Food Production and Conservation are more Im portant now than ever be fore. Do Your Part, VOLUME ELEVEN SUB. RATES: $1.50 YEAR. 700 Veterans Attended County Wide Meeting . -y. 1 More than 700 veterans of World War I and World ‘ War II attended the county ' wide meeting which was ] held in the court house on ! .Friday evening. The meet ing was sponsored by the ■ Earl Horton Post No. 122 of the American Legion. L. L. Fronberger, district commander of the Legion, outlined the Legion’s pro gram of service from its be ginning up to the present! time. D. IL Fouts presented the program in the county| and outlined the proposed plans for building a Legion hall, and other phases of the work in the county. Service H. G. Bai ley explained to veterans; that he would be glad to! help with any problems J which may confront thej veterans of the county, and! expressed the wish that • every veteran would secure all benefits to which he is entitled. He also expressed the keen desire that a wid er organization might be made and that the club house might be obtained. The presence of so many CONDUCTOR OF STATE SYMPHONY ORCHES TRA HERE B. F. Swalin, conductor of the North Carolina Sym phony Orchestra, was in Burnsville this week for a short visit. While here he conferred with members of the county committee for the orchestra. In discussing the activi-, ties of the orchestra during the next season, Mr. Swal in spoke of the greater in terest that is being shown all over the state. He stat ed that the reception which they received last year was very enthusiastic and that with continued support a much greater program can be developed. Mrs. Carroll Rogers is chairman of the county committee, and members of the committee were named for all sections of the coun ty. The appearance of the orchestra, and especially the concert given free for the school children, was of unusual interest. Veterans Service Officer i " j A representative of the j North Carolina Veterans Jack C. Win-j Chester, Asst. State Service 1 Officer, will be at the Yan cey County Court House at Burnsville, N. C., from 10:30 a. m. to 4 p. m. on August 22 to help veterans and their dependents on ques tions that they may wish to! ask—pensions, hospitaliza tion, on-job-training, busi ness approvals, back pay, gratuity pay, bonds, lost discharges and many others] This service is frtT'to youJ Feel free to the court house on that date if you desire assistance se lines. BUBSCRIBE TO THE RECORD THE YANCEY RECORD veterans at the meeting shows an interest to organ ize and to have a Post sec ond to none in the state. Since the meeting, a num ber of ex-service men have joined the post. r**- Legion Meeting The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brook Wilson at Pen sacola on Tuesday, August 27 at 7:30. There will be a picnic supper and all veter ans and their wives or in vited guests are urged to attend, and asked to bring a picnic lunch. After The supper a fur ther discussion will take place concerning the pro posed Hall, and all other business brought up at the county wide meeting. Com mander Mark W. Bennett adds this: “Veterans, please make an honest effort to attend the meeting because it is only through the con tinued cooperation of all veterans that we can ac complish the most for each of you.’’ At the meeting Friday evening the Gospel Beil Quintet sang several selec tions. PURCHASE HOME Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Garland of Day Book have purchased the home near the school w’hich was built several years ago by Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Smith of Melbourne, Fla. Mr. and 1 Mrs. Smith have spent their summers here since but re cently have bought a home in Biack Mtn. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Smith plan 1 to move to Black Mtn. as: soon as the house there is. ready and Mr. and Mrs. 1 Garland will move in im-j mediately. Mr. Garland is employed with the Burns- 1 ville Radio Shop. REVIVAL SERVICES Revival services will be held at Boring Chapel church during the week of August 26th, beginning each night a t 8 p. m. j The public is invited to attend. | Last Rites for Williard F. Banks p Funeral services will be 'held today for Willard F. | Banks, 63, of Bolens Creek !who passed away Monday in an Asheville hospital fol lowing a short illness, i The services will be held at the Bolens Creek chur ch at 2:30 with Rev. Hinson officiating and burial will follow in the McCracken cemetery. ,Burnsville Mr. Banks was a life long resident of Yancey county (and was widely known throughout the section. His wife, the former Miss Anna Ramsey, died two years ago. J He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Ed Bryant .of South Gate, Calif., Mrs. 'Rudolph Glately of Spruce Pine, and Miss Dorothy B|nks of Cleveland, Ohio; , two sons, Milton of Los f r : “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY” CELEBRATES 102nd BIRTHDAY SUNDAY “Uncle’’ Levi Buckner ob served his 102nd birthday on Sunday afternoon when over 200 members of the family, other relatives and friends gathered t o re joice with him and to wish him “many happy returns of theday”. Five genera tions were represented. “Uncle” Levi is still in very excellent health and ,was the happiest person at the gathering Sunday. He is a native of Madison coun ty but made his home in Burnsville for many years and is widely known by an extensive of frien#? throughout this section and in Tennessee. RESIDENT ENGINEER Jack White of the B. O. Vannort Engineering firm of Charlotte, who is in charge of rebuilding the old Western North Caro lina Utilities power lines is now in Burnsville. Mr. White is now laying 1 plans for this work which will be done as rapidly as supplies are available. COMPLETES PASTOR ATE AT BAPTIST CHURCH HERE The Rev. H. M. Alley who has served as pastor of the Burnsville Baptist church for the past two and a half years has tendered his re signation in this capacity. The Sunday morning service on August 25 will |be the concluding service i here. Mr. Alley and family | moved this week to Ashe ! ville where they will reside. ,on Elizabeth Street. The members of the [Woman’s Bible Class of | i Higgins Memorial church j entertained their husbands and other guests with a buf fet supper at the church on August 18th. Mrs. James Metcalf, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Edd Franklin has joined her husband at Keesler Field I Miss. He is in the AAF. Pvt. Metcalf spent a 7 day (furlough with home folks. Angeles, Calif., and Henry of Burnsville; two grand children; three sisters, Mrs. I R. M. Johnson, Mrs. W. Z j Robertson o f Burnsville and Mrs. H. L. Ray of In dian Head, Md.; two broth ers, John B. Banks of Bur nsville and Ezekial Banks with the armed forces in the Pacific area. Pall bearers for the ser vices will be R. F. Shepherd, Jake Ramsey, Bruce Wes tall, Ashby Manson, H. H. Ramsey, Jr., Burdette Johnson. Those in charge of the flowers will be Mrs. Jake Banks, Mrs. Ashby Manson, Mrs. A. J. Weasel, Mrs. R. F. Shepherd, Mrs Kenneth Johnson, Mrs. Fred Hall and Mrs. Vincent Mestall. Holcombe Brothers fun ; eral home is in charge of i arrangements. | * . BURNSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 22,1946 1-— — 1 - Terminal Leave Forms No forms for making ap plication for terminal leave pay have fbeen received here but as ;soon as they are availably they may be obtained at the Post Office and from H. G. Bailey, ser vice officer.; PURCHASE HOME AT BLOWING ROCK f In one of the largest reali estate transactions report ed at Blowing Rock in re cent months, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Meadbr of New Or leans -purchased the W. J. Swink estatfe in the Laurel Park section of the resort. * Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Young and daughter, Mar- 1 garet, have been visiting! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young! here and other relatives in the county. 1 ‘Baptist Association WillJjMeet" The annual Baptist Asso jriational meeting will be 1 held on August 30 and 31 at the Byrd’s Chapel church, Ramseytown. Speakers for the two day meet will include leaders in Baptist work in this section, and representatives from state Baptist institutions and organizations. Rev. Nane Starnes, pas tor of the Calvary Baptist; church of West Asheville, will speak on Sunday Scho ol work, and Miss Ruth Martin, educational direct or of the Merrimon Ave. Baptist church of Asheville,] will present the Woman’s Missionary Union program. Rev. M. O. Owens, pastor of the First Baptist church ] of Marion, will give a dis cussion on “Worship”. The Baptist Orphanage at Thomaston will be repre sented by Dr. I. G. Greer, and the. Baptist hospital at* Art Students Will Hold Exhibit An exhibit by students of the summer art classes here will be held on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, August 24 and 25 in the studio located in the Nu- Wray hotel annex. The hours are from 2 to 6 p. m. A cordial invitation is ex tended to everyone, either in the county or in adjoin ing communities, to attend. I The classes have been conducted this summer by * * HOME AGENT’S NOTES Arbuckle— A community picnic will be held at the home of Mrs. Edd Sparks, j Monday, Aug. 26 at 6:30. Jacks Creek—A commun ity picnic will be held at the home of Mrs. Grace Woody, Tuesday, Aug. 27 at 6:30. Hannah Ruth Humbles and Dorcas Sumrell of Ay , den, N. C. are guests of i Jean Bennett. They are‘all , classmates at E. C. T. C. Howard Alley who has been visiting Rev. and Mrs. ■ H. M. Alley here for sever : al weeks, has returned to his home in Westminister, OFFICERS ARE ELECT ED FOR P. T. A. The first regular meeting this school year of the Bur nsville Parent-Teacher as sociation was held Tuesday evening in the high school building. Mrs. Milton Hig gins presided. The following officers were elected: Mrs. Milton Higgins, president; Mrs. Carroll Rogers, vice presi- I dent; Mrs. B. S. Connelly, secretary; Guss Peterson, treasurer; Mrs. H. G. Bii ley, historian. A group of students pre sented. a discussion of one phase of the recreational program tlw have plan ned, and the P. T. A. voted 'its cooperation.. 1 Prinicpal B. M. Tomber jlin discussed briefly the school as the new year 1 begins. Winston-Salem will be re-j presented by Dr. Charles: Parker. Dr. Harvey T. Gibson,! state Training Union direc tor, will present the Train ing Union program. Rev.! iEarl Bradley, general mis sionary, will speak on the I state Mission program, and: - Rev. J. C. Pipes will discuss; j phases of the work support- 1 ed by the cooperative pro-! 1 The Friday night session will be given over to the [Vacation Bible School rally The Junior and Intermed iate memory work and : note book contests will be held, and the hand work: will be judged. The Bolens! Creek Bible school will pre sent its commencement program, “More Like the Master”. Representatives from the local churches and directors of the various phases of work in the county will give reports. Frank Stanley Herring of New York and Edward S. Shorter of Columbus, Ga. Landscape, portrait and, still life painting has been taught, and students from a number of states have at tended. Wide interest has been shown in. the classes which were held here for the first .time this summer, and it is (expected that the exhibit -will attract many vis.tors from this section. Presbyterian News i Worship services will be held next Sunday at Hig gins at 11 o’clock, at Banks Creek at 8 o’clock. Rev. Robert Sanford will preach. Sunday School will be held in these two churches and Denlinger Memorial at 10 o’clock. Sunday Scho ol at Upper Jacks Creek at 2 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wes sel of Indianapolis are vis iting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Parnell Born to Mr. and Mrs.. Leonard Biggs of Vixen, a i son, Aug. 19, William How , ard. Small Airfield and Hangar Built Near Micaville : f Along with the rest of; the nation in this post war] period, Yancey county citi-j zens are becoming increas- 1 ingly air minded and air port minded. The establishment of a small field .and erection of a hangar one mile from Mi caville on the Marion high way, and the large number of citizens who go each Sunday afternoon to see and to ride, are proofs of this. Three young business men, I. B. Westall, Carroll Rogers of Burnsville,- and O. J. Staton of Micaville are owners of the field and NOTICE Due to the fact that the Town has a series of Inter-; jest Funding Bonds which ! will fall due on July 1, 1947 ]it has become necessary 1 ■that the Board of Commis-i i sioners increase the tax; ] rate for the year 1946 10c !on the SIOO.OO valuation and the water rent 25c per i month. This 25c increase in water rent includes all water customers who are ] paying $1.50 per month.] ; Those paying more will re-j jeeive an increase in porpor tion to the above rate. These bonds which will ; become due on July 1, 1947 ] were issued in 1935 and were originally $35,050.00, and were for interest which the Town defaulted prior !to that time. To date these 1 ibonds have been reduced to $15,200.00 and the Town has approximately $8,000.- now to apply on these. This, leaves a balance of $7,200.00 which must be raised this year to meet them when due. The Board of Commis sioners also at a recent meeting agreed to adopt the North Carolina License 1 Schedule for Cities and Towns. This means that all places of business will l>e! subject to pay a privilege license as provided for in. Agricultural Training] Program Veterans of Yancey cou nty and a group from Mit chell county who are inter ested in the farm training program, met Wednesday at Burnsville high school.! The purpose of the meeting was to familiarize veterans with the farm training program *as it has recently' been inaugurated in the county. Max Proffitt, vocational agricultural teacher in Bur nsville high school and dir ector of the training pro gram, was in charge. He explained in detail the pur- 1 pose of the meeting and) stressed this fact: the tra- 1 ining was offered veterans, with the idea of preparing; them to make a success of farming, and at the end ofi , the training period they! I will be expected to be able .to do this. Veterans who i join the group should make •an honest effort to get something from the train Food Production and Conservation are more Im portant now than ever be fore. Do Your Part. NUMBER FOUR f i hangar, and they have leas led the field to the Corley j Flying Service of Marion. ■They have also arranged with the owners of the Fly ing Service to bring a plane , to the airfield each Sunday ' afternoon. Passengers are taken up, and those who are • studying flying may get in - some hours of instruction . also. i Establishment of the pre : sent field, however, is sim ply a beginning and the i owners hope that soon they may obtain a site where the , facilities will he adequate i for landing any type of plane. ! FUNERAL SERVICES FOR JAKE GARLAND Funeral services for Jake Garland, 51, who died at | his home at Green Moun tain Monday, were held in the Riverview Presbyterian church in Mitchell county Wednesday afternoon at 1:3. o’clock. The Rev. Troy Young officiated and bur ial was in Garland cemetery near Red Hill. Mr. Garland was a native and lifelong resident of the ! Red Hill community. He was a farmer and had been employed by the C. C. & O. railroad. He was a member ; of Riverview church. 1 Survivors include the l widow, Mrs. Esther £*>tey«ns i Garland : two daughters, Mrs. Garrett Tipton and j Mrs. Elbert Tipton, one sister, Miss America Gar land 'and five brothers, George, Bob, Pierce, all of Green' Mtn., Elmer of Vir ginia, and Herbert Garland of Johnson City, Tenn.; and five grandchildren. Schedule* “B” of the State Revenue act of 1939. Some of the places of business have been paying these lic -1 ense taxes for years and it has been agreed ’ that all pay a license tax as provid ed by law. Board of Commissioners, ,Town o* Burnsville, N. C. ing offered. Frank W. Howell and H. G. Bailey spoke briefly of i the benefits to which veter ans are entitled under the , program. ! V. J. Goodman, county farm agent, then spoke, , explaining the functioning .of the agricultural depart , ments >in the county. He told what the A. A. A., the F. S. A., the extension ser vice and the R. E. A. did and their correlation to each other. Mack B. Ray spoke of the farm loans and Joans on farm equipment under the FSA program. After the group discus sion, a meeting of those ;,from individual sections :|was held for further con : ference. ’l Apprbximately 150 at tended the meeting. The • group from Mitchell county • was accompanied by Scott > Wilson, assistant instructor ; on the training program in - Mitchell county. /