PREVENTFORESTFIRES VOLUME FOURTEEN SUB. RATES $1.50 YEAR. Road Building ai Plans Announc First Contracts Will Be Let in March Approximately 200 inter ested citizens attended the meeting Monday when plans for road improvement and construction in the county were presented. D. L. Thrash, commission er of the 10th highway div ision, Z. V. Stewart, division engineer, W. B. Ferguson, district engineer, H. D. Aiken, assistant district en gineer, Ed Pate, county foreman, and members of the. county road committee were present. The first phase of the surfacing work will begin with the letting of con tracts in March for the fol lowing roads: Prices Creek to Indian Creek 3.3 miles, 16 feet black top; to Upper Prices Creek 2 miles, 12 feet black top. « 197 to Day Book 1.3 miles 16 feet black top. Relief Road from River bridge to Jacks Creek 3.2 miles 12 feet black top. Double Island Road 1.0 miles 16 feet black top; 7.7 miles 12 feet black top. Bolens Creek 1.8 miles, 12 feet black top proposed; 16 feet if possible. Old Mine Fork Road 2.2 miles 12 feet black top. Big Crabtree Creek to Passes Examinations Charles Gillespie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Gillespie and member of the graduat ing class of Burnsville High School, has made applica tion to tile Naval R. O. T. C. for a college scholarship un. der the reserve training program. Charles has passed the naval aptitude tests and written examinations and will go in February for the physical examinations. If he passes this ana re ceives the scholarship it will entitle him to attend for four years any college of his choice from the 52 listed, with all expenses paid and a subsistence allowance. As a member of the Naval reserve training program he would receive naval tra ining with cruise duty dur ing vacations. Join The March of Dimes Presbyterian News Mr. and Mrs Swartz and son Carl will return this week following a month’s vacation spent with their families in Illinois and Ind. The Rev. Swartz will lead the morning worship at Banks Creek at 10:00, at Burnsville at 11:00 Sunday morning. Workstook Clinic There wil/l be Horse and Mule Clinics held in Yancey County on Tuesday, Feb. 21 ahd, February 23, Dr. J. I. Cornwell, Veterinarian wis examine all horses ahd mul es for Internal parasites, defective teeth, and other ailments. Join The March of Dimes THE YANCEY RECORD nd Improvement ced at Meeting Mine 1.8 miles 12 feet black < top. i This is a total of 20.5 ; miles of surfacing proposed for this year. i Second Phase The next phase, planned for 1951 or earlier, calls for the following: Bald Mountain Road to mouth of Riddle Branch 3.3 miles, 16 feet black top bal ance to Mountain 2.7 miles, 12 feet black top. McKinney Gap Road 1.5 miles, .12 feet black top. Lick Skillet Road 1 mile, 12 feet black top. Possum Trot Road 2.8 miles, 12 feet black top. Little Creek Road 2 miles, 12 feet black top. Huntdale Road (old 26) 3.8 miles, 16 feet black top. Banks Creek Road 2.2 miles, 12 feet black top. Brush Creek Road .9 miles, 16 feet black top; 1.9 miles 12 feet black top. Seven Mile Ridge .4 mile, 16 feet black top. This is a total of 26.5 mil es, making the total for the two years construction 47.0 miles of surfacing. Recommendations of Town ship Committee Members i The township committee members met at the court house Saturday to make re commendations to be pre sented t o commissioner Thrash. (Continued on page two) Lena Banner spent the week end with her sister, Clara Dee, in Greensboro and with friends in Leaks ville. Boy Scout Anniversary Week February 6 l2 Boy Scout Week, Feb. 6 to 12, marking the 40th an niversary of the incorpora tion of the Boy Scouts of America, will find the or ganization at its all time high in active membership. Indications are that Dec. 31st membership figures I! will show nearly 2,500,000 boys and adult leaders en rolled in the Movement. Since 1910, more than 16,- 500,000 American boys and men have been identified Polio Epidemic Over BUT Not for Him!! wvi at IV H M■ 1 f*m !■ JR4»u^P j*^•- 3^za^Bßp j b%a^p > •>•’ * '>,■'?* '. ’ W lammwJSffi&m&i; fcjff ■SW v, ’ffUfr■fry?' , V . ■>'•■< i* pi '. vd&ffiaCSP £• •fo'-iiiL. votefii a,^ ; , ?Bw? dL, "’••' • • feSsv _«r v **' - \f_\Wm\ M2m*& jSflSßjSttjSSSlfc ‘3IL- •if Pfeflr jMfk £*jjß - «i,a;, IIV M/wk^ - m '~- \xm/J NKS AK^ tag* §LSmmti Ibb<*s/I air |Bf Jv ;is= : h'AWP m* ti ' ’ “DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF YANCEY COUNTY’' BURNSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1950 State Income Tax Return Notice C. M. Stockton, deputy collector, will be in his office : in the court house in Burns ville on February 15th and ' March 13th for the purpose of assisting the taxpayers in filing their State Tax returns. Any person subject to filing either-the income tax or intangible personal pro perty tax must make this return 100 BUSHEL CORN CLUB B. C. Gortney of Green Mountain with a yield of 138 bushels of corn, won for the second time, the Farm Bu reau Trophy for the highest corn yield in the county. High veteran farmer was Ned Evans .of the Jacks Creek Section. Johnnie Gar land of the Brush Creek Section, with 128 bushels, was the high 4-H Club boy. All of the winners planted U. S. -282, a yellow hybrid, Others receiving 100 bushel certificates were: Tom Ray, J. B. Wheeler, Vernon Fox, Roy Duncan, Arthur Jarrett, J. T. Renfro, Hobert Ray, George Anglin, Royce Lee Howell, E. N. StameyG, Bill Buckner, Tom [ Gardner, Handy C. Riddle, and G. G. Bailey. John Melton, Mrs. Geor ge Styles, Mrs. Charles Fen der and son. Boyce Tender spent the week end in Gas tonia, N. C. visiting rela tives and to attend the fun eral of their aunt, Mrs. Mary Ollis, who several years lived in Prices Creek Township of Yancey Coun ty before moving. with the Boy Scouts of America. Scouting is strong in those communities where civic-minded individuals andj institutions not only show an interest in the youth of the community but do some thing about it by sponsor ing troops and by active en couragement in all activities The Boy Scouts will hold their second National Jam boree at historic Valley Forge, Pa., where 40,000 will camp together from June 30 to July 6. MARCH OF DIMES The March) of Dimes Cam paign has befen extended for two mo?? wfetethroughout North Carolina, according to a telegram received this week by Mri E. L. Briggs, county chairman. This decision was reach ed, according tc the mes sage sent Mjfs. Briggs, be cause of the' vital urgency now existing in the need for funds, and because the state so far has failed to reach its Jquota of one million dollars. Mrs. Briggs has asked that all ghoup chairmen turn in their -reports and all funds collected to the treasurer, Fred Proffitt, as soon as convenient. Blue Ridge Hardware Co. Adds House Furnishings A household furnishings department has been added by the Blue Ridge Hard ware Company here. > To give display space to this new department, a mezzanine section was built at the rear of the store over the offices and storage space Paul Biggerstaff, manag er, says that all types of house furnishings, includ ing entire suites of furni ture and accessories for all rooms in the home will be carried. . FIRST ■QAMB-TlflWfßiy IN NEW GYM The first game in the new gymnasium Monday night attracted a record crowd to watch Burnsville Legion team defeat Fullum’s team of Canton by a 79-72 score. The Burnsville All Star Girls team lost to the Can ton Champion Y girls team 25-30. The new gym has a regu lation court with hardwood floor, seating capacity of 1400, electric score board, ! office space, lockers and shower and rest rooms. It fills a long felt need for ad quate facilities for basket ball. The Burnsville High School teams played Ashe ville Y Junior team Tuesday night and the newly organi zed Lion’s Club team held the first practice on Wed -1 nesday night. The large crowd Monday night emphasized the need for greatly enlarged park ing facilities at the school. LAST RITES FOR MRS. AMANDA JILLER Mrs. Amanda Miller, 93, died Monday at the home of a nephew, Gus Buckner of Bald Creek, after a long illness. Funeral services were held at 2:30 Tuesday after noon in the Ivy Gap Baptist Church with the Rev. Joe Sprinkle officiating. Burial was in the Butler family cemetery. Surviving are five grand children and a sister, Mrs. Ann Duck. Will Graduate Woodrow Anglin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Anglin of Burnsville Rt. 1, wjll be one of the 17 students to grad uate at Appalachian State NEW DRESS SHOP A new shop, featuring ladies’ ready-to-wear, will be opened here as soon as necessary repairs and reno vations have been made to the building, it was learned here last week. Owners of the • firm al ready have a shop in Mor ganton, N. C The store will occupy the space formerly used by the Yancey Motor Company, and more recently by the Yancey Tire Company own ed and operated by Welzie Riddle Jr. The building was owned by Welzie Riddle Sr. and was purchased last week by B. R. Penland. Extensive repairs are already under way to make it adequate and suitable for the new enterprise. Large Increase Seen In Turkish Tobacco North Carolina’s Turkish tobacco crop in 1950 will be more than 10 times larger than its 1949 crop, reports R. H. Crouse, agronomy specialist for the State Col lege Extension Service. Aromatic - type tobacco was grown last year by 169 farmers in 15 foothill and mountain counties. Their total crop covered 36.99 ac res which produced 38,251 pounds of leaf. Growers Y-fccMved an av erage price of 84.51 cents per pound for the crop. One man produced 2,000 pounds on one aere and sold it for an average of 96.7 cents per pound. 4-H Clubs Achievement Day The 4-H Clubs of the county will hold their ach ievement day Saturday, Feb 11 at 2 :00 p. m. in the court house. Medals and certifi cates will be awarded to project winners and local 4-H leaders. Trophies will awarded the best Senior and Junior 4-H Club. Mrs. 0. H. Phillips, assistant State 4-H leader will be the speaker. 1-H Schedule Monday, Feb. 6: Celo 9:30 Micaville 10:30. Tuesday, Feb. 7: Clear mont Jr. 9:40; Sr. 10:30. Wednesday, Feb. 8: Pen sacola 9:30; Starlight 11:00. Thursday, Feb. 9: Bald Creek Jr. 10:30; Sr. 11:00. A demonstration on con trol of the common diseases and insects of gardens will be given by the 4-H leaders. Candidate for Congress In Burnsville Wednesday Woodrow Jones re cently announced his ■ ndi dacy for Congressional Representative from the 11th District, was in Bur nsville Wednesday. Jones, prominent attor ney of Rutherfordton, said that he was making his first visit through the county since his announcement for representative, and had met many of the local citizens whjle here Wednesday. Teachers College at the end of the winter quarter, Feb ruary 24. He will receive his diploma with the May class. ./*••** rt.JI In. Boy Scouts Mark 40th Anniversary 'SmNM£M jjgM 4%y H 1 ft#: v * / U 1950 ■ BOV StOUTtS Os AMERICA f| jHj ’ Official poster marking the 40th birthday. « The 40th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America will be observed Feb. 6 to 12 in every part of the nation by more than 2,300,000 boys and adult leaders “Strengthen Liberty” is the birthday theme. The Boy Scouts! “Crusade to Strength en the Arm of Liberty” con tinues through 1950. During Boy Scout Week, Units will hold “Crusade Night” meetings when 1949 Crusade Awards will be pre sented. Represerttmg the 12 Scout Regions, 12 outstanding Boy Scouts will make a “Re Join The March of Dimes Lions Club Organizes Basket Ball Team At their regular meeting 1 last Thursday night the Burnsville Lions Club be came the proud papas of a Basket Ball team with twelve members in the squad. This team had their first practice last night at the new gym. Although this basketball squad was formed late in l the present season, Coach Speedy Bailey said that the • team has the material for a winning team in its class, ■ and expected to have the . boys whipped into shape so [ that they might see action this coming week. Spruce Pine and Newland > have already asked for l two games each with Bur • nsville’s youngest, basket ball squad; all that remains is setting the dates. Also in the wind are two games with each of the following: ■ Jr. Varsity of Mars Hill, ■ Barnardsville, and several 1 in the Asheville City League i All in all, about sixteen ■ contests arc to be played, on a home and home basis. The team is composed of I the following court stars: ; Speedy Bailey (playing r coach-manager), Bob Ren-. ■ fro, Ernest Peterson, Bud 1 ; Stamey, Ford McCurrjr, D. i L. Garland, Jack Autrey, Bill Bailey, Ernest Banner, [ James Tilley, Claude Peter ‘ son, and Bill Banks. > Farm people save a lot more of what they earn than do city folks. . NORJINCARONNA NUMBER TWENTY-EIGHT port to the Nation” at Wash ington, D.C., where the Move ment was incorporated Feb. B,' 1910. They will also take part in an impressive ceremony at Independence Hall in Fhila-, delphia. The highlight of 1950 will be the Second National Jamboree 1 which will see 40,000 Scouts and Leaders, camping together I at Valley Forge, Pa., from June 30 to July 6, including ' Scouts of other lands. Since 1910 more than 16,- j 500,000 boys and men have . L been identified with the Boy ! Scouts of America, j i BURNSVILLE— “So They Say” The weather: It’s still the good old summer time here. Not even on Mount Mitch ell was there a trace of snow during January, a record so far as the weather Bureau is concerned and it has a record as far back as 1902. However, the Ground Hog is looking at his shadow if he’s cut, as the sun shines brightly, and we may have winter yet. About town: The official opening of the new gym Monday night was grand success and just about every body was there. The gym itself has nearly every thing—good floor and seats, heat, adequate lighting and even an electric score board. The B. H. S. team played Asheville team Tuesday night and one of the girls explained the score: “No wonder we lost. Bobby Con nelly was playing with t’he Asheville team and it was hard for our boys not to throw him the ball!” .... March of Dimes extended as quotas all over the state have not yet been reachel. If no one has asked you for a contribution take —yours — to Fred Proffitt, treasurer . . . Ivan and Lena Westalf , now visiting Vint and Mar tha. Lena is up and walking about and Ivan back at work part of the time .... Jpow Horton up and about too with his leg almost good as new .-. George Robinson much better and will be back m office soon ... Teen : Agers are all urged to come i to get-together Saturday night at Legion Building. - *