mutt iißi«>«*<>aiiaii«iißiifliiaiißiisimiiaua will re present Yancey county. Jacks Creek —A demon stration on “Cleaning and Adjusting the Sewing Ma chine” will be given at the ! home of Mrs.Rotha Bailey I Tuesday, October 1 at 2:00. NOTICE A revival meeting will begin at the Riverside Bap- 1 tist church Sunday night, < October 6th. Services will be conducted each evening at 8:00 p. m. Rev. Grady T.jl ;Shepherd, well known pas-, tor and evangelist from. ,Weaverville, N. C.* will as-]' sist the pastor in the ser-j! vices. Several special sing-, ers are expected to attend and take part. Miss Hope Buck was at home from Knoxville for, the week end. New Officials Elected For Higgins Memorial Church Will Be Installed on Sunday ?r > J' At the recent fourth Quarterly Conference at Higgins Memorial Method ist church, the following were elected to official po sitions: stewards: Mrs. W. ! J. Baker, Edd Banner, Byrd Gillespie. J. A. Good in, V. J. Goodman, W. W Hennessee, G. L. Hensley, C. L. Proffitt, J. H. Ray,' Mrs. Roy Ray, W. W. Rob erts. Bruce Westall, Mrs. W. W. Sorrells, Vernie Wilson, Mrs. Charles Young; dis trict steward and reserve, Mrs. S. T. Ray, Mrs. J. H Ray; Communion steward; Mrs. Charles Young; Lay leader, V. J. Good ' man; director, Golden i Cross. Mrs. Zeke Byrd; trustees of church proper ty, J. A. Goodin, J. H. Ray, Bruce Westall, G. L. Hen sley, W. B. Robertson, Edd Banner, A. Edge. C. L. Proffitt, W. W. Roberts; treasurer of church, J. H. i Ray; Sunday School super intendent, W. W. Roberts; superintendent of child- Symphony Orchestra Drive . » Committees Plan for ( Fund Campaign Members of the Burns ville committee for the j North Carolina Symphony Orchestra association met at the Nu-Wray hotel on Tuesday evening to discuss plans for the drive for funds which will begin im mediately. The drive in this county will be carried on at the same time that it is being conducted all over the state, and the success of the drive . locally will determine whe . ther the orchestra will , again appear here for a t performance. Among the immediate , plans is a Silver Tea which 4-II CLUB xThe organization meet ings of the 4-H Clubs in Yancey county were held last week. Nine clubs have been reorganized with one 1 new club and one old club I to be organized. The ten 1 clubs have an enrollment of 419 boys and girls that have selected 823 farm and WESLEY RENO GAR LAND DIES HERE Wesley Reno Garland, 73,' died Tuesday at the heme of his daughter, Mrs. Carl Greenwood, here. Mr. Gar- land was a native of Tenn essee and a former resident of Waynesville. Funeral services will be held today (Thursday) at the First Methodist church in Waynesville with the Rev. Paul Townson officia ' ting. Burial will be in the Zion cemetery at Franklin , Surviving are one son. Mack Garland of Waynes-] ville; two daughters, Mrs. Ballard Styles of Waynes ville and Mrs. Greenwood; three brothers and four sisters. ren’s division, Mrs. O. E Croy; superintendent o. youth division, Len a Ban ner; superintendent of ad ult division, Mack B. Ray; Board of Christian edu cation: O. E. Croy. W. W Roberts, Mrs. O. E. Croy Charlotte Ray, Clara Dee Banner, Fred Proffitt, Bruce Westall, Lena Ban ner, Mrs. Joe Y r oung. Mrs. I D. R. Fouts; delegate and | reserve to annual confer * ence, V. J. Goodman, Mrs. Chas. Young; Elections confirmed: pre sident of Woman’s Society of Christian Service, Mrs. S. T. Ray; president of Methodist ‘ Yputh Fellow- j ship, Clara Dee Banner; adult counsellor, Methodist, Youth Fellowship, Mrs. Juanita Evans. These officials will be publicly installed at the, morning service at Higgins Memorial church next Sun day. Holy communion will ;be observed at the same . service which will be t part ■ of World Wide Communion ; Sunday. All are invited to - be present at this service. Food Production and Conservation are more Im portant now than ever be fore. Do Your Part. NUMBER NINE members of the Woman’s Club are planning. Local musicians from all over the state are invited _ to play when the orchestra makes its appearance in their home town. The com mittee is planning to start now in arousing interest in this phase of the orchestra program. It has been sug gested that 1 each school take the lead in selecting the best in its community, and that a contest then be conducted to select the best from the county. Native folk music is gain ing wider recognition and the symphony orchestra so ciety is interested in local participation th r oughout. the state. 1 _ SPREAD OF HYBRIDS RAPID IN SIX YEARS Production o f hybrid corn seed has increased al most 10 times over in the six years since the N. C: Experiment Station first released it to the farming public. When the seed was first endorsed by the research agronomists in 1942, only enough to plant less than 1 percent of the total corn acreage in the state was available. In all, says Dr. Paul Harvey of State Col : lege, it wouldn’t plant more ! than 500 acres. For the 1945 crop, how ever, enough certified seed was available to plant hy brid corn on one out of every 10 acres of corn. Next year’s plans call for an even greater production with approximately 50,000 bushels of the seed to be available. Even this production, he says, will not put the state up to the national average which this year stood at two out of every three ac res of corn in hybrids. ATTENTION FOOD HANDLING ESTABLISH MENTS AND DAIRIES Several times in the past the State law has been vio lated by i. anagers of food handling es t a blishments and dairies by working peo ple who do not have a Health Certificate. The re gulations read as follows: “The management shall keep on filers mecljcal certi ficate given By a physician lor Health officer for every cook, waiter, dishwasher, or handler of food or drink employed in the establish ment, showing that the em ployee is free from tuber culosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, or skin diseases, and is not a typhoid carrier. A permit jfrom the Health Officer shall be required before ]a*iy employee begins work. Certificates issued by pri vate physicians shall be pre sented to the Health Offi cer before such permit to : work shall be issued.” j From and after this date I any one found violating : this law will be prosecuted ;!and their establishment i closed for a period of not ) less than thirty days for the first offense.