-; ministration i s helping many veterans with prev-j ious farm experience to ' buy the farm they wished for while they were iin uni - form. Yancey County Veteran | In the Jacks Creek sec- ( tion of Yancey county Ot tis C. Johnson, a veteran ot the Air Corps and the ETO | for 34 months, —and —wilV Ellen, and -two small sons have already moved t o their new «- acre farm and home and are well on theii ( way to owning' it. When Mr. Johnson visit-* ed the local FSA office in January 1946 to place his application to purchase a farm, he owned only one cow. Today he has six head of cattle, a good horse, a brood sow, farm fdols and a good farm flock .of poul- Frtriers’ Federation Picnic \' _ « The Farmers Federation Picnic for ancey county is scheduled for Thursday, July 4, at Burnsville high school, James G. K. Mc- Clure has announced. The program of activities will begin at 10 o’clock and will last through the afternoon. Prizes in various., events will be offered as in the past, and every one is in vited to attend and partici pate. All string bands, sin- HOME AGENT’S NOTES Hardscrabble —The homej demonstration dull will meet with Mrs, Jack Mcfti-J tosh Friday, June 21 at 2. Jacks Creek—A demon- j stration on “Meal Planning, and Table Setting” will be given at the home of Mrs. Mildred Woody Tuesday, June 25 at 2:00. Micaville —The home de monstration club will meet with Mrs. W. E. Rusty Thu rsday, June 27 at 2:00. Mrs.] R. N. Silvers will give the demonstration on “Meal Planning and Table Ser vice”. ' 1 VI vc • Prices Creek —The honvi demonstration club will meet with Mrs. Evelyn Smith Friday, June 28 at 2:00. Mrs. Harmon Edwar ds will give the demonstra tion on “Meal Planning.” Miss Shirley Sluder of Asheville has been the guest of Miss Virginia York during the past week. Nelle Bailey left Tuesday to attend summer school at Mars Hill College. THE YANCEY RECORD SUB. RATES: $1.50 YEAR.; try. Full advantage ha sj been taken of Read just-J ment Allowances for self- 1 employed veterans in agri-j culture. These funds have been used wisely and have I helped in starting again in | farming. i Mrs. Johnson now has a | new pressure cooker to as sist her with all her can ; ning. Her garden consists of a wide variety of vege tables and she plans to have a spring, summer and fall garden by continuous ! planting. This'.year Mr. Johnson plans to erect a new tobac co barn and silo. During 1947 he ])lans to seed at ! least one acre of alfalfa (for hay. By using lime'and( j phosphate and good seed he hopes to increase the pro-; duet ion on his farm. Although loans made tin-, der the “Bankhead Jones 1 Farm Tenant Act” are re payable over a forty-year period, at three per cent in-j terest, and. Mr. Johnson’s first payment was not due (until this -.fall, over five hundred dollars has already been paid on the farm, or i nearly three full payments. Mr. Johnson hopes to take ■ advantage of “On The l Farm Training” and with l' agricultural income to have i his farm paid for fnr less - than five years. ——————— ■ < i gers, quartets and other entertainers have a special invitation. The county Home De-j monstration clubs will have a lunch booth so that those who do not desire to pack a lunch may purchase one at; the school. Proceeds will go to the demonstration clubs. j Approximately 1500 peo-j pie attended the picnic last year and an attendance ofi 2000 is expected this year, i YANCEY COUNTY GUERNSEY BREED ERS’ ASSOCIATION The Yancey County Gue insey Breeders’ Associa tion’s artificial breeding program is Underway. The bull being utjpd is the out standing bull—Quail Roost Celia’s King who is out of lone of the outstanding cows at Quail Roost Farm. The bull is housed on the • farm of Dewey Silver, Mi icaville and Mr. Silver is 1 doing the work. The ser vic‘d,. lees are $3.00 at the farm; within a radius of 5 ! miles of Mr. Silver, $4.00; , and elsewhere in the coun ty $3.00 plus 10c per mile ' from Mr. Silver’s home. All out of county services it J SIO.OO. i ■ This program seems t( be meeting the approval oi dairymen from the numbei of requests that have beei I filed. Plans are being mad to have a dairy show in th county next year to exhil it the offspring of this oil! - standing bull. There will b | two classes —grades a n purebreds. “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY” BURNSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1946 NOTICE All registrants in the age group 26 to 30 who are now fathers should report this to the local selective’ service board at once if they have not already done; so. ' 1 Harold Harris, Bk 3c, received his discharge atj the Separation Center, naval air station, Charles-| ton on June 15. He entered | service in Oct. 1044, and completed 20 months ser~ \ ;. c the navy, 16 months lof which were overseas duty. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Harris,.,. Bur nsville. . Graduated r__ Hilda Maye Hensley was : among those who graduat- . ed from the Greeneyille l Sanatorium and Hospital School of Nursing on Thu I rsday, June 13, 1946 at tlm Si. James Episcopal church in Greeneville, Tenn. Miss Hensley is the -dau-| ghter of Mrs. Shelby L.J Hensley and the late MrJ Hensley of Burnsville Rt. 1. She is a graduate of Clear-! mortt high school and had one year’s work at Mars Hill College. Her second year of training was spent in affiliation with Gallin-', .«er Municipal Washington, D. C. Mrs. S. L. Hensley, Mr. j Vernie Wilson, Mrs. John Byrd, Mr, Molt Hensley! and Mrs.. Ned Wilson at} tended the exercises. LEGION MEETING The regular meeting of nembers of the American region Post and the Auxil ary will be held at Burns ,ille liigh school on lues lay" evening, June 25 at 7:30. picnic supper will >e followed by a short bus ness and program session, i All veterans of World War II are especially urg i .‘d to attend the meeting.; At the meeting last month a number of officers elect ed were World War II vet erans. Those included Mark Bennett who was named commander of the post. Nathan H. Yel ton, direc tor of the Retirement Sys tem of N. C., was a visitoi in Burnsville Monday. I* - , EMERGENCY FOOD RELIEF DRIVE A total of $163.61 has been collected to date in | the Emergency Food Relief drive, Mrs. B. S. Connelly, county chairman reported today. No report has as yet; been received from several of the communities of the county. Anyone who has .not ! made a donation and who wishes to do- so should see the local community com mittee, send , the money to< Mrs. Connelly at Burns ville or leavejt at the Drug Atore or the Record office. \ t Miss Cora Byrd Retires •“1 11 Miss Cora Byrd retired ( at the close 'of the school , year after a -jong period of g service as teacher at the|. North Carolina School for," the Deaf at Morganton. ; ; j‘ 4’he following citation ' was made E.I I Rondthaler, ’president o f I the board of directors of I the school: % I “Miss Cora Byrd, native l of Burnsville, N. C., grad uated from the North Car olina School for the Deaf in 1905 and shortly there- j after began teaching cloth-; ing sand f and sewing. She is re ' tiring at the end of the : school year *f*-aLaJiong ussai iod of distinguished service* to the cause of education) 'for the deaf in North Caro lina. To her go the heart-j i felt appreciation of both tlfe staff and the students for her contribution to this great cause and for her on ART CLASSES WILL BEGIN JULY 8 Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.; Herring of New York and Edward S. Shorter of Col- 1 ambus, Ga. plan to come to < Burnsville July 1 to com plete all arrangements for, i ! the summer art classes which will begin on July 8. j A capacity enrollment is j anticipated, Mrs. Herring said this week, and greatj interest is being shown in i the classes. Pfc. Floyd J. Laughrun ha^|, returned home after two*years in service, 17 mofftiis of which were in' the European Theatre. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Laughrun. Discharged The following men have received Uieir discharge | Ralph Hall, Duane Pen- l land, Frank Burner, Charl ies H. Silvers, Ned Austin,! Hiram Ramsey, Jj\, Claude j Maney, Edgar Hunter, Jr., Rotlia Wilson, Bill Huskins, ; James Proffitt, Carl Rob -j jinson, Bill Fouts, Lonas jCollis, Harold Harris,! i Champ McMahan. I Arvelyn Angel who re cently received an honor-! able discharge after 4 years: in service is visiting rela tives here. He has enlisted in the army reserve corps. her retirement every cor j dial wish for many happy! years to come.” On Friday evening, May 24, friends of Miss Byrd’s attended the fashion show of her classes in clothing' and designing held in the school auditorium. The stage was decorated Ito represent a beautiful rose garden and walking | about the garden were Miss Byrd’s pupils wearing i the attractive costumes I they had made. As Miss Byrd was retir-j ing, Odie Undervill, voca tional director of the school .paid tribute to her inspir efforts as a teacher. In ap-j jpreciation, he presented her with a chest of silver. Miss Byrd will continue to make her home in Mor ganton. Her brother, Z. B.; j Byrd, resides at Jacksi i Creek. Seaman, James Hamby f is home on leave visiting 7 relatives. 1 1 Bruce Westall and Jim ‘ Anglin returned Wednes < day from a business trip to ' Baltimore, Knoxville and 1 other points. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Dennis and daughter, Barbara, of : Atlanta are guests at the Nu-Wray Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Robertson and Mr. and [ Mrs. Clarence L. Robertson and children of Baltimore are visiting relatives in the county and in Candler, j .Mrs. Bob Peterson spent] last week visiting Mr. andi Mrs. Victor Peterson in West Asheville. — ' / r- Head of Recreation Commission Meets With Group Here Harold D. Meyer, direc-j tor of the North Carolina j Recreation Comm ission,; was in Burnsville Saturday and met with a group of local citizens to discuss a planned recreation pro gram for the county. Dr. Meyer outlined thej program cf the state com-; mission and discussed in; detail the work in other, towns. He stated that with- 1 out exception the common-' ities that have inaugurated a planned program and have carried it along suc cessfully are all highly pleased with the results. BURNSVILLE HOME DEMONSTRATION The Burnsville home de monstration club met Wed nesday afternoon at the , ' home of Mrs. A. E. Parrish with Mrs. Ivan Westall as (Associate hostess. Mrs. B. S. Connelly, pre sident of the club, presided during the business session. The members discussed the food booth which they will have at the Farmers Fed eration picnic on July 4. Mrs. Mack B. Ray was program leader with the subject “Meal Planning and Yeast Breads”. She gave a demonstration of : j roll making. During the social hour | labels \vere sewed on Red Cross sweaters. Report of School Expenditures A report of school expen ditures during the pasti year has been released from the office of the board of education. This report in cludes purchases in school equipment and in perman ent additions to the schools. On the matching prog-J ram, with the individual schools raising half the’ funds and die school board furnishing the other half,; equipment was bought. This included 510 .movable chair desks as the largest item, and desks for primary grades, teachers’ desks,' primary tables, 1i b r ary [chairs and tables, sewing I i Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Pen land attende the wedding of Betty Sue Tripp in Le noir last Saturday. Doris Penland came up from Wo man’s College, Greensboroj to be a- bridesmaid in the wedding. Hope Bailey who gradu-, ated with a B. S. degree in music at Woman’s College has accepted a position to teach public school music ; at Southern Pines. i ■ Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hus-, kins of Greensboro and Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Huskins ( of Lenoir visited Mr. and; Mrs. J. E. Huskins during the week end. Mrs. J. J. Sullivan and children of Columbus, Ga., are visiting Mrs. Sullivan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howell at 9 ree » Mtn. Food Production and Conservation are more Im portant now than ever be fore. Do Your Part. .... jaiiiiiaiiaiilllftlllllSlllUllllllUi NUMBER FORTY-SEVEN Dr. Meyer spoke of the possibilities which Burns ville has and said that he would like very much to see a program begun here as soon as possible. The great 1 need of recreational facili ties for both the young peo ple and older ones was 1 stressed, as well, as the be ' nefits which would result. The suggestions which 1 Dr. Meyer made could ser 've as a giYide" in inaugurat ing a recreational program for the town , and county. The question now is: What will the town and county do (about it? LAST RITES FOR WILLIAM M. ALLEN William M. Allen, 81, of Burnsville died in an Ashe ville hospital Friday follow ing an extended illness. Funeral services w- ere conducted in the chapel of the Morris-Gearing funer al home, Asheville on Tues day morning. Rev. William Baker officiated and inter ment was in the Salisbury National cemetery, i Mr. Allen, a resident of Yancey county all his life, was a veteran of the Span isli-American war. He was a farmer and merchant, j Survivors include the (widow, Mrs. Ida Allen, and • two brothers, Mark Allen I of Oteen and Albert Allen 1 of Pensacola. tables, bulletin boards, and other items. | . The total expenditures under this matching pro gram amounted to $9,111. The board of county com missioners had set "up a j budget of $7,000 for a lunchroom project in the [high schools. This included two separate lunchroom buildings, and equipment for others. This is all per manent additions to the ; schools and though the lunchroom report is not yet complete, a partial report shows very adequate eq • uipment purchased and a very satisfactory financial ; statement. FARM NOTES Dr. R. L. Lovvorn, pas ture crops specialist, sug gests a seeding of one bush el each o ff barley, oats, 1 and rye per acre plus 15 pounds of Italian rye grass land pounds of crimson I clover. Three bushels of 1 oats and one bushel of rye , added to the rye grass and crimson clover also makes a good seeding combination Some farmers are seed ing 30 pounds of rye grass ;and 20 pounds of crimson clover per acre. I The time to plant is in August for the western .part of North Carolina and September for the eastern Mary L. Laughrun spent the week end at home. She is attending summer school in Johnson City. *

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